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what is up you guys glitches here and welcome back to the channel today I am bringing you what is my best attempt at creating a viable all melee and physical damaged uh Warrior build uh it was much much more difficult as I'm sure you could imagine um than making a wizard build um there's a lot of things that they're going to need to fix before the full game comes out they're just very underwhelming right now now um but with this build um I think we have something that is still pretty viable in the given circumstances um it does about as much damage and has about as much resistance as you can possibly get and I tried everything trust me um and I'm going to go over a lot of the interesting things that I actually found that I didn't even know um through doing my testing um that I learned along the way so without any further Ado let's jump into it because it's going to take a few minutes um so right out the gate let's go over equipment best ins slot helmet Bar None there is no other explanation for this in my opinion is the soldier helmet this will give us plus 15% melee Critical Strike chance and plus 12% Critical Strike damage both very good and very important perks for melee builds they do have the Paladin helmet gives uh only the Mele Critical Strike chance no Critical Strike damage and a little bit more resistance but I actually learned some very interesting things about how physical resistance and armor work in this game which is what made me come to the conclusion why this is the best and uh since we're on the topic maybe I'll give you guys some little uh tips on what I learned so basically um from my uh testing what I found out was physical resistance and armor are two totally separate uh uh instances in this game and armor is in fact capped the maximum amount of damage mitigation that you can get from your physical resistance and armor is capped um once you get to a certain point so it doesn't matter how much physical resistance or armor or what level your armor is once you hit that cap you're not going to be taking any more or less damage um so given that information you can uh vary your build a little bit more than people would have thought um and I'll go over that in a minute but just a quick example say you had an enemy that did 500 damage to you and you had 300 armor that would just be like a flat reduction where it would red reduce that damage down to say 200 it would just remove that 300 and so on and so forth physical resistance is more of like a multiplier where it does a certain amount of points but that's also up to a cap now say you had an enemy do 500 damage to you but you had a million armor you're still going to take like 150 damage because once you hit a certain cap it's not going to mitigate anymore you're still going to take that same amount of damage and the cap that I came to find out was about 60 to 60 5% is the max basically physical resistance and armor that you can mitigate um in this game right now um so no matter how much armor perks you get when it comes to like some of the alternate chest plates I'll go over in a minute don't necessarily go with the highest physical resistance when you're doing a warrior because it's basically going to be a zero return for your investment um once you hit that cap um so best in slot for Soldier helmet for that reason mainly because of just the perks that you're using they're great for melee build is the soldier helmet moving on to the chest plate the radiant Paladin chest plate in my opinion is best in slot gives you plus 240 health and plus 24 stamina the reason why it's best in slot is because I tested it with the second best in my opinion uh option um that uh is in the game right now which is the warden chest plate little bit less physical resistance but people pick this because it gives you plus 24 bonus physical armor points so you're like hey that's a big jumping armor that's going to reduce more damage the funny thing is it doesn't I equiped the warden chest plate I equiped the Paladin chest plate let the highest damaging enemies in the game sit there and beat on me from 10 20 minutes straight to make sure I got the numbers right and they did the exact same amount of damage regardless of the additional armor and that is because all the other armor that we're using in our set are also High Armor high physical resistance pieces and we've already hit that cap so once you hit that cap the next best thing that you want to invest in is your health and the warden chest plate only gives you 120 whereas the Paladin chest plate gives us 240 so I would always go once you hit that cap with additional health over additional armor because you're not going to be getting any bonuses out of it uh moving on um back to the next piece uh for the gloves best in slot gloves in my opinion for right now and I say that for a reason is the soldier gloves this will give us plus 3% damage against melee foes which in close- rrange combat is pretty much everything with the exception of flyers or magic users um and even some of them are physical um and then plus 12% one-handed melee damage this build as you'll see when we get to the skill tree covers Best of Both Worlds for any given scenario for both one-handed weapons and shield and two-handed weapons primarily you're going to be using your two-handed weapon for everything up to the end game uh uh when it comes to Major enemies and single Target enemies if you're in a big group you still can use your Hammer but if you need life steal and a pinch the specific sord I'm going to go over is really great for that so I wanted to be able to use both if needed but the next perk is 12% to one-handed melee damage and this is broken right now it also