Golems | First Look | What you need to know | Timberborn

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[Music] i'm on the tractor well hello everybody and welcome back to timberborne i'm far magician and what you see before us is a gollum yes it's not a regular beaver it's a golem now what we are going to be doing today uh we have opened up a brand new map um i've added some science points in and we're gonna have a look at what the golems do and look at what all the buildings are as well now this one is it's gonna die before all this gets sorted i can i can guarantee you that um but yeah what we'll do we're going to the science section and as you can see here we do have the number cruncher which is a brand new building um can we unlock that we'll unlock it look at the size of that that is massive uh let's rotate it around okay it's it's just a building i think and it doesn't have any any beavers needed for that i guess uh so what we'll do we'll just take that we'll place that there first um and then we'll bring this road back here so we can get all the other ones somewhere over here uh just so we can have a look at it all basically uh right so next we do have the golem part factory now i'm guessing uh with this one you are gonna need four of them yes now let's rotate there we go so um there's that building there uh i if you click on it yet there are separate recipes for that and unlock this workplace for gollums so golems can actually work there instead is that the same with other buildings it is so you can have golems running there okay that's that's pretty cool workers allowed in the new building oh okay right well that there's loads of sciency stuff in here then a golem factories right let's get four of these down first because i'm gonna need the four it don't matter if we move stuff around everywhere that's fine i don't mind uh but we're just having a look at everything i'll get all these built straight away as well we're gonna unlock the factory and that's a massive building bearing in mind we are just doing this for um this is only for int well you can do it in folktales as well but i am doing iron teeth at the moment uh so we've got control tower here we'll unlock that there oh that's just like a little tower and oh there's a radius of effect as well so it needs to be placed so the golems can only work i'm guessing in that area so they're gonna be like everywhere aren't they okay mechanical city i guess right next we do have an uh what's this uh a charging station okay we'll read all these into depth very soon right so we'll get one of those we'll just we'll we'll place that round here there we go there's a charging station so i'm guessing that charges them up i don't know it needs uh electric though ah that's that's gonna be a problem so uh what we'll have to do is just get a cheeky windmill and pop that behind where the windmills too just here we don't have windmills oh it's gonna have to be a one of these then isn't it yeah little hamster wheel [Music] but once you've got your settlement upgraded they'll all be into great interlocks and all that sort of stuff anyway and a maintenance station as well right so let's unlock that one and that's this little building just here now what i'm gonna do i am gonna quickly um use something to get all these built and we'll be back in a moment's time so we now have everything made over here we do have in here we have got gears uh planks and metal blocks so the only things that we need uh so these have a radiate radiator no radius of effect they also unlock science points or no uses science points to an hour so if you're gonna be covering the map it's gonna use quite a lot that's why i'm guessing you've got this that produces 12 an hour this also needs power uh okay connected to a power generator well no one told me that um so i guess we're gonna have to get a power generator that's connected right let me just get that built a second so we've now got a power generator here for them as well right next over here this is where you make your gollum this is a golem part factory so each one has got a recipe oh yes so you do need the four um so the first one golem chassis they need planks gears and metal blocks to make the body of a golem okay they also need power as well we'll get that sorted in a second next is the golem limb they need planks and gears to make a limb wow okay so that's gonna be like four limbs golem heads they need gears and metal blocks to make a head and the last one is a golem repair kit that planks gears to make a repair kit the repair kits go over here into the maintenance station uh so that's what they do i'm guessing or does it produce them uh no they go over to here this building here is a golem factory so it takes everything and then makes a golem and then over here you do have your charging station for your golems right this is already getting too technically advanced for me uh that requires a lot of power wow okay okay right uh give me a second we're gonna get some stuff sorted so we have now connected everything with enough power uh so for everything new you're gonna need six um six power things yeah just about oh crazy crazy crazy crazy um these don't need power they just take your points basically uh so stuff is already starting to move uh so we've got planks over here now we've got planks there we've got gears over here we've got planks over here