Manor Lords - Part 1 - The Beginning

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what's guys and welcome to Manor Lords I'm so excited to be playing this game I've had it on my wish list forever and funny enough it's actually the number one most wishlisted game on Steam right now which is kind of crazy so this is a strategy citybuilding game with combat basically we are a Lord that the king sent out to a new land to govern it and there's a lot of prosperity here but also some Peril we've got Waring factions and things like that so basically we're going to have to manage our resources manage our economy our trading take care of our people survive the seasons and the winters and things like that all while also building up an army and being ready to attack and be attacked so it's going to be kind of crazy I'm really excited for this um the game officially comes out on April 26th did get some Early Access here so thank you so much to hooded horse for that I'll link the uh the game down in the description the steam link for it but um yeah this is going to be a lot of fun we haven't played a lot of games like this in the channel so I'm excited to see how it looks um all right so this this is our guy right here that's who I would have chosen we could be like a decorated War General but your boys get to get into it we got the chain millon we're going to lead by example we are I've been thinking about this for a while we are Lord Trevi marting Martin hem our code of arms okay o we have a lot of options here I kind of like this one you've got like four four different things but I think you can only change one of the symbols I think I'm going to go with something pretty basic here what do we want to be known for o I like the the eagle thing there I like whatever that is we've got a fish we could be known for fishing oh that's he's got Fire coming from his nether regions that's great we've got Hogs we've got horses we've got squirrels chasing nuts goats dragons of course dragons would be cool O A bear I like the bear what is that oh my gosh dude absolutely all right we've got many heads you cut one off we're going to come back for you primary color is going to be uh purple for sure purple and gold is the way with the white portrait you can upload your own if you want to make your own custom uh code of arms but we're just going to roll with that so uh there are three setups for this you've got rise to Prosperity this is basically just kind of like city building mode you don't have to worry about fighting you're just worried about providing for your people and and growing the biggest city possible this one restoring the pieace is kind of in the middle so two territories in the north are claimed by the illegitimate Baron whose Castle is located off the map Bandit camps reside in the other unclaimed regions build and expand at your own pace and when ready challenge the baron for the Northern Territory so this one let you kind of like grow and figure things out and then fight and you can also fight Bandits along the way and then on the edge is kind of like hard mode grow your city raise forces as quickly as you can you're going to be attacked constantly things like that I don't think we can do that for a first playr so I feel like this one restoring the peace is kind of where we want to be relaxing default or challenging I'm just going to leave it on default I'll be honest I I mean I I read like kind of some tutorial stuff but this there's there's a lot it's deep it's hard so we're we're going to see where we go look at this our first settlements got a new message here Victory condition is dominance build up your town your Manor and when ready press claims towards regions owned by your opponents once a claim has been pressed be ready for battle I'll unite these lands under my rule okay so uh man Lord's families need food and fuel and a roof above their heads to survive basic necessity supplies in the region panel shows you how much you've got left so we have four months of food and currently don't have any fuel consumption got it let me uh let's see what we're working with so we're starting in what does that say im Ruth all right Welcome to our home of IM Ruth so it looks like we've got a couple of territories up here is that Holts Holts V something V Von berente I write to you with disdain and suspicion for I've heard much about you and your crimes I'm not going to come in and start talking trash right off the bat but uh all right so he owns two regions and then these must be unclaimed which are going to be the Outlaws I'll write to them it's a it's a pleasure to meet you we'll see if I'll try to make some friends with The Outlaws off the bat just try to be a friendly neighbor you need a cup of sugar so um yeah this this is our settlement right here this is what we're working with so Food Water Shelter basic necessities I think that's a good place to start uh looks like this is our our homeless tent shelter it's right in the middle of our our territory which I feel like is probably a pretty good place to start I'm going to move this Hitching Post over here to the front of town for now we've got supplies can't move those I'm going to move my Road through town here ooh that's nice I'm going to move my road through town I think we're going to go something like that we can build that beautiful we have a decent amount of space we can continue that I don't know if we're going to go with a grid pattern or what but we'll we'll just have one road through town here and we got to get our our resources first so let's take a look at construction I would think like food and water are the biggest things right the well provides drinking water to the burgage plots and enables firefighting it must be built over underground water that makes sense so I'm going to say I mean that's kind of our main part of town can we do we want to put it right in the main part of town or can we put it kind of off the beaten path a little bit we could even put it down here really we could even put it right here connect it to the road that's going to take one one log so we can start building that that's under