I built a Subway where DEATH is the ONLY DESTINATION... Overcrowd!

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thank you to the patreons for supporting the channel and allowing me to create extra videos such as this one schmeichel is the editor of the patreon videos say hello schmike and thanks to you he is now able to eat a meal twice a week yes that's right we have now reached over a hundred patreon supporters so thank you to each and every one of you for making schmeichel's otherwise pointless existence slightly more bearable say thank you schmeich also you'll notice some of the patreon supporters will be appearing in this video these are just picked up random from the top tier support members so hello fellow engineers and welcome to overcrowd a commutum up now there's been a rumor floating around that architects are now using public transport i have been tasked with a special myth i have been tasked why can i say tasked task don't leave that in i have been taught i have been tasked right i've been tasked with the special mission to make sure their commute is as horrible as possible so we're gonna go into the station sandbox and to make a horrible commute we're gonna need some money so our starting money is gonna be yes oh and who's this is that that's pete pete the pigeon look at him there he is pete pete go back up oh he's gone my reputation fantastic oh and now we're on to the good stuff now we're on to the good stuff so the little level this is how often commuters will drop this so we know architects do not give a crap about the earth so yes now the anger level architects are always angry they feel like they got a point to prove and they do they're useless yeah and disease level yes architects are the most diseased sorts of people that i know so that's going to the max however we do know architects are loaded so the money in their wallet at spawn is completely maxed as well i don't think that means four quid i think that means for some combat you can think of a joke for this or forever for four q l i can't think of a joke next all right so the save name is going to be named after patreon but i thought the name was very appropriate for this [Music] failure which i think should be pretty self-explanatory anyway let's get into it right so here's our map we have our road up here middle street this is where our commuters will come from oh and exit technically and the line is way down there three stories below the ground so first things first we gotta start building so if we come down to bottom right we can edit the floor so we can grab this and do a bit of that then we can add an entrance like that lovely so when we open this mecca of transportation this gate will come up and the passengers will flood in anyway i've just expanded the road over to here and then we're going to add a turnstile so here's our turnstiles if we right-click we can say what destination do you want to go so we're going to the exit so no one can enter the platform through this turnstile they can only exit which means we need to build our own entrance we're gonna come down to here head back over that way a bit head up to there do that a little bit if i can delay these architects getting to work at all i'm gonna do it all right lovely i'm then gonna add a little shortcut along here just so we don't want people getting all clogged up around there and then commuters will be funneled out this end over to about here well there'll be a bit of a room put in so this is going to be the ticket room so if we come down to facilities we can build a facility like a ticket machine so we're going to strategically place these [Music] just to provide a nice easy way through and then we're gonna put some turnstiles in now i expect a lot of people want to be getting to work pretty quickly so i'm gonna put a row of turn stars in like this and then we're gonna have the stairs so in order to build stairs in this game you've got to actually build your floors like your levels first so if down here we come to sculpt floor you see we can left-click and drag to raise or right-click to lower so if we click there and we come here we can right click and we've gone down and we can extend the floor out a bit and we can just repeat so let's raise that one back up and then we'll right click right click right click so now we've got all the levels we need to make our stairs [Music] now we have made our staircase of you'll notice there's a hell of a lot of warning signs on here basically you'd actually need to see where you want all of these stairs to go currently we only have an exit to choose from that's because we haven't built a platform yet so now we're on this bottom floor we can just join up with this i'm going to funnel people into a single file queue right and there we go and now we have our first platform well our only platform because there's there's only one rail on this level right so if we zoom in here you can see there's hatch on the other side that means people cannot walk there so we need to right click on here and change the lighting point so that means people will board and exit the train on this side that means i'll do it on either side and that's the other side so we're going to go for the double so people can board and exit either side i wouldn't recommend getting off on the other side but they're architects we'll see if they can figure it out and now we can come to our stairs our lovely lovely stairs and we can right click and change the destination to the platform so now you can see by the arrows they're one-way stairs you cannot go the opposite direction we're gonna have to do this for all of them so uh i'll see you guys on the other side but um think of me doing this manly one by one all right so now all the stairs are one way i love how dangerous they look they look so scary and then our turn stars at the top we can do the same so these are the only way in there's no exits here you can see once people buy their ticket they can just come through the turnstiles down the stairs of doom and then along here to the platform which is nice and long and now we're pretty much ready to open except we're not because we don't have any power oh and there's no exit but we'll ignore that for now all right so to build power we need a room where we can build power from so if we extend this floor you can see we've now made a massive area but we can split that into different rooms we're coming down to the build