Engineering an entire city ON A MOUNTAIN to survive!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to all of arrows still sounds like I love arrows anyway this is a super addictive tower defense game set in the sky on like a Mountain Cliff top thing yeah I played this on stream recently and we completed the Archer's oath which means we've now unlocked a new campaign the Arboretum they are the arbor the Arboretum the Arboretum the art bottom the Arboretum oh that's the word the Arboretum so looking at this I think each sort of few waves we get to I think that's what these pink numbers are uh we unlock new tiles and things and new tiles are what we use to plop our things down now we've all say oh man we've also unlocked The Architects I don't I don't want to use the Architects but look they gain a bridge each turn and the thing is in order to get the next people I do need to actually play with the Architects ah please don't unsubscribe from me but I'm actually I'm going to select the Architects you were the chosen one it was said that you would destroy this and not join them so if you've never seen this before this is this is our little base the pink blob is where the enemies are going to spawn and this is what we have to defend the compass Stone now we've already got one Tower and I think the archery Tower and you can see that is the radius that it hits now over here this is Legacy Tower you started the game in this Tower because you reached wave 20 in your last game oh decent so that's just a bonus Tower we've got I like that a lot not gonna lie and down the bottom these are our towers that we get so in this game is sort of like a card game you don't know what you're gonna get it's random every single time yeah but we definitely want to place the cannon Tower down now where we place this down we actually have to be touching so can you see they're green there because we're touching the path over there so we're green because we're touching our archer tower now but if we try and go there then we're red and if we try and go there we block the path so we definitely can't go there I'm gonna go there I think so place and then down here this is the next tile that we're gonna get it costs two coins and up there that's how many coins we have we only have two we gain one every single round and what I learned on stream last time is you actually you want to save your money up if you can so basically if I don't buy this now if I start the wave which you'll see the guy spawn got killed instantly we then get access to this without having spent any coins and basically once you get to like 10 20 and 30 coins you gain an extra coin every round if that makes sense so the idea is for the first few waves just rotate that that way uh we really don't want to spend any coins right so every few rounds you get a bonus card to pick from so we've got dynamites they're a little bomb symbol you can see we currently have we don't have any of those so that's very useful that allows you to place buildings on top of other buildings like to demolish them basically now we've got coins over there we can get four of them we're in the middle or Nate's Tower I don't know what that is get stronger for each adjacent Garden tile so it's an attacking thing I think if it's called a tower it does attacks yeah let's just go to here so so yeah these Arrow Towers they're archery based this one is nature Beast I don't really understand how that works however I'm not gonna find out quite yet because I want to go over the dynamite I feel like that's going to be most useful particularly because we've already got three towers on the map so I'm feeling pretty pretty safe anyway the next card we've got for this round is the garden that literally can just go anywhere and wherever you place that you get a coin yeah we'll then start the next wave as a guy with a with a baseball bat he got destroyed straight away and then our next one we've got a path and water now the downside with this is the water is gonna sort of get in the way of different things but thankfully you can use a bomb to dig it up later should we want to so I guess we'll just go for that now we'll start the next wave we've got a couple of guys there he got destroyed pretty quickly now the next card is the ice trap so this basically on adjacent squares uh puts like a slowy Downy thing so if I go there we'll get one slowly Downer I mean I could try and go here and then sort of loop back around let's be honest I think that's a fairly good place so we'll place out there you see the waters going off the edge of the map there so that's fine and the next tile is going to be a Market Square so this basically allows us to enter the black market which means we can buy things with our coins um however annoyingly we're worth 10 coins then so if you look now it's nine plus one meaning we get one extra coin every single wave if we start this way leave and hopefully beat it yes can you see up there it's now a plus two that's because we have ten coins on us we gain two around um however we've just got the magic wheel so we're gonna press play and I think this is going to give us a nice little nice little card or boost or something so what have we got oh no broken heart what does that mean it took a life off us we're down to nine lives so basically each enemy that reaches our Compass Stone uh we lose a heart