Learning Timberborn - Beaver Colony Manager

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timberborne an outstanding colony builder that at first did not seem uh that exciting to me i get a lot of emails in my email inbox about colony builders having done a lot of room world on my channel and at first glance it looks like just an animal colony sim but it is actually rather good uh i had the the chance this morning to try it out for about only 42 minutes but you hardly even need a tutorial with this game because this is very well designed um i i've made my way through the basics and i know how to play we're gonna be replaying through the tutorial here a little bit but um well i mean we're gonna give it an honest try i'm gonna go through a couple of the fundamentals we've got no nothing to do in range we've gotta start designating some trees uh i'm assuming that if you've seen this you've probably seen a lot of colony games you know you gotta cut down trees gather resources and get started on your base uh we're raising an army of beavers to combat what what is our enemy in the game well the apoc i'm gonna just sum up a lot of really quirky backstory that i've found that i like about this game i mean at first glance it's just like animals in a colony builder but no there's been an apocalypse which is why there's all of these city ruins and things like that at least as far as i gather and every few days a drought will come and this beautiful cellular automata mechanic happens in which the river dries up and all of the land turns into this just giant pile of garbage so pretty much we're saving up water until that time and we need to gather resources and defend for our beavers until that happens an oddly charming game with really good writing i mean even look at the little bits of fluff there's like there's john denver references in it it's absolutely outstanding writing so i'm gonna quickly go through a lot of the tutorial that i've already done um but just explain a little bit so that if it's your first time trying it you at least get that much out of it uh i still don't really know what i'm doing so things won't be perfectly optimized um but probably a lot of folks who are watching this have seen the game a bit um i'm trying to think of people who've done it the main one i saw was a lot of real civil engineer videos i was getting recommended which just fantastic i was like i'm surprised not more people have done this and then my friend uh cody i'm kibbitz uh did it which he's just done a lot of like uh colony builder sim games and i don't know just kind of gets me back into uh what i most enjoy about uh youtubing is just trying out new games which i i feel like i've done a lot of the same so it's nice to be trying out more stuff so i'll be doing more like this on the stream lately um i'm gonna go ahead in one second we are streaming this um i said notifications turned off for a second there we go so just speed up time a little bit thank you engine dave thanks for this up um there we go all right so now we've got water pumping we've got trees being cut down and we've got our beavers employed they have this kind of like sim lease i'll just be quiet for a second so it doesn't like it kind of reminded me of you remember when the ea uh had the sims and correct me if i'm wrong on this but i read a news story when i was younger that i mean much younger that the reason why the sims talk the way they do in the game is because they couldn't afford audio or something like that when they were developing the sims i don't know if that's entirely true but well i mean i have no idea but it's a it's a funny backstory is that true that that's the reason why sims speak in similes anyway a really like kind of iconic feature of that game is just the way that the sims talk and i don't know reminded me of that but just a lot of things that we're not really seeing in aaa gaming as much anymore and just kind of like charmingly nostalgically being implemented by indie developers um simlish was created supposedly here's a quote um kid borgo thank you for this because the game needed dialogue but that using real life languages such as english would cause the dialogue to be repetitive and would be expensive translating exactly yeah because you don't want to pay for entire like swaths of voice actors when you can just create these ridiculous sounds i mean remember too this was during a different time when we didn't have unity for game development and all of that kind of stuff and wowsers hey everything bagel thanks very much for the 10 gift subs god bless thank you my friend much appreciated so yeah i don't know i mean i i find myself kind of nostalgically going back to games that i enjoyed as a kid when big studios today were smaller but it'll be really interesting to see what happens with the indie boon you know we had it like 10 years ago start with stuff like steam green light but now indie studios we're starting to see them be committed to singular projects one wonders if they'll grow and start to become more like the big studios of yesterday but uh i don't know this is kind of like a bigger debate around it let's focus on timberborne but it's it's one of the things that makes me most excited to play this game um okay so what is our essential conflict we've got the gatherer flag going up are they actually working on this they are uh our beavers are pretty good at dividing their work throughout the day i haven't really had to work mess with a work tab the only thing i've had to consider is do i have enough workers for my uh beavers now ways in which it is like rim world they do have well-being so they're kind of negotiating that the whole time but it's kind of all come into this big macro score that makes it so that they won't have like or at least i haven't seen a beaver go crazy yet but i think that they can starve um you get very occasion it sounds like i'm leaning i am uh leaning away from the mic at times yeah my monitor is on the other side yeah he's sinful basilisk thanks for the thanks for the sub yeah one thing i haven't really perfectly done yet is like uh this is gonna sound pretty amateurish but i have not really worked on my audio for streams in a while most of the time when i do stuff in videos i do a lot of like post processing but for streams i i don't really do any of that i'm just kind of having fun i might do like a preamp and stuff like that um anyway if some something to work on over time but let's see though as far as like beaver needs and issues like that they do like houses because it helps them recreate or you know procreate recreate other beavers how would i even say that yeah have more beavers i mean it's it's beaver's reproduction just 101. so we're gonna go ahead and i guess we'll try to keep these things kind of close together we can very easily dismantle these things though don't know about the hot keying yet there might be faster ways to do these things i only just recently learned how to unlock the camera which was quite a good thing because still in early access i don't know how much of that stuff has been optimized and whatnot or whatever but um i'm kind of talking like a robot here we built the gatherer flag we do now need a farmhouse so obviously they can't just gather berries forever i don't know what beavers even eat irl we could do farmhouse now farmhouse will actually be used for farms so we do need fertile soil for this so i'm going to pick out just a very obvious large square of grass to farm and i think that that's probably going to be the wisest but it's also like you know it's not that limited also too they eat wood i have no i i don't know beavers i've never really taken an interest in them it's been said that this is like the outcome of the alpha beaver invasion interim world so i kind of buy that but yeah they just seem to kind of loiter about at the end of the day but they can sleep on the ground but their lives is a kind of garbage when we do that so right now their existence is like eating berries on the ground fantastic animations though really nice look at this i don't know why i thought i thought it would seem like under under polish but the entire game just looks like a beautiful watercolor from practically any angle that you look at it which i think for most people is the main draw i would imagine is there a destroy resource still i still haven't fully explored the swath the plethora of options so many things that you could do in this but yeah we are gonna start to designate out some farms and we will be kind of learning a bit more as we get further to the end and get that uh plant carrots ah that was in planting crops menu so a little bit of is not perfectly intuitive i guess but man i really do sound like kind of a robot but that's kind of nice though now if we do grow them on this gas soil uh they'll die i think that's pretty much a given but i haven't really tested it out too much maybe like some of them will live right now i just trust these a little bit more again i'm not like an absolute authority on it but i i know enough to get started so we get the 70 carrots they told us now we need a log pile of warehouse and other stuff i've been up to like damning and things like that um log piles small warehouse yeah we'll need both of these let's put them in a centralized location where they could gather the resources and perhaps even use them uh we'll use up this ass soil over here because we don't really need it uh in the warehouse we might as well put over there too but we want to leave our options open so we'll have uh possibly we could have roads over there i suppose let's centralize yeah right there now you know like greater city planning i haven't gotten into and i haven't noticed beavers collide and you know feud or anything like that our beaver skills and professions i think i don't honestly know let's go take a look at some of our beavers up close now they do have hunger there's sleep and shelter now they can't reproduce beavers which i suppose i imagine many people watching my videos will be comparing this to rimworld a lot or if you are looking to see if it's not like a clone you know um they do reproduce that's very different don't don't get at me with there's a mod for that in your world because we need to have a world post rimworld you know there's there will be other simulation games not that i think that people really feel that way but my god it's just so scenic uh i'm trying to see if i can get any sweet like terraforming ah here is what i wanted okay so let's uh do this just as an example i want to show you how the cellular automata works we can have a beaver come over here and demolish this sometimes they're picky with paths like when it comes to structures see are you what the hell are you doing oh you're using it as a bridge you charming a mammal well i want to show everyone how the water works so uh probably one of them will come over and do this okay here it is good he's uh there he is he's just he's doing something with it i think it is coming down but observe the water