construction so this is our Timber our planks our Stone our blocks our tools our wooden or whatever okay so let's restart this and we should see some of the people go and make that Timber requires Ox to be moved villagers will automatically get the ax when they need it so this we're building a well look at our villagers I think we can go down there too the Lord is here Lord trth martingham get to work my people that is what I'm talking about we have the whole the whole homeless Camp just working on one well that should be done here pretty quickly this is pretty man I love that you can see all the the things actually happening like look at the people around the fire looks like they are they done nope they're working on it we've got our ax coming in to be able to build this well he's bringing that piece of Timber which is housed over in our supply thing over there and if we speed this up a little bit we should see them oh wow they actually like build the building okay the well is finished and I'm I'm pretty sure do we need to assign anybody to this I don't think so I think it's it's just straight up now everyone has access to water so that's good we have water we also need food and we need shelter me take a look at what we're looking at here we've got a berry deposit which obviously this is going to be a seasonal thing going to be able to collect berries in the spring and summer we also have wild animals over here iron rich deposit Stone deposit clay deposit okay so berries are going to be our closest thing so if we go into construction if we take a look at Gathering we should be able to make a forager Hut workers gather berries from nearby Berry deposits so I'm going to grab this I'm going to put this out on our main road near the berries so we can start constructing that that's going to take some logs so let's let's go ahead and get people working on that we can make this a very high priority so they're going to be working on that and then we also need um we've got food we've got water we need shelter let's start thinking about uh some sort of housing residential Burger plots provides living space for a single family or two families when expanded and they take two each so some buildings have flexible borders place four points to designate an area it's going to snap you can leave space for extension upgrades first two points marked the front of the house by default so I'm thinking we we probably want maybe something like this I think that might be too close here let's let's go for this move this back I definitely want something that has enough space for the expansion slot and the backyard you can have like you can keep goats chickens have like a little garden things like that so our people are going to be able to be more productive so let's go ahead and make two houses here and we are getting started baby now the thing is is we're going to start running out of wood so we're probably going to want to make some logging camps and things which I feel like this might be a pretty good area for that we've got a lot of forest over here so let's see if we go into Gathering logging Camp Fells trees to produce Timber there's also a wood cutters Lodge which FS trees to produce firewood which is I think it produces fuel I think that's what fuel is here so when we have houses or or other buildings that need warmth and stuff especially during the winter we're going to need firewood so we'll get there eventually a saw pit to make planks a Foresters Hut to plant new trees in specified zones interesting we can also get a hunting camp okay so I'm going to put oh this is big I don't think we want to put it there um hold on let me let me pause this really quick uh building has no assigned families select it and assign a family whenever you'd like to start production so we can assign a family here and that's going to make somebody work on it so the families we've got five of them right now they kind of all work as a unit like it's not a per person job like when you assign a family to the berries now everyone in that family is going to be working on berries some people might go out and pick them some people might be setting up a market stall to be able to sell them some people might be moving them into the the food storage things like that so it kind of uh you know they all work as a unit and they all focus on the same task I'm thinking maybe something out here for our our forestry we could even have it honestly it might be good out here what is this a clay deposit we could set up some forestry out here it's just it's really far away I don't want to get too far away right off the bat we could have it up here maybe a lot of resource stuff is based up here let's let's do that let's just make a decision and go for it so we're going to have two trees uprooted for construction here let's go ahead and place that and then I mean we we could I don't think we need firewood yet I kind of feel like maybe a Foresters Hut next to that we don't have enough Goods we need to get more logs okay so let's go ahead and get this started so we should start to see currently we have 3 months of food we should start to see the food go up I don't know if food does food go to supplies that stores logs there this stores bread fire wood Stone okay so I'm actually going to make this high priority very high priority we want to get that going oh this is a rich dep positive berries I'm assuming that means we can get more I'm going to say let's put two people on that for right now let's really start working on getting some food and then we also have some people working on these so this up here these are unassigned people that will like move supplies build buildings whatever else and then these are assigned people that have jobs we got a new message here I have heard of your Renown I only seek to defend my rights and my honor against those who wrong me I hope you will not Judge Me by the rumors and Slanders that some may spread about me says Holt van B well Holt I've heard some some bad things you have no rightful claim to cellbits and hon I'll let them know off the bat I'm not a pushover you know I'll be friendly but I'm not a pushover