Beginner Levels - Lesson 23: My Vacation

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hello students how are you today today we're going to talk about geography but first we're going to talk about the verbs that we have learned now let's look at some of the tenses that we've used and we'll start with the past so Susan what did you do yesterday I played tennis in the park okay Allie what did you do last week I played football with my friends Isabelle did Allie play golf last week no he didn't he played football okay so when we talk about the time before now we use the simple past tense let's talk about the present now Isabelle what do you do every Saturday afternoon on Saturday afternoons I go shopping Susan what does Isabelle do on Saturday afternoons she goes shopping on Saturday afternoon okay Allie what time do you get up every morning I get up at 8 o'clock every morning all right Susan when do you usually eat lunch I eat lunch at 1:00 Isabelle window Susan eat lunch she eats lunch at 1:00 o'clock okay good so we use the simple tense the simple present tense to talk about general things in this time now when we want to talk about the future we can talk we can use the simple future tense we can use will or going to and sometimes present continuous today we'll use will and be going to so we can use to be plus the going to plus the verb when we talk about plans B going to plants so we've seen this before be going to verb okay so these are four plans now some examples are I'm going to go to the cinema tonight this is my plan okay I'm going to go to the cinema tonight now if we want to use will we can use this plus the verb we can use this for polite questions promises offers and predictions so here's an example I promise I will phone you tomorrow I promise I give you my word really I promise I will phone you tomorrow okay now we're going to take a vacation and first I want to tell you some of the words that we can use for a vacation these are places so let's make some room here and then I'll show you some of the vocabulary that we can use for vacation now these are nouns these are nouns the first one is Park Park parks have grass and trees we see parks in cities the next one is picnic picnic we eat food on a picnic outside in a park for example the next one is baggage or luggage the bags we put our clothes in when we travel is called luggage or baggage okay our bags trip is the next one when we go to other places we say we are going on a trip okay finally we are next we have barbecue this is a Q barbecue when we cook food outside we call this a barbecue so maybe we have a barbecue at our house or a barbecue at a picnic in a park next is postcard we send postcards to our friends when we are on holiday okay usually they come after we come back so postcards next souvenirs souvenirs this is a French word that came to English but souvenirs when we buy special presents for our friends and family on holiday we call them souvenirs we bring souvenirs and everyone needs a passport to travel a passport is a special document which we need to travel to a different country all right next is sport we saw this before sport some sports are games which we play when we are on holiday for example beach volleyball or water polo and finally we have very important the camera a camera is a machine you use to take a photograph okay now let's look at some verbs that we can use now the first verb is climb climb now it doesn't sound like it looks now if this letter B is silent climb okay we climb a mountain next is cook cook I cook food maybe I cook food for a barbecue catch catch we catch fish when we go fishing sometimes we don't catch fish when we go fishing but catch leave leave bye bye when I leave I say goodbye and go stay when I stay somewhere I don't go to another place so I can stay in a hotel for example or I can stay in Paris Travel is a verb when I travel I go from place to place I travel from London to Paris okay Travel is the verb arrived when I arrive I come to a place and stop traveling I arrived in Paris last night okay next play when we do a sport for example football we usually say we play football we use play especially with ball games okay now let's talk about articles now we're going to talk especially about a and n now remember with a we use a in front of single countable nouns that start with a consonant sound but the two and we use an in front of single countable nouns that start with a vowel sound okay now for a and you have to be careful of these letters E H oh okay ah and you okay now when you see words with these sometimes they have a different sound now let me show you some examples here's one an umbrella an umbrella we haven't seen umbrella before an umbrella okay starts with you it's a vowel and umbrella this is a sound now another one is a university a university but listen to the difference in sounds a university you okay a university an umbrella okay so the sound of the vowel is very important okay here's some other examples our house and our now we have h H is a consonant but sometimes we don't say the H so here we have a house house a house so we hear the H in this one we don't say it it's silent so we say an hour an hour okay a house an hour so H you