i'm gonna try to get the water come on water go okay here's the water so when he destroys that look there comes the water look at the cellular automata happening the minecrafting wow there's you love that look at the squares being eaten up oh my god look at the water level rising and the flow entering we could even get down to the sheer level of the water what a marvelous spectacle of wonderment you love it and look even the flow of the water appears to be uh moving in a northerly direction all right you know maybe i'm reaching for the top shelf here but come on that's something to look at that's really nice i've seen people do some crazy stuff like flooding even just a quick search down the youtube rabbit hole reveals that there are tutorials rather well-made ones people who do like these two-minute tutorials on how to flood stuff in this game and i think that this is a really exciting idea because now you sort of have that like i'm gonna go ahead and say that rimworld is a very clean game and like epitomizes a lot of things that the colony management and building genre deserves to and wants to be and that so many people have kind of taken a hint from it but you've also got games that involve a lot of survival crafting and kind of lego enos like minecraft and i don't want to say just dismiss it as a kids gamer so i think that would be foolish it's silly but uh oh we're gonna have to do layer upon layer i haven't even started stacking these things yet but my god but it kind of is combining those two things that are really appealing in their aesthetics to people i know i have no idea i think i'm just going to do you can mirror your lodges some of these controls i think should be a little uh let's do this so we keep our paths open i want to keep options open i think you can build vertically i have not even gotten into the nitty-gritty of a lot of this stuff uh but i don't know just kind of like exciting game dev concepts coming together in a in a fun way i have to go back to work i'm just gonna yoink the number one spot before i go hey everything bagel it's like a it's like an auction thank you very much for the 501 bits i appreciate that very generous of you um all right let's get the i'll be like an auctioneer now of course i'm kidding but no i don't know i mean i hope what do you guys think too i know i know i've kind of been looking away for a little bit and just kind of pontificating but i don't know does anyone have a thesis on that the water velocities change depending on i mean there's even water velocity that's like you know some of the stuff i don't even know is in the game yet it looks as if ah so this isn't just a tile count this is some like very good math going on here look even the paths show you like a heat map of how many beavers are going around them i suppose that red means hot means more right it is it's pretty satisfying to just watch one of those games that's just as enjoyable to do stuff in as it is to actually build in it we've got the lodges going up i will say it does take them a bit of time to get some of these things built up um but i i think that's because like you know why only one beaver assigned to the cutting down of trees i think the whole employment system is a little like i could see how that might be a bit these are really minor things but like for example in a rim world you know anybody who's assigned to that task can do it but it does seem as though these beavers have jobs which is kind of funny to think that a beaver has like a 401k you know like that i never thought i would out of that since um but yeah um there's a range of also the range of who can work in the flight oh well that's the range of who can work in the flag but also to like this is a worker i don't even realize that we had a camera follow mechanic but this is something this one is appears to be irradiated or covered in some sort of green group the city center is 50 tile range anything within 50 of the past will be connected to the district center yes that is also a thing so i mean it's kind of like we can build in this small area right now but we've gotta i assume that we're aiming to cover the entire map in water and beauty uh we'll see in a few days we haven't gotten the weather forecast yet but the river will completely dry up and we'll have nothing so we might even want to store more water i didn't starve the last time i know it doesn't seem like i'm doing a lot but this is just legitimately how long it takes them to deliver wood here i could build more flags for them to collect more wood but what would really be the point uh i just realized i did miss one thing though is that i forgot to tell them to cut down where's the cut trees here we go i did forget to designate these trees for cutting so they automatically allow some regrowing it's and they regrow fairly quickly so that's fine but yeah there it is i think you can still collect resources even when they're dried up i just imagine dried out in dead okay so you get fewer logs from it maybe or any spot if i can spot any see if i can spawn any large well this one does have eight so i don't want to make any definitive statements about the nitty-gritty of the game before i really know it very well um i mean i swear i've been playing this game for only about an hour so uh if my knowledge sounds impressive to somebody who hasn't played it it's not there's probably a lot more going on that i don't know about yet um but again this is kind of like a let's try that being said it's very easy to get a hang of this hey grubite thanks for coming out gaming only fun for a while on hard it becomes incredibly boring because that's the thread is only droughts and the city building aspect is lacking i could see that as being as being a potential critique yeah i suppose so uh you know for me i'll say this as somebody who creates videos i enjoy games that a lot of people find endless and boring because i can always keep on thinking of stuff to do with them uh for a new video but yeah you know stuff but on the other hand too stuff that's like a roguelite like for example slay the spire i don't find anywhere near as fun to watch as i do to play so now we're getting into like gaming political philosophy here but i guess that's just kind of like a fundamental difference in the way that games are marketed and sold and like showcased on the internet versus how much fun they are actually for you to play league of legends very fun to play i would argue not as much fun to watch not anywhere near as much fun to watch and what is happening over here the hunger is rising but we've just got a lot of carrots coming out of the ground so ignore all of that hunger where it'll be fine i hope uh we we do have some more berries that we could gather though so i don't want to smooth the transition i don't know i care about them they're kind of admittedly very cute animalia food there there do be food there all right now we've got full uh water tanks we could just fill an entire area like we could construct a dam here i don't think i'm going to construct the dam for the first time number one because the tutorial doesn't tell me to and i want to go a little bit through it but i mean these are things that we would be doing whether or not we were in the tutorial we have a science beaver an absolutely charming fact scaling difficulty is really the best thing when introducing new mechanics and using them over with your own ideas i i imagine seeing new classes of beaver like the iron tooth beavers we don't want to get into some kind of class war among beavers but i imagine that a lot of the more difficulty scaling stuff is on its way in the game it is after all in early access uh so you know but for example things like this came up with going medieval you know like going medieval a lot of people said the trebuchets are completely unbalanced which they were hilariously unbalanced in the uh in the in the total early access version but you know it seems like a little bit more like that here but they've been publishing updates too anyway i'm not gonna go into development so much more though that'll be probably the last i talk about i kind of want to get more into the gameplay mechanics though so we've got power we've got a water wheel uh too bad that they didn't name this a wagon wheel because i also wanted more uh references to modern folk songs like john denver we could have had darius rucker here what an opportunity they passed up but nonetheless we're gonna go ahead and build this [Music] i don't really know how the power flow with water velocity works but perhaps it does 180 hp what could hp stand for whatever it is it's power we'll call it high power or something like that i know what i'm going to need to build next but are we going to have enough of it i just want to make sure that i've optimized the labor distribution i don't want to deforest that fast so this is completely fine hydropower what did what a phrase is a computer game without class warfare exactly i mean we were just talking about songs of six before uh very kind of different aesthetic there but actually songs of six is one i'm kind of hyped to learn it's taking me longer to learn it though but you know such is the way of the the level of complexity and games that uh that we play all right so 50 logs on this a little bit of uh a little bit of a bottleneck here but at least we've got full water tanks i think i'm going to fill up another one because this village seems to be growing i don't want to stop them on the water wheel though at the same time you know as long as we've got all of these beaver huts they do reproduce surprisingly quickly now i don't know the lifespan of them but let's go see if we can find the oldest one to make an estimate we've got one at 31.43 i take it maybe somewhere in their 40s maybe 50. either that or we just have a an outlier young group of beavers which is also plausible plausible to conceive similar stockpile systems to you know any colony manager that we've seen but can they is there a max so there is a max capacity of everything so we could say yeah hold more carrots in here but they can also hold the carrots in this place too i don't really know how they prioritize distribution or if they have this desired default uh yeah a lot a lot more controls than i've really given it credit for but we've got the water wheel we'll give them some time it looks like they've got to finish that up the next thing that we're going to need to build though is where is it it is a lumber mill lumber mill gets a little bit iffy here so i want to make sure i do a decent job with this let's also place it in a way that will work with what i conceived to be the future of um what is the the name of our colony is how much wood would a wood stock stock i know it's not a like a locale but it's uh it deserves credit for its level of cleverness it is very clever we have a drought in coming in three days i believe that this is a scripted event now can we show that water level again why that happened to me like sometimes i'm right-clicking wrong i'm