Elixir Tierlist - Baldur's Gate 3

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I will be going through the elixir in alphabetical order and when I say Elixir these are Elixir as named by the game however I'm not including the elixers you can make from speaking to araj oblodra because I think that's a slightly different mechanic and I think should be dealt in a separate video now before I go and actually start using Elixir you can either buy them or you can create them so on PC if you press h you can bring up the Alchemy window and we've got this Sub menu here called elixers these are the ones that I've found in this playthrough I've loaded up an old save on one of my early playthroughs and the last thing I've got to say about Elixir before going through them is that you can and I kind of do see them as an extra gear slot so if you drink one Elixir and drink another the second one overwrites the effect of the first and you lose the effects of the first Elixir so it's pretty much like having a gear slot except you don't drag anything in you just drink The Elixir so so the first Elixir is the elixir of Arcane cultivation which looks like this gain an additional level one spell slot and each of the Elixir says replaces effect from other Elixir when drunk so yeah we have one extra level one spell slot Gail currently has four with one already used up so if I drink this you can see it replaces fills up one of the used spell slots let's say he just casts Mage Armor on himself he's then use that spell lot and if he drinks another Elixir let's just say acid resistance he now oh he already used the spell slot up so he doesn't lose it so you can use the Elixir cast a spell and then drink another one so you've effectively gained an extra spell slot in that long rest now there are four types of Arcane cultivation the look is this is the weakest which does the level one spell slots and I just don't find it that useful that needed so Arcane conservation is level one great Arcane cultivation is level two spell slot Superior Arcane cultivation is level three and supreme is level four so one of the reasons I put Arcane at the bottom is because we've got these better ones but secondly one thing we have to keep in mind is the opportunity cost so if I've got one of the better Elixir and suddenly I want to an extra level one spell slot I've got to lose the effect of that Elixir which I really really don't like and long rests are not that difficult to have there's plenty of food and camp supplies in act one I never not been able to take a long rest when I want one so as a consequence I'm actually just going to go and put the other Arcane cultivations up now maybe I can put Supreme up to B but I'm just not that impressed because of the opportunity cost of using them is very high in general because we have so many better Elixir than just a single extra level spell slot where I can see it being useful is if you're kind of at your limit in a battle your spell casters have used their spell slots and you want to get a fireball out so you drink an elixir of superior Arcane cultivation that's fine that works well but it's just one extra spell slot it's not that amazing so yeah I'm not that impressed by these Elixir I rarely take them if I'm honest next up is bark skin and the elixir of bark skin let's bring these back up this this wouldn't have any effect on any of my characters not even Shadow heart drink to increase your armor class to 16 replaces effects from effects from other Elixir so if she drinks it it has no effect because her Armor class is already higher if I take off her Shield the minimum it gets to is 16 and take off her armor here it's still 16 and kind of interestingly you can see her skin has turned slightly Barky kind of a bit like wood maybe you could have this on a druid who shape shifts so the armor class is 16 but honestly I think I've already shown you just now or orer characters should have an armor class of higher than 16 especially towards the end and I haven't even focused Fus on Armor class here for these characters this is an easy D sadly I mean this goes with the level two spell it's slightly better than the level two spell because it doesn't require concentration next up is Battle major power this is our first strong Elixir I would say so let's just find it I've only got two Let's uh before I take it I just want to show you Gail's spell safe DC is 22 attack a spell attack bonus is plus 18 pretty good he will take an elixir battle M's power which gives him Arcane accurity and it says three turns remaining which when I first took this I was a bit like oh wow just for three turns but it refreshes every turn so we can see here oh back up to three so now his spell safe DC is 25 and his spell attack bonus is 21 which massively increases his chances of the Spells he has to work oh they already had a good chance anyway it's banishment like 100% even though a 20 should save someone there m killer 50% 95 85% he's going to be getting off these spells on any enemy he wants let's head back to civilization let's even just have a look at some guards I'm not actually going to fight them P off 100% 100% 75% here 5 100% 100% like everything's going to be hitting now it does say reduce the duration by two each time the end takes damage this is still true so if I can get will to try and hit G not your enemy not re and it's gone down to one but no rest for the wicked it's okay once this runs out we'll go up to three turns again so there we have it I really like this this is very powerful for anyone who's casting spells having a plus three bonus the spell save DC is really really strong next up is bloodlust now this safe file is in TCT ition mode not on a mode and this is one of the few elixers that actually has a difference between the two but let's see what it does first drink to enter a blood lust once per turn when you kill a foe you gain five temporary hit points and an additional action so I kind of do need to get into a fight for this difference between tactician and honor mode is that in tactician and below if you are a melee class that has extra attack so I've got is a levels in Barbarian so level five he gets two extra ATT it gets two attacks in tactician and Below we can