and nothing over here yet um but stuff is starting to happen which is good we can now uh if we wanted to unlock these for five thousand so i'm gonna click yes and that does that which is good okay but does that unlocks every building of that type uh and they're all different they're all different prices as well which is which is okay that works pretty much straight away anyway right so um let's let's start playing let's see what actually happens if they're just gonna kick gollums out for no reason i don't know what they're gonna do um what we can do is unlock unlock something like this and uh what we will do oh i don't want to do it yet i'll wait for the golems actually and see if they make them over the beavers uh there's logs logs yeah they're slowly going around we do have unemployed beavers so we will chuck them in there could really make a builder's hut as well shouldn't we hauling post but um everything is powered now um we don't need that now we've got these but hey ho life goes on yeah i'm gonna quickly place yeah that one is um there we go oh so it goes really slow when it's not in range upon the control signals okay that's that's good to know i guess so you do need these pretty much everywhere so that there is is uh well it's not gonna do anything now is it can we ask him to do anything no no it does you can't control what they do but you can't say right okay i want um [Music] i want you to do this or i want you to do that that's fine that's fine i'm learning myself i don't know nothing about these but the buildings the buildings look nice so don't they yeah i guess i'm gonna have to add some more yeah can you see that went a little bit weird then when it was outside the now it's getting close to the control signal that's going up energy levels are low so it's um is it charging itself up no okay can you in so if i were to put one of you in there that will go in there and start working okay so you can't have a mix of everyone in there that's what i'm trying to think about now will they just build something if i placed one of these here would they would the golem build it or would it be someone else go on slow again because it's outside the building zone i i'm gonna test that in a second what we're going to do we're going to go over here and we're going to get a builders hut because beavers normal beavers are just doing that at the moment so we're going to get one of those we're going to get one of they and um i'm going to quickly get them built so i've just added a few more golems into the game without it being magic so i do want to test some stuff out so we've got some golems working over there we've got some golems working over here uh there's there's four unemployed columns is there i don't know uh anyway they are going to be getting sorted i believe and getting in the right places yeah that they fine uh all the beavers are sleeping the golems still work which is quite nice to see uh so that means everything will be ticking along nicely so golems are good in the fact that they'll constantly keep working um like we've got a golem at the back here literally building which is nice so that is now powered this is the golem i like that i do like that a lot but um is stuff being made yet no it takes 12 hours just to make one little thing that takes three hours so the long process it really is we've got one limb um i did cheat these golems into the game that's why they are there like i've cheated all this in just to have a little look at everything and see how they work we may have to put a new control tower down though um because they are slowing down when they get nearer to this side they will take that we'll just place that there we do have enough enough items for it then they're not going to slow down as much [Music] so that's delivering stuff over here which is good to see i i don't know if this is beneficial or not i really don't i like it i like the idea but can we does it really make it work any better it just means that they can work more at night time look how slow they're going and they're using more power oh okay [Music] so i wouldn't suggest allowing your golems to um work outside of a control tower because the ball goes really slow waiting for a few more metal blocks to come along like yeah it's it's weird we've got one repair kit in this they're they're working fine but um yeah it doesn't seem to carry a limb yeah it's just it's just one of those weird things isn't it i i don't know if i like it or not i just want to see if a golem instantly just pops out that's what i want to look at we are out of wood um [Music] right there we go we've got enough wood for them now so they can all keep going i just want to see what actually happens i i have thrown in a few extra bits but that's all fine uh that is now made the golems over here are going to be running faster apart from that one because it just decided to leave its area of effect um but yeah it does take a long time to get these made i don't know you're gonna have to have lots and lots of these buildings to get it all done that this little beaver here is literally been sat on his bum waiting for stuff to happen because nothing's happening um this little beaver can't do anything because there's no golems in there to sort out none of them are breaking yet um it is crazy how long stuff takes though there we go so that's done that's now is that going into storage