Defending my Sky Castle the engineering way...

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hello you fellow engineers and welcome to all of arrows that sound like I love arrows don't know anyway this is basically if you combine like a tower defense with like a card game sort of like Islanders or dwarf romantic but basically it's all random and you can only upgrade towers by what's next to it but you can extend the islands and let's just get into it it's easier if I explain there so we've got to select our Guild they all have different bonuses however the next one I unlock is called yep I'm not I'm not even gonna say that word developer whoever made this you're really not encouraging people to play your game if that's the first unlock that's all I'm gonna say about the matter let's move on so basically this is our lovely Island a mountain in the sky if you will if we zoom in this diamond here this is what we're defending this is called the compass we have to defend at all costs at the end of the path can you see there's like a path there's a pink blob that's where the enemies spawn so basically every round you've got to like extend your path build more Towers Etc now down the bottom you can see this is our current time so we can place that wherever we want you can see the range you can rotate it and everything you can only build next to like what you already have so I can't build like over here and the tile we have is a cannon Tower so you can click on that it tells us a little bit about it damages all enemies in an area but it's not always accurate and there's also water attached basically they just take up extra space there are like bonus tiles that need water next to them and stuff but we'll get on to that in another time you can also see the next tile that's coming up it's a path and it's a straight and a left Bend so it might be worth trying to place our Cannon tower on water somewhere where we can use that layout so when we place our path piece it's either gonna go like across those two squares leading that direction or it's going to come out this way leading down there now looking on our map you can see we've already got this Tower this is an Archer Tower you can see the range of that it's these squares with the crosses in the middle so it would be good to try and wrap around however our path pieces aren't going to allow that but they do head towards these now these are high ground you can see that increases the range of any Tower placed here so if I just show you like with the Canon Tower you can see that's our normal range you can see the squares with the crosses in if we put that on there can you see look increases not just in a square pattern but in like a sort of funky pattern so it could be an option to go on to those but I think for now I'm gonna go I'm gonna go in there and rotate my water in that direction so we'll place that that is placed so next up we don't actually have this path piece we need to we need to buy it for two coins can you see up the top we currently have three coins so basically this is the only Tire I can buy this round now because it extends the path by two pieces it's definitely worth doing now because once we shove this in you'll see this pink blob that's where people spawn once you press place look it's moved back there so that means they're going to be hit by the Archer because look that area there gonna be hit by our new Cannon tower that is well worth doing now we've only got one coin remaining so we can't buy this next piece however note it's the monument now the monument gives you three of those pieces when it's fully surrounded by buildings up the top can you see look there's a little thing there there's a little different symbol next to it so this piece is sort of a it's a bridge since allows you to build things like over over land that doesn't exist and the bomb piece that lets you replace a piece that you already have anyway we can't do anything now so let's just start the wave you can see there's an enemy I literally got killed instantly you probably didn't even see it but for the monument where shall we put that I'm guessing down here and we'll just see if we happen to surround it we probably won't be able to but being able to unlock Bridges is tempting so maybe I will try the next piece costs are two remaining gold so we'll unlock that and I'm gonna shove this one there so it sends people that direction I'm not sure what happens if a path goes onto High Ground I guess there's only one way to find out hopefully it doesn't like ruin the game we will have to see right let's start the next wave so you can see a couple of people oh they're getting mullered by mccannons it is good and the end of this round we've been given some bonus cards so we can pick one of these so we can either pick a Canon Tower we can make sure the next two tiles will be Corner paths not very useful where I am now like look over there I really want a street ideally or we can randomly extend the Island now that's pretty good but more Firepower is probably more useful because look there's quite a lot of land about isn't there so let's grab the cannon Tower let's shove it there so we get two hits and we're surrounding our Monument a little bit I assume surrounding it in water counts as like building something only one way to find out uh we have a flag now the flag this extends the aisle so if we grab that you can see can you see like the white squares basically that is where we will extend the island like the direction so you want it to be