have to watch okay here's another couple of examples a euro this one is kind of like this yeah this is how we say it in English a euro and we can say an elephant this one is normal an elephant and yeah a euro and elephant okay now look at the screen and you can see a chart reviewing the articles now notice we have articles countable single nouns that means 1 countable plural nouns 2 3 10 20 and non countable nouns look where we put aa or in first a and an are general so with countable single nouns we have a car countable plural cars general and non countable nouns traffic no ah another example countable single and apple countable plural apples in general non countable fruit no ah or n now the is special or definite so with countable single nouns we have the car the car over there countable plural the cars and non countable nouns we can use the the traffic the traffic is terrible today another example of specific special is under countable single nouns the apple the Apple I ate countable plural the apples and non countable nouns the fruit the special fruit the fruit on the table ok so there's a little bit of review for you now we always use articles when we use single countable nouns Apple dog pen we don't use articles when we use plural nouns apples dogs pence we're talking general and we don't use articles about general traffic fruit rain non-countable nouns and we can use the with both countable and non countable it gets special specific okay now let's look at a few more examples now let's make some room here and we'll look at some examples of a and n okay now we talk about app or and when something is general we're speaking in general so we can say this is a book this is a book general so this is a book it's any book it's not a special book here's one this is an egg and we have to use n because of the e this is an egg general it's not a special egg it's general they are cars they are cars plural general no article a group of cars and they're not special and another example they are children they are children the group of children they're not special okay this is just general so all of these are general singular plural plural okay now if we talk about specific than these change if we get specific or special then we change we can say this is the book this is the book I want this book is special okay this is the book this is the egg this is the egg I want to eat this is a special egg this is my egg okay this is the egg notice how we change the sound a little bit the egg the book the egg okay now we have to change this one a little bit they are the cars now we could put something like this they are the cars I like very specific or special and then finally they are the children they are the children they are the children the special children I teach they are the children it's a special group now okay so the is used when it's very specific and look it's all the same okay now let's practice using AA and or nothing with some words and the assistants will help us and these are the words that we're going to use and then they will tell us what goes before it ah and or nothing so we have banana tomato bread people orange and telephones now let's do these one by one and we'll start with Susan a banana yes ah banana okay next one Ollie a tomato yes this is general any tomato at tomato okay Isabelle Brett just nothing ex okay it's non-count okay bread is non-count it special now only people X okay this is general it's countable that is general and a Susan and orange juice and orange because it starts with O and finally Isobel telephones yes nothing telephones plural and general telephones are useful okay good now it's time for you to look and listen look and listen we went on a picnic yesterday he is reading an English book we're going on a trip tomorrow she ate eggs for breakfast this morning I will buy you oranges tomorrow tomorrow we're traveling on a bus read and repeat geographical features so what are we doing for our vacation we are going to take a trip are we going to go to park we can have a picnic Susan I'm not cooking on a vacation ok ok we can go fishing we can have a barbecue and I can cook fish we can play volleyball on the beach yes we can go swimming in the sea when are we leaving we're leaving tonight we'll stay for 2 days and then we'll leave where are we going to go on the trip good question first let's look at the world now on your screen you can see a map of the world now we're going to talk about geography geography tells about the Earth's land and water so we're going to learn some new words to talk about geography now first here are some words for talking about the world's water ok these are words for water first we have lake now on your screen you can see a picture of a lake this is a lake a lake has land all around it lakes have fresh water fresh water is water we can drink now the next one is the sea this is a sea these are larger than lakes the water in a sea is salty we can't drink salt water the next one is an ocean and ocean this is an ocean oceans are larger than seas oceans are all around the world and oceans have salt water also we call lakes seas and oceans bodies of water bodies of water okay so that's another way to talk about it if you are standing