gives you 12% for two-handed weapons as well so right now it is best in slot for the fact that it's broken if they fix this ever and change it to where it only works with one-handed weapons and we don't eventually get a specific pair of warrior gloves that are good for two-handed weapons the next best and Slot option for gloves that I would recommend is actually the deer stalker gloves from the hunter uh tree this will give you plus 6% range damage which would be a nice little bonus to our bow that we're going to be using for flying enemies but it also has a flat 12% damage multiplier for any weapon in the game so the reason that in that particular instance that it would be second best compared to the um the other ones is this would give you a 12% uh total bonus whereas the um Soldier gloves because pretty much everything will be melee is going to be 15% damage bonus um for melee weapons so you're getting 2% extra bonus it's going to be a slight increase in damage when you have these equipped but like I said if these get fixed and it's only good for one-handed definitely use um the deer stalker gloves now here's the other thing that was interesting and I've already put a bug report in for this the deer stalker gloves are also broken the 12% damage multiplier is not working right now so not only do they have to fix the the um uh Soldier gloves but in order to have a good secondary replacement is they're also going to have to fix the deer stalker gloves the 12% damage multiplier is not working I went up against all the heaviest hitting enemies in the game and even single Target bosses I went with literally unarmed no gloves waited to get hit or not waited to get hit but did damage and the Damage that I did was exactly the same as if I was unarmed with no gloves and if I had this deer stalker gloves on which means that the damage multiplier is not working properly right now but in theory much with the broken uh stew gloves if they fix that this would be the next best option moving on for the pants these are the best in slot flat out there is no other replacement in my opinion the radiant Paladin trousers this gives us plus two Health regeneration and Plus 90 Health we're already at our armor cap just with these other three p pieces so the more Health that you can get the better and these give you the biggest health and health regen bonus of any other chest or leg piece and then last but not least the interesting one that I think is going to be uh neat for a lot of people that they wouldn't expect is actually the hawk boots now a lot of people would want to put on the radiant Paladin boots because it has eight more physical resistance as well as some health regen but with the life steal that we're going to be doing from perks in our tree um the health regen isn't actually as important as our stamina regen one of the biggest downsides in melee combat is that your big heavy-hitting attacks drain your stamina very fast and if you run out of stamina in the middle of a fight you're pretty much screwed because you're not going to be able to evade and escape and you're not going to be able to get your swings off easily and actually heavy hits from enemies can actually stun you just like you would stun them if you break their block they can break your block during paries when you run out of stamina and then you get stunned so having stamina is big and the hawk boots give you a plus two stamina regeneration and a negative 700 stamina regeneration delay and so I did the tests and the reason why I picked these because I also want to be able to deflect as much damage as possible but back to what I was saying about hitting a cap for your armor because of the other armor we're putting on regardless of whether I had the radiant Paladin boots on or the hawk Boots the highest level enemies in the game were still doing the exact same amount of damage to me so might as well go with something that's going to actually benefit you than something that it's not so in this particular instance we're going to be taking the same amount of damage anyway so why not have infinite stamina basically and that 700 uh Point recharge delay is amazing the second you hit zero of your stamina it is less than a second that your stamina instantly starts refilling back up and the biggest heavy-hitting attack at least with two-handed weapons that you're going to be using is the double jump or single jump rather um downward strike attack that uses up a big chunk of stamina and before without good stamina regeneration if you did that right at your last bit of stamina you would run out and there's going to be a hefty delay before you can swing again with these the Regeneration gets boosted so much that you can actually spam that jump attack over and over and over again and you'll never run out of Base uh stamina to do at least one attack at any given point uh with your melee weapons so very very handy um unu recognized pair of boots that are good for melee uh builds that I don't think a lot of people are using right now um but I did the testing and they're awesome you won't have any stamina issues um when you're using these um at least when it comes to running out completely um so moving on that is the equipment for the Rings uh right now I have a one ring of endless life this gives plus 3% life leech chance it's not very high not the best ring in my opinion um but when you're using your one-handed weapon as you'll see the particular one we're using you do life steal like crazy and with the perks that we're taking you swing faster with one-handed weapons as well so there is a pretty high chance of this proing in the middle of combat especially if you're hitting multiple foes in a tight pack at once and when it does proc it's 100% of