Engineering puzzling trainlines in Railway Islands!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to railway islands as you can see by the tiles there and the train going past this is a sort of dorf romantic tile placer but also mixed with a puzzle game and a quick thanks to my fellow engineer turned youtuber friend blitz for bringing my attention to this game right let's get into it so level one right so of course it's another game where hexagons are the best guns you can see down here we have a red tunnel and over in the blue corner a blue tunnel then in the middle we have a station i think he's got a few bars of silver that we need to pick up essentially we can swap pieces like that we can also rotate them by using our mouse wheel and if we do a little bit of that we've made a train line from one to the other going via the station so if we click this little guy down here look there's our train and just like that it goes into the tunnel oh got it it really goes into that tunnel i got sucked into it right so now we're on the next level where we need to pick up a gold coin with a skull on it and a cookie of course all right so i think we swap those two we can rotate that we can rotate these two helps we can swap them rotate that swap u rotate u and rotate that not too shabby i don't think so we picked up the coin we'll pick up the cookie after this corner and then we're into the tunnel my favorite part of the level oh god and this looks like the difficulty stepped up a bit uh okay so we've got to pick up some toilet paper and then some poo or do we pick up the poo and then the toilet paper i don't know i'm gonna say we go for the toilet paper first which doesn't make a lot of sense but all right so if we do that we're gonna head over to there then we're going over this way so what if we yeah well if we swap that one for us straight so that goes around there we can go around the trees pick up the poo then up that way swap those two rotate and the final rotate then we're good to go i'm going to go zoom in because i want to see what happens to the train at the end my favorite part all right it's got the paint ready ready wait for it it's gone oh dear okay we've just been given crossroads right so we need to go to there so let's sort of get these sorted a bit i reckon we can swap those two spin that one and spin that one is that it was this just to confuse me or perhaps i should do that just in case i don't really know what the x does this one yeah i think that's good i think i'm ready to watch the uh the magnificent end once you pick up the silver ready ready i don't know why i do those sound effects every time right so this time we've got what is that just stone it's mold stone and some coffee beans right so the question how do we do this one then if we do that oh god i don't actually know what i'm doing what am i doing what if we swap those two and do that and then make that straight do you have another straight yeah you can be a straight so train goes around there and then i think the blue is where it goes next so it can come around these trees so yeah we'll swap that one with a straight and there you go i think i think we've done it oh that was quite simple i thought that was going to be quite hard but yeah look it will go along the blue yes so it comes around there and then it'll come around sorted we can even speed up whoa look at the rear of the train okay that's that's good to know for next time oh god this looks like a mess uh where do i start right so i think only that piece can go there i reckon this one's probably a one of them not necessarily sure what direction maybe you want to go left first oh yeah okay okay all right let's have a think let's have a think if we put that one in that one's sorted do the curves around this edge because we know they're pretty standard and that one swap those two around i think we're nearly there it would just be a case of swapping these two and then making sure we're all good because that's in the wrong place now you almost need like the mirror of this which is that one is it that one yeah okay so we'll go straight well there's that one there i missed that one right i think we're nearly there we're gonna come along here i think i want to go up there first don't i do i i don't know let's see what happens i'm not entirely sure oh oh no we crashed oh so it literally can't go because it's not blue okay i get you so if that one goes there and then that one goes there it should go up get the stone go all the way around then grab the toilet paper sorted right all right ready to speed look at the rear of the tree what is it doing whoa that was fun oh so this one we've got a poo diamond and a guitar an acoustic guitar so i think we'll do around this edge first because we sort of know they have to do that that one's gonna be some sort of junction probably that one i think that one might be the same and actually no they're not gonna be able to get off that are they when they just keep going around in circles if i do that one then it will just go straight and it won't actually go around oh god i don't know i don't know how to do this one uh my brain my brain can't work this out all right let's do the obvious one so we know that they're right and that one probably so we need a straight there so that's gonna have to be swapped with that one so that goes there comes off and then it goes around when you just keep going round i don't know i'm not entirely sure let's see if that works i guess i'm worried it might just keep doing loops around there but only one way to find out all right it's going round oh and it changes when it goes over it oh did i miss that before so whenever it goes through it swaps the tracks over here there's a boat right this one is a much better combo than the last one guitars and doughnuts all right i