Enshrouded Tips | Base Beautification [NEW Techniques]

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all right welcome back so today you saw the the thumbnail it is all about beautification of your base and I know you're looking like what is all of this there's a lot of weird things you're seeing so I don't even know where to start let's just let's start over here so I figured out how to make spiked [Music] walls that also kind of look like what you would see in a palisade like a a Mot and Bailey um yeah they're not as spiky as I would like but that's about the best you can do and uh I'm going to just go through all these and then we'll come back and I'll kind of show you how we make these uh came up with a nice low fence this is using [Music] the this is using plant fiber roof block uh for the Post same with same as this and then for [Music] the I don't know what you want to call call this the pearling or something I am using half timbered wall block so that's what you see there also there's a hedge I made a fence out of a hedge it's out of flowers it's a pain to do because you got to do it one block at a time oh apparently you get stuck in it too I had no idea you get stuck in it uh but that's really cool you can make a fence out of flowers you can also do opiary I didn't decide to make a giant dinosaur or something out out of it but uh this uses so if you go into number three here you got flower soil is the top portion this little stem down here is dirt it's a pain to do you can't do it just on the ground because it merges with the ground you have to put Stone around it's actually better to do it out here like this so if you want to have a I I think it's called a colonade where you would have or procession where you'd have a streetway lined by trees so you can make all kinds of interesting shapes with it pretty cool in here I just decorated this a little bit to make it look nicer but the the topiary type that's pretty cool so this wall here is all made out of roof this is just completely roof nothing but it it's all plant fiber roof block you just dink and what I like about the plant fiber it gives this get up there that's not going to be easy right here I'm not going to be able to do here so this would be more like your Hobbit sized right and this is more your people size I like how it gives this band right here I think that looks really cool but uh once you build it up you can merge it but you have to keep they have have to be one block apart and then you can continue merging but you see it it already starts to do a little bit of the if I do that further than it does that that's how you can tell it is a roof so I also made a mailbox so this is out of the roof tiles block this one's real simple you just three four I think it's five high it is five let's see if I can get get it without having to go up nope oh come on we'll get there see you five high pick your side mailbox pretty cool uh maybe one that's a little shorter uh fire hydrant possibly if you you did uh like a black Square coming out one end that'd be neat this I'm sure everybody's like what is that that's all roof every single thing you see in there is roof now this one's a little hard to do it doesn't always work so I alternated between your uh sorry straw roof you can tell by the top plank the the roof and the regular straw roof this portion of it looks exactly the same it's only the cap that's any different and then I did that with uh shingle block next to it so if I do like I would do I put this here this is probably too far away for me to do that I'll jump on this there we go if I do this here I'll show you how it works and that's high enough so here's what I mean by sometimes this is little Jank so what I would do with this one because I wanted this piece to be the top is I come to the very very top and I hit a piece this time it worked and then so that was the very top and then I would come down that will be that side so come down one more do this I come down I come down one more do that down come down one more and do that so that gives me my diagonal that way and then I have to come to the stard block and do the insides you got to make sure it's pointing at it so but sometimes it just leaves the little cap and it's it's a real pain but this gives you an idea for another design that you can put into your walls this only works with roofs you can obviously do something like this uh checkerboard pattern with different blocks but for RS you can get this diagonal now another thing you can do here if I go to let's see let's go right there come down one go across one across one now you can see we got a cool shape go down again one more and one more now you can do interesting uh different Windows pair that with chisel chips window video this is what gave me the idea for this I'll post it down below uh pair that with his video about putting cool stuff on the outside using uh roofs and you can make some pretty stuff granted you'd have to use this because you're not going to get a diagonal with the regular blocks so as long as you're fine with this or any one of these to be your wall like you know this looks like a regular wood wall um then that would work just fine now another thing I'm sure everybody wants to know is this bad boy right here the quote railings so how I did these now the interim piece this doesn't matter you could do this with just stone for that matter I'm going to use this one two three is it four can I do it can I do it yep it's four and then one two three