that is now in storage and i guess yeah it's been put into here so we're waiting for is there's anything going to happen yet no we still need some more limbs there we go right so that now takes 12 hours to make a golem oh there we go look at this look at this we have got a golem down here getting charged up that's kind of cool uh this one i'm guessing is going to they're all they're all dying they all need energy are you are you gonna get some energy are you gonna charge up please don't don't just stand there one of you go on get some energy there we go this oh that looks quite cool to be honest get a little screenshot of that because i like the way that looks but it's kind of funky uh all the beavers are asleep that's fine golems are still motoring along i wonder just just because we can uh charging station charging station now place one there and one there and possibly one around here just so we can get more of them charging and working up that would be nice and it's good that they can get tucked away like that as well especially around that building right let's see what happens with this we should get a new golem so it takes a long long time productivity 11 18 okay yeah it just shows you yeah i got yes i don't know 83 85 87 88 90 and pause and it just pops out that's nice we've got a new golem i like that that's that's kind of cool but then it does it the long process isn't it but you can't you can let all the golems run the joint as well to be honest it's two golems to run it or two beavers that's not too bad anyway yeah that's just a brief little look into the golems uh they've built stuff pretty quick around here though all the charging stations have done [Music] i like it um may have its pros it may have its cons but that's what it is [Music] yeah and before we do finish off this episode these are the golems for the folk tales um so let's just hit play on there for a second uh so for the folktales we will go through all the items that they require so firstly if we go over here biofuel refinery there's four different types of biofuel you have got carrots you have got sunflowers you have got potatoes and you have got spat the dock now each of them require two crop types and two water but if you look the carrots and water they make five sunflower seeds and water they make 10. potatoes and water make 30 and then splatterdoc and water makes 25. so the best one to do is potatoes then all of that will go into the biofuel tank which is just here it holds 400 so the same as the water right let's move over here uh you have got once again uh your bit here for the um cassies so that's three planks one metal block and some biofuel limbs is one plank in three gears and finally uh is that limbs again i don't want two limbs heads there we go what's that wheat they need wheat ah okay well let's quickly place down some wheat so we've now got the wheat placed in just down here so that is what is going to be going into here to start making the golem heads they take 12 hours again it's absolutely ridiculous once that's done they will go into the golem factory over here oh you can see the biofuel in there uh yellow uh yeah sorry they will go into there and that will make the golems for you and then this last building here this is the disposal factory now this will get turned once they go to be scrapped because they will eventually die unlike the ones in the iron teeth um you'll get planks you will also get scrap metal from them as well so i'm guessing three planks and one scrap metal from each golem now these golems are slightly better i would say in a way even though they do die because you get gifts from them also they don't need charging up and finally they do not need the control towers but it it depends on what sort of game style you have to be honest uh but yeah this was just a little quick overlook at the the golems basically for each one and it's look beaver bot one beaver bot three that's good names well one good name and a letter uh but yeah it's nice i like it i don't do i don't i i don't know we'll find out in the actual series is that we do from now on to see if this is any better now these will keep working even if the beavers die so iron teeth is going to be easier technically because if you killer for your beavers and you got your your beaver bots they can just put berries and water into one of the fertilizing chambers and create new beavers whereas over here they will probably die um but yeah we will find out can you run a whole city with just beaver bots oh challenge time guys challenge time we will try that out but yeah guys thank you so much for watching don't forget like subscribe enjoy do what you need to do and we'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Farmagician
Views: 4,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn gameplay, timberborn lets play, hard mode, timberborn hard mode, timberborn, timberborn ep, timberborn walkthrough, timberborn game, beaver game, ironteeth, iron teeth, beaver city builder, timberborn iron teeth, timberborn lets play hard, lets play, dam building sim, dam building game, colony survival, city builder, timberborn experimental, colony building sim, city building, timberborn new update, strategy game, city building sim, city builder games, golems
Id: s56L0hqlcg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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