Elementary Levels - Lesson 8: Activities

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hello students today we are going to look at different kinds of activities mostly sports so let's review some of the activities that we already know one activity we know basketball basketball we also know baseball baseball very popular is football football and we have volleyball volleyball we also have hockey hockey karate karate swimming swimming in the winter we can go skiing skiing and we also know badminton badminton okay what are some examples of activities some activities we do are playing chess playing chess sometimes playing backgammon playing backgammon or like monopoly for example we can play board games playing board games some people like to dance so they go to a disco going to be disco and to see history people go to a museum going to a museum if you like Picasso or other artists you might go to an art museum going to an art museum and to watch live acting people enjoy going to the theater going to the theater okay there's also a winter sport called sledding people do this activity in the winter all right in level one we learned the present continuous let's look at some questions and answers about sports and activities using the present continuous so please follow along on your computer is dawn playing tennis no John isn't playing tennis he is playing badminton his Allen swimming yes Allen is swimming what is the professor doing he is smoking a pipe okay now let's review can for ability okay use can to talk about ability being able to do something when do we use can Anna news channel to show ability in the present add feature very good Anna can you give me an example sure I can speak Spanish great what other things can you do I can play volleyball I can ride a bicycle and I can count 100 in English very good what can teach you well I can throw out a car I can't play golf and I can't write a motorcycle thank you Anna Sylvia what sports can you play I can play football I can play golf I can't play baseball good answer Sylvia Alberto what activities can you do I can't cook Italian food I can't play backgammon I can let this scooter thank you everyone now we know how to use can to express ability let's look at some more examples please follow me follow along on your computer Alice can sing a song Alice can't sing a song her mother can play tennis her mother can't play tennis in these sentences we use can to express ability alright let's look at how we construct can for ability let's look at an example Tom can climb a tree Tom can climb a tree okay so the form is subject plus can plus your main verb plus an object if you have an object so in this sentence tom is the subject then you have can main verb climb the object a tree alright let's look at the negative form example tom can't climb a tree so the negative form is subject plus cannot or short-form can't plus your main verb plus your object so in this sentence Tom again is the subject then we use can't climb as the main verb and a tree as the object okay here is a chart to help you remember how to use can please follow along tom can climb a tree Tom can't climb a tree ok let's practice again using can I will ask you a question Anna I want you to enter the question and then ask Sylvia a question Sylvia you answer the question and then ask Alberto a question ok are you ready yes alright Anna can you fix a computer no I can't I can use the computer Sileo change football yes of course I can Alberto can you throw the baseball yes I can but I am not very good at best in baseball it isn't a very properly in my country all right very good students now let's do it one more time Alberto can you start sure Silvia can you shoot a gun no I can't it's very dangerous unknown can you ride a horse yes I can I like horses very much teacher can you flee and I play an airplane no I can't but I can ride in an airplane good now it's time to look and listen look and listen Jorge can drive a motorcycle Paula can't drive a motorcycle Anita can't play volleyball Rebecca can play volleyball read and repeat now I know how to use can to express ability so let's look at some more examples can Erie ride a scooter yes he can he learned last year can Barry ride a scooter yes he can he learned last year can bears climb a tree yes some bears can climb a tree can bears climb a tree yes some bears can climb a tree can Mary sing a song no Mary can't sing a song she has a cold can Mary sing a song no Mary can't sing a song she has a cold can Nancy play basketball yes she can she is very good can Nancy play basketball yes she can she is very good alright here is a chart to help you remember yes/no questions please follow along can Angela catch a baseball yes she can can a doctor help people yes a doctor can help people can an alligator fly no an alligator can't fly ok now let's practice let's use can in question forms Alberto can you play backgammon a little I am not good my sister can play back them and very well Thank You Alberto can you ask Silvia a question sure Silvia can you play volleyball inside yes sometimes I can play volleyball in a