I Built Helms Deep as ACCURATELY as possible in Enshrouded

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my goal is to take this Gorge and turn it into this but building one of the most iconic locations in cinematic history was going to come with some challenges with one in particular that almost made me give up and quit this build because it wouldn't be Helms Deep without it now this relatively new Survival game and shrouded just reached out to me a few days ago and asked the sponsor video to which of course I replied yes I think this game is criminally underrated releasing just 6 days after pow World out thegate had already had to compete with Pokemon with guns and slavery and in shrouded has a really engaging story with a fun combat system and lots of RPG elements to unlock but I like building so what better way to show off the capabilities than going for something as massive as Helm's Deep and just like in any game and shrouded has its limits and I was like dead set on being as accurate as possible to Peter Jackson's or better yet Allen Lee's interpretation of Helms Deep as possible so I had to get creative for warning I may have taken this build a little bit too seriously Lord of the Rings by far is my favorite Trilogy of all all time I mean to be honest I can't think of any men in the age range of like mid 20s to early 40s that doesn't hold this Trilogy to a high standard but I'm like really into it I'm not like speaking Elvish in online chat rooms or anything but I'm I'm close for instance this is andural the flame of the West reforged for Aragorn from the shards of naral or the seal door's blade so yeah I I'm I'm up there after being in storage for a few years I'll admit it's it's seen better days but my dad bought me this after Return of the King he took my brothers and I to see every single movie every year on Christmas Day from 2001 to 2003 as most '90s kids my parents are divorced so my dad my dad was basically like I I couldn't give you the nuclear family unit but I can give you the next best thing Aragorn sword anyway the the Lord of the Rings movies have always had like a special place in my memories with my favorite battle from the whole thing being Helms Deep so I apologize in advance if you learn way more than you ever needed to know about it in this build video [Music] so Helms Deep is made up of five major sections that I'm going to need to nail its wall also known as the deeping wall the castle better known as the hornberg the inner keep and Great Hall which would actually be one of the most difficult pieces to make because I'll need to carve into an entire Mountain the Spire that would Tower over the hornberg and finally none of this would matter without the location Helms Deep is shown here in Lord of the Rings the Towers is a Gorge tucked in between two mountains tolken actually based it off cheddar gorge in Somerset England that's only a 3our drive from London a new spot that I now have to hit whenever I travel to the UK so Ed's world consist of five biomes spread across a 24 km squared map one of the first pieces of equipment you're able to craft is a glider that let you explore these terrains much faster my original goal was to find a Gorge within the Nomad High region as that was the biome that was closest to the westfold area of Middle Earth where Helm's Deep is built but ended up finding this wolf cave gorge in the western springlands it didn't have the exact layout that I was looking for especially not the barren PL surrounding the location but it had several the other features that would help in creating the structure the only thing missing that would be impossible to find was a water source that would run from the mountain out through the wall but the deeping stream as it's known is such an integral feature because of its significance in the battle I'd need to get creative to add in some way the castle would also need to sit upon an outward crop of rock and the keep as well as several access tunnels we need to be carved into the side of the mountain this is where enshrouded has one of the most unique voxal worlds that I've seen in a survival game virtually everything can be manipulated any building Bridge or entire town can be completely destroyed or changed but more importantly you use a pickaxe or your build Hammer which I'll demonstrate shortly to dig below the surface and make Caverns or cut into the terrain horizontally to make tunnels which technically you can attempt to do in valheim a very similar game and structure but the difference is when you try to mine into a mountain with every bit of ground that you excavate forward it removes all the layers like above that location so you can't really make a tunnel it just keeps cutting further and further into the cliff unless you go through lots of extra effort to dig underneath some permanent structure and shrouded capitalizes on this feature in a much more realistic way allowing you to hollow out practically anything which is so much more satisfying for building purposes and let you get more creative with your ideas now the first thing that I had to do was place down my flame alter which is what opens up a build area in its proximity I decided to place it at the mouth of this cave so it' be out of the way at the start of the build now it was time to get to work when building in any game it's much easier if you come up with a plan first so the first step was to make a border Foundation outlining the shape of my structure the hornberg itself is a semicircle that wraps the side of the mountain so I started with that this is where the first limitation came up the building Mechanics for in shrouded are restricted to like Square shapes there are no curves so to artificially make a semicircle I turn turned off automatic snapping and laid the blocks at an upwards adjacent angle and then I did the opposite on the other side then I moved to the foundation of the wall and you might have noticed the thousands of resources I have in my inventory I knew this build was going to already take a really long time and a lot of effort to make so I found this save file for a world seed on Nexus mods that came with thousands of each Building Material link for that download is in the description below if you want to see what you could build if you had pretty much every item in the game personally I I I'd like to see Keen games just add a console command system like they have in valheim so if you want to just spawn in 100 of any item you can do so for those of us that are building focused but for now this will have to do now at the outline of the structure laid I started to build up so that I could put in the pathway that leads to the front gate of the hornberg for the path I decided to use terrain mode from the building menu not only can you carve out terrain and enshrouded you can also raise the ground and shape it I chose to craft a stone ramp because of the significant Bend this pathway has the terrain Builder allowed me to break off the sharp edges to get it looked the way that I wanted it to as I finish this part up I realized I had made a big mistake the highly polished Stone I was using for the castle just didn't fit it was too much contrast to the mountain as well as the pathway and when you look at Helms Deep all of the material colors kind of blend together so instead of just scrapping the whole project and starting over I build a thin layer of castle wall Stone over top and I was much happier with this aesthetic so I did the same for the deeping wall and laid the blocks up to its final height the wall was almost finished but it needed one more important feature a CT that lay near the center of the wall this is where the stream that runs from the mountain also runs beneath the wall it's also the unfortunate weak point of the entire structure as this is where the army of