Engineering the PERFECT island city in PileUp!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Pilot so this is what happens when you get dwarf romantic Islanders and townskeeper and they all merge into one game and it becomes this so when you start a new game you get to name your Island why is it going to be called shaftland which sort of sounds like a convenience store that has like really high prices or something um and our citizens are going to be called chode so let's get into this this is our eye look how beautiful it is like the game is so shaft area and speaking of shafts this video is brought to you by Christmas came early this year because I got gifted the new manscape performance package but I'm gonna need a beautiful assistant to help me open this thing there he is good boy Paddy good boy so with the Box open we have the words first all-in-one Men's Grooming kit the lawnmower 4.0 waterproof cordless trimmer has Advanced Skin safe technology to make trimming your more sensitive areas much safer safety first as I always say there's even an LED lights you can see exactly what you're doing for a stocking stuffer we have the crop preserver ball deodorant and the crop reviver bull toner spray sorry Paddy these don't apply to you anymore I shouldn't laugh and Lads as you get older you're gonna start getting nose and ear hair so the weed whacker has you covered and has the same skin safe technology not only that but for a limited time this flap contains two free gifts the shed travel bag as well as manscaped anti-chafing boxes anti-chiefing so head to and use my code real civil engineer to get 20 off free international shipping plus the two free gifts now so yeah this is our beautiful ride it sort of looks like an oil rig actually uh maybe that maybe that is what we're doing anyway the idea with this is we build a city and we've got to keep our citizens happy now down the bottom these are all like these are our four cards at the moment so we've got a home office we've got a gardenless house we've got a portable house and a small house don't ask where there are three people inside is the description on that one yeah so let's start with a garden this house you can see it's like a sort of square shaped and that number above that's how many citizens will live inside there oh my goodness the birds the bird yeah and now with this you can actually you can proper like build over the edge and it'll like give you like little supports and things uh so what I'm gonna do I am gonna slightly lean over this Edge I think so if we go like that you see we've got a little bit of overhang and now you can see that building it's got two sort of needs it needs water and ideally people want Gardens as well um so I'm gonna put that next to it and that will like combine into one building nice and now you can see they also need electricity as well so something else we need to bear in mind here we have this home office here that holds 45 people I might just bang that there and then that's all become one building and look it's got a door well it's got two doors it's got one door coming out this side I'm not sure how useful that's going to be you can see now we've added that there's actually two more demands we need electricity and the sort of that fire symbol which is like a burner yeah I'm gonna shove another one there so that's a separate building now it's that new one needs water and the burner thing I think it's like uh it's like an engine thing we'll get one at some point and I'll show you I love how the door for that other building has moved to there now if I if I shove that there will that combine them all into one yes it does oh look at that and now we've got a portable house I might trench shove this maybe on top up there shaft land well I love how cool that so yeah basically that is the that's like the end of the day end of the season sort of thing and then we get a load of we get a load of new cars so we've still got these small houses but we've also got some other things we've got a house Factory we've got a sauce factory and we've also got support now supports can be useful if you want to like continue like building overhangs or you want to leave some space underneath that's basically if we if we select that alert you can build like a massive overhang over that edge for example um so I may as well I guess I may as well shove that there see how that goes now I'm going to shove my small houses on this Edge just or just because I can really so they're all on there nice and I mean look we've got so much demand required and we haven't actually got any buildings that can help us yet and these two Factory things if we just shove these down they sort of they'll give us like the new cards if I shove that there sort of out the way and that one then it means when we get to the next round which should be now because I'm pressing space to end the season yeah do you see down the bottom we got we got some new things we have a water tank we have another home office now bottom left that is the happiness of our people you can see they don't look very happy and if you hover over it their happiness is zero now we've got to get their happiness level to 40 or it's game over because obviously if they are sad you are sad now there's also different buttons down here so you can see like how many people are sad 210 that is a lot of sad people uh no one's dead though so that's positive and then also you can just see the general thing in shaft land it's 6 a.m so anyway how do we increase happiness we gotta fulfill these needs so I've got a water tank down here although be careful it leaks so every place that we've got to make sure there's nothing underneath that'll get damaged so I'm gonna guess if we grab it and shove it over this way you can see wherever you place it like whatever's beneath will get a bit mullered um I feel like shoving it on here might be the most sensible thing to do so if I put it like there or maybe yeah I'll put it I'll put it there so that's those three needs fulfilled that's happiness so 15 of our people are happy which is 32 people nice and because we