Elementary Levels - Lesson 4: School Days

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hello students how are you today today we are going to talk about school and daily activities and habits for this we need to use time expressions and frequency adverbs but first let's talk about some new vocabulary about school first we have elementary school this is when you go to school as a child elementary school after elementary school you go to high school when you are a teenager high school and after high school you attend University University in all of these places you go to class class to study you have a classroom at school classroom children and elementary school during break time they go to the playground to play playground you may also have a sports ground where you do different sports like football or baseball sports ground the person who teaches you so that you can learn all of the popular subjects is your teacher you the person learning you are the students student okay we to study and to learn we need to have a book book to write important information that your teacher says you need a pen or if you prefer you can use a pencil with lead pencil when you make a mistake you need an eraser to change your mistake eraser next you sit at a desk of course you sit in a chair right chair your teacher and sometimes you will write back on this board it's called a board and of course in this modern world you use a computer for information here's our new vocabulary so now let's practice Sylvia do you go to elementary school no I don't I go to university children go to elementary school that's correct very good Sylvia Alberto where is the board the board is behind you very good Anna is there a computer here no there isn't there is one in the computer classroom very good Alberto how many pencils do you have oh I have two pencils very good how many pens do you have I have three pounds okay what color are they they are red blue and black good job Mel Sylvia how many chairs are there there are three chairs okay good Anna do we have a playground no we don't an elementary school has a playground that's correct good job everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen he is a student she is a teacher this is her desk this is my computer there are three chairs read and repeat you now let's talk about different subjects that we learn in school first example is the subject you are learning right now English English we also learn how to count people apples money and that's math math science so that we can learn wonderful things about our physical world science we also need to learn history so we can learn the stories of the people before us history next geography so that we can know where things are in the world geography sometimes we learn about sports in school sports we also might study art so we can learn how to draw and paint art ok music we sometimes learn how to play the piano or the guitar music and of course in our modern world we need to learn about computers so we have computer studies computer studies ok now let's talk about some verbs that we use about school please follow on your computer study learn teach listen speak read right work play sing draw okay good before we practice let's review present continuous verbs now remember for present continuous verbs we have a special formula okay that formula is the verb to be plus your simple verb form plus I in G he is reading a book he is reading a book all right now let's practice we will practice using present continuous verbs Anna what is she doing she is thinking good song yes very good Sylvia what is he doing he is studying English just like you very good Alberto what is he doing he's reading a book yes maybe it is an English book Sylvia what is she doing she is playing tennis very good Anna this one's for you what is she doing she is painting pictures good all right uh Sylvia what are we doing now we are studying English yes and you are all doing very well now it's time to look and listen look and listen she is reading a book in the library she is drawing a picture we are using computers they are looking at a globe for geography class read and repeat time now let's review times please look at your monitor it's 9 o'clock it's half past 10 it's 20 past 2 it's quarter to 4:00 okay now we want to practice using time Sylvia what time is it now it's 3 o clock yes three o'clock okay Anna what time is this he's so called RuPaul's tongue good a quarter past ten what's a different way to say this it's done 15 good job 10:15 all right Alberto what time is it it's 5:30 5:30 what's a different way to say it it's all past two five good job okay now do this one Alberto say quarter to twelve a quarter to twelve and another way to say it it's 11:45 good job 11:45 okay Silvia you can do this one you're a smart girl it's turned five past four twenty five past four and I meant another way to say it this is for twenty five good job okay and Sylvia since you're so smart can you do this one it is five to one five to one in a different way it is 12:55 good job okay this one's for you Anna last one is the earth look look 12 o'clock or it could be what it's known it's midnight yes it could be noon or it could be midnight good job everyone now we need to review time expressions for daily schedules and habits okay please look at your computer in the morning in the afternoon in the evening at night on weekends or at weekends same on weekdays on Monday all right please look at your computer in a sentence of course we have a subject the person doing the action we have to have a verb action word sometimes we have an object and then a time expression now let's look at the examples I go to school on weekdays I learn English at 11 o'clock