Trucking In Tight Spaces To Make Money In Motortown!

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well since my friends already know that I'm not broke anymore I'm gonna go make some more money in motor town so that I can rent any vehicle I want in order to hide from them all right here we are at the car dealership yes I want to be able to buy this vehicle I probably won't get there today but I want to be able to buy it and rent any vehicle I want but yeah since I'm clearly not rich yet I'm gonna have to ditch the Lamborghini because it's a little expensive so I'm just gonna Park this vehicle here and I'm gonna go to my own vehicle which won't cost me anything except for gas to run and that is my little Mini Cooper this actually pretty quick I'm not gonna lie all right so now we need to find a way to make money and I think the best way to do that is to go rent a truck so the only Trucking place that I know that sells trucks is over here somewhere I think this is it right here so now we're gonna set I'm gonna set my Waypoint for over here and we're gonna go grab one real quick you know I always do this game was really low poly but I never really paid that close attention until I saw this rear windshield like what is going on here it's made of four squares with just some little uh little triangles cut through them that's kind of funny and look at the back door look how quick this little thing is it actually picks up a lot of speed oh yeah go for the top speed record top speed record let's go okay I'm pretty sure my engine oh it's gonna explode and I'm gonna lose control oh come on I almost saved that but I just had to head Milling right there of course is this cop break checking me what is this uh I don't know if I could legally all right we're going to router we're going around him I don't care if I get a ticket excuse me Kappa bye well we didn't get a ticket so that's good oh gosh oh gosh this car is so bad it turning that's ridiculous oh no oh no top left corner the cops might be on me is he chasing me no no we're good oh no the cops on me oh well he got me yeah yeah yeah all right well on my way to go make money I'm definitely losing some money is this a stop sign all right we're just gonna do that real quick don't don't pull me over again please all right we're here we're here we made it we made it I'm gonna go ahead and pull in and uh I'm gonna go I'm gonna grab one of these trucks so that we can make some money you know I normally grab this truck here but I think I'm gonna do one step up I know it's gonna be a little bit more to rent but uh I definitely like that there's two sets of wheels back here that's kind of cool all right let's grab this 480 coins for every 10 minutes all right well we're gonna have to make some serious cash then to make that money back all right now I gotta get a trailer I'm just gonna run over here and I don't know if you rent these or what but we're just gonna spawn a vehicle all right there we go that's what we're looking for let's go ahead and get back into our truck real quick all right Easy Does It just gonna link up to this real fast hook the trailer and now I gotta lift these legs up there we go all right we're all set all right I kind of want to find out what uh this company over here can we like pick anything up from them and bring it somewhere let's go check oh man this is I can only imagine like what if there are a bunch of trailers in here there's no way I would be able to do that like how do I even do this with an empty parking lot oh man I have so much respect for truckers like this is crazy all right here we go here we go we're just gonna we're just gonna pull like that okay that's good now we're gonna reverse it here and I am missing I'm missing so much there's no way all right here it's fine it's fine oh there's no way of I want to be able to back in straight no no oh this is hard what the heck all right here we go this is what we need right here oh nice and slow nice slow back the trailer in I'm I'm missing again aren't i eh swing swing oh I almost got it come on come on where are my wheels facing I need to go oh we did it holy cow all right pick up delivery what do we got from here oh there's these these are a bunch of tiny boxes is there anything big yeah we can do the cheese boxes let's do that so we're gonna load as many of these as I possibly can oh that's all of them cool so that is 2.6 miles away and let's also do oh wait there's more cool I'll take those thank you um I don't know how much more room I have but we are going to the same spot wait I can do four of these too three four and then I guess I'll do as many burger joints as possible anything in the same town is there anything else in the same town no okay well I basically got as much as I can all right we basically have a full Lowdown all right let's get out of here and go drop this stuff off I have no clue how much money this is even gonna make us but uh where does it want us to go I need to check the the map real quick oh it looks like we're going all the way down here okay that's not too bad I'll just go ahead and Follow the yellow line let this truck go first and I'm out let's go it'd be interesting to do like parking challenges with this like I said if there were like other trailers already there there is no way I'd be able to sneak that in there oh man I kind of want to try that sometime all right we are on our way we are very far away I think it said like 2.8 miles or something like that but luckily everything we need to drop off is in the exact same town so I'm gonna have to make four stops and we'll have to see how much money I make from that I also want to save up enough money so I can buy my own truck that way I don't have to pay the rent for renting one I don't I don't know if that's even worth it though at this point I feel like I need to save up a lot of money for that to be worth it so I can run a bunch of trucking missions but anyway we are on our way