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[Music] hey you guys attire and welcome back to alehrer TV's so forth days video I'm going to a highly requested tutorial on my quick and easy watch and go that last be seven days so as you can see I am print out of showers may I just go wash uh not only Colossus I asked you just watched and if you can get to my hair three days ago so I didn't we have to do that again but typically I would watch and be conditioned do the whole button of the whole nine so for today's here I just go wash using the human nature pure licious collage and I actually really really like this Co watch that one here so so soft and as you can see arrived I got the shower I just fell by my hair so this is my hair freshly child drives you can see it is not very defined at all this house looks whenever I don't have any thoughts on it at all it's just one big mopping bed so this is we're working with so far but where I have a tutorial I will mention the process you will need you will need a spray bottle with some waters and oil of your choice so today I'll be using Vimeo organic Smith almond oil to assign the water in the oil you'll need your actual styling products that is not all Mitchell original G conditioner and then also me of course your Genie Van de cacao and an assessment of products will actually need a wipey comb and a diamond breast I asked you both these more self-retaining purposes so I will use both of these and then whatever I get done for drying I'll use my diffuser now definitely whatever go to our use as on the Hat a diffusing attachment to it you should be personally fine and then I will also use twist as well to stiffen up my ear keep everything separated as I'm fine the products as well so these come in a oke y'all you come at me and jumped on you so first I think we start off by fixing my hair so I will text to my hair and four sections supports 1/2 degree work and just use Eclipse to separate those areas are you collecting of your hair is sectioned off is who would be for six doesn't up to here in the front and then two in the back I picked himself with the X in the back I'm not referring to work from back to front so what I will do is our first go ahead and spray my hair with my three bottles and isolated my hair very very wet because to me that what are the hairs and we're defined it is the less frizziness I putting my hair very very very lip so once I have a hair damp and wet I'm always had to use the oil now I can see I am using the loc method so the liquid first the oil and then the cream which will be mommy conditioner come on go ahead and apply the mint on the oil to my hair next alright so I hope you already might hear some of you little more defined than with before the water and the oil mixture we're going to help to again define my hearing mix and a lot easier so once I've it done the next step is the parlament of the conditioner y'all this stuff is amazing oh my gosh is flipping it is amazing this right here so soft one thing I notice though is that whenever I apply it to my wet hair for some reason and actually ladders up I don't see it and actually apply a very very generous amount but y'all not Sinterklaas at all I love love love using a lot of products the split in this product Allah is amazing like you see how easy this is you pay with money verse now it's going with the dim impression how to make sure at the end are you tangled so that's not here it is so coyly it does let's make sure that the end any tables as we'll see you over now if you have a like lathers up kind of funds a little bit I don't know why I did but if it happens to you do not worry about that at all because a complete appears alright so this is my hair before the jail predefined my Nexus an epistle please well separate this one section in to two different sections because I prefer to apply my gel and a smaller section so now I'm going on the back way here I will take a very generous amount y'all I'm not shy about this much and to apply this to a small section and this step I will just be breaking it through [Music] and that is if you guys know that is all I do it's super easy and I'll go ahead and just do the top section as well [Music] so I want to break it through as I'm applying the gel and then afterwards I'm going to do the praying hands method to use it all the way to great and these are our girls once you have applied details so super easy defined curls and all that do please here is just let it dry defuse and then fit young [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you guys so here is my hair completely done so now I simply do is I'll just sit around for about an hour or two let my hair air dry a little bit I want we just want to get all the excess water out of my hair install them on your ear try for about an hour - so after an hour - all go ahead and defeat my ear which I will come back on and - you guys said and look at hey guys so I am back and it has been a two hour since I have got my hair done something around doing nothing basically for the past two hours and my hair is definitely less dance and less wet than it was two hours ago but my roots and everything are still very wet and that is where my blow-dryer diffuser comes in so all I do want to take my blow-dryer are you using nano titanium bye