baby so all right things are off to a hot start we could probably kind of speed this up a little bit we really ooh family request more market area we're going to have to set up a market area for sure we should actually probably do that right now I did did see that the market is is free provides a space for the assigned families to set up their stalls and distribute their produce to the burgage plots a healthy supply and demand ratio is good whatever whatever there's no construction cost so I don't know how big of a market we need but I'm going to put it across I guess across from the houses maybe wait we want to go across here I think it's a a fair amount of stalls there to me we might have to expand that at some point but all right there's there's our Market we got it o oh this is what it's going to look like if eventually a well supplied Marketplace is the lifeblood of your town assigned families will set up stalls automatically as long as there is enough space in the market hover over specific categories to check your current supply and demand burgage plots uh close to the market get their Market requirements filled first so that's that's perfect so burgage plots are basically houses this is where we're building our first two houses and it's right next to the marketplace so we should it should be kind of like a Town Square F like like have the marketplace in the middle and we'll slowly build out around it here could be kind of interesting so things are going well we're getting 4 months of food that's good we've got our logging Camp about to go up which is exciting I love that you can actually watch them build everything let me get down here with the people hello all my peasants thank you guys for your hard work here look at them men women children doesn't matter they're all out here working now it is interesting cuz obviously in the armies only men can serve so we we want people to start procreating we want to build the biggest strongest army this land has ever seen this game is this is really beautiful oh I'm in the way sorry all right let me let me get out of here go back up to God mode so I'm going to assign two families to getting wood obviously wood is going to be used in pretty much everything that we do I'm going to unassign one family here we still have one on it and it looks like they've already got a Marketplace set up have they set up like a tent or something oh look at this a food stall with no food in it we're eventually we'll have berries there but Okay so we've got food we've got water shelter let's go ahead and bring this back up but we don't have enough wood so we need the wood to work and then we're going to have people to to you know build the houses I'm going to put a third family on wood let's just maximize the wood right now where do we think we should go next we've got Burger plots Wells we could make a Tavern we can't make that yet Church obviously is going to be a big deal a corpse pit okay that's a little bit sad mining I feel like is probably the next step up Grainery a place to store Goods okay protect our our stuff from enemies the elements or anything like that Storehouse is generic storage a pack station is for bartering a Hitching Post provides a stable space we got a a new house going up here so I'll bring this down we've got farming and stuff I'm not going to focus on this till at least year two it's March you plant in the spring we're already in the spring there's no no reason to focus on that bloomery iron into iron slabs iron slabs into tools so all this is after you start with Mining and then you go to that we've got a trading post trade with traveling Merchants we've also got a livestock Trading Post we got Settler's camps we've got a Manor we've got shrines I mean if anything I think Grainery and Storehouse are going to be huge for us we're going to need more places to store our stuff and then I would think really anything in here I think we probably want a wood cutters Lodge we want to start stacking up firewood for future months and for the winter and then a saw pit to make planks cuz that's a resource we're going to need a lot of in the future we could also start hunting that actually wouldn't be a bad idea we need more people though so we need more houses it's tough you got to think about like where you want to expand first and you can't expand too fast does it tell us how this is going we have no let me see where the people are we've got people all over the place we don't have any like info on how quickly we're de branching trees fing trees guiding oxes ooh hold on homeless will move to the plot and if approval is high enough it might attract new families too however families need more than just space to be happy click on the building to check their residential requirements okay so this one needs water access which we have and also a church and I think if we hit all of these we get to upgrade it who construct a backyard extension a vegetable garden requires plowing and harvesting labor yield depend on plot size we can do a chicken coup which provides a massive yield of eggs or a goat shed which provides hides now hides we can probably get out in the wild by hunting I'm going to say I don't know if this is a good idea or not I'm going to say let's do a chicken C look at this dude let's go so we're going to have eggs and I'm assuming eggs are going to be able to put in the market stall which she just Dro dude this is oh no those are berries so she came over from the the Gathering tent and she's dropping berries here and then I think these will be distributed out amongst the people look at this we're already up to 6 months of food our approval rating is is decent 46% it is dropping a little bit we need to worry about about housing I think we should probably put some more houses down before we focus on too much we've got food and water so let's let's build a couple more houses I don't know if it's a good idea to always try to try to do the the backyard but I feel like if we could get more resources and have people with Gardens and chickens and things like that that's got to boost morale right have you know kind of your own thing