put it on the overhang there's nothing underneath getting destroyed or anything so we're looking good we're looking good um I've got another home office so that's going to be more people that are probably going to be mad and I might shove that down this side because I assume they're probably gonna need water as a need no they didn't need water perhaps his office is just the red and the yellow and then houses need water and Gardens potentially I don't know let's move on to the next season or day I'm not really is it days yes it's days it's not Seasons map it's days so day two we have an electricity generator and a home office another home office so electricity generator we're going to want to shove this somewhere on here where the electricity is covered now you'll notice can you see it says igniting if you were to example put a fuel tank in that red radius that red area I mean red volume technically and then that could ignite the fuel and you'd be you'd be in a bad place so we sort of wherever we shot this we want to make sure we don't put a fuel tank within it now the trouble is you can sort of see there's lots of red in there and that is the fuel so actually if I put this like down there that covers all of them you see the red isn't actually too far in so I'm gonna go with that so that's made those people happy I think are we up to 40 yeah 42 we're half percent above the critical happiness level but first we need to place the home office down so I'm going to assume that this uses electricity and the red now I can rotate these so I'm sort of thinking I'm gonna want it to be somewhat back here but also because it's going to have red it needs to be somewhat close maybe I could actually put it like up up there maybe yeah nice to happiness I think that one was actually a bit of water in there anyway we're looking good we're going on to the next day it's very dark and miserable I mean I assume it's winter yeah but we can try and cheer people up because look we've got a park and people are going to like Parks also if you hover over these red things they sort of tell you like what the deal is what the negatives are so you can't place any object on top of this building it's a park so you have to remember wherever he put this park now we won't be able to build up so it might be worth sort of keeping this on the ground floor maybe and try and build like a vertical City oh oh look I can put it on top of Park on top of a electrical generator look at that no way all right so next up we have a portable house so that's 12 people um I might just shove them there so what do they need water and the fury thing okay let's see if we get that the next day yes we have look there it is the gas tank just mix on with the air and everyone is happy so the downside is it's explosive so we've got to make sure we don't come in contact with igniting buildings so placing there would be fine but placing there can you see like the cube around the thing appears and that means it will it will set us or not just on fire it will explode us yeah thankfully the the area for this is huge so I'm probably gonna shove it like yeah maybe up there yeah that's well out the way look at all the happiness everyone's so happy 93.9 happiness and then we've got another home office so can I shove that in that Gap or I can I can sorry the bottom floor is just gonna be completely just building uh let's go on to the next day I'm hoping it's going to brighten up and eventually it's been a bit dark there you go this is a bit brighter no it's gone it's gone dark yeah so you've got a small house which I might just shove on the edge there and a park perhaps the park I can come like way over this side I don't want to be too close to that Park I I didn't really want to park this early if I'm honest we'll go to the next day though oh it's finally brightened up it's been miserable but uh that's much better much better looking all right so gas tank I don't actually want one of these but I've got to use it you can see bottom right I need to use two cards in order to skip the turn um so what I might do I might shove these on like the edge of my map and then sort of keep the electricity in the middle does that seem sensible yeah portable house I might shove it under the park because that'll definitely be in park range yep decent they're happy and then we go on to the next day we've got two gardeners houses well let's shove them under the park I reckon they'll like that so one there and one there they are happy although they do need some water so they're not 100 happy hopefully we'll get some on the next day no just more gardeners out houses well in order to have happy citizens I'm going to shove them next to the water tank over this way so you go they're all in there they're happy we're moving on to the next day all we're getting is gardeners houses well I'm just I got loads of gardens so I can't complain too much I guess and now we have an apartment complex that says be careful the walls are thin so do we have to worry about like being next to something noisy or maybe the weight on top oh I don't know I don't know that anyway let's shove it up there they're all happy thank you and then the next day we've got our here we go we've got some water tanks um now this is also leaking as well so I probably want to go like not on top of a building I definitely don't want to put it on top of that electrical thing so I'm guessing if we go like down there that covers everyone is that everyone happy oh no you up there they need some electricity okay well let's build back here on top of the water tank that should be good oh and then we get to select a card so you can pass the round even if you have a building left that could be useful you get two house factories and one Casino when this building is played so that means will get more houses each round but also a casino there's also Internet satellite each satellite gives you either Casino or support oh man so let's do the Internet satellite and then let's see what we get so I'm gonna play that straight away so let's shove that oh this doesn't have a roof either so I just want to