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hello everyone and welcome to English like a native with me Ana English I hope that you are all well and ready to start this British English slang lesson that's right today we are covering slang words specifically slang words and phrases beginning with the letter U there's quite a few very common words that we're going to include today and but the lesson is going to be quite short so gosh I'm pinging everywhere I'm sorry I'm turning everything on to silent I wasn't fully prepared I do hope you are all well I know I haven't seen you for a few days but I hope you've been enjoying the videos that I've have been putting out for you particularly the ones I put out in the last couple of days and the one I put out this morning which I spent three days preparing and editing so I do hope that you make the most of that lesson which gives you some hints and tips as to what I think are the best ways to learn a language and I go through what I'm doing to learn Spanish but those are ways that you can use when you're learning English so if you haven't seen that already then do take some time after this lesson to go and check out that video the best ways to learn a language I'm going to say a very quick hello to my patrons hi patrons how are you our and Eric both in saying hi straightaway hello and also I'm seeing everyone saying hello in the chat room on YouTube hello so let's get started with the very first slang term on our list now this particular slang term or slang word rather is used a lot and you might not have heard it but it is the word umpteen umpteen times so I'm gonna write times in there because we normally say umpteen times rather than empty night zone umpteen means countless or many there were a lot of them so if I said I have heard this song umpteen times I'm saying I've heard this song many times and if I say I've had to wash the dishes umpteen times then I'm saying I've had to do the washing-up a lot of times and I'm obviously very upset about it so the example sentence I've given here is I have asked you umpteen times to tidy your room but you never listen I used to hear that from my mom quite a lot I've asked you up teen times to tidy your room but you never listen so do try and remember that phrase that word it's quite a good one umpteen umpteen times the next one is one that you guys say to me all the time and it's the phrase under the weather I think you really like this one under the weather means that you're sick or unwell and being under the weather generally means that you're mildly ill that you're not very ill if someone is very ill like very very sick maybe they've gone to hospital because they're so ill you wouldn't use the phrase under the weather because that's not it's not heavy enough if you're really ill then you'd say they're very poorly or they're very sick or they're very unwell but under the weather we used we tend to use one we're ill with a cold or a fever or we're just feeling generally a bit rubbish you're under the weather you're feeling under the weather and so the example sentence I've given here is Daniel won't be coming into school today he is a little bit under the weather he's a little bit under the weather I hope you can all hear me all right I can't seem to get this microphone to stay close to my mouth today it's not playing it's not playing ball DJ availed I said I'm watching an English videos umpteen times excellent DJ evelle that's wonderful to hear I hope that you're finding them helpful as well now just before I go on to the next phrase which is another really important one I'm going to just quickly mention my children's channel Bella and beans TV some of you may have already heard of it some of you may not have heard of it but I've noticed recently the viewings are going down so I just to make sure that everyone here is aware of it and if you know anyone with little children who might be interested then I would love if you could share it the link for it is in the description box below and if you don't mind I'm just going to give you a few moments of the recent video we did which is a Halloween video and yeah oh wow look at all these decorations beans have been busy let me give them a call Oh peas hello sugars how are you beans you have done a fantastic job this is so amazing look at the green spider's web oh it's so spooky so I'm not going to not going to trouble you with too much of that but if you do think that your children or anyone you know would find that interesting then I would really really appreciate if you could share it around and help me to improve the viewings that would be wonderful we put so much time and effort into these videos it's such a shame when they don't get many views all right so what is the next term on our list so the next slang term is the term under wraps if something is under wraps it means it's being kept secret I'm not telling you about it I'm keeping it wrapped up a secret so if I asked you to keep something under wraps I'm asking you to keep it a secret don't tell anyone keep it under wraps and the example sentence I've given here is I'm going to do an extra special video when we hit a hundred thousand subscribers I will tell you about it but I want you to keep it under wraps for now I will tell you about it but I want you to keep it under wraps for now so I want you to keep it a secret okay and it's true guys in about a month I imagine we're likely to hit around a hundred thousand subscribers and I will do an extra special video for that moment because you guys have been so amazing up until now that I want to give you something in return so