Feat Guide & Tierlist Baldur's Gate 3

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welcome to my Feats tier list video this won't be a short video considering the number of Feats i' have to go through as always this is just my casual opinion but as we're going through the things I will be thinking about are and kind of most importantly for me is the opportunity cost if I pick great weapon master or Mage Slayer it means I'm not picking one of these other Feats and we only get generally most characters will only get three Feats single class Fighters will get four since they get an extra feat at level six and single class Rogues can get up to four because they get an extra feat at level 10 and the one thing I will be comparing all Feats to is initially the ability score Improvement up here but also when we think about some of these other amazing feats for example why would I pick dungeon Dela over something let's say like great weapon Master Tavern Brawlers Sharpshooter some of these top tier Feats secondly apart from just the opportunity cost is it good for the casses SL characters that you would expect to use these feats so I'm not going to give great weapon Master to a wizard who isn't wielding any sort of weapon that can benefit from it and isn't attacking with their meley weapon I will be thinking about okay is great weapon Master good for my actual melee characters who are already wielding two-handed weapons and the third thing I will be thinking about is is the feat better than simply doing a one level dip in another class is it better than multiclassing because several of these not all of them but several of them you can get the same benefit just from a single level in another class and and all you usually miss out on is the level 12 ability for the single class which is a feat for every single class some classes do come with other resources such as monks who get key points every level so I would have to take that into account also so starting from the top although an ability Improvement isn't technically a feat as such it is on the feat window and this is what I will be comparing lots of things to so for the ability score Improvement or ability Improvement you can put up any ability Point by up to two or two separate ones by one each this is the main way that every character can improve their ability scores yes there are some items that can do this yes there are some other ways of improving some ability scores but this is like the reliable way and for example I've got Shadow heart here now before I level her up she's currently level three I'm just respecing and her spell saf DC is 15 and she can currently prepare six spells clerics Wizards Druids paladins and I think that's it from the top of my head those classes can prepare a number of spells equal to to their level plus their ability modifier for that class so by improving for example a cleric's wisdom by two let's just put that up well up to the next even number it doesn't have to be two and in fact in this particular situation I would probably even out two different ability scores anyway so when I level her up now I can now prepare up to eight spells her spells save DC went up by one and generally ability score improvements make your characters stronger at what they can do the rest of the feat pretty much the rest of the feat give them some sort of Versatility something different if you think about breadth and depth ability score Improvement is all about depth in a class and the Feats are about creating breadth to your character rather than your class as such now this is just super super strong unless you're picking a stat your your character isn't actually using you can't go wrong and you'll find there are lots of Guides Online talking about making your characters nice and strong and one of the easiest most reliable ways is making your ability score higher in the main stat that you are using interestingly this as a side note I found these icons in the game files and the wonderful ability score increase was actually called inspiring leader which is a feat from fifth edition D and D but it didn't make it into the final game and so when we think about the other Feats we do have to think about do I want to make my character have some sort of variety or do I want to make them stronger right picking random things next up on the list going alphabetically is actor this increases your charisma by one so usually you would expect to have this on the Charisma classes your proficiency bonus is doubled for deception and performance checks what this doesn't tell you just want to show you well doesn't even have Proficiency in deception or performance at the moment so if I pick actor you can see the Charisma went up to 18 and it says Charisma plus one and then we have performance proficiency and deception proficiency let's just accept that and if we come to his skills he's actually got not just expertise but well he's got proficiency and expertise all in one go for two different skills and on a Charisma character this is so strong I would only take this if my Charisma was on an odd number which at character creation making your main stat 17 is a very good thing to do because there are several Feats that give you plus one to a particular stat act being one of them and it means you can put your other proficiencies elsewhere knowing that at level four you can get expertise in deception and performance so for Charisma based characters definite s tier next up is alerts I'm just going to level Shadow heart up a bit so what does alert do you gain a plus five bonus to initiative and can't be surprised which is what that says there it's worth talking about initiative roles initiative roles in Boulders Gate 3 are not the same as in fifth edition in Boulders Gate 3 initiative is determined by the role of a 1 D4 plus your dexterity bonus normally so Shadow heart's maximum initiative would have been seven before but now it's 12 and enemies do the same role but now her minimum initiative role is one from 1 D4 plus three from dexterity which is four plus five from alert which is then the minimum of nine that will beat just about every enemy not exactly every enemy all the time but I would suggest 95% of enemies will go after Shadow heart now when a fight starts and also you can't be surprised now if you've played through the game several times you'll know where you could can be surprised and maybe you can can be ready and I'm going to put this at a not quite s because we can have an Elixir that does the same thing also the plus five is almost a bit over the top being able to go first does mean you can take enemies out before they get even a turn which means you have much less damage coming your way next up is athlete this is what we would consider also to be a half feet as in it gives you an ability score increase of one in this case to either strength or dexterity then some other sort of ability in this case when you're prone standing up uses significantly less movement only 5T that doesn't come up too often what is really nice about this feet your jump distance also increases by 50% this again is really good at level four when you potentially have a character whose dexterity or strength is an odd number now I wouldn't actually usually have this on a warlock particularly but it's nice to round off dexterity or strength and for characters who are already quite strong this makes a massive difference on monks oh it's amazing on monks your jump distance can go up massively and it really really helps with your movement around the battlefield so Will's