and if we if we get to zero Hearts it's game over anyway the market square has to be surrounded by all tiles in order to get to the black market so I guess we just want to go I mean I might just go there for now with a bridge I don't think we're gonna be using this very often so yeah we'll place that there whatever and then we'll start the next wave and we're gonna gain two coins after this wave nice plus two so we're on 12 coins now um and essentially I think you just want to save your money as much as you can if you can get up to 30 coins you'll be getting Plus for every single round then you can start spending and generally against the black market is sort of worthwhile as well because you get like better upgrades you can buy than just whatever in the path anyway here we have an archery Tower where do we want to go with this I'm sort of thinking there just to hit two squares so yeah we'll do that now then we'll start the next wave and there's a guy with a shield but we blew his shield off and completes another wave we got a straight bit of path and then the next one is a corner so I tell you what it's probably worth prepping for the future so if I do that then I can get a corner there next time because then these tiles like the cannon Tower and the archery Tower they'll be hitting even more tiles I think that's good let's start the wave so take those guys down we didn't extend the map this time is that guy going to get through oh no oh that guy made it through we've lost another life we're down to eight um but we got some pretty good bonuses this time so roadwork fill one-tailed gaps with paths so basically this corner that would get filled in yeah that's actually a really really good card but I haven't really I won't be able to take advantage of it I may as well take the coins I think so yeah four coins we've got 21 coins which means we get three every round now am I going to grab this path and shove it there so that means we've extended the path back a bit meaning enemies should take more damage hopefully meaning will pass this round without too much trouble although come on come on Canon do your area damage quick take the big guy down oh that was close that was a little bit close yeah now we're getting all sort of path pieces this is nice so this one we've got we've got a straight and a chord I mean that would be perfect but can you see because there's like a bit of river there I can't actually place this there look at what's coming up next I think if I were to there's not really any easy way to do this so I'm guessing I might place that there using one Bridge check out the bridge there um and then we'll start the next wave we're gonna get plus three coins let's just hope we can survive that biking that Viking guy was fast but he's down and everyone else is down as well now we're in the black markets so these cost various amounts of coins uh generally it's best to get your parts in here and this bit of parfaire reinforced path as it says that it can be placed outside of the aisle without using a bridge so basically it's a straight I can place down that doesn't use one of my bridges although I do have 11 left so I'm not going to take the top one for four coins which is buying two Bridges the bundle could be useful though an extra heart an extra bomb um I think first we're gonna go you with the path and then probably shove that that direction Place using a bridge yep then we'll do a reinforced path and we'll shove that there now that doesn't use a bridge up remember because it's reinforced then is it worth getting a bundle I mean that's five coins that is a lot of coins I think I might be better off just continuing so you got this bit of path to place down I think we can shove that there and then I've sort of made the perfect looping path for a tower so yeah shove that there using two Bridges we are we're running out of bridges in a big way actually and next up annoyingly it's an Archer Tower with a bit of river so that's not going to be able to fit in the Gap because obviously there's a river on the edge and that will destroy our path so let's just start the wave and we'll see how we get on there's no Towers up here so they're not taking any damage uh thankfully the Viking dude is down we've got the big Shield guy that's it give him a bomb come on Towers Archer him there we go there we go right so Arrow Tower I'm gonna place this probably just down this end I mean I feel like we get a few hits without using any Bridges or anything although it would be nice just to come up there that is two Bridges though sort of actually we've got there because that's that's three hits that's gotta be worthwhile surely um we'll start the next wave and then you'll see these guys they will get hit for all those three tiles by my new Arch Tower um and hopefully that means we're gonna win this wave nice and we did so we got some bonus cards do we go with a bridge and a bomb do we lose two coins for two hearts oh that's not bad or do we guarantee that the next two tiles are Corner past that would actually be really useful in this because I could plunk one there and plonk one on that water and that's sort of where I want to go I feel like two hearts for two coins though is really really good I mean it'll put us down to 28 coins which means we won't quite get plus four this time we'll only get plus three but two hearts