have a feeling that might go there then we can spin that around then we're gonna go around there straight across we'll come around this i might swap those ones do a bit of that a bit of that so i think we've got these ones that don't do anything hopefully that's right let's see oh it comes out that way i thought we're gonna come out the other way for some reason that should be fine though i think so over the crossy bit pick up the guitar started and get awesome i'm not even sure i said words there look a burger right so that's gonna be one of those oh is it no not that one matt one of them one of those so spin that around maybe here is where we need a thing or maybe we can just do a bit of that yeah so now if we swap those ones and we do we do that so we come out the red one don't we so we'll come around here go over there then we'll do a whole circle to pick up the steel and then we're in the tunnel yep okay we'll do that we'll speed up because look at the rear end that is not a happy train or is it a happy train it's like a wagging tail right here we go now we gotta stretch the old brain we got a guitar and an axe which is also another name for a guitar right so i think we can do this edge first that's a simple one swap those oh god there's a jet there's a jet just flew over right so this is where we're gonna need some sort of junction so i think we'll do that to start and down there as well so we know we're coming out of this one we're gonna go straight along there up to here where we'll need some form of junction probably that one because then we can go no i'll tell you what we need we need a junction before that we need a junction there yes i think we do that because now if we go from here we go straight over straight over straight over we then go around the loop and we go around the circle again and then we come down here pick up the axe onto this and then we should turn right because that should have changed whether it works like that i don't know times two because i like the end whoa all right it's working so far it's worked so far pick up the axe turn off yes all right we're getting the hang we are guessing the hang so i think the key to this sort of do what you know like this one's always going to be some form of junction that's always going to be a straight this one could be a junction so i'll put one in ready that's going to be a straight that's going to be a bend that's going to be another bend because it's going to go around like that i feel like that's also going to be a bend and then we got to start working out where we're going to go so i think that's the crossroad one because we do that and then we swap those two so that there's a junction there right now we just need to work out if all of our junctions are in the right place so if the red comes out it's not going to be able to go straight because we need a straight through one first so we'll swap beauty and then that needs to be a straight through so we'll swap you two no that was wrong way around we'll swap beauty oh no there's a blue there that goes that way oh god ah i'm getting confused i'm getting confused right so if we start from red we go along this blue we turn off we go oh okay that one needs to swap with a bendy one so i think that one so yeah now we're on there we've picked up the stake unfortunately it's a little bit too rare for me we'll go around the corner and then we'll turn along there and that needs to be a curvy one or will it have changed oh i don't know i don't know actually let's try this i don't think it's going to work i think it's going to get stuck there so we picked up the steak we've now got that yeah it died it derailed and everything oh look the items have changed there's now carved pumpkins to pick up right perhaps then we don't want to go that way first perhaps we just want to go straight so if we swap you to that means we can go straight that needs to be swapped with us straight as well so now we're going up then around we'll grab the stake then we'll go that way that one will have changed that's fine that one will have changed so that's fine we end up on that one and then we go left but that one will have changed go around there and then possibly that's change and that's changed and that's changed i don't know let's just press play right full speed come on i believe in you train if this works i definitely planned it that's all i'm saying yes yes yes straight line to the end through the blue tunnel right so corn and steel my third favorite combo so we definitely know that one's got to go there this one could be anything maybe oh i don't know actually we've got three-way junctions these are new so that's got to be a curve i think that's got to be a curve perhaps we do something like that yeah i feel like this is gonna be it's gonna look like a yo-yo there's a yo-yo coming from the blue tunnel i reckon swap those around we'll do a bit of that we do that so that works is it in the right order so we come out there go around that's change oh no that's just going to go straight so what if we swap these no that's not going to work uh oh maybe this isn't the way to do it i will just make sure i'm not talking rubbish let's see so we come out we go around oh it changes to left not to straight ahead okay that's good see i know what i'm doing i know what i'm doing oh look we got a bridge we got a bridge okay i'm excited now you have my attention game so i reckon that's going to go there that's got to be a straight has that got to be a ramp i'm confused where the bridge goes now we can do those two beats do we have a straight oh that's the only straight no the bridge is a straight the bridge how does the bridge work yeah so if we're gonna use the bridge that's gonna have to be there yeah okay okay i get it i get you game you nearly confused me but not quite not quite so