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that's that's just so cool i love it welcome back guys for more timberborne and the giga dam is looking very impressive but there is a problem do you see what it is i zoom in can you see the problem it's not freaking big enough so we're gonna be building an even bigger dam and i've got an idea that i think you're gonna like we'll we'll see um okay first things first we've got to get this side uh or this this kind of reservoir uh up to the right height so yeah that's going to be the first problem the the issue is that our our district center doesn't reach far enough so i'm going to have to do something about that this is probably going to require some some tweaking about let's move you around there pop you in there throw in that and hopefully now our range should be much extended let's see if we extend the path out there yeah yeah i can work with this okay so let me get that built okay we're almost finished there's just two last pieces to do and this is this is the most difficult part i did have to move this out further because it wasn't in range here so i've had to better macgyver a little platform to put the uh to put the district center on but once that once this is complete then i can move the district center back and we can just get the rest built which will be a big relief frankly because i was starting to wondering wonder how the hell i was going to do this without like creating a whole new district which i really didn't want to do and that's the last piece completed right that's such a relief okay with the district back in its proper place we can now get rid of uh let's see i need to get rid of that i need to get rid of that path yes and then we can do it we can do it we can put it in i seriously i can't wait to get get this kind of done and out of the way so we need to go up three four levels don't we so one two and then three four is what we're gonna do okay that's uh let's get all of this put in this uh this will take them a bit of time to get completed but it's pretty straightforward so all of that and all of this all right you know i'm probably gonna have to i'm probably gonna have to move the district back down there again to finish the last little bit because i think a little bit of his own i might be able to tamper with the pattern get it done but one way or another we'll get we'll get it finished so yeah get on with that boys they're almost done one last piece to do come on beavers is this gonna be it i think this might be it come on come on finish it yes we have finished oh my god guys that took ages it is it is now fairly impressive though to be fair wow okay so having got that out of the way that's i can't believe that like building that is just like a little aside it's just like oh we'll just like do that okay let's get over to um what are we gonna call this now if it's gonna get bigger terror damn i think terror down uh now i have been busy while that's been getting done i've done a few i've done a few bits and pieces around the place but generally i've been focusing on um getting this ready for a new colony oh yeah but before we get to that i thought you'd want to see me blow some stuff up and i did have a request that when i blow stuff up i do it in on regular speed yeah well i guess we'll do some of it like that so um go on there so we'll start off with this it's so satisfying and we're doing this to uh to even the dam up so because it's it was kind of lopsided so this this should now okay this one's this one should be a fairly good one go [Music] it doesn't get old go i've got to say though i personally i kind of like it on fast so we'll speed it up for these two [Music] okay now i want let's see um i want that taken back there as well so we got some we got still got some more dynamiting to do so we'll do some dynamite in there some dynamite there yeah see something like that they lay the dynamite so quickly they'll get it done they'll get it done right while they're doing that we can get on with other things so the um the team here have got to um finish off damning this up i put in this temporarily and then they've got to go up here and damn this as well so yeah they're gonna have a lot to do okay what are we gonna do we are gonna put in let's see this district which is gonna be there district i'm thinking to put it there i think that that is where it's going to go okay so we'll split the districts where i think probably there is as good a place as any go on so break that and we'll put in the district gate flipping around district guy goes there district goes in up here boom okay we have a district now is this going to keep um no it's not oh i'm gonna have to set up these ropes again i was hoping that those roots would take but they didn't okay so never mind we'll have a new name um i think i think this is gonna be the saviors because uh yeah because they're going to be they're going to be saving the water that's going to be the rationale for that we're going to put it bring in oh they are they did bring some stuff over that's kind of handy okay good well let's um let's get some roots set up we want to bring in carrots okay and we want to bring in um logs logs yes and we want to bring in planks for sure okay and i'm going to bring in water now you might be saying why are you bringing in water you've got more water here than you know what to do with but actually it's it's a little bit awkward because what level do you put the pumps in at and i think i'm going to end up putting putting the pumps in at different levels so yeah i don't know i don't know we'll we'll figure it out somehow what we're going to do for now is just um send some beavers over there so i guess we'll do it once we've got two unemployed what about alexandria let's have a look at alexandria oh you've got 18 unemployed okay let's take some from alexandria then so send to the saviors let's start off conservatively and um let's send six beavers over there so go okay you get over there and we'll see if you can stay alive for like two seconds look at the beavers swimming under this so deep it's awesome we've got beavers at the saviors oh look and immediately they're getting to work good job extending our territory so we're gonna have a levy going out well let's see that bit's definitely okay then i think probably do it didn't mean to do that um probably do it like this kind of sorta you in fact hang on a second if i did it there can i get oh i can oh let's do it like that then okay pause okay so now yeah yeah now i can do the next oh yeah cool it's fine it's all gonna work out fine so boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and then i think i think we can just come straight across like this it's a bit of a nightmare that it's diagonal because it uses like twice as much resource but but it does get the job done and i i think it'll actually look pretty cool