left-clicking wrong what i'm doing but the blue and the green in this are just such perfect in such perfect color harmony power the lumber mill now we need to get the i've got the power uh i got nothing all right i'm pretty sure that we can just stick this in on any side a couple of things are a little weird like why don't power conduits just join together automatically they've made it so that resources are a little bit more precious i suppose which is kind of like the challenge in this game i'm going to make it so that these things can join together on any side uh who even knows what'll happen i've seen things like demolition in this game just wild stuff i see no reason to not just do straight pipes the straight pipes are a little bit cheaper and you know we don't have so many logs yet we've been using logs for everything so songs of six is a bit of a doozy yeah so you know as a person like me you find you try to find games that strike a balance between accessibility and you know depths of systems like for example cataclysm dark days ahead probably one of my favorite games ever to uh play i wouldn't watch it as much as i would want to play it you know what i mean um unless if i were learning it i suppose or like uh or i don't know really any number of like ascii based growth based roguelikes desired in the amount is not a maximum amount that will fill past the desired amount if possible one resource oh so that is actually just a guideline so if i bring this down to 20 they'll still feel even if they have more carrots that's pretty smart of them actually i don't know it feels like a lot of things in the nitty-gritty where like people will i mean i've seen people play deeper or like more complex colony builders than this like a rimworld i don't know if you would really call it that but i've seen people rage at the computer like friends who otherwise enjoyed uh what i would call like popular strategy or 4x games like civ like i got a friend who who played civ and then he played rimworld and he was like this is not this is not for me or or would just kind of go quiet and give up a particularly bad feeling um there we go okay so we've had a harvest of carrots we've got the drought coming i think we'll be done with pretty much the entire tutorial by then but i do want to let's see forrester uh can unlock forester not enough science points so we've got how many science points we've got 54 science and javin who speaks simlish or something like that is uh oh god he's enjoying his home life expectancy plus 25 i suppose that's kind of accurate but his walking speed is increased now this is kind of nice though and ah this is actually kind of uh more motivation to have all those alternate resources i guess it makes the gameplay loop a little bit more linear though just the idea that for like the more variety and luxury you have among your colonists that they get these kinds of bonuses this is a very kind of rpg interesting concept when are we going to get our zork play through everyone's waiting for it i have a few uh a little bit more like uh obscure games i've i have planned kind of dotted between the more he's nice seeing like those problems hey mine's still trapped thanks for the sub happy to see you back all right so we're going to unlock the forester it does show us the technologies to be unlocked in the game i suppose it can work over this area and since we're copying it to be a straight after chuck norris taking down these things because nobody crosses chuck norris and lives i see what you did there a game of schlongs how it goes happy to see you my friend hmm so i guess we'll want to deforest the areas that were unforcing this is probably going to get kind of crowded in here but there is some vertical building and what i'm kind of wondering is how are we going to get higher up we're going to need some stairs to get up there look at all those trees all right now we've got only another half of a day before the uh giant storm comes in we've got that oh and we also need some planks work harder work harder good she is making plans my god it does seem as if there are a couple of little bottlenecks like that but what game doesn't have them to be fair what doesn't happen mabel's produced the wood most wood per growing day so they take the longest to grow but also the most drought tolerant hard mode is the only mode that can actually kill them yeah i i can clearly see myself playing this on hard mode if i went any further right now we're on normal just because we you know i'm an hour into the game so i kind of want to play it the way that it's meant to be played but uh yeah i mean the main complaint i guess i've heard from people who have like tens of hours is okay here goes the drought i barely missed that but i'm gonna show it to you right now so see the river that we had before that was flowing so ethereally across our plane now all of the trees have dried out watch what happens when the water dries up from the lake and it's not like that this is just some kind of scripted event it does seem like it's uh i mean the drought itself is i suppose but now the lake is actually drying up so the water level in here we can't really see it but it is going lower i'm going to speed up time you can kind of see it moving down i'm going to try to get up close but i don't want to miss what happens next because it's going to go by pretty quickly so once the water level leaves and it's outside of this radius we've got like one large spot of water right here you're gonna see like poof all of this is gonna dry up if is time going there we go okay now it's gonna dry up so watch what happens all the grass is fading it becomes less fertile and there go the bushes there go the last of the trees and because the water level is still kind of around right here and i don't think that it's flowing i believe the water will just stay in that lake but this is the central mechanic of how you're supposed to kind of manage water in the game and it does have a level in here that it takes up and you can build dams and things like that so that area will stay fertile of course like if we had beavers pulling water from there they would um you know they would use up the water over time um yeah so unfortunately they don't really have anything to do right now so it's kind of like a dry spell we've got 2.3 days left so a three-day drought uh but you know i've done the tutorial so they'll be fine uh we've got to plant some pines so now we'll just kind of prepare for you know the rest of our lives in here plant bushes and trees well plant pines like the tutorial wants us to we'll be sheep and you know uh here we are 20 pines but let's go ahead and plant some can we plant maples days to grow 24 but logs eight so that's one log every three days this is one log every six days this is one log every nine days so this is like the fast one that i really need it right now like i need the money for your rent kind of tree that's the birch but the maple seems to be the most efficient and since we aren't really in much danger of running out of wood i'm gonna go ahead and say that we have the luxury of planting maples nice but why would you plant the other ones really it'd be nice to see more reasoning to plant the other ones i suppose like i don't know different unfortunately the tutorial does kind of leave us high and dry pun intended life for the beavers but i suppose that we'll try to uh build that from here that's pretty much the extent of my knowledge so from here on i'm gonna be more or less exploring the game uh can we make ourselves a lake and damn it up we absolutely can one thing that i'm gonna do is probably i mean well this is where most of the thinking comes in see what happens is that the water source just stops sending us water so we kind of have to take a look at the topography of this place we had water flowing through here but we could damn things we could even create artificial lakes and flood it in various ways you know we could make it so that we pretty much have a bottomless source of water or we could make it so the river is just kind of damned for now i'm going to go ahead and dam the river i'm going to make a lot of mistakes because i think it'll be f more fun to make mistakes rather than just i don't know think and play well i sup i just kind of want to have a good time i don't see this play through going quite as far um labor mall warehouse where is our dam out there uh damn decoration monuments leisure we do have all these other kinds of bonuses that we can give them wood gear workshop storage landscaping this is more like it okay dams levees floodgates double flag now these ones give us more control but right now we have the primitive um damn yeah i've got a joke for you what did the fish say when he bumped his head damn [Laughter] ah that was so good oh gee that was a real knee slapper playing pines one after all planted cancel half the trees are cut i replant the cancel the area with maples and you plant pines grow up i don't know i i think maple just seems like a good idea for me to get started right now call me a simpleton why are you just like curating this spot now their well-being is improved to five how much better can their guy their lives get can we have every moment just be ecstasy for them because now suddenly i care about them building lacks power yes obviously because we have this ah and this leads me into my next magic trick power wheel here we go so during times of hardship it was known by our ancestors who were not apes but actually beavers you can can we get to work now lads we're gonna give them a power wheel so that they can power this and have power during times of hardship because eventually even during droughts this flow will i assume stop is this going to kill my entire settlement and also what water level will it allow it to it would be interesting if it did stop my entire thing but then we could just destroy part of it and you know life would be better water will won't move well it should allow it up to a certain level so let's just see how the river does i think it would be funny to damn the entire river or also too i mean you know the best way that you can learn is just by making mistakes it's going to take them quite some time to get done with all of this though but night i suppose one thing i'd like to see is a little bit more individual beaver like you know it's it's okay but it would be interesting to see whether they go more in the direction of like uh more hardship for the beavers as a whole as a group you know like struggle or whether they'll go more into personalized beaver accommodations what are we upset about now oh we have no water oh well hang on a second the water is coming back isn't it the drought yeah here comes the water again so here comes the water flowing down the stream isn't that majestic look at that wow so beautiful let's zoom in on it you've seen the water as it flows in it gets to a higher level and higher as it goes on but look there are goats rising up that's nice you love it i think it's a little weird that we get to