I think I gotta go I gotta go that route really haven't I Safety First and all that I am meant to be an engineer right let's shove this Garden down there surrounding the black market that's an extra coin and then we'll start the wave and then oh this is quite a big wave hopefully the cannon will do some area damage though yeah that's nice that is nice they're in the frost as well there's slowed down although actually I think the shield guy might make it through oh no you've lost one of these Hearts already have you just bought them all right next up we have an ice trap it's got water on the edge though so perhaps I'll just shove that down here like annoyingly even if I put water on top of water it's going to use up two bombs so yeah I think maybe there and that might actually stop me losing a heart because it will slow people down so that can go there we'll start the next wave and take out the Viking take out the Viking okay slow them down once we've slowed them down again oh that was so close if I didn't put that ice trap there he would have made it through we would be down into eight lives yeah but it's still online so nice so we've got corner and a straight and it's worth noting coming up next is corner and water so is there actually anywhere we can place this where it's useful I'm sort of thinking like that because I basically want to come down that place in a straight as this is going to use a bomb and a bridge yeah let's do it because basically I'm looking at this this Legacy tower has got two hits there so if I can get a corner on a street that's another two attacks this one's doing let's start the wave and oh dear we've got two Vikings I really I just need a single Tower to go in there and that will really help me no Viking oh phew that was close that second ice tower was such a good idea pat on the back for you Matt oh look a genie grants you a wish so we can either gain four coins not the most useful now we're at 40 coins now we could gain two hearts or half tile of my choice I don't know if reinforced tiles are included in that that would be useful if solo I feel like I should probably go hot but I really want to go with the tiles no gone Hearts I've gone Hearts safety for oh no the maximum is ten oh I'm an idiot anyway can this piece go anywhere that's actually helpful to us it could go there but it'll cost two Bridges oh and we got a straight next okay we're gonna have to do that then that's going there we're putting it we're putting water on a bridge I can't even see the bridge we got ripped off there's no Bridge there but I tell you what that means it's time for a bridge review this bridge is a stealth Bridge hiding underneath water apparently it costs Matt a load of coins and it's never going to get them back a feat of engineering or just an architect's trick assuming the latter I give this bridge a 0.1 out of 10 Bridge review but anyway I'm at the point where I may as well start using money now I've just bought that for two coins if I shove that there using a bridge as well then we've at least extended our thing all the way back to there meaning those two squares we're going to be doing damage on them so let's start the wave let's see what happens oh and look we got a bearded bull dude we're gonna have to try and take him out he looks Hench come on hit him with everything we got come on Cannon that's it get involved breathe them that's good ask oh man he's really strong please please please okay we're done we did good it's okay next up we've got a cannon Tower but it's got water next to it as well not ideal um I'm probably gonna have to shove that there it's gonna use two Bridges but it hits three times and it's Splash damage as well and doing that early on the map is pretty good I mean I could actually shove that up there that makes way more sense Matt look how many hits we get that yeah we're going there okay Place using two Bridges we've gone there we're gonna hit four tiles this time but once we get a new bit of path we're going to be doing five so that is actually way better placement let's start the wave and see how we get on look how many coins we've got I need to start spending them as well anyway a couple of Vikings on this one we have mullered both of them and then it's just some big ass Shield guys yeah but they didn't last very long all right so this is the fishing Hut we gain two coins for every adjacent water tile is it worth spending a bridgely just for four coins I mean it might be actually yeah I've done it I'm now gonna start spending my coins I think so we'll go next I don't think I want to use this because that's going to be another two Bridge pieces usually because of the water although that's not a bad spot to go because the next one if I spend two more coins is doing that that's Three Bridges though oh we're using up so much Bridge any anyway I've done that and then I've bought the next Tower which is an arch Tower because I can shove that in the middle there which is going to be beautiful every single Square surrounding it is going to be hit so yeah let's place that for our last bridge and then we'll start the next wave so our early Cannon is doing the splash damage taking out those guys we've got our new Archer Tower absolutely smashing it they're not gonna lie this map is really frigid I'm quite liking the amount of bridge although what is that I bet an architect