the damage that you do so it is a nice little health health boost that you get from that um the other ring that I'm using is the ring of Health that will give plus4 Health regeneration and another 50 base Health on top of your normal Health pool I would in theory like to get a second I unfortunately don't have one right now a second if possible ring of health and test that out I think in theory that it might be better than ring of endless life uh running two rings of Health I just can't remember if this is like specifically tied to a quest or if you could just find this out in the world somewhere if you can and know where you can find this like regularly if it's possible let me know and I would like to do some testing with two of these instead of using the Ring of endless life I think it'll be better in my opinion so that's the one thing you could potentially upgrade um for the shield shield of light has 90 Parry power and 17 block that's the highest Shield uh Parry power and block in the game right now so use it um for ranged weapons best ins slot in my opinion bow that we're going to be using is the ignited bow has 15 damage worth of uh Magic damage per magic damage Parts as well as headseeker recharge and then the big thing is a 6 second draw speed that is the fastest draw speed of any of the bows and because we just want to take the Flyers down as fast as we can having that faster draw speed does come in handy in a pinch in uh the second best and Slot scenario if you don't mind or don't have that particular bow is you can use the wolf's snarl long bow this has a 1 second draw speed so it does take a little bit longer and the perks aren't as good but it does have 35 base power instead of 25 so you're going to be shooting slower but you will hit a little bit harder um so that is another potential good option that you can use but again we're really only going to be using our bow for flying enemies and they don't have much armor as it is so within three to four shots you can usually take out any level 30 or lower enemy anyway um and that is using the ammunition of copper arrows which I would recommend um you do technically have higher base damage on things like the iron arrows and steel arrows or whatever but um in my opinion it's just not worth the farm time that you have to take to get feathers and everything else that bottleneck of having to collect extra materials is really annoying there's plenty of places where you can Farm copper up in bulk very very quickly and that and some Twigs is the only thing required to craft prop your copper arrows so you can stack up on these very very quickly and very efficiently and uh the damage difference that you're going to get between the two different types is negligible especially against flying enemies so uh why waste the time farming when you can just go to one resource so I would recommend going with copper arrows that's U the easiest ones to craft uh moving on to weapons best in slot weapon in my opinion for the two-handed option is going to be the ignited hammer reason being it is 100% blunt so we don't have to worry about splitting our perks in the skill tree but it also has as a legendary 5 plus 14 blunt damage perks and you want flat damage more than any other perk in my opinion um because it'll be a lot more consistent this is the only one that has full on damage and only one damage type so that is best in slot if you don't have this one another more easily found uh weapon that's two-handed that you can use is the deeper axe this is split between cutting and blunt but it does have three options and then an increased uh 40% to critical hit damage we don't critical hit as often with two-handed weapons but when it does those crits will do a ton of damage it's just not going to be as consistent so that's why I put it uh second to the ignited Hammer but still a very good option for our one-handed weapons when we're using our shield and when we're in mid to uh uh early game endgame uh packs of enemies where you can kill them more easily and you maybe even want to do it just for some additional quick life Leach the best and Slot weapon in my opinion is going to be the sword of Radiance because this has five precise perks on it which pretty much gives us a 25% uh additional critical hit chance so you're going to be critting like crazy and that's going to combo with a perk in our tree that's going to heal us for 5% of our health every time that we critical hit so you crit constantly basically every other hit to almost back toback hits sometimes you're going to see will be considered a crit with this sword and your health will regen very very fast um second option that is pretty good but not as good as the sword of range my opinion is the twin Soul mace this is full blunt damage so again we don't to worry about splitting our damage types Ambush isn't bad when you wrap around behind an enemy but it does have one uh blunt damage perk as well as uh extra point in health regeneration and 5% life Leach built in so when you combo that with critical hit uh spell in or ability in the tree you do get decent life Lee from this mace as well um so not a bad uh option there moving on to consumables this is going to be a very big thing with uh physical damage melee builds unlike the wizard where you can stand 30 ft away and just mow everything down with the one click of a button you do have to be a little bit more strategical and you may have to use a potion every now and then in a risky situation and also keep track of your Buffs more frequently so uh consumables and Potions are going to be much more important on the warrior the best in slot in my opinion food items are going to be the open sandwich this will give you plus4 more strength and plus two Constitution