see solid grass under here but nonetheless it's satisfying and the water is making its way down through the valley a little slow but it it gets the point across my god that's beautiful that's really satisfying i almost like that cycle too much that oh the lake oh yeah show me the lake i love that that's amazing 0.75 amount of a tile or 75 ah that's good but we need to prepare for the next route because my beavers are going to keep creating beavers the goal i suppose is to support beaver overpopulation or something like that now what happens with the gardens dried out and died so they'll need to replant so it's it's kind of like a major bottleneck if we keep getting drought droughts trouts whatever they are um by the looks is it of it it appears as if i think i'm going to completely screw myself here i'm really interested in what happens when i when i flood this whole place i think it's just going to ruin everything but well you know the best way that you learn is by making mistakes so let's do that uh for right now as far as i can tell what's going on is that we're getting just like an endless stream of water that goes in and out of the map so this is pretty much an infinite source right here and then when we get over to our compound area i guess it's eventually just going to overrun the dam and then flood this plane but if we wanted to start getting water up and over into these areas will need to flood higher and eventually i suppose we'll need to get really good at diverting the water if we want to ever step foot onto these higher reaches you know but just yeah a lot of options for exploring but kind of more verticality than i would expect from a colony builder what are we upset about now oh no food uh that actually might be rather bad then we i thought we had some then we have some stored up and we have none uh we have no carrots either okay let's colonize another area so we're going to need to either migrate our population to somewhere else or oh that's not good at all well seeing as this has a radius far beyond its kind of like uh area right here let's see if we can get a stairway going up there um paths and structures district center district gate wooden stairs seems like something worth researching because oh we already had like a natural staircase well nature is abhorrent and uh no nature is nature is great what am i saying we've got four planks well we've certainly got all of that right 59 logs how many planks how many plagues look at the planks 19 out of we're good we're fine on planks there's a similar type of aquatic grass called valley that is often called eelgrass as well what if i build an underground reservoir so that i have my own special undroughtable lake to siphon off of you could probably go to that level of complexity like for example yesterday i was following uh kit fox games i don't know if any of you have been keeping up with the development of dwarf fortress which is the granddaddy of all like um colony sims uh but zach adams had actually put out a recent video of himself creating like an underground lake or an underground well in dwarf fortress which was super interesting it actually held my attention for a whopping like seven minutes or so very amazing thanks for the what they're doing over there hey stefron thank you very much for the bits much appreciated thank you for the thousand bit donate yeah very very thank oh god bless you thank you i appreciate that um i will try to not have my beavers starved to death now why are we not building this unpaid laborers hmm oh because we're hungry that well that is actually quite a good reason to not build something watered in alive we do have 43 growth well i'm trying to get you to more food if only you'd eat it uh let's go ahead and build the uh food gathering flag because we need a flag to do our jobs because we're picky i suppose that we can build it over here right we'll build one there and one up there and that way hopefully they'll use them both but let's also get paths going over here hey everything bagel thank you very much for the 500 bits much appreciated my friend can we path this way yeah good path this now my one thing that we're going to start to confront now is with worker management and i wonder how they'll start to engage with this task as we go we're going to pause gathering at this flag because we just don't really have food over here i don't see why i would employ any of them over here we've got pads over here but they've still got to build up this so we need one beaver to make the conscious decision to come over here and build this otherwise perhaps some of them will die my god how does their health even work do they will they just start or is it okay for them to just starve yeah the beaver will die okay so much is expected but how do we know about like beaver healthcare do we have a like a health keeper portal or something like that perhaps not i hear about the game inscription i've been told about this inscription game maybe i should go check it out increase its build priority all right so we'll raise that up to the top ah very smart you are very smart boy okay good now we've had a beaver come up so we do have some basic outline of a prioritization system no unemployed beavers in this district okay so what we need to do is redistribute the beaver employment from here to over there no unemployed beavers in this district so water is fine let's also just tell them just stop building this garbage for a minute or i don't really want to ruin it oh my god will they die [Music] we've got somebody here no unemployed beavers my god okay we need to act fast no science [Music] none of that okay well clearly we don't need so many trees let's pause that one let's also pause this one because there just aren't any trees over here and good now we could have a forester okay this will go a little bit better now hopefully when they wake up they'll make some conscious decisions to change their ways i don't think that we need too many more logs so we don't need to employ them in lumberjacking a little funny that as far as i have seen i don't know of like a beaver work screen it's more just building by building as to who does what job but is it here maybe it's hidden somewhere in the inventory no that's the pause button maybe it's hidden somewhere in the inventory that i can't find it this is normal stuff [Music] ah still nonetheless satisfying i suppose we could divert the water increase the water velocity in here as well quite nice now the water level level has risen so i assume that when we finish this off it's probably going to either just raise the water level before it or flood that area but we should be able to get some water during times of drought i can't say drought i want to say drought but then i say drought and i believe that's right still no unemployed beavers who's not doing their job you're doing your job you're doing your job i think most of them are just disposed to building right now let's prioritize this down a bit because we don't have the drought coming right now good many of you are farming did we have all of our beavers oh crap all of our beavers have died and i didn't even wow so we're down to five now so if we turn off these houses and we turn on the other ones maybe we could get these beavers yes good we've got lots of hang on a second you get out of that house now we've got yes we just had another beaver somehow who is this child we'll sing green sleep what child is this in the beaver it's a child beaver so beautiful ah the miracle of life here it is wowzers go baby baby beaver it's like a port montillo baby and beaver the child is instantly homeless the child is instantly home that is true except we have six beavers not five this is not this is a lie there's some beaver like all right well at least we learned something we need to get the beavers to live together because otherwise they're very like solitary animals and they won't we crash the beaver economy ah well that's kind of a relief okay we promoted beaver sex through federal policy all right i suppose everything is is improved now um hang on a minute i'm just making some notes for myself i want to kind of save off that part um 25. okay well we were able to repopulate bavaria through uh the promotion of communal housing so he forced all of the beavers into uh uh coitus and they all had babies so now we have one child beaver it's age no not age 51 it's probably gonna die soon this one is named chatzi we can rename them interesting uh but we had basically what is currently the problem in the us or is about to befall the united states my own home country right now um we're going to try to keep these ones alive we're about to finish off this dam though we had mismanaged some of our resources but at least we learned to keep the beaver population stabilized so we're going to keep these houses uh on uh we're gonna keep nationalizing i have no idea what i'm saying but at least we've got them all in these similar houses if only i could go them two by two that way i could get all the beavers to mate i think this i can't honestly tell if they're male or female we'll just hope we'll just hope but as they keep growing and rising they should exponentially have more beavers they've got you working here actually you were to stop working there because we need to plant trees and not cut them down so we'll need to manage our workers a little bit more but there's something kind of exciting about the thought of starting a city from just two beavers i don't know maybe even food for a challenge kick the cat out so that they can make another baby how do we kick the how do i kick you out of your home we can't uh do that i suppose you need to this faction briska zone tree planting these beavers survive on thoughts and prayers well now we're getting a little bit desperate i think either that or we could just make larger housing well on the other hand too you know we've got logs coming out so that we can get more of them uh living here as we go and we've almost got the next drought okay this is actually getting quite dangerous a little bit if we do have these bushes that we could keep harvesting we'll tell them that they're allowed to do this uh in fact don't work there but good we now we have yet another beaver we have seven of them can we keep them all alive we have 124 carats which should be more than enough to keep them saved i don't believe that there's any sense of spoiling or refrigeration thankfully but now with more than enough food and more than enough planks we've paused construction of planks and good the maples are growing back though i suppose we could also too have them go up here and just cut down these dead trees which might ultimately be a better alternative i might need to use up more of these resources before we get to these next parts [Music] in fact stop building this there we are let's just use these paths and now i'm going to use what i've learned [Music] they should be able to yes use this lumberjack flag to yes cut down these other trees okay so even if we get some horrible