I'll do an extra special video and we hit that point but I'm not going to tell you what it is it's a secret I'm keeping it under wraps okay so the next one is a really fun term and something you should definitely be aware of and it's the term undies undies anybody know what that means undies is just an easy short way of saying Underpants undies can be used for girls or boys if you are in your undies then you're in your underwear mm-hmm hopefully you're not in your undies now but hopefully you are wearing undies but clothes as well other clothes as well okay so the example sentence I've given for undies is if you ever feel nervous about giving a speech then just imagine the whole room in their undies just imagine the whole room in their undies now here I've used the term the whole room meaning everybody in the room and we do do that a lot so I've said just imagine the whole room in their undies and I mean just imagine every single person in the room is wearing their underwear and that'll make you feel more confident okay so one of you has mentioned the word panties panties is has a slightly different feel to undies panties feels a little bit more sexually suggestive or a bit naughty your panties so it's the word undies is a little bit more throw away it's definitely not very sexual at all it's a safer term and similar to pants as well I guess so you're in your pants you're in your undies so I would say to a child for example if my if my little child came running in in their underwear I'd say why are you standing there in your undies go and put some clothes on or I might say why you stood there in your pants you need to get your school uniform on but I wouldn't say to them why are you standing there in your panties it just doesn't for me and other natives might feel differently but for me that word just feels a little bit a little bit more grown up a little bit more adult okay so undies a very safe term slang term for underwear so the next one on the list is the word uni this is very simply a shortened version of the word University and we use it all the time most people when talking about university will say uni I'm going to uni I got into uni I'm applying the unit for uni I have uni friends I have lots of uni parties uni uni uni there's what we use most of the time instead of university and the example sentence I've given here is I'm having a blast at uni and my uni mates are the best I'm having a blast at uni and my uni mates are the best okay so if you can't remember what the phrase having a blast means then you need to go back to the slang lesson with words beginning with B and you'll find that is on that list to have a blast okay so patrons are you all well yes fine lots of people chatting here in the chat room I am glancing over your comments I'm not ignoring you I just want to get through this list as quickly as I can and then I can answer some of your questions one of you has just said how can I use slang terms at work you can but some of them you have to be very careful with it so a lot of slang terms are inappropriate in formal situations if they're insulting perhaps and we'll come on to an insulting one in a moment so I'd be I would be very careful I'd have to know that the slang terms I'm using are safe and also I would be careful if I was talking to my boss perhaps if someone is a higher status to you in work I wouldn't use slang terms but if it's just your colleagues who you talk with every day and you have a good rapport with them and a good relationship and you feel like you can relax with them a little bit then yes I would use slang with them but not so much with the boss okay so the next is the term to come unstuck so if you come unstuck it means that things haven't kind of worked out as you've planned it's like you failed at something you've come stuck things have gone in a different direction than what you had hoped and you've gotten yourself into a sticky situation so the example sentence I've given here to give you an idea of this phrases I had planned to summit the mountain by the end of the day to summit something is to reach the top of so to get on top of something so I hired plan to reach the top of the mountain by the end of the day but I came unstuck things didn't go to plan when it started snowing as I hadn't packed my ice axe and crampons so an ice axe and crampons is something that you were is equipment that you would need to climb mountains in the snowy conditions so I haven't got those items with me and it started to snow which means I won't be able to climb to the top of the mountain by the end of the day I have come unstuck I hope that makes sense so one more time I had planned to summit the mountain by the end of the day but I came unstuck when it started snowing as I hadn't packed my ice axe and crampons ok so let me know if that doesn't make sense and I'll see if I can try and find a better way to explain it otherwise let's move on the next phrase using the word up is up against it so it's a phrase there's quite a lot of phrases that use up and if you're up against it that means you're facing a lot of difficult challenges so you're being challenged in life life is difficult you are up against it perhaps if you are trying to meet a deadline and everything that could go wrong is going wrong the computer stops working you didn't get the email that you needed to complete the work and time maybe they've shortened the deadline and given you less time so they brought the deadline forward so you've got even less time and everything's going wrong you could say look I'm up against it I need to get this project finished for the deadline ok so when