5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Skull & Bones

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Skull and Bones releases this weekend thanks to the fine folks over at Ubisoft we had a little early access to the game and here are the five things I learned along the way that I think you need to know heading in number one always be harvesting harvesting takes up a good portion of the opening tutorial once it's over though it's tempting to just start Gathering all all of your materials through plundering but don't take every opportunity to harvest you can you should be coming home each time to your base with holes filled to the brim with different materials because this game uses a refining system and because of that you'll need a lot of these base materials in order to get useful supplies to craft all the ships weapons and Furniture you need you can boost your efficiency of harvesting through upgrading your tools when you do have an upgraded tool you'll see the harvesting bar breaks into multiple colors if you can land in the purple section you get a large bonus amount of materials when you first start off you'll only see a yellow and a green bar but as you upgrade those tools it will progress to purple if you can manage to land in the purple you get nearly double the amount of materials from that resource and as we talked about earlier being able to then uh put those into the refinery and be more efficient with what comes out you will be thanking yourself in the future number two blueprint locations if you see a shiny upgrade you would like to add to your ship but haven't been to that location before or simply just haven't purchased that blueprint uh skull bones is a very good thing of not making that a real problem you can track blueprints from a shop simply hit either X or Square on Playstation or Xbox once you do that it will pin it on the map even if it's in the fog of the unknown World which can be super super useful for early exploration and just being able to rush into certain upgrade paths that you know you want to go down for a certain build for a ship then once you acquire this new blueprint it will track your current materials that you have in order to build it and if you don't have enough of the materials it will then Mark on the map the locations that you can acquire those materials from it's super useful especially like I said when you're planning out a build and you're like oh I know I need that but I don't know how to get to it this makes it super super easy for you to be able to know exactly what you need to be doing at any one time number three trade routes are great if you need to buy something that you can't steal so as we were talking about earlier sometimes there may be uh materials that you require that you just know the ships that carry them your current level not up to Snuff in order to obtain them so how do you go about getting them well uh the one thing I've come to do is look at the local trade routes uh you'll see as you punch in you'll see certain certain settlements operate as hubs for their distinct factions um these locations tend to have a ton of purchasable items at them ones that are a bit usually harder to secure especially if you are a lower level so if you need something and you can't quite plunder it from that location head on in buy it uh especially like I said if you are that at that lower level and then you're going to be able to FASTT track yourself to like a higher level ship and then maybe be able to plunder from there going forward number four hold B to set sail uh hold b or hold circle on Playstation I think it's safe to say that walking around in this game can sometimes feel like a bit of a drawn out menu something that kind of feels like an afterthought and something that you want to spend the least amount of time doing so if you're wandering around an outpost or a port and you know your business is done you may feel like you've been mentally trained by all video games before that you have to enter where you exited from IE you have to walk your way back to the dock in order to set sail but you don't need to do that um when you're in a port or an outpost simply hold b or Circle and it will bring you directly to the set sale menu um this is going to save you a ton of time once I discovered this I was like oh this is this is just so much better because especially when you're in a port um you know this is like I said a a bit of a drawn out menu right right it's it's a very nice 3D space that represents a menu and you can do certain things around here and it's nice to be able to wander around and do stuff but once you're done you kind of just want to GTFO you want to get out of there and being able to hold that button to get out relatively quickly uh super useful and it's going to probably end up saving you hours of time if you get into this game finally number five cooking I know this this doesn't sound sexy and I'll be honest I'm not usually someone who enjoys cooking in a game and this hint is for all of you because I'll be honest that that's a lot for me that's I don't want to have to cook anything but uh currently cooking in the game is incredibly important for one thing in particular and that's going to be your stamina replenishing fruits and vegetables right um basically in each area of the game there is some sort of local Flora that when just eaten Direct ly will provide a 20% recovery to your stamina which is nice but usually by the time the cool down comes down on your ship that's you've already used 20% of your stamina so it's not really sustainable for long trips however if you then take those flora and head to a place where you can cook uh doing the basic cook with those is going to double their efficiency like for example the bananas or the Coconuts bringing them from a 20% energy recovery for your crew up to a 40% energy recovery for your crew this means that you can basically be at Trimm sales I.E like the sprint button the entire time on your journey because there's way more of a buffer between the cool down and when you can use it and you won't run through 40% of your stamina just by uh waiting for the cool down so uh you don't have to invest really hard into the meals that have a lot of Buffs um but if you're like me and someone who usually avoids cooking systems in game this one I think is particularly important and it's really nice because you can do it all at once if you have a hundred of the bananas or 100 coconuts you can cook all of them at once and then you have this nice supply of energy recovery items that you can can then use for a good portion of time so those are my five things I wish I knew before starting Skull and Bones what do you think let me know down in the comments below did you like this video if you did hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day see you that
Channel: TOMMYBOY601
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Keywords: skull and bones, skull and bones gameplay, skull and bones beta, skull and bones news, skull and bones game, skull and bones tips and tricks, skull and bones trailer, skull and bones pvp, skull and bones tips, skull and bones ships, skull and bones guide, skull and bones combat, skull and bones details, playstation 5, skull and bones beta gameplay, skull and bones pve, skull and bones song, skull and bones open beta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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