going on dude this is so beautiful this is insane the fact that we can drop down and walk around our village too is so cool I wonder if we can like if we're in battles can we be back here battling and whatever else we can walk in how you doing chicken can't pet the chicken but uh yeah things are coming together here I'm going to put a vegetable garden on this one we are spending a lot of money I don't know if this is a good good idea or not but you know we'll we'll keep expanding and and figuring things out so we currently we have 12 people how many people can live in each of these I think you can see it's a family of three people so we need four houses so as soon as these these two get built we should be good but then that means that there's probably going to be more people coming in in the future we've got two log storage okay logs are hard to come by I think we probably just want to kind of speed this up a little bit so next next up we're going to be building a firewood resource a wood cutters Lodge and then I also I I think we really need food and Storehouse storage I would say food storage is probably priority number one so let's go ahead and get this set up I'm going to put this maybe next to our well boom we'll put it right there I'm going to make that a uh a very high priority and then I guess our other storage option the storehouse this is just two so I'm going to put this next to this as well so this is kind of like all our our Necessities here you've got water food and materials got some rain coming in see yeah this is the problem this is where we could run into some issues this is all of our food this is our bread and our supplies just sitting out here in the rain does anybody want to eat soggy bread I know I don't we may be a little bit too little too late but it's it's all right exposed Goods Goods stored here are vulnerable to weather damage and need to be moved to a store house oh no they're getting soaked Pantry need to be moved to a Grainery homelessness yeah of course and people aren't excited about being homeless in the rain either so we need to uh we need to be smarter about this all of our our wood and lumber and and food and everything is just getting destroyed right now The Grainery is done so I'm going to put one family on this that means we have nobody for any more construction so I'm going to take one off of our logging Camp which is going to give us one extra unassigned person to work on this so yeah homelessness is is really the big thing ooh Storehouse has been completed Okay so we we've got somebody working in The Grainery I think we could potentially have somebody working in the storehouse we don't have a lot of hands to go around though I think I'm going to I'm going to leave our our wood and stuff out for now I don't know if you really need to protect Wood Construction finished of one of our burgage plots is done all right we don't have any M we've got 10 Regional wealth I don't think we're going to be able to afford anything to expand for now but we can at least get a fourth one here I really want to tackle the homelessness and um yeah things are going pretty well I feel like it's already April so summer months are going to be upon us I kind of feel like if we can add some more people we want to add some more families which it looks like one of our families expanded we've got 13 people now uh I definitely want to add a hunting ground add kind of another form of food for us but uh the biggest thing right now is just getting people and getting houses which it looks like we may have just finished our our homeless problem well now we have 13 people so we actually need one more don't we I think this is going to be something that we continue to see kind of not an issue with but just a uh a focus that we're going to need so let's build another couple of plots here if we have more homes and people that's never going to be a bad thing so we've got our our Square here I'm thinking eventually we'll kind of DeForest this a little bit and we'll just kind of have a big circle of homes that continuously grows out we do have a lot of Timber right now so we probably could I'm going to take one family off that let's put a person on the storehouse so I'm assuming they're going to be moving these supplies into the storehouse cuz that could open up another plot to build another house let's see yeah they're moving this oh we've got little Hand cards here okay I see you guys wow let the Lord needs to come down right now let me see this with my own two eyes look at how hard our beautiful people are working moving our supplies in under the covered storage facility so we don't lose anything to our uh inclement weather and then it looks like this is our food Hut can we go up that we can't go up that but uh all right dude this this is starting to come together we got a little row of houses out there we got a little market happening the markets didn't merge by the way so I deleted the one we're back to a little field out here I think uh eventually we'll make a bigger Market but for right now we're probably okay but uh things are are looking good so let's get these built honestly as soon as these supplies are all moved we can put somebody else on building we can increase the speed at which this is happening and then we can get some more people in here really I want to get rid of these homeless tents here so after all homeless find accommodation the tents will disappear automatically which is kind of cool so we got another house going up here and things are looking good So eventually I think we're going to want to get into Mining and then also the feel like in is IT industry Smithy clay furnace M house t yeah like Tannery when we get hunting going we can get hides we can turn hides into leather and then we're going to be able to turn that into other stuff obviously that's kind of level two and then we can get some of our trading warehouses and things where we can start trading with other people start getting more money and uh just kind of see how that goes this by the way taking a look at our our plot can we see where is this stuff going like the crops and stuff do