Enshrouded: Building a Small Medieval House

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welcome back to enshrouded today I'm building a small medieval house so I hope this build is inspiring for you feel free to follow along or sit back get cozy and let's get started so I've gone ahead and flattened out a small area here just within a level one flame alter and we might go ahead and place the flame alter inside the build afterward but this should be good for now and then the main block pallet of this build will include the rough Stone block the straw roof block the stone shingle roof block refined wood block tar shingle roof block refined stone block half timbered block rough Flintstone block and then roughly cut stone block and I'm going to get started with the floor of the sell SL basement here of the build the build will be four levels this being the first and then there will be a second level which will be like a small entry staircase level and then a third level which will be the main level of the house for the kitchen and living room and then there will be a little Loft above that so getting started I'm going to go to my 4M ceiling piece selected to be out of the roughly cut stone and we're going to make this two wide by three deep so that's going to be the main portion of the floor then I'm going to go to the 2 m ceiling piece and go one 2 three on this side for the stairs that will go up to the second level or right above the cellar here so now we have the main floor layout there I'm just going to go ahead and do these Corners we're going to go one 2 3 4 One 2 3 and then destroy the middle one to sort of round the corners like that and I'm going to do this to the outer three corners here so this one and then this one here and then for the fourth corner I'm going to do it on this one and then we're going to be leaving this the way it is nice and squared off so there we go now that we have the main floor layout down for the cellar I'm going to continue these up by five blocks tall for the walls so I'm just going to get started with the wall blueprint for the 2 met here again with the roughly cut stone just go ahead and place a couple there Place some of them here and then we can go ahead and rotate it place them along here something like this I'm just going to go ahead and place a third right in there like that and then for the very Corners we can just take the column piece and then turn the snapping off and that should work there perfect and then this corner here uh what we basically want to do is come out by seven blocks from the very edge here so we've got 1 2 3 4 uh as is and then we can go let's see here five 6 7 just like that and then I'll just finish off this corner here perfect there we go so now that we have that I'm going to continue it all up by one more block cuz it's only four blocks high at the moment and to do that I'll just take the door frame piece here cuz this is just super easy to continue up here so something like that and like that go ahead and rotate it put one in the front one in the back and continue it there perfect and then again for the corners we can just take the single block here to go ahead and finish them out and there we go so that's looking pretty good and that'll be the main like height of the cellar here then I'm just going to go ahead and take my little uh 2 m stair side blueprint here uh we're going to go ahead and just rotate it Place one down just like that and then with a single rough cutstone block I'm just going to continue one block on the top of each of that so that's going to be like our side profile for the stairs here and for the stairs that's where we can take our stair blueprint again in the 2 m section and I'm going to do them out of the refined stone block and I want them to be right up against the build and then sitting right on top of that little side profile we made just like that and then for the top two steps here I can just take it block by block and finish them something just like this again they they come out by four blocks here I just love how the refined Stone sort of has this little Edge and overlap here makes for some really cool looking stairs so with that I'm going to go ahead and complete the ceiling of the cellar here and I'm just going to go back to my 4 M ceiling piece here Zoom all the way out of my character and we want it to just be get the edge here and the front edge just like that I can go ahead and turn snapping back on and that's just going to be two wide by again three deep and then I can go ahead and take the 2 m ceiling piece just complete like one two and then go ahead and destroy the very front row of this there we go there's the roof and then for the corners of the roof I'm going to round them but not quite as much as the corners underneath so again just adding some texture and depth to the build just by taking a couple blocks off of each corner here and there we go one more here and perfect so there is the first level or Cellar of the build and then I'm going to go ahead and cut out some doors and windows with the 2x2 wall block we want it to be uh one up from the bottom and two blocks from the edge there we're going to go ahead and have it for four blocks wide by five blocks high this is going to be the door and that just fits perfectly in there with plenty of room for the stairs and then I'm going to do a central window here up front like that and then let's see maybe 1 2 3 and then over here one two three something like that for two windows on the sides and then one two three for one more in the back there to mirror the one up front just so we have some little bit of light in the build and I'll fill these in with Door and Window pieces later on but that's the skeleton for the first level and now we can go ahead and start the second level and the second level here is going to be five blocks tall as well so I'm going to go ahead and start with the 2 m wall piece again with a roughly cut stone and I'm going to place the first piece two blocks in from the back so one two and then three blocks in from this side edge so you can see one 1 2 3 and then it's placed right there and then I'm going to go