Eisen guard after failing to breach the walls deployed their fire of orthon wow that sounds so nerdy saying that out loud basically it's a type of gunpowder blowing a massive hole in the deeping wall resulting in a full r Treat to the hornberg during the battle I would have liked to had like an actual stream in this location but that wasn't an option so later I figured out a pretty cool alternative but we'll Circle back next I noticed something that after all of my times watching The Two Towers I had never recognized where the wall meets the hornberg there is a steep incline leading up to a passageway that goes to the steps that lead to the second story of the castle for this I went with a stone terrain ramp just as I did with the pathway that leads to the front gate after getting that done I almost chuckled when I put a set of stairs next to the front gate as it almost met up perfectly with where the ramp ended so I built a second set of steps that led up from there and would become the second floor and level of the inner keep of the castle building the outline of this section's wall to the back of the corridor on the first floor I created a massive tunnel that leads down to the hornberg Armory as well as its Escape Route that leads to the glittering caves this was only shown in the Extended Cut of the movie so if you have no idea what I'm talking about watch that after that I built the walls to the Inner Circle including the archway underneath that allows access to the keep the stairs that lead up to another passageway that I would carve out later and added Kennels to every wall I had built so far to give them that defensive touch now it was time for the most tasking part of this build the Epic Great [Music] Hall first were its steps which widen near the top and spread across its entire ledge then the mountain meets at the ends of these steps so I brought it downwards with my hammer now I had to hollow out a massive chunk of the mountain to make way for the interior of the Great Hall this probably took me about 3 hours or so of repetitive terrain [Music] removal so I took a break about halfway through because I just remembered there's a Causeway that leads from the inner circle to the top of the exterior wall so I made that and after I felt satisfied with the amount of Excavating that I done I began to lay the foundation inside as well as the columns on the outside I actually used inverted step walls as the archways between the columns so that we could get that Ridge look that you see in the movie now these columns lead about 30 ft into the excavation with six rows before reaching the wooden doors of the Great Hall according to the final scene of the battle the interior here has several rows of columns as well creating culverts at each row at the end is a carved out area for the throne as well as a few tables with various items on them so I I threw those in as [Music] well with the great Haul on the walls done I had to add my favorite piece that it could not be Helms Deep without the access door to the side of the main gate if you don't know this is the spot of one of my fa scenes from the entire series after retreating to the hornberg the focus of the irai moves to the front gate Theoden says he needs time to brace the doors so Aragorn and gimy inch out onto this outward rock with the intent of jumping across to the pathway on the other side but gimy realizes that he can't make the jump so we asks aorn me what not only is it funny but it's like badass at the same time especially when he says not to tell legal Los because he's more worried about him finding out than the waves of urai that he's about to fight on the other side but for me it's more about the development of his character caring more about saving his friends than his pride at the end of the first movie he kind of delays their advances for a second across the crumbling stairway in the minds of Moria because he says nobody tses a dwarf potentially wasting time because of his pride but now he's letting that go to win the battle I I may be reading too much into it but I feel like movies in that era just took themselves so much more seriously there were funny bits that allowed the characters to make fun of themselves but they didn't overdo it like it seems they do in every Adventure movie today now after adding stairs to the backside of the deing wall and a tunnel entrance at the end of the inner Castle's wall I needed to build a massive Spire that towered over the hornberg mostly aesthetic the only significance that it had in the movie was the final part of the battle where it's kind of over and theodan and Aragorn ride out and then gimly blows the horn at the top but it had to be made even though ended up being probably the most frustrating part of the build to scale the Mountain I had to create like a floating path of blocks to jump to so that I could build up higher and higher and this resulted in a little mini game of only up being played on the side for a couple of hours you've got to be kidding me come on oh my God how I didn't have a horn so I just added a couple torches at the top so it would like up at night and with night coming I went ahead and put up torches and bers around the rest of the structure as well and in shrouded has quite a few home customization items that I used to make the place feel more lived into some tables barrels of Ale flags at the center of the inner wall just as they had in the movie The Machi collation or wooden defensive doors that are used to quickly open and drop rocks from above the castle gate down behind the wall a couple of makeshift Yurts for camps along with cooking fires and some assorted amenities then I figured out that I could use these luminescent block blocks that you can mine in the game that glow a very bright blue for the stream that runs beneath the wall and I actually really liked how that turned out finished the building for the night took some aerial footage and then went to bed satisfied with my work when I logged back in the morning after the entire Helms Deep build was gone and I kind of lost my mind for a minute but then I realized it it was my fault because I had deleted all my flame Alters that I had placed down for building so that I could get a good footage of the end result and I never put him back so it is what it is I'm just glad that I got some decent shots before losing everything I'll throw some comparisons in there too but I really enjoyed this build I like how it turned out and as a massive Lord of the Rings fan it was honestly some of the most fun that I've ever had putting a video together while I can watch The Hobbit or rings of power they will never compare to what Peter Jackson did with the first Trilogy the attention to detail the effort the lack of overproduced CGI like man what what a time it was when CGI was still kind of relatively new late 90s early 2000s so they used it sparingly only when they had to and the rest of the set in costumes were handcrafted and just look gorgeous more real and tangible but that is a whole tangent I do not want to get into I highly recommend checking out in shrouded if you haven't already it's not just about its building mechanics the RPG elements and the combat as well show that it's apparent that this has a great team working on it so I was more than happy to collaborate with them with the video and if you guys have any interesting builds I I really would like to see them especially if they're Lord of the Rings post them up in the Discord from the link in this video's description and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Player 2
Views: 10,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 54AxRJLuGvQ
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Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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