DEFENDING the Viking homeland in Bad North!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to bad North so bad North is like a viking defense game so basically we're trying to defend this island we got two factions and you can see down the bottom we're about to be attacked by blooming Architects again now we can click on each of these and you see they have a commander now I picked the two with the best haircuts so we have Thea and we have Ingram and we can basically move these guys to where we want so we're gonna move you there we're gonna move you probably there and then hopefully when we get attacked they'll be in the middle we split them perfectly boosh jobs are good and but no it's not quite over yet because there are more troops on the way so again we've gone for the Bulls formation to make a stronger shape with the boat and then we can just absolutely annihilate them oh we're being attacked over that way okay what then you Lads go over there I feel like these people on the boat are like really really Brave I mean all really really stupid because there's only three of them and we've clearly got like 18 troops it's just a flood path anyway depending on the number of houses we defend on the island that's how many coins we get so this big house is worth three coins our little house is worth one I like to think that as a protection tax from the citizens and we can use that to upgrade both Ingram and Thea unfortunately we can't give them better haircuts but we can make them like archers or pikesman yeah but you can see to do any of that we need six coins we only have four so we better just go on to the next level the mackerel Mound now this game is actually super strategic so to start with you get a nice little look at your Island you can sort of just decide what troops you want yeah I can sort of see we're only going to be attacked from down there so I'm probably just gonna shove both of our commanders in again so let's deploy they're both up there oh you guys doing up there anyway we'll then move you down to there I feel like we should defend from the front like I could I could leave some guys back up there but there's no point as they're only holding swords no point doing that but if we had archers like we could take advantage of these high points these Cliff edges um Ingram go move over there mate you are the front line defense this time you can see slightly larger boat this time it's got five Architects on say oh he knocked their boat into US nice they're all down oh we did lose quite a few troops there we're down to six um wow and now we're down to the threes now we've got to be careful if we lose our Commando we actually lose the entire thing oh wow now this is this is gonna be a pretty major final battle it's three on three uh not really sure how this is gonna go although they just they just set a house on fire you not bad all right so one on one the final battle go oh no he's down Ingram Thea they're both dead thankfully we can restart the level so perhaps this time we need to be a little bit more strategic so I'm thinking I got Ingram down here we've got Thea up there I'm gonna bring these guys down as well now there's just one one remaining nice all right so you guys charge as well there we go there we go right our numbers are way higher for this final wave I think what we're gonna do we're gonna let them let them board and then attack and then attack with these as well yeah that's how you do it we need to use both of them together that's right take them down boys and these ones there we go there we go very easily defend at that time I mean I mean the beaches need a bit of a cleanup as you can see but we get five coins for that which means we can upgrade and I'm gonna upgrade Ingram into an Archer unit and then we get to pick our next level now because we got three coins I think the big houses you can see like the big rectangles in there I think that should give us three coins so rather than trying to defend two houses over in vermiland I might just go to Yannick because I think The High Ground will actually be very very good for my archers and also on the this one we also get a local Commander Zelda so hopefully this should be okay so let's deploy so you can see up top we've got Ingram the Archer I might have him move to perhaps there we'll take the local Commander down to there and then Thea you can go there and we're gonna move Thea down as soon as they land but look The Archers are attacking already oh they are good I mean they're not the best aim actually but they have taken down half of them right nice nailed them let's get you back up I might move you back all right we've taken those down local Commando get down there because we're about to be attacked I'm gonna move the archers up to the top so they're a bit more capable yeah look they're getting bullied they are getting milled well one person did right work together work together oh quick quick he's off the arches oh that was that was brutal anyway that boat is done we're gonna send you down there down the stairs you can help from that side lovely oh we only got two coins not three not gonna lie that's disappointing because it means we can't level up but as we take over this land we have gained Zelda to