ahead and rotate it and I'm doing all of this without the snapping toggle to make it easier we're going to go ahead and put it up to the edge and then phase it back by one block and I'm going to have this back side be two and a half of these wide to again be three blocks in from this side as well so then I'm going to go ahead and rotate it again and uh sort of back it pop it in by one block and continue this out by two of these on both sides like that then I'm going to back it in by one block so just like this and then I'm going to skip a block and place it again again skip a block there place it again and then we're going to rotate it back it into the side back it into the side just like so and then where where we skipped a block there we can take the column here and Place one there and one right outside like that and then two more right in the front of these Corners here so it'll look just like that so that whole thing is four blocks tall and then to make it five blocks tall for the very top layer I'm going to do that out of the refined Stone so we're just going to go ahead and continue this whole top perimeter up by one more block with the refined Stone here so there we go it now looks something like this this here and what will happen is that you come up the stairs and then you come over this way and then the front door to the build will be right here so we can go ahead and cut ourselves a doorway again four blocks wide by five blocks high so just all the way up like that and then I'm thinking a couple of Windows one right here and one right here um just kind of yeah in between this pillar and that wall just like that we could even put two more uh in the front there but we'll see and then this will be the entry you'll be able to have a couple benches on both sides maybe to take off some shoes and things and then I'm going to have a staircase in this back section that will then go up to the main floor of the build for the fireplace kitchen dining area and that will be made out of the half timbered block so for the floor here I'm going to take my 4 M floor piece and have it be out of the half Ed block or ceiling piece technically and I'm going to go ahead and turn X off or turn snapping off and I want it to be lined up with the very back edge of the build and overlapping the side edge by one block so just like that and now I can turn snapping back on and then it's going to snap either here or here at the halfway point so it's going to be one and a half wide and that's going to overlap this Edge by one block and then we can go ahead and continue that by one more uh deep here and then another half a block and half a block right like that so it's going to be 2 and 1/2 by 1 and 1/2 essentially and that should overlap the front SE section here by two blocks there which is perfect and now I'm going to take my refined Stone just come out by like a couple blocks there maybe a block there a block there just to sort of start tying it in to the foundation a little more so that starts looking nice and then we can cut out a staircase right in here and for that cut out here I'm just going to take the 2x two wall block and coming in one from the back and two from that side going to go and destroy that and do one two three so that it's six blocks wide and then three blocks here so yeah six blocks by three blocks for the dimension right there and you can see that's right where the wall of the cellar is then I'm going to go ahe and Destroy uh couple right here so I'm going to do four blocks wide by two blocks and then one more block here and then for the stair portion I'm going to take the refined Stone and one block up from the bottom going to go ahead and create a 4x3 platform right here with an extra step right on the bottom section and then starting not right here but one over I'm going to go uh four blocks out and right up to the top section so just like that and then we could even add a little something like right in there to sort of create this cool like stair effect where you can wind up and now we're on the next level here so yeah just like that I like how that looks we can even kind of cover this portion in trim it out make it look nice with like a little chest behind the stairs or something something cool like that eventually but now we are up to this floor and we can start working on the walls and the walls here are going to be 8 blocks tall so I can just select the 4 M wall piece and I'm going to turn snapping off for this just to make it a little easier sometimes doesn't want to snap to the right point and we're just going to complete some walls all the way around the build there we go now we've got an enclosure here and I'm going to go ahead and outline some windows and a little fireplace cut out here so again just taking my 2x two wall blocks I'm going to do I think two big front windows here that are four blocks tall one side window here again coming two blocks from the side two blocks up it's going to be four blocks wide by three blocks tall and then one window above the stairs here that's going to be let's see two blocks up so yeah three blocks tall and then again two blocks from this side let's do a window right there I think that'll be good provide some good light and then a little fireplace cut out here that can be four blocks in from the side there and four blocks wide by four blocks high for now I like that now let's do the stairs up to The Loft so I'm going to go ahead with my 2 m ceiling piece and four blocks up from the bottom so 1 2 3 four something like this and then let's go ahead and place it like that go to my 2 me stair blueprint and back it in just like that let's go ahead and rotate it around and put one more let's see up there just like that oh that's only three blocks wide we want it to be all the way out to the edge there we go okay just like that perfect and then this very very top section can just be filled in by hand that'll be the the top Landing for our stairs and then the rest we can fill in for a floor and we'll trim it out nice and everything later on there will be a decorating trimming stage of the build uh but that's directly stacked on top of this bottom staircase and