I Became an Artisan for "Big Profits" in Manor Lords!

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Hello everybody welcome back to Mana Lords with me biffer here we are in our humble little town I'm I'm sure you probably put comments below as how to pronounce this thing but yeah we've got so much that we need to do in this episode let's come out of that view and take a look we want to spend some of our regional wealth and upgrade some of our houses i' would like to get some level two houses at some point today but I also want to make sure their burgage plots are upgraded as much as possible so this one's got a goat shed this one's got a vegetable garden uh this one's got a chicken coop already oh I didn't realize we've not looked at the chickens there we go chickens Dave edner and Freda in there so they should start getting some Goods coming through uh can we add any more over here let's take a look well those are the three we've got at the moment so Burg's plot level too low oh was this level one then level two three and four o I bet that's what it is so we need an apple orchard so we can do the orchard okay well let's have a look and see if we can pop in an apple orchard what have we got along here so forager Hut hunting camp charcoal kill Foresters no it'll be under food won't It farming no I'm wondering whether we've got to unlock it in here so we've got tra in beekeeping Orchard re there we go so until the trees are fully grown yeah some information about it there so we need another development point so we can get to that which we don't have at the moment which is a little bit of a shame uh we did set up trading last time which has been working really well to get our money but I'm wondering whether we can increase our trading with a livestock Trading Post so we can get some more cows and things like that I oh auto save there we go we'll have a quick sipp te yeah because having something like that is going to really help us with getting extra oxen um I'm just wondering where we could pop this I'd like to pop it through here which means you can to add another road in so if we go there yep that's fine thank you very much and then we'll go up to there and is that enough room to fit it in it might not be or it might be are you going to snap to the road here no not enough room all right we're going to go over here then that'll be fine there we go excellent so as We Know The Oxen needs to drag over the logs to make this thing so if we can get an extra oxen through some sort of trade maybe buying it with our money that's going to help anything else that we need to do and also moving all the goods around there we go there's good old Jacob a guide is coming don't know who that's going to be Conrad maybe who knows we shall find out and then hopefully we can then get another development point when we upgrade and get an orchard we go in if we have a look at some of these houses as well we can see some of the things we need to get up to the next level and a clothing store Supply is the next thing we need to do wow this rain is absolutely teaming it down isn't it good grief so let's take a look at the industry for the clothing so what options do we have uh we've got the Tannery is going to turn hides to leather the Weaver Workshop is going to turn wool to yarn stocks damaged by weather the field darn it we were trying to get that in weren't we but never mind end of the last episode I'd said Harvest it all okay uh workers use W to produce yarn and whatever that is that we're growing to uh fla to produce linen I think this is the one we want but we don't have sheep and we don't have hides we can get hides we can get hides what have we got clay berries here we go over here so we can do some wild animal hunting and it's a rich deposit oh look we can see them all down here look so we can get that for meat and also we'll get their hides as well which is fantastic so maybe let's set that up what's the best way to get a Ro out here Ian it's all going to be so far away again isn't it and we got the clay I mean we did set up this little onclave over here last time that worked out quite well getting everybody living near where they were working so maybe we could do a similar thing with the wild animals let's give that a go so I think a road first of all which is going to come off of here let's just curve that around where are we heading towards up there okay we sort of go through the trees a little bit bit and I'm going to go to there for now and build that and then we'll see how it works with the building so the hunting is going to be under the Gathering hunting and Gathering there we go hunting camp workers hunt wild animals produce meat and hide it's got fre relocation go anywhere overlaps animal habitat oh okay so we don't want it right next to it we want down here that sounds fine yeah we'll do that and I'm going to pop that on high we going to speed things up up a little bit the first hunting camp here in Z the zoo whatever it's called we have two families free so what I'm now thinking as well is I want a family to move in over here so if we get I mean we're going to end up with a Tannery as well so I'm thinking if we get like two in here that's four that's way too big if we go like that two and then can I if we do this load access say obstructed why is that then let's try down here oh there's the front over there isn't it maybe maybe not oh the bell's going I don't know what's happening there we're going to pop that on we're going to rotate that around actually any wanted to if we do that and then we can just pop a little road up here to give them access that could be good