when it's done so i guess we'll just go straight across there so right the main dam it's not big enough um they haven't done all of this they've done most of it we'd actually need some stairs now to get it all done wouldn't we i think uh yeah let's pause while i do this because it'll be just be easy first thing we're going to do is we're going to rip out these water wheels but yes gone then i'm going to rip out these platforms and i guess all of that as well yeah yes go away and then i'm gonna rip those out as well yes go away okay good good good good then we'll get some um we'll get some levies and we'll throw levees in i kind of like that as a line so we'll we'll start from there so we're gonna have this one coming down here like this this one coming down here like this then we're gonna have water wheels for power and the water wheels are going to go in like this all the resources i wasted on that last set of water wheels it's crazy okay having got those sorted out what do i want then i want more more ladies so then i think um oh my god do i go from down from there i think i go from there so let's go up like that i guess and then i'll want to do the same on the other side now i'm gonna have to dynamite all of this but for now for now this will do okay what do we do what do we do levy so uh we have one two one two one two is that is that the same so one two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two yeah thinking i don't necessarily need to go out that far but we'll see because this is all changing anyway it's not all changing some of it's changing um these i think these are too close together for a start okay so so we're gonna do something about that and i i don't really like the the staircase and bridge i think because it's too close together is the problem so we're going to get rid of that let's get delete all of that please yeah boom gone hooray and there was huge huge amounts of rejoicing okay then i think what i'm gonna do is extend this backwards yeah now if i'm going to extend this backwards now the question the question i've got on my mind is do i do i flatten this bit of terrain or do i just kind of work with it okay they're done and okay good right let's uh rip that out and get rid of this path don't want that don't yet go on this path i you know i'll leave the stairs there just in case okay fine uh so how how how are we going to do this and what are we going to do well the idea that i had was beaver lodges which damn up rivers is actually it's actually their lodge it's actually where they live so i thought how about if we build the housing into the dam good idea i i mean i i kind of like i kind of love the idea i've got to be gonna be honest so one two three four five six that's going to come out like that and then we're going to build that up to i don't know some ridiculous height and appear here somewhere up there and then i want to do a similar thing here um it's gonna present me with well actually yeah the whole thing's gonna protect me with problems i will sort it out later uh let's get the let's get the basic design in so rip that out and then we'll put in one two three four five six coming out this way and up to that level so they can build this out from from up here that's fine but i want this to work a little bit differently i think yeah i want this to work a little bit differently you know what i can actually keep the water in um if i just adjust these to i don't know point two something like that okay that's all the water's kept in we want to leave it at probably one or one and a half for now uh let's try one and a half and one apparently yes you're letting water through one okay that's good okay so we're gonna want um a similar arrangement back here so we'll put in uh one two three and four and then we're gonna have the triple floodgates on the top one two three four five six okay so i've put that i've put that in the wrong place oh man okay much better much better okay having having done that uh i then want to adjust the level of these so um those are going to have to go do i wait until i've built this until i uh to do that it would actually make a lot of sense so i guess let's get that built okay you ready for a little boom boom yeah me too right let's have a little boom boom okay why is it so much fun i don't understand it boom all right cool so what we've done now um i've still got i still got a little bit to do but i'll sort that out um essentially we've um we've leveled this up so that it looks kind of nice and balanced so now i've got to put in all of the all the platforms on this side now you may be asking why are you putting platforms over here because the the water's not going to get into here i don't know i just want it to look like this don't ask me why i just do so i just have this i've got this idea in my head of how i want this to look and i'm kind of just building to that plan and and trying to make it work so uh we want those to go in there then we can get across that then i can dynamically okay fine so we can go ahead really and just get some get all of this built get this framework built then we can start tampering with this and making it look awesome is is what i'm going for let's see if we can do it okay well this is coming along beautifully i am i'm loving it let it run so um we've i've put in a ramp down here and they're just finishing off this part and the reason that i brought you back was because our beavers over here wonderful little chaps have finished clearing the trees all the way through here just brilliant so now we should be able to get rid of that yes and then we can put in the last bits of this dam so like that and then we want to go up to there and there oh yes oh man this isn't gonna be crazy when it's built oh man right get that staircase built and then you can build everything from the top and hopefully none of you will die it's uh i mean it is a fair bit of building but they'll be able to do it and it's fine because we're going to be busy doing this okay what are we going to do over here well let's pause it for a second what we are going to do he said trying to still trying to figure it out in his own head what we're going to try and do is use uh where are we housing we're going to use these triple lodges um initially and what i want is to have these um stepping up here okay that's going and so is that and yeah okay okay i think i think i've got it okay so what i want i'm gonna put in some uh some double platforms there and maybe i'll just do double platforms on the way back yeah and then we'll take one of these uh one of these triple lodges and i'll go there okay so then i would want now yeah this is this is tricky this this is actually tricky yeah this is definitely tricky because i don't wanna i i might have to i may have to adjust the damn slightly too to cater for this yeah i'm trying not to give anything away but it's getting to