the team who I assume does have a bad haircut as well but he's decided to wear a helmet very wise we need that sort of train of thought in this business so we're gonna head to firmland which is all quite a nice little island there's just a small little beach Landing over here so what I might do leave my archers up there we'll take one Commander down there and you guys can go to there it's just a case of where they're gonna attack from you can see coming out the Mist there's five little dudes in that boat so it might move you guys a little bit closer yeah they're getting archered already I've taken one out oh they're so good The Archers they're boats like filling up with blood a nice meanwhile can The Archers reach from there just about not ideally though anyway everyone is surrounded I think we've defended the beach very well let's move you guys back there again I actually saw it we'll move you to the front archers fire oh you missed you missed cover arches oh that's so bad they're not bad oh they're so good The Archers anyway that is the wave done I think we'll move you over that way and this time the archers are well in range so surely some will be taken out right yes yes it's like shooting architects in a barrel and there is the level done we get five coins for that which means we now have a total of 10 coins to upgrade so the question is do we upgrade Thea or Zelda to like infantry or placement or do we save up and try and get the archers level two because that increases accuracy rate of fire and damage and as we know accuracy is pretty poor right now so I think I'm gonna make Thea a pikesman that sounds good to me and then back to the map because this is actually very important now there is a reason why we've left our home over here and we're moving to Ireland to Ireland can you see that this colored area is filled with like skulls and swords and stuff basically means death and the middle color is sort of your safety area and on the right that's like the Mist you can't see what's ahead so basically you've got to try and outrun this dangerous storm um ironically we're moving East and not North yet it's called bad North and perhaps we should be moving south if it's bad North they should change the name to bad West anyway that's my point here and we can see next round the storm is going to be over there then round four you can sort of see can you see there's a number four there so that area is going to get covered in and moving to the next turn you can see vermiland has been taken up thankfully we had organic already although that is going to be swallowed by the storm next so I either go for Sandy or lump and I can see lump has a lot more houses so presumably a lot more coins to be won although there are you see there's two icons up there I think that means there's like two waves for a Sandy there's only one wave still no risk no reward we're going to the lump so here it is the lump of an island now basically if I don't use all my commanders it means they're free to like do like another round unfortunately because I only have three commanders I sort of need to use them all to complete these levels so we can only move to one Island per round at the moment so let's deploy right so got quite a big beach to defend this time now is it worth staying up here and defending up there we will sacrifice our house if we do that I feel like to start let's move the pikesman down to there that's a pretty good like sort of Sandwich point for this beach we're gonna move the archers over to that end and then Zelda you can go you can go behind there oh no look they've got archers they're shooting our arches no beds take them down come on all right there you go he's down he's down meanwhile we've got a small boat there big boat there I'll tell you what I'm gonna I'm gonna Retreat up to the top I'm gonna bring my archers over to this end uh yeah we're sacrificing a house but Safety First we've got them in a pinch point oh look at that that is brutal it is disappointing that we're gonna lose that house it is well on fire but uh great to good and all that you gotta make sacrifices sometimes all right come on Pikes get involved get involved I put the Pikes there are they any better it got like a longer reach so maybe they can Miller the step I mean the stairs are already milled I'm not gonna lie oh no these guys are archers right you guys to them you rushed to them take them down come on Pikes when you've been that Archer was out running us I think that's good let's get you back up there you back up there just out of range of those arches and then once they land we'll go on the attack all right Ron take him down take him down there we go come on get after him get after him right there we go we got six coins because three houses survived uh and we gained the Philosopher's Stone which is very Harry potter-ish well unless you're American because I believe they they did they name that film something else in America yeah the Sorcerer's Stone weird anyway with our lovely decorated stairs let's continue to the next level and this time I might avoid this mid one you can see it's gonna be three waves of enemies there so I'm gonna go the bottom one back to Sandy should be a bit there you can see the storm has