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what's happening everyone welcome back to a brand new anded video and in today's video I'm going to be showing you four loot Farm locations which will help you get better equipment like weapons and armor and that sort of thing right at the start of the game and also progressively throughout the game through to end game depending on what level you are and where you're at in your playthrough of the game so the first location is located right next to the starting base location in the game so if you go to your starting base location that the game makes you build a base at and then have a look at your map this is where you should be and then what you want to do is head to the location which you can see I've marked as a sort of loot location which is slightly to the northeast of the starting base location that the game makes you building now when you've identified these locations you simply want to head on over to these rocks which again are to the northeast of your start and base location and you want to get right up to the edge of the cliff don't fall off a glider is recommended but not 100% necessary now when you do get to the edge of the cliff you want to look for this little Castle location so this is the location you need to be at I'm just giving you a general idea of the surroundings you should be looking out for in order to stand on this exact spot on the map if you don't know where that is this is the exact location on the game's actual map once you're at this location all you need to do is jump off and use your glider to Glide down to the tiny little ledge which you can see just below the castle if you do miss it though it's not the end of the world or if you don't have a glider you can simply walk here by heading into the shroud I'm going to show you how to get to this specific spot if you have missed the ledge or if you don't have a glider so once you're on the ground you just simply want to run around the bottom of the castle and try to find a way up I think there are actually stairs I just got a bit impatient though so I started climbing the actual surroundings at the bottom of the castle found my way to the stairs and then once you do get to the stairs you just simply want to climb up them to the point where you can see the grapple hook which is on the edge of the castle drop down drop down again and and you'll be on the same platform where you can walk through the crack in the wall and find our first loot Farm chest once you've done this you can just simply quit the game to the main menu and then come back into the game and you will spawn back at the nearest Flame alter or the flame alter you were at last once you come back into the game you just simply want to head back to this location and the chest will be closed with new loot inside for you so you can just keep repeating the process of coming back to this location opening the chest taking the loot leaving the game spawning back in coming back and just keep doing that until you have the loot you want or as much loot as you want just whenever really but bear in mind that this is a lowlevel chest so it's only best to use this specific loot farm at the very start of the game in order to get yourself some good starting equipment to be prepared to go out and explore the world from the first loot Farm I got a rare ring of Mana a legendary Wolf's snar long ball a comet Shepherd's lightning staff a second common Shepherd's lightning staff a common Apprentice wand a common crackling wand a common masterful mace an uncommon Forest Longbow a rare masterful mace and a second rare masterful mace for the second location you want to head north from your home location to the revelwood ancient Spire if you have unlocked that you can simply fast travel to it if you haven't this is where it is located on the map so you know exactly where you need to go in order to unlock it if you already have it just simply fast travel to it when you arrive the location you're looking for for the loot Farm is North again all the way up at Len Wood's end you can see where it is from this clip I've zoomed in on the map so you can see the exact building that the loot Chester is in it's in a building on the North side bear in mind that when you get to this particular building there will be a mini boss inside of here there isn't anymore simply because I defeated it and then put a flame alter in there to stop any enemies spawning and this is where the chest is located just on the far side of the room it's not difficult to get to from the second loot Farm I got a common warrior helmet a rare masterful mace a common wizard chest armor a common archers trousers armor an epic frozen core wand an epic wolf pack axe a rare Apprentice wand a rare Elder stuff an epic root stuff and a common metal star maze now the Third location is a little bit more difficult to get to since you have to have a flame level of five it's all the way in the East and it is Kindle waste's ancient Spire if you don't know where it is this is where it is on the map if you do know where it is and you already have it simply fast travel to it when you arrive at Kindle W Spire the location you're looking for is in the southwest and it is Ridge back mine simply stick a waypoint on it and head to the southwest side of the Tower so you are in the right location to Glide off and head to your destination when you get to the southwest side of the tower this rock formation in front of me is what you're looking for since you won't already have a flame alter over in that location when you get here just simply jump and glide off now I don't have the highest level glider in the game My glider is only like level two but it was enough to get me across to this rock formation just make sure you have enough stamina to actually make the journey since it is quite far now on approach you want to land roughly where I have since you won't have enough stamina or enough height to actually reach the top of the rock formation once you land here I've already dug it out you want to mine your way up to the top of the rock formation it takes a little time but if you have bombs it does make short work of the rock formation and you're able to get to the top quite quickly if you follow my path it's probably the easiest path I think to get to the top other people might find shorter paths it really doesn't matter as long as you get to the top of this rock formation and then when you finally get to the top of the rock formation you want to head to the south side of it and there will be a tiny little tip sticking up in the air that you need to get to you can see it here the pathway to this tiny little tip really isn't great so be careful not to fall off the top of the rock formation otherwise you'll have to climb all the way back to the top and then once you get on top of this little tip you'll see two pillars out in the distance to the South you don't want to land on the first one you want to try and land on the second one you should be able to make it it is just past the scavenger camp where you can see loads of smoke coming out of it like I said not the First Column but the second column and that's going to be where we put our flame alter so you simply just want to jump off Glide and make your way over to the second column now on approach again you want to try and land on a tiny little platform to the right hand side of this column you can see I've just missed the First Column that's good because we want to get to the second one and then when you do actually land down here again you might get attacked like I did and you'll have to fight and defend yourself but