we make that a loop sort of like a light bulb or a balloon oh yes now so that'll go that'll go straight up and over the bridge we'll go around there grab the coffee it's gonna come back along the blue line go down the bridge around grab the cherries and then my favorite floosh is floosh the new boosh let me know in the comments oh look at this we got a new piece it's like it's like a bridge crossroads so i think that needs to be a curve going that way and that one maybe maybe not it could also be that sort of thing and then that's a curve that does work so let's pretend we're coming from the red so we're going to go along there grab the peach go around here and then i'm going to guess that's where the bridge goes in that orientation they're going to be curving around perhaps that's a straight okay i feel like maybe you want to go the other way first then we want to go over here we go around that way we make that a curve yeah swap that with the ramp right now we've gone round we've got the peach we've got up to here now we just need to work out how to get back so if we do a bit of that whop that spin these two around oh i think we might have done it i think we might have done it so let's see does that work we're going double speed because i like the rsn doing that wait don't take that out of context right there you go picked up everything and we've got into the tunnel very fast oh look it's changed to autumn oh wow we got like double ramps we got two ramp pieces interesting right let's do the pieces we know uh we sort of run out there i think that's one that we know is it i don't know actually oh god why is i got two written on it what does two mean all right if i just do that so this we're not getting any of that we're not messing about with that we're just going straight through the tunnel do you layer suckers ah i sent me back to the start i forgot to pick up steak and petrol i thought the difficulties just gone insane suddenly i think that has to be a thing that has to be how it goes which makes that a nonsense tile which means that's going to go there and then that one's probably going to go there no that goes there because we need to turn off first yes okay okay okay so up to here and then there's no more straight so we either do that and then oh that's actually up a hill oh okay so that's where the ramp goes i didn't realize this was up a hill over to there that can come down oh god and now we're cocked uh although that can i can swap those ones yes that goes round oh that can be a straight and that can come down there yes yes and then that's the corner okay i think that's it so the question is are they in the right order do they need to be swapped no they can't be swapped i don't know what two means just two means it can go over that twice in which case i think that would work i think that's what the two means let's see so i think as the train goes over yes the countdown's gone down to one but it didn't change which means we can now do the second loop the big one that goes and gets the petrol all right petrol is done we're going down the hill around the corner and then sorted into the blue tunnel floosh oh god my brain is not ready for this right pretty confident a curve has to go there by that rock and another one has to go there i'm guessing this probably needs to be a junction oh there isn't a junction uh can i cross no cross i don't know i don't know how to do this one so that's got to go there and that's got to be a straight oh that's the tunnel that's not just a rock you idiot matt so that's got to be a straight and that's got to be a ramp so i reckon we go along there up then keep going around so we can do those edge pieces they're definitely corners you can make that a bend no i've cocked it i've cocked it right so the other logical way of thinking about this is where can the ramps go i think there's only like two places because they basically need like two tiles in a line so i think they're the only two places they can go which means perhaps we go that way first so oh yes yes so if we make that a crossroads let me go around we spin you around yes we've done it easy right go on glitchy train look at that tail wag that is a happy train reminds you of paddy oh look at paddy what a good dog oh we were too busy enjoying the paddy that we missed the floosh right anyway we start down here i'm pretty sure that's probably gonna be that and then that is a bend coming out of the banana station okay i reckon if we make this one one of those make that a bend we put that there we can see there's a track underneath do that swap that with a ramp so that goes up there just straight there make that a bend make that a bend and i think we've done it have we yes i think we have ready times to boosh boosh under the bridge grab the banana around there up grab the key over the bridge and floosh to the end all right oh god this is big level zoom out matt we gotta zoom out so we've got diamonds apples and birch logs or as i like to describe it a load of stuff we gotta collect so red tunnel is down there nearly hidden by the trees the camouflaged trees if we do that you've got to be a straight i'm pretty sure you've got to be a bend that's probably got to be that piece all right i've changed your mind i think that one is a straight and that one is a one of those so then we swap them is this making any sense oh god no i've cocked it up right as that doesn't work and there's no other cornery pieces i reckon we actually come this way first meaning that's a bend and that's potentially a straight probably not we'll have to see maybe that goes like there if we can like figure of eight back or something right okay reasonably happy with this so we're gonna go this way where do the bridges go you've gotta be a bend going that way around you could be a crossroads there no that