that is going to be your grain product we get three uh food slots by the way um your meat slot is going to be meat wrap this will give you one throwaway intelligence but another five Constitution which is going to give you a ton more Health there and then last but not least the third best in slot for your fruit slot that I would take is the fruit bowl that gives you plus six Health regeneration and plus three stamina to recharge um if you're like me um things like the ingredients for potions and some of the meats um I built my base right on the opposite Hill across from the pillars of creation and this entire Plateau has aloe and a big copper mine over uh copper vein over here sugar cane a lot of the materials you use for high-end recipes and things like the greater potions so this is a great spot to build a base in my opinion um so I don't have to go far to get some of the key ones that I need um but uh for the other particular consumables obviously you're always going to want to try and keep as many stacks of the best uh Health regeneration items as you can in this case it's going to be the revitalizing health potion for plus 800 Health instantly um you can Farm These and the cleaned bandages um in the area right by where my legendary uh item Farm location is the sun Temple just um Southwest of that area has three chests that you can farm that have either uh poison or iron arrows uh revitalized max level potions has a lot of um uh shroud meteor and chain lightning spells for wizards and a bunch of other consumables like um the alchemical bases that you would need to make some of them potions so I actually threw down an altar right outside the door of the rightmost temple where the first big chest is and you can do that as a little mini farm for consumables if you don't want to go get all the materials manually ideally however obviously you want to set up a farm it's way more efficient and just go through and pick the individual ingredients that are commonly used in those potions and in those uh food items and just grow them at your farm and get them in bulk um so that is in the end game the best way you're going to want to handle it um but moving on as well um for um uh the healing over time obviously again cleaning bandages be 6% healing per second you can also craft these pretty easily at the um the leather worker there uh then you also want to take flasks of the Fel for uh 20 additional stamina this is good if you in a rare instance die um and uh just need some extra stamina boost and you don't have your rested buff rested buff is also going to be really important um because that will help with stamina regen as well um the other big one um that you're going to want to take is elixir this is the only potion um unlike the scroll that we get as well for magic users that's going to boost our damage that will give us a 30% extra damage multiplier for 30 minutes so always have a couple of these around and then I like to carry uh some whis uh whis I cannot speak right now wisp of light potions as well to uh light up the area in case it gets dark out so these are the go-to options for your best and Slot foods and Potions some Alternatives if you're lower level or don't have good Farm setups is for constitution you have grilled sand Digger meat this will give you plus four constitution on its own and it's much easier much quicker to farm than having to build the entire open sandwich recipe the next below that would be the grilled bird meat that gives you plus three Constitution moving on for strength we have hazelnuts that will give you plus three strength and roasted corn on the cob will give you a plus two strength and then lastly for your health regen strawberries will give you plus three the purple berries will give you plus two a de you'll have the fruit bowl which is a combination of all of them that gives you much more and both and it lasts longer um but that is a lower level option if you need to finally most important thing is the skills this took a very very long time much much harder than a wizard but I think we've covered all of our bases and I think it works pretty well given the circumstances so I'm not going to go over a leveling variation I'm going to just go through the ones you should take by this point if you're looking at an endgame build you should have everything maxed out you should have that 114 total points to spend so here is what you should take in my opinion grab the point in constitution in the tank Tree by the way followed by shiny plates for 10% more armor then heavy plates for an additional 10% mitigation on that armor followed by the point in Constitution and then Tower and Warden Tower will give you 10% less uh physical damage suffered when three or more enemies are around and Warden will give you 15% less magic damage suffered when three or more enemies are around and we want as much resistance as possible um followed by the point in strength strength and Constitution and next Earth Aura this will give us a 10% damage reduction to you and all of your uh fellow party members within 10 meters uh and this is a permanent buff you don't have to kill something to activate it it will just always be there as a flat 10% damage reduction and then lastly thick skin you will gain one extra Constitution which will boost our health further for every two levels of flame this is currently bugged you're only getting a Max of two points even though your alter can get to level six so once that gets fixed I know tons of bug reports have already been put in for that uh once that gets fixed you will actually be at 18 Constitution not 17 um so it will get buffed and be a little bit better moving on in the Warrior tree pick up the Constitution Point as well as the warrior