shove it where it won't be needed I guess like down there maybe then got another Factory so I'm gonna shove that down here maybe on top of that factories on top of factories it's factory section and then I'm going to get a bit creative with my support I think we'll come out there and we'll come out there so that is like above the park so I've basically just blocked that Park of all natural sunlight even though it's dark you can't really see the sunlight under it now you can it's it's brightening up a little bit okay no it's still it's very red very red this game yeah we have a gas tank I just need to stay away from the electrical stuff so I may as well just shove that on top of the other one I guess then an office up there another one there then we're on to the next day finally it's brightening up again now we've got a water tank we don't actually need a water tank at the moment but since these leak I should probably shove this like on there so we know nothing beneath is gonna get damaged let's ask good maybe we'll surround that in some gardenless houses nice we're getting we're getting quite a bit of overhang there as well I've just noticed uh that's all cool right we have another Park I might try can I shove these under my platforms no not really I might have to shove it down actually I might do let's do a rooftop Park up there that looks good do some more platforms over here we'll shove some houses on a little small house at the end of her balcony right so we're back we've got some electricity so we need to shove this in here somewhere and make sure it doesn't ignite anything um I'm guessing just shoving it there should be fine yeah everyone's happy nothing exploded shove that there that there then we're going on to the next day looks like we need a bit of water like in the upper middle section yeah we haven't been given any water this time so I might just stack the electricity shove a park down there and then keep building here all right man this is quite an eyelid now I know it's night time you can't really see it but uh what a beast we got another gas tank we've got to be careful of the of the electrical stuff uh I think we can shove that there pretty safely I sort of just want to build up now I'm intrigued by these towers now the downside is we've got no resources up here but if I do like a little support what what side should I come maybe out the back maybe we can get a park or some water up there to them but look at that that is awesome right a couple more houses I might try and just Shore up this building a bit shaft land we've gone from a land to a Ville and that means we get to pick another card as well so toy store casino now the casino is like a risky one as it says there may blast or bless your day be careful um or more another satellite I think the satellite is going to give us like better things so let's Place Another satellite like down here nice so basically we just have more chance of getting like Casino cards and factories and things but speaking factories I've got more to place on top of that right so this is our Mighty City now it's so cool I love how this game looks now we've got an electricity generator so do I want to shove that like under there sort of keeping it in the middle of my city and then I'm going to keep building up with these guys now the trouble with building up all these needs we are currently not meeting them we're gonna have to try and get some more resources up there but thankfully you've just been given a water tank so that could be useful if I shove that like on the fact that I mean it's not getting the one beneath there's no way to get that one beneath us very close I think that's as close as we're gonna get so water tank there that's a load of happy people anyway you may as well surround this in other buildings to shove you there shove you on top right and then we have the casino card it may blast or bless your day uh do I play it sensible and just shove it down here or do I like shove it in the center I mean in the sense if it blasts that's gonna completely destroy everything but it I mean it sort of fits all right there it is Casino oh God oh God oh no is that bad or is that just standard all right I think nothing happened I think it was it was all just fine we got away with one the thing is like the door the doors on the front it's like a suicide door is that where like they kick out the people that are winning too much like you're going out the front door not the back door anyway let's fast forward to the next day so oh we've got another casino all right let's gamble first let's get it over with early so Casino down there please be good please be good I don't know what good is Osgood as a happy face what does that mean I don't know what a casino gives us who appears to not have blown up so I'm guessing that's good now we've got a gas tank we've got to get this up the top I believe yeah there's a few people up there that want gas so I might shove that on this Edge over here I think that's pretty good then we'll just keep building up like that nice now the people up there they do want a park so we're gonna have to keep that in mind oh man we have so many cards now there is the park that we wanted I think what I'm going to have to do I'm gonna have to sort of build to make a platform for the park if I shove that there can I put a park on top I can there you go park there that's all those people happy uh water tank people down here want water it's gonna make sure we're not leaking on anything I think we're good can't remember where the electrical were actually can you just shove it I'm going to shove it on the casino oh I got rid of the casino ah so if you put the leaking water tank on a building it deletes it okay now I understand yeah we've just hit another Milestone of 1800 people which means you get to pick another card uh let's go let's go Internet satellite again so we'll shove a satellite on top of the casino roof that sort of works keep piling up the factories shove a small house in there and I might put a platform like over this park because then we can build over that Park yeah that's