on the land and looking it's hard to know if a body of water is a sea or an ocean because we can't see the land on the other side now the next one for water is River on your screen you see this is a river rivers have fresh water the water in a river moves or flows from one place to another the next one we can see is a waterfall a waterfall waterfalls happen when a river flows over a cliff the waterfalls okay now we can also talk about other features on the land so these are land features the very first one is each beach ok now you see this is a beach beaches have lots of sand the next one is a cave this is a cave or cavern caves are like rooms under the ground or in a hill or mountain the next one is cliff cliff this is a cliff Cliff's are high next we have the countryside or just country this is the countryside or country the country is land that's not in the city next we have desert this is a desert deserts are hot and dry deserts usually have lots of sand next is a tree this is a tree and the forest this is a forest forests have many trees next we have Hill this is a hill a hill is like a small mountain we have an island island this is special because we don't say the s this is an island islands have water all around them next is mountain mountain this is a mountain a group of mountains is called a mountain range next is prairie prairie this is a prairie prairies are flat and have lots of grass and grass this is easy this is grass green green grass and the last one is Valley Valley this is a valley a valley is often between two or more mountains or Hills now we're going to look at some pictures and I'm going to ask some questions and the assistants are going to answer them so let's look at the pictures and the first picture is here and we'll start with Isabel is this a beach or a valley it's of the yes it's a beach Susan is this a cave or a beach it is a cave yes it's a cave ollie the next one is for you is this a hill or a cliff it's a cliff yes it is Isabel you do the next one is this the countryside or is it a city it's the countryside yes it's beautiful countryside okay Susan you're next is this a mountain or is it a hill it is a mountain yes it is a mountain ollie the next one for you is this a C or is it a forest it's it's a C we see the C okay Susan next is this a mountain or is it a hill it is a hill it's a hill yes okay Isabel for you is this a valley or is it an island it's an island yes it's an island and Ally is this a forest or is it a desert it's a desert it's a desert Susan for you is this an ocean or is it a lake it is a lake yes it's a lake okay last one ally is this a sea or is it a waterfall it's a waterfall it's a waterfall good job everybody now it's time to look and listen look and listen I'm taking a walk in the forest tonight they were playing volleyball on the beach yesterday are you going to have a picnic in the countryside no we're not Ali went skiing on a big mountain last year the men are fishing on the lake the day after tomorrow read and repeat landmarks some Naturals features are special so there's special kinds of geography these are called landmarks land marks okay landmarks there's special places on the land now some of them are famous everybody knows about them and people often go and see these landmarks on their vacations now we're going to look at some of the world's famous landmarks maybe you know some of them first this is a picture of Acapulco beach in Mexico this is Acapulco beach in Mexico the next picture this is the Alps it's a mountain range in Europe then we have the Bosporus this is the Bosporus Strait in Turkey the Bosporus flows between the Black Sea and the Marmora sea this is Niagara Falls it's between Canada and the US this is a cave in the Carlsbad Caverns it's in the United States this is the Sahara Desert it's in Africa now some geographic features are not natural they are made by people we can call them landmarks special buildings buildings structures or monuments so these are landmarks built by people buildings structures and monuments so a building might be a somewhere that someone lives or uses a structure is not for living and a monument is to remember somebody by for example okay so and we can also use structures like a bridge now people sometimes visit these on their vacations and here are some now maybe you know some of these or maybe you visited some of them these are the pyramids in Egypt this is the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco it's a structure this is the Statue of Liberty in New York this is the Eiffel Tower in Paris everybody knows the Eiffel Tower this is Stonehenge in England and this is the Sydney Opera House in Australia now let's see if you know of some other ones now we're going to do these in groups and our assistants will tell us what they know and we're going to start with buildings okay so Holly you start what's the building the Blue Mosque in Istanbul okay the blue mosque the Blue Mosque in Istanbul okay now Susan the Petronas Towers in Malaysia okay the petrona towers very big buildings and it's about the Louvre museum in Paris yes the Louvre the Louvre very famous museum okay now let's do some structures so these are kind of like buildings but a little bit