I Built The BEST YACHT EVER in Raft

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so i was out here abandoned in the middle of the ocean in raft and i had an idea that i should build up a nice giant yacht so you know the drill we can just regularly build all of these things but that's not nearly as fun as building the nice fancy solid foundations if we're gonna build a yacht might as well make it nice right now we do have to keep this area in here because that's the starting zone but we can build up quite a few blocks around the outside also mods make this so much easier and so much better and so much more fun for me to build now another thing i'm going to do is anchor this thing down so we don't crash into any islands now i also thought we should probably use the new solid roof things and this makes it so much easier because we can just add things like that and it looks really cool it even works well to fill in all of these gaps and we have a really really good corner where you started up all right i'm not gonna lie but that actually looks pretty cool for the bow of my yacht wow and speaking of cool i'd like to thank today's sponsor which is bitverse and i'd like to thank bit first for sponsoring this video so you're probably wondering what the bit verse is well the midfirst is a game universe composed of several games that revolve around these cool little bit heroes that live inside of the bit verse so as a player you get to customize level up and interact with them in tons of different ways they could take your bit hero on a different adventure like in an rpg game maybe swap over to a battle royale player runner games and tons of other games are on the way as well they're expecting to launch two more games yet in 2022 with more in development in the future bit heroes are now available to get ready for the bit first launch and open nft pre-sales that are coming here in august congregate is behind this project so make sure you click on that link down below in the video description to join the bid first today you can also join their discord server i've been having a ton of fun bringing my bit hero on a little adventure through some dungeons and i bet you'd have a lot of fun playing the games as well as the bit versus open to everyone so join now all right so this is gonna be something interesting can i make oh i can't i have to do the trickery thing and put up a beam under here and then rotate it aha all right matey we've been walking to plank we'll put up that in the front oh that's looking good i like this we gotta jump down oh yeah oh no hey there's a manatee no those are sea turtles a bad shark i like that i want a pet sea turtle one day i also feel like i need a door in here somewhere cuz this ain't it shall i slap a doorway in on these sides i think that'd be a good spot right after the bow i'd also like one in the back somewhere but we don't know how far back that's gonna go now i'm kind of under the impression that i should put in all of the walls on the outside of this thing before i start decorating even more also thinking it might be a good idea to maybe put like the wheels for the engines outside so if you check out like a regular yacht you'll know that the back area is for sitting not for the engines like a typical outboard motor i also should have thought about putting windows in here so let's tear down all these walls again spawn in a few engines in engine there we go about four is four going to be enough it might and then how do these things work oh yeah that's actually large and in charge that looks pretty good if i put them like here and then the next one behind that but that sticks out on the side do we want to inset i think i kind of do so let's remove that we're going to yoink yoink and yoink those out of the way and then we will slap that engine in right about such as like so this cool that'll work and we'll do the same thing here all right another engine has been placed while that actually looks kind of weird so let's go ahead and bring in some of these support beams and hopefully i can put those over the engine and we'll slap a few windows in here so it looks nice and pretty let's enclose this thing a little bit more because let's be honest it makes a lot of noise so we need some sound proofing in here we also need to put in a canopy above it please yes it works oh that's so cool now i'm honestly hoping that four of these engines work because well they can only do a hundred blocks each so i could only have 400 block base on here which might be just enough and i totally spawned in 10 000 recipes for simple smoothies not the actual juice themselves so let's just throw that garbage into the ocean where it belongs and spawn in more smoothies times ah beautiful drinky drink time oh wow this actually has some food in it too that's cool so in order to keep building on here i gotta put some support beams in the walls ah it's one short i guess we'll do a dinky one oh wow i could actually do the improved ones i didn't know that horizontal half wood wooden pillar those actually kind of look cool we're not going to use them though and then i have to do it like every two blocks if i remember right and now for scientific experiments let's hope that yes we can place down these now beautiful job blitz you're so smart not gonna lie i kind of want to go above them though because it's hard to