we're pretty far away um I could do autopilot here but I really don't want to I feel like autopilot's really slow so I am going to do all of this manually plus it's pretty fun I'm definitely not going to stop for those stop signs though because it'll make it take way too long so as long as we're out in the country I think I'll blow right through of them but as soon as I get into town I suppose I will follow the laws but anyway we are on our way we're in a oh is this a 45 mile an hour Zone well let's crank this thing into gear I feel like that's a little fast for this road but I don't even know if this truck can get up to that I'm like hammering the gas right now I suppose I am in Comfort what if I had like sport mode this thing I don't know we're fine we'll make it there eventually look at this Countryside though this is awesome all the water and stuff out there I can't tell if this oh I think the sun's going down soon well hopefully I can hurry up I really don't want to be doing this at night uh looks like I'm gonna be taking a left here and going down the middle of the map it's the middle of the map highway there's a stop sign here but as uh as you know no cop no stop here we go and we are on our way of course I'm gonna stay in the right lane of this two-lane Highway yeah I think I need to get a truck and then upgrade the engine that way I can go faster with these missions because look how slow we're going uphill this is kind of ridiculous but here we go hopefully we can make it up this hill soon because this is a little painful oh my gosh I suppose I could have gone all the way around like the middle of the map I guess goes through the mountains kind of oh dear imagine we don't make it up this oh my God what are you doing Lamborghini I just saw that thing do some crazy stuff out of the corner of my eye anyway oh no oh no we are creeping 18 miles an hour no no come on I am full gas again right now this is all she's got oh did it just kick into a lower gear there's another Hill after this oh no we're going to gain all the speed we possibly can oh could you imagine oh yeah just excuse you excuse you and just cut me off all right all right we're we're kind of at the top of the hill I hope this is the last Hill we're gonna we're probably gonna go a little bit slow up this one as well but as soon as oh there it goes the rent oh I've already paid almost a thousand dollars renting this vehicle I hope this pays off minus 480 coins yikes all right here we go you can do it I believe I believe get up there look at this thing this thing looks sweet I thought a bunch of traffic would be like behind me but apparently not I guess they've all gone around me all right we've made it up this hill finally yes what is this this is like a giant redwood forest the middle of nowhere that's kind of neat no cop don't stop you had to make sure that wasn't a cop all right here we go we are on our way hopefully it's all downhill from here that's so weird to say oh man the saying do they do they say it's all uphill uphill from here I don't know I don't know anyway going down going down and that's good because our speed is going to pick up what is oh okay so we are now 1.2 miles away and uh we're doing good so far we're doing good we've made it over the center map mountains it's kind of neat I got some more redwoods up here that's interesting I don't know how far our left hand turn or I'm sorry our right hand turn is up here why did they keep doing that that's such a weird a weird thing I keep catching cars doing crazy 90 degree turns out of the corner of my eye look up to stop and yeah our right turns coming up here soon what are you doing oh my gosh am I cutting anybody off right now oh no one's even behind me cool oh dear oh dear gotta keep my eyes on the road oh no all right we've made it to the other side of the map now we're just outside the city no cop no stop oh no oh man I thought I was gonna Ram right into him luckily the brakes on this thing are pretty good my trailer might have gone off a little bit there but it's fine all right excuse me coming through 4500 feet okay so there's our four stops I'm gonna try to do this maybe efficiently if I can well I guess it's all going to depend on which one I see first I don't know we'll take a look at it when we get closer how about that oh no the sun's going down it's right there it's about to be night time the sun's about to go behind the mountains I gotta hurry I gotta hurry before it's night time oh no oh no no don't cross the line come back come back all right we're good we're good okay we have now reached oh my hold on I gotta make this turn real quick we've now reached the city the Sun is going down we are now in the shadow of I guess buildings in the mountain or whatever um oh what is this delivery here that one looks pretty easy I guess we'll do this first we've got one a thousand feet away on our left side well that's where it's bringing me anyway so we'll just do that oh there's a cop there all right we're in the city now we're gonna follow the laws gonna break and go here you stay there sir I'm coming through all right here we go oh oh this is sweet okay so we gotta go down this hill real quick hopefully I don't Smack into that is this the pizza place I think this is the pizza place we're delivering cheese to the pizza place all right how am I gonna get in here that's the question let me let me scope this thing out oh we are definitely backing in here all right well I hope no cars are coming because this is happening all right we're just gonna make this turn here straighten out oh that's good that's good right and we're just gonna back in all right keep it nice and straight we're gonna do it nice and slow looking kind of good but I do need to get it over a little bit so we're just going to do that there we go oh that looks good if I can straight oh okay we're gonna stop real quick all right take my time there we go and that's it we did it we did it no we