drought we can still get more resources because logs seem to be the major bottleneck right now good good okay get down all of this and you know probably this too because this is all dead yeah nice all right and we'll just up the priority of that building uh there we are okay good someone new can be employed uh perhaps that child that was just born i can't like this uh you are unemployed from here so a little bit of micromanagement i suppose like that wasn't really something that i fully anticipated happening and it seems as though we've cut off water flow here with this so i'm going to need to be a little bit more careful with this thing because otherwise i'm going to need to have a beaver just walking around that disposed to that all the time so a couple of mismanagement mistakes but we kind of expected them to happen anyway and it does appear as if the water is starting to dry up now [Music] here it goes uh i'm starting to see what a quick solution to this would have been it's just as much a puzzle game as it is management a little bit because yep there goes the water crap uh we don't have enough to retain all of the water if only we had damned just that one spot we could have forced it in but now it seems like we're all going to die in a in a heap oh come on get to work get to work get those carrots out of the ground before it uh crap no okay stop farming and start uh getting lumber so that we can dam up the rest of this though maybe that's just part of the gameplay loop is like well these do they have the same amount of what they do have the same amount of wood even when they die so i suppose that there's sort of like a gameplay loop of yeah these will never even grow we wasted a couple of resources but it seems as though you're meant to [Music] at least in the beginning wait until everything dies then get all of the wood dam up the places where you're farming i i don't know if this was entirely obvious but i i remember things when i experienced them in a horrible way damn things up like that little lake or whatever it was miniature lake and then exert a little bit more of control over the nature around us so that we aren't dying all of the time the population is coming back up and it seems like it does kind of stabilize out that you could get only to a such a low number you know like something's got to give after a while [Music] hey smitty welcome in sorry to hear that i'll be doing better soon it's time for crops to die so you can get the fully grown carrots out of the ground still oh so actually some of these carrots are still harvestable okay let's have them come back in come on gather them go get them out don't lose them it appears to me as if they have the same animation forever like i think that this was the deconstruction animation as well but it works i mean that's pretty much how i i think something without any opposable thumbs would interact with anything else such fantastic animals probably terrifying and deadly [Music] so we can kind of expand beyond our bases radius like our base goes only this far but if we construct paths and of course they can go a little further oh and they actually can so if we were to do uh now i see what we're saying about the path thing so if i were to take them a little bit further out maybe that was as far as they were allowed to go with the base uh [Music] maybe not quite sure about that but yeah the paths do seem to extend the radius a bit at least that's what seems is going on uh nonetheless we will create a campfire and now we will allow them to live in slightly more housing this way hopefully they will start to pair up or rather hook up with other beavers and then make more of them good camping ground even though that we have a drought for the next half a day hey we didn't go hungry and there's more of you every day because you're uh getting uh getting it on at the campground alone apparently it's just a child here though but my god the years passed by in moments this child didn't even exist a few minutes ago and now here it is i believe it also had a name change no chatzi is now seven chatzi was just one well maybe if they socialize more they'll have marriage or they'll just keep living in sin there they go ah get in there stripe a cup of conversation with somebody maybe have a a glass of uh uh of beer or something with some of the other ones there i don't know what you drink milk or it seems as though two of them are being excluded all right there we go maybe we had like some sort of uh snooze new going on in there oh look we did there's another beaver born ah excellent all right great now we can start to uh denationalize some of the housing and make way for private no one of them died though my god their lives they're like ants or what is that animal that lives for one day it's like an insect or something [Music] path also put railings on the dams so we can use the dams bridges which can allow you to span rivers and access land on both sides increasing your my god that's an excellent idea yeah it seems like you know you're so limited to the area that you start in but if you just create pathways and ingenious ways to dry up the land or dry up the water around excuse me make it stagnant that will overall improve your vitality in life uh here comes the river again i just love the animation of the river flowing through though that i can't help but enjoy being dr uh in the middle of a drought a bit our maple trees didn't die either so we've got that back what a magical moment fruit flies yeah some type of fly i can't remember exactly which one was the mayfly i believe yeah mayfly in the lower left hand corner is an event window that can tell you who was born and who died oh yes we've got this ah sub mraz how long was submarines alive though [Music] you can't go over that beaver's profile [Music] that is unfortunate indeed well let's begin planting more trees we might as well got plenty of wood now all right uh it's a little unclear to me what's going on in terms of the days like beavers seem to grow up and die in about 10 days and yet it still tells you that they're like 5 years old so that is a little jarring i suppose now we need to ask ourselves though how do we capture this water here i think we're going to need science again so we'll allow that we're going to dam up the river because i just want to see and observe what happens with it i think we're going to get some overflowing in terms of flooding another thing that i noticed in terms of the way that they construct is that they always build things in the order in which you assign them which is fairly intuitive it's not like some kind of proximity system uh but just i suppose make sure that you construct things in the right order um yeah i don't know it's like it kind of invites this mathy thing going on it's like there's not real math in this game but a little bit more than i would do in rimworld and i'm thinking still about the colony and the way that things are managed but i'm not thinking so much about my individual settlers like i am in a room world like is he happy what does he need can i improve his bedroom so it's not quite so much the sims it's more like a puzzle game mixing with this all right i said i would stop doing that build progress 50 waiting for materials looks like the river is flowing pretty well again and we are still getting good river flow with this well here now we've kind of dried up one of our beavers by forcing him to work on this let's go ahead and just pause work on that and see if this thing still works when we've got this thing flowing 15 out of 20 i'm really interested in like in all likelihood the water will just come up over the sides and then go right back down into the river but i wanna i wanna know this type of thing could get really interesting over time good now two children are born we might need more campfires that they could all gather around them because clearly there are only five seats here and beavers are very picky and they need a seat to sit on while they're socializing and wooing one another with their outstandingly large teeth all right so now we've finished off the dam what will happen ah it doesn't appear as if anything is really going on but here's what's happening as if it as it appears to me it has slightly raised the level of the river on this side and slightly lowered it on this side and i didn't let me get this okay but it creates kind of like a like a slide for the water to go down sort of and assuming that these banks are non-porous on either side the water will slide down and it will continue to flow [Music] at a similar rate i don't really know whether it'll go like slower or faster or how to measure water let's water through with no issue if you place flood yeah so if we place flood gates we could control it a little bit more directly but this kind of like shores up the water a bit however when we get another drought i keep wanting to say draw drought the water should stay on this side of the dam i'm thinking until we've used up all of the water from this side of the river meaning that we've essentially lowered the amount of time we need to experience a drought for so i'll be interested in what happens after that we could more directly control it by creating an artificial lake and giving ourselves like a a vastly larger supply of water but this is good and we've still got our well running or rather water wheeled running um and yet with only eight beavers this colony is doing okay again not amazing but okay hmm thrilling another damn it is yeah we could put a small dam in the little lake i suppose that's really the area that it's more essential but i want to go one at a time you know do these things through little science controlled scientific experiments so that you can understand what's going on in the deeper systems i wouldn't really want to watch too many tutorials on this i think part of the fun is just kind of experiencing it in the game you need to work harder or we need to increase employment somehow um are we all leaving apart again and not making any more people okay i'm going to tell you to move out of some of these houses there we are okay now we're living in sin again this is what we wanted growing up some of them are laboring that way okay good good good okay i would have this no other way now all we need to do is keep promoting beaver socialization so let's go into other things that will allow them to have leisure a rooftop terrace place for them to relax and socialize in the evening must be a place to tap other buildings visitors six so that could slightly raise the uh proportion of our beavers having this ground only above ground temple a temple or a carousel why would that be the only object of merriment it seems as though that perhaps there are other items that are going to be added into the game [Music] forester we already have one of those gear workshop i suppose there's more we could do though you know none of our resources are really in like dire need we have a forester we have most of our resources coming back up i think from this point on all that