jump distance is now 23 ft and that's that's respectable now this is usually better on characters with a high strength there are some items that can improve your jump distance and this kind of Stacks with that it's all very good I'm going to leave this at 8 assuming you are rounding off your strength or dexterity next we have charger which gives two separate actions one deal more damage so you can charge into a foe up to 30 ft doesn't provoke opportunity attacks and you make a weapon attack and it uses one of your attack plus your bonus action and then shove charge forward and you shove someone which again this time uses your action and bonus action so let's just show this some in turn base modes this is a pack to the blade warlock so they should get two attacks in a turn do want to show you that the whoops the shove uses up the whole action and bonus action whereas the weapon attack is just well a weapon attack by accuracy does use the bonus action as well though but you can see it can still do a second weapon attack in the turn but since this uses up a bonus action I mean it's not that nobody has two bonus actions there are ways of doing it you can only really do one of these once per turn I did actually pick this on my very first run through the game and I was really unimpressed with it going between C and D I might just leave it at C cuz it can be helpful for getting around but the use of the bonus action really sucks because let the charger shove if I can reach someone okay it doesn't provoke opportunity attacks but as a melee class I can probably take an attack or two and either it won't hit or short it's a little bit of damage it's not the end of the world and then I can take two attacks and shove afterwards if I really want to have a go it's the same chance of shoving someone whether I'm using charger or just the shove bonus action Yeah the more I think about it the fact that uses the bonus action is really not very good because lots of classes do or Mele classes do have a use for their bonus action and I don't want to use it really for this and then maybe some of you have had some really really good use out of it or something you can let me know next is crossbow expert so when you make crossbow attacks within melee range the attack RS do not have disadvantage normally they would and this is crossbow attacks only your piercing shot also inflicts gaping wounds for twice as long so for four rounds instead of two don't take this if you're not using a crossbow that will be that would be a very silly idea so here we are I've got Harold one of the coolest crossbow is actually inflicting Bane on a hit potentially right so we can see here I don't have disadvantage whereas let's say will I'm trying to shoot someone nearby I do have disadvantage because they're too close it says disadvantage from equipment also but Point still stands Target's too close and then yes piercing shot will last well four turns instead of two I'm really going to leave this in C tier I'm really thinking about D to be honest most characters who are seriously thinking about using crossbows will be a marshall character who will have probably proficiency with all Marshall weapons and two attacks at least if not three for a fighter and yeah I mean just the switch to your melee weapon it doesn't do doesn't cost an action or anything you can switch freely doesn't matter and the gaping wounds being for four turns instead of two I mean most enemies are dead within that time anyway that's completely wasted the more I say this out loud the less and less impressed I am with it I'm going put it down to D tier next up will be defensive dualist soone attacked while wielding a finesse weapon it's not any old weapon it does have to be a finesse weapon and you're proficient with it i' assume you would be anyway you can use a reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your armor class so this will start out as plus two then to plus three at level five and then eventually to plus four possibly causing the attack to miss so this is only for a single attack so we do need a finesse weapon this one ah actually this is a great weapon to actually show off this is probably the best use of the of the Fe this particular rapia dualists prerogative gives you two or gives you an extra reaction per turn you were witnessed assaulting someone let's see if I can make uh this work so in all of these attacks I've had so many now none of them have even proed made it work because there is a quite narrow range of rolls they have to get within there's two turns now and not once has it actually worked here we are right defensive dualist they all 21 so we can make them Miss but then on their next attack my armor class isn't any higher anymore it's just for a single attack and so towards the end of the game I actually think the worthiness of this feet goes down and down because there are potentially enemies that have more than one attack now this is a bit of a different situation because I've only got one character so all attacks are coming his way I think earlier in the game this is better because most enemies only have a single attack one nice thing about it is it's resourceless apart from the fact it uses a reaction otherwise it's not that great you've got so many attacks incoming making one attack Miss maybe two if you've got the one weapon that gives you an extra reaction sure that's okay but overall I'm not that impressed with it next up is dual wielder you can use two weapon fighting even if your weapons aren't like what this means is that you can actually have two one-handed weapons in each hand even if the weapons aren't light normally you would need both weapons to be light if you want to dual wield weapons if you are dual wielding then you get a plus one bonus to Armor class which is kind of nice because if you are proficient with shields actually you only lose out on one Armor class compared to a normal Shield when you take this obviously it means you can't have a magical Shield though you cannot dual wield heavy weapons that basically means two-handed weapons I'm not actually going to take it on this fighter because one of the best use cases of it is actually on spellcasters so Gail's a human so actually he does have proficiency with shields some spellcasters don't have proficiency with shields see not really losing out by dual wielding and the reason this is good for spellcasters is you can have two usually staves that have some awesome magical effects I've got marah hesia here one of the best quarter staves in the game that's awes and in his off hand I don't have the you know maybe second best Quarter Staff I've got a half decent one from earlier in the game you gain a plus one bonus to spell save DC and attack rolls amazing I've now just got plus two bonus for my weapons Gil spell save DC is now 22 it's not the highest you can get by any means but considering all I've had to use is a feet his intelligence is already 20 this is a really really good feat for spellcasters maybe towards level 12 when you're actually getting two quarter staves worth to your wielding oh don't usually take it on martial classes what you do gain out of it is an extra attack with your bonus action but unless you have the two weapon fighting style which most martial classes can get then you don't add your ability score bonus to that offhand attack going to stick it an a tier it's not the best of the best but is still very very useful next up is dungeon Dela you gain advantage on perception checks made to detect hidden objects including traps and on saving