Enshrouded Last Dungeon Made Easy

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okay we're back with some more enshrouded now this time I have been experimenting a little bit with other builds and I do believe that a full melee build could be something I mean I have the full Paladin Set uh coupled up with two rings of endless life that is something now I just basic Shield well a basic level 23 shield and some fancy blunt weapon so we're going to see how this is going to go in the latest Kindle waste dungeon so without any more Dilly here we go I have the key yeah yes I do and open zame I mean you do a lot of damage with blunt and also you heal pretty much instantly with more enemies that you do and that's uh that's quite a lot of damage but I also have a feeling that I might need more potions so we we will see right but let's head onwards and see if we can also get some good loot yeah might as well just go straight this way and then down over here okay here we have something but if we use the two hander just jump and a bigmack jump and a bigmack yeah heal up almost instantly 1,600 damage I mean that is indeed something yeah I mean we're basically Invincible just heal up instantly it definitely works especially against large amount of enemies now one thing that I am going to test in the future maybe even the near future is how low level you can be let's say level one because you can get all of this gear at level one yeah yeah it's this area I mean we don't have to pile them up I mean we can just go straight in and then like a so I mean yeah you can do all the damage you want but I'm going to heal it up is that the last one yeah that's the last one okay and then it's the flying course and then it's the boss should be easy as pie here we go here we go here we go okay here's the boss uh okay let's start off with this one and then just and so far so good can't really see anything but should work yeah and then just fly yeah that's the boss easy as that didn't have to use a single healing potion yeah might as well loot him sure yeah no this is this is definitely the build to take now I am not sure about the double boss that could be more challenging maybe but still as long as you stay away from his sword attack then I think you should be good uh let's see I do believe that it is this way here there is a lot of enemies if we just gather them up a little bit let's say GA up in this corner we take the big two-hander and then we just jump and a shmack and a shmack and another shmack fantastic damage let's see and there was more loot in here if I recall come on come on come on come on there we go just loot this okay I want a legendary but sure that's fine fine totally fine yeah here's the all of these enemies but again just gather them up then jump and a big shmack and everyone's dead and another bigmack and another big shmack now I set another big yep easy peasy not sure how well I will do against the bird that could be something if I no if I picked stun arrows that could probably help a little bit yeah and the bum beetles barely do any damage to me now again I don't have any potions with me really I mean yeah okay I have some that might be enough and also I do heal like crazy I need to be kind of in search for that one button but I have no idea where it could be it is probably in a very obvious place now I have seen a comment that it's not only me who kind of struggles with finding that yes we all see skills didn't even look uh let's see button no hang on this isn't the place for the button the next place place for the button okay yeah let's head over here then whoosh and that's the bird okay let's fly over and under and Under and Over Here we go oh oh look look up okay here now hang on did it go another way over there H looks like there are multiple routes to take that it does okay that could be something I'm running out of stamina okay H oh there we go nice that was a nice flight that it was oh more of that please more of that okay so here's another spot in case we die now I have my doubts that I will be able to do this but we will see worst case scenario we learned something yeah this is the area well let's uh get down to business now I do wonder where did um the clei come from I mean he just spawned in right after I killed this boss so we will see okay but I do believe that I'm going to get busted in by going into the middle so might as well face it head on yeah right yeah come on open up there we go okay there we go yeah I mean so far it is quite easy I mean also if you stay Underneath Him I mean yeah that's one One D I mean we might even have okay he's still making sound why is he still making sound you're supposed to be dead okay and then it's the next one I mean he's just over there right but if we can we pull just him okay let's fire an arrow at that guy I mean if you manage to pull just him that would be something let's say pull him into this place just hug his feet and this point just stand under him and then you won't get shot up in the air yeah that's those two I was still have the sickle side okay he's also making noise eh yeah because after we kill him then yeah there comes the that b say okay okay let's that's something well we might as well pull him into her too I mean if we just pull in him it should be easy enough right I mean might as well do it in an open area yeah highly effective okay where is he yeah blunt damage for skeletons that's insanely easy oh hang on a minute yeah a new Shadow Bane fantastic okay come on give me something fantastic sure good enough but yeah in what 20 minutes that's not bad then again I knew exactly what I was doing exactly where I needed to go and this build is amazing that it is I mean I didn't use a single health potion not a single bandage no nothing yes no not bad not bad at all now we did get a good bow out of it so we can increase the level of that okay so at least the blunt damage and tank spec and also because of this Critical Strike 5% of your health coupled up with uh leech rings I mean that's fantastic blood rage and everything and yeah now hang on what day is it today I mean I'm recording this on Friday this is probably going to be released on Monday because I tried to space out some of my content so that I don't drown people with it I mean by the time that you're seeing this I did have a challenge of looking for a legendary mystical sword that I have dubbed Excalibur now I gave myself one week to find it I mean at least the challenge was that I was not supposed to stream for those days and I would not look anything up and I would not read any comments now the comments one I have kind of ignored because well no one has really spoiled bu it for me it was one who tried to prank me and Damian I appreciate the prank sad that they didn't didn't work uh I jumped a gun and I have [ __ ] up might not be in the game but the thing is I've seen a picture I I think I've seen a picture might have dreamt it who knows I think that I'm going to take a little bit of a Hiatus from twitch at the moment just to see how things work out and I do enjoy making YouTube videos so that's not going to stop I'm going to try to keep up with a daily upload I think this was quite successful but with this build you are invincible and you do quite a lot of damage now I think that this is definitely something that I want to try on a lower level character I wonder if you could do the Kindle waste dungeon Hall on level one that would be interesting that would be really interesting I think I might give that a go not exactly sure when because there's still stuff that I want to do I still have a ton of lore uh uh that I haven't found yet so that is probably still on the agenda yes but I think that I'm going to say like always until next time
Channel: Arajnin
Views: 6,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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