designed that like look at it it's a it's a death trap it's a balcony of no safety rails what were they thinking anyway over here we've just had oh man we've just had another Island spawn not ideal actually uh because not only do you have to keep care of this one we have to keep an eye on this one as well and we've got a path piece that isn't the most useful because ideally I want to come this way to get that Archer involved although actually going that way we've still got that Archer and then it means that ice trap will do something there yeah okay we'll go we'll go that way then game am I going to spend some more coins say we'll do you the garden I'll shove that over there just to get an extra coin and then we got a straight bit of path and I think I might shove that there so that this one has ice on it as well and then this island is going to be sort of sorted for quite a while I think because this this Arch Tower also does that corner pretty nice so let's start the wave and this is wave 19 meaning the next one is 20 which hopefully means we'll get back to the black market at some point see I just got this big ax guy to take care of but he is done are still still in a Black Market not ideal we are gaining a bridge every wave though which sort of means I can I can put something back up here potentially like maybe an ice trap there because that's like that's a double hit ice trap I mean I could do the same up there but then that ice isn't actually doing anything at least down at this one we've got we've got two towers hitting as well so yeah let's do that for two Bridges and then we'll start the next wave so this is wave 20. um and honestly we're coping fairly well that guy got quite close so you're not gonna like the beard dude is getting mullered oh look look at the end of wave 20 we've unlocked A Relic so two things to choose from immediately draw bonus cards twice I think that's probably what I'm going to go with or gain a coin whenever you place a tile on the edge of an aisle well there's pretty much no edge of the aisle because we're just building on Bridges constantly so I don't think that one will pay off it will give us six bonus coins for this one but now I'm gonna go with bonus cards twice so definitely not taking the heart because I have maxed out Hearts don't really need the coins so let's grab a bridge on a bomb and then oh I guess two more bombs is probably the most sensible thing to do here so there we go wave 21 so first off I'm sort of thinking if I shove this there I can use a bridge and a bomb and then we're going back in that direction which I think is actually pretty good unless I want to try and head up the back there but that's going to require a lot of bombs and I don't even think I'll be able to yeah I'm gonna go this way I'm gonna go this way so we've done that we then got an arrow Tower which I think I'm gonna shove there because that's like pretty good surround future proofing this one as well and then down here I probably want to think about getting this path in probably heading back up this way because then we can put some like in the middle surrounded blocks so yeah I think that's good we got no more bridges should I see what a well does gain one coin for each water style in the same row or column oh so if I were to shove that like or there would be perfect if I'm honest because I assume you'd get one two three four coins and see that's what it means by rows and columns anyway if I leave that there I don't actually know do I just get that next time let's let's do a test let's start the wave hopefully we'll survive we definitely survive the bottom one that's very overpowered at the moment and this original loot I think we're gonna survive as well although these ax guys they're really going for it take him down take him down oh no we lost a life we lost our life oh looking at the bottom you don't keep that tile so that's good to know for the future anyway straight path we gotta try and make up here A Bit Stronger so I'm gonna do Straight Path there then I'll save the cannon Tower next time and try and shove it in the middle for a bridge on a bomb let's start the wave yeah down here absolutely fine it's just up here we've got to worry about there's a lot of enemies I could do with an early Cannon Tower so I think that's good plan I've got and thankfully we survived that round easily oh and we got a bonus card so we'll go for materials an extra bridge and an extra bomb and then I'll use those extra bridge and bombs for this Tower here so we got Cannon Tower which is gonna get almost completely surrounded uh just for the price of a bridge which is where the can Tower is and a bomb to put water on top of water Architects logic in this game that's all I'm saying all right we'll place that there oh I'll tell you what I'm actually tempted by the next bit of path as well so if I grab this bit of path that is a perfect fit there to get complete surrounded on that oh man yeah I'm doing it I'm doing it it's another bridge and another bomb but look at the damage that is gonna do that is gonna be beautiful right start the wave and check out the early area effect damage we're doing Bush die everyone oh man this was such a good idea I'm so glad the way of the cards were nice to me there although bearded dude getting a little bit too close take him out blooming oh that was close so