throws to avoid or resist traps and you're resistant to damage dealt by traps either opportunity cost here is far too high advantage on perception checks is cool and all but you've got four characters in your party you get four rolls anyway it's usually good idea to have one character at least who's got a high wisdom and I find traps don't actually even kill me that often the worst part is they knock you back maybe somewhere into an abyss or something that's the worst that can happen trap damage is usually dealt outside of combat while you are exploring and you can heal easily outside of combat there no worries there uh for me this is a detp probably one of the worst Feats in the game it's just there's no point to it you can heal yourself outside of combat with a short rest or long rest or potion or good Berry or raspberry not a problem you can set traps off with summons you don't have to send your your characters in even next up is durable your Constitution increases by one so another half ft you gain full hit points each time you take a short rest I mean this is more for convenience than anything else I'm going to put it in C tier only because of the Constitution plus one you know having the extra Constitution can help and it's just a tiny bit more convenient now I do believe here where is it gone short rest full heel you have this fully restored on a short rest if you want to convenience sake you can just turn on this custom difficulty and then you don't even need to take a feet for it but not everyone's going to go and do that obviously the next feat is Elemental adapt you pick one of the elements as it were your spells and attacks ignore resistance to a damage type of your choice one of these which is kind of nice because there aren't too many enemies that are immune to too much but there are quite a lot that are resistant to some of these types of damage and when you cast spells of that type you cannot roll a one so going to pick fire I mean Shadow heart isn't known maybe for being being able to do lots of fire damage but since I've made her a light cleric at the moment let's go for a fireball no talking your way out of this and one of the reasons Shadow heart gets to go first is because of the alert feet I picked up with her earlier right so we don't get to see this but we we just cannot roll a one so the minimum initial damage rolled will be I guess we'll be 16 but it really raises up your minimum damage it is only for a single type of damage you can take it multiple times I think this is B tier the resist the ignoring resistance is good the extra damage is nice but you won't be doing huge amounts of extra damage it's a solid pick but you are missing out on some better Feats essentially next is great weapon Master this has got several things going on and by the way if you didn't already know this is an amazing feat when you land a critical hits or kill a target with a melee weapon attack this can can be with any weapon it doesn't have to be with a great weapon as such you can make another melee attack as a bonus action so if you still have a bonus action present and left you can then attack for an extra time also with melee weapons you are proficient with and wielding in both hands this can be a versatile weapon it doesn't have to be a two-handed weapon you can deal an additional 10 damage at the cost of a minus five attack roll and you can toggle it on and off so the toggle is in the passive section but what I would suggest you actually do if you do have someone with great weapon Master open up your spell list I pressed K and you can drag the passive into the hot bar and turn it on and off let see if I have it off got an 80% chance to hit Gail I should equip a 200 weapon shouldn't I right let's go for the awesome one there we are so there's 80% chance if I turn it on I've got 55% chance but I do an extra 10 damage now it can be a bit frustrating dealing with this but ways to get around it you could cast bless getting Advantage so you could knock an enemy prone we could have the gloves of the growling Underdog an item from the goblin Camp very strong set of gloves the risky ring gives you advantage in all your attacks be a barbarian where you can use Reckless attack so I mean 32 damage is ridiculous just for a normal attack part that is because of the weapon and wielding to be fair CS I've got a lower chance to hit but when I do hit oh I'm not level 11 yet ah that was a mistake one nice thing is that it does stack with pomel strike it would stack with cleave I don't have it ready you get a plus 10 which isn't divided by two I've used my bonus action but we can see that here if I had a bonus action I'd be able to use it it Stacks with all of the Battle Master Maneuvers any other source of damage and overall is absolutely amazing if your character is using a two-handed weapon I I see no reason not to take great weapon Master basically next up is heavily armored which gives you armor proficiency with with heavy armor and your strength is increased by one yet another half feet this is one of the Feats probably the first feet we've come across where taking a level in another class is probably better than taking heavily armored the characters who need to use this feat to get heavy armor frency will be classes that don't already have it and I would suggest that most of those classes probably don't need strength plus one Fighters and paladins come with heavy armor proficiency from the get-go Rangers can get it from level one from one of the options they take some clerics can get heavy armor proficiency from level one also so maybe you want your Druid in heavy armor I doubt your Druid is going to be using strength or your Wizard or anything else so what could you do instead well you could this is a fighter he's already got a heavy armor proficiency but I could could just take a level in cleric or Paladin or Ranger for Ranger you would need Ranger Knight you get preny and heavy armor so if you don't really need any sort of spell slot progression you're not too worried about it getting to level 11 on a I don't know a sorcerer or something then I would probably suggest this multiclassing instead there are some great heavy armors like for example from Grim Forge from towards the end of Act One some of the armor there is really really good for a long long time so it's not that having heavy armor proficiency is bad it is not it is great but getting it from the feat just isn't quite worth it in my opinion so I'm going to put it down in C tier maybe if it let you change another ability score perhaps it would be higher I mean it's thematic that it does strength I don't disagree with it but it's just the fact it does strength uh it's not that useful for most classes following on from heavily armored is heavy armor Master yet again strength increases by one incoming damage from non-magical attacks also decreases by three while you're wearing heavy armor so this is a nice feat to round off strength that might be an odd number and this goes very well with any heavy armor that already decreases incoming damage so for example I've got the adamantine splint armor all incoming damage is reduced by two so this Stacks up with the three with heavy armor Master but bear in mind heavy armor Master doesn't reduce all damage so if I go and get into trouble you will witnessed assaulting someone and just there I took eight damage instead of 13 saving five hit points now for one attack that's not very much but now I've actually just saved myself 10 hit points of damage because I was hit twice and over the course of a