in the morning I play sports in the afternoon so you see we have our subjects our verb our objects and our time expressions now we can ask questions with do for general time okay remember this is simple present and we make questions like this do or does plus your subject plus your main verb short answers can look like this yes I do or no I don't yes she does or no she doesn't okay so now we understand the formula for questions do or does plus your subject plus your main verb short answers yes I do now I don't yes she does no she doesn't so now we need to practice Sylvia do you go to school in the morning yes I do I go to school in the morning very good Alberto do you go to school in the evening no I don't I go to school in the morning very good ana do you go to school on weekends no I don't I go to school on weekdays alright good job everyone a Sylvia now you can be creative you ask Alberto a question I better do you study English on Mondays yes I do I study English on Mondays okay good job now Alberto since you're also as smart as Sylvia you can ask Anna a question hello do you play tennis on Fridays no I thought I plated is on Thursdays good alright now it's your turn Anna you ask Sylvia a question Sylvia please the death knight no I don't I don't study at night I study in the unique all right very good now let's answer questions with what for specific time here are some examples what time do you do that or what time does he do that what time do you do that what time does he do that okay let's practice Alberto what time do you start school I start school at 8:30 a.m. oh very early ok can you answer in a different way yes I start at circle half-past eight o clock no I start school I start to cook at half past eight in the morning very good now Alberto you can ask Silvia a question Silvia what time do you finish school I finished school at half past four in the afternoon very good Silvia all right now Silvia can you ask Anna a question I know what time do you have lunch at school I have lunch it's 1:00 p.m. all right good job everyone now remember what time means the same as when so let's listen to this conversation using when questions hi Kristina how are you hi Patrick I'm fine thanks and you I am fine when do you go to school Kristina I go to circle in the morning on weekdays oh do you have an English class in school yes I do I love my English class when is it it's at two o'clock in the afternoon when do you finish school Kristina I finished school at 4 p.m. oh great so do you want to meet me at 4 we can go to the cinema together great now listen again and answer the questions about the conversation hi Kristina how are you hi Patrick I'm fine thanks and you I am fine when do you go to school Kristina I go to circle in the morning on weekdays oh do you have an English class in school yes I do I love my English class when is it it's at two o'clock in the afternoon when do you finish school Christina I finished school at 4 p.m. oh great so do you want to meet me at 4 we can go to the cinema together great alright now since you're all so smart they should be easy questions about the conversation are you ready okay Anna when does Christina go to school she goes to school on the class mornings are you sure no I don't sure she goes to school on weekdays mornings ok weekday mornings okay good Alberto when does she have an English class she has an English class at 2 o clock in the afternoon yes that's right you were listening very well okay one for you Sylvia when will Patrick and Christina meet they will need at 4:00 p.m. okay now we can ask questions using when Sylvia when do you go to school I go to school on weekdays all right weekdays good Alberto when do you go to school I've got the school on weekdays Oh you follow Sylvia to school don't you ana when do you study math I fit in that in the afternoon good job Alberto when do you play volleyball I play volleyball in the morning on weekends on weekends really no on weekdays on weekdays oh you're very busy on weekdays alright Sylvia when do you study computers I study computers on Mondays and Fridays no and that's why you're so smart Sylvia ana when do you do your homework I do my homework in a minute okay good Alberto can you please ask Silvia a question Silvia when do you finish the cool - listicle at 3:30 in the afternoon all right Silvia now can you please ask Anna a question Anna when do you have art classes I don't have art classes no art oh you're not Picasso okay Anna ask Alberto a question Alberto learn we have lunch at school I have lunch at a quarter past 1:00 alright good job everyone now it's that time it's time to look and listen look and listen when do you study English we study English every day what time does your brother go to school he goes to school at 8:30 when does your mother finish school she finishes at 3:15 read and repeat time expressions now let's look at other ways of talking about time sometimes you have to time expressions instead of one here's some new vocabulary on weekdays but on weekday mornings notice the plural s goes on the second time expression not the first so on weekday mornings on weekends but on weekend afternoons per OS again on the second time expression on Mondays but on Monday mornings on Fridays but on Friday after Noons so let's look at these time expressions again on weekdays on weekday mornings on weekends on weekend afternoons on Mondays on Monday mornings on Fridays on Friday afternoons all right now I think we're ready to practice Anna when do you go to school I go to school on weekdays alright good Anna goes to school on weekdays Alberto when do you do homework if ever I do homework in the evenings good so Alberto does homework in the evenings very good