we really need is wait yes let's observe and wait a little bit longer we have nine they're slowly rising up can you live in my beaver town come on in you just need to make yourself into a computer program that's all yeah next step wage war yeah i suppose that's uh another thing that might seem like it's lacking almost every game now that exists has combat in it like i know it's harder to do this now that we don't have as many physical disks of games but i remember when i was a kid i lined up all of the games i had for my xbox 360. and i just categorized them in terms of what is it what game involves fighting and what doesn't and like 95 percent of the games that i owned involved fighting in some way and this is like wow we are a violent people or that is to say that all of the experiences that we fantasize fantasize about i suppose in our gaming needs involve things that would never happen in real life like a quentin tarantino movie you know fun because it's ridiculous we could get books bread carrots let's start to see what other things we could do to speed up our beavers is there anything we could do to increase their fertility for example let's take a look at one of them nutrition social life they do have a campfire this raises the fertility ah so having both a campfire and a rooftop terrace would actually raise the fertility even more methinks let's have this we could have a platform but that would cost a lot of science i think what we need to do is this domiciles lodges all about let's have a back row okay this is like more low-income housing uh it's not quite as nice we built more paths this way uh out in the back and you can get up here but you could get up on top of the house and woo the other beavers see that's nice you love that oh yes you do i don't really want to go about building a lot of platforms and suddenly we have a lot of logs back in our lives so this is very pleasing to me and the other beaver type you make beavers in test tubes what so the beavers have given up like organic reproductive methods or natural not really organic just natural puzzle grains are a great way to divert the gameplay from violence to other things yeah use your mind not your body to enjoy the puzzle games i'm enjoying these i'm enjoying these violent games with my body i suppose that's like the trade-off but it's something you know i mean it's something to be proud of it has so many different parts to it and it feels so non-standard because the game has made uh what now why this is a little odd it seems like the water is higher on this there's some serious like computer science going on in here look at this that's marvelous i just feel bad for all the sad dead trees well we have maples growing up you're doing a great job don't listen to me don't listen to me now do you destroy the stump or do we need to de-stump no the stump is just there until a mighty forest how i pine for the unknown oh what poem is that i feel guilty that's like my i feel like i should know that reference i know john denver but i don't know how how basic i feel from that you know oh well alas okay the beavers are sleeping together somewhat let's just tell them to get out of this still a little unclear as to whether like how many beavers need to be there oh we have 11 suddenly okay so they're still yes they're still reproducing very good you know keep doing what you're doing now to raise the fertility even more rooftop terraces what a funny this is ridiculous everything in this game is just like okay so we do that i i'll admit that the location wasn't perfectly ideal but you know it would have been nicer if they had a view off the front of the gardens but i mean you know i'm not such an s that some structures get constructed right when you like assign them like paths are automatically made found it interesting that i didn't actually have to have them create those it might be to be quite honest with you it might be nice if the beavers had to take a second to build the path uh also too i mean in the sound department this game is fantastic great soundtrack i haven't gotten tired of it yet it hasn't been very long but it seems like the type of thing that would never get repetitive really oh look they're having such a great time oh look they're telling stories some of them are on the ground those are the pens but now we have enough time for all of the be or enough space for all of the beavers to say something about their day maybe they'll even say a high or a low about their week maybe they could do that around the campfire that'd be nice if physical violence was much more acceptable we wouldn't need so much of it in our video games and movies who knows hmm fair enough i guess the thing that you deprive yourself of as a society which we largely deprive ourselves of violence this is getting kind of this sounds a little uh sketchy now but yeah i suppose that that that's just one way of putting it what i'd really like to do is see if i can get more of the land to be fertile now we've you know i think we're making it so that we could subsist but let's really expand one beaver just died again who was it jabber how old do they live to let's go ahead and take a look at them my viewers are happier than ever i've reached a new well-being high score oh so they actually do have a high score for this population of well-being so ah this is kind of a nice way to see how fertile they'll become rich average well-being of eight while playing folk tales will get oh so if we get them all feeling better about themselves then we unlock the next beaver type okay that's a way to progress through the game that's nice so often the complaint is that you know there's no end goal hey bi 4zm thanks very much floodgates flood the land for science well clearly these things won't flood anything i suppose i'm excited for the next route though um i'm trying to see where i would want to create a flood though i think one thing that'll make it fun is that it seems like that you could really get lost in this for hours because my my eyeballs are bigger than my stomach or is your b where does the saying go indeed they are hey ether renegade thanks very much um see what you did there see what you did there 10 adults but they do seem to be expanding and rising yes the beavers are even now happier uh yes we're going to go ahead and make even more happiness now we need more statues what do we have flame of progress these sound a little bit ambitious in their projects right lever temple only decoration shrub shrub within one time well that's just an aesthetic thing let's have a mommy monument um flame of progress hey baked bean thanks very much for the sell i think we need to inspire no that costs 3 000. what's something easier that we can do a shorter span of time plant crops let's plant new resources i think that would uh i think that would probably make them happier and would just up the level of overall variety in the area let's have some weed and some other junk over here oh my god it looks amazing but why are these ones just gray is there some kind of blight on the crops that i missed oh that's what they're planning on planting there it's only because they had that part of the menu opened in the ui i was afraid that there was some sort of aphid or disease overtaking my crops hmm oh cycle 3 day 11 so it goes in cycles i was thinking only three days had passed which i realized was impossible because so much going on oh my god i can relate to these people i sit out on my porch too when i'm done with a long day my god those chairs look like garbage i bet they charge them thousands and thousands of dollars to create those chairs though they look really like something that a i don't know someone would seek out at a higher price at a designer store now i'm set on making them very glad but where did their well-being go is this their average okay so this is their average well-being they need grilled potatoes they need bread they need a roof shrub labor monument fun carousel so if we direct them toward building a carousel they'll be happier but also extremely expensive my god these things are expensive discharges water small water tank large water tank would probably be a little bit more efficient hmm grist mill grinds weed into flour we will need one of those if we start to make wheat grill we could probably get by with a grill pretty quick yeah i think let's build one of those we could have like some kind of charming chef beaver that everyone you know uh visits whenever they get their meal it'd be nice not that you know chefs have to be charming they could be i don't know all the chefs i've met have been very charming people though very endearing i know that some aphids explode in predators faces to help the rest of the colony i don't know much about aphids at all i was just reading about the extinction of the uh of the chestnut tree in north america sad no unemployed beavers anymore okay we want to do that a lot of them are builders i guess we have to keep builders by default good 11 now yes yes they're beginning to reproduce we have 213 food nothing can stop us but only 84 water will probably want to up our overall water storages let's go ahead and build a larger water tank do we have the science for it yeah why not what else are we doing with our lives absolutely nothing we're playing a game about beavers for god's sake uh i think that this is there it belongs it's kind of a funny shape for a building but striking and charming nonetheless i don't think that anything looks good well it it kind of all comes together aesthetically no matter how you put it together except mine always manages to look bad they need smoke weed and horse shoes yeah yeah it'd be interesting if they implemented a few more systems but i think that there's enough quirky ridiculousness in it i i appreciate one thing i mean you know one thing that i'll keep going back to rimworld for example is that it does have a lot of weird quirky stuff in it but this has just enough weirdness and quirkiness to get by has all executed pretty well and there they go teleporting into their chairs that is nice okay let's just make sure that they're not all living separately again it's quite annoying because they aren't like uh protesting my forced forcing that they all live together now we're up to 12 beavers again okay we've got a population going the rise of the beaver proletariat all right i feel safe we have 240 food however many beavers it is it's enough we do need gears for this thing though i did not even realize that it seems that you could completely build things in the wrong order and just totally miss it so this was a bit of a waste alas hmm maybe i should just end construction of this thing i might have just wasted planks though oh it appears as if i did that is unfortunate so it seems as though when you delete a building you are just out there looking oh because i didn't assign any planting well i'll give you some work to do uh hang on a moment have anyone working there okay you're working there but [Music] we want more turnover and i also want to