Elementary Levels - Lesson 23: What are your job skills

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hello everyone today we are going to review can and able to four ability so can and able to which both Express ability we will also review the present continuous tense finally we will learn some new ing nouns also called gerrans so these are nouns that end in I in G but first let's review or let's learn some new vocabulary please take a look at your screen a carpenter is a person who builds houses he also builds chairs desks tables and beds a carpenter uses a hammer nails a saw screws and a screwdriver now a plumber is a person who fixes problems in the kitchen and the bathroom he can fix a leaky faucet he can fix a leaky drain next picture an electrician is a person who works with electricity next picture a veterinarian is a doctor who helps animals and a janitor is a person who cleans rooms and buildings a janitor uses a mop a bucket and a broom next picture a trainer is a person who works in a gym she or he shows people how to exercise is next example a seamstress is a woman whose souls or alters clothes she uses a needle and thread she may use a sewing machine now let's begin with can four ability take a look at some more examples a carpenter can build a house a pilot can fly a plane a farmer can take care of kells and sheep a teacher can help students so can expresses ability in the present and the future the negative of can is can't cannot or can not these are all negative expressions of can ok let's look at some more examples Larry isn't a truck driver he can't drive a truck Paul isn't a doctor he cannot help his ill mother I am NOT a farmer I cannot milk a cow ok now let's practice Sylvia what is your father's job my father works and my father works for the city he can drive a big truck and he fixes the streets and the sidewalks very good Alberto what is your father's job my did you tie it he can't work he has a bad back he has a bad arm oh I'm sorry Linda what is your mother's job she's a housewife she can't cook very well her Spanish rice is wonderful good alright thank you everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen a veterinarian can help sick animals a nurse can help a doctor a taxi driver can drive a taxi that pilot can't fly large airplanes read and repeat you the past form of can is cut so we use hood and this is the past tense of can the negative pass form of could is couldn't okay let's look at some more examples the carpenter could build a doghouse when he was younger the firemen couldn't save the house the janitor couldn't clean the rooms the plumber could work 10 hours a day when he was 30 all right now we know ken and we also know past tense could and couldn't so let's practice let's review could for ability Alberto when your grandfather was young what could he do hmm he was a plumber he could fix sinks and chores droll great Silvia what could your grandmother do when she was young she was a seamstress she could so she could make beautiful clothes for my mother very good Linda what was your grandfather's job he was a farmer he could grow wheat and corn he couldn't grow tomatoes and cucumber the weather was too rainy okay that's great everyone thank you now it's time to look and listen look and listen the fireman couldn't stop the fire the actor couldn't learn his lines when he was 25 the carpenter could build two sofas in one day the doctor could look at 30 patients a day last year read and repeat now let's review able to here are some examples carpenters are able to make desks and tables a seamstress is able to make dresses an athlete is able to play a sport professionally actors are able to perform in front of an audience the negative of able to is isn't or aren't able to this is negative here are some more examples a truck driver isn't able to fly an airplane the doctors aren't able to drive a taxi now we're ready to practice Linda is a pilot able to help a doctor in a hospital I don't think so a pilot isn't able to help a doctor in the hospital I agree you're right a pilot is able to fly an airplane Alberto is a nurse able to build a house I don't think so a nurse is not able to build a house very good Silvia is a doctor able to help a sick horse that's a good question I think a doctor is able to help a sick horse yes I think you're right ok now notice that the past forms of is and are able to are was or were able to this is the past form in the positive and the negative past forms are wasn't or weren't able to past form in the negative the past forms of is and are able to is was were able to the past forms of isn't and aren't able to is wasn't and weren't able to okay now let's practice the past forms of able to Alberto was your father able to fix a leaky faucet when he was younger yes he was able to fix a leaky faucet he cooked everything we didn't have to call a plumber oh that's good Sylvia were you able to drive a truck when you were 15 of course not I wasn't able to derive a truck I wasn't the truck driver okay I'm sure he weren't Linda were your grandparents able to build their own house when they were your age yes they were able to build their house they still live in the same house alright great thank you everyone now we're able to look and listen look and listen the pilot was able to fly for 26 hours the zookeeper wasn't able to find the escaped monkey a doctor is able to treat sick people the nurses weren't able to find the chart read and repeat you occupations present continuous the last thing we will review is present continuous remember the present continuous talks about actions in progress now and the continuous nature of actions let's look at some examples the plumber is fixing the sink the actor is practicing his lines the veterinarian is looking at the sick cat the manager is having a meeting we use the present continuous for actions and happenings these actions are happening around the time of speaking the action is not finished now the form of the present continuous is or are plus your verb plus ing now let's practice Sylvia what am i doing right now you are teaching you're a teacher you are teaching your students very good Linda what is your