we have does it show in here we've got bread and berries we probably haven't had a a harvest yet oh they go here so we've got berries we've got bread we've got eggs in the marketplace and we're going to be able to add vegetables to that eventually as well which is is great okay so things things are starting to come together we have a little village here I do believe all the supplies have been moved so I'm going to take somebody oh shoot they had the marketplace what does the what does that Marketplace do it's a firewood stall I don't think we I mean we're going to need that eventually but I don't think we need that right now we are going to need fuel very very soon so I'm going to take somebody off of this they're going to be unassigned so we're going to have them working on the houses we need more people and we need we need firewood for sure so we've got our login Camp here I'm going to set up the wood cutters Lodge oh we got a new message uh-oh a strong militia is Paramount to the survival of any settlement luckily a shipment of weapons has just arrived and you'll now be able to create your first militia Banners To Serve and Protect your people however we'll need more weapons to equip all the people as a settlement crows either by making them or importing them from other lands interesting do we level up or something I think we level we leveled up IM and Ruth leveled up we're we're a small village now officially we've got a a development point we can spend we've got policies we can enact wild animals on Rich deposits breed twice as fast the cost of 50% reduced yields from crops oh interesting citizens skip every fifth meal reduces food consumption decreases approval strict fasting that's kind of rough got a production tab there okay so we we probably want to SK spend one of these skill points Orchard produces apples apple harvest happens around September every year until the trees are fully grown which takes around 3 years the Orchard's only produ in a fraction of the yield you can get sheep breeding you can get a heavy plow enables oxin at The Farmhouse we aren't farming yet we're going to wait on that firewood cart permanent Market stall which provides a passive income of firewood as long as the region has enough Regional wealth so we're going to trade with people going by establishes a new trade route basic armor making enables blacksmith to craft helmets we don't need that yet charcoal kills converts firewood into two charcoal making refueling twice as efficient that's pretty good honestly I feel like trapping doubles capacity of berry deposits beekeeping workers collect honey every region can sustain up to two AP areas by default placing more will not increase the yields you can make wax advanc skinning shoot do we want to be able to get more food and trapping do we want to be more efficient with charcoal burning that actually sounds pretty good but I I think it's year one I don't think we need that yet food and firewood I want to go collect those on our own Berry deposits we already have a rich deposit next to us so I don't think they need I think Rich deposits are unlimited so we don't need to double that I think probably trap trapping or charcoal burning I'm going to go trapping development branch has been unlocked and then we're going to be able to get double skinning we're going to be able to get hides from traps beautiful so we want to set up our our hide thing as soon as possible we've got animals out here so like this you see the crown it's a a rich deposit I think it's unlimited you can't keep up with that basically obviously as we go into winter it's not going to be growing but it's it's really good really strong this is just a normal animal thing and if you over hunt you'll kill off all the animals so if we have Perks that give us more from smaller amounts that's probably a good thing but um let's uh let's make this would Cutters Lodge should probably start leaving at least enough space for a road in between things so I'm going to put that there so we're going to be able to make that I'm going to put that a a very high priority cuz we only have two months of fuel currently available then we're definitely going to want to add a hunter setup because we just unlocked that perk as soon as we have another family available so let's let's go ahead and Skip ahead a little bit here let's see if we can get that thing built it's making me a little nervous the whole not having any fuel so looks like they're working on this we've got the ox over here we need to get a second ax so we can have multiple building projects going at the same time wood cutters Lodge is going up here we've got more rain coming in but now we're prepared all of our food and supplies and everything are all indoors so we're not worried about that Ox went back to the yeah we need so when the ox is working on building it's not working on the logging camp and vice versa so we okay this this is done let me slow this down what we're going to do is we're going to assign a family to this this we need a new ax I think that would be this a stable space for a Hitching Post let me grab this don't we already have a Hitching Post is that what this is do we even need this we need more wealth to be able to buy an ax we can order another ax for 20 wealth shoot okay well that's not good we slowed ourselves down a little bit there cuz we built all the the backyard things but those should help us out eventually it's all going to come full circle I'm going to make a hunting camp workers hunt for wild animals and produce meat and hides and I'm think we'll probably put this along this road right here give them a short walk back into the uh into the forest we're going to make this a high priority and then we'll add another family to that when we have it but right now we've got the wood cutters Lodge which they're working on it we can see he's already back there weing on saw that wood and eventually we're going to want to add the other thing the uh the Foresters Hut to plant new trees so things we just need more people we need to build more houses and we need more people but the good news is we have no homelessness and