path um followed by the point and strength also pick up Brute all melee blunt damage is increased by an additional 10% um followed by hammer time give you an additional 20 so we're getting 30% additional damage there for uh blunt weapons followed by um the extra 30% with slasher and butcher for 30% additional slashing damage for when we're using our one-handed weapon then you want to take veteran which will give uh a 10% increased critical hit chance on melee weapons followed by Constitution and strength then you want to pick up Swift blades this is going to be good for your one-handed weapon and shield and then lastly the quick point and Constitution next big big perks you're going to want to take is evasion attack um for a cool little ability where when you dodge out of of combat you can quickly jump back in and do a Power Hit to do more damage and then lastly battle heal this is key to our survivability um it's the only perk for health regen that we're going to have in the game um that isn't built into our weapons and what this does is anytime you critically hit with a weapon you regain 5% of your maximum health and we will have 1,500 plus Health with this build so you will be gaining a ton of Health back um especially when you're using your one-handed weapon um to get your health regen moving on in the Barbarian tree you want to pick up strength followed by heavy-handed uh when an enemy stun bar is increased by an uh an enemy stun bar is increased by an additional 20% when attacking into their block this is good for the slow U uh heavy shielded enemies um you can uh stun loock them more easily and break their break their uh blocks pick up strength pick up Constitution followed by Relentless dealing critical damage with two-handed weapons increases your critical chance by another 10% on the next hit so you'll do more critical jamage of two-handed weapons doesn't work with one-handed but we will primarily be using our Hammer so that's good to pick up there I would not waste the three points in breach um the higher level 30 uh enemies you typically don't break blocks their resistances are tooo high and the few that you do you usually kill within two or three hits anyway so it's not worth it you can put those points in better places um next pick up the quick point in Constitution followed by heavy specialization this basically gives you approximately a 12 to 15% uh increase to your swing time on hammers this also does work with axes even though the tool tip only says hammers I did test it out with the deep root Axe and you do get the same speed buff um with that so uh don't be afraid that it's only for one type of weapon U moving on pick up Barbarian this will give you one strength of flame or one strength for every two levels of flame much like with the thick skin so this is also bugged you're only getting a maximum of two but once it's fixed you should be getting three which would bring our strength 27 um then moving on you finally want to pick up blood rage when an enemy is killed within 10 meters with a melee weapon the Damage Done With melee weapons is increased by an additional 20% for 10 seconds this is a key perk because when you go into fights with multiple enemies what I recommend doing is going after the weakest easiest to kill enemy first because then it will Snowball the second you kill that first one that will proc the blood rage and give you an extra 20% damage against all the rest of the um harder to kill enemies um so why waste the time trying to go after the hard one with 20% less damage the entire time um so that is the tactic when you're in fights uh strategy wise to activate that one always go for the weakest enemy first to proc this once it's proed you should be able to chain it until the next one dies and just keep it up moving on in the athlete tree I like to pick up the point and strength followed by jump attack this will be your go-to ability if you're using your two-handed Hammer um because it does big damage uh AOE damage to multiple enemies at the same time and you can actually Dodge certain attacks with it um but to make that more easy you're obviously going to want to pick up double jump as well not to just combo with the jump attack but to also navigate the map more easily and get uh out of Dodge in a risky situation you might have to like jump on a Ledge to get out of melee range in close quarters combat so always take double jump followed by strength and then vigorous deflection this isn't that good you do have to kind of work on learning to Parry more properly if you can get those off uh a successful Parry will give you 30 stamina but we're mainly just taking that to pick up the three points in um the two points of Constitution and the extra strength at the end CU those help out a lot and they're just really really cheap so pick that up just for the end last but not least we want something to make our bow a little bit more efficient for those flyers so pick up the point in dexterity followed by Marksman this will give you 10% additional ranged weapon damage followed by Sharpshooter to make it 30 um next pick up skill shot to make any damage to the head of an enemy with a bow increased by an additional 20% and then lastly multi-shot um for a 20% chance to spawn multiple arrows at once this will be good for AOE damage if you have multiple flyers or if you're up close to an enemy um you can actually hit them with multiple shots at once and kill them faster and then Ranger which gives you plus two endurance dexterity plus five stamina recharge critical chance and critical damage and this does work with your melee as well so don't worry it wasn't all a lot going all the way to the end of the tree this perk will help our melee side of things a little bit