game every long rest every short rest that actually adds up to quite a lot if you use this with warding Bond probably goes up to S tier if you're not using warding Bond so I'm going to leave it at B because the strength plus one we can't change however it should be fairly useful for most people who are wanting to use heavy armor master and it doesn't reduce damage from all damage sources so if you're being hit by anything magical this isn't actually going to help there next is lightly armored and lightly armored gives you proficiency with light armor and you can increase your strength or dexterity by plus one now the thing is is nine classes out of 12 already start from character creation with light armor proficiency the only ones that don't are monks Sorcerers and wizards Sorcerers and wizards can have other ways of increasing the armor class anyway and most monks apart from maybe a Tavern braw a monk wouldn't even want to be wearing any light armor in the first place also there are four races that give light armor proficiency humans half elves Shield dwarfs and GI yany so if you want to make a sorcerer or Wizard or I guess a monk and you want to have light armor proficiency perhaps choose one of those races obviously if you want to role play a race then you should feel free to do that this is a bit like heavily armored in the sense that it's probably better to just multiclass because just about every class nine classes out of 12 come with lights armor proficiency clerics let's pick a what was it water domain cleric we get all armors and proficiency with all weapons as well so by choosing a particular class you can actually get more than just light armor proficiency not not everybody wants the multiclass I understand that perhaps you don't want to lose the progression of something if you pick a cleric you can actually continue your spell slot progression so if you're really looking for armor proficiency from your feet I I'd strongly suggest actually multiclassing another downside to multi classing here though is you miss out on the plus one strength or dexterity and you can even that out round that out to an even number to get the extra bonus to that St either strength or dexterity but a bit like with heavily armored I'm going to leave it in C tier not many classes even need this anyway but because it's a half feet where you can choose to increase the a stat that drags it out of the critical Miss for me that then leads us to Lucky now something I do want to kind of point out before I carry on as I'm going through the screens here even the Feats I put down at like d tier I'm sure most of them have some Niche uses some particular special case uses anyway lucky you gain three luck points and you can use these to give yourself advantage on attack rolls ability checks saving throws or make an enemy roll their attack rolls let's actually just use that so roll with Advantage roll attackers die let's see should I hit no I couldn't do that could I right I will take that off so I don't do too much damage G might get a bit annoyed so if I'm missing with my unarmed strike I I can roll it you get three luck points they re replenish on a long rest and you can affect enemies and you can use this on skill checks so it's not even just a combat uh feet there I quite like this this is quite a Good Feet this is really really good for minimizing or mitigating risks so especially in honor mode I I feel like this the benefit of Lucky is actually very high because there are certain times you really don't want to either miss or fail a particular saving throw or skill check and lucky is going to really really help with that then we have Mage Slayer lots of different things going on here so when a creature casts a spell within melee range that's really what for me kind of lets this all down within melee range of you you have advantage on any saving throw against it that's cool and you can use a reaction to immediately make an attack against the Caster that's cool you're weaponizing your reaction that's always good enemies you hit have disadvantage on concentration saving throws also pretty good there are other ways of breaking concentration such as casting whole person or knocking someone prone or just outright making them go to zero hit points so that's the three features there and so the main problem is you have to put the Mage Slayer next to someone who's going to cast spells now I know one of these here one of these fist here does cast spells Al he does in in snaring strikes maybe fist wor is actually going to be the easiest one you were witnessed assaulting someone so because I knew that was going to happen I can now actually attack him which is cool and this is lucky coming into play oops but now if any of these fist up here cast the spell I'm fairly sure got can I can't do anything about it ignoring the fact I've used my reaction but you have to be next to someone and this is not always going to happen I love the idea of Mage Slayer I love the potential versatility it gives but knowing when an enemy is going to cast spells is you have to have kind of knowledge of the game ahead of time almost and by the time you've seen an enemy cast a spell perhaps are too far away some are obvious some like fist for example are quite clearly Wizards and that's fine you can go Target them and the other thing is that not every enemy casts spells in this fight here the effectively the Ranger and the I think she might be a paladin of some sort or clerical fighter I know I've got 1 2 3 four enemies that don't still Watcher wouldn't have done and yeah I guess there are in most battles some enemies that cast spils one or two even early on in the game but for me it's the opportunity cost I'd much rather have one of these ones above than Mage Slayer next up all the magic and this ship feuit I'm kind of going do all of them at once rather than do it six separate times where I'll be saying some very similar things so first of all what do these magic initiate Feats allow you to do you get to pick two c trips from that class's spell list so at the moment Shadow heart is a cleric and I can pick magic initiate Bard so I can pick two Bard C trips but the problem is because it's well not problem but something to be aware of the spells that come from the other class's spell list are cast using the ability modifier for that class so as it says here your spell casting ability for all three spells or get to the third spell in the second is Charisma Shadow heart's Charisma is 12 it's not that great at least it's got a Bonus to plus one I suppose so keep that in mind if you're choosing this spell so actually I wouldn't pick fishous mockery the spell save DC for this will be based on her Charisma but maybe Mage hand and dancing lights or friends or blade Ward are not dependent on the spell save DC or the Charisma modifier so it doesn't matter too much and then you get to pick one spell so I could pick something that isn't on the cleric spell list would be a good idea actually picking a ritual is not a bad idea either let's say long strier so then I can cast this and that's kind of cool this is giving versatility some different spells that your class your character doesn't normally have access to but what could I do instead well I'm actually at level 12 with Shadow Hut all I'm getting at this level is some extra hit points and a feat that's it really I've already got access to the level six spells and I can prepare one more spell because I've got one more level in cleric what could I do instead do you know what I could just multic class into bar