our approval rating is going up I'm just wondering if we're getting a little too spread out houses here I guess that's not bad I'm trying to think like big big Market Square here houses all around it we're going to have to get people out into these deposits and stuff eventually and start working our way into other territories but don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves really right now my number one thing we need to make sure we have enough fuel and enough food for the winter time it's only May so we've got time oh shoot fuel consumption in the winter is double we definitely so we we need at least like four or 5 months of fuel and and food going into a winter they just wrapped up construction on the hunting camp let's take a look at what we've got going on here oh is this a Trader we've got people from other lands coming along these walkways but yeah this is our hunting camp all right be able to get some hides and things eventually we're going to want a Tannery to be able to turn that into leather but looking good so far we've got 15 people so our our families are growing but we're not getting new families I want to attract new families so we have we have six houses one of these houses must be empty yeah we've got an empty burgage plot right here but nobody nobody wants to move in I think eventually our goal so if we want to level up again we want to get two burgage plots that are level two or higher our goal is to get a church a fuel stall Supply and clothing Supply it's going to take for a church we need five wood 20 planks 10 Stone fulfills a level of faith for the burgage plots provide hollowed ground for ear of the Dead villagers workers become grave diggers I mean nobody's building right now so I'm going to sign a family to the hunting ground we can start getting some food here now I think we probably want to hunting limit is 10 yeah so when a population of a herd drops to this number workers will stop hunting we don't want to over hunt we don't want them to move we want the animals to stay here nice and close to our base constant supply of food don't overdo what we're doing so nothing to build right now just kind of settling in and and hoping other people want to come join us at some point I'm going to go ahead and build a road in through here like so and then I think the next step if we need those planks we should probably build something that works with the planks we've got the saw pit we could put the saw pit right here next to everything else looks good to me we can make that a uh a high priority we've got a family that can come build that and then we're going to be able to take the wood that we get from the logging Camp move it right over to the saw pit turn it into planks and then we can bring the planks back here and eventually we'll be able to build a church which maybe we have the church kind of like I feel like the big church WIll attract people so we put the church right in this Crossroads here and everyone's going to want to come see what's going on with this Village maybe start to build another road coming back this way a bit the roads are free so I'm just kind of trying to trying to figure out our our square that we've got going on here I don't know how big we need to make this Marketplace I feel like it should we've got two stalls there that might be big enough I don't know can we go see other people's towns so he owns this land but he doesn't have anybody on it I want to see if there's any Bandit camps or anything out here hunting grounds oh we've got a rich deposit of wild animals over here at nuso and then we've also got a rich deposit of iron over here and stone this might be our our play going forward clay deposits spare deposits wild animals ooh an outlaw Camp they chose a good spot oh there's a lot of them and they are ready dude they are ready for war they've got all their little so oh they're practicing okay yeah we're we're not going to take that right now but eventually how's our hunting camp going we've got somebody in here out in the woods hunting for what are we hunting for dude I love that you can actually see the people doing all their little jobs what's our plan here buddy I feel like you're off really far away on your lonesome bro is just going off into the wilderness on his own I'm a little bit worried if people die like it it it becomes an issue like that messes up your entire Dynamic you're going to have to find new families you're going to have to do all kinds of stuff we're looking good performance-wise we got to get the the previous period of homelessness off but we're at 52% I'm surprised we aren't having somebody move in to this empty house over here this was one of the second ones that we built too we need a new family in this guy but it does look like our uh our food and fuel are going up we've got almost a Year's worth of food right now obviously as we add more people that's going to go down we've got four months of fuel so that's fantastic I mean I feel like we're in a really really good spot here so we're going to work on uh on building this is this thing done we could assign a family to it we're not building anything else so we're going to work on making some planks and then to be able to build that church I feel like is probably the next big thing we just need 20 planks if we can get 20 planks we're good to go so let's let's just speed things up a little bit we could put a nice Church in maybe next to the market have kind of like a big Central Square and we'll see what happens I really want to see another family come up here uh-oh what is this excess goods need to be moved to a storehouse otherwise workers may stop production the overflowing storage is vulnerable to weather damage that's at the logging Camp okay uh so I'm going to take somebody off of that and we're going to put somebody on the storehouse so you have storage in these locations but then you also have you know your full-on storehouses that you want to move stuff to and this should over time start to go down a new family started moving in there it is baby all right so we've got somebody else that we can apply to this once the log storage