infrastructure and we can build all sorts of rooms so we're going to build a utility room so that's going to go like that and then we're going to put a door sort of on the front just there so now this is a utility room which means we can come to utilities we can build our generator this is going to fuel the entire station of course generators require fuel so we'll put fuel we'll put it over there so there's no risk of fire or anything yeah we're almost good to go however the fuel cannot get into the generator on its own we're gonna have to hire some stuff but sadly we cannot hire stuff until we've actually opened the station so what we're gonna do we're gonna come over to here i'm gonna click open the shutters have come up i don't know what the hell that noise was oh dear our first ever passenger um i shouldn't laugh um it's in a wheelchair like this is all very wheelchair friendly if you just want to come and buy a ticket however to get to the platform all right for now i'm going to hit pause because it's time to get some stuff this is why we opened we've got all of these applicants to choose from all right so now we have our crack team of engineers ready to cause pain to the architects now the first job is to select the fuel guy okay so i'm going to select ashes for this one i'm going to tell it to come here however as you saw there we need the jerry can and that was another room of course there's always a new room to build in this game so we'll come down to the floor editor we'll build an extra room down there and this is going to be a tool room and there you go we can fit a door on the end now so this is our lovely tool room so in here we can put all the tools you can imagine unlock new tech using procurement damn bits we have no tools all right back to the procurement area we need the jerry can so we're gonna have to unlock the tool kit first and then the jerrycan i can't believe it doesn't actually start with this but now we can go into tools and we can build a jerry can that will go in our tool room i'm also while i'm here going to build a toolkit because why not all right so now ashes your job is to come equip the jerry can and then you'll go and fuel everything and looking at this i feel like we don't actually have enough generators i think only four of them are actually turned on so we're gonna build a load more generators we'll probably need a bit more fuel to fuel those as well right sorted right so now we will press play and carry on as we were you see all of our new staff are coming in look at them all buldez what are you doing samuel valdez he's literally just there you might have noticed as well all of our stuff they're they're pretty old they're sort of showing their age well apart from yunru at the end there oh god what's that virus someone just sneezed on papa panda what happened like someone's having a heart attack whoa what happened to this dude cardiac arrest uh okay we need we need a defibrillator right pause pause pause whoa now we need a defibrillator how the hell do we oh we're gonna have secure one i love some of these things like we haven't unlocked a map we don't even have lighting yet we have a census grotto okay what was this all right so we're in tools uh we're gonna unlock some first aid a drip and then a defibrillator because i do care about these architects although there's a lot of hate i do still want them to get to work because without architects engineers don't know how good they are right so dfeb will go in there and it's ready to go right someone who's going to do it voldez you just stood there come equip the defibrillator you've got some lives to save all right we're gonna keep an eye out for this there's a lot of sneezing going on oh i heard the puke i haven't seen it oh there's there's some puke she's gonna skid straight through them oh that kite is projectile that was like the exorcist look oh my god that's disgusting anyway the first person is using this they feel gloomy about it right he's down he's going to be the first person to reach a platform although these people have arrived they came on the train now they're a bit concerned there's no way out but um i'm just grateful they're all obeying the one-way stair system all right how's our casualty that had a heart attack doing i think they got back up i think they survived so that's good oh wait look there's a knocked out commuter in your station unconscious bodies generate negative reputation that's good and cause fear and disease a staff with first aid kit tool can revive them i don't think we have first aid yet we could defibrillate to them oh it's this dude here i reckon he slips on that puddle we should probably get a mop guy we don't seem to have mop yet let's unlock the mops we got a litter picker and then the mop now look and here's a train arriving so now you can see people get off the train and only one of them was wise enough to get off this side most people got off that side not great but then loads of people getting on all right burton lake when you get there you're gonna be the mop man look here he comes he's grabbing the mop and i was like now what do i do well burton go and bloody clean something like how about this entrance it's not good look there's another ko'd guy he i think he fell over some sick but go clean up there right all right ashes where are you what are you doing up there with the jerry can come down here you can actually change job priorities on here so you can see her only job is to refuel the generators yet she chose to go all the way to the entrance and just stand around doing nothing i'm gonna attempt to build an exit as well right and then that and we're done that was literally like 10 minutes of just trying to build stairs right so i think the game's giving us this warning signal because there's no exit from this side of the platform which is sort of people's own fault if they're not smart enough to get off the right side of the train that's their own fault but there is a way around it we can come to the procurement bonds and we can build extra infrastructure we can actually build a foot bridge yes we can build a pedestrian bridge so yes please thank you very much so we're putting that in that allows people to cross over the platform so hopefully our computing flow checker yes now it's disappeared we have a completely working sustainable platform about i want to make sure people aren't just limited to wherever they can cross so we're