THE TRUTH about the Enshrouded AoW Contest. Mad? I got all the answers!!

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what is going on Gamers I'm going to start off by saying I don't make this kind of content I don't make this kind of content for a very specific reason I'm not a controversial person I see an argument or a fight I go the other way this is not my kind of thing but with that being said I've had this demon in my brain for the past couple days since this all happened and I want to come clear on a few of my notes and research and things that I've done because I need to get this off my chest dude I just I I have to get it out there in the world so with that being said let's get into it so something you have to understand first of all if you click this video and don't know why there was a contest right uh for ined build competition and the first thing you need to know before any of this goes any further is that almost all if not all content you see on the internet is fake this right now this is not fake this is just me talking to you guys telling you my breakdown of everything that happened all the you know rumors Etc that have went around about stuff and we're going to we're going to hammer it all out here so um don't believe everything you see on the internet okay uh with those things in mind I wanted to give Jans a huge shout out for translating my watch party because if it wasn't for him there would be a couple thousand people that would have absolutely no idea what Ruby has said uh so huge shout out to Jans for translating all that stuff for us okay so we're going to start off here okay we've got three parties involved in this tournament okay in this Championship per se number one we've got rubius rubius is a huge content creator uh 40 million YouTube subscribers 20 million twitch followers huge following just about everywhere he's been doing this for a very long time and he's very good at what he does with that being said rubius has a marketing firm known as kyber I think they're just known as kyber believe kyber plays is a subsidiary of kyber but for this instance in this situation kyber plays are the people that are in charge of this whole entire project now the way that I see that this went down initially is Keane has a new game that's just been released it has an awesome building system so they're may be looking around for someone to uh sponsor a sort of build competition okay number one number two kyber plays rubi's marketing firm is looking for something for rubus to you know Market to grow his following to increase his wealth Etc that's their job so this guy's looking for somebody this guy's looking for somebody what do they do they run into each other and they're like hey we've got a build competition that we would like to put together uh do you have anything any content creators for us because I'm assuming they're not just supporting rubius it's probably an assortment of of content creators but uh they're like yeah hey we've got rubius you know blah blah blah he's done this and that and the other thing and uh so they hit it off cool awesome rubius gets Ed launches the game plays it for five hours never touches it again until the competition essentially so that's all fine and dandy whatever um but anyway you guys got a to think about this from a business side of a standpoint before you get extremely upset with Keen for anything in the situation so I will be defending Kean quite a bit in this uh because they deserve to be because their name's kind of been dragged through the ground on this a lot and it has nothing to do with him absolutely nothing so timeline right here okay contest announcement March 1st right here in the Discord this is where I got notified uh uh due to overwhelming popular popularity of our build system King games has decided to partner up with famous Creator El rubius to host our very first and shouted Build contest a lot of people stoked about that super cool you know me and my content we're already building we're like 20 days into this Mega build already and uh you know I've built Mega builds for forever grounded sunken land front rust this that the other thing hundreds of games this is nothing new to me I was doing it already anyway so I was like sweet a competition you know I can't compete in an FPS game so why not compete in my field that's super cool um so contest announcement right uh everybody gets excited everybody gets stoked somewhere in the middle here um you will notice that there are actually two separate completion dates completion date that really mattered was the one on the official rule set okay on the official rules says right here March 1st to March 7th submissions will be uh completed on March 7th at 800m but on the ined newsletter unfortunately it says March 7th there as well but it said March 8th here this stirred up a bunch of controversy people are all upset um but this luckily got squished to a point right so that was issue number one okay issue number two is we didn't have a whole lot of information about anything right all they said was uh creativity fun Factor uh here it is right here originality of creation one to Five Points fun Factor one to Five Points visual quality one to Five Points now I know a lot of you guys are saying that that stuff doesn't matter but I'm going to tell you why it does here in just a second and it's going to blow your mind if you didn't catch it on the live stream but this is their great scale okay they have an actual panel of you know undedicated judges that picked all these builds before that stream even happened and I'm going to prove it to you here in just a second but uh entries were essentially done at on the 7th at 2 p.m my time uh it could be anything different than yours but this is just my time uh no more entries allowed um so what do they do they start uh well essentially essentially if you think about it here on you know the second the third the fourth the fifth the sixth whatever uh this is a big part of this thing that almost skipped over here um so so in this time frame right Twitter Twitter entries what the heck is going on here Twitter entries are happening uh in this whole time frame right here okay A lot of people are upset there's no way that they were able to go through all all 400 entries in this a lotted amount of time which would be essentially this time here uh between the time frame of