close to an edge but obviously you've got to be touching your path or your buildings so we definitely want to go up this way but I don't really know where like that doesn't look very beneficial I might shove it there for now so if we place that look the island grows and then we'll start the next wave so this is a big dude he's oh he had a baseball bat but he didn't last long so we've got two cannons and the Archer all attacking next up is the ice trap now the ice trap is sort of a slow thing so any adjacent tiles will get slowed down so if I place that there I'm actually going to rotate twice just so there there's two waters sort of next to each other you'll see why later on probably but if we place that there can you see that corner piece it now has a little snowflake on that means as enemies come into that they will slow down which obviously means our Towers will do more damage against them the next card is a statue card and that gains two bombs when fully surrounded so that will allow us to like dig up some stuff ideally I'd want to get rid of that flag like that's useless to me now so we'll take the statue and I'm probably gonna shove this like down here if I can help surround the monument and that's not a bad thing see I'll go in the middle so it's got three edges surrounded already we're gonna have to extend the land to be able to do that though not gonna be easy anyway let's start the wave so we got a few enemies this time a baseball bat dude did not last long oh we got a Bonus coin as well so Archer Tower I think what if we shove this oh yeah up there is good look at the area that covers that would be really good if we can get our path to come around as well yeah I think we're gonna shove that up there and then the next piece is a corner tile so we'll grab that we can rotate about there oh no why can't I shove it there is it because it goes to a flag do I need to think I need to remove this flag in order to get my corner piece in okay fair enough so we've placed that over the flag you can see it will use a bomb up we've only got one bomb so this is the only piece we can remove at the moment so let's Place using that that's replaced it next up we're getting a straight piece of path not ideal for linking these up but we can keep going that direction I guess let's start the next wave see how we get on though they're getting pretty mullered by my defenses and oh look we got a treasure chest okay what is in the treasure chest we've got to place any tile on top to collect okay well I think what I'm gonna do first I'm going to place this path piece over there and then I'll probably place this path piece once I buy it oh I don't have enough coins we'll have to do that next round but I think it'll show it so the path is there the flag is there because that will extend the map that way and maybe I can bring my path down anyway let's start the wave there's oh there's quite a few enemies this time thankfully the Cannons are doing area damage which means they didn't last very long right time what I'm thinking is I do that because that'll get us the treasure chest and extend the island quite in a big way yep let's do that so treasure oh we got three bridges that is very nice that will help us surround these which will be good uh but for now let's buy the path and then let's shove it in that corner and that will move the spawn point way back to there so hopefully people won't last very long look lots and lots of enemies are actually only three enemies that guy was strong he had a shield oh he's got really far thankfully my Frost Tower slowed him down and we're all good all right next up we've been given a huge part piece look at the size of this is it worth doing that sort of thing I think that probably makes the most sense yeah let's place it there and next up we've got an arrow Tower with water I don't think that's worth buying now so I might just save my money and I think that just Stacks I get this for free next time so let's start the wave wave eight there's four enemies one with a shield one with a bat and one at the back doing nothing uh oh they got quite close but thankfully we've got three upgrades so Peak look at the next three tiles and discard any number of them oh that's quite good or we can grab four gold coins or we can grab a bridge and a bomb now I don't have any bombs I feel like they might be useful at some point I really don't know what's best to do here I mean I could skip as well if if I'm an idiot and I don't want anything but I think I'm I'm gonna play it cool I'm just gonna take the money so we've got seven coins now which means we can go we can go all out on cards so we've got the arrow Tower where do we want to shove this probably there would be good that covers three yeah that covers three with the Frozen one as well so that's a good spot next up we got some straight path so let's grab that and shove it I reckon there so we just need loads of Corners to try and sweep our path back and then there's a workshop now the workshop when we're adjacent to two water tiles we gain a path tile of your choice so it basically gives us a choice now thankfully because of how I laid my water out earlier I can buy the workshop and I can shove it like there so when we place that we're against two water tiles and we get to pick a piece now we're obviously going to go for the corners because we're all about the corners at the moment and then if we move that up to there give it a rotate that has extended our path in a big way and I think we're good to start the next