Enshrouded Best BUFF's EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW | Rested Buff, Food Buff, Item Buff in Enshrouded

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hey guys welcome back to another and shrouded video in this video I'm going to be going over buff and everything that you need to know about Buffs within the game Buffs are very very important because they can determine if you complete a mission or you fail to complete that mission there are many Buffs with different benefits within the game and I'm going to be going over every one of them within this video there is rested buff there is also vegetables are raw food there's cooked food there's item Buffs so again I'm going to be going through all of them within this video so starting off we're going to be taking a look at the rested buff if you look in the top left hand corner of the screen you'll see rested inactive increase stamina maximum and regeneration the conditions to achieve this is that we have to be sheltered sitting or sleeping we have to be warm and we have to have comfort right now we have the comfort and we have the warmth but we don't have shelter sitting or sleeping to meet that condition we have to go inside so we're going to go inside of my base and and you're going to see that my rested is going to change all the conditions are met and my rested time is going up if you take a look at the Comfort you can see that my comfort is at level 32 and that is determined by the amount of decorations that you have within your base as you can see I have a ton of decorations I have the trophies from all of the bosses that I've beaten so far I have mats I have a furnace I have a bookshelf I have um you know all these awesome stuff chairs desk pots plates cups and I even have a bathroom with a bath somewhere to use a toilet somewhere to wash my face all of these things improve your comfort within your base and this improves the time of your rested bonus so right now my rested bonus is at 37 and again this is all determined by the level of my comfort there is a skill that you can use to improve or increase your rested bonus which is this one right here which is well rested the base duration of your rested buff is increased by 5 minutes so if I had this unlocked right now my rested buff would be 43 minutes however I don't and my rested buff is at 37 so if you want to know what the rested buff does if you go to n and go down to where you see your status delay under Comfort you're going to see that it says rested 37 minutes increase stamina maximum and regeneration and again the conditions to achieve this increase so when you do that you're going to get increased stamina and also the reg regeneration of that stamina so as you can see I have about two and a quar bars so I can jump I can fly I can run for longer without worrying about my stamina being depleted really quickly so before you go out on a mission or to beat a boss or anything make sure that you acquire your rested buff so that's it for the rested buff now we're going to be taking a look at the Buffs that you get from raw foods within the game I went ahead and I collected some of the best raw foods that gives you the best buff within the game they're currently within my inventory so if I go ahead and take a look at my bag you're going to see that I have a line of foods right here and these are the ones that give you the best rested buff some of them can be obtained in the early stages mid stages or late stages of the game so I will also tell you guys which stage you can obtain this item so starting off we have the bell pepper bell pepper can be obtained in the early stages to Mid stages of the game it gives you two direct dexterity for 10 minutes next we have egg so the eggs can be obtained in the mid to late stages of the game they are obtained from defeating the flying monsters that looks like Dragon you can either defeat the monsters and get them or you can find the eggs within Nest these eggs give you two endurance for 10 minutes I've been playing this game for over 90 hours and I haven't found the item that is raw that gives you Constitution but the best item for constitution in the early stages of the game is the grilled wolf meat this can be obtained by defeating wolf and getting getting the meats and then sitting beside a furnace or a campfire you can cook it and you'll get two Constitution for 20 minutes for intelligence we have the red mushroom it gives you one intelligence for 10 minutes if you want more you can Grill the mushroom it gives you two intelligence for 20 minutes but a better mushroom type fruit or mushroom type food is the Azor rosula if that's how you pronounce it if you roast the rasur rasula you get three intelligence for 20 5 minutes if you consume it raw without roasting it it will debuff you so make sure that you consume the right one for strength we have the Azo nuts it gives you three plus strength for 15 minutes this item can be obtained in the early to mid-stages of the game and finally we have the grapple plan this can be obtained in the later stages of the game as you see what