I Searched Myself In The Steam Workshop and Found This! [Trailmakers Edition]

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so today in shrill makers I'm gonna be searching for my name in the Steam Workshop and see just what happens to show up I thought it'd be fun just to see what we discover and what ends up happening when respawning creations that are somehow attached to my name are relevant to my name for whatever reason now I did do this in the scrap mechanic little while ago and I got a ton of requests to do it in trail makers as well so congratulations today is the day so fortunately trial makers actually has a built-in Steam Workshop search so I don't even have to tap on at the window or anything so I'm just gonna type in scrap man and I'm gonna scroll through and we're gonna see what shows up in my name for whatever reason and let's go for just let's just try the first one we're gonna start with the first one these are apparently the newest ones - well we can sort by newest popularity and stuff like that all right so here's why this one showed up he says hi scrap pan love your vids in the description so thank you thank you for watching this is stunt car by testable storm 66 let's see how many stunts this car could pull off alright here it is this thing looks a it looks like a toy car like dimensions are very like toyish all right we have just WASD in space alright oh this thing is not build for dirt get back on the road okay now we have fraction again alright it's a very interestingly designed car like it has those bulbous things on the side whoa oh that was like those are that what those are for to prevent it from flipping over it totally works all that's awesome look at that wait what are those whoops alright we got rid of one we got rid of one of the side things let's see if it actually flipped over down although we might not even be able to go fast enough we've lost some of our thrust and maybe some of our engine power yeah okay well this side works oh now we can now we can't turn at all come on come on I'm trying to turn left there we go Wow okay so confirmed those big things on the side are anti flip devices so my stunt car is that what is that the intent here is it supposed to is supposed to be able to go up on two wheels kind of slide a little bit I think the stunt power aspect is riding on two wheels hey come on come on there we go I wonder how long I could hold it for if I just keep turning I should just be able to keep holding it oh but then the dirt ruins it I'm gonna try to go all the way around to this circle on two wheels all right we just need to get enough speed all right go go go go go there we go go turn turn turn keep keep it going keep it going keep it going look at this it's working this is actually working I have actually really surprised that this is working as well as it is whoo all right that was pretty cool that was pretty cool I think you deserve the name stunt tire you're not doing flips or anything but not many cars actually do the whole standing on two wheels as easy as this thing does and this thing seems built for it so let's get on to another creation okay so that's apparently the newest one let's see what the most popular one is what is this poor scrap man by the whale all right I really I don't I don't know what this is even supposed to be but that's the point of the video just spawning whatever money who's attached to for whatever reason okay so what it's not even symmetrical what is no no what is happening what that's it it doesn't it I don't get so with my turning control a does that D does that and then space brings them back in why what is that I I don't understand we turned oh wait is that how it's supposed to actually took No okay this just got interesting wait what is happening now okay so if I want to turn left I press a and that actually works okay this just went from like complete derp to like actually this is kind of cool it actually works to turn that way this is so cool and I can go straight and then I can turn left and I could turn to the right okay alright I'm actually impressed that's this thing this thing has surprised me it broke my expectations this is actually a pretty unique creation by the whale here alright this is getting interesting let's uh let's continue on and see what else shows up all right now I'm gonna sort by subscriptions and we're gonna see what shows up under my name okay bye Zachary doodles this is called scrap man to scrap man here's a modified version of your quadcopter have fun okay I will have fun alright here we go let's see whoa that is some massive torque okay space to go up all right there we go what's with the huge platform underneath though I guess that'd be good for like landing on stuff might be a little bit easier to land on things alright yeah all the controls that I normally set up which isn't really that unusual oh wait there's a detachable block hold on t-there oh oh I don't think that's how I'm supposed to detach it hold on a sec let's respawn here so that's just a spawning platform I'm pretty sure here let's go back alright so now I press T to detach and then oh no that is not okay hold on this is still it's a little bit difficult to detach the thing I'm gonna press space and detach at the same time go that is also not the best way to do things go oh no I've taken the other one with me okay there it goes and detach there we go all right so what's the platform the modification because I think this looks very similar to the one that I made do but oh okay okay I know how to control my own creations yeah it's like by the looks of it this is such a wit it almost looks like a topping on its own rather than using the pillars that's kind of funny oh look at that that was a good way to take off from the platform so I think the platform is the main addition but I'm not entirely sure what the purpose is doesn't say anything in the description but I'm glad you were inspired by the quadcopter that I made all right let's get on and I'm thinking honest wording options now so I'm just gonna scroll through and see if I find anything that catches my attention okay this is an interesting idea this is by Hughes Syria so inscribe mechanic I built a tumble dryer that just spawns in a bunch of balls as it spins and they all go flying everywhere and it was glorious and apparently you Syria here has replicated that in this game so let's go ahead and see how it works all right here it is oh it is it's a little bit lopsided you know what this thing needs though hold on a second this thing this it's missing one key feature here all right now we've got the key feature which is Facebook this is not even a beach ball spot or this is a beach ball shooter oh yeah we can only have three beach balls at a time I think oh and to keep knocking me out of his seat dude okay so that doesn't work there we go look at it okay it's actually kind of working and till we spawn in anymore yet they literally keep talking me out of the seat oh there we go all right we got one stuck inside now it says perhaps the quietest tumble dryer I have ever heard I need to get me one of these especially like the oval shape of the the actual drum alright let's hop back into the workshop see wheels it's gonna turn up okay this is called double stick double the fun by chicken and the description says no scram man you cannot shoot yourself have you been paying attention on the channel and where my best bill is anything that had a cannon I tried to blow myself up with it and said that that's just what I'm gonna do every single time that there's a cannon on it so challenge accepted let's see if we can blow ourselves up with this thing not your typical WASD controls okay okay chicken let's see how this thing actually goes what I am so confused right now okay so which ws for the left wheels e and D for the right