once you do land and you're safe start mining your way to the top of this column again you can use bombs if you want to I just used a pickaxe because I thought bombs were Overkill but once you get to the top this is going to be where you place your flame alter it's a little bit fiddly but you can actually get one down up here if you do play around with it enough then when you do actually have your flame alter down you want to head on over to the east to where I've got my marker you can see there's a little crevice in and amongst a rock formation this is where the chest we're going to do our loot Farm is going to be so stick a marker down or a waypoint or whatever you want to put down and that's going to be where we head to get the chest I've left this clip a little bit longer because I feel like it's a little bit more difficult to get to especially since you've got to glide through the Shroud but what you're looking for through the Shroud is a little campfire it can be quite visible depending on which way you're coming in at it from but you can see when you get down here there will be two enemies you don't have to fight them I just did it because I landed pretty much right next to them but if you know exactly where the chest is you can time it and land perfectly where you land right on top of the chest pretty much you can open it take out the loot and quit the game to come back in to do the loot Farm over and over from the third loot Farm I got a common Gloom monik chest plate an epic rotwood melee weapon some common Hulk trousers a legendary enflamed sword Common Hawk gloves a Common Hawk helmet a legendary tainted Axe A Common Hawk chest a legendary rot blood melee weapon and common spellbinder boots for the final loot farm from your home or base location you want to head off to the east again you're going to still need a flame level of five and you want to head to Kindle with Spire again this is where it is on the map if you already have it just fast travel to it when you get to the Spire this is going to be where you want to go it is the sun temple of to the east/northeast of the Kindle West's ancient Spire when you get to the northeast corner of Kindle West's ancient Spire just above my heart you'll see some form of sand Stone type Bridge or Temple or something like that and that's going to be where you want to Glide down to so just simply do as I'm doing and head on down to that particular location there are enemies at this location just on this side of the bridge but you can pass them quite easily if you Glide past them and then just cross the bridge They Don't Really trouble you at all and then when you get inside I'll explain it when we get closer to it but there will be enemies and there is a bit of a trick on how you can get your flame alter as close to the chests as possible I did say chests because there is a bit of a bonus loot run or loot Farm on the end of this video as well so this is where you go if you've never been here before this wasn't my first time approaching obviously I'd set everything up for this particular video but you just want to head up the stairs and into the temple and then you can go right or left it really doesn't matter just make sure you activate that flame altar so you can respawn there if you do die to the enemies that are further down in the temple simply follow where I am going to get access to the actual Temple where the chest is now you can see my flame altar is very close to the main doors of the sun Temple which you can't normally do and to get to the chest from this location simply head through the double doors down the stairs in front of you you can go go left or right I just go right because it's easier for me then round to the left through the double doors again and the chest is sitting for you on this little platform and it's nice and simple before I tell you how I actually get my flame alter there I'm going to show you this bonus chest location or loot Farm location you just simply want toe and collect the first chest like normal since it's on your way to the second anyway once you've got it I didn't get great loot just collect it and then come out you want to head in this direction through to the main room there will be enemies all throughout here unless you've cleared them out already and then head through this particular door where you'll have to fight two sort of witches and then one normal Soldier type guy I don't know the names of them so please forgive me for that they aren't too difficult it just takes a little bit of time to actually get all of their health down since there's three of them but you can see I've made short work of one of them second one didn't take too long and then the third guy is just hiding at the top of the stairs again he's not too difficult it's it's not like a boss or anything like that he's just a slightly stronger enemy so once you defeat him you are pretty much good to go there is one more but the main thing is to solve the puzzle so you can see that the door is locked and you have to activate two switches in order to get inside so if you head up to the left get past the electric bolts or electric shocks or whatever they are and that's your first switch head back towards the door again and then up the other side where there will be a weaker enemy for you to dispatch quite quickly head to the end of this corridor and then your second switch will be there once you've activated both of them the door will be open so it's simple head back there and just go inside inside of there there are no enemies that I know of I didn't have any bother anyway you walk to the end of the corridor and then get the last chest which is on the platform again from the fourth Lo Farm I got an epic Mirage staff an epic ornate wood ball a common spellbinder hat an epic undergrowth staff a common Gloom Monarch helmet a legendary ornate wood ball a legendary sword of Radiance a legendary Mirage stuff a legendary Shepherd's lightning stuff a legendary forer ball a legendary Helix wand an epic Nova sword and an epic forsaken ball and that is it for my guide on the loot Farms that I've found so far in the game if you're new to the game I definitely recommend using the first loot Farm in order to get yourself some decent gear and get yourself started in the game the second loot Farm I'd say that's probably more towards mid game that you would use that to get yourself a bit higher level gear and the third loot Farm will give you close to max level gear and then the last loot Farm will give you the highest level gear so please do let me know down in the comments section below if there are any loot Farms that you would recommend using within and shrouded and if you have enjoyed this video and found it helpful make sure to smash a like on it to show support for the game on the channel if you are new to the channel and you've enjoyed the video and found it helpful make sure to subscribe to be kept up to date with all future releases but other than that we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Axrora
Views: 86,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded legendary farm, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded legendary wand, enshrouded legendary bow, enshrouded legendary sword, enshrouded farming, enshrouded farming guide, enshrouded legendary, enshrouded item farm, enshrouded legendary item farm, enshrouded best farm, enshrouded best weapons, enshrouded best armor, enshrouded legendary armor, enshrouded best sword, enshrouded best bow, enshrouded best wand
Id: NgufDZnmhQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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