Elementary Levels - Lesson 17: Future Life

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hello everyone in this lesson we're going to be talking about the future so we will use the simple feature tenses will and be going to now with these two tenses will and be going to we always use the simple form of the verb let's look at some vocabulary okay first we have invent new machines this is to create or make something new invent new machines or discover new medicines so you find new medicines to treat illnesses live on the moon live on the moon work on a space station work on a space station and use the internet use the internet clone people and animals so make copies of people and animals clone people and animals we will also be able to travel to other planets in the future travel to other planets ok now let's look at some sentences using this new vocabulary please take a look at your screen one day people will live on the moon and work on space stations in the future everyone will use the internet do you think we will clone people or animals in the future in the next 50 years maybe people will travel to other planets scientists will probably invent new machines and discover new medicines let's look at the table to follow the different uses of be going to and we'll all right the first future tends to be plus going to plus the simple verb form for example he is going to learn French ok when we use this tense be going to it's talking about a plan or an intention next example is using to be going to possible verb or will plus simple verb for example she is going to pass her exams or she will pass her exams so this is a prediction and there is no difference in meaning between she is going to pass or she will pass they mean the same next example we see the future tense using will plus the simple verb form for example I will call you tonight and this is a promise so for promises we use will plus the simple verb form next will plus simple verb form to talk about a decision at the time of speaking for example I will answer the phone so we make that decision at the moment of speaking so we always use will ok will plus simple verb form for example will you pass me the pen this is used as a polite question so will as polite question next will possible verb form for example she will be 20 next year so here we're talking about certain future ok let's look at some useful time expressions that we use to talk about future time soon later this afternoon later this evening this weekend tonight tomorrow tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon tomorrow evening tomorrow night next week next month next year in a couple of days in a couple of weeks in a couple of months in a couple of years in a week in a month in a year within one day within one week within one month within one year one day use for a general future time but we don't know exactly when all right here are some examples using these time expressions in sentences about the future take a look at your screen I will see you soon she is going to go to Canada in a couple of weeks we are going to have a barbecue this weekend my daughter is going to go to university next year in 2023 the Turkish Republic will be 100 years old one day people will live in space okay let's practice using will and be going to Sylvia do you have any plans for this evening yes I'm going to meet my boyfriend the same very good Linda what are you going to do this weekend I'm going to go shopping what are you going to buy I don't know maybe I'll buy some new clothes excellent Alberto what are you going to do after class I think I'll go home after class okay why did Silvia use going to when she answered my question she used going to because she made a plan for this evening she didn't need to think about what she is going to do that's right Thank You Linda good Alberto why did Linda say that she is going to go shopping Linda said that she is going to go shopping she because she already knows what she has planned for the weekend very good and why did Linda use will when she said maybe he used the way because she doesn't have a plan she is guessing what may happen but she is not sure that's right good so she doesn't need to think about a plan because she made a plan before I asked a question okay let's see it's your turn Silvia why did Alberto say that he will go home he used will because he decided what to do when you asked the question he had no plan before you before he spoke to you yes that's right we usually use will with expressions like I think or I guess or maybe because we need to think of the answer when someone asks a question now if we want to say negative things about the future we can say the following please take a look at your screen am not going to isn't going to aren't going to will not and we usually shorten this - won't sometimes when we speak we make the sentence shorter by joining the pronoun and the verb look at the table to see how people speak when they use to be plus going to or will I I'm going to I'm not going to aisle I won't he he's going to he's not going to he'll he won't she she's going to she's not going to shil she won't it it's going to it's not going to it'll it won't we were going to we're not going to well we won't they they're going to they're not going to well they won't you you're going to you're not going to you'll you won't also when we English or Americans speak we often say I'm gonna not I'm going to but we don't write it this way it's just spoken this way take a look at some examples I'm going to go to Paris next year I'll meet you at 8 o'clock she'll be 20 in June they're going to get married next year I think it'll be a nice day tomorrow now I want you to tell me something that you are not going to do in the future all right Sylvia you start I'm not going to play tennis when I am 60 years old all right Alberto I'm not going to have 10 children wow that's good Linda I'm not going to live on the moon okay great now we're going to look and listen look and listen Alberto is not going to have 10 children Linda isn't going to live on the moon Silvia is not going to play tennis when she is old we aren't going to have time machines they are not going to be clones read and repeat okay now let's look at some more examples of how we use to be plus going to and we'll we're going to look at conversations between two friends Susan and Mike take a look at these sentences did you call Steven no but I will call him now so Mike decides to call Susan now because season reminded him helped him not to forget next example I'm going to call Steven this evening do you want to speak to him no thanks I spoke to him this morning so Susan is telling Mike about her plan to call Steven she decided to call Steven before she spoke to Mike mixed conversation my brother is going to stay with me for a few days great I will call him tomorrow Susan is telling Mike about something that was