you could build that for us why is the belt ringing just calling people calling people in I think yeah okay well that's fine I was just checking it wasn't like that we were on fire or anything like that no I think we're fine so let's have a look logging Camp is done hunting camp I should say begging your pardon so hunt limit so that says going to give us when population of a herd drops this number workers will stop hunting it's out a family so that's going to take one away from our Builders and then they're going to live like miles away aren't they where do they live hunting Hunter their house is at least it's in town and it's not like right out in the middle of nowhere so they're going to get out and do that good good good let's check in on our Fields how's it going how's it going hands and what a name I'm if I could rename you I would rename you unfortunately I can't so you are planting plowing so we're in June are you crops grow possible droughts are we ever going to be able to get this thing working I mean I'm going to have to see what happens but yeah let's let's see what happens whether we ever get that field going okay so livestock trading let's see let's see what we can do so we've got pasture space or stable space two so we can get horses we can get cows or sheep I imagine we got nobody working here yet connected to Road trade okay so an oxen import export price if we did import it's going to be 20 I mean that just just seems like let's just get another three so we' got four all together that just sounds fantastic mules no idea what they're going to be doing for us horses sheep this is what I want and we got lands so if I trade import sheep and get four it's like another 120 130 140 180 yeah but we should be fine and it can only fit for oh hang on no we're not going to fit all of those in here are we cuz it's going to take up all that space and the stable space is separate maybe let's get the oxen first and then we'll come back no I tell you what no trade let's get the sheep first I want to get the Sheep four sheep 30 each let's go with that uh livestock I suppose that'll tell us what we've got we need a family don't we we don't have a family spare um is there anybody that's got two families you've got nobody in the forest's Hut but wood is okay we got plenty of Timber the logging Camp you're selling your goods in town the saw pit to make planks is paused is there people in here as well no because it's paused how much food have we got 31 months of food you're going to be paused and you are going to end up working in here I think that was Herman wasn't it no yor Jor Christina and albre so we'll go with that so you get that job done for us and hopefully we'll get some more people moving in here we go the first house is in so we're going to have to wait until somebody moves in and then assign him to this job hopefully oh we've got people working here look what are they doing they are carrying a nice carcass into town that is what we need so basically what's holding us back at the minute is people we need more people to do the jobs because the very next thing I'm now going to make over here is uh Weaver's Workshop a Tannery to make leather and that is going to go right next to this cuz that's where they're going to take the item so we're going to do that there we go what is that going to take uh nothing much four logs we've got logs got logs for days so let's get that done keep an eye on our fuel we're doing okay nice so we got two firewood firewood over here Granary workers over there excellent so it's not going to be long I think before we get the clothing going but we do need another type of food so that is where I'm hoping this Field's going to flip and work because we've been trying to get this field going twice at the end of the last episode I went for a for early Harvest we should turn that off now just so we could get a full year of it growing oh no are we in fallow plowing weak 21% it's dropped isn't it it used to be 40 something I think we're going to have to just Just go with it we'll have to go with it as phow that will reset our time of using it and then the next year we'll be fine but we are going to start getting meat aren't we from yes so can we cook up our meat now that will be good okay I've looked through everything and I can't see a way of cooking the meat or curing it or doing anything like that the communal oven uh is literally just used for bread it says so in the construction menu under communal oven there we go work use flour to produce bread and there's nothing else I can see that's going to help us with that so I'm not too sure whether they just literally store it in their houses and just eat it as it is um let's have a look in here where there's information we got generic storage it really doesn't sort of list what it is so I'm not entirely sure yeah other than the leather what we're going to be doing with that so if we look in here so they've got meats and hides which is good but I'm not quite sure what to do with the meat I will see if I can find out uh is anybody living in here if someone could live in here that would be great if somebody could move in that would be fantastic how is our trade going for our livestock do we have anybody on the way so we have a look where these people are they are miles away so they're heading out to trade for us importing livestock which is fantastic are you literally right at the edge how far do you go I mean we're in we're in like the next section now are they just going to keep on going until they find some other people York you are walking a long way a new family's moved in fantastic hopefully