the point where i i don't think i can do that um okay what i want is to put in another another set of doubles behind this like this now what i was going to do okay that's at the right side so we can have a path coming across there that would be great um but what see what i was thinking of doing was having uh rooftop terraces but i think i'm gonna go with something else yeah i'm going to i'm going to i'm going to adjust this i think yeah i'm going to adjust the design okay it's fine it's fine we'll work with it so what am i going to do i'm going to have housing and we'd have another triple lodge there uh well if i you know if i'm not putting in the rooftop terrace it could go there um but i kind of want it there because then then it's level with that one which is kind of nice and then this one would be up at the top level wouldn't it yeah it would so okay so we've got got a bit of demolition to do here that yes and then this where are we having howling this would actually sit there wouldn't it yeah yeah yeah oh that's actually pretty nice that's actually pretty nice okay so then we can have uh levees going across the back here like this okay good right so then uh and in fact we want uh another layer there don't we yeah because we're gonna have the housing triple lodge going in there like that that's sweet that's as good as i thought it might look so like so we'd have doubles like that and then on the top we would have if i can find it where is it it's housing my brain's doing some sorts at the moment trying to i'm trying to calculate the next dead ahead of what i'm doing right now so yeah yeah we are headed in the right direction so what do we do we have we have space and then we have stair and then stair going up to whatever is at the back okay okay okay i'm right i think i can work with this i think i can work with this i you know what these platforms i think this is going to have to be levies otherwise it won't look right so yeah oh yeah it's going to have to it's going to have to be it's going to have to be so let's get rid of you and we put in uh levees again going back to well there yeah and then we build this up here like this and that goes up to there there's no really one in there and then we do one like that and that gets us up to the top level and then what we're going to do is have as the crowning glory i guess i'll reveal it now i guess i'll reveal it now um yeah so we are going to use the flame of progress costs 3 000 but i've got so much science accrued now that it's just not an issue um oh this you know what this is only this is only two by two that's only 2.2 you know what guys what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna redo this but i'm gonna i'm gonna redo it i think using um how am i gonna yeah i think i'm gonna not that try again housing double lodge i think i'm gonna redo this with double lodges going up there which would which would be fine yeah it'll look okay it'll look okay once once i've finished messing around with it so i'll replace these with double lodges and then on the top we're gonna have the uh the the flames of progress sitting atop this it's going to be something like that let me do it and then we'll build it and there it is it's complete it's finished i've added in a ton of industry and uh stuff that i've added in but i just want to give you a look at this because oh my god now that's a damn oh man come on you can't build something like that and then just not kind of just wow what the hell did i just do that has turned out better than i could possibly have imagined i love it i love the little roofs on the beaver houses it's brilliant okay so i threw in i threw in some other buildings i threw in um a couple of hauler buildings i moved the builder buildings down here we've got uh we've got some grills going in i thought with the with the smoke coming out of the the grills it gives it kind of that industrial feel right um so we've actually got here these are these are bakeries um i haven't added the grist mills in yet i will add the gristmills or at least one i might add just one just to make it slightly asymmetric we'll see about that so i'm gonna have to start growing some uh grab some wheat down here we can definitely expand this whole area into wheat that would be uh that would be awesome i i've sorted this out as well i've put in uh i've rearranged these barrels i've put in uh an underground storage here which holds like 4 000 rather than the what i had here before which was um just a a regular large storage which only holds a thousand so we've got uh we've got tons of storage access is much easier much faster so the the pumpers can uh can get the water hauled up here much quicker and um yeah obviously i got rid of the high-rise apartments don't need those anymore uh you know what we don't need that anymore okay okay i can get rid of that as well the only thing i haven't moved down there yet is the distribution post this is hauling stuff over to this district oh this district in order they did a great job getting uh this dam finished um but they couldn't reach just the end of this like the last i think it was the last four and there were some trees here that needed to be cut down so um i had to move the district over here and that's actually and this was this was already starting to flood so i had to put it up on a platform and it just reaches from there back to here so that's cool i can move that back now but it's but it's fine kind of the way it is oh this is what i wanted to show you how it lights up at night that's that's just so cool i love it and then in the morning the um the the builder buildings and whatever light up while it's still dark i gotta say it it is pretty awesome i'm gonna speed it up and get us through to the morning and hopefully we'll see the uh there we go and all the other buildings light up oh man all righty well um yeah that i think is um is a damn fit for beavers to live in what do you think i'm kind of loving it what else can we do on this map i i mean we could certainly do like a skyscraper thing with all skyscraper living and like stacking like loads of storage and factories and all kinds of stuff so there's still plenty of stuff to do to do there's um there are still buildings that i haven't unlocked so yeah i'm i've got to say i'm kind of in awe wow i love i love the water flow through this it's just awesome all right guys if you've got ideas for other things that you'd like me to do then um leave me a comment who knows i don't know if you like it hit the like button and i will catch you for the next one i don't want to leave it though i don't want to go i've got to though i'll catch you for the next one peace out [Music] you
Channel: Skye Storme
Views: 326,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LbyzJwTZpB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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