if I had to put that in I would have lost that round I would have lost some hearts um anyway look at the number of coins we have nice oh we've got a fishing Hut which I might skip to be honest so yeah skip that we've then got path and water I mean really not I do I'm trying to not use Bridges if I can help it wherever I want to shove this it's gonna it's gonna take too many bridges yes let's skip that one we could shove an ice trap over here somewhere I feel like that's a good spot because we got two archers covering the square that will get frozen so we'll place that there and then we've got a corner path let's start the next so I need to start spending my coins I've got 65 coins how have I got so many I mean the thing is we seem to be surviving pretty well I haven't lost a life for a while now although I'm about to lose one no that's fine I thought I was about to drink that then so corner piece ideally I guess go over there it's gonna cost a bridge but yeah let's do it and then let's have a look at the arch Tower we've got another Corner up next and as well you know sort of thinking if I were to shove that on there for two bombs I guess that's kind of surrounded and we can grab this path shove it there and then oh what does the Statue do gain two bombs when fully surrounded okay now you can see this guy here he gains a shield every time so we've got to try and take that down I mean thankfully we're doing pretty much constant damage so The Shield is getting removed almost instantly um he has got pretty far though come on guys take about oh that's so close oh look at this we're back in the black market and we've got money to burn 71 coins so we'll take the bundle that's one of every resource oh thank you we'll then take two more bridges oh thank you and then reinforce parts and Corner Parts I think we definitely want those probably put a straight path over there just to extend this one a bit and then the corner I'll probably shove that perhaps that way it'd be good to try and get rid of these two waters somehow so we can bring the path around the back we'll have to see what happens and but look I've brought everything in the black market and it felt good so this statue gains us two bombs so it might be one worth spending a bomb to gain a bomb because I literally could shove that there and then I'll get two bombs back sounds like it's worth doing there you go two bombs in the bank next up we've got Arch Tower and water I think we'll shove that probably just on that edge like that and then oh we got a dobbler a doubler of a path now the annoying thing is I'd love to go straight across there but that water's gonna stop me from doing that I might just start the wave and then try and figure that out afterwards this end's getting a little bit a little bit close now look at that big guy he got pretty close meanwhile down here the bubble Brews there they're sort of they're getting close hopefully we can take them down though a bit worried that second one hasn't been hit yet pretty much come on take him down take him down oh so he gets so close it's ridiculous all right I think it's double alert I'm gonna go there with two Bridges and then try and wrap back around and then I'm Gonna Keep skipping coins until I find something good what's the Hedge part dude gain two have placed somewhere that doesn't connect to any other path oh well I see no harm shoving that there that is a cheeky too coins then we've got we've got an ice trap do I just skip the ice trap because there's water it's going to cost me a bridge I might skip past a few of these there we go you've got single Cannon tower on its own oh and then we've got I think that path piece will fit in there perfectly winter so yeah if I shove that there using a bridge then this path piece please please can it go there yes it can go there for two bombs decent and then the straight bit of path oh what a run there's my final Bridge nice now we've made this one way stronger because this bit beginning where they spawn they're going to be hit by that Cannon Tower this Archer Tower this cannon Tower oh it's going to be beautiful and since I've got no Bridges or bombs I don't think it's worth skipping more tiles so let's just start the wave and see how we get on over here Shield dude getting pretty close oh no we might need might need more towels oh I just about survived back over this way we've got two ax dudes who are absolutely creaming it um but I think we've taken them out fine so I'm sort of thinking let's skip a few more we need like single tiles I've only got one bread all right well I've got a path there and I can see coming up is an ice trap and a straight now I'm gonna need two Bridges to use that anywhere pretty much what I'm thinking is down here I could shove the ice trap there and the straight there but that sort of means I need to skip this path piece annoying because it's a straight on its own which is perfect but yeah we're starting the next wave and we survive down there okay and up here is looking pretty good actually yep survive no issues although oh no no okay now we've got a new island we need to defend a great still I'm sticking with the ice trap plan so we're gonna do that because this ice trap is going to cover the path later on as well as there I think that's going to be absolutely perfect placement and then we'll potentially we'll skip through