into our new house I think they're heading out to a trade point which there's one there and where's the other one that one there yeah they're heading out to trade points okay well we'll let them carry on let's have a look at our hide over here is this the family they moved in they have fantastic so we're going to take these ones out of here yeah we're going to take these ones here and we are going to assign them to here excellent and then eventually they'll set up a market store selling their meat so I'm hoping that the meat will then count as a second type of food which we've got here and then we can work on our clothing after that I'm not even sure we can take leather and turn it into clothing oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear we will we will find out so here we got a food store it's empty at the moment I think somebody will get there soon just looking at the Stone Cutters Camp as well it's absolutely rammed with stone I think we're going to pause that and free up a family which will be good and then eventually if we get them over here what have we got going on here we've got the Tannery that's under construction of course that's going to help us out with taking the highs to produce leather I'm hoping that there's going to be some sort of upgrade that we can then add on to some think let's have a look in here that will help us out Bakery tailor ah enables production of clothes and cloaks and gambesons so we need to level up our houses don't we for that to happen um I'm going to give you a chicken CP as that's what we've got at the moment and we'll see what happens with these other places maybe that's it then maybe that's it fuel we're going to get our fuel going we're in July we need to double up on our fuel no that's the saw pit there we go wood cutters large we'll add somebody else in there and we can really try and get that up to match how much food we've got as well wow it is a flipping rainy day our money's gone down does that mean we've got sheep maybe we've got sheep on the way two of four where are they where's our people let's have a look uh you're still out you've got a sheep fantastic that's good let's see who's next on the list Christina has got a sheep two sheep brilliant okay so and then we're assuming George is also going to bring some back hopefully two unless they can only do one at a time cool so now we want to put a pasture up that can hold those sheep for us and I'm just thinking got a lot of Industry over here we've got a lot of farms and wood stuff I mean I'm just wondering if we get more houses around here where there a nice little pasture across the down here would work well let's give that a go here we go so under farming we've got pasture no construction cost flexible plot provides parure space for livestock I mean we could just sort of go like in here and sort of use some of this space I don't know let's give it a go what does that look like oh autosave there we go we'll pop that in excellent so they need oh that will hold 32 that is a big old plot isn't it is that a little bit too big I think that probably is a little bit too big we'll get rid of that one we'll try that one again there we go it's going to hold 23 it's a little bit bigger than I wanted but I think that will look all right and then I'm wondering whether they'll just take them out of there and automatically bring them in here which would be good but I don't know how we get the Sheep Farm Workers collect wool from sheep sheep must first be imported o and we put that in here what we're going to do is we're going to just pop some nice little Parts up here so let's go like that and we're going to sort of curve this round there we go excellent and then we'll add that in the side here Farmhouse Farmhouse sheep farm yeah let's do that there we go excellent so that's going to take for us let's get that on high priority so have some sheep there sheep farm over here we got to wait for more families to move in to help us with that how are we doing down here so oh we've got the two different types of food so they must have got in here oh look at our Market let's have a look around this way yes there we go they're selling the meat they're just hanging it up tommen cheated him never he's a wood cutter simply does not know how to cook and they're selling the meat over here as well on the food store fantastic oh that's really good that is really really good and there we go we've got the sheep in the back it says we've got three but it's showing one the Sheep's wandering off where's the Sheep going the Sheep is on the Run he's made a break he's got out of the pasture is he going to go back in again I think he's fine I think he's trying to be clever I don't know who's going to move them over here I'm assuming maybe once that's done then they'll get automatically moved into here perhaps we'll learn so what are you doing then are we now in the second year with the phow I think we are because Croc it says crop growth 2% unless that unless we're still on Year One because it went so bad last year they were like we're just not going to count that so if we're in crop growth in July June July August crop growth and then harvest in September we might be okay uh development bch Mission fertilization okay so there's things we can do to improve that once we get development point so we'll have to wait for that is this getting done it will get done oh here we go I think the tany is going up almost they catch me out every single time they almost get there and then they have a couple of little things things left to do so run off back into town let's see here's the last log that we