jean good now as honor a question Silvia alright Anna can you make tacos I think I can we don't eat tacos in Spain too much thank you everyone now we can look and listen look and listen can we play the piano well yes she can can Todd play basketball no he can't because he is very short can kangaroos jump I yes they can jump very high can Korean speak English no he can't he never studies read and repeat can for permission now we are ready to learn how to use can for permission we use can to say that it's alright to do something or can't to say that it's not alright to do something here are some examples Joyce can drive a car she has her license it's alright for Joyce to drive a car Joyce can drive a car because she has her license but Andrew can't drive a car he doesn't have his license Andrew can't drive a car he doesn't have his license so it's not alright for him to drive a car alright now let's practice I can smoke in the living room but I can't smoke in the bedroom Anna can you smoke at home I ball smoke my father just smoke on the balcony he chants smoke in the living room he tracks smoke inside we don't like it my mother of your Bhangra alright great Anna Oh Sylvia can you play volleyball in your bedroom of course not I can't play volleyball in my bedroom my roommates will not be happy and they can kill me oh I hope not Alberto can you play billiards at home no I can't you don't tell a billiard table I usually go to the billiard parlor we like billiards very much in the telly great Alberto Ana can you drive a scooter yes I can't I have a scooter and I have a license thank you everyone good job now we know how to use can to express ability please follow along and listen to the examples I can draw the scooter she can play ice hockey i Gor can shoot a gun Beatrice can jump very high so we can use can for permission a person can do something because it is okay to do something it also means that a person can't do something because it is not okay so let's look at some more examples please follow along I can play the piano now the neighbors are not at home I can't play the piano now the neighbors are at home let's talk about what children can and can't do Alberto can a child drive a motorcycle oh of course not it's very dangerous for children very good Alberto Silvia can children play volleyball sure why not children can play volleyball volleyball is fun Thank You Silvia Ana controller and watch television in the morning I took so long they are little they turn wash television in the morning they don't have school good job thank you so we use can for permission in the same way that we use can for ability please take a look at these examples takes the same form for example Lucy can wear lipstick she is a teenager so that means it is okay for her to wear lipstick Lucy can wear lipstick she is a teenager okay so let's look at this form we have our subject again plus can plus the Mae verb plus our object in this sentence Lucy is the subject can and then the main verb where object is lipstick let's look at a negative form Amy can't wear lipstick because she is a baby so it's not okay so we have Amy as our subject then we have can't can or can't main verb is where object is lipstick so Amy can't wear lipstick she is a baby so she doesn't have permission from her parents it's not all right all right now it's time to look and listen look and listen David can't play football in the house he will break something we can't eat dinner at home my mother wants to eat at a restaurant her grandfather can't walk in the park his wife wants him to rest you can't drive the car you don't have a license Maria can't go to the cinema her parents want her to stay home read and repeat pronunciation before we finish with can and can't let's talk about pronunciation sometimes when we say can it usually sounds a little bit shorter like C n let's look at these examples I can do it she can come tomorrow but when we say Kent it sounds very clear and strong listen I can't do it she can't come tomorrow so let's practice listening for can and count you tell me which one I say Silvia you start so listen first Silvia can play basketball you say it can yes that's right okay Alberto listen ana can't speak Japanese you said count great now Ana I can ride a bicycle you faith care great you're all doing so well let's do a few more Alberto listen you can walk and talk you said ten good ana you can't walk and talk you can't you are all listening very well Silvia now you we can't talk to you now but we can talk to you tomorrow you said can't and can very good modal verb should now it is time to learn a new modal verb should-should means it is alright to do something it is a good idea to do something shouldn't means it is not a good idea to do something here are some examples please follow along I am tired I should go to bed the students have a quiz tomorrow they shouldn't play football tonight my mother is ill she should not exercise this morning he should put the key in his pocket he always forgets it in these sentences you can see the axillary should-should means it's alright to do something it's a good idea