TIMBERBORN | Grand Opening for the AQUEDUCT | E14

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hello everybody and welcome back once again to another episode of timberborne so in this episode we are gonna have the grand opening for the aqueduct at least uh i hope we will be able to do so so uh once again we are created here by our brave um beaver timmy and he's gonna help us in this in this project to get this aqueduct finished once again i'm really sorry for confusing my terminology before as well and now let me just pause for one second uh there have been a lot of comments about um hey why did you um why did you spend so much resources and time in building this some sort of a double dam over here that's supposed to be an aqueduct and why are we blocking this uh water in here and it will be much cooler to let it run through so unfortunately the game does not allow you to place levies on top of platforms so what i mean is if i place these platforms down here and then we go and pick one of those levees as you can see it's in red i'm trying to click on this but it's um yeah we can't place them we can only place them on the ground or on top of other levees now with the dams same thing over here they can be placed on levees though but once we get one of those down we cannot put a levy on top of the tam right so that is the reason why it is what it is i suppose i mean of course i would have loved to do it by having platforms here and uh and allowing the water to pass through as well but unfortunately um we were not able to do this all right now so with that being out of the way the um uh back to the aqueduct uh project over here so of course a couple of things i need to mention first the goal obviously is to fill up this lake over here and it has two levels uh one is a little bit deeper one is a little bit higher so yeah two levels so we're gonna have to blow up this canal over here to allow water to pass through and i'm thinking we're most likely going to put one of those flood gates in in here to so we can control the flow right so a couple of things we need other things we need to do in preparation so of in preparation of that is uh we need to empty these storages here and we are gonna have to relocate this hauling post as well however i think we're not gonna really need the hauling post anymore um of course we also have to have this completed in here the last section of the of the aqueduct and then um another thing we have to do is the um the height of this area uh is about the same let me think how i can explain it the best right so the highest part of district 3 which is here he's the same height as as the the side over here this is one on the right side of the bank here it is one step lower so if we want to flaunt the district three uh the lake in there by two levels uh we are going to flood this whole area over here uh so in order to not do that we are gonna have to get rid of some of those trees in here and on top of that we also have to [Music] raise up those walkways just by one so let me just get this preparation done real quick we've queued this up and now we're going to tell our builders that hey this is our priority the next thing we are gonna have to get rid of all those unfortunately as well and same you know what uh actually for the jumping i think we can just pause them because they're not in our way except this one here and the rest we will delete and one more section uh one more okay cool uh so now that this area is is um marked for demolition and um once it's cleared up we will start queueing up some levies there as well now another thing we uh i almost forgot about was that because the connection to our waterway is just bring this down a little bit is over here we are gonna have to provide this another uh source of or access point of water and i was thinking it's gonna be here so for that we're gonna queue up some dynamite uh so that way we are gonna give all this whole area of fertile yeah that that's exactly what i wanted to say all right cool let's uh speed up the time just a tiny bit and you know what let's let's prioritize this a little bit this little autosave here we go and when it comes to our builder huts do we have the maximized oh we could do a few more workers in here and now let's start putting in some some of those levees we need uh wait let's go up a little bit more and then another one actually a couple of these things might be in our way so you know what let's let's just get rid of them there was a faster way yep okay um they are still using this one and same with here so how about a couple of these in platforms will make you a slightly bit higher priority as well [Music] and we are also going to need dynamite in here so let's put one over there and the same thing just uh two more platforms in this location right so we got a few jobs cued up oh they've already cleared this area actually yep let's um start queueing up a few of those levees you let's make you [Music] a high priority so we have to do them one by one and here we can do so uh right so whilst the pivots are busy building we still got a couple of uh levees over there um in one of the previous episodes i asked you for uh well some suggestions for for how should we name those districts uh so there's been a few entries already uh but i thought i'd uh just put a quick reminder and probably in the next episode we'll have some proper names on our districts as well so the ones we have uh so far for district three which is here uh steward said that uh this should be called lake tahoe which makes perfect sense i didn't know much about this lake so i had to google it up and uh honestly some of those photos look pretty amazing and i think if i remember correctly i saw some mountains in the background as well so i suppose these runes over here could be mountains in a way or maybe district one just another mountain in a distance really and then we also had an entry from