need and that is going to be done excellent right so let's just take a quick look at this um so we can store so basically we're going to be getting leather from that which is the next step of what we need I would rather somebody moved in here and then I could assign them but I think we're just going to have to go with whoever they are for miles away they're almost here anywhere where's their house I mean it's in town you know it's not too far is it so yep we'll go with that yeah I um I'm confused we can upgrade to a Tailor's Workshop when we're at level two but to get to level two we need a clothing stool supply enough supply of any of the following materials linen leather oh so it's not actually right okay so this is material for making clothing I think the word in there confus me that's fine cuz now with this we are going to be getting leather which is good makes sense makes sense do we see up here how much leather that we have not that one that's food that's something else that's something else leather 15 hides 15 so we're getting hides so do they count leather no they don't so the hides will the Tannery take HIDs to produce leather yes it will okay so the hides we're getting from here as y okay yep yep yep yep braining gear braining Gear I know what's going on so it won't be long we speed things up that we're going to hit this and be able to upgrade to level two at the cost of some Timber and what you want to do you still want to have some leather level and leather we want leather want level one houses as well or burgages burgages um just to keep things balanced and to keep everybody happy so hopefully we're not too far off that so let's just things run a little bit and see how we do oh there's the three sheep the three sheep are still over here so if we come over here we have a sheep we now have four sheep technically so maybe when this is built let's up that there we go you've dropped in the timber that we needed that they will then move them all over and we will start doing the Sheep farming and then we're going to get wool which then also adds to the clothing store Supply we've got it oh man let's slow down we can upgrade this one to level two let's just read what it says level two burgage plots generate one monies Regional wealth per family per month unlocks new extensions including Artisan workshops and residential requirements will increase so we'll get more things added down here and yeah we must have had a load of hides and things thrown in a market store somewhere can't see them let's have a look they'll be there somewhere they'll be there somewhere so which one was it this one we can upgrade let's upgrade it boink there we go that is under construction does that mean the people have been kicked out or they still living there I think they're still living there which is fine let's do this one as well while we can do it let's do this one as well that one doesn't meet it the okay that one doesn't meet the requirements neither does that one this one does okay we'll do the ones that do to get the money in that one doesn't that one doesn't okay that's fine let's grab those ones I'm just wondering whether yeah now see these ones over here might be difficult because they're going to have more requirements and I don't know whether I'm going to fulfill them all over there whereas the ones in town we can fulfill those requirements so yeah let's see so the Sheep Farm's done and it's had another save let's check out the sheep farm and we don't have a family for in here again absolutely beautiful looking assets I love them I love them so paral space 0 five so it's actually got paral space anyway which is a little bit weird it's also got the door around the back H I'm just wondering whether we're just going to bring that like into there yeah there we go we'll do that excellent new mro companies available Haven got those don't need those at the moment Advanced live stock we I think we just need to get someone in here and then we can see it working look at that a new family's moved in oh hang on a minute hang on a minute if they have a new family over here which I think they might be people resting at home he's unassigned okay so that family could work here because at the minute they live miles away it's fine we'll take you out you got a new job people hopefully you'll have some more people come and live with you there we go excellent and we still have a spare family so let's pop you in here you've got a new job there we go Andre Jacob and alette you're now herders and we're going to see how this works he where you're going to get the sheep from which we do have whether you're then going to go and get the Sheep which I bet if we click on here transporting Jacob what are you transporting you're transporting some stuff okay waiting Alti you're transported some firewood okay Andre you're getting resources is that going to be the sheep that we need are you Hing the Sheep hopefully you are please that walk through other people's house is you are you're carrying a sheep that is like a really weird way I don't it's that linen to me let's see what happens it's not a sheep okay now you're getting more resources maybe we just stocking up your house on firewood and linen another dead sheep I don't think it's another dead sheep I think we'll be fine so what are you actually filling up we go into here General storage you're bringing in Wool okay you're taking the wool out of there which has appeared from somewhere and you're putting it into here her sheep Jacob he's the man look at that here he goes are the Sheep following now he's going home okay Alti is hering sheep you had a change