wave so they're starting all the way back there they're gonna get mulled by my Arch tower now the heat has a big range remember yeah he's gonna do a lot of damage and then once they get over here there's cannons attacking they get slowed down in the frost no chance all right next up we've got a pointy flag this is another one that extends the grounds because it's pointy it does it in like a different pattern can you see it's like quite a pointy pattern I think I might shove this one there just so I'm surrounding these tiles a bit but also like adding new lands if you remember that's the monument that goes around and that's the statue I've got to surround so I feel like that's a pretty good spot next up we've got is our double straight path oh it is we got so much straight path I need some I need some Corners more corners all right I could go there with a bit of a bridge can you see there's a gap at the back so that would put a bridge in that would push people back but there's not any there's no Towers over that way so it might be worth instead I don't know going like there maybe or maybe there but that needs another corner to link up I mean if I did that and then replace that flag with a tower that would do lots of damage but I need a bomb and I don't have any bombs yet still we'll go we'll go there for now try and keep things sort of sort of wrapped up and then the ice trap I think I will take that and I'm gonna shove it there with the water in the corner so we've got two double water tile places should we get any more Workshops the next tile is a path we'll grab that shove it there place and then we'll start the wave so they start all the way back oh and look there's a really fast guy he's like a viking he's got a Viking helmet he's getting very far take him to oh that was close that was actually the closest they've got to destroy me I'm doing really well this round right so we're on the black market we can spend four coins to get something however I don't have four coins because I would really like the bomb I think instead I'm gonna grab this path piece for two coin points and then shove that in that corner place and then that's all my coins I can't afford anything so let's continue and then here we've got a cannon Tower so I'm gonna shove that in there I'd love to go there but I don't have a bomb so we'll just go there for now please and then we'll start the next wave so another Viking at the front absolutely caning it he's actually he's getting destroyed by my archers and then these two guys at the back one as a shield one is dead and then after a few more hits he is down nice another coin so flag and water what I might do the flag extends the ground remember so I could extend the land like up this way or if I were to do it down here without using a bridge or maybe there like that actually yeah that works because then I've nearly surrounded everything so yeah let's place that this statue is nearly surrounded and we gained two bombs when we well when we fill in those two tiles essentially and then the monument just needs one tile remaining we gained Three Bridges of that we haven't actually used any Bridges yet I'm so excited to do a bridge review come on Gabe give me the opportunity to use a bridge all right anyway we've got paths I think this path annoyingly we're not going to use a bridge oh we don't even have enough money let's just let's start the next round then right Viking Going the Distance but he didn't last long as soon as they hit that snowflake they're pretty much mullered I think uh Corner path I think we'll take that over the arch Tower and the peak because we shove that in there we are extending our way back in a big way so we'll then shove this path probably like that so we're wrapping around this cannon they sat there and then oh look we've got a workshop so yes grab the workshop shove it up here where I've been saving some water because that will give us the choice of two new cards oh and one of them is a quarter piece which is just what we need we can shove that in there oh look how far they have to run now and they're gonna be wrapping around the cannon Tower this is good let's start the wave they're getting mullered straight from the start go on Cannon Tower there is a viking running away he's gonna get archered yeah oh he may he made it to the ice he did make it to the ice but yeah overall I think we've done all right there yep he's down so an extra coin we've only got one coin this round we've got path and water now what you can do if you don't want to use a piece you literally can just skip it so if I were to just click next that was to use two coins which I don't have obviously and it would just skip I mean I can literally start the wave so I've got more coins as well but I may as well place this down and I'm sort of thinking if I shove it there that will give me all the bombs and all the good stuff that I want but it is wasting a corner piece now annoyingly I can't really use it to add to my path like it's just it's just not gonna work so maybe it is best to sacrifice it over here so place that there we've gained two bombs two Bridges we've now got Seven Bridges anyway let's start the wave I'm sure we'll smash through this one oh three Vikings out the front though that's a little bit scary take him down Towers take them down all right it's okay they're getting bombed they're getting bombed there's one left oh that was quite close actually a little bit scary yeah we do now have a flag so we can extend the land the trouble is there's like