ernest lam who said that this one should be called a super bowl which is also a very very fun name so thank you very much stuart then from dwayj he was saying this should be called the oasis plateau which i suppose makes makes really good sense as well because it's it is gonna turn into a little oasis surrounded by this uh uh baron land over there and then the final entry for this district over here was from federico violino and he said we should call it the donut lake uh sorry mountain donut lake because the uh it sort of looks like a donut and uh he's he's very right uh then uh yeah those are the entries for district three then for district two uh to age um saying that this could be called peninsula fields with which is also very fitting name since all this is going to be farmland over here most of it is already uh so yeah and then district one again wage thank you uh very much for uh submitting names for all the three districts and for first one he uh suggested that we should call it the crescent heights right so those are the entries so far if you have some ideas for for these districts then do uh to post it in the comments and i'll look through i consolidated and then we can pick out the the ones that we wanna wanna name them all right um now yeah let's speed up the time a little bit get this stuff built we'll go back into this mode another thing i do want to do in this episode is to batch up this farmland it's a yeah it's a little batchy over here so a few more farms actually down here as well but i will queue it up later because we got higher priorities right now like this levy over here and then let's see can we increase uh please on them ones two and here we're gonna have a road another double levy stack i believe yes and somewhere here doing the same thing really okay maybe even faster so we can get this built a little bit quicker uh quickly checking the time yep still a little bit left are these empty now yes they are so we can delete you and you [Music] nice uh oh yeah these dynamites are already ready so and now they're gone these two as well and now we got this perfect canal over here um which means i don't think we want it any deeper yep so the platform can go here i'm thinking we'll do just to future proof ourselves we'll do another dynamite so we can put a triple floodgate in here so if for some reason we wanted to deepen this canal in the future that way we would be set actually then i should do it here as well yeah that would be smart i think okay moving back across the other one uh we got a few things in place already so that is nice we can queue up some more levees in the corners like so and i think a wrong click same in here as well and one more in here we're almost done with this corner perfect now match up these ones too and let's see how much time oh it's almost night time okay so that way we're not going to destroy this section just yet because the beavers are about to go to sleep and let's raise the corner bits okay we're nearly there just a little bit more right the dynamo oh oh no no no no no wrong detonate and then we can do one more i think that was already a triple flat gate yes it was okay so that's good now i think in one of the previous episodes i did also mention that i wanted to raise the level well yeah raise it up in the middle here as well by building more levees but i'm just thinking because it's such a narrow canal i don't think we're going to need to do this because the volume going through here is not going to be that high so that was really just wasted resources there to be honest so yeah we're just going to leave them and leave them be okay let's uh take a look at the already yeah we got a few more in place good very good oh yeah we are gonna need two in there as well so let's give you a high priority now we are gonna have to delete this link and nope that is that is not what we wanted there we want the smaller one and [Music] you need to go same with this road here you are gonna need like so i believe right yeah that looks about right and now because it's a very important link here we'll give you the highest priority cool similar thing is gonna happen here i'm just gonna let them finish this section here first uh wait oh our water is doing super bad so let's um maybe let's quickly check that the rest of the our colony is fine as well uh that's flooded okay so that's why water is going low these are completely submerged over there and these we can't reach and i think these are still running right yep that's all good okay almost done in this section here much time we still okay we still have a lot of time left so i'm hoping we can finish this here too which means uh wait i need to delete this first the new and the roads come on and two more levees stacked like so and a little ladder there connect it up to the roads and give it the highest priority please as well and there's one hiding down there i believe yep okay fantastic really hoping they're gonna complete uh what what [Music] one second get out of there come on oh right um they are proper stuck in there uh great okay well hopefully we'll get this levy in place they're quick yep i finished finishing the construction of that and now the beaver should be able to escape cool did both of you get out from there no there's still one silly beaver and he's gone as well great uh just a minor setback but that is okay let's give you the highest priority i'm not so convinced we'll be able to complete this before night time but let's let us see how it goes here almost night time at least one of them is done so that's good let's check the brokers on here as well yep very close to finish that and now let's detonate these two we are gonna need the triple floodgate in here i believe that's how we wanted it and another triple two put their road in there maybe prioritize this okay um nice so they just managed to finish this section here which is perfect yeah water is not doing good