of mind I believe she's not hering sheep I think she's carrying something okay do you know what we will okay we'll watch we'll watch for one more let's just see all the wind's coming you're not hurting the Sheep you're doing other stuff you're being cheeky aren't you let's have a look level two has been upgraded oh that is a fancy looking house isn't it got the like w and DB stuff going on there of a different color this one's going up as well looking good looking good that is a nice upgrade okay let's just take a look at the differences now that we have a level two ah right okay so this is what they require a Tavern Supply two levels of churches at least a wooden church and a Stone Church market supply hasn't changed too much but now we've got three food I think we had two before but we do have three sorts of food now which is good and more clothing which we don't have yet but if we go into here can we change this we now have all sorts of options look at that uh can't do that one we can do a Tailor's Workshop so they that converts all inhabitants to Artisans locking them from being assigned to other jobs oh do we get tools okay so they're going to open up their own little shop production of shoes bows yeah joiners a wooden part Shields and stuff Brewery so what do they do at the moment they're Traders so what we need is an extra person and then we can upgrade this yeah okay next time a family moves in we're going to upgrade these and that'll be really good these sheep still there still there Advance trade maybe the trade doesn't count as finish until we've got four and we've got these waiting in the livestock training post okay y you're waiting and oh no that's their house isn't it okay maybe that's what's going to happen we'll see what happens but you seem to be working anyway and gaining this wall so can't complain we we'll see what happens we'll see what happen we're learning we're learning just about caught that on camera hopefully we've gone up a level and got a point which is very good I was actually just showing my son the game and then it just suddenly happened I've had to Quick get out of the room so I couldn't record it and show everybody so now um says burgage pots level one or higher 15 of 10 level two or higher we've got two or five but now we're at a medium Village which is great so we have got another development point that we can spend and we've got to work out what we're going to spend this on so we can double up our firewood by making a charcoal K we can make basic armor which we don't really need need uh trade route establishing a trade route always cost a maximum 25 so you don't get that increasing cost like we've had before foreign supplies new building firewood cards a permanent Market store which provides a passive income of firewood as long as the region has enough Regional wealth region does not pay the transport fee must be placed on the marketplace okay and the same with food now that is actually really interesting what have we got up here heavy plow I mean we can't even get our farm working so I'm going to leave that for now sheep grades on the pares slowly multiply I think that will be good I think we're going to get food we're going to get stuff for clothing but then we've got the ardry takes about 3 years oh man and a was Hunters to skillfully lay traps in the forest passive income of meat apy workers collect honey every region can sustain up to two Apes by default placing more will not increase the yields oh now that could be interesting oh man the choices the choices the choices I think maybe we're going to go down do I want to do this even though my sheep haven't got into a pasture yet we've got one sheep and I don't think he's multiplying on his own let's get the beekeep in the apries let's go for that yeah and we'll get a new building to make I don't think we get any policies it says z z and we can't click with any of these I don't know what's going on there so we're going to do that excellent 82% oh that is brilliant and let's have a look over here this has been finished I believe Let's uh unpause and keep going um what are we trying to add on to here oh we're still waiting for a new family to move in aren't we all right okay well we'll wait for that to happen and then yeah we're definitely going to upgrade that and the Sheep the Sheep how do we get the Sheep over here we've got one sheep called Gores the Sheep are named okay maybe there's something here that will help us move the Sheep out waiting waiting waiting show workplace yeah that doesn't do anything Advance trade livestock going somewhere so margar oh margarth 's and Gores let's see margarth can we do anything we can't I'm not entirely sure if we pause this are we still going to keep these are they going to go elsewhere yeah I think we're going to have to just wait and see whether they just moving on their own I've just checked with city planner and he said they just moved so yeah we'll wait and see what happens oh oh oh are you some sort of Trader I don't know I can't click on you you look like you're a Trader but you've got no Goods to trade which a very good really is it no um so the next thing we want to get in I mean if we can it says three or four cuz one sheep's over there so maybe we can then trade for another oxen import and just drop that down to one cuz at least we know there's definitely space for that we'll do no trade on this they're still there aren't they yeah yeah yeah so maybe the fact I'll turn off the no trade they'll move I don't know if the game devs are watching maybe a little more information on how that's going to work I'm not sure we'll see