mother doing now she is probably cooking maybe she is cleaning she is a housewife very good Alberto what is your father doing now he's sleeping he works at night he sleeps during the day ok good job everyone now let's look at some pictures Alberto what is the policeman doing he's standing in the street he is playing with the city I think he is very angry oh he doesn't look happy does he Linda what is the taxi driver doing he is sitting in his taxi and he is smiling ok very good Silvia what is the woman with the yellow hat doing she is talking to the tickets Celer she's buying a ticket great thank you now we can use the present continuous in the negative form take a look at some examples the dancer isn't resting the policemen aren't working today the pilot isn't piloting that plane the teacher isn't using the book the negative form of the present continuous is isn't or aren't plus your simple verb form plus ing now let's practice the negative forms of the present continuous let's look at another picture Silvia is the bus driver sleeping no the bus driver isn't sleeping she is driving the bus she's doing her job all right you're right good Alberto is the woman in the fish market buying some fish yes I think so she is buying some fish in the fish market at the same time she is talking to the fisherman okay Linda are the firemen sitting at a cafe they're using water holes for the fire and I think they're having hard time okay yes they are using a water hose and they're having a hard time all right good job everyone now we are looking and listening look and listen the veterinarian isn't going to the restaurant today the pilots aren't working at the airport today she isn't eating with the doctor is she the policemen aren't wearing their uniforms today read and repeat now there are some verbs which are not normally used in the present continuous these verbs are non action verbs or state verbs take a look at these examples alright the verbs we don't normally use in the present continuous are to like to love to hate to want to need to prefer to know to understand to believe to remember and to seem so you cannot say for example it is seeming no we don't say that and you cannot say I am knowing no that's wrong also and you cannot say they are needing that's wrong too these verbs express emotion or thought they're non action verbs so they're not normally used in the present continuous form there are many other examples of these verbs but now it's time to look and listen look and listen I hate garlic so please don't put it in the sauce our cook like spaghetti with lots of garlic in the sauce you seem tired today you look tired today you sound tired today read and repeat occupations gerund now we are going to study gerunds the first thing we will learn is verb plus a gerund which is the ing form of a verb let's look at some examples the carpenter finished working at his shop the doctor started talking to his patients it stopped raining so the painter could work outside the policeman enjoys drinking coffee so the gerund is an ing form of the verb and it's used as a noun there is a gerund in each of these sentences take a look the carpenter finished working at his shop so in this sentence working is a gerund it is the object of the verb finished okay next example a doctor started talking to his patients now in this sentence talking is a gerund and it is the object of the verb started kay next example it stopped raining so the painter could work outside in this example raining is the gerund the object of the verb stopped next example the policeman enjoys drinking coffee okay now this in this example drinking is the gerund the object of the verb enjoys gerunds can also be used with negative sentences let's look at some examples the carpenter didn't finish working at his shop the doctor didn't start talking to his patients it didn't stop raining so the painter couldn't work outside the policeman doesn't enjoy drinking coffee all right now we're ready to practice jaren's Linda what does an electrician enjoy an electrician enjoys working with electricity he enjoys using tools great and what are the gerunds in those sentences Linda rooting and using are germs okay very good Silvia when does your father finish work he finish working at 6:00 a.m. he enjoys eating breakfast man he gets home alright and what are the gerunds in those sentences working and eating our deterrents very good Alberto what does a policeman hate policeman hates arresting people policeman hates shooting guns very good and what are the gerunds shooting and arresting audience very good thank you everyone now will enjoy looking and listening look and listen fishermen enjoy catching fish the hairdresser finished cutting the hair it stops snowing so the teachers could go to work the actress quit smoking read and repeat you gerunds can also be used as subjects take a look at some examples building is enjoyable for carpenters smoking is bad for doctors and nurses running is important for athletes practicing the guitar is fun for musicians so a gerund can be the subject of a sentence the verb is singular because the gerund is singular in these sentences building smoking running and practicing are gerunds now let's try using gerunds as subjects Linda what is important for carpenters um working with tools is important for a carpenter excellent Alberto what is important for salespeople talking with customers is very important the customers must trust you yes that's right good Silvia what is important for a doctor having good hands is very important and having good eyes is very important too good job thank you everyone now it's time to start looking and listening look and listen writing well is important for authors writing horses is hard work for jockeys learning about languages is necessary for language teachers cooking is only enjoyable in a big kitchen for professional chefs read and repeat the last use we are going to discuss is when a gerund follows a preposition let's look at some examples the Plumber is good at fixing sinks the actor is excited about acting in the new film can thanked the electrician for changing his light the author is interested in writing a new book