different Isabelle you start not to dump catedral yes not with cathedral a cathedral is like a big church okay Ali the antique theatre @fs yes the antique theatre ad FS where's FS image and where's this mirror this mu is at the western region of Turkey okay so is mirrors in Turkey so Ephesus in Turkey okay and Susan the Chinese temples alright and where is the Chinese temple it is in Malaysia yes of course alright now let's look at some monuments and these are special structures okay Isabel the arc of triumph yes the arch of triumph in French its l'Arc de Triomphe so sometimes even in English we see it written like this but sometimes like this the arch of triumph okay Ally the horse at Troy yes the horse at Troy horth Troy I don't know it's in Turkey visit Turkey one turkey it doesn't matter it's in Turkey and Susan the Washington Monument yes the Washington Monument and Susan where is the Washington Monument I think it is in Washington yes it's in Washington now it's time to look and listen look and listen I plan to visit the museums in Paris they took photographs of the Sydney Opera House yesterday we will visit the Statue of Liberty when we go to New York he drives to the Golden Gate Bridge every day next summer we're traveling to the pyramids read and repeat review so now we know something about what the world looks like now let's plan a dream vacation now Isabelle let's hear your dream vacation okay we are going to go to Acapulco beach in Mexico tomorrow we are going to play wall a ball on the beach we can have a barbecue okay sounds good Susan what's your idea we are going to go to Turkey we are going to go sailing on the Bosporus tomorrow we are going to have a picnic then we can travel to the countryside okay all right Ali we are going to Alps tonight I will climb some mountains tomorrow you can stay in a valley and have a picnic okay I want to go to the Sahara I like Santa Isabel the desert is dry and hot there's no water we can go to America we can see caves and waterfalls you can stay in Yellowstone National Park okay I went to America last year I traveled through lots of Prayer ears no case is about I am NOT going to in in the ground or into a hill or mountain okay you're not going to go in the ground all right let's take a trip to Hawaii Isabel can sit on the beach I am going to go swimming in the ocean tomorrow Ali and Miss stone can climb cliffs or mountain on an island I'm not climbing cliffs or mountain sorry I can't climb a hill my knees are sore are we going to go to Niagara Falls our teacher is from Canada what are you going to do at Niagara Falls I will take some photographs okay Susan when are we going to leave we are going to leave tonight sorry class we're not really leaving tonight we're not going on a vacation we're all just dreaming tomorrow we have to go to work or to school and now you're going to listen and write listen and write listen and write these words number one mountain mountain number two prairie prairie number three climbing climbing number four barbecue barbecue number five picnic picnic number six sailing sailing number seven swimming swimming now check your work number one mountain mountain number two Prairie number three climbing number four barbecue number five picnic number six sailing number seven swimming now listen and write these sentences number one Susan studied at home yesterday Susan studied at home yesterday number two Isabel and her sister are going to go to Germany tomorrow night Isabel and her sister are going to go to Germany tomorrow night number three you go to the countryside on the weekend you go to the countryside on the weekend number four I'm leaving for the mountains now I'm leaving for the mountains now number five we will have a picnic after work we will have a picnic after work now check your work number one Susan studied at home yesterday number two Isabel and her sister are going to go to Germany tomorrow night number three you go to the countryside on the weekend number four I'm leaving for the mountains now number five we will have a picnic after work now read this story and answer the questions about it read and answer last year Paul went to Spain for his holiday he swam in the sea every day in the evening he ate dinner in a restaurant near the beach he had a very good holiday now he is planning his next holiday he wants to see a different country this time he wants to go to Europe next week Paul is going to go on holiday with his friends they are going to fly to Germany next Friday they plan to go climbing skiing and hiking in the countryside they are going to come back home next Saturday so they will be staying in Germany for six days they are going to stay in a very expensive hotel when Paul is on holiday he's going to visit the Black Forest the Black Forest is a very famous forest he's also going to have a picnic there with his friends he told me that he is taking his camera with him and he is taking lots of photographs when he goes to Germany now answer the questions number one where did Paul go on holiday last year where did Paul go on holiday last year number two where did he eat dinner where did he eat dinner number three when is Paul going on holiday when is Paul going on holiday number four