Enshrouded EASY & FAST LEGENDARY WEAPONS and ARMOR FARM Level 25 - 2 Legendary Farm Locations

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all right welcome back today I'm going to have for you two different awesome chest are going to drop 25 yes are you see level 25 different armors weapons uh legendary weapons and also all the best armors high-end armors that you can find such this one that you're seeing here ran pivan now you can farm this chest over and over as long as you set up a of course one of your flames as a um saving Point here that so you can come reset go into your return to menu come back and then keep doing this over and over until you grab this so far I mean you can do this unlimited time until you get tired as you seen this is what I've gotten so far and I've only done I don't know maybe 10 runs of this but here is one of the chest and then next I'm going to provide you a second location now this chest is located if we pull up our map into our world it's very close to the Sun Temple so instead of going into the sun Temple as you are seeing here um I'm going go from here from this location so instead of going to the sun Temple and doing all the different chests and you know having a risk dying with so many enemies down there and there's also enemies up here but if you want to grind those chests that have certain different weapons I have a link in my description that's going to show you all the level 20 gear that you can find in those different chest about 10 of them now what you do from here is we're going to go from this location so as you see pull up your map through there is come through here okay come around let's get some water make sure we got our stamina filled up careful with those birds as you see one of them is already following us okay we're going to have to kill this dude okay so from here we go stamina there you go come through here boom boom all right he's not following it he stay back he stay back guys okay so from here all right remember you might die here because running on the sand it does get to more tires so you're going to spend more of your stamina let just show you here really quick how to get around it now there is a bird up there catch a stamina all right once you catch your stamina just come here and it's going to be down down down down there there you go oh oh oh don't want to you oh there you go there you go so from here boom this is where you get come set up your altar come and do this over and over now let me show you the second location exact same thing exact same thing you're going to be able to do this also don't forget to subscribe to the channel consider it I'll be bringing you more videos about instr and other video games related and make sure you hit that like it does help us with the algorithm now let me show you the second chest okay so the second location is going to be over here I already set a um point that we can get to so from here or if you have um a ancient Spire unlock you go from there I don't know if you can make it but definitely you can make it from this one now I'm going to go from this one okay so we're going to go from the you see ancient Spire Kindle ways fast travel point so from here we're just going to take a long flank and I'm just going to fast forward this but I'll show you where you can rest just in case you do not have the best glider which is going to be the ghost one but if you have probably the second best after the before this one there is going to be a section that we can rest and I'll show you it's actually we just take a little quick flight here we'll talk about in shrouded so let me know guys what do you guys think about should there be additional items implemented such as um stand like in this case you know you can go straight and become very op at level one should there be something where it doesn't allow you more like if you play Elden ring you really had to level up in certain um way okay so you'll rest right here get your stamina back back and then the next point is oh my gosh I'm not supposed to use that is we're going to go all the way across and that is where this one is going to be located so once again jump here and depending on your glider you can go left or you can go right let go here let's get extra little stamina so we can go fly up there you go and let's see if we can make it up okay that's fine so we'll just go around here let's walk around come this way it's going to take us all the way around there you go just keep watching your map just got to make a right turn here and we'll make it all right so from here oh double jump there you go so from here double jump right here double jump right here there you go double jump right here and that should take us to where we want we can actually just double right here use your glider to take you all the way on top Lord come on bro there you go that's the entrance of the cave if you didn't have that comes through there just go around okay stop it bird stop it bird and we're almost there boys almost there just got to go all the way we're going to have to climb a little bit come this way sure you got your stamina there you go there you go jump jump jump jump jump and don't get down okay all right we're almost there we're almost there boys okay there we go so we come this way and it's going to be located over there let's just use our parachute a little bit okay boom almost down there it's down there okay all right there you go we made it and it's right here so this is the other chest that you're going to be able to do the same thing over and over I'll set up a base right here so you guys are able to do that so craft that go back into my backpack let me set this up really quick for you guys so you guys can see and right here so let me see how far the chest is right there so you're going to want to do this and make sure you're in blue okay all righty then I am not in blue here so here we go let me see if I can do it right here okay so boom right there okay so you come to the chest boom collect it okay go back into your main menu reset your whole entire main menu go back in and then it's going to take you right in front of the chest again you're going to have to repeat this over and over and over until you guys are done so there you go go back to the chest there you go you see that Elder trousers I go back into my main menu rinse and repeat and rinse and repeat and that's what you can do for all those two different chest you don't have to go and get all the different type of chest you can just Farm those these two different chests and get all the amazing Loot and become really op right on my L wolf Haack axe this is one of the most OP axes that you guys can get and I got a second one right is this my second one that I got let me see yep there we go wolf pack and then then I got another wolf pack let's see do are there any different 14 14 plus 14 no okay so I'm going to go level up one of them and use the other one for runes so that's another thing if you guys want to farm for runes hey definitely the best way to do this is do that chest farm for runes that way you level up your weapons o strategy that cannot fail once again thank you guys for watching don't forget to subscribe to the channel turn notifications to all we'll see you on the next
Channel: GamerFuzion
Views: 5,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded best legendary farm, enshrouded easy legendary, enshrouded fast legendary weapons, enshrouded best glider, enshrouded best weapons, enshrouded best armor, enshrouded best sword, enshrouded best gear, enshrouded level 25 chests, enshrouded sun temple chest locations, enshrouded unlock all, enshrouded guide, enshrouded ultimate guide, enshrouded legendary chest farm, enshrouded legendary glider, gamerfuzion, enshrouded early legendary farm, enshrouded early legendary
Id: zu_klNkVxGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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