you're up against it it means you'll have being a difficult time there's lots of challenges in your way and again I've used the example of the mountain and I said summiting the mountain was much harder than we had anticipated with the bad weather ill health and failing equipment we were really up against it we were really up against it ok so the next one is something that's been used a lot in recent years and it's the word up cycle up cycle so to upcycle something is to reuse it it's a similar word to recycle but it's got a slightly different meaning if you recycle something it's taking something that's rubbish and giving it to someone who can make it into something useful so you recycle it you send it to the recycling center you deal with your waste in an appropriate manner if you upcycle something it means that you recycle something in a way that you can use it yourself so for example if I if I had I can't think of an example if my box if my box was falling apart and I was about to throw it away my my friend might say I'll have that and they might fix it and they might decorate it and they might turn it into a shoebox in that case they have up cycled it they've made it into something else they've decorated it and made it usable again so to upcycle something people tend to upcycle furniture a lot so if you're if you're and if your drawers are old and falling apart and you're going to throw them away you're going to put them in the Skip then someone might come along they might paint them put new handles on them and give them a nice a nice new lease of life and then sell it on to somebody else or they might use it themselves it has been up cycled does that make sense I hope so have you ever up cycled anything I have a few times but I'm not very good at upcycling if I tend to look like a dog's dinner basically if you don't know what dog's dinner means then we covered that in the slang lesson with words beginning with D so do go and have a look at that all right so the example sentence I've given here is I am glad you like my cabinet we up cycled it last week found it in a skip and decided it would look lovely with a little TLC can you remember what TLC means TLC means tender loving care with a little tender loving care okay great all right so we're very close to the end we only got a few more to go so the next one on the list is up for grabs if something is up for grabs it means it's available and it's not being claimed so it's available for you to either buy or to claim maybe it's a free prize you could say there are lots of prizes up for grabs lots of prizes available and that haven't been claimed that you can claim up for grabs or you could say there are lots of products up for grabs so products for you to buy but they have not yet been bought so they're available for you to buy so we here up for grabs used a lot in advertising just like this sentence here there are some amazing bargains up for grabs on my website yeah that's something you might hear alright the next one is up for it I'm up for it now it used to be that this phrase and I've seen it written on other websites actually that up for up for it is to mean that you are available and eager in a sexual way but I don't use that in in that way I've heard it sometimes used in that way but I say up for it and a lot of people around me say up for it just to mean that they're eager or they're keen so I'd say I'm going to the cinema are you up for it and they go yeah I'm up for that I'm up for that yeah let's that or I'd say I'm going to the pub I'm going to have a pint of beer do you fancy one and they say yeah I'm up for a I'm up for a beer I'm up for it let's go so don't think that the other websites that have said up for it means to be interested sexually it's not true in in Britain we use it to mean I'm eager I'm keen okay so the example sentence I've given here is I'm planning to have a big celebration when I hit 100,000 subscribers you are all welcome you are welcome to join the party if you're up for it are you up for it I hope so okay so the next one is up in arms a completely different meaning if someone is up in arms it means they are angry they're up in arms and the example sentence I've given here is apparently Jade was up in arms because someone used her cup to give the guest teacher a cup of tea Oh in fact I've worked in many schools and if you dare touch another teachers cup from in the staff room if you go to meet yourself a cup of tea and use someone else's cup they get very upset everybody has to have their own cup so I'd I made that mistake once and never again so here we go just so you can see it to be up in arms to mean angry apparently Jade was up in arms because someone used her cup to give the guest teacher a cup of tea alright so here we go here's another one you might see now I have to be careful I can't say this word this is a swear word I'm sure you can work out what it is and it's to be up creek to be up creek there is a really good reason why I can't say this guys and that's because YouTube have changed their rulings and all all videos have to be judged as being family-friendly unfortunately my videos keep getting flagged as being unfamilar endly which is frustrating because everything I do is educational so I'm trying my very very very best not to swear in any of my videos even though it is educational so I apologize for not saying out and saying it out loud but I'm sure you appreciate and understand what it is that I'm inferring and this phrase means to be in a difficult or bad situation to be in a difficult or bad situation we're running low on petrol if we don't fill up at the next petrol