taken overganik and next time lump will be gone yeah let's do let's do Sandy so we'll deploy there and again big beach so I'm gonna move arches over to this side of the island because we're being attacked from that end but I might leave everyone on the stairs again I feel like decorating in the stairs was actually a good thing I did before and with the Arches they've taken down one boat already right yeah that is the downside we are going to lose the house pretty early on annoyingly it is a big house but the rains put the fire out I mean perhaps I can be brave this time I've got my troops on the beach this time on the beaches we will defend oh wow but that is that is a big weave I think the archers are thinning the herd oh that's good that is really good actually all right Pikes went up to there then boost boost right they're all down I'm gonna move my troops over to this end and we're gonna hope that the archers can deal with those guys I've taken out two already I'm the third decent you know we've just got these to deal with archers stealing all the kills here but nice defended that was a very easy five coins and now we have 15 coins that we can upgrade our archers to level two let's buy upgrade so they're currently veteran archers and next time to upgrade them to Elite it's gonna take 20 coins now that is quite a lot uh worthless as well we've picked up two artifacts that Philosopher's Stone now that generates additional gold we've also got the Warhammer a heavy Hammer used for clearing large groups of foes so I reckon we give the archers the Philosopher's Stone and then perhaps the pikesman can get the the hammer no actually maybe maybe Zelda because he is under leveled at the moment they've got the Warhammer Ingram's going to give us an extra coin per Island and we just got a plan where we go next because next turn you can see lump has been swallowed by the storm is it worth guessing ahead a bit it's looking ahead both of those go at the same date so I am gonna have to get ahead by one now might be the time to do it let's let's ignore bardsy we're going straight to stallberg which wasn't that they wasn't at the town in ninthra oh my goodness wait wait wait wait we need to do a bridge review a lovely green arch bridge now green means that there's trees growing on top of it this is actually a real thing they do in at least in the UK I'm pretty sure like a lot of Europe has these as well it's to allow for like animals and bats and all sorts of things to like maintain their habitat across the road underneath without getting flattened by cars that's nice anyway unfortunately the bridge is not quite wide enough for our troops to fit under so therefore I'm going to give this an 8.1 out of 10. the idea was there but poorly executed Bridge review alright so you can see these guys they have shields this time so The Archers can't actually take them out yet um thankfully the pikesman did very well there great job I'm gonna move my troops out the way so they don't get archered by these guys uh at least until they land say ow ow run away all right and now attack attack he set a house on fire he's down he's down all right so big boatload ball thankfully the level two archers far more accurate sort of and we're doing okay we are actually doing okay what have we got there we've got more archers so send you guys back to the safety of the bridge oh except it's not safe because there's people attacking over there as well right I've split up my my troops this time oh we are getting milled on the left we're down to one run away Commander run away Commander you must survive and then run I think we might have to go upstairs to defend all right now rush them down there then Rush those guys over that way as well oh yeah they got they've gone to the bridge yes oh the Brit right back to bridge review Bridge review amended score a 9.2 out of 10 because the bridge defended the island All That Remains are the splatters from the enemies and the empty boats Bridge review I'm right that was actually pretty decent I mean look how many coins we got we did lose a lot of troops thankfully because we made Thea hide up there we're on to the next level and look we've got 12 coins I sort of want to hold out for the better archers I feel like archers are Really Gonna Save Us We're The Shield ones do protect them and there's also skills we can get for each one as well so this is like an Archer of volley to bombard a location with a hail of arrows you can make your pikesman charge as well and perhaps we should actually make these guys The Shield ones old Zelda is it Zelda or Kilda I don't know but I've done that because then we can use him to like get close to The Archers without being arched right so we're now two days ahead of the storm so if we do next turn you'll see the storms up to there next time it's gonna take bazzi so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna bother with that we're gonna go straight to the green aisle oh look we've got a drainage on this one check that out anyway let's deploy our troops and see how we get on so there is a little house down there to defend and that is going to be attacked first so I might move my archers right to this end and oh look at that beautiful oh go on