didn't now we did it there we go perfect okay on to the next one oh we just made a bunch of money there didn't we we made six thousand dollars okay that was actually pretty worth it I'm not gonna lie we've got three more of these deliveries to do so we're just going to come through here excuse me pardon me hopefully I don't hit anything just gonna take a nice wide turn hopefully my trailer doesn't so oh no the tree why did the tree have to be there all right I'm really trying to do this how um someone would actually do it I don't want to like okay hit anything okay we're gonna take a wide turn here oh man I totally feel for truckers in the city now oh my gosh this is crazy all right don't hit the trailer okay we're good we are good let's make our way up here I don't see a cop I'm not stopping to yield anyway right all right all right we need to deliver it in there how are we gonna do this okay so let's take a turn here we're gonna go into the other lane because there's no traffic so okay we're good and now I need to back into there okay all right so we're gonna pull forward here luckily we don't have traffic on these upper streets and I'm gonna do one of these uh I don't think I left myself enough space for this so I'm gonna have to pull this forward okay I think that should be good right all right here we go time to do a hard turn looking good uh it needs to be a little harder than that uh uh oh man I'm gonna hit things aren't I oh this is so hard okay wait wait oh sorry car you're gonna have to wait you're gonna have to oh D oh come on come on bro everyone's blocking me in I've got a tree in my way I can't see anything oh dear okay well I mean you asked for this I'm sorry but I mean there's there's no other way to do this okay oh my gosh oh the drivers in this game like okay I'm gonna have to reset I'm gonna have to reset because like he's actually you know what you know what oh my gosh people please I'm just trying to do my job here excuse me I'm sorry can we oh my gosh all right we're we're we're resetting we're resetting I'm blaming the AI on this one okay we're gonna do it from here I think I overcooked it there I overcooked it just a little bit can I bring it back no no no no no no no no no no okay four four times the charm oh fourth time is the charm oh we need to go quick that truck is coming no okay we're good we're good we're good he turned he's turning all right get this back in there oh this is hard okay okay I'm gonna have to cheat here this is so hard what the heck I'm stuck I'm stuck the truck the tree the tree is the tree has gotten in there uh the thing oh no this is so bad how do I get out of this okay we do this we do this we do that let's do it we go there we pull is for oh my gosh are you kidding me okay we're out we're out excuse me sorry oh my gosh this is way harder than I thought it was gonna be all right get out of here limo this is how we're doing it now all right hard left turn Lamborghini you're gonna have to wait like this is it's trying to go under my truck what are you doing okay go straight go straight go straight then we hard cut this is not working out at all right we're definitely we're definitely cheating this one all right get out of here go go go go go I'm out of your way just go we're cheating here we're cheating we're just gonna pull it straight out like this oh my gosh I'm so close I'm so close here oh my gosh that was so hard holy cow where do I need to go now I need to go over here okay at least this place has like a big Zone wow all right this one should be easier yeah okay we're doing this the easy way I don't even care we're we're doing this all right as soon as this is straight there we go I can even make it up this hill there we go but that's pretty clean all right just as long as I can keep it straight we go nice and slow beep beep beep and we'll drop oh I can already feel this is getting off center man this is this is gonna take some practice all right almost there almost there I think we got it that should be it right oh nice okay we only have wait is that all of them I thought there were four I feel like we only did three I guess that's all of them though okay it's a small bonus I've set this up I uh the challenge is I need to get this trailer in between those two trailers without leaving the compound I don't know if that's gonna be possible like uh all I'm trying to not to enter the street at least I'm trying to use only the available space here and um I think I've already set this up way wrong but I am going to try tilting this trailer in there clearly clearly I'm not getting my CDL anytime soon but uh oh oh oh that might be okay might be a little harsh hold on hold on I think I just need to roll forward a little bit here maybe and then oh that's a little too much I think you just bring it straight back now okay don't hit those oh come on I was trying not to hit those but it's fine oh this might be going this might be going well if I could just keep it straight okay all right nice and slow nice and slow I need to make sure I don't hit that orange container I couldn't even imagine doing this in first person oh this might work though let's go I might have done it I might have done it I need to straighten out though I of course didn't place the trailers very straight but don't hit that don't hit that hold on a little forward okay we're good turn the wheel turn the wheel and I'm good I'm good I could pick up a delivery though awesome anyway hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video if you did be sure to smash that like button if you want to see more videos like this in the future don't forget to hit the Subscribe and I will see you all in the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: Dapper
Views: 20,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dapper, motortown, hunter, hideandseek
Id: 6W5TPNAd1nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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