to do something shouldn't means it's not alright to do something it is not a good idea okay let's look at some more examples please follow along Brendon is bored he should call his friend Danielle should eat something she is going to play tennis tonight Brendon is ill he should not play football Danielle should not eat she is going to play tennis in 15 minutes here is a chart to help you better understand the modal auxiliary should please take a look Debbie should play basketball this is the positive form so notice the form we have subject plus should plus our main verb plus the direct object for our negative form we can have an example Debbie not play basketball so we have our subject plus should not plus the verb plus the object for yes/no questions shoot Debbie play basketball first should then the subject then the verb then the object information questions which should where should Debbie play basketball start with the question word then add should the subject the verb and the object the questions with should not question word plus should not + subject + your verb plus your object we're shouldn't Debbie play basketball all right now we better understand should so let's practice how are you feeling Sylvia I'm not feeling good today I have a headache oh you should rest tonight you should not play volleyball thank you that's a good idea how are you Anna I am wait I have a big exam tomorrow you see Tonya literature oh you should study maybe Alberto can help you study Italian literature you should also exercise that will help I'll try thank you and how are you Alberto I am nervous there is a big football match on TV tonight they're playing a very good team from Argentina oh you should go to the match you should watch it with friends I should go but I can't there are no tickets you are right I should watch it with my friends thank you everyone now we should look and listen look and listen the water is warm we should swim Tammy shouldn't go to the party tonight Gretchen should learn to play backgammon it is fun the dog shouldn't be outside it is raining read and repeat alright let's practice some more Anna I want to go swimming at the beach today what should I do you should buy sunscreen you should buy a beach hat you should be like something to read it will be very hot today oh great thank you Anna Alberto my father wants to go to the football game tonight it's going to rain what should he do he should take his umbrella and he should wear his raincoat Thank You Alberto Silvia my friend always walks to work he is always tired he is always ill what should he do he should take a bus he should buy a car he should buy a scooter he should not walk ok good also it is very hot outside Silvia should I play basketball no you shouldn't it is bad to play basketball now you should go swimming at the beach it will be cool there ok good I have a toothache Ana should I play golf this afternoon no of course not you shouldn't play God you should go to the dentist you should take an osprey Thank You Ana Alberto my sister wants to go to the disco tonight she likes to dance very much what should she do she should not go to the disco tonight it will be very crowded she should go tomorrow it won't be crowded very good everyone thank you now it's time to look and listen look and listen Alex is cold he should put on a sweater Larry isn't tired he should not sleep the woman cannot see well she should buy new glasses the man can see well he should take his tests now read and repeat review okay let's review what we learned today first we learned can four ability let's take a look at some examples tom is tall he can play basketball well Paul isn't tall he cannot play basketball well can tom play basketball yes he can he is tall can Paul play basketball no he can't he is short we also reviewed can for permission take a look at these examples Tom can play basketball tonight he doesn't have an exam tomorrow Edie can't play basketball tonight he has an exam tomorrow can Tom play basketball tonight yes he can he doesn't have an exam tonight can ED play basketball tonight no he can't he has an exam tomorrow finally we learned the new modal should okay let's look at some more examples Tom should play basketball tonight it is good exercise Edie shouldn't play basketball tonight he has an exam tomorrow should Tom play basketball tonight yes he should it is good exercise should Eddie play basketball tonight no he shouldn't it is not a good idea it is a good idea for Tom to play basketball because it's good exercise it is not a good idea for Edie to play basketball because he has an exam tomorrow all right let's practice again what are you going to do tomorrow Alberto I'm going to de tennis match I should be early I'm going with my cousin my aunt shouldn't go she doesn't understand tennis my other cousin I can't go because she is too young after the match we will eat at a nice Italian restaurant Thank You Alberto can I go with you sorry the only boat two tickets no I was just joking what are you going to do tomorrow ana I am going to ride a horse below horses in Spain I should write at the park I