it says growing in the harsh Kindle waste Kindle waste is the desert biome and again that's the later stag of the game it gives you five spirit for 25 minutes so spirit is your Mana bar it increases the length of your Mana bar so your character can hold more Mana for 25 minutes so that's it for all of the food that you consume without cooking now we're going to move on to the food that you can consume without cooking that help you with your regeneration so these increases your maximum capacity for each of the stats which is strength intelligence dexterity or endurance now we're going to be regener rating those so the best ones that I found are water which gives you one endurance for 10 minutes plus two stamina recharge then we have hone or you can find sugar cane which gives you 15 plus stamina recharge for 3 minutes the next one we have is the grilled Yuka fruit this is grilled however it's you know easy to obtain once you obtain it all you need to do is go to the farmer and they will craft it for you the Yuka fruit can only be obtained in the desert biome so that's a later stage item however it gives you 20 plus recharge stamina recharge for 7 minutes finally we have the strawberry which can be obtained in the early to mid stages of the game it gives you three Health regeneration for 30 seconds so those are all the raw food that you can obtain within the game to give you decent buff now we're going to be taking a look at some of the crafted food or the cooked food or dishes if you want to call it that that gives you massive buff within the game and to get these you have to talk to the farmer you have to unlock the farmer and once you obtain even one of the items necessary to craft that dish then that dish will come unlock so if we go ahead and look at the items we're going to start off with strength one of the best dishes that I came across so far for strength is the open sandwich it gives you four strength for 45 minutes plus two Constitution the resources necessary are saffron grilled wol meat and flat bread for constitution we have the meat wrap it gives you five Constitution for 45 minutes plus one intelligence resources necessary water red mushroom raw sand Digger meat and flour for energy we have the grilled Yuka fruit as I showed you guys in the previous part it gives you 20 plus stamina recharge for 7 minutes and the resource needed is the Yuka fruit you also have the sugar which is the same 20 stamina recharge however instead of 7 minutes it's 5 minutes the resources needed is sugar cane the best one for dexterity is a stirred fry vegetable it gives you 5 plus dexterity for 45 minutes the resources needed to craft this dish is Carn CB Forest bead tomato bell pepper and spice for endurance we have the spice tea it gives you five plus endurance for 45 minutes resources are saffron and water another one another good one is the chamomile tea which give you five Health regeneration for 35 minutes plus two endurance resources are chamomile and water for intelligence we have the glow soup it gives you five plus intelligence for 45 minutes plus 60 shoud protection the resources needed is spice water and Azor rosula raw Azor rosula another dish that you can make if you can't make the go soup is the mushroom omelette it gives you four plus intelligence for 40 minutes and the resources needed are red mushrooms and eggs for healing we have a fruit bow it gives you six plus healing regeneration for 45 minutes plus three stamina recharge resources needed are honey strawberry purple berries and Yuca fruits other Foods includes boiled egg it's simple but nourishing boost is regeneration in all areas it gives you three plus stamina recharge three plus Health regeneration and 2 plus Mana recharge for 40 minutes the resources are eggs and water now we're going to be taking a look at some of the items that give you good Buffs as well so far I've only came across three the first one is the prayer of the flame scroll now this one gives you 20 plus magic damage for 30 minutes plus 1 minute time within the Shroud the second one is the flask of theel it gives you 20 plus stamina for 30 minutes and finally we have Elixir this one gives you 30 plus damage multiplier for 30 minutes and it debuffs you 1 minute maximum time within the shroud so pretty much that's it guys those are the best buff items that I've found within the game so far again this is the Early Access and I assume there are going to be a lot more added into it if I missed anything let me know in the comment section below if you guys want to see more content on inro make sure that you are subscribed to the Channel with post notification turned on so you'll be notified of whenever I upload a new video
Channel: Sloppy10fps
Views: 2,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded guide, enshrouded buffs, enshrouded food buffs, enshrouded boost your rest, enshrouded rested buff, enshrouded how to get high rested buff, enshrouded rested buff easy, sloppy10fps, enshrouded item buffs
Id: A_ZtXzSpnQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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