get access to two can trps and then four spells she doesn't already have access to now yes they are dependent on her Charisma modifier but I could cast these spells with my regular spell slots I could pick 1 two three four these four they're all ritual spells actually they're not dependent on the spell save DC I get to pick an instrument and in fact because I'm a Bard I can pick an extra skill and basically get more benefit from taking a single level in that class you're looking at now since she is a cleric perhaps actually picking D for example is a good idea because they they share the same spell casting ability which is wisdom and then I get access to all these spells yes she has access to some of them already and now she has access to even more and even a martial class if you wanted to cast spells it's not a bad idea to multic class rather than Pick Magic initiate again there are classes that get some resources every level or perhaps you want to reach a certain level in a certain class so maybe you do want to pick this as a feat so it's not they're not completely useless but because we can multiclass a single level it's usually better to multiclass not always not always which is why it's C it has its uses and perhaps you just don't want to role play a character that is multiclass do you just want to play a pure fighter that's had some B training so pick magic and a B next up is Marshall Adept so you learned two Maneuvers from the Battle Master subass now my T here I've for the purposes of this video I've made a fighter so I can get more Feats and here's a battle master so he's already got some of these Maneuvers picked he can pick two more I repost and rally let's say and you gain a superiority die to fuel them and you regain this on a short rest or long rest the main reason I made this character a Battle Master for the video is really martiall adapt is only properly useful for a Battle Master fighter because then you get two more options and an extra superiority die if he had been a barbarian for example sure picking two of these is kind of cool but you can do it once per short rest and after a long rest and that's just not good enough for a fe like the opportunity cost is too high like you're going to miss out on some of the other great feats or ability score Improvement just to get one extra effect at maximum once per battle I don't think that's really worth it for Battle Masters themselves I think it's quite High probably a not s but a giving yourself even more versatility and an extra resource the other classes is kind of down at D but I did say at the beginning of the video is this good for classes I would expect to use it and honestly for martiall adapt I'd only expect Battle Master fighters to use this but I don't know if the intention is to let other martial classes use I'm going to put it down and see it's just too much of a niche feat at least all these others can apply to multiple different types of characters as a marshall class I do not want to use Marshall adapt unless I'm a Battle Master fighter per that's not quite in the spirit of what I said earlier but I don't think this is really worth it next up is medium armor master so when you wear medium armor it doesn't impose this disadvantage on stealth checks and this does only apply to medium armor bonus to armor Clash you can gain from dexterity modifier also becomes plus three instead of plus two now that sounds pretty cool because well let's be honest it kind of is now I don't know if I've got this prepared however however however there are several suits of medium armor that basically have that feet built in I'm just really hoping I've got a piece here unfortunately I didn't buy it right let me load up a game so I've loaded up an old game I've just got to the last Light in I'm level six and in here is the first time we come across here we are y want scale M add your full dexterity modifier you're full dexterity modifier not even limited to plus three to your armor class additionally this armor class does not impose disadvantage exactly what medium armor Master does and you get a plus one bonus to initiative roles and this isn't the only medium armor that does this there are a few more suits in the game which which have high armor classes and if you're worried about the armor class that much if you're not a fighter take one level and fighter and just get the defense fighting style plus some other benefits the fact that there are pieces of armor that are actually better than having this feet I've got put it down in D after finding the Yuan scale male and other armors like it there's just no reason to take this really I'd really advise against it the other thing lacking about medium armor Master before I go on to the next feat is that heavy armor Master gives strength plus one medium armor Master gives no stat bonuses the next feet is mobile your movement speed increases by 10 ft that's permanent can't be taken away from you difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when you dash that's that's a nice side benefit if you move after making a melee attack you don't provoke opportunity attacks from your target so if you're worried about opportunity attacks you want to get a martial well doesn't have to be martial you want to make somebody faster pick mobile I think it's actually quite a good feat it goes particularly well with any class that can Dash as a bonus action but even without dashing just the fact it increases your movement speed and prevents opportunity attacks if you hit it's very nice to have the tav's movement speed here is now 40 ft instead of 30 can attack the edly they don't actually they already had that going attack oh no opportunity attacks so you can get around run out of actions okay fine I'll use my bonus action fine that applies slugged so yeah you can get around attacking whoever you want and they don't get any opportunity attacks back next up is moderately armored you gain armor proficiency with medium armor and shields your strength or dexterity increases by plus one another half feet and this is really I think really good to give to the classes that get light armor proficiency but not medium armor so Rogues although Rogues you might think like oh but light armor is dependent on dexterity and Rogues have got a high dexterity usually so it' be a good idea and you're not wrong really not wrong but as we've already seen there are some pieces of armor that let you add your dexterity bonus to medium armor also proficiency with shields is nice warlocks can really benefit from this as well and the fact it's a half feet is very very nice martial classes don't need need to pick this is really is for the classes that are Caster classes I think for them it's very very nice especially if you've got an odd strength or dexterity overall I for the Caster classes those that aren't Marshall I would often want to even out dexterity so your initiative goes up and potentially Armor class and dexterity saving throws and all so you get generally everyone gets some use of dexterity having a higher strength isn't that bad it's not as if it's like the worst thing ever but it's it is nice to have extra carry weight and and extra jump distance potentially I personally prefer evening out dexterity but in this example if this was a cast I'd still actually make the strength an even number and next up I'll just skip straight to it former your charisma increases by one I don't know why we get the option here like we have to click plus one it does and you gain musical instrument proficiency I'm not that impressed by this