wheels okay so it's basically like tanks steering I tried to do tanks during before and it didn't work nearly this well yeah this tank steering is super effective I had issues with like the engines not triggering when I felt like they should maybe I just wired things wrong I don't know but yeah this is working amazing look at this alright left shift oh we also have spaced or we also have thrust ooh all right there we go ooh oh we lost the wheel we lost something not a wheel apparently oh no no no turn okay so apparently we should be able to shoot with space alright cool there we go yeah so it has an alternating cannon so what do you mean we can't shoot ourselves alright I'm gonna I'm gonna put this theory to the test right there a sensor or something on this that's gonna stop me are you gonna stop me here you're gonna stop me somehow I think I think I have overcome the challenge I have totally blown myself up yeah look at this look at this perfect no problem if you're gonna if you're gonna make a creation for me and say that I can't blow myself up or I can't shoot myself somehow then I'm gonna have to you're gonna have to try harder yeah yeah easy mode easy mode alright but I want to take this thing off some jumps really quick cuz this is actually a pretty cool creation just on its own alright there we go and oh boy that wasn't so bad turn turning is is I have to learn how to turn on this thing while I'm going it's not the easiest thing for me right now cool there goes most of the back of our tree can we we flip over it good good good alright how about we go into the bowl here oh that's not how that's supposed to happen alright well we've dipped over we've destroyed it we've done we've done all the bad things to it I think there's one more explosion and we're good yep yeah that's what I wanted right there all right let's get back to the workshop all right so here's something pretty familiar looking here this is called the dizzy marble by dark Phil it's a hover spear inspired by scram man that actually works hope you don't get seasick so a long time ago I tried to create a hover ball it was a lot smaller than this one is I think but the hover pads had trouble keeping it up off the ground so let's see if this one performs any better whoa it moves is that the secret is the rotating stuff the secrets oh man look at this thing this thing's awesome this is really really cool space is the only control nice yeah and then the space it just points us in the direction that our seat is move our seat is facing and then we can use it looks like just the WASD seat controls themselves allow us to tilt the seat in whatever direction we want to they aren't even programmed into any of the mechanisms everything's just free-floating and can we turn around and we turn around come on come on this thing this thing is very very well done this thing works so good okay look compared to mine here let me actually see if I can find mine we'll do a we'll do a side by side comparison there we go all right so I have a big one and a small one here is the big one here is the small one so we can see all of them next to each other so his is actually even larger than my large hover sphere so yeah see this is what mine does yeah see I even have the same kind of mechanism on the inside where the thrusters were supposed to have us go in any particular direction so it looks like the key was those moving hover pads yeah and then this small one this small one was just super weird yeah yeah the small one doesn't work at all either uh-oh let me out please please let me out there we go yeah and then look at this thing this thing if it's not no problem oh and I just realized oh he has a bunch of weight on that one side so this one actually isn't designed to role it's designed to stay upright because look at all the weight on the bottom there of the spinning hover pads so that might also be a factor as well trysting alright well done on this you built something I try I tried and failed at all right let's see what else we can find oh here we go Scrat land skateboard refurbished by kill Oh he says his redone it to have better functionality and shape closer to his skateboard so I'm actually gonna try to find my skateboard as well and then we can compare these ones next to each other - where are my skateboards there we go so I think he redid the large one so there's mine now let's spawn his bin and structures - complex I got to make it a different structure hold on okay and then here is the redesign alright check it out so this might actually be interesting because this was made way before one of the more recent updates I don't know when this one was made so here let's just do a refresher on what mine's like I think the servos are gonna be way too way too weak now because the update made them weaker and I don't think this has been updated since the update but let's see how I'm just gonna try to do a kickflip off of this ramp over here and we're just gonna see how it goes and then we'll try news alright there we go kickflip so as you can see definitely not strong enough his redesign you can definitely see the shape difference his the lips of his skateboarder way steeper than mine oh we got suspension on the wheels down there - that's gonna be interesting okay hold on hold on hold on alright here it goes and kickflip Oh looks like this one was also made before the new update so all we gotta do is add some strength to these things I think this is actually a good place for those as well alright there we go that's what I'm talkin about whoa I was really surprised nothing broke there I didn't even hear a collision noise with the ground that was awesome I guess the suspension is helping alright and look at that this thing is way more stable I don't know why but doing kick flips on a giant skateboarding trail makers is like one of the most fun satisfying things to do and I I'm just really really happy that this one doesn't break on every landing oh and then that happens I think I got time for one more and I'm gonna choose this one it's called I want taco by BEMER s'n and it says it's for me so I have it's a penguin and presumably a taco I have no idea what the point of this is that looks like an angry penguin - and that beak is way too big but hey I'm not gonna judge let's see let's let's give it a chance here let's see what it's gonna do alright here it is I want taco wait we have we have no controls there's literally no controls on this thing this is it's just an angry penguin reaching for a taco that's what the creation is and it's called I want taco and for some reason this was made for me I don't think penguins or tacos have had anything to do with the channel like ever is this is there a reference here that I'm not getting from my own channel if you guys if you guys understand this leave a comment down below otherwise this is the most nonsensical thing I could have a mesh and that's why it was worth spawning in I want taco the more I look at it and just think the words I want and taco the funnier it gets alright so I think this is definitely a high note to end on right here leave a like if you want taco as well and if this episode was entertaining to you and you want to see the same thing button scrap mechanic instead then go ahead and check out this video right here the creations were just as creative as the stuff that you see here anyway I hope this video has earned your subscription and this has been scrapped man and all next time by [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 574,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers early access, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, i searched myself, trailmakers workshop, steam workshop, i searched my name
Id: AbOdxaSxfPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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