Bella's pro blow-dryer and then I just add a pink diffuser attachment to it and just use this to welcome I hear oh and I didn't expect if eclis will use Thai see medium temperature [Music] [Music] are you guys so my hair is 100% dry these are the initial results like right after I get done blow-drying and drying my hair or diffusing my hair so I'm going to see I do have definition ever since I would like but of course I do have shrinkage here like this is not working for me so that is why at night I tend to do this and he messes so basically what this is all just take a little hair ties and tie my hair or my hair into four different sections and then a quick positions in bands as we call it so the first step is to go is take a little bit of my meal organic almond oil this is a little bit in my hand and use the praying message to basically break the Chilkat because before you apply equal our Janelle earlier and a quarter second kind of make your hear a little bit hard a little bit crunchy so what I do is I just go ahead and break that half per se with the oil I'll pick out here and smooth it out with my hand [Music] all right so I didn't see how looser my hair feel but it does a lot wired a lot softer compared to whenever the dill but still on there is all Rachael makyo Katz makes us into two different series are you guys so now that you have broken the geocache so go ahead and jump into the actual being part down ladies album or you guys does this situation is not sexy at all if you have a man going into the right now okay you will be looking crazy and Ison if you do this routine I know beyond coffee Coolio ever I do it because it looks really crazy but it actually really works so I think about three or four of these tiny little tear ties 23 one home I'm going to take these and then why three smaller one and then one bigger set in one and I used to bigger sat in one Millie for the front so the kind of in front of my hair is well user I don't have to print this part at all so let's go ahead and put this in a bigger time I take this part of my hair and it is important so make that your hair kind of party - whether you typically wear it like a medium sized section and it is apply this here crunchy around the set here so that's the top part now on the side in a bit this is the part that our bullying has to be stretched up because my hair is no champion so okay this first section here okay how about this up here another main section and what I do now take my hair tie and as I'm resting the hair tie all the times you long gate the hair tie down the point well that makes sense I'll take it and then kind of rapid going downwards so if they like to tie it right there I'll just keep it going and kind of down you see so now it's really being smaller ponytail like this one here this one kind of stretch this out a little bit so that way it will stretch out those roots and my hair would be more long beauty in the morning so that is the first we tale I want to do the other two [Music] are you guys go I have my four green hills going run the front to Allah sighs and then one in the back and that is all I do now is take a clear scarf a simple black chair start and tie it around winner of my hair alright and then the last step is to take a satin bonnet and then I was put to go ahead and matted mr. guys at all you hey guys so it is the next morning and I was going to be taking down my hair all I do is take the scarf noisy and then before I see chemical shells I will apply a little bit of olive oil to my hand and this kind of help to prevent frizz even though I only lied my hair just low frizzy this tape went down come on so they take my hair out at the root and then here on December 8th I hair just make sure this cool all the way around and then my hair lays realize you I love you detective Roger to stretch my hair and I'm like wiggle it kind of grabs right that ends and stretch it and wiggle it just to make sure that everything nice and cool [Music] all right you guys so here you see a final look I said I simply don't really love the first days plea I prefer my hair to have way more volume at the top and it will definitely get more luminous as week goes on and then every night I just do the exact same routine I'll just do the board's the four sections the four-point tails apply the bonnet speak on it and then wake up and do the exact same takedown that's it and that entire routine will get my walking for the last seven days you guys an entire week I can get out of this wash and go so that is my quick and easy or Washington routine I hope you on Twitter any questions at all let me know down below and I mention on products routine anything at all let me know it down below and I will do my best to answer and also if you guys are watching this video and you have not yet subscribed please go ahead surprised and give it a thumbs up if you guys enjoyed it subscribing and liking of the video helps us out a lot so we really appreciate it if you guys help us out so that is it for today's videos you guys and I will see you on the next one bye guys
Channel: AlyraTV
Views: 1,143,555
Rating: 4.8900857 out of 5
Id: _K462iQ6GL0
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Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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