let's actually take it sadly we don't even get a musical instrument when we take the the feet I understand why not you know wouldn't appear out of nowhere you don't need musical instrument you can't just [Music] whistle and it's kind of cool but we can actually get this from alera in The Druids Groove not the whole perform of feat sorry we can get proficiency with musical instruments but I think as a feet the opportunity cost is just too high yes it's a half feet so maybe I could put it in C but I'm going to take actor above performer when I've got two half Feats that give plus one Charisma I'd so much rather have EXP in performance and deception and just plan ahead to get performer from alfir than anything else some of you may disagree with me on that again it's great for role playing you want to create your musical uh musical character or if you really want proficiency with musical instruments go multiclass into Bard for one level you don't get the plus one Charisma but you get so many other things okay polar Master when attacking with the glaive halir quarter star or spear you can use a bonus action to attack with the butt of your weapon it will do 1 D4 damage I believe I'll just double check that later yeah one4 blending there that's okay if you've got great weapon Master you can potentially use your bonus action to attack much more strongly if you do wielding so there are other ways to attack with your bonus action but you know this is okay you can also make an opportunity attack when a target comes within range that's the much more useful part of this feat so if I attack I get this bonus action here 1 D4 plus six plus the strength modifier let's see if anyone walks within range well they jumped over oh why didn't that work even when they came quite close I'm not getting my opportunity attacks I don't know if it's because actually they're staying just outside his range whether they know and seemingly this is in tactician this isn't on a mode but seemingly they're um quite clever I've now used my reaction which is why presumably she came a bit closer there we are finally an enemy moved into reach I'm assuming most enemies in fact throughout the game most enemies do not have whole arms themselves so they don't have that ability to oh game over oh no yeah most enemies don't have the ability to hit you from range like that in melee I'm going to leave it in B because it does force you to use weapon a certain type of weapon and if you don't have that certain type of weapon you can't use it the conditions for it to be working are a tiny bit too specific for me to put it up in a if you combine it with some awesome bonuses so when you do get that bonus action attack then perhaps I could put it higher going to leave it in B for now let me know if you disagree with that one in particular so we still do have a bug with polar Master I've just walked into the range of fist celener if I use this she's going to attack me that should not be happening I was actually trying to test out if using a glaive would be better because of the larger reach the opportunity attack doesn't really seem to be proing when our enemies actually get within my reach still seemingly it does need to be within the 5T range sadly next is resilient you increase an ability by one and gain Proficiency in that ability is saving throws I think the most common use of this is going for resilient Constitution for spellcasters who need to maintain concentration so if I pick this Shadow Hearts Constitution saving throw will go up to plus six plus two from her ability score and her proficiency bonus will be plus 4 and that means for most concentration checks the most common DC is a dc10 constitution saving throw it doesn't have to be 10 it's 10 or half the Damage Done in that hits whichever is the higher number and for most of the game you're not being you're not actually being hit for more than 21 damage yes there are times where you are and the the DC is much high so assuming that is a DC of 10 because most Constitution saving throws will be it means her chance to pass goes up from 65% currently up to 85% which is pretty good now there is an potential opportunity cost for resilient which is with warcaster warcaster gives you Advantage with saving throws to maintain concentration with the same current Constitution score and the DC of 10 warcaster gives an 88% chance to hit because of that Advantage which sounds a tiny bit better because it is however if if you make a constitution 16 after taking resilient Constitution so it starts at 15 the chance to pass a concentration saving throw is 90% but the other great benefit of resilient Constitution it is for all Constitution saving throws so throws against often Thunder damage and poison damage or being poisoned as well this will help you pass those Che saving throws much more easily compared to warcaster the other potential one you might pick up for defense purposes is resilient wisdom for the classes that don't have Proficiency in wisdom saving throws having proficiency and wisdom saving throws is a very lovely thing to have because all of the nasty control spells things like hold person command and some other nasty nasty spells Target the wisdom saving throw and this is one way to actually get proficiency with wisdom saving throws I'm going to put this at s tier because we can pick what stat we want to increase which also goes up by one and gaining that proficiency is so important for spellcasters especially just for the concentration saving through aspect alone but it isn't Limited to that we could pick cheny in any saving throw that we want then ritual Caster is next you get access to two ritual spells of your choice out of these six speak with dead there is an amulet almost the beginning of the game by the time you're level two even you can get an access to an amulet that gives you speak with dead so I probably wouldn't pick that then we've got these other rituals now it's kind of only two they can be nice to have but if you're absolutely desperate for two of these you can pick pretty much either Wizard or druid and get access to any two of these here even as a level one wizard if your intelligence is 12 you can then prepare two wizard spells if it's not then actually you can't you can only prepare one spell for Druids your Druid level plus your wisdom modifier let's have a quick look at Druids just to show you so Druids get access to speak with animals long Strider and jump the ritual spells anyway and then Wizards get access to feather fall long strier enhanced leap so I called it jump ear enhanced leap this gu self and fine familiar so this is another one where I would suggest just just but I would suggest multiclassing if you're okay giving up one level to get access to more than just two ritual spells you get access to more of them but the nice thing about ritual Caster is that the you've always got these two spells prepared you don't have to worry about either learning it taking out one of your spells known or spells prepared on a prepared Caster class has it uses but I imagine somebody in the party might already have access to these spells anyway then Savage attacker this is pretty much Advantage rolls on your damage rolls so I can just share this off against Withers he doesn't get too upset one so there I got an eight I rolled a two and then an eight awesome yeah R 2D eight so initially I rolled a two and a five sometimes I do wonder about this okay so I rolled two and a five and it rolled them out and put a two so you're like oh I took the three and the two well actually it