see all of the different types of trees so i'm gonna plant some birch here good get down from there and work uh good that's very aesthetically pleasing when it all comes together that was the main draw of this takes forever it is a clear uh the carrot field does it bottleneck our other fields i don't know i think that they're just being kind of lazy we also don't have two assigned workers we've been at kind of like half beaver capacity for the whole time so i think we're uh kind of making our way back up into the world i'd like to make a large kind of apartment for them as we go we just need to make sure that we don't expand our population too much without being able to support it so let's just go with more small water tanks for now [Music] this looks fine to me actually we'll just do this delete that yeah we don't need one there either want to make sure that they don't deliver any of those resources to them before they cancel it because we'll just lose them okay all of these facing each other maybe not quite perfect but good enough good enough uh yes another drought coming in 2.7 days i don't know why i i look forward to them because it it's kind of like a test of all of my engineering and everything that i've done up till this point like if i'm like if i'm doing a good job then i'll do well during the drought and i'll have i'll experience jubilation and validation [Music] yeah i don't want to dim the well if i don't what's going to happen if i damn the uh actually well here would be the advantage of damning the pond if we damn this spot right here we'll keep our crops safe for sure but we might kill our drinking water because we go here for our drinking water so we kind of need to make a decision here but aren't we just like leaving stagnant water here forever let's go look at the water levels because i think there's gonna be a subtle difference while i do wanna observe what will happen i'm willing to damn it if it you know keeps us safe and alive because we do have quite a lot of essential crops over here but again it's a it's a great science experiment blocks water completely i suppose you could just do that if you wanted to spill away at the top i think this will just save us some trouble let's also go ahead and see if we can create some kind of path over it can we create a path over the dam itself we can in fact they need like some sort of land bridge oh nice or not really a land bridge more of just a bridge bridge 13 of them now they've more than doubled in their population that's nice i like that still do we need planks we do not we don't need planks we're good work harder um what are they doing why aren't they building ah they're busy building this thing oh good job people get along smile on your brother everybody get a uh job here we are you get down from there build something ah the plants are being planted man english really has a lot of redund words i'm going to go run on a run and plant some plants afterward i suppose you could pick other ones but i've been streaming for a while haven't i damn costs a lot of wood that's true but also to dying and losing all of my beavers will cost a lot of lives which one will you pick instead of a dam you could use a floodgate instead if you want to cycle through the water or release if it need be i suppose that's fair but we don't have enough money because we're stupid what do we have yeah triple floodgate double floodgate a regular floodgate yeah well not really money just brain power well here's what i kind of see is happening is that well let's observe honestly let's observe i think the water will flow through here but if after the flood the water doesn't get into here i would be more surprised because the flow should be strong enough that it gets through here and in there's just something i mean i'll just kind of go into this is that when i was looking into game dev stuff because you can't help i mean if you if you play as many goddamn video games as i do then you you cannot but wonder about all of the things going into it any game with cellular automata or like fluid simulations like noida or this is just fascinating to behold it's one of the reasons why minecraft is so interesting and just like able to be ogled you know people will just stare at minecraft videos for hours and hours on youtube and it's it's an interesting rabbit hole to go down because it's actually like watching natural simulations you know we don't really get to see it in slow motion in nature but it's nice when we see it happening with computer programming and video games it's actually rather pleasant the drought has started okay do we have the uh it is building it is barely built that was right on time okay so let's see what happens um what should happen is that the water flows out of the region so i don't really know what happens right here i think it just goes let's observe take science notes scientific notes [Music] is the water level lowering we add it here [Music] now here is it lowering okay it has reached the bottom of my mouse cursor so the water is flowing out very gradually we are at the triple speed so yeah there it goes so it's gone from here but we also have a massive lake of water a huge reservoir but we've managed to damn it in here my god we're already down to all of the water from the top seems like we've used an impossible amount of water already i'm quite surprised how quickly we used up all of that water now this water is just lost and gone which is sad and again we've got the ah this is kind of nice to watch or a little sad but also nice there it goes now at our home we've uh kept it safe because we've kept all the water in here now what i think will happen is that the water will stay and then be used up only by our drinking supply so we're using up only what we're drinking right now this should continue to fuel our farms and lakes or uh i don't know planting grounds and whatnot and then this is our supply of drinking water so if this is enough to sustain our population we're okay this will never be used because it's in here because of a dam and that will keep our farms fueled so we could release that later on if we wanted to so i suppose a floodgate would work yeah it's kind of like a tower defense against water physics that's a good way to put it but an interesting way it's interesting way to incorporate conflict into a game without necessarily putting violence into it not that that makes it a game worse in any way but you know just a mechanic that's interesting unable to get all the required materials this is because you need potatoes and that's right we don't have any potatoes we have only seedlings right now but this is enough to keep us alive it's not really enough to expand but well that certainly feels pretty good right there i don't know should we uh well let's have a look at our beavers 3.8 more days of drought there is one other item i'd like to check if i can get triple floodgate explosive factory dynamite not really what i had in mind there was one item that i had seen where you could actually observe the water levels here it is a depth marker do we have enough science we don't have enough science for this we have only 110 but we've got one guy working on science think harder um actually measures the depth of water which is quite nice i can't really see it right now so we'll just kind of have to eyeball it we don't have the research can i there we are now let's just kind of make note of this we've barely got like this full triangle showing won't be used up now but we'll look at that maybe at the end of the drought and see if that's any lower see what i mean right now they're just using up what they're drinking i doubt that it's that much i suppose the main thing that i'm feeling is i don't really feel much threat and now we've already got back up to 18 beavers and there's no real end goal i suppose that the thought is to just expand the map and build like a massive beaver city really a beaveropolis with hundreds and hundreds of them maybe thousands because they seem to be pretty low maintenance people look all they need is to sit around and talk to one another and they've experienced jubilation from that that's nice we could do that but how much water would that require i think that this natural lake damning it would actually be a great reservoir for water so i think that the best way to expand out would be just go to this way because we already have a natural lake here toronto yeah you could call it toronto yeah beaver beaverton is there a city named after beavers whatever it is here we're gonna be sick and tired of them by the time we're done with this all right let's take another look at this thing doesn't really appear as if it's dropped much so the drinking water is fairly negligible it doesn't seem like it's that dangerous but the main conflict is to just expand and of course you have the motivation of getting more of them okay now this is starting to bother me let's allow them to work in their old jobs again uh this however has stopped working too because we have no water flow so we could when the power is being weird or when the water is in a drought we could power these back up uh some of these are getting kind of redundant though too so we'll just delete this one this one seems a bit red ah that's actually a gatherer flag that's okay we can have that [Music] this is a bit redundant we could get rid of that ah sit here thanks very much for the sub thoroughly enjoy doing things hey ala matata thanks very much for the uh for the kind words uh i don't know yeah i suppose that there is like uh it does kind of quiet down after you that nonetheless it is very pleasing to make i'm trying to think of other kind of fun contraptions i could do like what other types of things i could make or where would i go first from here i suppose that the next main thing you would want to do would just be to construct work uh roads out to the sides let's see how far out this district can reach established ejectors with his own population resources an isolated path network employs builders comfort food and sturdy wood folktales motto okay let's build it along the wall so we'll just have like a sketchy path along the wall over here not really sketchy just a path don't question it nothing to see here yeah go along here over to the other side of the lake the duck may swim on the lake but my daddy owns the lake [Music] there we go holes [Music] all right how far does that reach out okay that's got a pretty decent radius on it so we don't really need to build one of these things for a while try to think of where it would actually be an advantage to do so we'd want to build one like way out here but we can't even get them to build it out there we could migrate our population as well amsterdam kind of like amsterdam are at the dutch below sea level in a lot of their cities they drive south on i-15 uh oh there so there is a city called just beaver that would be very confusing on a mailing address labor hauling post builders hut distribution post drop-off point metal decoration okay it's ended uh