as well so good to go to the end there you unfortunately don't get updraft updraft for this build if you wanted to if you're in the medium part of the game and it's you're blowing through things pretty easily and you feel like you don't need all these little onep pointers you could technically probably get rid of one or two abilities here and there and maybe pick that up if you really wanted to um but it's not 100% necessary if you've got your Alters in the right place and you're using the shrines properly you should be able to get to 95% of the areas without any issue just by gliding without the updraft um but it is convenient I know but Warriors are hurting right now we need every point that we can get um so yeah that is pretty much the build I guess the next thing we can do is pop our consumables and go in and demonstrate some combat so let's teleport to my go-to area and see what we can do check in with you in a second all right so real quick one thing I completely forgot about that I wanted to actually show off is our attributes after we pop all of these consumables before we jump into the battle um so let me go ahead and pop those now just to give you an idea of where we sit on stats go to our skill tree here with all food Buffs right now we are sitting at 24 Constitution which should be 25 if the uh thick skin perk was working and 20 strength which should be 21 strength if our um uh blood rage perk or whatever was working on the other tree with the Alters as well we're sitting at 1680 health so a ton of health and 364 uh stamina which is plenty with our rested buff and the hawk boots we have more than enough stamina we have plus 110 melee damage um plus 40% range damage the critical damage and the critical chance you can't really go by in this tree it's not calculating properly it says 67% that's probably closer to 70 75% when we have our whip our weapon out um and then critical chance is way off this says uh base 10% but we get 25 critical hit chance just from the radiant sword as is um so that would be 35 with that sword base just from the weapon we get 15 from our helmet so that would make it 45 so we're probably closer to 50 plus chance of critical hits um with our sword and probably 35 to 40 with our Hammer so I wouldn't really go off these but 110 melee damage almost 1,700 Health if I swapped a couple things around we could probably get even higher um and then 20 strength and 24 Constitution so really really beefy and I think we're making the best use of all of our resistances and all of our armor as possible but without any further Ado let's teleport over and try and see we can survive the onslaught of the go-to testing Arena you will notice that that as a melee user you're going to have to go out about these fights a little bit differently um I will pretty much be guaranteed dead if I just ran in like I would with a Mage and try and mow everything down because uh your weakness um with this build is going to be magic damage and we have no poison resistance so the spray damage from the big chunky guy in the alleyway can one hit you and if you get bombarded by like two or three of those uh dual wielding poison brutes um with the blades um they could be really annoying as well so I'm going to try and kite around and uh take out the ranged um nuisance enemies and maybe get one or two of the dual-handle guys down first at least for this top area and uh be a little bit more cautious about it but it's still doable as you will see so the first wielded guy I can actually it'll be better this way cuz I can show off how to properly Parry against these guys so you want to block that's all right so you can get one swing immediately Parry you get one swing in between come on so you kind of saw it there that was a really bad example I did terrible there might actually just pop this I don't have to worry about it I let him hit me way too many times but um what you want to do ideally with those guys I'm I'm feeling Rusty right now cuz I've been dealing with Mage so long is you get uh once their main like flurry attack goes swing one time with a hammer and then immediately block because their next incoming attack is so fast that you'll just instantly Parry if you block right away if you try and get a second swing in they're going to go right through your attack um that's the biggest downside in my opinion with Warriors right now is we don't have any invulnerability frames or super armor with our heavy attacks um we should be able to swing through uh uh enemy attacks um with Warrior builds in my opinion um your attacks get interrupted way too much and they're already weak as it is so super armor is something they really need to add to this game but we took him out I think we can take um one of the range guys out over here pretty quick and you do a ton of damage like we just twoot that guy there's a couple more over here that we can take out like fting these guys up to to this top floor usually hide out over here also do the jump attack that's really good against group of enemies um switch to our blade and just see how much regen we get with our blade um if you don't have the time to use a bandage or um want to waste a potion um speaking of potions I didn't pop these for stamina and our damage multiplier so we've got that so all of our Buffs are up now got another guy up here let's see how our one hited weap works on this 84 84 84 84 our crit chance is so high with this weapon that you're pretty much regaining Health almost 100 Health with every single swing so it's super nice that was a bad idea we can get one shot by that fight some of these guys around want to take your time with these flurry guys but see on once you know their move set you do have to be a little more cautious and kind of