good that's good we'll do the same around the back here as well get that and then we have another casino all right let's shove it there oh look there's actually there's things on the back oh that was close I think that was I think that's just standard right nothing blew up I think we're good let's go on to the next date uh this thing is blooming huge by the way look how many cards I'm getting each type is that what the casino does it gives you like more cards each time now we've got another casino so we'll shove that down there and we'll see what it does view nothing a gas tank do any people need no one needs gas no shove it on top of the casino anyway you've got another one that can go on top of that shove a load of houses in and then we're good to go on to the next date and look you can see every time we're moving this happiness bar is getting higher and higher so critical happiness level is 70 percent now so we do need to be a bit careful look how many cards we've got eight cards all right we have a water tank there are people that actually want water down here we don't have any support which is a bit annoying but perhaps I can sacrifice a house so if I put that there no I literally just need to find somewhere to put the water tank that isn't that isn't on a building uh what about there yeah that'll do so people up here have water so I may as well keep building up right there you go that's pretty good that's so tall it's so tall right let's head back to the bottom and we've got two casinos to put down um I think I'm getting eight cards by the way because I've got eight of these factories I mean perhaps that's I could put a casino up there so what's it gonna land on What's It Gonna land on nothing thankfully hardly any hardly any explosions at the moment let's shove another casino there What's It Gonna land on happy oh that gave us happiness oh it boosts your happiness okay I've got it now I understand right we got electricity so we need that at the top I believe yeah so if I shove a support out there I can put the Gen generator there then I might put a support down here so I can put the the water on it obviously I need to wait till I get water right let's show the casino at the top I feel like these guys they're not gambling enough living far too safely so let's shove that up there so what is this gonna give us just nothing okay fair enough I might shove a support out this side just for like future proofing all right keep building up and the goods go up to 2500 people that is a lot of people we've got eight cards again we've got to park so let's shove a park up there and then perhaps put a support above it just so we can keep building and then we will keep building surprisingly wearing a casino up there as well we'll see if it's going to expl oh no does that mean ah no oh no oh I blew out loads of stuff I mean can I oh no it's on fire what the is it on fire is it okay I think it's okay I feel like we lost a lot of structural stuff in the middle oh yeah I think all the fuel tanks exploded oh no look our citizens they're 67 happy all right okay we need some sensible placement down here so if I shove these on there you've got a bit of happiness they've got no electricity though is that because you're too far away you need an area that's next to everything maybe there oh no I think we failed so if you look in the bottom right it says your systems are irritated you're losing five turns and I think that's because we're like can you see like we're in the bar I think if we're like in the gray area would be would be doomed oh no they're they're dead people aren't they yeah if we go if we go to that 699 dead it's out the casino did oh dear oh dear oh let's shove the power down there I'm gonna build down here from now on so we'll get some houses in I'm gonna shove a garden there and put a support above it so I can put houses on they were happy houses nice then we got two more blooming casinos okay so we'll shove on there let's hope it doesn't explode What's it gonna say just normal okay another one on top these casinos are brutal please don't explode again okay nothing all right we really need some good cards here to get people happy there's a water tank nice we've got people that need water down here I think we need a support can you be out there is that gonna be there you go that that covers everyone they're all happy nice we're back in the happy area with 69.9 happiness nice and if we do a little bit more building shove a casino on the top oh we got some happiness even better all right anyone need a park anyone down here need a park no you just all need fuel down there it's up the top I think we can shove a park if we do a platform out the back so rooftop Park lovely we'll show the casino there and hope for no more explosions okay good and then same again nice I feel like I'm just making like a casino land like a vertical Las Vegas it's like a gambling skyscraper oh we won there oh look we're no longer sure Phil we're shaft Town look how tall it is but yeah that was the end of the demo the land lasted 31 days we are shaft Town 3 603 toads lived 198 of them were obviously Architects and sadly 699 of them died uh what a cool little game though like pretty relaxing so a very islanders-ish let me know in the comments like if you've played this because it is a free demo part of nextfest if next Fest is still around depends how long it takes to meet us into a video let me know like what your scores were and how you did did you like blow up everyone like I said but yeah very pretty little game anyway peace love and shaft down bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,138,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pile Up! Preview, Pile Up! Let's Play, Pile Up! Alpha, Pile Up! Beta, Pile Up! Demo, Pile Up! English, Pile Up!, Pile Up! Ep 1, Pile Up! Quick Look, Pile Up! Review, Pile Up! Letsplay, Pile Up! Part 1, Pile Up! Playthrough, Pile Up! Walkthrough, Pile Up! Guide, Pile Up! Early Access, rce, real civil engineer
Id: TGtgbW13bNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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