Enshrouded - S-Tier Archer Build! The JACK OF ALL TRADES ASSASSIN Combines Archer + Magic + Melee

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hello mod here in today's video I want to show you an exceptionally fun assassin build combining archery fastpaced mil combat and occasional spells into one amazing build a jack of all trades is the best description I can give here no matter what is before us we have the right tool for the job no enemies safe from our blade arrows or orbital strikes that clip through floors this bit is immensely satisfying to play fastpaced relatively powerful and well tankiness is another story first let's have a look at the gameplay your bread and butter combo is you guessed it everything we are going to get a massive arsenal of weapons to unleash on our enemies beat element blades and aess short and long balls depending on the Range or spells when we need some AOE burst damage or healing pure archers are extremely intensive on resources due to the need for arrows you craft 50 but you shoot like 300 in one go those are painful to craft in bark and also used up very quickly however the bow has benefits fastpaced enemies that do not allow you to cast spells or enemies that are too dangerous to approach can be easily Ked and you can use long bows to snipe enemies that are further away as for the melee combat we are using a ward alongside a one-handed weapon gritters are easily cleared with faster strikes which are also easily animation canceled with a blink Dodge action evade strikes further allow for a great Hit and Run play style and we are also utilizing jump attacks for AOE damage and to finish off multiple dangerous foes at once but there is actually more we also have access to a ton of different spells that we can utilize versus enemies toxic flaws light explosions meteors and most importantly Fireballs are your top choices for a lot of enemies this build just offers a lot of diversity now you might ask yourself how is this sustainable where do you get the Mana are chugging Mana potions constantly well no because there is a simple ring that enables this type of place time at a cost of 20% Mana we get incredible Mana regeneration this allows us to cast spells frequently lastly a disclaimer this build is not very tanky and quite Rees heavy next let's look at the attributes for this build and how to progress the character we going for dexterity early in the game to ensure B are hitting for as much as possible both are incredibly op in the early levels and just fall off a little bit in the end game next up is Constitution to increase our health pool followed up by intelligence to enable our passive healing healing AA is just too convenient to not includeed in the build we are also using intelligence for spell damage so it's a win-win next up is strength to improve our capabilities in melee combat and to flash out the build we will follow up with additional Pawns in constitution in between this will result in a 10 10 to 10 to 10 split we can further boost this through buff food depending on our preferences as a note you have 114 points at your disposal to distribute in a scale three next up let's have a look at our weapons starting with the bow for the bow you will notice this bow has only 25 power but the draw speed is much faster than the bows you will find in the early game it is important that you have a bow with a fast drawing speed in the end game because enemy are really really fast otherwise you would never get an attack off however you will also find Long bows in the end game which have a longer draw speed have a stamina cost attached to them but deal a ton more damage those are used for sniping or when you know you are going to engage a long range enemy and want to take them out with a few shots this conserves your ammunition for the sh bow look for something with as much added physical damage in form of piercing damage as possible you will also be able to find fire damage or shroud damage very often avoid bows like this one they have a ton of back step damage which is basically useless for us next up we going to look at two Elemental melee weapons one with ice damage and one with fire damage both can be found in golden chests in the end game I have two farming guides up both of which will be able to drop those weapons in the chests we do not want a regular cutting weapon elemental weapons out damage those next up our range weapon which is going to be a shroud Weaver the Shrout Weaver is the best staff in the game of course we're going to pick this one I also have a guide up where to find this one now as for the Shroud Weaver we equi this one in our ranged weapon slot this has to do with the fact that you can just use a weapon that is in your quick bar without having it equipped when you switch to a m weapon however and want to cast something you can do this by using the staff so you don't have to have this one on the barn it is also much easier to just press the button scroll through the spells for this one we are only going to use a poison arrow and an iron Arrow we can craft different arrows I will go over those right in a minute you can easily craft those arrows at the hunter they cost a lot of resources it is really really tough to sustain those I wouldn't be surprised if they buff this one eventually to 250 or even 500 per craft because you need like 300 to clear Camp which brings me to the special arrows you will see they cost a ton of resources like black powder for 25 I know the exploding arrows are amazing they they are amazing but five black powder for 25s that's insane I will exclude showcasing and recommending those arrows in this build guide because they're just unobtainable basically also the exploding arrow is something you unlock at the very end of the game basically you play through the whole game never seeing an exploding arrow despite it having been shown in the trailers so keep that in mind you are going to shoot regular arrows not exploding arrows to substitute this one we are going to just throw Fireballs instead as for the other arrows the stun Arrow can be good but it also takes quite a lot of resources for 25 the Shroud Arrow can be amazing but I also found this one to be lacking especially since you're only crafting 25 P craft so you need a ton of Twix and Twix you need to farm in the wolf Dan so if you find a Wolf Den like for example here at this location so here's the first Spire right here at this location there is a wolf T you will see a ton