nowhere to extend without building a bridge I'm guessing doing that that's going to use two Bridges which I assume you won't even be able to see yeah we didn't even get to see the bridges what what a rip-off and the next Tower is an archered Tower let's buy that then potentially I might shove it in there so that will use one bridge but look at the look at the number of tiles we're surrounding with that let's Place using that and we have a bridge but we can't see it I don't think sadly we can't rotate the camera in this game so so this is going to be a weird one a very weird fridge review a bridge next to a lake waterfall thing holding up an Archer Tower to allow five tiles to be damaged by my archers during the next wave the Vikings and people the shields got mullered by the Archer showing just how important this bridge is and because I finished the wave I've been interrupted by the magic wheel so let's just quickly do the magic wheel before we carry on the bridge review so play what are we gonna get foreign [Music] we're touching tips I don't know what that means it means we got another arrow Tower okay anyway the bridge is also a stealth Bridge you can't even see it there technically we could call this a stage get it stealth Bridge stage anyway with all that in mind I give this bridge a stealthy score of 6.7 out of 10. bridge review that's a very unusual Bridge review be sure to uh head to my store to get the old bridge review T-shirt If you want to do your own Bridge reviews it's the only way to make your Bridge reviews 100 official but anyway what have we got now we got a fishing Hut so a fishing Hut gains two coins for each adjacent water tile oh that's quite good actually so if I place this down here or maybe up here that will gain us two gold every time man they're quite easy to add water to I think so yeah I'll place that there oh look we're up to five gold so do take an ice trap or do we just start the wave I think we just start the wave I'm feeling our defenses are pretty strong at the moment there's also no Vikings this time just some beefcakes and people with shields and stuff alright to be fair check out that quite bit that is a hell of a beard Fair Playmate didn't serve him well though he died right so we have an ice trap is there actually anywhere we can use this sensibly I mean not really what I might do I might just surround the fish are hot with water does that actually help do we think let's Place yeah we've got two more gold decent we're up to eight gold so straight path next we'll grab that and shove it there and then we'll just start the wave because I feel like we're gonna smash this one as well yeah I thought so pretty easy round that one so flag and water so where do we want to extend the level I mean I might do that just so we've got like three Waters there so if we get another Fisher that's like that is gold next up we've got Corner path and water I mean oh I've just skipped it accidentally I didn't oh I didn't mean to skip anyway I was sort of thinking of Landing ahead so putting it there and maybe trying to take this path all the way around yeah let's try let's go let's go for the future proof the mega Fisher will go in the middle that'll get us like 8 gold I think and next up we've got a path so we'll shove that there that looks good and then we've got an arrow Tower so I think that's a pretty decent spot that would get four tiles plus an extra one when we build that corner to place then we'll start the next wave and hopefully watch them get annihilated although we got two birdie boys they're actually taking quite a lot of damage that's a little bit worrying but I think we're gonna be okay come on Ice come on Ice yeah that's good I got that bit of ice really saves us oh what is this oh no the game's just given us another one to defend Gabe oh dear okay we've got we've now got two things to defend I did not see that coming fair play um our next piece is the garden a new piece we gain one coin when placed okay so this is just a filler piece so let's just shove it down there I guess please next stop half and water what I'm thinking if I can send this path over towards this one because I got I got a spare corner piece over there perhaps that'll be good I don't know if that's gonna I don't think that's gonna help anything though so let's just start the wave oh we got Okay so we've got one guy down there and then the main thing up there so this starts a new wave oh game that is so sneaky I did not see that coming you're gonna have to zoom out a bit now so I could shove this there in the hope of like getting another fishery thing and I'm essentially trying to get straight and then then like yeah let's go for that oh cause look is that the piece that I need to connect them so this is a back to back corner that's the rock it's the wrong way round that would have been perfect would it no it probably wouldn't I mean I guess I could shove it up there I feel like this one's gonna get sketchy though I do have two coins yeah let's get another Archer Tower for down here so we've doubled up the Firepower on that one let's start the wave yeah they got they got milled over there these top ones oh we got some ax people I think they're new I think they're quite Hench yeah they seem to be going pretty far actually let's hope our death zone can get oh my goodness oh we lost we lost our life there anyway we're going to pick between two relics so we can grow the entire island or we can gain one coin whenever you place a tile on the edge yeah let's definitely