took the five the three and the five because we can see the damage is eight here this Savage attacks is actually from the fact that this tab is an awful half orc it's not from the Savage attacker feet slightly badly worded there let's stick the solor on my accuracy so this time I roll 22 on 4 D6 that's really good the maximum is 24 and without the rerolls the chances of that are very very slim now if I go and hit Vol sorry Vol oopsy uh again right yes I'm I'm getting my rolls uh this zest here it really competes with great weapon Master you don't need both I'd pick one or the other of course you can take both but the plus 10 from great weapon Master isn't affected by Savage attacker it is just the rolls well actual dice rolls and the nice thing about Savage attacker is it doesn't decrease your accuracy guess we can overcome the accuracy debuff from great weapon Master but if you apply those same Buffs to someone with Savage attacker they're much more likely to hit also now this is for melee attacks only so it doesn't doesn't apply to ranged attacks but for the characters who can use it it's absolutely amazing sentinol is the next feat and so if an enemy makes an attack against an ally so they do have to be within melee range then this the character who has the Sentinel feet can use their reaction to make an attack against the attacking enemy also you have advantage on opportunity attacks and if you hit a creature with an opportunity attack it can no longer move for the rest of its turn so we got three different abilities there quite a busy feat and I'll show you something I quite like to do if I have a character with Sentinel so when an enemy attacks an ally within 5T we can get enemies to make opportunity attacks against us so your Sentinel can get an opportunity attack against them which I think is pretty cool so if you keep everyone around your Sentinal character any melee attacks got to keep in mind we'll have an attack back against them all right you go off to Shadow heart I'll go after to you it works even with the AO there we are I like this it's a good feat this is what talking about earlier with kind of Versatility doing something different when you've got Feats we can weaponize our OPP opportunity attacks our reactions and we didn't see it there because I don't think I took a normal opportunity attack we do stop the enemy in their tracks as well which can be very powerful Sharpshooter is pretty much the great weapon master of ranged weapons you can have a minus 5 penalty to attack roll for an additional 10 damage and also you don't receive penalty from High Ground rules a nice little extra feature there and just like with great weapon Master you can turn this ability on and off I would suggest putting it into your hot bar so I've got Sharpshooter all in 95% okay 65% chance to hit we've got good chances to hit still one weapon I've got here the Deadshot the wielder doubles their proficiency bonus when rolling ranged attacks unless they have disadvantage at the high levels your proficiency bonus is plus4 which almost negates the whole minus accuracy from Sharpshooter feels almost like a fre extra 10 damage pretty much it's awesome I don't need to really show it against proper enemies 21 damage I don't even have a good dexterity it's only plus two if you've got someone who has the archery fighting style that actually adds plus two to your ranged attack RS so with that and this bow you've got such a good chance to hit anyway you could give yourself bless find a way to get Advantage this is just yeah just as good as great weapon Master kind of better because there are more ways to negate accuracy penalty I would say next is Shield Master which gives you a plus two bonus to all dexterity saving throws if you have a shield and if a spell forces you to make a dexterity saving throw if you pass that saving throw then you take no damage from that area of effect spell and if you fail it you still take damage but only half damage so got a shield equipped de7 throws are now plus four instead of plus two if G Ops out Fireball hopefully missing oh is an invocation Wizard and if Will sends out a fireball hopefully missing scratch block took no damage and that's probably the best use of Shield master I would say is actually taking less damage from your allies area of effect spells we can have evocation Wizards and we can have the sorcer of metam magic that makes your allies past their saving throws outside of that there's no other way to reduce the incoming damage either way though I don't find it that useful I've always suggested instead of taking Shield Master add two to dexterity instead or get an even number and put some other ability scorer why because increasing your dexterity increases your initiative plus one your dexterity serving throw by plus one also it affects your ranged weapon attacks their their attack rols and their damage roles and actually the number of enemy spell casters that cast area of effect spells like shatter or Thunder Wave or burning hands or Fireball is relatively low I see burning hands every now and again like taking the reduced damage from Shield Master is cool it is it is good I do like it but I just don't see it happen that often and again thinking about opportunity cost do I want to have a feat where I'm going to use it once in every I don't know two fights three fights that is a bit of a guess I could take Shield master or I could take Savage attacker and just always do much better damage like generally in this game it is much better to take enemies out of combat altogether than try and survive an extra rounds where next round there's another attack coming from that same combatant the next feat is skilled which gives you proficiency and three skills of your choice and this is any three skills for any class so here we get to pick three as a half walk fighter I've currently got Proficiency in five skills but perhaps I want to increase my deception and AR and animal handling whatever you pick three skills up to you perhaps you want someone else who's even better at perception I'm going to leave this in C tier generally if I'm worried about Who's got what skills I would probably just resp or worry about it at character creation then try to fix it with a feet but it's not a bad pick though because not every class has access to every skill you've got your background you've got your class you've got your race that gives you proficiency with skills and this lets you not have to worry about it it also does allow you to create a kind of main character I know a lot of people when they create their character the Tav which like 93% of people create their own character anyway I can't quite remember the exact number most people want that character to be good in conversations which is fair enough if you want to play a fighter you don't have to give yourself great Charisma if you pick up efficiency in those skills so perhaps you just want to pick this feat instead next up is spell sniper which gives you access to one of these six C trips the great thing about spell sniper is that sure I can I can get Shadow heart to pick Al blast but it will be dependent on her wisdom not Charisma as would be normal so you can get access to spells that use your spellcasters spellcasting ability rather than the normal ability for where that kind trip comes from additionally when you cast the spell the number needed to roll a critical hit is reduced by one and that effect can stack so maybe I want to do this right now that that's kind of cool it's kind of great you get access to a new C trip