of Twix in the wolf T you can use your pickaxe to mine those Twix and acquire a ton of Twix like this this is the best way to find Twix by the way after the whole arrows you also want to use a few grenades for on Critters early on there are explosive Critters so they run at you they are suicide bombers so you want to have explosives near you to throw at them if you hit them otherwise with a bow and arrow or a cast or a fireball they explode deal a ton of damage but they should never reach you so try to stay back for the W we're going to use the Ethereal plane the block you see here here influences the stamina cost so this one has less stamina cost than this one this one also has a little bit more par power however this one also features shroud resistance and shroud resistance is actually quite good because there is a few enemies that deal a ton of shroud damage and looks pretty cool to just summon a shield it fits the character so I'm going to use the fury plane the ghost glider is the best glider in the game you can acquire this one at the temple at the bottom right corner so climb up the sun Temple there is a chest here here you can loot the glider next a quick look at the Rings because we're going to use the Ring of endless life this one can be farmed in golden chest in the starting area so for example right here at the top of the tower there is a chest right here you can farm this one very easily if you have the best GL you can jump from here right to the door entrance here then walk downstairs for one floor and loot the chest this ring is quite common now what does 3% lead chance entail there is a 3% chance that you Leach all the damage you deal at once so it's not 3% leech but a 3% chance to leech 100% of damage you did and now the Ring of rapacity this one gives you 20% Mana regeneration but actually it's 20 flat Mana region so if you use a spell for example the acid bite you immediately regenerate your Mana now as for the gear we going for swag we are going for look and this one looks quite amazing I think the set fits this character very well you have a cape you have the scale male armor the hood the deer stalker hood is our goto option here range CRI strike chance and crit damage alternatively you can Farm the Eagle Eye helmet same stats just a little bit more physical and magical resistance I however do not like the look of this one so I'm going with the deer stalker Hood afterwards the soldier chest plate gives you a ton of health and stamina alternatively you can go with a different chest which is the Glo Monarch chest this one also provides you with 240 Health but 48 Mana I do not think the Mana is as useful but you can found this one in chests in the region that's above this line as for how this one looks pretty cool but I prefer the cape I think this one fits the style a little bit better deer stalker gloves you can craft they provide you with range damage and a damage multiplier for range damage this one is not a global damage multiplier just a range damage multiplyer I tried this one then you have the Eagle Eye trousers gives you sprint speed Sprint speed is amazing has a ton of of physical resistance and magical resistance those trousers you can Farm in the farming spots right here in the sun Temple or at the blue chest here in skatter bone so here's the map so you can see bottom right corner and for the Spell binder boot I found those in a random chest also in the same area as shown for the Gloom chest so here here in the temple here in brittle brush now how to play this character with the bow that has a really really low recharge time you can shoot run away shoot run away shoot run away you can also animation cancel that jump but sometimes it staggers and you need to do two shots back to back you cannot switch off the weapon so I would highly recommend to not do this and to just roll away with the blink for the long bow it's basically the same just a longer recharge time shoot an enemy that's further away and this one deals more damage with this bow I would highly recommend going for ranged enemies or if you're sniping something or if you're in a safe spot and want to shoot something you conserve ammo and deal more damage then you have your sword the ice blade can also be acquired in the sun Temple for this one f one to three combo same for the light forged X can also be acquired in this Temple right here if you notice an enemy's resistance versus fire damage switch to the ice plate and again switch from the ice blade to the Fire Blade if the enem is resistant now our brand butter combo with this one is Dodge and then evade so one two three Dodge EV eight you can also double jump and do a ground slam attack this one has a lot of range which also deals quite a lot of damage so this one is also AOE damage around you so it hits enemies behind you but you're not Invincible while double jumping so keep that in mind so you can run to an enemy stop the Sprint double jump and attack then of course you want to Parry enemy attacks or block enemy attacks and lastly your spells for your spells specifically you can only use the Spells while using a Mele weapon but it's actually fine because you want to have the mil weapon if something comes close to you if you need to disrupt the spell and and don't need to switch the weapon immediately for the bow it's not as important but for the staff really important because the cast times are quite long especially for the more powerful spells so what you want to do is use the acid carpet versus toxic fat dudes or if you want to AOE something it looks like this so if an enemy stands inside this spawn they get damaged quite considerably if you want to attack multiple enemies use the Shrout meteor here is a little bit of gameplay for this one it hits all enemies in front of you deals quite a lot of damage and is actually quite amazing to use it looks visually stunning so I like the spell quite a lot you can find this one in chest in the last zone for example in the sun Temple there is two chests right here and here that you can loot very easily those can contain the spell for enemies with shields you can use the light burst spell this one looks well decent but you can jump around and use the spell so that's quite cool then you have the fireball which is used for flyers or if you want to Nuke some enemies has has a ton of range has a ton of damage and you recharge your Mana quite fast you can actually use two Fireballs back to back the ice bolt will never be used and your