do that more coins is always good X for example I can grab this path I can shove it there and I think because that edge is like on an edge we should gain a coin yeah we did we got a coin it means I can afford a quarry what does a quarry do destroy all adjacent tiles gain one coin for each destroyed title oh okay I'll do that next round but let's start the wave we'll try and figure out where where might be a nice place to do that I mean thankfully we pass that around pretty easily so this Quarry I'm sort of thinking if it were to go like there then we'll just gain those two back so that was the workshop which because it was next to Waters gave us a free card and that was the fishing Hut so basically that gives me a chance of replacing those two yeah the only other surrounding ones are like Towers I need or water so I think that's best we'll place it there three coins all right so we have a full lag and water I might I might just shove that there for now then corn a piece of path I can go there ice trap with a straight bit of path that is a lovely piece I feel like if I were to go there that covers two ice blocks or is that better so that we've got some yeah I think I'm gonna go there actually and the next piece is a street and a Bend path could that fit there I think that's the right orientation let's grab that oh that is perfect that is absolutely perfect we'll place that there and then the cannon Tower will be next time I think I might either shove that in the middle or remove like that one or maybe this one if this one loses me another life maybe we'll do that let's start the wave we'll see which one is like harder this bottom one there's no damage at that end at the moment we've only got those two Archer Towers up here seems to be coping alright as well though I don't know what to do I don't know what to do oh Shop prices are reduced by one gold that's well worth doing right yeah let's do that oh I thought it meant next was only gonna cost one it costs you used to oh there's a shop somewhere I haven't seen a shop yet anyway for the Canon I feel like I should probably do this also that's a good one for like a doubler my next piece is a pointy flag I'm going up here this might be stupid but this is the this is the one that's lost me the game before the bottom one has been pretty good so far let's start the wave oh no there's so many enemies on the bottom there's so many enemies down the bottom come on archers arched Arch this guy's tough go on hit him oh that was close up the top the double cannons in there actually doing the damage yeah I feel like maybe I would have lost that they got pretty far but instead we're on to round 24 we've got a pointy flag shove it there we've got a decent path I might shove that there we've got a garden I'll shut it there that just gives me an extra coin yeah part up there and we'll just start the wave and hope we get through I'm a bit scared down the bottom I need I need more tiles these guys are tough I think we're gonna lose some lives down here oh yeah we lost one life you can see the heart there we're on to nine Health top one should be fine although that ax guy was fast unlike the bearded dude all right thankfully we finally got an arrow Tower so I can shove that there on this one that should definitely help we've also got the workshop which needs to go against two adjacent water tiles I'm gonna shove that there and then we get to pick between oh a straight or a Bend let's have a look at our level what's better I think we want bends everywhere so if I shove it there we might actually be able to see a bridge for the first time play Susan Bridge you can see the bridge it's an arch I mean it's technically not really a bridge it's more of a cantilever anyway details details now we've just unlocked a spike trap with a bit of water so they only affect adjacent tiles which isn't too great for our layout at the moment if I'm honest I could probably shove it there as a bit of a future proofer likewise that path will go there I guess well then we got path and a flag so I can go there oh look at all that extra land lovely and the corner and water can go there all right I've started the next wave let's hope this bottom one the new Archer Tower is gonna help this guy's pretty Hench he might make it through oh that was so close I don't think you'd get much closer and top one is very close as well oh did you see that bearded guy he nearly made it right so we're in the black market now and remember we got that bonus so things cost less let's buy a load of parts so we want Corner Perth shove that there we can get a straight path and shove that back there maybe there may be some materials an extra bomb could be useful yeah let's let's grab the bomb and then we'll continue so straight path and water I think that should probably go there or Dark Tower that is new quickly launches three darts that take time to recharge oh look it's got It's got a big cross range so ideally it wants to go Oh in there it's quite a good spot that's going to get those two those two and that corner piece that will take a bomb though I think the only non-bomb solutions it only only covers two tiles so yeah I'm gonna do that sacrifice the water or four tiles of damage yep please alright so here's the next wave let's see how this new tower gets on it's oh look it's firing spikes at people and then you can see it's reloading basically it reloads and then oh no we lost so we just we just lost a life we lost two lives we're down to nine why did I say nine that's clearly an eight