Enhance your Curly Fro with LENGTH & VOLUME | Short TYPE 4 hair

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[Music] hey guys it's Jess welcome back to my channel so for today's video we are going to attempt to do the curly fro I have always wanted look at curly fro with bangs but I didn't want to cut my actual hair but now that my hair is like natural bangs because of the new cuts there's not a better time than now to experiment with this curly fro so before everyone gets their panties in a bunch I am going to say yes I will be using a little dryer to stretch out my hair to get the shape that I want for this curly fro so I'm going to put that out there from now so if you don't want to see me use heat on my hair you can just leave so I'm gonna shock to you guys when it happens in about 6 minutes for you guys not for me so anyway I already washed my hair in a deep conditioned and I just uploaded a video of my extreme deep condition and what I'm gonna do now is a part of my walk method I did the LOC which is leaving oil cream so I'm gonna go in with the Miche hair it's got oil and just put that all throughout my hair [Music] this is to get a kind of an idea what I'm going to be going for it's going to be something like this but better I promise but you see how my narrow already falls into a little bit of a vein shape but kind of looks like more of a mushroom right now so we're gonna play with that and fix it up and make it look good I've never really done this before so I'm kind of winging it usually you want to do my washing goes I would use my curly curl cream and also pair it with my extreme wet Lonzo but for some reason today I feel like skipping the curly curl cream and just going in with my wetland gel since I'm going to be stretching my hair I want it to be bigger instead of super defined you know I think that's what we're gonna do so let's split our hair into four little cute yep gonna have to do that one soon as well what key you're going to take of this tutorial this is so cute No stick to the plan and stick to the plan stick to the plan okay okay so I'm not gonna do anything special guys seriously look at my hair before the gel who are you whose hair is this I just need to know no okay so anyways I'm not gonna do anything special so I'm not gonna like be talking throughout this application of the gel so I'm just gonna have you guys sit here and watch me do my hair first I can't until we get to the good stuff okay so just enjoy the music the same you did that play in every video okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just want to say just doing gentiloni makes it so much faster that's great superb so I'm just for it's my hair with a little bit of water and then I'm gonna shake my hair to the end of eternity you really quick and now it's gonna shake [Music] [Music] oh Jesus all right so I'm gonna let my hair air dry for a little bit and then I'll be back hey guys okay so this goodness gracious so here is my hair completely dry so the point of this tutorial well we're learning together here it's gonna obviously I've never done this before on my new head hair so I'm going to try to make like a big curly fro big curly prominent you're using my blow-dryer so I'm going to stretch my hair out a lot I'm pretty sure I said that in the beginning of this video we will be using a blow dryer but we have our mini game heat protectant so we're gonna see but I want to stretch my hair off see if I can make a nice cute full curly Pro and just kind of rock it like that so I'm just gonna use some clips to help me not accept you my hair but well I guess yeah stretching my hair there you gotta be careful because you don't want to mess with your curls too much but we're kind of gonna mess them up anyways just a little bit so I'm gonna start with this section back here from aspiration heat protection almonds on the way this isn't probably not the best be protective it's also a 7 in 1 done but whatever that's it whatever so once you spray it just on the blue-screen that's the part where I'm going to be blow-drying both sides in so I'm going to go running about like this much of my hair so that I can stretch out I'm gonna go on warm heat but I'm gonna put it all the way up Wow come on Egypt so like the bottom is still oily and curly but the top is definitely stretched out a lot more but as I build more towards the top I will kind of lighten up on how much I'm stretching it because you still want the top to look like it's really curly and full but here's just the comparison we have this and then this is where it really falls naturally on this side so let's never ever underestimate the power of stretching that mesh out of your hair it's not something that I'm going to do all the time but since I'm trying to go for a big throw right now this is overdoing and I do not think it's been work but it looks like it's gonna work so I'm very very excited that's all right Jess don't get too comfortable with putting you know your hair you're hoping your journey don't get too comfortable at a plum it's already little plum and time it'll come in time but right now this looks great we have this and then we had been hello okay all right okay so I'm hoping you guys even really tell much of a difference okay you definitely can I'm gonna go out this side as well just get a little matchy match going oh my gosh this looks so good I'm so excited oh I'll show you guys the back I don't know if you can tell in the back but turn around [Music] all right so we're done with the blows your eye over for right now oh I got you my hair is moving so well what I'm going to do now is I'm going to take my pink and fluff it out just a little bit more for a little bit more volume and a little bit better shape trying to see make sure I blew it out Limu me once I does look a little bit longer than the other like right here looks like I slacked off a little whatever let's just pick up but I'm going to use a hair pin to kind of pin my bank forward because these aren't real things so I'm gonna go underneath some and I'm gonna pin these forward so that they'll stay down here make sure your thing is your pin is actually black so that I can blend it a little bit better too this one is foam not the best a blend but it's what I have and the stores are closed so it's what we're using oh yeah this is the one this is the one you guys know what time it is it's hoop earring time change it outfit time and lip gloss and lip liner time I will be right back I will so this is just you know so we're working with but I'm not looking at myself in the mirror we're like bangs on me you're doing not it said ain't no something a little different yeah it's nice to switch up my look every now and then clearly is my hair not a heart right now like is it not giving you I love you guys so that's the end of this tutorial I really hope that you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you in my next one [Music] okay Loki and I'm taking my jacket off Loki I like the middle part better I like to like see my face a little more so this is a real look van going way and I just wanted to come back and share that with you you need to tell me you people for the bangs prefer the middle part but I think I'm gonna go with the middle part for right now definitely feel like I would get so much better anyway thank you guys for watching our video love you guys and I'll see you my next Hey [Music] [Music]
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 81,574
Rating: 4.9720068 out of 5
Id: Paxobl_MPFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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