Alberto Silvia when do you play football for school I play football in the afternoons all right very good in the afternoons do you play football on the weekends yes I do all right good answers everyone now let's look at sentence structure with time expressions sentence structure of course is very important so we need to review this carefully ok the formula is subject + verb + object and your time expression okay let's look at these examples I subject go verb to school object on weekdays time expression I go to school on weekdays you go to school in the morning you go to school in the morning they have an art class in the afternoon they have an art class in the afternoon you finish school at 3:30 p.m. we have an exact time so we use the preposition at this time you finish school at 3:30 p.m. I don't go to school on weekends I don't go to school on weekends okay let's look at a couple more examples you don't go to school in the evening but hopefully you study in the evening you don't go to school in the evening they don't have an art class in the afternoon they don't have an art class in the afternoon okay good examples now we will look at other time expressions please look at your monitor around early late until before after okay now this is how we use them in other time expressions okay a new formula we have our subject plus our verb plus our object time expression 1 + time expression 2 so you have your subject verb object first term expression and second time expression now let's look at some examples I subject go verb to schools your object around 8 o'clock your first time expression in the morning second time expression so I go to school around 8 o'clock in the morning next example I usually study until 10 o'clock in the evening I usually study until 10 o'clock in the evening next example she plays volleyball after eleven o'clock on Thursday mornings she plays volleyball after eleven o'clock on Thursday mornings we get up early just one time expression we get up early we go to bed late we go to bed late she studies geography before noon first time expression on Mondays second time expression so two simple sentences now we have a more difficult sentence she studies geography before noon on Mondays okay I think we're ready to practice Alberto when do you study math if you study math when do you study math I stood myth about 1:00 in the afternoon very good Alberto he used to time expressions about 1:00 in the afternoon very good okay Ana when do you do your homework I do my homework after seven o'clock in the image very good and I can tell you're very disciplined you do your homework every night Sylvia when do you play football I play football at 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon good job and when do you finish we play on to sell mclogan evening all right very good job everyone using two time expressions now we can ask and answer questions with multiple time expressions let's practice Sylvia do you get up early in the morning yes I do I get up at 7:45 a.m. oh that is early that's too early Anna do the students usually do their homework early in the morning no they don't they do their homework in the immanent right very good Alberto does your teacher work on weekend mornings no she doesn't she works on weekday mornings okay good ana de sylvia play football before 9:00 a.m. on weekends no she doesn't she plays football after 9:00 a.m. on weekends very good answer good job Silvia does the English class finish around three o'clock in the afternoon on Friday yes it does it finishes at 255 on Friday very good Alberto do the students go home after 255 on Fridays yes they do they go home after 255 on Fridays good answer ana does the math teacher work until 5:00 p.m. yes he does he works on to 4:00 p.m. and then he goes home all right good job everyone now guess what time it is it's time to look and listen look and listen do get up early on Mondays yes I do I get up around 7:20 on Monday mornings do get up early on Sundays no I don't I get up late on Sundays because I don't go to school do you go to school after 8 p.m. on weekdays no I don't I go to school before 8 p.m. on weekdays read and repeat alright now let's practice some more we're ready to fill in the blanks so choose the correct word Alberto you get the first one mark goes to school mmm which one is it around or on 9 o'clock on weekdays Alberto this one's for you marks go goes to sooo cool around 9:00 on weekdays good mark goes to school around not on 9 o'clock on weekdays very good ok Silvia he doesn't like school because he gets up very hmm what should it be early or late Silvia this one's for you he doesn't like school because he gets up very early yes very good he doesn't like school because he gets up very early not late good job he starts classes hmm at or in 9:30 on out your question he starts closest it's 9:40 good he starts classes at not in 9:30 good job Anna can you please do this one also he works hard mm-hmm until or around lunchtime Anna he works hard until lunchtime very good he works hard until not around lunchtime very good all right Alberto one more for you mmm after or on lunch he has a computer lesson Alberto after lunch he has a computer lesson very good after knots on after lunch he has a computer lesson okay Silvia back to you he studies computers mm-hmm until or at the class finishes okay Silvia he studies computers until the class finishes very good he studies computers until not at the class finishes okay can you do the next one - Silvia he goes home mm-hmm at or until 4:00 p.m. mm-hmm before or after his computer class Kate what do you think Silvia he goes home at 4:00 p.m. after his computer class very good he goes home at not until 4:00 p.m. after not before his