Breaking Down Enshrouded's Official Update Roadmap

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hello guys and welcome today after a week of building for ineds build competition we have been given a sneak peek as to the planned updates and new features coming for in shrouded in 2024 with the early access road map thankfully we do have a road map here and we're able to zoom in on it and have a closer look at all of the images and everything that they've mentioned so we're going to offer our critique and our thoughts on this and what might be coming in the future so the first thing that I wanted to draw our attention to is the hollow Halls dungeons this particular dungeon is I believe the exact same one that we saw in a recent news post from ke which you can see here and we can also see from this the different materials that are being used there's this lovely stone work with this red trim we also have this green luminesence which is nice addition perhaps that's glass I do believe that this though the the first rendition maybe a selection of dungeons that we can visit do with our friends that they do plan to make them instant dungeons later on which means that they will be different from the outer world so we can have a different experience every time that we enter them and make a nice change given that the map is static there's the the potential for this to be procedurally generated maybe or maybe we just have different enemies they're also going to be officially supporting the steam deck which is fantastic for those who hav't and as can be expected with an early access game we are going to receive some more performance improvements and smoother High FPS gameplay we also have location improvements I'm not quite sure what this means perhaps they're they're going to do another pass on the locations that we have in game and improve on them but personally I think they've done an excellent job so far the next item shown off is the improved loot UI I don't think this is a necessity at this stage in the game I think it works fine as is but it's always nice to see them focusing on the general feel of the game improving that for everyone we then have the workshops craft from Magic chests this is something that will be really useful when it comes to automating your Settlements a bit more but another thing that I'd love for them to add in addition to this is building from your magic chests as well if you place your build resources in a magic chest you should be able to build within the the area but lovely to see and it will mean that we can place items into a magic chest and then the workshop link to it we'll hopefully use those resources to produce items better stack splitting another uh nice quality of life addition and then we have multiple MPC instances this is absolutely needed if you're going to be playing on a server or with multiple people each with their own base so having that will mean that anyone can speak to the the NPCs and use them for producing items without having to steal them from your friend's base or head to the the main Hub area next we have the reassign glider shortcut and I think this refers to using a different button other than spamming space bar to activate that sitting on furniture something I think everyone has mentioned there's no point building these beautiful bases if you can't just chill in them at some point we then have the improved postprocessing this is going to improve the look of the game for some and we have down here new building materials I actually believe these are the same materials that we've seen in this image here so we have this kind of block and the red trim and you can see that we've got some kind of trim around these and then also this brick as well there is a green glow but I wonder if that's a new material glowing down on this changing the color either way super excited I love the building mechanics it's possibly the best game when it comes to building in the game and I'm currently working on a video tour for my temple build which was featured in the build competition most recently so if you are interested in that do make sure to subscribe for more we then have Potter plants giving our our outposts our bases our homes a more homely feel we then have round doors and windows this is a very hobbiton esque doorway and it's going to be really cool seeing what people build with it and I'm always down for more buildables game we're also going to receive more trees that we're able to grow in our bases which is nice seeing as we only have access to two of them at the moment giving our bases a bit more variety and I'm definitely down to more farming options though I do still feel that we need some big improvements to farming to reduce the amount of clicking and and work that it takes to farm we then have the replayable world quests this will allow anyone to jump in the game and play the quests even if they've already been done a nice little addition so that anyone joining at any point has the option to play about with them better Quest sorting another quality of life Improvement server gameplay settings I'm really interested to see how they work these settings and what we'll have available to us one thing that I want for the game is difficulty sliders because for me on the whole it does feel very easy and which is why we're working on a Perma death run both on YouTube and twitch at the moment so again do check them out when they come out and other settings I'd love to see are a way to disable the respawning of resources in the world or at the very least like I mentioned before chest items server user right so you can have moderators for your servers if you're running a big server musical instruments I think this is something that will be fun to have in a group but whether it adds anything to the the real gameplay I'm I'm not sure editable signs are the next one and this is probably the biggest request for me at the moment because it is so difficult organizing everything this is going to be so useful we then have the vanity system I'm not quite sure what they mean by this whether it means that we can transmog various items so that they retain the attributes but look different depending on what we personally prefer or if it's a different system alog together we then have towns folk NPCs whether this means that we have new NPCs coming that are going to be usable like the Craftsman I def L suspect that will be the case and we'll go on to that shortly or it might just be some survivors of the the Shroud and we're able to rescue them and bring them to our our towns there are then towns folk pets I wonder if we'll also have the ability to have our own Pet Companion wandering around with us and another big feature is animal farming so with animal farming we're going to be by the looks of it able to breed animals this suggest to me that we are going to receive another Craftsman I don't think this will be necessarily linked with the farmer but instead we'll have uh someone related to husbandry allowing us to tame various animals depending on what crafting items we have available something that I'm very excited for next