some of these yeah we can get an Archer Tower down here somewhere I'm gonna guess probably going like in the middle is the best thing to do because that covers three tiles on my original run two on that one yep let's place that there and this wave we're getting through easily I'm excited to see my new Archer Tower up here get involved and the new Frost look there's two pieces of frost we got there yeah look they didn't even get close this time decent right this bit of path is really annoying it's a really good title but we got no Bridges I could potentially do that trying to Future proof hope we get a call next even if we had corn with water we should be able to link them up although we've got a really useful piece again we need more bridges all right let's start the wave I'm hoping because it's like it's a round number around 30 we might get like to the black market again and we can buy some stuff uh we just lost our life up there there's a viking made it through thankfully over here it looks like yo done fine oh I've got the magic wheel we'll definitely take the magic wheel let's not lose a heart this time though please game oh we've got an arrow we're nearly touching tips a narrow Tower nice so let's shove that there to cover three tiles nice and then let's be annoyed we didn't get to the black market ah because this would have gone nicely there wouldn't it well or up there could have gone anywhere but we don't have enough fridge pieces so we're gonna have to start the wave or look down here we've spawned a massive Knight he's got a big old sword yeah I mean over this way are we about to use another life oh yeah we've lost one okay so this one really needs strengthening I'm gonna assume this one's okay as long as we can take out this night guy yeah never in doubt never in doubt alright so corner piece there yes please I'm gonna try and get a tile on its own that I can shove there so Archer Tower and water you're not the one straight path I am actually going to use the straight to go there yes it uses another bridge but that's fine this is the one I need to strengthen there's a corner piece there we can shove on that lovely and then we've got an arrow Tower which we can put in that Gap because look how many hits we get there that is beautiful right wave 32 here we come let's hope we've done enough to strengthen this one they're looking a little pretty vicious with their baseball bats that Viking guy oh we've lost a heart we've lost our heart already thankfully all our other defenses are fine and then we've just done unlock 2 relics so which one do we pick grow the entire aisle that would be good save some bridges or cards containing water tiles can be skipped for free oh I might grow the aisle just to save on the bridges and I don't really know how this works I don't know if it's going to grow in every direction or what's going to happen but only one way to find out oh yes that is amazing okay so first things first this path I mean wherever I go with it I'm gonna have to use a blooming Bridge okay let's get this one all right the world wants to go near water and I may as well start trying to surround this Marketplace if you remember if we surround that we get access to the black market so place out there we've got a path with a bit of water on so we could shove that there for a bridge yeah I feel like making this stronger is better we did just lose a life there we've also got an ornate Tower oh and look at the pattern that does this one has quite a unique sort of attack grid it also gets stronger if it's next to Garden tiles which are these ones um unfortunately up by there it can't really hit anything so I think I'm just gonna cover them most squares which is probably that one especially if we extend this path along there so next wave let's see how we get on this is the one we really need to try and defend it's the one we've been losing lives on it looks like we've made an improvement nice on this main run we got two nights I'm excited to see this new ornate Tower oh it shoots like green stuff into their eyes interesting anyway we've got a fountain if we surround this fully then we get two lives so I should probably just shove this up by the other thing I'm trying to surround so it will go there for now we've then got a straight bit of path which I feel like extending this one's probably the most sensible thing to do we've got an ice trap which I'm gonna shove there so that both the Archer Towers cover it decent shove that corner piece there this Orchard Tower there and that bit of path there and then I think we're good to do the next wave which is going fairly well assuming these guys can take out the beard it is literally scientifically proven if you have a beard you are very strong that's why I have one myself but it was no match for us neither was this Knight because we you've got to the next wave we've got bonus cards I'm gonna go with materials all right we'll shove that there for two Bridges hoping to link this round I mean or I could just do that yeah so let's do that this Arrow Tower can go in there which is five squares pretty nice the garden can go up there then we can shove an ice trap there and we're good for the next wave so we'll speed this up hopefully we're gonna survive up this one oh man two big dudes there The Shield has come off late and I think we're good yeah we're good and then