is starting to drop let me see how big the church is oh it's huge I mean that kind of fits pretty perfectly I'm not going to lie I'm down let's place it all right we're going to put this on a very high priority as well breaking ground on our future home of faith and and hope and prayer and love and hopefully it brings some uh prosperity to us brings us some new people spreads the the truth and I don't know makes us a more official town so with that we will be able to upgrade to level two right oh we need a clothing stall Supply and then we also need the church but the church should really oh wow we're really moving here dude this is so cool this might be my favorite part the fact that we could just sit here and watch them make this but yeah now that we're hunting animals we're going to have hides and stuff right do we have hides in our let me check this we've got four hides so we're going to want to make the the little the Tannery might as well put this down can't put it here we could put it over here we could put it kind of across I don't mind having it right there okay beautiful just want to keep everything nice I mean really we could save some time if we had like certain families attached to certain things like this family should be on whatever is closest to them but no matter what this family is going to be kind of screwed but as we build houses around here like the houses over here should be working on these and then these houses should be like tending to the fields or the clay deposits or whatever else over here so you reduce the travel time obviously travel time is is kind of a killer here so we got time sped up here let's see as this church is built looks like we're bringing a lot of logs and things over just lots of activity around the village I I do feel like we have people walking a long way I wish our forest and everything was a little bit closer but I don't think it's terrible it's just something to keep in mind look at them go dude this is amazing they have all the little logs up on the saw horses just carving ax and Away looks like this might be our maybe an entry the the Steeples up there is this going to be an entry we might take those pieces off you can see where they've like painted and this is cool this is really really cool oh my gosh they are moving so quickly okay so let's uh oh well the church is done she is finalized absolutely love it so this is this is our Crown Jewel we're going to have this right in the middle of town I say let's build some some houses around it so what we're going to do we're going to go into roads I want to remove this one we placed before let's let's get this perfect so can we I'm going to see if we can sneak a road up like this along the side of the church we can build that I love that roads don't actually cost anything and then I say we bring one all the way across here and go like this and it looks like we might be able to expand our Market a little bit so I'm going to put one there can we I don't really know how it works can we straight up just say like more Market space here to here to here to here we can add more slots sure looks good to me so we've got a full market we've got a church and now we could put houses kind of along here it's going to put them closer to the the work over here so I would say probably here we we can continue this road let's continue the road first we're going to work in in kind of a grid pattern we can build those two more houses coming in I don't know do we want the backyards or do we not it takes up a lot of space you could make more houses smaller if you want to but I feel like having the extra resources isn't bad maybe you know what hold on I'm going to delete these let's let's try it these are like the nice houses on the outside of town have a lot of extra space we can't even do a lot of the extra backyard space right now because there's just not enough money to go around so what I'm going to do instead is we're going to make these smaller and we're just going to build more of them so if we go a 2X two here we could even make it smaller dude I want it to all be even and and blocked out so we're going to go to like here nice and even we can build those and then we could put another road in and this is just like the the the subdivision area baby we'll have this all the way along there just like that and then we could build some more h i I don't see why we wouldn't just have as many burgage plots as possible so we're going to build a couple more here want to have it look nice couple more plots look at that so we can build up to four more houses obviously going to need a lot of wood so we probably want to get this logging Camp back going again but I think for right now that's that's a good place to stop we also do we have to we have to assign somebody to the church you can assign a family you can change [Music] the I kind of like that one um we could assign people to the church for right now I don't think we need like Graves or anything like that we probably should have left some spaces for it or maybe the the graveyard goes in here I don't know but all I know is that we do have a church baby this this is insane this game is absolutely ridiculous let's keep working people we're going to build it the dynasty here baby oh my gosh all right so hope you guys enjoyed I think that's a good spot to stop this first episode the family is growing we're getting it done hope you guys enjoyed and uh I'll see you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 414,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manor Lords, gameplay, game play, survival, building, strategy, city building, manor lords gameplay, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, medieval, medieval survival, manor lords walkthrough, city builder, manor lords guide, manor lords demo, manor lords game, manor lords news, manor lords new gameplay, manor lords city builder, manor lords 2024, manor lords release, manor lords update, new manor lords gameplay, manor lords part 1, city builder games
Id: jcfjX1An2kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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