get two more extra attacks however in honor mode I'd only get one extra attack I'm also going to give one to Gail actually just to show this off no one back home so I need to make them a foe first you were witnessed assaulting somewhat so I'm just going to rage for the sake of it so I killed him there with my going into my rage because of this helmet which deals 24 psychic damage if enemies make a or fail a wisdom saving throw and now he has an extra action there and five temporary hit points but killing more than one enemy in around doesn't give an extra action still it's not kind of a doesn't stack up like that and because I'm not in honor mode I get to make two extra attacks now allow me to and then Gail hopefully this will work as a spell cast it there we are had an Elixir blood lust and now we can cast another spell if you wants to if CH Dum easy s TI in honor mode it's less useful on melee characters but still very powerful on spellcasters next up is the elixir of cloud giant strength gives you the strength of a cloud giant which is a strength of 27 increases your strength to 27 these don't generally come available until later in the game but now if looked at the character sheet strength is 27 regardless of what it was before especially powerful on characters even more powerful on anyone using Tavern brawler particular well not particularly but monks will more naturally tend towards using tavn brawler anyone who is using throwing weapons with TPP brawler also benefits a lot one other benefit is if you know and you want to always drink an elixir of strength you can at character creation or when you Respec put your strength down to eight and put those stat points into something else such as here this character would benefit from having a higher wisdom probably so they don't fail as many wisdom saving throws but you could put it into whatever you want Charisma if you're main if it's your main character the character you want to do lots of speaking another second one in a row easy s tier no doubt about it and there is another elixir of giant strength this one's Hill giant strength I'm going to stick an a only because we eventually get this much stronger elixir of cloud giant strength the elixir of Hill giant strength sets your strength to 21 and also definitely not s because a strength of 20 and a strength of 21 have the same bonuses so if you have a strength of 20 this actually does nothing for you particularly it might increase your carry weight by a small amount but that's about it but still really strong otherwise like both of these very very useful and again thinking about opportunity cost just going back to these ones further down if your wizard is taken an elixir of battle Major's power you have to give up that plus three spell save DC or spell attack bonus for one extra spell slot or bark skin for example that's not my cup of tea next up is elixir of the Colossus drink to increase your size which is basically the same as enlarged right weapons deal and additional 1 D4 damage you gain advantage on strength checks and saves and replaces effects from other Elixir so tavernor here it's going to take that he's gotten a bit larger and before I go any further I'm just going to show this off now we can even cast enlarge on someone who's taken an elixir of the coloss and look how crazily big they get a moment and this is kind of where the uh Alber from top rope trick comes from for jumping on people jump jumping on Grim because not only does it increase your size his weight is now 10,10 pretty pretty large and so when you deal damage this is now with both being enlarged and having the elix and elixir of the Colossus we gain a plus 1 D4 bonus from The Elixir and 1 D4 bonus from the spell and if I was to throw I've probably got a very high chance to pass this it doesn't show it here but throwing enemies at least forces a check there we are athletic successful it doesn't show the real difficulty class it says zero it's obviously not zero but I had Advantage because of the Elixir and the spell I've kind of you know you don't get double Advantage anyway I think it's solid it's only really good for melee characters you're not going to get much use out of it on spellcasters unfortunately one benefit over the spell is one it doesn't require concentration and two it lasts for a whole long rest it's an extra 1 D4 damage advantage on those skill checks it's got its uses next up is the elixir of dark vision which does the same as the scroll to be honest I wouldn't really yeah but drink to gain the ability to see in the dark up to 40 ft and this is where opportunity cost comes into play so yes Gail is a human he doesn't have dark vision naturally but if I really want to give him dark vision I'd probably be better off using the spell instead you get more level two and above spell slots than you do elix of dark vision that's for sure and dark vision doesn't require concentration and you can get scrolls of dark vision as well so I'm going to leave this down and see not not every character even gets the use out of it anyway again opportunity cost compared to the ones above it's just a bit too high before I get to the final few here do just want to remind you this is just my casual opinion please do let me know if you've got any other points or tips or uses for these Elixir I've missed out all right next up guileful movement I probably best get out of here before I get into too much trouble your movement speed can't be reduced by difficult terrain spells can't be paralyzed or restrained it pretty much gives you freedom of movement the spell freedom of movement so will you haven't really taken many so far let's give that to you so now yeah he can't have his speed reduced or anything oh right so I so we can walk through here he's got 40 ft of movement so we can get through here without any reduction in movement speed he might still fall over because it doesn't protect you from falling through but he is immune to effects of difficult to run no obstacle too great so if we help him back up which uses an action am I needed we can keep going but you know still full prone I think this is okay it's the same effect as a level four spell not to be sniffed at it's a bit defensive and something I would