shouldn't write on the street I should wear my old jeans I shouldn't fear my new jeans the horse will be dirty great ana what are you going to do tomorrow Silvia I don't know the football field is closed I can ride my scooter I can go to a film I shouldn't go through a mink because it will be too cold maybe I shouldn't go sorry I shouldn't ride my scooter it will rain alright thank you very much everyone now we can and we should look and listen look and listen it is raining very hard Carol shouldn't ride her bicycle she should stay inside she should watch TV they have a basketball match tonight they should relax this afternoon they shouldn't exercise this afternoon Adam has a lot of free time he can go for a walk he can go swimming the traffic light is red you should stop you shouldn't go read and repeat you alright now let's practice some more my friend Jim wants to run 10 kilometers today is that a good idea Alberto yes that's okay I met Jim he is very strong Thank You Alberto what do you think Sylvia we shouldn't run 10 kilometers it is very hot maybe he can run three kilometers okay good Sylvia Ana my little sister Jodi wants to ride her bicycle in the street is that a good idea she can't ride for bicycles on the street she is young if dangerous your mother will be angry okay good Sylvia can you play tennis I can play a little I can play volleyball I'm a good volleyball player Thank You Sylvia now can you ask Alberto a question and then Alberto you ask ana a question Alberto should we go home early tonight yes I should my mother always various mothers always worry Anna should we ride our bicycles tonight no this shouldn't it will take we should watch the volleyball match together on TV we can invite Sylvia feel we want to come thanks but I can't come tonight very good now let's do something a little different you're going to say five things you can do five things you should do and five things you shouldn't do alright Alberto you tell me the five things you can do Sylvia you say the five things you should do and Ana you say the five things you shouldn't do okay let's begin what do you say Alberto I can ride the bicycle I can play football I can't climb a tree I can play volleyball I can run fast alright very good I can ride a bicycle I can play football I can climb a tree I can play volleyball and I can run fast okay Silvia how about your answers I shall study hard I should exercise I should cook spaghetti I should learn to play football I should swim often good job Silvia I should study hard I should exercise as she cook spaghetti I should learn to play football and I should swim often okay in honor I shouldn't play tennis in the rain I shouldn't run five kilometers in a day I shouldn't shoot at my brother I shouldn't speak Spanish in gloss I should speak English I shouldn't play golf I am very bad all right very good I shouldn't play tennis in the rain I shouldn't ride five kilometers in a day I shouldn't shout at my brother I shouldn't speak Spanish in class I should speak English I shouldn't play golf I am very bad okay now answer these questions with complete sentences Silvia can you swim well yes I can swim well Thank You Silvia Ana can your mother Drive a car no she can't in Spain many mothers don't drive the father's throught good Ana Alberto should you ride a bicycle in the snow no I shouldn't it's dangerous and difficult very good Alberto Ana should we go to the bullfights next week maybe that's great maybe we can I will ask my parents thank you very much everyone now we can and should listen and write listen and right students should study hard you shouldn't be late for the match your coach will be angry I can't play basketball tonight Dan can't go to the beach today dick should exercise he is fat Jim's aunt can ride a horse well we shouldn't go swimming the water is cold Lisa can't go to the museum this weekend Tim can ride his motorcycle today Anna can't speak Chinese now check your work students should study hard it shouldn't be late for the match your coach will be angry I can't play basketball tonight dan can't go to the beach today dick should exercise he is fat Jim's aunt can write a horse well we shouldn't go swimming the water is cold Lisa can't go to the museum this weekend Tim can ride his motorcycle today Anna can't speak Chinese okay now listen to this story and answer the questions about it read and answer Allyson is going to the beach next Saturday she is going with her family and her best friend Angela she should buy a new swimsuit she should buy some suntan lotion and a new beach chair her parents should make reservations at a nice hotel they will have a good time at the beach Allyson and Angela can sunbathe in the day they can go to a disco at night but they should be careful at night walking alone can be dangerous Allison's parents can visit museums they want to eat at nice restaurants they should bring a lot of money because life is expensive at the beach now answer the questions about the story where is Alison going who is Alison going with what should Alison buy before she leaves what should Alison's parents do before they leave