I think that looks really really clean so now for the top floor I'm just going to go ahead and grab my ceiling pieces and this doesn't have to be super perfect as long as it's not sticking out all around the sides uh just do something something like this and I'll just complete the rest of it by hand so I know I want this to be four blocks wide yeah I think right now it's only two blocks so go ahead and Destroy these and let's go ahead and fill in this portion here and right now we should have like a nice little L shape it's like three blocks three blocks but we could uh go ahead and fill that and give us a little more floor space up here so it's like three blocks by two blocks there and then four blocks wide here and four blocks wide right here so there we go now we've got the floor up here which will become our Loft and we are ready to build the pointy roof so for the roof here I've gone ahead and outlined the shape of it using this straw roof block here and it overlaps the front of the build by one block and I'm going to go over how to do this pattern here in this video but I do have a video Linked In the description on how to build build pointy roofs and enshrouded in a lot more detail for those of you that would find that helpful so do check that out and to get the overlap in the front here and stuff I've just uh gone ahead and started using these little stone slabs as some scaffolding to be able to reach where I have to go another setting that's going to make this a lot easier for you to follow along with in this video as well as for you to do on your end to make it easier to build is to go into settings go into display and down where you see um right here voxal detail models go ahead and turn that all the way off and you can see here that that just eliminates all of the grassy overlap and everything that might be a little complicated or in the way for you to clearly see what you're doing so this will just make it a lot easier for me to show you this pattern so to start we do a two block overhang so one two and then one block up and that's going to create like a little flare out on the roof it looks really nice especially with the textures on and then we start by going 1 2 and then one two and one two just all the way up to the top so it should look something like that as a side profile and again watch that steep roof tutorial if you're still a little confused and then we're going to do the same thing on the other side two block overhang and then one two one two one two just all the way up to the top and there we go and we're just going to continue that same pattern all the way to the back of the build and then again overlapping the back by one block as well so here's the straw roof portion all finished all the way out and overlapping this side of the house by one block so that'll be our Loft in there and then I'm going to go ahead and finish out both sides with a nice T shingle roof block trim and I showcase this in more detail again in that video uh where I show you how to build pointy roofs but I just think this looks so so good to do uh to just kind of place these block by block down both sides just like that and I'll show you how it looks from the side profile soon but it looks really really good kind of gives the edges a really nice finished look so I'm just going to go ahead and finish it down the rest of this way just like that and then do it along the front side here all right and there we go and now you can see if I just jump over to here this is it looks from a front angle and again when you have the voxal details on it'll show those nice carvings and I get that it looks a little different on one side than the other that's just the way the textures are but I just think it gives it a really cool finished look makes a little more fantasy like a little cottage look to it so now we can go ahead and fill in both of the ends here and to do that I'm going to use a combination I think of the rough Flintstone block as well as the refined wood block so I'm going to start with the rough Flintstone block and I'm just going to outline the edge placing one of these blocks basically everywhere where it's going to touch the straw roof block here and the reason that I'm using the Flintstone block instead of other blocks here you could also use like a stone block or anything like that as you can see like the refined wood block for example here has like a jaggedy texture on the top whereas the Flintstone block is just nice and smooth and rounded on the top so that you don't actually see it uh poking through through the roof here which is kind of nice uh but it doesn't look bad if it pokes through as you can see there's already lots of little wooden pieces that poke through here as just part of the straw roof texture there so you could use whatever block you want I've just found this block pallet looks really nice and I like yeah I just like how it looks mainly you could also build the roof two blocks instead of one block thick to hide anything that pokes through if you would like as well so now that I have that done I think I'm just going to go ahead and fill it in maybe two more blocks just to create some larger straight lines and have it feel a little less stepped here so maybe something like that and let's see let's just go all the way up on the sides here so that now we just have a nice big rectangle in the center there and that's what's going to end up being filled with the uh refined wood block I think so let's go to the refined wood block and let's see I think that's I think that snapped in one block too close to me so let's go ahead and bring that there we go so right like so and that's going to be for where I do my window so let me just go ahead and block out a window going to go let's see two blocks up from the bottom let's do it three blocks high just like that nice little window in the edge and uh and I just like how the textures mesh again just adding some more interest with the stone and the refined wood here in the center just makes it look a little lighter instead of having stone for the walls of the second level so I really like that a lot so I'm just going to do the same exact thing