say about the game is it doesn't really reward you for being defensive as much as being offensive and attacking and just getting rid of the enemies as quickly as possible this does not help with that but can help you get around the battle field prevent some very nasty status effects like being paralyzed or held so yeah it's got its uses nice to have but we do have a level four spell that does the same and again level four spell slots are much more numerous than elixir of G for movement next up is heroism of heroism gain 10 temporary hit points and become blessed until the long rest so it really is just 10 tempor hit points once you've lost them then that's it they're lost for good T here's got 10 sharp as ever going to keep attacking him until there we are what to do and he doesn't have the 10 temporary hit points anymore but you don't take this Elixir for the temporary hit points at the higher levels anyway maybe in the earlier levels it's actually very useful but I've still got the effects of the elixir of heroism but I still have the plus one default bonus from the elixir of heroism and it Stacks with bless let's just bless these three still alive so now sorry will we got A plus 1 D4 from The Elixir and one4 from bless so you can really get like double bless on a character with the elixir of heroism and I like that you get elixir of heroism from quite early on in the game and kind of pretty useful for most of the game maybe towards the end of the game in act three you've probably got quite High chances to hit anyway but also it does affect your saving throws so it's both offensive and defensive at the same time then we have the elixir of Peerless Focus useful only for spellcasters so Shadow heart drink this gain advantage on concentration saving throws and against being Charmed and Magic can't put you to sleep so if Tav here attacks Shadow heart now she had advantage on that because of the potion she was already half health so she couldn't be magically put to sleep anyway and she had advantage on sing throws against being Charmed so for elves and half elves this isn't so useful because you already have half of the effects of the potion anyway there are a few items that either give advantage on Constitution saving throws or concentration saving throws and there is a fe warcaster which gives that advantage on Constitution saving throws anyway a she's already got warcaster here so actually this is kind of proven my point we do have a feet that does half of the same thing so don't use this elixir on anyone who's got warcaster but if you really really want this ability to have advantage on saving throws for concentration perhaps you just want to pick warcaster anyway because then you free up your Elixir slot for something else now I don't particularly use these very much like I said I the game kind of rewards you more for being offensive and getting rid of people than trying to be defensive but sometimes you don't always have enough of these Elixir at the top to be honest or you haven't taken the feet and you've got a really important spell on no hunger of haar bless even and you just want to make sure you can have it keep it up now I've lumped together a whole load of Elixir and I've just labeled it simply as resistance and The Elixir I've included in that are any of the Elixir that give resistance to a type of damage so for example fire lightning psychic there's cold probably some acid poison any of the damage types you can think of there is force resistance even acid resistance some of these cannot be crafted you find them in the game buy them from vendors so let's say will I have left you out for most of these haven't I right elixir of necrotic resistance he's now resistant to necrotic damage until long rest so it's only for one type of resistance each some of them do have some extra abilities such as Elixir fire resistance means you can't burn so you're free to walk in fire that's useful the lightning resistance stops you from being shocked electrocuted or jolted or otherwise affected by lightning which is nice the one for poison resistance I don't know if I've got any here I do you can no longer be poisoned so for example if you're in the bber bang field in the under dark and you accidentally set off the bber bangs if you drink one of these you'll be completely safe I thing is B is very situational in some situations they're very useful but again it's usually easier in battle to take people down than try and be a bit defensive but they're not bad I do use them at times right I like to have them in my inventory just for those times where I think oh do you know what it'd be really useful to have the poison resistance because there's traps with poison clouds or something next up the elixir of sea invisibility and we can see here there's actually the spell Scroll of sea invisibility as well drink this Elixir to spot invisible creatures and that's that's what it does so yeah well why not he's already uses bonus action right G so there we are can see invisible creatures within 30 ft creatures must succeed a dexterity saving through will lose their invisibility and he can see this little eye above his head means he's he can see invisibility potentially but yeah there is a spell which is a level two spell I'm sure Gail has it here there it is see invisibility and this doesn't require concentration and has exactly the same effect so now we can doubly see invisibility one for each ey perhaps there is a way to get Vol to give you this effect permanently as well I'm going to leave it in C tier there AR too many times where you actually need this and well it depends on how you want to role play whether you want to have R give you this effect of C visibility or not I tend to nowadays but also there is just a level two spell and again I'd rather use a level two spell slot than use up my Elixir slot for that day next up is the tadpole Elixir I've only got one gain pic weakening so you have you yourself have disadvantage on Constitution wisdom and intelligence saving throws the Constitution and especially wisd wiom it's actually pretty annoying if you're a spellcaster at least for the Constitution the wisdom just helps save against in this case not save because we got disadvantage