learn your enemies a little bit um with a warrior you don't have the the leeway like you do with a mage to mess around like that one shot Hammer so I mean you can see with our fully maxed out Hammer you do a ton of damage and now we just killed that wolf you do not want to get hit by these poisons that will one shot you this guy is probably your worst nightmare um he always does a double throw of that poison so as soon as he reaches into his pocket you know immediately to just instantly roll out of the way oh he's already dead see so you can kill him pretty quick you just got to make sure you don't get hit by that attack that is those dual bladed like poison blade guys and then those toxic spitting uh brutes are probably for a warrior the worst enemies to face in the game so you want to be a lot more tactical when you're going up against those ones but any of the other guys doesn't matter how big the pack is you're so beefy and you have so much health regen that you can get away with just swinging honestly and just doing bombarding attacks see if we can do a little little Parry little Parry see like the health regen is so high that you can just heal through all the crazy damage that these guys do like we barely lost anything because we were regening so much against those guys let me pull a big mob here use some where is everybody I feel like there should be a lot more come out and play is it let me try and Parry with the again with the hammer there's one one swing block one swing block one swing block one swing block one swing so that's how you do it with a hammer that's the trick to beating these guys you only have time to swing once but once you learn it and you take the time to to learn the tactics of parrying and things like that the the Warriors do become viable there's tricks to beating every enemy you're just not used to learning them because we've been uh spoiled with the uh wizard spells so much but if you take the time to learn the move sets of the enemies and learn the the timings it is possible to make pretty much every fight manageable um and anything other in my opinion than those blade guys and the uh one hitting toxic spitters um anything else you can pretty much demolish with this build um I might cut right now in a second I'm trying to think of another area that might be good to test this out that isn't necessarily those guys um I know one of these shroud areas had um bunch of enemies back for the damage where is he there he is look at that our life Leach just gave us 1,200 Health there's a good demonstration of that Dodge ability there Dodge out of the way want to get some health back just quickly Dodge out another trick if you don't have any consumables left in a in a life or death situation you can actually regen Health on anything that's destructible and it's actually faster than an enemy so just go attack a a block a block or a wall or something like that and you can regenerate your health that way so that's another little Pro tip but yeah super viable as you can see we took out in my opinion the two hardest packs in the game for physical damage um with the warrior build and had no problem surviving so really good uh Warrior build um if I make another one in my opinion it's probably not going to be a full physical damage only one I'll probably make it like a paladin and test out some magic use in between um so that'll be the other only variation but I think with this current setup that we have um this is the best possible combination that you can make the only other thing that I would like to see that I don't have now I may take a point away from multi-shot and one other place is to uh unlock Feast that will increase health by from meat by an additional 15% which will get us above 1,500 close to 1,600 Health um for our character um we're sitting at like I was saying oh no be closer to 1,700 health I haven't seen over 1,700 yet but if we had Feast I'm pretty sure it would be over 1,700 I'm curious as to what it would be but that would be the other perk that I potentially take um but yeah that is the build you guys if you enjoyed it found it informative you think it might be fun to change things up everyone in a while and challenge yourself maybe um because the game's super easy otherwise um then feel free to check it out I will also in the description be adding a link to the image of my skill tree build I for those of you that don't know I made a basically skill tree template in my previous video a tool used for creators and other people in the community that want to to share their builds more easily because right now in the skill tree we can't zoom out so I photoshopped and edited the entire skill tree so you can see it all at once um so I'll attach that in the uh description as well so if you don't want to watch my entire lengthy description you can just look at the build guide and copy the nodes that are activated in there and it'll be a little bit quicker um but yeah that's pretty much it you guys for now um until the next one hope everyone has a great day and we will see you all later
Channel: Glitchiz
Views: 3,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded legendary weapon location, enshrouded best build, enshrouded magic, enshrouded damage build, enshrouded mage, knight build, warrior build, enshrouded guide, enshrouded combat guide, guide, gameplay, weapon, best build, build, Warrior, enshrouded best warrior build, endgame warrior, enshrouded endgame gameplay, enshrouded all spells, Glitchiz, Legendary Hammer weapon, sword build, hammer build, ignited hammer, bow
Id: 8XGyau_u4ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 33sec (2433 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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