a preposition is followed by a gerund but not by an infinitive in these sentences fixing acting changing and writing are jaren's some expressions with prepositions followed by gerunds are take a look be afraid of be excited about feel like be good at be interested in thank someone for be tired of now let's use gerunds after prepositions Linda you tell us three sentences about hairdressers using gerunds after prepositions Sylvia you tell us three sentences about teachers in Alberto you tell us three sentences about janitors ok ok all right Linda what are your three sentences ok a hairdresser is good at cutting hair the hairdresser is interested in learning new styles the hairdresser tanked the woman for coming all right very good Sylvia what are your sentences teachers are interested in learning new things teachers through a usual field likes teaching teachers sometimes are tired of teaching good Alberto last but not at least okay janitors are interested in cleaning quickly genitals don't feel like and cleaning at home janitor's aren't afraid of seeing coke crates and some insects Mice and cockroaches yeah okay those were excellent sentences everyone now we're becoming good at looking and listening look and listen zookeepers aren't afraid of feeding wild animals the hairdresser was excited about reading her new magazine the firemen felt like sleeping after the fire nurses are good at caring for ill people read and repeat review okay now let's practice all of the gerunds we have learned today Alberto what is your grandfather good at mmm he was a carpenter he's good at the building furniture good Silvia can you smoke in a hospital in Bosnia smoking is not allowed in hospitals it is bad for doctors and patients great Linda what does your mother enjoy doing my mother enjoys cooking she enjoys shopping she's a housewife but she doesn't enjoy cleaning good thank you all very much now let's do some exercises so first you're going to fill in the blanks with can can't could or couldn't okay Silvia the first ones for you the woman mm-hmm go to work yesterday she was ill Silvia the woman couldn't go to work yesterday she was ill very good the woman couldn't go to work yesterday she was ill all right this man next example mm-hmm give you an injection he's a nurse how about for Alberto this man can give you an injection he's a nurse good this man can't give you an injection he's a nurse all right Linda we hmm go to the manager's office he is there today do you think Linda um we can go to the managers he is there today yes we can go to the manager's office he is there today very good thank you everyone now this time we'll use able to or isn't or aren't able to all right Silvia this one's for you a janitor mm-hmm fly an airplane a janitor isn't able to fly an airplane okay good a janitor isn't able to fly an airplane okay Linda a carpenter mm-hmm use a hammer and screwdriver and uh this is easy a carpenter is able to use a hammer and screwdriver yes a carpenter is able to use a hammer and screwdriver good all right Alberto a trainer mm-hmm help people on a diet a trainer is able to help people on a diet yes a trainer is able to help people on a diet very good now let's do an exercise using gerunds okay first I will give Silvia a sentence and she will fill in the blank with the gerund and in Silvia you will give Linda a sentence and Linda you can give Alberto a sentence does everyone understand yes okay good Silvia here is your sentence mm-hmm a chair and sofa is very enjoyable for a carpenter Silvia that's simple building a chair and sofa is very enjoyable for a carpenter all right building a chair in sofa is very enjoyable for a carpenter Linda here is your sentence an altar is always happy when he finished mm-hmm a new book an altar is always happy when he finishes writing a new book yes an author is always happy when he finishes writing a new book good now you give Alberto a sentence okay here you go Alberto an alleged electrician is good at mm-hmm lights and electrician is good at fixing lines all right good an electrician is good at fixing lights great thank you everyone let's finish with one more exercise using gerunds I will give each of you two sentences and you fill in the blanks with Gerrans as everyone understands yes are you sure yes of course okay Linda here are your two sentences a doctor enjoys mm-hmm a doctor doesn't enjoy mm-hmm a doctor enjoys reading medical books a doctor doesn't enjoy helping rude patients a doctor enjoys reading medical books but dr. doesn't enjoy helping rude patients good sentences Linda Alberto these are for you veterinarians love what and veterinarians hate what Alberto veterinarians love making and most happy next veteran veterinarians hate seeing cats and dogs living on the street okay so first Alberto to told us veterinarians love making animals happy and veterinarians hate seeing cats and dogs living on the streets okay Silvia it's your turn a hairdresser likes mm-hmm and a hairdresser doesn't like what a hairdresser likes talking to customers a hairdresser doesn't like smoking in her saloon first a hairdresser likes talking to customers a hairdresser doesn't like smoking in her salon thank you everyone those were wonderful all right now it's time for listening and writing listen and write listen and write the sentences the policemen can direct traffic she couldn't stop the teacher from shouting at her brother the poet was able to write three new poems the manager was talking to a customer jack is exercising with his trainer cutting hair is a hairdressers job the taxi driver finished reading his newspaper the pilot stopped chatting with the stewardess bus drivers are good at driving in traffic nurses are interested in helping doctors now check your work the policeman can direct traffic she couldn't stop the teacher from shouting at her brother the poet was able to write three new poems the manager was talking to a customer jack is exercising with his trainer cutting hair is a hairdressers job the taxi driver finished reading his newspaper the pilot stopped chatting with the stewardess bus drivers are good at driving in traffic nurses are interested in helping doctors now read the