arches one more goat there we go all right some more Arch though I don't know if their range is actually longer if they're higher up I mean they seem to be doing okay shooting in a straight line like that I might actually move you guys up there and then the platesman down here so boo step off the boat Welcome to My Island right archers are going up the top this time Pike's been going to shove you there and then the knights you can go around this side to try and defend these I think that should be pretty good oh they got Millard archers doing the damage and leveled up archers are insanely good let's get the pipes there so I think the Pikes will sort of stand their ground so if we bring our Knights up this way yeah absolutely milled them four Coins Plus the bonus coin we get five all right so we're going to the next turn the storm is there so if we move there we're still too ahead because I've just seen that one I'm pretty sure that is going to be an extra Commander but if you look he's in an area where it's it's two days wide it takes two days to cross those islands now we can either skip Mound which has a lot of houses and therefore is a lot of cash but I think because we skipped bazzi we can probably get away of doing this I might regret this oh my goodness there's completely flat Island okay this is gonna take a lot of Defending boys so zoom out right we're being attacked from over that week so let's get Shield guys up there and then archers just behind them so you can see the shields are taking the Arches attacks from them meanwhile we are distracting them and we're trying to shoot them right get involved pikesman The Archers are such a bad shot oh he went into the sea Shields there archers there Pikes you wait behind so yeah the shields are really good at distracting enemy archers meaning we can literally just point blank Miller them yeah it's going with oh no oh no right over there that could be trouble so I'm gonna put you guys there archers to the side hikes behind right nice nice the plan is actually working I'm so glad I upgraded these guys to Shields all right pikesman go take that guy out who's surrounded love it oh no okay so now we are we are gonna be surrounded so reckon archers maybe go over that way try and thin those guys out looking at their course I think they're aiming for about that so we'll put the Pikes there swordsman can come up this way because this is a bigger group it's a nice arches are so good there's only one left now there's none left right archers get up that way then over here archers I just milled all of them the Swordsmen doing the damage as well I reckon Arch is over there and we're gonna have to deal with these guys without archers because they've got Shields so we wouldn't really be able to watch with them anyway thankfully archers have dealt with them so just a case of millering them I mean they're surrounded his shield has a strong shield into a swordsman there let's get archers there and then Pikes behind I mean oh actually there's no there's no arches there so move everyone out the way just so the boats don't hurt us all right then send everyone in quick defend the Arches run away archers archers run away that's what oh that guy's a Beefcake quick take him down take him to arches run away oh we just about survived I had to go slow motion there to try and sort everything out but look at all the coinage we are getting from this well worth defending 15 coins and I think I know what I'm gonna do I'm going to Max upgrade the archers they are Elite then we got six coins remaining do I is it worth spending five to get an extra one it's gonna take me five Islands to get profit back from that so probably won't actually instead we'll go to the next turn stallberg has been eaten now we're gonna go some aisle and then the Ragged Rock who's summer aisle we have we have a house down here so let's deploy when we got Max archers now so archers fire away we're distracting with the shield guys again oh look at them they've taken out one boat oh not quite come on archers you want to be max level what are you doing oh there you go they did they did actually take him out fair play and we're now source of surrounded I'm gonna I'm gonna shove The Arches up there and distract these guys with the shields we're gonna deal with these ones first come on arches all right that's it that's it right now I've paused it so we just need the Arches to get over that way and the swords to go distract and probably Pikes by the time they get over there they would have landed yep you can see that and they're boost yeah you better run you better run mate just milled into the seat the difficulty has stepped up dramatically I think we can Archer anyone so let's go right to this corner right so arch of those guys oh did you see that all in one hit so other archers to there swordsman over that way oh they The Arches are really good all right swatches are over there let's see how easily they deal with them oh they are they are just millering is that nearly everyone gone I think we can bring our plates over that way we should probably wait nope there you go archers dealt with everything on their own and pikesman dealt with those guys as well nice right quite a big wave four boats