and one two three you can actually go two apart but I felt like because what happens is these will overlap and I felt like three kind of looks better two overlaps it together so it's a little bit more of a streamline and you don't have to necessarily have these uh banisters up to it but that's just right now this has to be shingle roof block no other one will do this the other ones just do the slant so you're going to pick your spot I picked here Dink and there you go so now you have a way to do railings like I said the banister portion the the pole the ballast ballister is that right uh that can be anything you want but this has to be shingle roof at least for now unless someone can figure out some other way to do it because if I don't do it as shingle let me show you so let's try Stone it just does that it is a way to get a slope and the slope can be run ran up for people that are wanting to do but it is a 45° so just understand that if I do say the roof tile it just does the kind of weird looks like the mailbox so you can see that the shingle is the only one that does it now let's go over here and replicate this and I'll show you a little bit about those don't know how long this video is going to be but it's not going to be that short now on this it is suggested that you put a stone base because without the stone base it's a real pain in the ass to get this to look right so we're going to go back to plant fiber now you can pick whatever you want whichever one of these I just think plant fiber looks more like a wooden like like you cut a tree down strip the bark well did strip the bark and just stuck it in the ground with a spike on the top to protect your village I felt like this looks more appropriate to that what we're trying to go for and again you can make this any height you want so you want to go all the way to the bottom put in one there sorry two go up one come out two and and then go up one again two three now you get your three you got to come back here delete this one delete that one and there you have it now unfortunately if you wanted to delete this to get it more like oh crap it worked this time see that's so weird sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't oh of course make a liar out of me it's working while I'm right here uh before the soon as I took it out it made it a roof going backwards well anyway you get the idea so now you got your spikes and then you come up here and you go to whichever one I just thought half timbered looked more appropriate I can tell you Stone looks terrible it's awful it doesn't like follow across like a beam would like the and I couldn't get any other one to look like this half Timber block wood looks awful uh I tried all the woods every single one of them they all look terrible it's it's just weird I mean it does give that little bit where AC covers across but it just does not look as good as half timbered does all right now let's show you how to do these guys they're B more difficult it's kind of a pain I'm not going to lie so first thing you uh let's get closer so that I can do we'll just make a little one so you want to go down two come up I'm going to go down two we're going to go over here we're going to go to dirt now this is the hard part it doesn't want to go yep see it wants to do that and that's what not what we're trying to do here why here we go we got to get it to where it hovers over the actual and it's it's such a pain in the ass it's all right let's try this let's let's do it this way there we go now we have a base down there nope God dang it like I said this doing this is not easy this this is if you want to get it see that's what I needed I need that right there come on get over that oh I had it I just had it I just had it there it is oh there just like that so you're to come up to so that's going to give me this little bit of a spike to it sorry one not two then we're going to go to our Farm soil go on top of it you can take this as high as you want if you want to make those tall those tall vertical trees like you see in um grease and whatnot you could do that too let's go that high right there all right and there you go now imagine you could do this and the reason I did the dirt is because it looks like the stem the stem of the Bush that you've just been trimming over years and years to get it to shape how you want it to be you can do all kinds of stuff with this too I mean you could really if you wanted to have some kind of like see if I can get from the bottom [Music] here some kind of arm looking thing you know you can do all kinds of stuff with this I can already imagine people are going to make full on topar I was thinking what kind of shape could I do I could do a pig probably I tried it's not as easy as it sounds uh but I'm sure someone out there is is good enough that they'll they'll come back and within a week or so we'll have some really cool animals made out of these things all right well there's my tips uh hopefully you enjoy it um I like it a lot thanks for watching everyone
Channel: DeLindsay Gaming
Views: 5,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letsplay, survival, basebuilder, base builder, keengames, keen games, kengames, enshrouded, inshrouded, shrouded, enshrouded tips, inshrouded tips, crafting, howto, how to, tutorial, base, beautification, decorations, flower soil, flowersoil, topiary, mailbox, mail box
Id: hdjSkv_spN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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