decided before she started speaking to Mike Mike answers with will because he decides at that moment of speaking to call Steven tomorrow mixed conversation my brother is staying with me this week I know we are going to meet tomorrow at the cafe for a chat so Mike is using 2b plus going to because he made plans before now to meet Steven next example where are you going I'm going to go out for a walk it's a nice day so here Mike uses to be plus going to because he decided to go out for a walk before Susan asked him where he's going okay we've been looking at how we can use two different forms of the soup simple future tense and how they are sometimes different now let's talk together about the future I'm going to ask you some questions about your future plans after you finish University Alberto what are your plans after you finish University I'm going to do a master's degree in engineering oh good luck Linda what are you going to do after you graduate I'm going to get married right after I finish University Oh congratulations Silvia what are you going to do after you graduate I'm not sure I think I'll go to America to practice my English and study ok well you all seem to have some good ideas about what you want to do when you leave University do you like watching science fiction films what are science fiction films science fiction films are films about what we think the future will be like we often see aliens from outer space from other planets and spaceships or monsters in science fiction films film and films like Star Wars yes Star Wars is a science fiction film yes I love watching science fiction films Alberto do you like science fiction movies no I don't like science fiction movies ok let's talk about the future it could be science fiction what do you think life will be like in 200 years do you think that people will live in space do you think technology will be different Silvia what do you think life will be like in 200 years I think that we will all live in big cities and they will have flying cars good Linda what do you think life will be like in the future I think that we will all dress as the same and there will be lots of robots everywhere very good Alberto what do you think life will be like in 200 years I think that we will all look the same because we will all be clones oh I don't want that to happen and do you think that people will live on the moon Sylvia what do you think I think that we will live on the moon because there will be too many people on earth ok yes I think that will be a problem in the future what you think houses will be like in the future what kinds of technology will we use Alberto what do you think technology will be like in 50 years I think there will be lots of machines and computers in every house ok Belinda what do you think I think there will be lots of robots all right Silvia what do you think about houses in the future I think that we are going to spend more time at home with our families and I think that a lot of free people work at home ok that's a nice idea now we will do some exercises look at the sentences and use will or to be going to some times you may need to add a verb to complete the sentence first one we go to the beach tomorrow do you want to come I'm not sure I mm-hmm tell you later we are going to go to the beach tomorrow good do you want to come I am not sure I'll tell you later good we are going to go to the beach tomorrow do you want to come I'm not sure I'll tell you later ok Alberto you can try this one too I hmm go to the cinema who wants to come with me I am going to the cinema I am going to go to the cinema who wants to come with me all right I mm-hmm who wants to come with me I real all right good I'm going to go to the cinema who wants to come with me I will but for Linda mm-hmm you marry me yes of course I really marry me yes of course I will good will you marry me yes of course I will all right Silvia you can try this one hmm you mm-hmm marry him yes we mmm get married next August Silvia are you going to marry him yes we are going to get married next August are you going to marry him yes we are going to get married next August good are you going to marry him yes we are going to get married next August right who's next who's next Alberto again ok when you go to America hmm you write to me yes of course I mm-hmm write to you you are my best friend okay Alberto then you go to America really write to me yes of course I will write to you you're my best friend good when you go to America will you write to me yes of course I will write to you you are my best friend good job everyone now we will look and listen look and listen scientists will invent new machines in the future I think that we are going to live on space stations one day in the future everyone will have a robot there are going to be lots of new inventions in the future read and repeat you before we continue let's review some useful vocabulary so that we can talk about space and technology okay we have scientist Science Space Station in vention machine discovery medicine space travel robot astronaut planet and satellite now we have scientists science space station invention machine discovery medicine space travel robot astronaut planet and satellite so we can practice making sentences with some of these words take a look at your screen scientists are going to invent new machines next astronauts are going to travel into space next people will live on space stations in the future and people will discover new types of medicine scientists are going to discover new planets all right now Linda what are scientists going to do scientists are going to invent new machines very good Alberto what will people discover people with discover new types of medicine that's right Sylvia where are astronauts going to go astronauts are going to travel into space very good now we are going to talk about quantifiers and nouns quantifiers are special words we use to talk about the amount or quantity of something how much of something we use these quantifiers with nouns before we look at quantifiers let's look at how we use nouns we can separate nouns into two groups we have countable nouns and uncountable nouns with countable nouns these are the nouns that can be counted so we can put a number in front of the noun and these nouns can be plural we usually make these nouns plural by adding an S and they're called regular nouns okay let's look at some examples astronaut plural astronauts computer computers idea ideas day days invention inventions planet planets disease diseases some countable nouns are irregular because we do not use an S to make them plural look at these examples child children woman women men men tooth teeth foot feet fish stays the same fish Mouse and mice now the other group of nouns is called uncountable because we use them for things we can't usually count so these are nouns that we cannot count we cannot put a