on this side as well all right so the sides are filled in now and here's how it looks from the outside definitely looking really good so I think now I'm going to start working on a chimney and fireplace coming out of that opening right over here on this side and for the fireplace here I'm going to start by creating an outline for the Hearth uh and mantle kind of how it's going to look on the inside of the house here so I'm just going to use the refined Stone because I love the love the way it looks for a nice Hearth and mantle so I'm going to do the same thing on the top here just bringing up a little mantle there and then maybe just the normal stone block here uh along down the sides just to sort of break up the texture make it look really cool yeah I love the way that looks on the inside so now let's head around to the back side of the build and it might help me if I do a little bit of scaffolding here but yeah actually let me go ahead and do a little scaffolding for myself with uh with one of these let's just do like a little platform over there so I can see all of this better there we go cool and I'm just going to come out one two three four with the refin stone and then one two and then with the regular Stone I'm then going to start something like that and then we're going to start building it up all along the sides here uh coming two blocks out on both sides I think so something something like that for now and uh and this is where our fireplace is going to be in and then I think for the back side let's come out a whole another blocks yeah coming out through three blocks from both sides there and then connect it on the back side now one up from the bottom there just like this hopefully you can follow along with this but I'm really just free forming it it's pretty easy to change it around make whatever tweaks you want to it and uh whatever height you want it to be so now with that I think I'm going to kind of tie it into the build a little nice because it's looking a little bit like it's just floating right now and it doesn't have like a nice solid base so I think I'm going to go ahead and take the refin stone um let's go select the 2x two and maybe right right in the center here with the refined stone block want to bring something down a little bit so let's see let's select it to be yeah about right there yeah okay and then just going to bring it bring it up like that now I can go to the single block again maybe put something there and tie it the rest of the way into the building right here and then let's see here same thing on the other side just do something like that I don't know just something that looks a little more tied into the build as if it's got like a nice support kind of coming down like that and I think that is looking pretty nice so with that let's get back up on the scaffolding here I'm going to go ahead and put another scaffolding a little bit higher up so maybe something something right here just so I can really see what I'm doing up here and then continue this up by one more block high so maybe something like that there and now I'm going to start narrowing it in a bit so I'm going to go ahead and just put like a full flat section over the chimney because it doesn't actually have to be functional as a chimney in this game because of the fact that there's no smoke mechanics and then I'm just going to bring it in maybe up to the roof line like that and then I'm going to destroy this roof block and this roof block let's go back to the 2x two section here and oops accidentally destroyed it I wanted to place it right like that yeah that looks good and let's just bring that up maybe by two more blocks or something like that and then get our refined Stone and do a little cap on it just to sort of flare it out a little bit and I think that looks really nice yeah that's looking like a really good chimney so I'm going to leave it at that for now and go ahead and Destroy both of these uh blueprints here there we go yeah that looks really good feels a little more grounded having this Center Post in the middle I could even kind of make it a little more stable looking but I like how that looks from a side profile and then if we head inside the house here we going have plenty of room for either a large fireplace or we could also put like The Cauldron fireplace from the farmer in there so I'll figure that out when I do the interior decorations but I'm really loving how that's looking so far and I think now I'm going to start working on all the trim and final details so I'll do window trim trim along the side of the stairs maybe build a little railing just kind of refine some things before we decorate the interior something else I wanted to do as well to make the build look a lot nicer and sort of give it some more interest is to add a jut out on the Loft here to add some more roof lines and add a little more space to the loft there so to do that I'm going to go into the hammer go up to the 2x two wall blocks and right on the edge of this window here I'm going to follow those lines all the way up and right where the roof kind of finishes coming in like that I'm going to just try one and then two and then three just like that so it's essentially six blocks wide then we're going to head inside the build and then up to The Loft just like that and then I'm going to do one two and three just like that so we've got an opening now right here and then I also want to get rid of let's see let's get rid of these very bottom roof pieces something just like that there and then whoops I accidentally destroyed one right there yeah right there so it should look something just like that now I'm going to take my 2 m columns here select it to be out of the rough Flintstone and place one on both sides so one right here and one right there and then same thing but in by one block and then I want to continue these both up by two more blocks tall so there's one block and then two blocks and then same thing on the inside so that this will basically be six blocks wide by six blocks high so we now have that I'm going to go ahead and Destroy one more layer right there something just like that and then let's see here let's