um i might have to come up with an alternative solution here what can we do how much water do you guys have but they're also supplying the upper colony here and you know what could put a few here not a long term solution but it might be just what we need for a little while and with the roads [Music] we can do something like this it's only a temporary solution really alright nice so those dynamites are done as well so uh don't work on this okay good and then we can set a low priority on on this here and how we wanted to do it yeah i suppose we did well it's done so i guess it's gonna go from here now and the same thing let's extend the low priority for those platforms and speed up the time a little bit as well uh right damn oh just a little bit more guys we're almost there now let's hope there won't be another trout coming in anytime soon and almost forgot but we're gonna have to do the same thing here to connect it up all right a few more levees in those strategic locations uh let's just double check yep good nice corners uh yep that is all good as well uh so that means it's just this section here all right can we just have a slightly higher priority in all this and same with all all of you [Music] oh another dynamite nice and we are going to have to do the same here let's just make sure it's raised up want to be dynamite it's over here give you a slightly higher priority too um okay so let's get this completed over here so that's the final bridge that needs to be done so we're gonna need the staircase and another set of levy and one more platform as well and now it's all connected priority always the highest all right go beavers how are we doing here nearly nearly done just a little more push guys only two more levees left and please get this done too right and then we also need dynamite and we still have some okay that is perfect also high priority maybe it's all ah come on ah okay we're gonna pretend we didn't see to chil chin yeah we did not see her there i'm sorry no one saw her nothing happened all right few more ladies it seems we're gonna need one more day we got the resources in or i was going to say most of them but no some of them and then just one more levy in here uh buildbroker is almost done explosive is in one more explosive and then we're good to go really yeah okay it's almost morning bbs will be will be waking up very very shortly and then our construction team i must say the the brave construction team they have really put a lot of sweat and effort into into this dam honestly i do not know how many days it's taken us but it's gonna be magnificent dynamite's in place let's hope no one dies no one died this time and we're gonna need one more is in place let's lower it down uh yep there's still no one there and same with this dynamite we're gonna need one more aren't we yes we are okay come on guys and girls let's get this final one in place all the bridges are done just one more levee a few more logs needed and yeah [Music] i'm gonna drop you here as well and i think are they connected they are and the water is rising and it's going down uh what happened hello beavers water no we're not flooding anything uh did i mess something up no it's still going through and there it goes just filling up i guess it's going to take a little bit of time yeah that is looking magnificent let's detonate you as well and now we wait yep that's looking beautiful just wanna i'm really worried that we've missed the link somewhere and uh that's rising very fast um okay so now it's coming through here as well okay that's that's all right it's still going through it is it's just filling up this massive dam i mean it's got so many levels what is it like two four six eight and some some sections are even higher so yeah it's gonna take a little bit of time and i think we're not gonna flood anything fingers crossed oh this is so exciting we're nearly there you can just see it creeping up well it was at least uh yeah click auto save wait what is stop now what is going on okay i guess it's just gonna take a little bit more time which is okay should we lower this even further that is the question and i think we'll just preemptively do it before we put any platforms over it and let's give you a slightly high priority as well okay i guess one more day and oh there it is just a little bit more and we can see this land turn fertile already water is not quite in yet but it's we're almost there guys and girls oh this is so exciting yep just a tiny bit more come on and there it is and that is just magnificent oh look at that that answers my another question so yes if it if the land becomes fertile those ruins will have some vegetation on it as well so that is good to know oh we forgot something uh yep sorry you're out from here ah it feels very nice that it has paid off but we lost some water in here but it's okay the amount of time it's taken to build us the preparation the hard work has finally paid off and now it does sort of look a little bit like a mountaintop oasis doesn't it ah that is just so beautiful honestly i think we're gonna keep those runes in there that's what i'm thinking i hope we can scavenge some metal from elsewhere but uh but yeah i'm i think we want to keep those there um but with that being done that is gonna be the end of this episode so once again thank you very much everyone for for joining this time and i do hope to see you once again [Music]
Channel: Baby Dragon
Views: 109,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn new update, timberborn guide, timberborn tutorial, timberborn dam, timberborn flood, timberborn lets play, timberborn playlist, timberborn steam, timberborn dry season, timberborn walkthrough, timberborn playthrough, timberborn 2021, timberborn early access, colony builder, strategy game, beaver colony, timberborn baby dragon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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