what happens we'll see what happens okay so let's take a look at the new building we've got so we've got an apy it does need workers unfortunately every region can sustain up to two aies by default um they're not too big oh a tree fell over there just saw that I love that little attention to detail when a tree is cut down it falls over that's really cool um yeah so where could we put the apries I mean I'm thinking they're a nice looking well I'm hoping they're going to be a nice looking little building I haven't actually seen them yet so I'm thinking of trying to use them for a little bit of decoration um let's continue like this around here and then bring that into there yeah that'll be fine little extra path around there I mean may be over here next to the farm oh it's October September October harvesting PL I don't think we've got this phow 15% yeah I don't know what I'm doing with that I see to set it out like you should be able to and it's not quite done what I want I'm going to put these either side of this road here but I bet when they're made they need a family in them and if they do we'll have to leave them on pause for a while until we get spare families but we'll see what happens we don't have anybody in the forest as H either do we I mean we've got plenty trees at the moment so maybe we'll be okay uh let's just have a look at this and see what it says yeah it really doesn't say anything does it so I think maybe that's going to be the fallow year and it will start again next year that's a shame that is a shame how you doing Galls you're doing okay are you good well our approval is like super high it's gone up even higher which is good all the a been finished so people moving in should happen a lot lot quicker let's have a look at this then oh look at that there we go got some beehives on there look like proper Winnie the Pooh type beehives don't they and what do we do yeah we got to get people working on them which is a bit of a shame because we're short of people so I'm going to keep that paused for now and hopefully we'll remember that's paused and when the other one goes in as well I mean we we're spending logs on it but it doesn't really matter yeah keep this going up keep this going up I want more people more people moving in to our village we've got at the moment 48 people living here which is great we can get up to 50 that would just be fantastic there we go I'm going to pause you actually it says generic storage 105 I'm wondering whether that is just collecting it anyway so let's leave it unpaused it doesn't matter does it it's not going to cause any problems thought I heard a load of noises there winter is approaching what have we got 10 months worth of fuel food for 28 8 months okay I think that's fine I'm just going to check to make sure I haven't got to lots of families working in places where we only need one I'll be back just notice in the sheep farm it says pasture space z or five I'm not sure this pasture is counting towards here so maybe we need to add it on to that actual building for it to count um so maybe let's just go we get four points we can pop them on like that uh is that going to do it 25 and that's on the side now if we look in here 0 five how do we get how do we do it livestock delete yeah gone oh just looking at the livestock Trading Post we've had freeding move in freeding The Oxen uh El sheep come on it's fredin fredin Ox waiting so can we send this Ox over somewhere I'm just having a quick chat with the Publishers of the game hooded horse about the Sheep thing whether they will automatically move over what we need to do but let's jump in here we've got the little place where we tie up our oxen here we go Hitching Post so can we add order another another Ox oh no do we actually it's only got stable space for one we can upgrade it oh well let's do that cuz we've definitely got the planks get that one done and then oh Jacob waiting around for something to happen it's literally going to be built around a minute look at that how about that for efficiency fantastic let's jump out of this view then there we go so now we've got stable space for two can I after placing an order a livestock Merchant will come to town to deliver the animals well I don't need to do that I'm guessing you're a merchant we don't need a horse Advanced connect livestock Jacob so how do I move my new my new cow over here to over there that is the question oh and it's suddenly winter um okay so speaking to the devs it seems like there might be a few little bugs I mean we are a pre-release version here so I'm sure these sort of things will be sorted out uh for some players their sheep will automatically go to a pastorage and the oxes will automatically go to where they need to go um it doesn't always happen though so we'll have to sort of go with that I have assigned someone here but it doesn't really seem to make any difference oh there's no one assign there but someone has stood there Jacob the ox with jewry um let's assign who's that then I just want to see who that is so that's those people I go back to here and unassign then that's just the person who's leading Jacob okay that is fine we'll leave it like that um so maybe let's come over here here yeah we still got the one sheep in there I've tried connecting the pastd right next to it right next to this I've tried putting the sheep farm right next I've tried all sorts of different things I've tried E I can think of and it's just not going to do it this does have its own pastd space I misread that it's got zero out of five slots in use so I think what we might do is just get rid of that yes and then see where