go ahead and add a little bottom row of the Flintstone right here and then let's make this section out of the uh let's see let's make it out of the refined wood here sort of to have like a nice little uh nice little trim we'll do a window right in this section so I'm going to go ahead and add another row on the bottom and then a row up both sides here out of the refined wood and this is going to be our window right there so now we can head back in the outside and finish off the roof for that section I'll get up onto the roof here and then for the roof of this I'm going to take my Flintstone again and we're just going to create like a stepped uh flat roof out of Flintstone so something like this right here and then one more just like that and then I'm going to take my uh little plant fiber roof block and I'm going to let's see here just kind of place a roof on top of where I put the Flintstone here something like that I think let's do that on this side as well yep right there perfect so just like so then I'm going to go back onto my little scaffolding piece here and we'll overlap it by one so right there and then another one here here and here something just like that and then same thing on the very edges we're going to bring it down by one uh as an overlap right here so let's see yep just like that and then right over here as well one two and then one right there so should look something just like that there's a little jut out I think that looks really nice just adds a little something to the roof if we take a step back here take a look at the build I just think it looks really nice so with that let me start working on some window trim now and for the window trim I'm going to use a combination of the stone shingle roof block the wooden window frame and some of the new flower pots that we get as part of the hollow Halls update to enshrouded and to start off I'm going to take my stone shingle roof block and go ahead and outline the very tops of the windows overlapping each side of the window by one block with the stone shingle roof block here so something just like that and then I'm going to create bottoms here let's do two like that and then one up from the Sid to sort of create this little curve shape so two on the bottom and then one up from both of the sides like that same thing over here one up and then in this case four across the bottom just like so and this is a wider window so this would be a really good one to do the flower pots in so I'm going to go ahead and Destroy these middle two blocks let's maybe use the purple one I'm going to go ahead and turn X on for some snapping we'll go ahead and maybe do like two of those and then maybe an orange one uh if I can get it to snap let's see here this might be a little finicky you can kind of get them to phase in right like there that's good go back to the block hit Y twice that'll add those two middle blocks in and it creates this beautiful little cradled window flower bed there which I think looks really nice and then to finish it off we can head to the inside of the build I'm going to destroy the bottom corner of the windows here take my wooden window frame and place one on both sides just like that and then press y four times to replace the those blocks and then if we take a look at that from the outside here let me just hop up here give you guys a better view you can see that's how it looks so a nice little trim around the windows now all it's left is to fill them in with some window panes but I'm just going to go ahead and do something similar to this to all the rest of the windows so I'll finish off the Loft one there the ones on the ends Etc and then get back with you all when I'm done with that okay I've gone ahead and trimmed out the windows put a few flowers below the big ones up front here but yeah I think that's looking really nice I'm just going to add a few more details uh before we move on to the next step first I'm going to take the tar shingle roof block and I want to add just a couple of uh couple little pieces like that sort of to create like this beam effect feel like the house is held up a little more and supported so I want to do that in the front I want to do it on the back side here so let's see let's do like there and then over two and then another one and then one two and then another one one two and another one oops those are both too high let's see right there and right there perfect just add a little more of like texture beam feel to the house to be a little more supported then I also forgot to add these uh these roof blocks to the top here I wanted them to be right up here so let's go ahead with something like that probably and then same thing on this side boom boom and actually yeah I'll just have it go down like that I think that looks pretty good yeah there we go just have a nice little trim above that roof line to match the edges of uh of the rest of it here so I think that looks nice I am pretty happy with the exterior here now let's just fill in the doors and windows and then I'll decorate the inside for the doors I'm going to be using these uh iron doors right here so we'll go ahead and put one down here in the cellar I think that looks pretty good kind of matches everything nicely and then go ahead and rotate it and another one let's see I want it opening that way put one right there and then for the cellar Windows there's a few things you can do one of the things I like to do is to like phase a fence you can actually take the fence pieces to create more of like an iron grate look but that almost looks like a jail cell and now that they added these little 2x two rounded windows I want to see how these look in the cellar um so let's go ahead and put those there I also added the flame alter to the inside here so I think that looks pretty good let's see yeah not bad really like the way those little rounded windows look that's nice and they'll really match uh the other windows as well that I'm going to use so let's go ahead and put one there and then another one right here and then for the normal window panes we're just going to use the iron window frame go ahead and do something like that right in here and then