against controlling spells like hold person hypnotic pattern any of those nasty spells but you gain psionic Rich enrichment after using a Tapo power effective entities gain advantage in all attacks for three rounds this is a bit like a temporary risky ring where the risky ring gives you advantage in all attacks and disadvantage on all saving throws but you do need to use a taple power so again depending on your role playing and your character choices this might not even be available for your character so if he uses it doesn't really matter Force tunnel he has pionic enrichment and now we just got advantage on all attacks now being a barbarian perhaps that's not so useful because I've always got Reckless attack if I want it and it does last here it says you know three it says three turns it lasts for three turns does what it says on the Tim but uh Constitution Constitution this constitution is quite High it doesn't show the saving throw against blight don't really know why but I definitely failed it cuz he's resistant for some reason I don't know why it's resistant resistant to necrotic damage here oh right no because of the aura of warding right yeah so he failed at saving through possibly because of the Elixir this is one I've actually almost never used in the game game because if I've got a character who I'm okay having Advantage with attacks but disadvantage with some saving throws I tend to give them the risky ring anyway and it's a very strong ring for those who are built for it or are okay with it it is reliant on you using a taple power to get the advantage out not the advantage but yeah to get the advantage out of it but you have the constant disadvantage I'm hovering between B and C but perhaps some of you have got a build where this comes in really really useful now the elixir of universal resistance well it's a Mis Noma it it's not really an Elixir it is an elixir in name so we've got Sonic weakening is the current Elixir what does it do gain resistance to all damage for 10 turns this is really a potion it doesn't replace the effects of an Elixir so although the name says elixir of universal resistance it's only yet and elixir name really is just a potion so I'm just going to leave it off it doesn't compete with all these other Elixir it's not hasn't got the same opportunity cost next up Elixir viciousness the number you need to role to land a critical hit is reduced by one doesn't say it makes it 19 it makes it reduces it by one there we are now we can't really see the effect but I've got here for example a bow which has the same effect and proved critical the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one and effectively these effects do stack so sorry everyone there we are all right what did I 18 and I rolled with Advantage because I'm a barbarian I can choose to do that and this is for every single attack and you don't need to be using the bow for example here to have the improved critical stack with the Elixir there are numerous items and effects but seen people online have the number needed for a critical hit to be as low as I think 11 or 12 and give someone Advantage actually really really strong going to put this in a tier but I would say it works best when you have other items that help you reduce the number needed for a critical hit or you have a way of gaining Advantage very easily because you get two goes at trying to get a critical hit for example a barbarian with Reckless attack or the risky ring which I mentioned earlier and lastly the elixir of vigilance drink to gain a plus five bonus to initiative in addition you can't be surprised this is actually the exactly the same effect as the alert feat now considering initiative is a 1 D4 roll plus your dexterity modifier plus any other bonus to initiative which I do think barbarians get maybe not danger sense feral Instinct there we are also plus three bonus to initiative and can't be surprised okay perhaps this wasn't the best character to use it on the lack of surprise from The Elixir is redundant on the bararan here but I now need to get into a fight M 14 he's always going to be going first he's so plus two from dexterity plus three from Barbarian plus five from the potion or The Elixir sorry and then whatever I roll on 1 D4 there we are job done now although this can be replaced by a feet that feet itself is really strong the effect of this so important going first is such a good thing in this game in any turn-based game if you can go first knock out two or three knock out kill two or three of your enemies they're never going to hit you it makes the future round SS even easier I would say it's potentially a bit overkill on characters who have lots of bonuses to initiative already so I think Gloom stalkers also get a bonus as well at some point you got barbarians anyone with a high dexterity perhaps you don't need it and obviously if you've got the feat then you don't need this but one way to think about this is your Elixir slot is basically a slot for very strong feet and so one last time about the opportunity cost do I want to use C invisibility where most of the time things aren't invisible or I want to get extra actions in combat or have a massive strength or go first to make sure I can just kill everything before they get a turn anyway so let me know what you think of each of these Elixir have I woefully misplaced one of these would you shove one down shove one straight up any uses that I didn't go through like I said earlier perhaps I'm missing something about one of these Elixir please let us all know and do share your information with everyone thank you to all the members of my channel and to you for watching and hopefully I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Casual Veteran Gamer
Views: 28,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 tierlist, tierlist baldur's gate 3, tierlist baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tierlist, elixir baldur's gate 3, elixir guide baldur's gate 3, bg3 elixirs, bg3 elixir tierlist, elixirs bg3, baldurs gate 3 elixirs, elixirs baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3 elixirs
Id: tKFYjqMoQ7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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