computer class so he goes home at 4 o'clock after his computer class ok good job you had two in one okay so Ana that means you have to do the last one last but never least he goes to bed mm-hmm after or around 11 o'clock he goes to bed around in a walk look okay he goes to bed around not after 11 o'clock Anna can we say he goes to bed after 11 o'clock yes we can but they are in a little different ok yes they are but okay around 11 o'clock means maybe 10:55 or 11:05 right so this is around 11 o'clock maybe not exactly 11 o'clock maybe 10:55 or 11:05 okay after 11 o'clock means maybe 11:05 or 11:15 for example so after 11 o'clock could mean 11:05 or 11:15 11 2011 22 as an example okay now let's practice all the time expressions with questions and answers Anna when do you get up on weekdays I get up around quarter to 8:00 on big days wow that's early what about weekends I'll get saw blades on P counts good I hope so now Sylvia do you go to school on weekends no I don't I go to school on weekdays alright do you wake up early on weekends no I wake up late on weekends because I don't go to school good Alberto do you do your homework before noon on Mondays no I don't I do my homework after known on Mondays so when do you do your homework I do my homework in the evening on Mondays okay good Alberto can you ask Silvia a question Silvia when they finish school on Fridays I finished school at 3:45 on Fridays I study until 3:45 all right Silvia can you now ask Anna a question oh no do you go to school until midnight no I don't I go to school until four o'clock in the afternoon alright I hope you don't go to school till midnight on earth that's too late can you ask Alberto a question Alberto do you have English classes before launch on weekdays no I don't I have English classes after lunch on weekdays okay Sylvia does your teacher go home early on Fridays no she doesn't she goes home late on Fridays well I don't know you're also smart today is Friday maybe we'll go home early Anna when do you get home after school I get home around 4:15 after school okay Alberto when do you go to bed on weekdays I go to that on weekdays around 210 PN why is that why so early because I have to get up early for school around 6:45 oh that is early all right great job everyone now I want you to listen carefully and answer some questions about this conversation hi Alex how are you I'm fine thanks how are you I'm okay but I'm very tired oh why are you tired well I had a lot of homework last night so I studied until 11 p.m. I went to bed late at night when did you wake up this morning I woke up early at around 7:30 that's too bad you should relax tonight and wake up late tomorrow tomorrow is Saturday so there is no school yes but I'm going to visit my grandparents in the morning so I will wake up early before 9 a.m. oh I am sorry about that I will sleep until noon tomorrow lucky you all right I hope you were listening carefully now answer the questions about the conversation Anna you do the first question why is Tracy tired why is Tracy tired Anna 3c starts because she went to bed late at night very good Tracy is tired because she went to bed late at night okay Sylvia this one's for you when did Tracy study last night Sylvia when did Tracy study last night she study it until 11:00 p.m. yes very late she studied until 11:00 p.m. good Alberto what time did she wake up this morning hey Alberto what time did she wake up this morning she woke up around 7:30 this morning that's correct she woke up around 7:30 this morning good Alberto you can do the next one too when will she wake up tomorrow morning okay Alberto when will she wake up tomorrow morning she will wake up before 9:00 a.m. okay good job she will wake up before 9:00 a.m. Anna next question is for you will Alex wake up early tomorrow Anna well Alex wake up early tomorrow No the sleep on to the moon yes he will sleep until noon good job everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen the students take the bus to school in the morning my sister goes to elementary school on weekdays my brother starts school at 8:30 in the morning we read books in the morning read and repeat listen and right now it's time to listen and write listen and write these sentences Andrew never does his homework Allie and Selma often cook pizza and spaghetti Denis exercises every day Ms Brown always prepares her lessons in the evening Eric doesn't like fish so he never goes to a fish restaurant Jeff always cleans his room in the morning before school Elizabeth often goes to the library on weekends Judith plays tennis every weekend James and John go swimming every Sunday Mary finishes school every day at 3 p.m. now check your work Andrew never does his homework Allie and Selma often cook pizza and spaghetti Denis exercises every day Ms Brown always prepares her lessons in the evening Eric doesn't like fish so he never goes to a fish restaurant Jeff always cleans his room in the morning before school Elizabeth often goes to the library on weekends Judith plays tennis every weekend James and John go swimming every Sunday Mary finishes school every day at 3 p.m. all right now read the story and answer the questions about it read and answer Fiona and Kate are sisters they go to high school they wake up early on weekdays because they take the bus to their school around 8 o'clock in the morning Fiona's favorite class is art she has an art class before noon on Mondays and Thursdays Kate loves to play sports her sports class starts at 10 a.m. she plays sports after 10 they work hard in school until 3:30 there are good students but they love weekends because they can wake up late in the morning on weekends they like to play tennis and go swimming when the weather is