for these because they're four high technically I could even take two of these and uh and stack them on top of each other like that which could look kind of cool but I I think for these I'm just going to stick with the iron window frame and maybe do let's see maybe just do something like that um I know it looks a little weird but I think it'll just let a little more light in and look a little nicer go ahead and put one here one over here and then one more right in here so with that I am very very happy with the way the outside looks now I go ahead and close the door there yeah that's really starting to come to life I love it so now I might just spend a little bit of time doing a little bit of landscaping and doing some interior decoration and then take you guys on a final walk through and tour of the build okay so I've gone ahead and added some interior decorations and some Landscaping so let me take you on a full tour and walk through of the finished build so starting from the outside here we have a nice little Garden here with the well I've just used a combination of some flower soil some Farm soil luminous growth uh just to add some interest and spice up the exterior of the build here and then we head around here I've got a little patio of some stepping stones going into the cellar of the build where I have the flame alter and I've left this area very empty thinking that it could be a great space to adapt to whatever I need in the playr so I could have the carpenter down here create a Workshop I could create a Smithy for the blacksmith a spot for the huntress and sort of have the NPCs and extra storage and everything down here so just kind of a nice big empty space that I can adapt to my needs and then I've hidden some luminescent blocks there underneath the stairs and those create a nice soft glow to see your way up the stairs in the dark here and I'll show you the full build at night soon as well so you can see that but we head around front here and we have the little front patio to the first level of the main house here and I've gone ahead and just phased some little Stone fences down uh just to sort of act as a little bit of a barrier here make it feel a little more cozy and everything so we head on in and I've got a little floor mat little bench to take off your shoes little storage area here behind the stairs so just a very simple little room and we head up the stairs and this is the main level of the house where we have our kitchen dining living space so just little spot with a cauldron on top for cooking here in that little fireplace we've got the full fireplace for the farmer up here to be able to cook our big meals little sink dining area and then I've gone ahead and yeah just added a little railing to the stairs out of some roof blocks there trimmed out these stairs with some stone blocks there along the side and we head up into the Loft I've done a little bit more trimming work with the uh Flintstone block you can see I've just trimmed out the bottom with some Flint Stone uh but we've got a little chest little bed here nice big soft cozy rug little desk for some reading and the loft is fairly cramped I was originally just going to leave it open have like a larger bedroom but I decided to see is it possible to actually squeeze a little bathroom in here and I think I managed to do that well so we open this door and it's a tiny little bathroom we have the little tub little toilet and a little sink maybe a little little bucket if you want to carry some hot water from the fireplace up to dump it into the tub to take a bath so yeah I thought uh I thought it fit in there nicely it's very tight but uh that way the build is like essentially a full house we've got a little bedroom bathroom kitchen dining everything we need in this little medieval house so with that said let me show you the build at nighttime so here it is in the dark I love the lighting I love how there's a little bit of light coming through all the windows there makes it feel lived in and nice so yeah just some soft luminescent growth here and candles and things just to add a little bit of light to the exterior and then you can see here how those luminescent blocks here are creating that blue glow on the stairs which is really cool so they're hidden uh but the glow still can come through even if they're down below there so yeah I'll just do another quick little walk through of the inside cuz some of you like to see the inside uh at night time just to see the lighting so yeah this one Lantern here lights up this bottom section well and I really like the kitchen here I'll take my torch out just so you can see the lighting by itself inside so very very cozy I love the feel and then yeah just very dim light for the bedroom just a single candle little lamp up there and same thing for the bathroom here so definitely really happy with how this turned out it's a perfect size for just you maybe a friend you could definitely squeeze two small beds into here and uh adapt it uh to your needs but I really like the design I love the Steep roof I really like the way it looks and I hope you found some inspiration from this build as well so feel free to check out my other build videos and if you'd like to download my builds they are available to all of my patreon and YouTube members so huge shout out to all of my existing channel members be sure to join the Discord server as well through the link in the description don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Chiselchip
Views: 3,761
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Keywords: Enshrouded, new survival games, upcoming survival games, base building games, best new survival game, keen games, chiselchip, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building, combat in enshrouded, enshrouded base building, enshrouded builds, enshrouded adventure, survival games 2024, enshrouded guide, enshrouded tips, enshrouded combat, enshrouded game, enshrouded beginner’s guide, enshrouded starter house build, enshrouded cozy cabin, enshrouded hobbit house, medieval house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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