going to do this the whole way up much better now when we press play everyone could just walk over the train can you actually imagine this oh no a train is broken down everyone's buggering off no everyone's leaving all right so we need we need a staff member to equip the toolkit and be the maintenance man michael hart you're on five crew an hour man it's time to earn that money so we're going to tell you to come equip the tool kit and then you can fix the train look meanwhile burton lake he's got the old mop out look at his tash i'll tell you what this game reminds me of did anyone ever play habbo hotel or i say play it was basically like a chat room but i sort of walked around like an actual hotel with like these little characters i actually used to play that how embarrassing oh look at all these wheelchair people that's really sad they must have got to the top of the stairs of doom and just been like no anyway michael heart is now heading to the broken down train uh he can only he can only access the doors of the train now he can't actually get to the engine or anything all right there you go you can see him spannering the air and that's gonna fix the train for us good work mike right anyway i think another thing we need to be aware of if we click this button we can see what the light situation is so this easy to read scale is like the sort of warmer colors means it's bright and the darker bluey ones means it's dark so at the moment it's almost pitch black station except for the edge of the shaft seems to be a bit light um so what we're gonna do we're gonna procure some lights a level one lighting but that's not really enough for me i want the level two lighting and the level three all right now it's a new day in our metro station you can see the first new customers are coming someone's already brought the flu in and a horrible horrible hat and you just sneeze everywhere cheers me voldez is there welcoming people with um with a defibrillator oh look there's a rat that's not good i don't think we want rats in our station no anyway we're gonna add some lights so you can see the level one lighting it's a nice little strip light the level two lighting is sort of this domey sort of thing but the level three this is what we paid for look at that it's a proper like chandelier type thing we're going to bung them in over here we don't want our architects getting lost in the dark oh well one of these lights can light nearly the whole shot we're going to keep the stairs dark but we're going to light up either end of the platform we are not going to light up where people actually board the train though all right things are looking good however burton lake seems to be a bit sad hey look it's pete pee the pigeon there he is how's he oh what was that someone just screamed run away why is that woman running oh no we might have a rat issue yeah look she's running look they're all running from the rats there's that guy with the hat as well as our staff that seems to be getting thirsty i didn't really have to feed and water them bloody they probably like schmeichel right all right then so down in this area we're gonna put a star for him because i'm nice and a control room and in the means we're gonna we're gonna unlock everything for our stuff because i'm nice at that they're gonna have uncomfy chairs tvs arcade machines vending machines they literally have it all right so they're taking a rest but they've got nothing to rest with yet so if we come to amenities here you are lads there's a watercooler drink up here's a vending machine it's not free it's a vending machine so you still gotta pay put a couple of chairs down tv that and then arcade machines along this back wall look they've they love the arcade machines they're all rushing over to it that's my best idea yeah these are these are pay to play it's one quid a life but uh i gotta make some money haven't i all right it's the next morning and what the hell there's like dead rats everywhere are they sleeping maybe they're sleeping are you okay little mate all right so in our tools we have lots of new things to try out so first off we've got a wrap rod so someone is going to have to grab this and they're going to be it's basically a castle prod but for rats because you can hear people screaming there's there's a lot of ratings going on even though they're mostly dead yeah there's still a few wiggling about so chloe cornelson come down here you are the rat prodder and don't let anyone tell you otherwise all right she is equipped and raring to go prod some rats meanwhile we've also got a megaphone now why i'm not entirely sure but uh someone's gonna grab the megaphone and they're gonna spread rumors of goodness and stuff so clueless clown you're gonna be spreading your wisdom which i'm sure you have lots of through the megaphone oh no look at this your commuter's getting too hot damn those sexy architects all right so apparently you can come up here we can toggle on thermal imaging this shows us how hot it is in various parts of the station well and people yeah people have started overheating i assume people buying tickets that's a lot of heat white white is very hot so without enough space or ventilation your station will get hotter than satan's bottom and commuters could pass out with heat stroke well we don't want that do we oh wait yes we do more hotness thankfully everyone has to pass through this area so i'd like to think they'll get nice and toasty as they do that it seems like these lights also give off heat so you know what that means i can just hold it oh this is amazing you're gonna hold it down oh it appears we're running out of power that's trouble you take enough light bulbs to create brightness brighter than the sun so we've got the level one generators but let's let's go all the way let's get a level four substation so this will connect us to the national grid and we're gonna replace them with substations look at that look they're all shiny all right so it looks like we're still not creating near enough power we're creating 22 kilowatts and we're using 69 i may have put too many lights in here they're also proper tanking my frame rates all right let's lose a few then let's lose oh i have to click each one individually why did i do this all right we're still very much out of power so i'm gonna add a new power grid over here i'm gonna fill this with substations beautiful and now you can see how hot this area is now