I Built a GRAPPLING HOOK in Minecraft Vanilla

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i'm gonna make a working grappling hook in minecraft so i can prank my youtuber friends at the end of the video our grappling hook is gonna have three parts a rope that connects from your hand to where the grappling hook lands him and blocks that pull you from where you throw the grappling hook to where the grappling hook lands and some way to prevent the grappling hook user from dying while using our product technically that last one's not necessary but we'll figure it out if we get there the only way to make a rope in minecraft is to tie a lead to an animal but we want to tie a lead to an arrow which is not an animal and that's where things start to get a little bit complicated so here's my solution we can't tie the lead directly to the arrow we know that but what if these command blocks happen to spawn a bat that always stayed on the arrow we could tie the lead to that guy come back no i decided to lead you this example please anyways let's hit the lever and everything should work wait what let's uh let's try that again it should tie a rope yes just like that okay wait can i get two of them i can get a lot more than two only some of them are working you know what it's close enough i don't care so now that we're done with part one it's time to move on to part two moving the player to the arrow or i guess the bat whichever you get what i mean so let me explain to you what makes this part difficult if i want to teleport myself from where i'm standing to where our pig is over there i just gotta type in the teleport command and i'm instantly here hello but that's really boring and we don't get the cool grapple hook animation video games are known for you know so i have an idea and i'm gonna give you a seizure warning you know it's probably not a good sign the amount of seizure warnings i have to give in these videos but uh the the progress of science yes for science but regardless i have a pretty wild idea so if i flick this lever this command block will force me to always look at this pig oh no i can't look away okay how do i how do i turn this off and now you may be thinking uh misty what does that have to do with a grappling hook that's your voice that's what you sound like well let me tell you what a lot of people don't know about the slash teleport command is that you can actually use up carrots and if i do up carrot up here carrot one that will teleport us one block in the direction we're facing you see where i'm going with this huh if we force ourselves to always look at the arrow we shoot and teleport ourselves in the direction we're facing we will slowly be slid towards our arrow let's give it another old tester time well that didn't work oh i told it to make us look at the arrow but i forgot we get rid of the arrow and replace it with an invisible bat so i need to change that to a bat bat there we go so now we flick our levers we shoot and we're forced to look over there we're looking like a block above it for some reason but we are looking there so progress although while we have this working i want to try out something real quick what if i make like a little circular parkour course but you can't look away from the center okay this is a really scuff parkour horse but let's try we're forced to look here this is pretty interesting actually wait a second some of these jumps are really hard because you can't sprint but this is like a pretty cool concept so let's try it where it actually moved well what's happening what did i flick the lever i did oh i'm flying hello there oh and what is happening now what i was trying to say was let's also add the teleport forward command we're not flying through the ground progress we're gonna shoot the arrow and we're at the pig what how are we the pig third time's the charm flick our levers we shoot um i thought it was good i swear it was gonna work okay i did some tweaking it should work better yes that looks so cool wouldn't work it this far away this is so cool i'm grappling wait can i not make it up the tree i can't break it up the tree oh this hurts my eyes oh no i'm taking help all right guys i'm gonna get a world record time on our parkour course look at me go oh i'm at the end oh i'm so good so all we have left to do before we start pranking all my friends is make sure it doesn't kill you to use the grappling hook and funnily enough actually i want to know what else has grappling hooks in it uh today's sponsor noah's heart is a brand new mmo that is going public for the first time right now with tons of launch day rewards it's a cross-platform multi-language rpg that synchronizes your data across devices so you can play it on pc mobile or anywhere you want noah's heart features an open world that seamlessly wraps around itself like a planet and just like my videos this game adds grapple hooks jet packs mounts trains and boats to help you travel around as quickly as possible something that sets this game apart from others is its inclusion of phantom heroes or heroes based on historical figures some of the phantoms you can unlock are based on einstein darwin and even shakespeare with a robust character customization system and flexible combat system that doesn't lock you into permanent skill classes you can be anyone you want and switch at any time don't forget to download the game today and get your free launch day bonuses and you know what try out their grapple hooks too because i want to see if they're better than the ones we just made so here we are in a much better playground for our grapple hook let's give it a good old try let's give it a second try i lived okay good progress let's give it a fourth try we should take no damage this is so cool i wonder how far this can go does the arrow despawn or will i actually travel over there oh we're going look at this go but what if we go straight up straight straight up as straight up as we can go oh if i make a wall and shoot over it can i just phase through it let's shoot over the wall we went through it if i just shoot up here do i scale the wall oh it puts me on top oh it's so nice our grappling hook seems to pass the safety test so far but uh i added a couple more things you're gonna love that you're just gonna love that the first thing is that now it hooks on to entities so if i oh i killed him if i shoot an entity without killing it then it still works as a grappling point and the harder part is that it also works on entities that are moving get it moving like the cow i shot the summon bat if i shoot this bat then i will teleport to him no matter where he goes okay i killed him someone bet that is invulnerable now if i shoot him i miss i missed you know what whatever you get the point it follows moving targets let's look at the cooler thing i did i may or may not have let it work for skeletons do you not see me oh he sees me oh wait he grappled to me oh what if i dodge where does he go you missed goodbye where is he but now it's time for everyone's favorite part of the video using our contraption to prank all of my friends also youtube could be sending you my videos every single day but you could still not be subscribed so if you could double check i'd really appreciate it unfortunately i have two very bad pieces of news before we begin the first is that after recording all of the collabs about 90 minutes worth of just gold content i thought i realized that obs for some reason changed its settings and was no longer recording the discord audio so i had a decision to either scrap this entire video or um dub everyone by myself and the second piece of bad news is that there are less than 100 mysticat plushies left if you guys want to get a mystic out plushie this is like the last time to do so and be sure to let me know how you thought my dubs were of these creators it is me charlie slimesickle yeah partner my name's eric point crow it's wednesday my dudes hey guys and venom here dave crazy hi my name is sp73 my name is hi my name is vikkim hello yes it is me cheerios i have a parkour challenge for you today if you can beat me to the top of this parkour course i'll give you a thousand dollars wow misty you are so generous and funny and cool and funny and attractive thank you aunt venom you want to be player one player two or player four what happened to player three he was the last guy that tried to race me so we don't really talk about him anymore then i'll be player two player four i'll be player one i'll be player two i'll mosey on over to player two i'll take player four i would like to select the first player i'd like player one i'll take player two cuatro es divisible por dos tambien i'm noticing that you are not partaking in the race what is going to kill me i'm just giving you a head start oh this is a close race and time that was a close race you almost had me did you just use a grappling hook yeah partner did you get one of them there's elder hook shots there's no way you made a grappling hook in minecraft [Music] what would you have done if you missed uh i don't miss oh [Music] and i'll still do it for a hundred i would like that very much pew wait did i miss i think mine might be broken hey sheriff my pistol won't fire wait mine didn't do anything oh it's crazy it looks like i gave you one that doesn't work oh i'm so sorry i accidentally gave you the broken one i forgot let's play mcc dodgeball with grappling hooks stand still for a second you'll never take me alive oh no i missed oh no i missed dodge get back here you'll never take me alive no no no [Music] did you know i also made a jet pack without mods check that out here or browse the playlist for something new oh wow this is cool are you serious i gave me the fake one
Channel: Mysticat
Views: 2,266,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6P6iDqIcUfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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