Enshrouded Just Buffed Archer Builds - Enshrouded Game News

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one of my biggest concerns about enshrouded is how the team will work through Early Access and though they've been very quiet as of their plan so far I am very much hoping to hear more and share more about ined news on this channel starting with today's second patch but before we do get to that I'm happy to say they're already paying close attention to the balance of the game play with the first patch which was a few weeks ago looking over and attempting to balance magic so it's more in line with the different gameplay Styles as well as allowing certain items to be made available earlier and various items also being cheaper to produce as well as fixing various bugs and crashes as is expected with the first game patch but hot on the heels of patch one we've now received a second patch which helps balance the ranger style gameplay by making arrows cheaper to produce reducing the cost of Twigs needed whilst also increasing the yield of Twigs grown from bushes as well as the yield of feathers from their sources making it much more time efficient to produce better arrows whether you're hunting vultures or those weird chickens I'm going to call them chickens um unless there's a better word for them let me know in the comments below but this is buffing up Ranger builds making them a much more viable option to play compared to the likes of the devast stating one shot magic and unkillable Paladin builds that we've seen online though I do feel the later game arrows such as explosive tipped arrows could still do with having a little look over because personally they take a lot of work compared to everything else in the game now it is nice to see this buff coming to ammo production but I do still feel that needs to be a lot of work on balancing the different build types and regardless of am munition I still feel the ranger build is the hardest to run with as characters are just so dependent on stamina even with a high level build and can easily be killed with one or two hits from something like the the fell sickle sites this isn't really a complaint I think there's a lot of room for us to play around with multi-roll characters if you're playing single player but it is something that I feel needs a bit of work on still we've also received another buff that applies to range combat which is arrows and other projectiles can now be fired through open doors which is a relief though it does open the game up to more cheesy kills from enemies that can't path through the doors so I would like to see a fix to enemy pathing if that's still an issue in the not so distant future they've also reduce the amount of flax needed to craft items such as padding which is great for high-end armor sets this is actually nice to see for all character types though I find that until they fix the loot farming issue there's not much Point going for late game items as you can find the legendary armors really easily however I am starting a Perma death run in in shrouded which I won't be able to loot Farm items so if you are wanting to see me struggle make sure to subscribe to my content the way that I'm avoiding loot farming is actually by running the game on a dedicated server this means that I can't just jump in and out of the game to spawn items in chests as they won't immediately respawn speaking of which if you are looking at setting up your own dedicated server on ined or any other game do check out low.ms we're partnered with them and I've had no issues running my games through them and if you use my code total eclipse at checkout you'll get 20% off your first month whilst also supporting the ined content that I produce on here the link to that is in the description below um other changes include a fix to finding weapons that had incorrect item levels as well as an increase to stamina cost for the jump attack water Aura no longer heals when the character is dead and they also reduce the amount of resources required to craft decorative books which makes it much more easier to produce but I'd love to see an option to produce the books using wood or allow us to make old books from paper otherwise what's the point in allowing to produce paper that way I don't have to explore every single house for the pages that I want now castle walls have the same maximum stack size of 5,000 as other build pieces and the construction Hammer no longer allows you to break the unbreakable materials like the Bedrock at the bottom of the map um alongside these gameplay changes we've also received some stability and performance improvements such as fixing rare crashes reducing CP load on Idol servers and improving the performance of larger player bases which is actually going to be really useful for me when my Village grows a little larger you can actually see the first timelapse build in the description below we also have some changes to the game world with a redistribution of enemies in various areas for improving balancing and the enemies should also have the correct levels for the regions that they're now found in another really beneficial change is that players will now be unable to activate save points in the deadly shroud which is a huge relief as well as a few other minor fixes now you can find the whole list of these changes on the steam patch notes but I do have to say I'm super happy to hear that they're looking at ways to implement a way for all players to participate in quests should they want to and also knowing that chests in multiplayer runs have the chance to offer bonus Loot and that the enemies will also scale with the group size is fantastic as it makes the group setting more appealing and I think that's probably the best way to enjoy this game and it is definitely enticing me to maybe open up a dedicated server for our community as well so I'll be keeping an eye on that for the future but with in shrouded now reaching a player base of 2 million I am super excited with where the future development of this game will go so you can expect more videos covering in shrouded news in the coming months do let me know what you'd like to see in future updates in the comments below and we can maybe talk about it this actually brings up a great point if you weren't aware you can head to their feedback site via the menu ingame to see the current highest voted feedback and if the devs have responded to it such as is the case with the player based Quest progression currently the weather water and farmable animals are the top three that haven't haven't been responded to and I'd be excited to see all of these in the game in fact there's a huge variety of suggestions that are all well worth reading through and I can only hope that the next update from the devs we talk about some of these as potential additions that they'd like to see in the game personally livestock difficulty sliders and a fix for the loot farming exploit are big items for me mainly because I want the game to be optionally more challenging and also farming and exploring to be more rewarding but perhaps you have a different opinion anyway like the video if you found this helpful and if you're wondering what to watch next why not check out my Advanced build tips for building and shrouded there are some pretty cool ideas that are going to level up your builds but until next time thank you so much for watching and thank you so much to all of our amazing supporters on patreon most notably our solo Clips patreon firless as well as our Lunas the Calamity Ben and star and now blood moon of the day which today is brain slug until next time as always CIA for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 8,050
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Keywords: Enshrouded Just Buffed Archer Builds - Enshrouded Game News, Enshrouded update news, Enshrouded update roadmap, Enshrouded news, Enshrouded patch 2, Enshrouded patch news, Enshrouded update, Enshrouded gameplay, Enshrouded game, Enshrouded, Enshrouded Totalxclipse, Enshrouded archer, Enshrouded archer build, Enshrouded game news, Enshrouded Game, Enshrouded early access, Enshrouded review, Enshrouded building, Enshrouded Updates, Enshrouded road to 1.0, Totalxclipse
Id: 8IIyM3SjMaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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