what can a lesan and Angela do during the day can they sunbathe at night when should they be careful what can Ellison's parents do where do Alison's parents want to eat why should they bring a lot of money now check your answers where is Alison going Alison is going to the beach who is Alison going with Allyson is going with her family and best friend Angela what should Allison buy before she leaves Allison should buy Sun Tan Lotion a new swimsuit and a new beach chair what should Allison's parents do before they leave Allison's parents should make reservations at a nice hotel what can Allison and Angela do during the day Allison and Angela can sunbathe can they sunbae that night no they can't there is no Sun when should they be careful they should be careful at night what can Allison's parents do they can visit museums where do elephants parents want to eat they want to eat at nice restaurants why should they bring a lot of money they should bring a lot of money because life at the beach is expensive all right good job today see you next time bye practicing English come on yeah oh man I love this game it's such great workout all that running yeah you're pretty good for someone who never played before you came here yeah you're very quick could you have a lot of moves oh well I think that comes from playing football uh you call a soccer for so long there's a lot of running and the moves are similar but you get to use your hands in basketball okay I'm wondering do you know baseball Alexi uh yes I do but I've never seen a real game because we don't have it in Greece Wow okay then let's watch the Yankees on TV this weekend I'm cable TV in my apartment it's great sport and we'll have a good night that's a great idea we had to plan the soon of course Angie will want to come too she loves the Yankees okay well I will go tonight to see her this evening at her job hmm I will tell her then about our plan to see a baseball game okay how did I stay Angie good to see you hey guess what there's a Yankees match this Saturday night Jack Sam and I want to watch it at Jack's apartment can you come with us wow I love seeing the Yankees play but I think I have to work that night hmm maybe I could ask Donna to switch nights with me let me see Donna can you work for me this Saturday hmm I think that I can I'm off and could use the money what time do you start the schedule says I'm on at 7:00 p.m. can you be there then well I should take the night off and just rest because I've been working so much but I want to take a vacation travel Europe next year I should save some money now so yes I'll work for you this Saturday wonderful Donna thank you so let's see it looks like I can come with you guys great we'll have a fun time Alexi wait a minute I know that you could play football and you could play basketball now but can you play baseball hmm no I've never played baseball before I want to learn how to play the game and Sam and Jack thought I should see again they also said it'd be a lot of fun they're right seeing the Yankees play on the summer night is a great experience Wow can I bring my little brothers they talk about baseball all the time yes it is fine with me if you bring your little brothers but you should ask Sam and Jack too good idea I'll call them and see what they say see you later I hello hey Sam it's me Alexi hey what's up can you come to watch the game this Saturday yes I can and Angie can come too excellent hey I have a question can I bring my brothers along with us they've never seen a game either and I think they would love baseball sure it's fine with me yeah they'll have a great time should I ask Jack or do you think he will be okay with them coming along with us I think you should ask him if they can come over he's planning to ask some friends yeah we should be sure that there's enough room for everyone Thanks good idea I'll call him right now okay bye hello jack Alexei here how are you yeah great and you I'm okay I'm with Angie and I asked Angie about the baseball game she can come I have a question for you can my little brothers come to your flat too sure fine with me I think they'll have a great time great thanks for letting them come I can't wait to tell them they're gonna watch the Yankees play no problem see you tomorrow Thanks see you later you
Channel: English For You
Views: 150,263
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Keywords: english for you 80 cd, الانكليزية, English for you, اللغة, Key English, education, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce öğren, learn english free, apprendre, ingilizce, PTE, free english, دروس, free english learn, learning english, Education (Word), iTEP, learn english easy, kolay ingilizce, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, beginner, easy english, intermediate, elementary, you, for, ingilizce cd, تعليم, how are you, IELTS, english lesson, learn english, ECPE, full english, TOEFL, TOEIC, English
Id: o70zQBxkWAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 54sec (3234 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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