we have enemy patrols I think this is the safest way to introduce more enemies to the game without it being raids I'm for raids on base specifically if you build a base outside of a flame alter which obviously we can't at the moment but if we could build outside flame Alters the flame Alters would be the safe areas that couldn't be attacked they're defended by the flame and bases outside of that could be raided by enemies but I feel very much in this game we do need reasons to build in different biomes which we don't really have the need to do that the weather system was highly voted on the feedback site I always find it helps add variety to the game but I didn't expect it to be so highly voted it really does come down to though whether it's just going to be a visual thing or something that impacts the way that our our characters interact with world are they going to lose their rested bonus out in the rain for example or will there be negative impacts if we're out in the cold or stuck in a storm nameable map locations this is a huge Edition very much excited for this I feel that we could have more marker options as well at the moment and I'm sure if we have nameable map locations that will be an option as well alongside that namable bases portals to other servers this could be interesting I'm I'm wondering how they're going to implement this could you have a friend server linked to yours so that you can travel to it I think this would just make it easier to go back and forth between the worlds but isn't a necessity because you could just pop out the game and jump back in and then the confirmed first extension to the map is going to be the mountains biome very exciting it's going to be really interesting seeing what they bring to that but I'm sure we will be receiving some new clothing items new materials and new craftables from that multiplayer pings are another quality of life Improvement and the ability to have named tombstones I think just so that you can determine which Tombstone is yours and not your your friends is going to be useful and then we have new enemies and bosses this was a big one but kind of expected anyway it'll be interesting to see if they're just adding new enemies and bosses in the other biomes or whether they're also going to renovate and improve the enemies that we currently have and offer more variety in in the world that we have at the moment I don't know if this is the sickle Scythe or a new enemy actually looking at it it looks like the oh no this looks like the the Banshee but it's not interesting so this is actually a different enemy altogether and it looks like it belongs to the same group as the corrupted skeletons that you can find in the temples and catac very nice and then obviously dixes and polishing on top of that we also have a glimpse of what they plan to bring for major updates later on this year and I'm I'm pretty excited excited again the sharing and visiting of bases seems to be kind of linked to the portals to other servers as well but perhaps it also suggests that we will be able to assign different rights to people visiting our worlds then there's the create and share gameplay experiences this is a really interesting one I'm not sure what this means if you guys have any suggestions do let me know in the comments below my immediate thought was some tool for being able to craft our own levels but that seems a little bit out there but I don't know how else they'd expect us to create and share gameplay experiences next we have world events these this is kind of exciting because it's going to bring variety to a static world map there may be areas where there's a boss such as what you find in Diablo or perhaps different areas of the world may change for specific events which could add a bit more variety to the game either way I'm really interested in seeing what they do with this and I'm very excited for it we also have water confirmed now this one was an interesting feature request by a lot of the community there's a lot of law in the game about why the water has dried up and I think that works for the game but at the same time I think having water in different biomes could be really cool would we be able to sail across them such as in valheim I think could be a great addition and work fantastic in the different areas of the map that we haven't got access to just yet obviously more biomes will be coming as well currently we have what five or six different biomes off the top of my head and this is just onethird of the map that we have access to so far so we can certainly expect a lot more biomes and uh that's really exciting as well because with each biome we do have craftables more build items and that's what really excites me when playing a game like this and we then have instanced dungeons this is going to be really useful I think for making the game more engaging once everyone's run around and explored the whole of the map and I think this could be a way to to fix the loot farming if you're not able to build bases within the instance dungeons then you won't be able to farm the items and presumably in an instanced dungeon that will be where you get the best armor and weapons from now this is all well and good having this but what about when we will start receiving these updates well it's actually mentioned at the bottom of this post update when this month so it looks like we can suddenly expect some of these to come within the next couple of weeks most notably I think the hollow Halls given that we've already received the image the teaser image of the dungeons that is expected if we'll receive anything else I don't know are they going to package these as larger updates or just small elements that they're bringing with various patches either way I'm really excited I just don't want to be let down by this so I am controlling my excitement and I hope they promise less and deliver more either way I'm really excited seeing where this is going but there you go that is everything that has been confirmed in the road map and I hope you found it interesting and I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below but we are going to leave it there so if you did enjoy please do hit the thumbs up and if you want to see more don't forget to subscribe special thanks does go to our solar eclipse patreon fire fless as well as our Lunas the Calamity Ben and star and our blood moon of the day which today is brain slug until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
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Keywords: Breaking Down Enshrouded's Official Update Roadmap, Enshrouded Update news, Enshrouded news, Enshrouded update, Enshrouded roadmap, Enshrouded Roadmap breakdown, Enshrouded official roadmap, Enshrouded Official Update, Enshrouded official News, Enshrouded gameplay, Enshrouded, Enshrouded game, Enshrouded Totalxclipse, Enshrouded gameplay news, Enshrouded game news, Enshrouded Roadmap news, Enshrouded update roadmap, Keen games, Totalxclipse, enshrouded gameplay
Id: ZuJikC5EM-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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