who is Paul going on holiday with who is Paul going on holiday with number five how are they traveling to Germany how are they traveling to Germany number six what do they plan to do when they are on holiday what do they plan to do when they are on holiday now check your work number one where did Paul go on holiday last year he went to Spain last year where did he eat dinner he ate in a restaurant near the beach number three when is Paul going on holiday Paul is going on holiday next Friday number four who is Paul going on holiday with Paul is going on holiday with his friends number five how are they traveling to Germany they are flying to Germany number six what do they plan to do when they are on holiday they plan to go climbing skiing and hiking in the countryside good job we'll see you next time practicing England what a beautiful day I could just line the grass look up at the sky and daydream forever yes it's a great day no work it's perfect this guy looks so blue today just like the sky last summer when I climbed Mount Evans outside Denver do you climb Jack yes I enjoy climbing my family and I usually take a trip each year and go somewhere we've never been before I didn't know you were a climber have you been to Mount Olympus in Greece no not yet we went to Europe two summers ago and did some climbing in Switzerland it was awesome to see the Matterhorn when I was younger my family and I did a little hiking and climbing in Olympus but now I'm really interested in seeing the Rockies in Canada and then maybe Europe for the Alps Angie you into Europe last summer did you do any climbing huh shopping is more like it right Angie very funny Jack no Sam to answer your question we didn't do a lot of climbing actually we spent a lot of time in Germany Prague and France touring mostly by bike that sounds really interesting to me how did you like seeing Europe from a bicycle oh it was just amazing during the wine country of Bordeaux and France and the Rhineland in Germany it was a great tour okay guys don't laugh at me for what I'm about to say but I've been thinking about the future I've been thinking about other options like what well what I really love to do is see new places and travel the the Amazon the pyramids in Egypt the Great Wall of China the Himalayas I want to see all these places so what's your idea well I'm thinking after saving a little money to travel I'll take this interest I have in hiking and climbing and try to make some money doing it you know join a tour company and take other people whitewater rafting hiking and climbing Wow this is a really exciting possibility let's think about this what are your qualifications hmm okay here goes first of all I love to do it second I'm physically in good condition I speak three languages Spanish Greek and English I also have some experience climbing hiking and backpacking I also ski and have already lived on two continents so I'm adaptable hmm with those kind of skills and abilities you're hired but I think that you should also add that you have an easygoing personality remain calm in stressful situations and you're likely to be pretty reliable in difficult situations huh Thank You Angie well it is all true I agree I think an adventure tour company would be lucky to have you well I haven't spoken to my family yet but this idea is really interesting to me go for it Jack's right I think you should get on the internet and make contact with some tour companies and see what you can find out mm-hmm good idea now that we have a Lexie's future all planned it's back to daydreaming for me me too Sam where do you want to travel to hmm I want to go to New Zealand I want to go to the beach spend some time in the Sun and surf in the Pacific Ocean what about you Angie I want to go to the Sahara Desert I can cross the sands on camel and arrive safely at a desert oasis what about you Alexei right now I'd love to be on a photo safari taking pictures of lions and elephants from really close range and you jack all of your trips sound great I want to be on a little island in the Pacific Ocean maybe Tahiti reading books and writing it sounds great well we all have our ideas of what we want to do and they all sound interesting to me let's hope we can make our travel dreams come true someday anyone up for ice cream now it's not as exciting as Tahiti but it is right across the street let's go you
Channel: English For You
Views: 386,892
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Keywords: apprendre, الانكليزية, free english learn, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, beginner, iTEP, elementary, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce, intermediate, learn english easy, learning english, learn english, ingilizce cd, education, Education (Word), دروس, english for you 80 cd, for, how are you, learn english free, easy english, ingilizce öğren, English, you, ECPE, kolay ingilizce, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, PTE, full english, English for you, free english, اللغة, تعليم, english lesson, Key English
Id: kSS1Ewlb5Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 23sec (3203 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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