no more entries and stream start but what you guys keep failing to realize the ones that are complaining about this is you know me personally my entry was in here on the 3 uh I uploaded my original entry on the thir along with 50 other people so we had this thing going where 10 entries are already in okay judges are taking a look at them already by the end of this day they've looked already at those T entries that's cool they've taken out some that they no aren't going to make it they put in some that are contenders for more uh the next day you know 20 more people enter okay next day 20 another 20 more because a lot of people waited till the last freaking minute um so they put the entries in put the entries in put the entries in and you know here's here's another 50 more that happened somewhere along the line in here uh delindsay had mentioned that he had posted his situation on in the Discord or on Twitter and it wasn't getting views so he moved forward with a initiative to and which shout out to Lindsay for this because he probably got a lot of eyes on people's builds that wouldn't have got there um so at this point they add added a Discord Channel where you could take your Twitter link and put it in the Discord Channel but they didn't really have a way to tell everybody that that was already participating so there might have been some people that missed that which kind of sucks but uh they did do a shout out in the Discord about that very specific thing make sure you copy your Twitter post post it in the Discord uh in in the event that your you know Twitter post is not getting views I guess that's a problem with new Twitter accounts or whatever but either way we make it to we make it to uh the 7th before 2 pm and there's freaking 250 people boom right at the last minute okay so with that being said we now have probably all of these have been graded at this point they've been looked at they've been shuffled into piles this is good this is better this is best Etc and uh it's process of elimination at this point because Unfortunately they can't pick 300 winners they can only pick 25 so if you your common sense brain you know that leaves you know 350 people to be eliminated or whatever so they got you know not everybody's a winner in this situation so um and I'm not just saying this because I was a winner I want I want to clarify that this was all that I had ran through my brain before this contest was even concluded so just to get that out of there um so right here no more entries okay so now they've got essentially they've already looked at these and this is all speculation by the way but I'm pretty sure this is exactly how this all went um so now they've got 250 to run through in a matter of two days right we'll say a day and a half okay that's what 36 hours split between probably 20 people maybe 10 at at the least I would assume 50% of the people uploaded pictures 50% of the people up uploaded two-minute videos okay all right so even one person if they were a judge would have been able to make it through this so many people there's no way they made it through all those posts there's no way they watched all those videos there's no way they made a decision in that short amount of time this was an entire day and a half okay they're two-minute videos how many two-minute videos can you watch in an hour 30 right you split that up even to two people that's extremely possible so am I going to disc that there was some works of art in there that should have been in the contest absolutely uh were there a couple in the 25 that shouldn't even have been there yeah but you know I'm not going to point fingers and call out names Etc like that but here's the part where it gets a little sketch okay not really sketch but you start to see that initial thing that I had mentioned right all content on the Internet is fake it's all scripted it's all fake for the majority of part uh you know I I don't do any scripty crap but that's besides the point there's a lot of times that I'm extremely excited or I'm super hyper and I don't feel like that like normally you know what I mean but you just can't believe everything you see on the internet so stream starts uh 1210 p.m. my time uh I I fire up my stream watch a party a lot of people in there hanging out watching and we got Jan's translating everything for us uh he started out the stream with a freaking hour of cat pictures and crap and everybody's just getting frustrated because we're like hello we're here for a contest let's go what the hell but he's obviously doing his own thing he's hyping up his chat he's making people laugh and just trying to get his view count up which is totally understandable that's all part of business right so I'm not upset about that at all um now little did we know 510 he announced the winners okay r right about in this area about 4:30 he's tabbing through his screens and we see this halfway through the competition before the winners are even announced there's already first place second place and I'm assuming third third place has already been picked now with that being said don't get frustrated like it's some sort of predetermined but exactly what it is is all the judges picked all the winners just like they were to the judges came to rubius and said here's your list here's the 25 people this is the 12 that will be nominated this is first place this is second place this is third place and rubius says okay perfect put on my acting pants I'll I'll be super excited about this build I'll be super excited about this build I'll pretend to be excited about this one but not like it very much etc etc I hope you guys understand what I'm talking about um so more or less the list was already created already judged with the one through five scale I'm assuming already better best bester bestest in different piles the 25 were picked legitimately okay um like I did say I personally think there was a lot of builds that should have been in there I am not even a real firm believer that mine should have been in there I did work very hard on it I I put way too much time into it yeah but you know other people are a lot more artistically creative than I am uh for instance the winner beautiful beautiful Dragon Palace with some awesome sculptures just a knock out of the freaking Park um but as I predicted that person that won got a ton of hate for winning and that's stupid come on guys