you're an idiot map get that guy get that guy uh we're losing Hearts this game's got very solid suddenly I think Corey in there loses three Waters gain me loads of space yeah that sounds good that's also four coins uh we'll take the street ass two straight paths that's rubbish honestly we don't really want streets right now I'll shove one there but it's not ideal and then we'll start the wave I'm scared of losing lives this round we need more fired out we just need to extend that path because then this Spike will do something these base with that guys come on either they took one down come on okay we lost two hearts down the bottom anything up the top getting through that goes fast he's so fast the Cannons are so slow oh we lost another life we're down to four lives we really need some cards that will help us so we've got us straight that is useless to me right now I'm gonna shove it there we've then got an arrow Tower and water okay that is actually good I think I'll try and add it to this bottom one so if we go like there we can cover two squares just using a bridge I don't really want to use my last bomb I mean I don't really know where else I can go really yeah it's gonna have to go there Place using a bridge all right next up we got got a corner piece so let's shove that down here and at least that's extended this one a bit so that Spike now gets used we've then got a garden that's just a random free coin thank you a flag with a straight AKA useless shove it up there another path down here shove that there and then we've got another straight with an ice now the street might be useless but I might be able to get the ice in there let's go there so hopefully these two cannons can do some area damage and then oh look we can see our Bridge that's not a bridge that's literally just a cantilever it doesn't go anywhere and we'll grab another straight oh look Dark Tower up next if we can survive this round The Dark Tower will at least help us anyway round 28 oh my goodness what are they they've got like Shields they've got bubble Shields right they're in the new Frosty area and they they don't stay slow for long do they bottom run is done though the spike definitely helps now these guys they regen their bubble Shields really quickly so we sort of need constant damage I think we're gonna lose a life or two here hopefully just one yeah okay we lost one life we're down to three lives oh no it's just giving us another Tower oh game all right anyway we got Dark Tower and water where shall we shove that perhaps there so only two squares but it does only use a bridge it's better than using a bomb probably next up flag and water and then a square oh we're doomed we are doomed oh flag and water can go there I guess then straight path I should probably get that and then try and just try and extend this at least that's an extra hit for the Archer it right round 29 I think we're actually dead this time we've got a fast Viking Dude down there oh we did kill him top left that did work this one oh that dude's so big kill him kill him yes new spikes did it okay so now it's just the middle there's three bearded bull dudes I think the angel guy has pretty much been killed yeah it's just the Beards to go we can kill one of them yes we get one more round at least go on Towers go on Towers go on hit him hit him hit him ah okay we lost one life there uh we've got all a new thing watch post adjacent Towers deal 10 more damage and Target the enemy with the most health oh I mean that's the only place I can go that doesn't use a bomb yeah let's go there that would be oh then we got a corner piece we do need corner pieces I can go there and then we've got an Archer Tower with water oh and a corner up next so if we can survive this one we should be good that's a big effort I feel like doing this top left one is probably the most sensible thing to do at least that's sort of sieves it definitely shove this path in there because then if we can get one more Corner next time then that extends it a long way granted we will need a tower or two let's see round 30 sounds like a nice round number it's probably very hard we'll probably die oh my God that Viking all right come on bottom one come on bottom of that Shield guy he's losing Us Alive oh no he isn't no he's in oh we've survived so we've only got this main this main route to go take down the ax guy take him down take him down oh no he's still close he had so little Health all right another Angel to kill nice and then three bid dudes oh no if one gets three we're doomed if one gets three we're doomed come on come on take him down take him down come on please no oh we lost we got to round 30. oh look we're unlocking loads of new things so we're getting a reinforced path I don't know how that helps but also bonus things like spike traps stay up longer these are just random cards that might appear okay nice but yeah that was I love arrows it really sounds like I love Aries anyway a lot of fun I'll probably I'll probably actually do a stream of this um if you keep an eye out on my twitch I may have streamed it already but yeah if you would like to see a video as well uh let me know in the comments and of course boost the like button so I know whether you enjoyed this game or not but for now I'll say peace love and I love arrows bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 742,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2BE1y6D5ABQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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