gor's the Sheep ends up going back or ends up coming here we've got a family here let's see what they're doing hering sheep ah son where are they they're over here somewhere so I think they're trying to her the Sheep but not quite not quite doing it we'll see what happens we'll see what happens I'm going to pause that as well so we don't need another family in there so we've got a spare family maybe they'll maybe they'll work it out in the end okay so what is next on the list well if we've got a spare family let's try in this lovely burgage plot level two to upgrade it to one of these things we could do a Tailor's workshop and start getting some clothes it's going to cost us five gold five planks we can do that absolutely no problem at all let's get that going what have we got up here 39 planks we got more planks than we could need we've got over a year of firewood and a few years 12 24 yeah over two years worth of food so that is going really well this is all going really well up here here so have you got in the pantry yeah so what I'm hoping is that extra Ox you can see this one here oh no it's the carts these are the hand carts the ox is like take around the Timbers AR they for building they do other stuff as well so I'm hoping that our extra one that we bought will get used but yeah we'll have to see maybe we'll get a game update oh there we go before the next uh next video the tayor shop has been done so Artisan Workshops can sometimes produce multiple types of Goods to select what good is being produced click the general tab in the building panel okay let's have a look so you click on the tailor shop and it gives us some information so we can upgrade oh that's the same as this one here is it's the same thing general what are we going to make resources needed for crafting linen and dyes we haven't got to those gambesons what the heck is a gamerson okay it's sort of like a padded defense jacket with buttons down the front and it comes down to sort of mid thigh level and then we've got cloaks well this is the only thing we can make cuz we are making Linens I believe we come over here oh are we no I don't think we are of course got hides and leather oh man can we literally not make anything linen yarn dyes we can't ew darn it well okay then fine we won't we won't uh have that I wonder if I could just shut the tailor shop down then I can't so they literally working there but have nothing uh to make pause this building you are going to go somewhere else and live or are you people they're still living there I'm wondering whether we might just need to destroy this building to get them to go live somewhere else temporary H Construction work related task so I suppose they're still not going to be doing the this bit here which they can't do anyway okay well we've learned something there so we need to get the linen stuff going I I'll unpa it it makes no difference at all we haven't got the items so we're back to waiting for families to move in again do you know what I think we need to do what have we got up here we've got a load of Timber let us just put down an absolute ton of these burgage plots um I wanted them all around here didn't I and up and down this main road maybe we'll go here first we go all the way around to there how many would we get in there I actually want them bigger so we get the bits at the back as well and some of these you see the little house with the plus that appears there there that's upgrades to the house itself so it'll fit more people in um let's go with that let's go with that that's going to take 10 timber that's going to be four and we'll see how that goes and hopefully with all all the access to the items that we've got we should be okay um there's no way of now looking at this afterwards and seeing what the how the houses are going to affect it but to be honest it was such a small difference oh we've got two oxes working look go back go back go back we've got who's this slow down slow down let's go have a look let's go have a look Jacob yeah we know about Jacob and fredlin okay automatically being used and that is without anybody being assigned here that is worth remembering okay sheep you still in there oh the sheep have gone one sheep where are the other sheep we've got a sheep rustler Maybe not maybe they're over here other sheep in here the Sheep are moving over here what have we got one sheep is being used excellent GX hurting his sheep that's my kids kicking the ball against the window that was flipping there wasn't it hope that didn't give you a heart attack it nearly blew me off my chair anyway that is really good so that hopefully with all of this work going on we are going to Super Duper get our population up in here and we can start doing some more trading earning more money and growing our village beyond the 48 and we don't want to go up to 50 don't think we're going to do it in this episode so how about if you want to see that you subscribe come back here for the next one very very soon thanks for watching have a great day bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 83,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manor lords, manor lords gameplay, manor lords gameplay ep 1, manor lords soundtrack, city builder games, city builders 2024, biffa2001, biffaplays, city builder, biffa plays indie games, manor lords release date, manor lords 2024, hooded horse, manor lords game, manor lords new gameplay, manor lords lets play, manor lords trading, manor lords trading tips, manor lords artisan
Id: uFLkgRkUa08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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