Enshrouded - 2 Secrets Of The Deadly Shroud

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[Music] hello guys this is xox and I'm back with another little secrets video now to follow up on the video I did about the three secret chest locations or tomb locations I actually accidentally found something else now I just wanted to be honest and not make this a clickbait video you're not going to see any special riches maybe except for one which is not so special but yet it's still there so let's get straight into it and make this a short one we are going to go to Kindle WS which is right here and then I'll show you what the POI we are aiming for is uh I was actually trying to scout the map for f locations uh of tombs and uh anything else hidden like treasure like and looking for structures that were not not so organic but more more straight lines and I came across an area over here and now while we're gliding I can just point it out I was looking at these two because they look very squarish so I thought okay I'll go there and have a look and accidentally fell down this hole and I landed on top of a roof of a building um but let's save that for just a moment I'll show you we're going to go past to the right of this big castle which is just a placeholder of course and then we have something here hidden in the depths and shroud and it's not just in the Shroud it's actually down in a deadly shroud but it'll become obvious in a moment so we're going to drop down on this ledge because this is where I thought oh no but there was nothing here so I thought okay maybe it's under me so we're going to drop down here and oh then we come to this ledge and I was like Wow almost fell down this coal then decide okay let's see what happens down here and then I sped this and initially just landed on here in the roof and I have to tell you now that if it's not obvious I'm in my cheat account with the wi mod installed because I found out as soon as I got here it comes steadly and I tried to run around as fast as I could to see if anything was you know like doors and stuff like that but I found nothing before I died so let's just show you here let but basically nothing here but we can drop down a little bit you see it's actually quite a big structure but it get gets even bigger another ledge and what I think this is because why is this here well it must be for the next update or one of the coming updates um because why is there still deadly stoud even though I'm max level and all that so this is probably a placeholder for something to uh discover once we get high levels drop down even further look how big this is it's crazy big I think it might even be one of the highest or biggest buildings in the game and then I decid okay let's see what what's in here well these are basically just Windows there are no interesting locations here it's actually just one big placeholder unfortunately but they did do a lot of work on it so it has to be worth something eventually right another room here which is empty of course lot of space around here again look how big it is it's crazy um another empty room the window go out here just keeps going for a little bit at least and that's pretty much the same thing all the way got little bit more here just to give you an idea we fell down here and we are all the way over here now so it's really big um of course I can't tell you what's going to be here maybe it's another bus of sorts it would be an ideal place for a guy like that to live maybe um just want to go around here and see if we can get back to the other side or if we're going to encounter NOP there it is so see now we're back at the start and uh yeah that's the first point of Interest so now you've seen that pretty much just a placeholder now I'm going to spare you for a little bit of cheat here because I don't want to walk to a place where I can past travel unless I can here of course Noe so I'm going to log out and then when you see me again I'll will already be on my way to the next point so we're back again and this time we are going to go to another fast traveling Point uh that is the closest I can use for that oh yeah it's this this place here and I was thinking like why is there still deadly here but and also you can see there's clear signs of a structure here so let's go to low Meadows and this is you know Su at rest so it's right below that and I guess some of you might have already have found it because you actually go through cave from Su rest and down to an area that is then of course deadly so no one has really been there unless they have the cheat mod we're going to place a uh Waypoint here then we're going to get up high here and jump out and see if we can land there because the area is is surrounded by a deadly shoud ground or lava which I can't walk on unless I jump like crazy uh then I can survive for quite a bit um but hopefully we just fly there which is easier there s rest up on the top left we're going to keep our safe here and if you try to do this and you land in a deadly stoud you know just start jumping like crazy helps if you have double jump uh let's see if we can oh we made it across oh here it is it's quite large large buildings and um I have D enemies on so I'm not going to pull them basically see this is like almost like a a Harbor Castle or something a lot of little levels and places you can already now even though it's deadly you can steal Stu stuff I'll pick up stuff it's more or less just the same as we already know what it is uh so nothing exciting there um but if you have a look at the place you can see it extends all the way out to the edge of the map uh so we're just going to have a look here and see what else is around some basements here with the crates of course got some boats lying around again don't go down to this and if you do jump like crazy if you have the wi mod um let's go up here again sort of just Keys H keys with a few chest in there and then we have this Center building which is a quite high tower now I did climb this Tower because oh Jesus I hate when does that because I thought okay there might be something in the tower but there's actually no way to get up there so I started pickaxing my way through and eventually got quite high up but it's it's empty so no reason to go up there this room is however is not empty we have a brute just slash him down and now let's see the amazing loot that I promised you wow so he is definitely a placeholder the first time I came here he had a legendary level one wand so yeah nothing exciting but at least I was honest about that um so yeah I guess this is going to be another point of interest for exploration once we get more levels to play around with uh because he's obviously a boss so yeah you have to fight your way through all this uh and get to him eventually but yeah for now you can just basically explore it um and get an idea what's going to happen here so yeah I'm going to try and keep finding places like this because I think there might be a few more uh maybe not in deadly Stout but at least somewhere hidden some semi hiddens uh but yeah I hope you found this funny or interesting or yeah got something out of it um but yeah for now that was just my short video and uh if you haven't seen the chest video already with the three security locations go and check that out and until the next video I just want to say thanks and see you around in the next one bye
Channel: xO_oxDK
Views: 17,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, Open world, workbenches, rpg, glider, grappling hook, caster, fighter, beastmaster, athlete, tank, basebuilding, castles, crafting, survival, roleplay, dungeons n dragons, DND, exploration, gameedged, camping, gaming, streaming, xo_oxdk, xooxdk, gold chest, legendary farming, enshrouded secret chests, radiant paladin set, deadly shroud, secrets, jannik i spil, toucanass, game edged, gamedged, red beard, Enshrouded best solo build
Id: eegJZZR7gC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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