warm when the weather is cold they like to play computer games and read books on Sundays Kate and Fiona like to visit their grandmother she always bakes a chocolate cake for them they love her chocolate cake once a year Fiona and Kate go on holiday with their parents they usually go to the beach in play volleyball with their friends now answer these questions about Fiona and Kate do they wake up late on weekdays what time do they take the bus to school when does Fiona have an art class when does Kate play sports why do they love weekends what do they like to do when the weather is warm what do they like to do when the weather is cold what do Fiona and Kate like to do on Sundays what is their favorite dessert what do they like to do on holiday now check your answers do they wake up late on weekdays no they wake up early on weekdays what time do they take the bus to school they take the bus to school around 8:00 in the morning when does Fiona have an art class she has an art class before noon on Mondays and Thursdays when does Kate play sports her sports class starts at 10 a.m. why do they love weekends love weekend's because they can wake up late in the morning what do they like to do when the weather is warm they like to play tennis and go swimming what do they like to do when the weather is cold they like to play computer games and read books what to Fiona and Kate like to do on Sundays they like to visit their grandmother what is their favorite dessert their favorite dessert is chocolate cake what do they like to do on holiday they like to play volleyball with their friends great students see you next time practicing English hello hi hi Ange guess what what my mom's birthday is coming up soon and I need some help with a gift can you go shopping with me and help me buy a present sure I'd be glad to help you what day is good for you this week well let's see I have an interview on Monday I have two articles which need to be written on Tuesday Wednesday morning is open but you're at work Wednesday night I have to be at the library Thursday morning I have a meeting and a Friday my friend is coming from London I'll pick her up from the airport Wow I had no idea you're so busy I thought my schedule was busy yes silly on Sunday you have your other part-time job did you forget yes I forgot for a minute okay of all the times that you mentioned it looks like you are not busy on Thursday afternoon and evening is that right yes Thursday afternoon and evening are open well let me see what my schedule is I have school every day until 3:00 p.m. and then I have my part-time job at the shop on Saturdays and Sundays on Tuesday after school I have my drama club and Tuesday night I have my language tutor at my house Friday I'm going to a concert with Alexi it looks like Thursday night is my best night to meet for shopping okay then it's Thursday let's go shopping on Thursday well what do you usually do on Thursdays Carrie well on Thursdays my meeting doesn't start till 11 a.m. so I like to sleep in the little I usually get up around 9:00 and then read the paper and bed then I take a shower and get dressed after that I go to the great bakery on the corner and have a coffee and something to eat that sounds like a nice morning yes it is really relaxing once I have my coffee I look over my notes before the meeting and then I meet Bob my photographer and we go the meeting together how long is the meeting the meaning is three hours long so when we finish it is usually 2 p.m. and we usually very hungry me and Bob have a quick lunch in a restaurant which is close to where we are and then you are free yes the rest of the day as mine is the best day of the week for me to do things for myself what are you doing Thursdays Angie well my day is not nearly as interesting as yours first I get up at 6:30 and make some coffee I turn on the news and make a little breakfast after that I shower and pick out something to wear to class what time do you classes begin well our classes start at 8:30 so usually I meet jack in the corner and we walked to English time together I have three classes all before noon what about the afternoon I have no classes in the afternoon what about after school well sometimes I work and sometimes I am free it is a good day for me because I have the afternoon and evening free well I'm glad we will both be able to meet on Thursday yes me too what time is good for you I think that 4:00 p.m. would be a great time to meet what about you 4 p.m. is fine with me yeah let's meet at the store well now that we have our schedules organized the wrist is going to be fine yes I look forward to meeting you at 4:00 on Thursday thanks for agreeing to meet with me on Thursday no problem that reminds me I should be getting a prison for your mum too well we'll have fun it will be great to see you I know with our busy schedules teaching in English classes part-time at Nike shooting at home and writing papers for English time we hardly see each other see on Thursday bye Angie I carry you you
Channel: English For You
Views: 287,590
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Keywords: English for you, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, دروس, تعليم, اللغة, الانكليزية, English, for, you, apprendre, learn english, free english, Education (Word), education, english lesson, learning english, free english learn, learn english free, english for you 80 cd, full english, ingilizce, ingilizce öğren, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce cd, elementary, beginner, intermediate, learn english easy, easy english, kolay ingilizce, school days, school
Id: FT6dZi90LJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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