makes no sense there like that i reckon so that goes there that gets swapped with a ramp maybe that's also a ramp so now we just figure out the rest so we're coming along there oh god there's no straights to use up so perhaps you're a ramp you're a bridge and then your ramp yeah i think this works because then we just spin these around to make corners and voila we've done it we've done a well it's not quite a figure eight it's a figure of a weird lump but look if we play this we're gonna go over there over the bridge pick up the birch logs under the bridge up the ramp pick up the apple go around the teardrop along there down the ramp pick up the diamonds and straight into blue i'm quite good at this i think all right let's zoom out and see what we're dealing with here oh yes this is actually the best combo three mars bars stacked on top of each other and a cookie all right this time we've got a bridge stuck in place as well so i'm gonna guess those two need to be swapped and we're going to go up a bridge to start and that's probably a crossroads and then we can spin around this so that's all sorted the mars bars are ours that was the rhyme i did a rhyme the mars bars are ours then we spin these two around put a ramp down there put a crossroads there it's basically the mirror image of what we've just done and just like that i think we've done it let's double speed crazy train good song by the way all right cookies are done get ready for a floosh yes oh dear this is not good this is not good at all okay oh my brain [Music] right so i think perhaps one of those then we can do this edge because we know what's going on with that edge pretty much and then perhaps that one or perhaps just a bend actually going that way and then this one is a bend going that way then maybe a ramp up there i can swap that with a curve no okay so we're gonna have to come back down the same ramp i see said the blind man okay so if we put a crossroads there and make that a straight no because we can't get onto our bollocks all right that's gotta be one of those okay okay so now we come around there oh no then we're just stuck in a loop then we're just stuck in a loop damn it oh wait no yeah there's another one there's another one there i reckon it's this one sometimes i don't know what i'm even doing what what are we trying to achieve here right through the pieces you know matt it'll make things easier trust me i'm an engineer right i've sort of got something i'm not sure what this blob is doing in the middle unless we did that with two of those would that be of any use to anyone no because that's the stations maybe it goes there with a straight down the middle like that hey look i've made a paper clip but we could make that a crossroads a bend there and that there i think that's the only way that's going to work so we swap you to so now you go up and around there we need to swap that with that one so it's got the blue on the curve and then as we go back the blue is going to go straight oh no then we're just stuck but if i swapped that or something like that oh no my head my head all right i'm pretty sure the ramp can only go there because if it was there then it's gonna block the path unless that doesn't matter because you can just do a loop now you can't do a loop because you've got to get back on the ramp has to go there pretty sure if we did a crossroads like that right i think we do that because now if you follow from the red we go along there up the ramp around around then we go straight pick up the ice cream go along then we're going straight straight and then around and then as you come around there we'll go right right and then we're coming back down that area would have changed so we're gonna come round here and then oh god i've run out of joints no i thought i was on to the right thing but i'm not all right okay okay question because i feel like this is the right lines let's think about these turns do they definitely all need one of these so we're coming along here we go straight there and we go around come around there and then around so i don't think those ones actually need to be things i think they're just they just work as bends because we only use that once that bit of track so i think that works like that like that yep right so now we're coming along here we know that can we know that right so that's nearly there but i think the arrows are wrong because that's where as we're gonna come back down the ramp and around here we're gonna hit that that needs to be a straight so what if we were to swap it with that one so if we put those in does this still work so we go up there around that way yeah that works it's just the same but backwards so let's go train with your wavy tail so around there straight over the crossroads around the rock straight back down the ramp round straight and then they'll both be bends as it comes back the other way yes look they both curved we'll come in there and floosh through the tunnel oh god and these are getting complicated now so i'm going to leave that there for today guys i think we've done 20 levels yep we've done the first page and we've done the first five on the second page so we're on level 21. if you've been enjoying this video you like a bit of railway engineering give the old like button a boost but otherwise i'll catch you guys next time peace love and floosh bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 294,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: railway islands, railway islands game, railway islands puzzle, blitz railway islands, puzzle games, puzzle games steam, best puzzle games, train games, train puzzle, quick puzzle game, quick puzzle, rce, real civil engineer, railway engineering game, railway puzzle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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