sadly just one and yes it will rely on my C my wisdom now there we are plus four proficiency plus four wisdom modifier there we are now that increased critical hit chance sounds sounds cool sounds great however there are very few spells that actually require an attack rle above scorching r at level two no other cleric spell requires an attack roll oh sorry contagion does apologies most of the important spells require saving throats so that minus one isn't probably as good as you might think you've got lots of the items or abilities that reduce the number needed for critical hit maybe focusing on alich blast would be okay then again to get the most out of alich blast you should probably be a warlock and you get the invocations that can make it better that was a bit pathetic wasn't it all right going to leave it at B the best thing about this spell for me is the fact you get access to an attack en can trip that uses the spell casting ability of of your class reduced number needed for a critical hit is nice but won't come into effect as much as you might think next up is Tavern brawler if any of you have ever watched any video about build guides before on YouTube or read about it on Reddit the bg3 builds Reddit for example T braw is well known to basically be a broken mess what does it do well the main thing it does it adds your strength modifier twice to the attack rolls and damage rolls for unarmed attacks and throwing weapon attacks this plus six is so strong there's no other way to get a straight up consistent plus six bonus without using any resources and the extra Damage Done is just like icing on top oh that's fun of Al bling damage I didn't just do 26 now I'm on a fighter I didn't even pick the best one of the two best classes two classes that really benefit from this are monks and barbarians especially with the throwing weapon attack with the barbarians I probably should have created an extra tier above all the rest to put Tav brawler it's just kind of absurd at just how good it is next up is tough your hit point maximum increases by two for every level you have gained very simple there so at level 12 you have an extra 24 hit points so now my fighter here has 124 hit points instead of 100 I would however usually consider just putting your Constitution up by two because you get an extra one hit point point level not extra two but with the extra Constitution you also get a plus one bonus to your save Constitution saving throws now I do believe I'm just going to double check this now do believe on the lowest difficulty if I go down to explore for a second you get oh my gosh so many extra hit points I don't even know the number an extra 100 out of 124 I'm just going to reload and compare the two numbers so this time I'm just going to put my Constitution up by two so that's 112 12 oh I've still got 224 hit points huh well what I was thinking of saying is tough is better on the lower difficulties but actually it's just as good as putting Constitution up by two by the looks of it I think for the higher difficulties I'm just going to put on critical miss the extra plus one to Constitution sing throws is probably better the extra 12 hit points it doesn't mean that much and you can have Aid and heroes Feast on top and if you are buffing yourself I would say appropriate appropriately at least with Aid that lost 12 hit points isn't that much and if you're want to spell cter especially just put your Constitution up by two because then your concentration saving throws are going to be higher the Constitution saving throws next up is warcaster you get advantage on serving throws to maintain concentration so this Advantage is specifically for concentration no other constittution the saving throws and you can also use a reaction to cast shock and grasp but only as an opportunity attack not as a normal CRA so we'll see shock and grasp doesn't appear here but it's an extra way to have an opportunity attack and it will use her wisdom the modifier not intelligence or Charisma as if it was a wizard or sorcerer the main use for warcaster is maintaining concentration I would say the opportunity spell as it's called is is a nice little bonus that we get and I'm going to put this at a it's a very good feat in the early game it is better than res resilient Constitution for maintaining concentration later in the game it's kind of on par although if your Constitution is at 16 I'd probably go for resilient Constitution over warter for that purpose but it's a staple of lots of Caster builds again gives you a little bit of extra versatility in combat by casting a spell as a reaction rather than a normal weapon attack but hopefully most of the time your squishy spell casters will be a bit further back and might not need to have an opportunity attack and lastly we have weapon Master you gain Proficiency in four weapons of your choice and strength or dexterity increased by one so maybe I want shadowart to be proficient with a heavy crossbow not such a bad idea and then let's find some finesse weapons rapia short sword simitar maybe instead of simitar long sword I want to use Phar lve with her and let's even out the strength but this is another one of the Feats where if I really want Proficiency in some weapons I'd much rather it's probably better to take a level in another class if you want to maintain your spell slot progression pick a war domain cleric will be fine you get martial weapon proficiency I think Tempest domains as well this can be good for Rogues maybe aaran if he starts with a dexterity of 17 maybe you could pick weapon Master to get that dexterity up to 18 and then give him Proficiency in well heavy crossbows and all finesse weapons though he has a high heal he already has Proficiency in a fair few extra weapons which is nice a bit like with the magic initiate Feats because we can get this most of this from multiclass and going to leave it down here and most people who are using weapons have Proficiency in weapons that they already need to have Proficiency in so giv weapon Master preny to a weapon to a wizard isn't generally going to be that useful but the nice thing is it can and round out or even out an ability score of strength or dexterity so there we are that's my casual opinion for me I basically have a bunch of Feats I always really like to take and a whole bunch I always avoid and every now and again I pick some of these in the middle I would say some of the ones further down are more for convenience sake than anything else but the ones at the top are really going to carry you through the game especially on the harder difficulties obviously you pick whatever feet you want I'm not here to tell you what you should and shouldn't take I just want to make sure you are fully informed of what each of the Feats do so thank you very much for watching do let me know what you would change tell me where I'm wrong tell me some of the specific cases I've missed out I can't include all the information about every single feet otherwise this will go on forever thank you very much for watching and hopefully I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Casual Veteran Gamer
Views: 47,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 tierlist, tierlist baldur's gate 3, tierlist baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tierlist, feats baldur's gate 3, feat guide baldur's gate 3, bg3 feats, bg3 feat tierlist
Id: sap0lSNeLRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 38sec (3398 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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