attacking now look at them they've all got swords so we're probably fine if we bring our archers maybe to there and then everyone else just step back a bit I'm hoping archers can deal with those two boats and then we'll just deal with everyone else I mean fair play archers they're they're smashing it and we've completed the level nice that's another eight coins for the victory which I might spend on the the arch of volley we'll get that skill then we're on ragged rock where we should get yep the local Commander Eldred if we can impress him with our Mighty Island defense he will join us as well so let's deploy so we've got beaches either side this one sort of looks like a strongly shaped island in my opinion is that just me or is anyone else seeing that anyway archers taking out those guys just one more to go nice and if I shove them up there the house is on fire but we have dealt with them so everyone's attacking from the other side so I might just bring those around I think we should be fine I might actually try the the Archer volley the thing with the Archer volley you can only you can only aim it at a square so we're gonna have to wait for these guys to land which they're sort of doing all right so then we'll do it there oh no it completely messed my arches get closer to those two we're distracting them with our Shields that is it that is it good job right move back guys we don't need to get trampled by their boat and then go for them now they've landed noise all right archers fire oh Eldred you gotta move your troops out the way you haven't got Shields remember these guys have shields they should be fine I'm gonna get the pikesman involved though then we're ready for the final wave so we're being swamped from all sides it seems down this way we've got archers so pikesman you go defend over here I reckon go up the stairs greens also also prepare for an attack archers get up there Shield guys distract from there and then hopefully this will work so archers from the tower taking down their boat and archers move on to that cliff and then everyone else defend the stairs are decent I think we're getting the hang of this I think we're actually getting the hang of this now look Eldridge the skillful has joined us and because he's skillful his skills are half price the question is do I give him a class or do I just keep upgrading the others I feel like the shield and Archer tactic worked very well yeah let's make him a shield guy and then we can give him the plunge attack for half price that allows them to jump off a cliff onto enemies below I think we're gonna do that and that's gonna be their little a little party trick and we need to try and get out of this storm area so I'm gonna go to Arthur what off that killed off faculture oh letter yeah we're going to our faculture because look the storm is closing in behind us we don't want to miss out so I mean another sort of strongly shaped island like the mountainy bit anyone else anyone else just me so green guys they're gonna stay up a cliff because they can jump off it which is gonna be beautiful to watch I might put you on that Cliff actually I feel like that would be more useful archers you watch those guys bikespoon get ready at the top of the stairs all right so archers kill them or yep archers have literally killed those guys that's now an empty boat and we are going to get ready to plunge it's ready plunge onto those guys oh it's too late oh that was a fail anyway take out that guy there you go right get back up the cliff pikesman back up the stairs and archers you may as well take out these guys yeah there we go there we go that's one boat done and that's two boats done all right so whilst the arch is dealing with those guys at the back I'm gonna try and do the cliff plunge again so I'm waiting for it to regen though we might not actually have time oh look how close the bar is come on quicker quicker all right plunge onto that one oh that was so good that was awesome right back up the cliff archers get down there that is a lot of people in that boat take him down oh yeah they are they are doing the damage they've been oh they're taking them all out the archers are so good maybe I should have gotten more archers rather than the cliff plunge as impressive as it was guys anyway the storm is closing in behind us but we are we are quite ahead I think if we get to there then we're on we're two days ahead again if we try and do Mullen we're gonna ourselves up later I reckon but I think for now we're going to leave that there if you enjoyed booster like button let me know in the comments but for now I'll say peace love and bad haircut bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 335,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strategy, video game, gaming, gameplay, walkthrough, tips, strategy game, puzzle, puzzle game, minimal, minimalist, real time, rts, real time strategy, bad north, bad, north, viking, invader, island, defense, tower defense, best strategy, jotunn, jotunn edition, pike, pikes, spear, spear men, spearsmen, spearmen, spears, spear throwers, rce, real civil engineer, viking defense
Id: yxcOKuiZ9Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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