build things underneath of yourself nope i literally can't place one here and i don't know why not so i guess we'll just try shoving in another support somewhere then slap on another floor platform beautiful job so i was also thinking we should slap in some stairs maybe right up there oh that's looking good i like that a lot we'll do another one over on this side hopefully the boat doesn't collapse but if it does we'll just rebuild it yay it didn't collapse so let's just pop in another set of stairs like such as and beautiful so i've been working on putting the second floor up and i had an epiphany i know it's a big word for me but it's like a big idea and that epiphany is that maybe i shouldn't have the whole thing being the same uniform height if i tear out some of these walls i can slap in the cool half walls here and it might look a little bit better than i was anticipating you know what that also does is it frees up a lot of space in the basement here that i no longer have to work with okay yeah i'm really liking how that's starting to take look i like that how it drops down there and we'll build up some other things probably coming up don't mind that that's just my arms but yeah we'll build up another structure in here and that'll be where like the housing area is and we can use this for more of the industrial stuff below that just means i have to delete a bunch of things again oh yeah i love how that looks so much so we'll slap in some of these around the outside to make it safe and i think i want to decorate this a little bit to begin with and no better way to decorate than with a bunch of crop plots so let's put in i don't know can i fit three here i can three on each side and of course we have to have a rhino shark hoping that i can fit that up here and oh my word i wasn't expecting it to be that big although that would look pretty cool let's tear down these real quick and then i think i might be able to get it to stay here come on bud oh yes it does fit that's awesome it's like a figurehead from like real ships now i made the first layer here and i'm thinking probably two more is gonna be cool one hour later all right not gonna lie i love the way it looks but it's a little too short it just looks kind of short and derpy because i didn't bring it back far enough a few moments later how's that look i need one more layer it has to have one more layer okay so there's the antennas in the game too and that's kind of what the top of one of these structures should be right antennas and like all sorts of instruments up here that didn't go in the center you need to be better up here one eternity later hey that looks all right i kind of like that i kind of like that a lot i like the slope i gave to the back of those things looks pretty good i'm wondering if we need like a a little structure up there i don't think so i think that's all right i do know one thing i need though we need a back area back here to lounge in when it's not raining of course all right so check that out we have three levels up there and then this is the thing i've been working on in the back right down below the boat goes down and then we have a beautiful sitting area here could have like a cabana and all sorts of little fun chairs to sit on i like this place so it's time for a little decorating now we obviously have the surfboards yes these are beautiful surfboards i put some tables up with some fire pits also growing some banana trees back here i did want to slap in a few shelves around the corners yes that's perfect right above the head so when you stand up for me you can bunk yourself on the brain we have all sorts of knickknacks we can put on there like this guy hey there you are turn around bud there the golden robot i don't even know why that's in the game but it is also there's a tiki head i think that could be kind of fun over here maybe that thing's chunking big isn't it you know what on second thought let's just uh put that right in here we don't need a giant chunk and tiki head up there but i would like to put a table right in the middle here we'll throw in a few plants to look very nice everyone always needs a giant tic-tac-toe board oh we could actually play it i wonder if i could beat myself probably not oh yeah oh no no oh i lost how dang that sucks we have to have a welcome mat just because it's dumb ah i turned it around hit dome sweet dome there we go oh welcome this is a cool little area i'd like to hang out here now for this zone i had another idea i don't know if it's gonna be a good one but we're gonna go with it grass we want the grass planters here and i'm going to give myself 20 of them now the big brain idea is that i want to keep animals on board and it's my lucky day it's actually raining out when i'm placing these so that's always cool i mean i could i hate that idea but i'm gonna do it anyway then i will build up a fence across there and a fence across here oh my word i cannot drive straight and we'll put the sprinklers in how do you work nope that's the wrong way chuck the batteries inside of here and now to get water inside of that we need to build a distillery distillery is that the right word i don't think so but i made these little cubby holes in the back and i think they're kind of cool but i do think these areas make pretty good areas for our water purifiers yeah that looks pretty good where does the