station we will be up creek before long okay so you don't want to get yourself into a bad situation you don't want to be up Creek okay I hope that makes sense yes okay so a cup of you are writing it now in the comments box so you know what it is yes there we go yes you know what it is I was trying to say and sorry about that I just have to make sure you tuber happy so that I don't get any telling off tellings off okay so the next phrase and we are getting so close to the end and three away from the end here we are so the next one is quite a fun one and it's to be up the Duff I mentioned this in my Instagram post a little while ago if you're not following me already on Instagram guys then make sure you are because I'm doing a lot on Instagram at the moment and you are missing out if you're not following me there because it's free and there's lots of other great English teachers there as well but if you are up the Duff it means you are pregnant so if I say to you hey guys I'm up the Duff whoo-hoo then you know I'm announcing that I'm pregnant I'm not up the Duff just in case you're wondering not yet anyway and so the example sentence I've given here is ah you will never guess what Jane is up the Duff ah shock horror hmm okay so the next one the next two last one is and this is an offensive one this is something you should never use with your colleagues at work and it's the phrase up yours if you say up yours you're basically insulting someone and it's very similar to saying to someone get lost if you don't or get lost means then take a look at the video I did on slang terms beginning with G where I covered it there but it's basically if you're angry with someone you might say ah get lost so it's the same as saying Oh up yours alright so these just insulting terms for people that you're annoyed with and you don't want to you don't want to interact with anymore you want them to go away and leave you alone okay um and just so you can see that written in case you are not fully understanding what I'm saying there it is okay and we have one more to go can you possibly guess what it is mm-hmm just before I do say the very last one on the list I do just want to say huge thank you for joining me here today and like I said earlier if you're not already following me on Instagram then please do the link is in the description box just below along with some other interesting links helpful links that you might find useful in your English language and the very last one here is the word user so a user is either a person who is addicted to drugs so someone who uses drugs on a regular basis or a person who manipulates the people around them to get what they want without giving anything in return and the example sentence I gave here okay the example sentence I gave here is I know you are hurting right now but if I'm honest I'm glad you split up with Gary he was a user and you deserve better let me just show you that to you I know you are hurting right now but if I'm honest I'm glad you split up with Gary he was a user and you deserve better okay so I hope that makes sense so basically a user is somebody who if I come to you and I say hey can you do this for me and can you do that for me and can you do this for me can you lend me ten pounds and can you babysit my children and can I eat some of the food out of your fridge but whenever you ask me to do something I do nothing I don't help you I don't respond to your text messages I don't do anything for you whenever you ask for something I say no I'm busy no I can't and so that kind of person is a user it's not very nice it's all about the given the take okay so amazing guys if you found this helpful then please help me out by clicking that share button it takes one moment of your time and it makes a huge difference to everything I'm doing the more you can help me the more I can help you unfortunately this week and for many weeks to come I'm not going to be able to do many live lessons I'd love to but I can't because my growth has slowed down my income has slowed down YouTube has been D monetizing so many of my videos saying it's not family-friendly it's not family-friendly so the small amount that I was earning from YouTube is now plummeting so I've had to go and do other work and that takes me away from you but you can help me by improving my watch time sharing showing other people getting other people involved and that will help to bring me back to you okay so thank you very much for joining me go and check out that other lesson that I released this morning the best ways to learn a language any of them you can share amazing any of them that you can offer translations on the links down below that would be super super super helpful and if you want to become a patron and do a little bit more and get some more in return like the notes that I've used today then come over to the patreon page and see what is on offer for rewards where a gaze lots of love I'm going to stay on the chatroom for about five minutes to answer any questions otherwise after you soon lots of love from London
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 12,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british, english lesson, english vocabulary, Anna English, british english, improve english, get better at english, slang, Slang terms, British slang, British English Slang, Slang words begining with U, u slang, slang words u, english slang, learn english slang, common english slang, common british slang, english slang lesson, British slang lesson
Id: aBMh-9P_uVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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