healing spell you can find an eternal version of this one by chopping down some Alo you will unlock all a Turnal spells by finding the components listed in the top right corner of this video please keep in mind for some you need the laboratory so the last crafting station for The Alchemist but every single Eternal spell is crafted so you need to find a component that is missing in the list that you have not Acquired and then you can craft the spell the same is true for the heal Channel I need to craft this one yet I'm just really lazy so for this one you Channel this one some light blops fly to you and heal you and you have Chanel lightning which is quite amazing versus the fly enemies especially the ones with sickles lightning damage is very effective versus those so having this one ready for them is amazing next up let's have a look at the skill tree we're going to start the Ranger with dexterity Marksman for 10% more damage with our arrows then Sharpshooter for 20% damage skill shot for another 20% if we hit the head then we pick up multi-shot multi-shot however so when you're shooting an arrow you have a shance of 20% to shoot multiple arrows look at the counter it takes three so it is not one for free but it's fre for free basically draining your ammunition quite fast so maybe you want to skip this one early on I would still pick it because you have multiple options to dealing with enemies anyway then you pick Ranger for two endurance two dexterity crit damage crit chance so a very powerful note and we switch completely to something else we want to enable our spells to function so we pick up the exterity Airborne updraft Counter Strike and then Quick Charge without quick charge your spells feel absolutely atrocious to use we're going to skip the intelligence for now and then move down here for the merciless attack power Parry Constitution shiny plates for a little bit of Defense evasion Attack Battle heal so when we critically strike with a melee weapon we heal for 5% of our maximum health then pick up absorb blink emergency blink to have something to get out of stunts then we pick up healer healer to intelligence water ARA and Waters of life this will sustain us throughout the whole game you will be around level 15 maybe around level 14 with this one at this point there is a lot of poisonous enemies and sustain is quite bad on this character you need need a lot of Health Region this will take care of that so pick up the intelligence notes right around here then pick up the intelligence note here and you're set for the mage part of the class now we are going to dip into the melee side of things however if you do not like casting spells you can dip skip this part and immediately go into the melee portion of the build so Constitution the warrior path strength slasher butcher for 30% slashing damage axes and swords are slashing damage then we pick up veteran for 10% crit and 20% fast attacks with swift blades we want to grab strength here jump attack double jump jump attack to Runner endurance and wonder lust so this one is for mobility in the jump attack then we pick up strength heavy-handed in the Barbarian cluster strength another Constitution Point here breach and shock wave heavy-handed will fill up the stun bar of enemies 20% faster if you're using a melee weapon this occurs quite often so you want to have this one once we break the breach with a melee weapon so you can fire at a shield enemy with your bone fill up the break bar then Dash to them hit them one time and break it you will now deal 100% more damage to them with M attacks and can kill them very easily without wasting ammo after overpowering an enemy and breaking their stance they will deal a shock wave so we also pick this one up now we're going to Finish the build with Constitution Constitution and strength at the war cluster and that's it we are now sitting at 10 Constitution 10 strength 10 dexterity 10 intelligence and seven endurance so an even split now we can further optimize this build for a variety of Buffs and consumables first get your comfort up and running to not run out of stamina very important on this build next consumes some juicy meat early chunks of wolf meat and later game meat this will improve your health through Constitution next up use berries early to get Access to Health Region extremely important on this build dry them to increase the duration always pick the berry brushes it's very important to this Build Your Action main stat is a bit more flexible it's your Choice depending on what you prefer if you prefer archery go for dexterity food like tomatoes and bell peppers for intelligence use mushrooms of any kind I do not recommend going with mushrooms early dexterity is the best choice you are an Archer at the core and if you want to focus more on the Mele side use strength food which is obtained through grilled corn and later hazelnuts consume some Elixir for hey boost to damage Scrolls to increase it even further which only boosts magic damage and a variety of other options for light more stamina and of course healing through health potions and bandages those can be crafted in Mass at The Alchemist by combining water berries and mushrooms so pick those up whenever you can the endgame food allows us to utilize all main stats at once we will boost our strength through the meat wrap which will also boost our constitution a little bit next we're going to pop an intelligent soup followed by steer fry of veggies for a hefty amount of dexterity you are an allrounder after all now this thms up the video If you happen to enjoy it make sure to drop a like if you have any questions or remarks make sure to comment down below you can also subscribe if you have not already make sure to join the channel membership to support me some more and check out my patreon for the AI art are using my thumbnails so see you next time and bye
Channel: Mordarim
Views: 57,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded legendary weapon location, legendary bow weapon, enshrouded best build, enshrouded magic, enshrouded magic build, enshrouded archer build, enshrouded best archer build, enshrouded melee build, enshrouded best melee build, archer build, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded combat guide, guide, gameplay, weapon, bow, best build, build, assassin, mordarim, endgame mage, endgame archer, best bow
Id: ahdHEC83yPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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