i'm i'm very interested by this one we got a teaser so who wants to be in charge of the teaser i reckon yon root you should go get involved all right look at all these dead rats where is our rat person our rapper oh no heart attack heart attack look bulldoze sam voldez is on the job ready ready ready quick quick quick we saved an architect's life there's no discrimination in this metro station everyone deserves to get to work no matter what their line of job is but well unless you're in a wheelchair i'm very sorry there must be a way to like get wheelchair people down is there like an elevator that i can build or something oh look at this the temperature in your station is now inhumane mission accomplished and now one of your commuters has passed out with heatstroke unsurprisingly this upsets nearby commuters who prefer not to encounter bodies during their journey ah here they are here they are here is the heat stroke person is anyone offended by this dead body a body and they just carry on with their commute sea game you think that all commuters care about other people have i've been on trains enough to know that's every man for himself especially when architects are involved i think it's time to make this place a little bit greener so we're going to buy some plants i sort of want to make people's first instincts of the station better like they're no longer just seeing dead rats on the floor now seeing loads of plants or can you not walk around plants they might not be able to walk around plants they're getting stuck at the door okay oh no they can they can one person get why can't everyone seems to be piling up let's just delete a plant there we go now people are in all right and they should be a bit happy about things now all right it's the end of another date and i've i've just realized you can see this sort of report and this report shows people's thoughts of the stations generally people are okay they think prices are a bit high lots of people too hot 29 of people are too hot you know i think we can do better there more light bulbs i'm putting light bulbs where these ticket machines are if anyone makes it through here then they they deserve to get on a train we are going to be cooking some architects today people right if we turn the old thermal imaging on it's just white i actually want to see what happens this person in a wheelchair what's gonna happen when they get to the stairs do they just risk it or i think someone just passed out there behind that ticket machine it's fine right what's gonna happen here goes through the ticket oh no he literally can't get where he wants to go okay so i'm going to try and i think i saw an elevator somewhere there you go left let's buy a lift all right there we go we've built a lift so i think now we might get some wheelchair users using our station finally i'm a little bit worried they'll come down here and then they won't be able to get to the exit we sort of need another lift but uh we we've really maximized the space i'm not sure how we're going to do that oh there's a pickpocket right who's our taser person yunroo where are you all right we gotta try and find the pickpocketer and then yondu is gonna tase them we're gonna move yandere over to here well this person it definitely could be them wait why are you bleeding oh no did you tase yourself accidentally why are you bleeding everywhere i love that our station seems pretty full of people but when you come up to here this is how many commuters we've actually moved six only six people have actually used the train and our reputation is 75. uh note in here if your reputation hits zero it's game over well we're on -77 so we are nowhere near zero we're doing fantastic all right so let's see chloe cornilson what are you doing up there come down here there is a rat you need to deal with right there's the rat it's scaring some people i want to see how this rap rod works ready ready it's going to be a battle whoa that was like no mercy damn chloe we stood on six commuters shifted and minus 93 reputation now it might be because we overdid it on the footbridges maybe we should sell a few of those all right let's see if that's any better oh god there's someone literally on the lines uh how do we get them out oh no is that were you on the bridge maybe she was on the bridge as i deleted it oops sorry there's actually a trained jew so oh god that was horrible that was literally horrible oh look at all the doors yes we've got people using the trains again we're shifting commuters finally oh god but we're minus 101 reputation now right so we've just had some very exciting news this person here is called a brute as you can see they'll directly attack nearby staff and commuters and over this side this is yonru with the taser this is gonna be quite a battle ready oh run run away henry you're meant to have a taser you just got punched in the face now what are you doing now you're stood in a corner all right come on you i actually believe in you you just gotta get your taser out this time and maybe not get punched in the face so easily alright ready they are intercepting each other what's going to happen oh punch in the face do something young oh look burt and lake is there cleaning up the blood though that's very kind of you right ready taser oh oh arrested going to jail yeah that's how things work in this station once you get arrested you just walk yourself to jail but you can see now though things are actually going really well so we're actually moving commuters finally people flying absolutely everywhere however it seems like the more people we move the lower our reputation gets which when you think about it is all we set out to do in the beginning so overall i think we achieved today so thank you very much patrons for supporting today's video and particularly thank you to these staff members who helped run this delightful station peace love and hot sweaty commuters and i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 288,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, business tycoon, business simulator, i built a business, subway simulator, metro simulator, subway station, subway station simulator, subway sim, metro sim, overcrowd game, overcrowd a commute em up, subway disaster, overcrowded subway, subway manager, subway rats, rce, real civil engineer
Id: OWn3pnLwfqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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