let's experience the jubilation of water i again i've been using that word a lot the triumph of water done here it comes filling things up it's a little bit surviving mars you know that kind of terraforming mechanic that uh that just generally satisfying feeling how did our places do also too i just want to see how low it went okay so we did actually start to see the lower wood panel so we did use up a decent amount of wood there or was that uh yeah we did we used up some of the water but it should start to come through again there it is now going through our uh our old area and out there it goes wow that's very nice uh here comes the water ah that's nice i don't know to me that i think that that's the core mechanic that's the most interesting in this game you may care to you may beg to differ ah yes and we've unlocked iron teeth they're happier than ever i guess because we got the water back or something oh no they got grilled potatoes all good for them something outstandingly cozy about that hmm trying to think of how i would divert water up higher i think the main thing that we would need is a lot of science and we would need to get further in that regard so now we're back up to 22 beavers let's go ahead and build more science inventors i think our best way of doing this right now is to just make more huts for them to work in hey zayn faith hey thanks for the 15 months wow i can't believe we've been streaming that long thank you very much have i played dwarf romantic or dwarf romantic i feel like it'd be perfect for this kind of thing uh actually yeah we did check out door for me i think they came out with a recent expansion for that or they um not an expansion and update fairly different things i suppose we'll be glad to come back into that you know it's like uh it's a nice way to mix things up to just do a puzzle game like this not really puzzle it's kind of like puzzle colony builder and yet it you know it merits more than one play through to me an interesting challenge for this would be like a very difficult map to play on you know what i mean like uh start somewhere where you're really in trouble in terms of water i think we could actually there's not much reason to go here i want to create some massive flood and flood like an entire plane but i think we'll need explosives to divert the river so let's see what we're going to need to do to do that dynamite destroys the block terrain underneath and triggers adjacent dynamites ground only must be built on the ground explosive's factory manufactures explosives from paper so pretty much the goal of the game if you want to expand is to blow up the ground you know start from your solid colony core maybe build vertically more houses get more beavers to happen and then have them all research science essentially what we're trying to do with humanity right now by going to mars [Music] no this is a nice way to look at your beavers progress like that we are going to need to build more housing soon otherwise we're going to have a housing crisis i feel like a lot of that stuff is quite a bit further along though in the game and there's not really much of a threat there's not much urgency how about starting close to the water source so you lose water quickly oh like so that we would well we could just damn it at the front like if we started off at the front of the lake back over here you could do that i feel like it'd be much more intuitive to divert the water like one thing that i could easily see happening on this map is i mean this is like an infinite water spawner so one thing that you could do would be to just blow up this and then you fill the entire this entire side of the map with water another thing that i haven't really seen yet and we could try to employ right now we need only 120 this blocks water completely i feel as though i don't have time to get through all of the games mechanics appreciably in this amount of time so what i could end up doing is just try to totally block the water and do something that i thought would happen with this first dam i think i'm gonna give it a try i'm gonna research levees let me just see am i totally sure about this double floodgate triple floodgate i think we're a little ways away from this and i think it's going to take longer to do so i'm going to make a kind of a kind of a mistake right here because i'm just genuinely curious what's going to happen we'll build le uh what is it yeah that's a fairly narrow point we'll build levees across here we need paths there [Music] uh we can't go through bushes can we destroy bushes sign priorities cut trees plant crops are we allowed to just destroy the bush do we need dynamite to destroy it build them on top of the water oh if we can't get that then we'll just build it somewhere else and that's also fine [Music] an option on the left high description hmm we know about the iron teeth nothing to do in range oh let's get rid of that now then the house with the hammer house with the hammer oh that thing okay so we could demolish this okay so let's destroy these bushes because we don't really need too much of this anymore these buildings uh mark resources for demolition so i don't wan it seems a bit aggressive to demolish a bush like the utter savagery what are they doing here you lied all along you liars you could get to the levee i'm going to kill these bushes for no reason well whatever so be it it's too far for it no it's fine all right well they'll build the levee now what i'm kind of curious is this going to happen will the water just rise up it does kind of make sense you know you have a lot of like damn talk and stuff like that but it kind of brings me back to hurricane uh katrina and sandy when they were talking about all this stuff in the news and we all suddenly like got a degree in civil engineering because we were all saying well the levees didn't hold and why didn't the levees hold and this and that and you know they should have just gotten out of that city but at least they got the saints they're doing pretty well right i mean you know they've had drew brees for so many years yeah they'll be fine is anybody from is anybody from new orleans actually i want to make a trip over there [Music] levy going to starve my farms of water probably we'll just delete some of it i i want to observe what it's going to do though well actually i don't think it's going to starve the farms of water because think about it when you block off water the water doesn't just stop coming the water actually rises up so what i think is going to happen is that it'll flood this area over here but i want to learn through observation you worked with the guy who did the levees jesus hmm a moment a penny for your thoughts one second sir i'm getting a notification oh there's free doordash i mean well 50 off that's you know i've got only about 50 percent of my life left to live so that's basically free right um i'll say that it's a bit of a slow gameplay loop but i feel like maybe that's because i've gone for longer term stuff maybe it's because i've gone for uh what is it are you see like what are you doing it's watered and alive why like why aren't you cutting this tree down do we have the we don't even have the complete capacity you're just sitting there and there's trees to be cut down you slob watered in alive or do maples have a longer life span let's go ahead and take a look at that again uh yeah that's eight eight logs oh it's because i never designated them so there are a couple of steps okay i there we are it's good you know through like through a dialogue of ah here we go i missed it but the idea holds wow we still haven't even completely finished off this levy my god you're going to walk into the water you chad ah look at that he's practically beaver jesus jesus just one snap off from kanye any plans of ever trying songs of six songs of six i was actually just playing about a half hour ago trying to or a half hour before i started the stream it's going to take a bit longer to learn but an excellent game indeed i should check my email from something interesting to propose hey oh wait is that one scene of oh god bless um actually oh wait a second yeah we were chatting hey i know it's just taking me a little bit longer to get on it but god bless you guys i saw one of your guys update videos [Music] thanks for all of the hard work and just i don't know genuinely genuinely being a nice person the interesting mark uh here's 50 coupon for your midlife crisis well let's see about that but look at this beaver look at this levee coming in oh wowzers here it goes i want to see what's going to happen when i completely flood this i doubt much will change because i think it's just going to simply flood over but we might also have something entirely unexpected too six out of 12 it should be only only about 12 more hours before that's done i'd like to see if i can potentially destroy my own entire colony what a fantastic horrible ending that would be can we build a levee on top of a levee they can swim yeah of course they can swim probably except they can't breathe underwater 10 of 12. there we go oh wow whoa whoa whoa didn't expect that oh my god it's awful and terrifying look here comes the water ah yes ah we don't even have an insurance company yet i guess that's the next thing to think about it's flooded okay so when we flood things then they just don't work anymore i imagine if we get water on top of our buildings that wouldn't be too good either but it's interesting and fun so now the water is slowly drifting into our land ah that's exciting but like that's the marvelous i don't know the like the system at play underneath this hmm i like that i don't know i'll rebuild these levees now can we destroy them pretty quickly or are we uh are we completely screwed okay okay so then the river does come back down so it's fairly easy to fix my intentional mistake but we could divert water and you know path it around differently i just wanted to do that as a test it's interesting though that you don't actually need a beaver there to destroy the uh the path ah and the water does need to be higher up to allow the ground the ground to be grass look at that that ground just had a little existential crisis there like it was like am i grass or am i not gives them something to do something to break up the monotony yeah you know it it does feel a little bit like there's one thing that's going on but i i think that it's doing that building right that's interesting it's really pretty i i can't hit home on that enough just how pretty this game is i don't know i feel like i feel like i've done quite a lot though i feel like i've gotten some stuff done and i feel gratification
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 35,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, beaver city builder, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian vods
Id: 7QOTXhWqm9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 36sec (6216 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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