battery go these have batteries right yep i saw it over there yeah yeah so i'll connect you over here to the innie and that should fill up is there a flip button i'm hoping there's a there's not a flip button whatever we'll put it here and then you connect that way good then we have the two outs and we'll bring that outside and then bring it up yep that should work and i do need to just hook it into the back of these things awesome so all of that's pretty much ready we can go ahead and drop a few animals into here maybe a goat two chickens and a llama yeah that could be cool where's the where the baby chickens at they're the chickens is okay we need more maybe two more chickens and another two llamas yes that's awesome okay so i've spent roughly another hour at this place and i think it looks pretty amazing i'm gonna give you a final walk through here we have this back of the boat which might be my favorite place in the whole thing imagine we're just drifting in the ocean and we have this cool little oasis to hang out on yes please i would love it bananas on the tree we have a nice little fire on both sides some tunes we can play and then as we walk into here this is like the engine room with all of the industry things we have our water over on the side i took out this water and put in a biofuel plant so we can power our four engines four engines would have 400 of the raft blocks which is cool because on this other side i like this little room too check this out we have all of the the heads on the wall and then if we go into the bedroom space with two beds back here we can see that we have 286 platforms wow so this boat should float i also like this place a nice little tub that we can lounge in let's see oh i can't actually can't okay we're kind we why did you keep your clothes on dude you don't you don't go to tub with your clothes on that's kind of weird oh i'm stuck all right so we go out of the bedroom what is that oh we just have some trash hanging out in the bottom yeah i like this room too so i'll close the doors and then we'll head upstairs [Music] shark there yes more food to grow there and on the back side you did see me put in the the different animals i guess we have this guy we need to name you i'm going to rename you sub to blitz because that's a good name here we'll stop carrying use of the blitz you be a good boy he's he's the best of boys here's kind of just a lounging area kind of i don't even know what to call it but we have a piano that we can mash the keys on i i'm not really good oh really it actually has music let's try those seven three five six okay that's kind of neat i'm not a very good math magician oh no i broke the piano i didn't mean math i meant music i'm decent at math bad at music this is actually kind of awkward because there's animals that are just staring inside of us yeah i like this place too it's nice and comfy kind of the main holding area for the raft and then we go up the stairs and this is the food cooking area we have our juicer over here and our grill on there i guess we could put in like a catfish on the grill let's just give myself two of those and there we go start grilling up some catfish and up top at this spot this is the engine control room i've not actually tried this but i think we should be able to actually drive this ship oh it's working hotdag is actually working oh that's so cool oh yeah this would be nice hanging out down here in the back with all the engine exhaust that's so unactually that would be terrifying does look like all of the engines are working we're full on gas we're passing the island and i think this should even work ah the antennas are too close to the receiver okay it doesn't work but i did put some bird nests up here and i put in a windmill to charge up batteries how does it look from the noclip perspective oh that is sick though it's not even a raft anymore we've ascended the game and created ourselves a beautiful yacht for this beautiful games so you'll have to let me know what you think of this beautiful yacht and raft if you'd liked it let me know down below in the comments if you can see anything else that we should change let me know that as well also make sure you do check out bit first and thank you again to them for sponsoring today's video so keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members for supporting the channel including autoday ben dickie j teddy hippies destructo man general harris maxer vc engineer whip it good eagle our expensive teas aren't off royal deegan sarcasm rex baron fox whiskey spider sacks joe b dog rules 2.0 fury arrow nerdy geek skunk chest corian rob the king brad kdf dalton c helvora mr m gaming secander kyle kieran grayson monkey zane mr one and epic bacon
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,453,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, raft, raft blitz, blitz raft, raft the final chapter, the final chapter, raft gameplay, raft update, raft the final chapter gameplay, raft the final chapter game, raft shark, raft new update, raft final chapter, raft survival, raft survival blitz, blitz raft survival, raft survival update, raft survival final chapter, raft ending, raft builds, raft best raft design, raft best builds, raft build ideas, best build ideas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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