we can we can do freaking better than that uh right here you can see I'm not using anybody's actual names in the event that I'm not out here trying to hurt nobody or or cause harm or or anything towards anybody so we're going with kyber Bob so this is a kyber employee in the Discord he says the judging wasn't rushed there's actually was a lot of time that we a lot more time than we expected initially because many people published their Creations before the deadline exactly what I just said there are definitely things that should be done differently and that feedback will be provided to Kean in the event they decide to run their own contest Kean did not run this contest we are sponsoring this contest but we are not running it or hosting it Kean did not have a freaking clue about any of this I can promise you that they were not involved in any of this they just handed over the money and said hey take this do this I don't know if there was a combination of both parties throwing money in the pot it really doesn't matter where the money came from it doesn't matter it says right here in plain text we're sponsoring the contest but we're not running it or hosting it so with that being said as much as you guys want to take your anger out on Kean it's not essentially their fault um this was all a big marketing scheme now let me get to the reason of this let me get to the reason of why rubius did what he did and you know you can't hate the guy for this uh this is this is part of the gig it's part of content creation especially when you get higher up on the chain and you start getting involved with people uh and they make you do things you don't even want to do whether you want to do them or not but he had the list of everything that was supposed to happen he had essentially the script of the stream you know first hour cat videos and then you know like spend this much time on this build and this much time on this build blah blah blah blah blah follow the list everything was on servers all the saves were individually loaded on different servers so he could go in there real quick check them out etc etc um Kean has taken a lot of notes kyber has taken a lot of notes in the event that this ever happens again especially this specific collaboration happens again uh they know everything they need to do to do it right and I was actually I forgot I was going to make a list here of things that I think uh needs to be right but it's going to be very difficult to host a completely Fair everybody's on the same playing field um contest right unless they say well well blocks only city blocks only bronze blocks only uh you've got a 400 area or like a a single alter space to build in uh nothing below the ground uh the sun has to be you you know directly in the sky uh you can only have one NPC in it at a time you know like it really has to be micromanaged which is why they gave us so much creative freedom here it's like create the coolest possible thing that you can think of so that we can you know use those Builds on our social medias to get more people excited about the game why do they want to get more people excited about the game because they made it right they want to get people excited that's what we're here for we like the game we help him help support him in any way we possibly can so with that being said and shrouded was in my chat for that stream and Allison here ask can we get some real water blocks and ined replies if we sell 4 million copies we will do it so if you want water blocks I got the proof right there another thing right here we were talking about the ability to name altars that is another thing that they should definitely um put into the game if if they ever want to do this again because it was very hard for rubius to try and decipher which alter to go to especially even if you're just using a map because their map is like extremely cluttered there's no filters to be able to you know untick all the other that's on the map because it's very cluttered with a bunch of crap that I don't need to see all the time it would be very nice Keen especially if you're watching to give us a filter system so we can turn off everything you know that we don't want to see on the map that would also make it a lot easier but yeah Ruby's had a very hard time trying to figure out where to go so we came up with the idea of namable altars you know it's just maybe just a really easily overlooked quality of life thing but either way guys uh that's my Spiel um I'll be completely honest with you guys I watched Jade's video and knowing that Jade didn't participate in it or whatever and he was just kind of going off uh people's that reach outs to him's opinion which shout out to Jade I've got nothing wrong with Jade at all he's more of a news guy uh than I am and I am far I'm not a news guy this is a venting video is essentially what this is but uh yeah man ined is a great game and it's only going to get better and we're the only people that can make it better don't let this competition get in the way um I'm going to take you know I got the fourth place prize or whatever I'm going to take that and probably get some Amazon gift cards or some steam gift cards and and flip them around and give them away on the stream or something like that I don't really know I initially wanted to do a donation to charity but unfortunately you don't donate $500 to charity and only you know like 80 bucks of it actually goes to the charity so I don't want to do that but we'll get some gift cards or something going but regardless I digress my vent is over my mind has now been cleared and I can move on from this I feel better now you guys should try this too we'll see you on the next one take it easy
Channel: Seethrew
Views: 3,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 04AM, Enshrouded Early Access, Enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded need to know, enshrouded guide, enshrouded 2024, enshrouded tips u0026 tricks, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded legendary farm, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded best armor, enshrouded best farm, enshrouded best endgame legendary, enshrouded legendary chest farm, enshrouded rune farm, enshrouded mega builds, enshrouded building, building tips, seethrew, enshroudedaow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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