story and answer the questions about it read and answer kin in June have four children their children have very good jobs their oldest child Luke is a doctor he is able to help patients with cancer he is also a pilot flying an airplane is very enjoyable for him Jean is a pediatrician she can help babies when they are ill she is writing a new book on baby care she is also very good at cooking Tom is a lawyer he is working at a new office helping people with legal problems is what he likes to do he is also interested in writing poetry barb is a teacher she teaches languages she is learning Russian she can speak five languages she loves going to concerts she always feels like going to one Ken and Jun are very proud of their children they hope their grandchildren turn out as well as their own children did now listen and answer the questions how many children do Kenan Joon have what is Luke's job what does Luke enjoy doing how many daughters do Ken in Jun have what is the subject of the book Jean is writing where is Tom working what is Tom interested in what does barb teach how many languages does barb speak what do Ken and June hope now check your answers how many children do Ken in June have can in June have four children what is Luke's job Luke is a doctor what does Luke enjoy doing flying an airplane is enjoyable for Luke how many daughters do can engine have they have two daughters what is the subject of the book Jeanne is writing the subject is baby care where is Tom working tom is working in a new office what is Tom interested in Tom is interested in writing poetry what does barb teach barb teaches languages how many languages does barb speak barb speaks five languages what do can in June hope Canon June hope they have good grandchildren okay good job today see you bye bye practicing English hey you guys I have some really great news about the part-time job I applied for as you know I'm really interested in computers I also like teaching English by computers are different if they offered me full-time work I would leave my current job what is going on with that tell us well it looks as if I will have a interview this Friday I'm really excited to meet with the Human Resources person her name is Valerie and I will talk to her at 3 p.m. this Friday Wow Sam that's great I hope you do well in the interview and they give you the job right there well I'm pretty good with computers so I hope whatever they have me do I'll get the chance to show the skills I have with technology I can program computers I can answer questions from users maybe even work with customers there are many skills I have that can be used well Sam good luck on Friday yep sorry guys I am late is Sam getting a part-time job someplace Angie come on it's not like you to miss a good story yes Sam has an interview for new job at a friend's company on Friday he was talking about the abilities he has working with computers Sam is a great person to work with he has great skills and technology and help me install my computer last month I enjoy working on all kinds of jobs with computers even putting them together well good luck on your job interview Thanks I'll let you know how I do hey Kerry how are you doing fine I came to see Angie we're going shopping together after she finishes work what are you doing I'm going to my job interview are you going to wear those clothes yeah what's the problem you should with something a bit more formal really like what change into a suit okay yeah I'll do that okay thanks see ya hello miss Walters your 3 p.m. interests a li tell him I'll be with him in just one moment I will tell him you will be available in a moment thank you she's waiting for you now thank you very much you're welcome hello Sam hello sit down I have some questions to ask you tell me about your computer skills well there are many things I can do with computers I like programming them I enjoy helping people to learn about how to use computers I can use a spreadsheet for financial reporting and I've done a little bit of software writing wow that's impressive well I like working with computers very much what else can you do with technology well my friends say that I'm very good at stalling and setting up computers well this job is mostly helping computer users at our help desk well my friends say that I have a lot of patience and then I can help them do everything from take the computer out of the box to getting them on the Internet well Sam you're still working for an English teaching company at this time can you work a few hours after this job and non Saturdays yes I think the experience that I would get here would be great now this is part-time work we will be paying you $30 an hour but you should know that if you do well we would consider hiring you in the summer and you would be paid more that sounds great I'm trying to decide whether I should go to a course for computers or not well your skills are impressive and perhaps working here will help you decide well I want to know all kinds of applications now so this job can help me understand how technology is used in business ok can you start to Saturday the hours are noon to 6:00 p.m. yes I can be here I think you will like it here we're glad to have you on our technology and support team I'm very good - thank you we'll see you on Saturday come here around 11:30 and we'll do the paperwork okay see you then thank you you
Channel: English For You
Views: 81,736
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Keywords: education, learn english, full english, free english, TOEFL, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, learning english, تعليم, english lesson, ingilizce öğren, English for you, ingilizce ogren, you, for, learn english easy, english for you 80 cd, how are you, ingilizce, beginner, ingilizce cd, الانكليزية, IELTS, apprendre, English, Key English, kolay ingilizce, learn english free, ECPE, iTEP, TOEIC, easy english, free english learn, PTE, Education (Word), دروس, elementary, intermediate, اللغة
Id: 87DCYfxGcoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 27sec (3087 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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