This DEEP CONDITIONER got my life togetherrrrr.

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hey guys it's Jess welcome back to my channel so today's video is going to be about deep conditioning now I don't even know where I'm going with this I just figured a much deep condition my hair on camera but since I've cut my hair I have been doing things a bit differently and I want to give you everything right now because I'm still trying different things out to make sure I know exactly what I'm doing but this time around I think I have finally found a new conditioner that really really does the job like for real this time one of my subscribers actually recommended this deep conditioner when my hair was color treated and she was like Vince is gonna change your hair but for some reason I was like hey girl you know we go do that I secretly care because the new there's nothing that could I could do to just save the monstrosity that would you know we remember right yeah so before I show you what we're doing I washed my hair already I'm gonna conditioned it or deep condition it but anyways I want mine there and I just let it sit underneath the water for like 10 minutes because its water is that the moisture that we really want you know what I'm saying I put a plastic cap over my hair so that my hair away and dry out before I put in my conditioned air because the deep conditioner works on my hair so much better when my hair is soaking wet but this is the starting point now we're working with so right now my hair is not necessarily dry but it's not where it needs to be right now so I'm gonna go ahead and slip my hair into some sections okay so I just left this little piece out back here so I'm gonna go ahead and spray my hair every time I reach a new section because like I said for a deep conditioning on wet hair it's literally the best thing for me that's why I would 100% rather do this in the shower but I'm here for you guys I am I am so let's spray that down all right so now that that's wet I can let me show you guys the new condition I'm talking about it's my apogee it's called the textured treatment and my god my god it's been doing some treatment on my texture let me tell you so I was really afraid that this was a protein treatment and if it was I wouldn't want to use it every week but I listen resurgent necessities on your hair weekly so I'm hoping it's not I was reading the ingredients but you know when you read ingredients some of the stuff just not in English so I don't really even know everything that is trying to tell you girl but what I do know is as working spectacularly for my hair so yeah I'm just gonna use it until my hair falls off if that does happen so it improves elasticity it repairs damaged curls coils in ways I'm not one of the things that said is that's really good like extremely good for color-treated hair and I was like we don't have those problems anymore but anyways I'm just going to I tend a good amount you got an no downsizing around here no time sizes and I'm going to distribute that throughout my hair [Music] you I see how it just breaks my curls until life we love that so for me when I'm distributing any product through my hair it takes me a while because I make sure that no strand gets left behind and especially since I said it's all the time I'm low porosity I have to overdo it to make sure that it's penetrating my strands and not just sitting on top of them everything I'm doing watching though it's ridiculous okay so after I spend ten years on one section I'm going to then again fresh water only because this is what I would do in the shower like I would do a section and then just like throw under the water really quick should forget a little bit more moisture in there so that is what I'm going to do with my whole head of hair this is what my hair looks like when it's fully saturated in the deep conditioner [Music] so I'm all done with this back sight in my hair so I'm just going to use my mirror so I can see and just spray some water on it and shake so real quick I just want to show you I mean I'm probably gonna show you this again in a second but the comparison with no deep conditioner it should just you know shampoo in here or out the shower a little bit of water left in there and then this is conditioned nun Sun Sun none you know girl and so I'm just gonna do this side of my hair and then we'll do a side by side and then I'll be back [Music] [Music] okay so my hair is fully coated in the deep conditioner and you know something about this deep conditioner I don't even know if this is really a deep conditioner I'm just kind of turning it into one it's a textured treatment does it really take you conditioner and it also says to leave it in for one minute but I've been doing this for about 45 minutes so far so I think the thing that I should really do there's only right now is leave it in for another 30 minutes and completely ignore the instructions okay on a normal day when I'm washing my hair I would put my hair in twist while I'm applying this but I just wanted you guys to see what it looked like in my hair and how I made my hair looks before I put twisting but I was going for this plus they come on I have not had my my hot hat tap since I move I keep forgetting to take it from my mom's house so I'm just going to put this on and just walk around the house for a little bit and then I'm gonna rinse my hair out with cold cold cold cold cold water and then I'll be back well calm my hair can fit in a shower cap perfectly all right so we pull like a cook and I'll be back alright you guys going back my hair is dripping wet but I just wanted to show you guys oh gosh I wish the camera would really show you the magnificence that is my hair so this is my hair with absolutely no product in it at all I'm gonna put my hair back in this shower pack until I'm ready to style it so that it can retain its moisture but for me this deep conditioner kind of does what a bentonite clay treatment would do for my hair like you know what I'm saying like usually when I get the bentonite clay treatment my curls are so defined after I wash my hair and deep condition it and blah blah but when I use this deep conditioner not not like ever before my hair is super defined after I rinse it out but two key tips when I rent out my deep conditioner I don't comb my fingers through it or use a brush or anything like that and I also use perusing cold water to lock in all that moisture so those are two things that I definitely was not doing before but I'm running water on my hair for a really long time so that's why are something that it sounds stupid like I'm incorporating water now but it's something I'm really trying to get into just running water over my hair for a long time so that it won't just sit on top of my hair but it'll actually penetrate my students you know what that is something that I'm still working out before I come on here and start preaching to you guys because I want to make sure I know what I'm talking about first and I'm still in the beginning stages but anyway the way that my hair looks right now I gotta show you guys again okay they're gonna make sense to talk about my hair and how it looks when you can't see it look the way that my curls look right now with no products hello okay they might you still be a little bit there's a little bit of conditioner in there still but we're just gonna count that as a leave-in conditioner we not okay but the weight of my hair oh my gosh she looks and feels oh it's a yes from me and this is just a great setup for an amazing washing go that is to come very soon I'm gonna come back and show you guys my end results of my washing though but I'm also going to fill another washing goal video because I'm gonna try something different this time around so yeah I'm gonna come back and show you guys my washing though and show you how my hair looks when it's all done alright so I'm back I was gonna have the whole hairstyle done but I'm just gonna save that for the next video because I'm trying something out but my hair is not 100% dry yet but before I styled it for the next video I just wanted to show you guys how it all came together loving this for me definitely not dry yet but just want to close out this video before I forgot and just on with my hair and showed you guys where we're on how to show y'all ya you goin saying so thank you guys so much for watching this video I'll make sure to leave a link in the description box with a product that I've mentioned today and researching here we are are we not because we are and I'll see you guys in my next video bye you
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 111,711
Rating: 4.9599457 out of 5
Id: tTfm03o66RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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