this one two bearded dudes and a knight I think we should be all right here so Corner path there another one there an Archer Tower in that Gap and a garden up there on a bridge and we're back in the black market so we'll take the bundle we'll take the bridges we'll take the reinforced path and shove it there and then a corner there and I think we're good to continue let's start the wave so this one cleared that one almost cleared or we could lose a life we could lose a life oh we lost our life then in the middle that's the closest anyone's got no we didn't lose another life so that's good oh now we've got a treasure chest so he does have to place any tile on top to collect that so first I'm going to put an Archer over that way and then I might use this straight to collect it so I've got to do that anyway to link those up so yeah Place using a bridge we got the treasure we got three bombs oh decent so it will start the next wave anyway but if we can just get two corners in then this one will be like guaranteed to never lose us lives oh no we just lost one there okay we need to improve this path now the other one seem to be okay actually although this night guy getting a little bit closer than I'd like come on Towers come on Towers he's Frozen take him down no oh no it's all gone wrong it has all gone wrong is it worth spending a bridge to try and get this Fountain surrounded it gets us two lives back I think it probably is so we got two lives of back up to seven a straight bit of path let's go this side and with the ice trap is it worth going there so extend that one and we also freeze that one assuming we get a corner piece let's do that for now let's have a garden up there just for a free coin we've got Ari Tower and water so we'll probably shove that there for two hits then got a bit of path that I can shove there bath and water I'll just skip if you're wondering why I'm starting to spend my coins now there's only there's only two rounds remaining so I may as well sort of go all out so there is Corner path which we want there nice and then the straight bit can go next to it like that and then we've got a tower so probably gonna shove that in there for a bump because that's got loads and loads of damage it's gonna do and I've just realized I've oh I've connected where I put this ice trap and path in I can't actually do anything there now because we've got two paths coming to the same point so I've completely wasted that I can't put a corner in idiot so yeah these two can't get any longer so all I can extend is this one I guess I'm gonna place a nice trap up there for another bomb though and then I think I'm gonna start the wave let's hope have we now got enough power to defend the top right that ax guy is getting close oh yeah I think the extra Arch Tower really helped up there actually that is all fine now and this and we're looking pretty good as well just two nights to deal with but they're getting hounded by my turret I really hate that I'm playing as an architect in this game right now yeah but what are we gonna do here I could remove half the water tiles that will make like gaps everywhere so I don't have to use bombs to place Towers or I could enter the black mark I feel like yeah let's remove half the water oh that's so good so now like this Archer Tower there's actually loads of places I can put it and I think that one makes the most sense so place that and we may as well spend all of our coins so I don't want a straight path oh what's a watch post adjacent towers do 10 more damage we have one of those there shove a cannon Tower over here and then a nice Tower there using two Bridges meaning this corner is gonna get Frosty look at all the freeze down here they're getting mullered and meanwhile this middle one I might lose a life yeah we lost one life we've really gotta hope that we can get all of these guys come on take the ax guy down it's in the bit of frost that's good that's good just two bearded dudes to go and I don't think they can actually make it we've completed oh no we've got to do round 40. oh no I don't that was the final wave we still got the final wave to go so we've got one Arrow Tower to add so I think we can just shove that there right yeah so this is the final wave I don't have much else to play for I've only got one coin so let's just start it and see how we get on six lives this is going to the wire I literally I don't think anyone can call this top right take out the Vikings we might lose the life here oh that was close that was close that goes down the bearded dude I think he's down I think he's down here he's down right back over this way we just got a bearded guy who's down and a knight to take care of I think we've done it guys we've actually completed the next step of the game Victory we defended the aisle and we unlocked 31 new cards so next time we're going to be playing with a load of new stuff yeah basically all these ones I'm skipping through at the bottom oh man there's so many new things but that was I love arrows I hope you guys enjoyed for now I'll say peace love and I can't believe I played as an architect I've portrayed my kind bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 535,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XtK2Q4ZV23s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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