number in front of them uncountable nouns all right here are some examples of uncountable nouns space traffic fuel water air information when we use these nouns we never add an S because they are not plural they're not countable let's look at some sentences using some of these nouns we just reviewed astronauts will travel to many other planets in the future all the information will be on computers scientists are going to invent new machines we will discover new kinds of fuel there will not be any air on the moon people are going to work on space stations let's look at some quantifiers that we often use when we speak about the number of people or things okay take a look at your screen all most a lot of lots of many much some any if you a little few little none now let's look at some graphics explaining these quantifiers take a look so first we have all which is 100% of something so all of it everything then just below all we have almost all but we call it most so about 90% just below most is many or much many is used with countable nouns much with uncountable nouns and it's about Oh 70 to 80 percent below that is some about 50 percent of something a few or a little so a few used with countable nouns a little used with uncountable nouns maybe 30 percent and below that few or little and then 0 percent we have none or no one now here are some sentences using these quantifiers all of us will die one day most people say that they will get married many people will learn how to drive a car some people will have large families a few people will not get married few people are going to have more than 10 children no one is going to live until they are 300 now most quantifiers can be used with any now countable or uncountable but some quantifiers can only be used with countable nouns and some can only be used with uncountable nouns so we use many with countable nouns but we don't use many with non countable we use much with uncountable nouns okay when we ask questions we usually say how much or how many - is always used with negative ideas so if we are saying something is too much or too many it's it's negative it's so much that it's bad let's look at these sentences how many astronauts will travel to Mars how much time will it take to travel to Mars okay we only use a few or few with countable nouns and then we use a little or little with uncountable nouns when we say a few or a little this usually has a positive meaning when it is used with a positive idea for example take a look he has a few friends he has a little money money and friends are positive ideas so a few means enough when we say a few or a little this usually has a negative meaning when we are talking about negative ideas take a look at these examples they have a few problems or we have a little pain so problems and pain our negative ideas so to say a few problems or a little pain means some and it's a negative idea also when we say few or little this can also change its meaning depending whether or not the sentence is positive or negative take a look at these examples they have few friends he has little money few and little here have a negative meaning with positive ideas so we use them in a way to mean not enough let's look at the meaning of the next two sentences they have few problems we have little pain now here few and little are used with negative ideas so it means a small amount which is good a small amount of negative ideas ok let's practice using quantifiers with some sentences Alberto what do you think life will be like in the future I think a lot of people are going to live longer because scientists will discover me medicine alright very good Silvia what do you think the feature will be like I think that some robots will work for people okay Linda what do you think that life will be like in the future in a few years most people will have computers at home all right good Alberto how many people will live in cities in the future I think most of the people will live in cities in the future all right very good Silvia how much land will those cities take I think the cities will take a lot of land all right Linda do you think people will have a lot of problems yes I think most people will have what kinds of problems so they have they'll have problems with space for houses okay Silvia what do you think I think all stairs will be dirty mmm Alberto what do you think I think a few people did the very rich and many will be poor okay anything more Silvia maybe there will be few parks for them where will they play play football good question anything else Wanda I think there will be too many people and too little space mmm doesn't sound very good does it well you have all done very well now we are going to look and listen look and listen some astronauts will live on space stations a few space stations will go around the earth many people will live on the moon a few people will live in the country most people will live in cities read and repeat listen and right now it's time to listen and write listen and write the sentences in the future people will live on the moon lots of people are going to work at home in the future how many planets will people travel to scientists are going to invent new machines people are going to live on space stations most people will get married some people will work in space how many planets will people live on I am going to meet a few friends later this evening people will spend little time cooking now check your work in the future people will live on the moon lots of people are going to work at home in the future how many planets will people travel to scientists are going to invent new machines people are going to live on space stations most people will get married some people will work in space how many planets will people live on I am going to meet a few friends later this evening people will spend little time cooking now read the story and answer the questions about it read and answer we all sometimes think about what the future is going to be like many people think that life in the future is going to be very different a lot of people say that scientists will invent machines that look like people and these machines will also be able to talk and move like people we call these machines robots if scientists invent robots well most people feel happy about living and working with machines that can talk and think some people think that we will use robots to do dangerous and difficult jobs some people also think that scientists in the future will discover new medicines they will help people live a long time we don't know how many years people will live but they are probably going to live longer than now in the future a few special people astronauts will live in work in space scientists will build space stations which will travel around the earth some astronauts will also travel to other planets it may be one day some people will live all their lives on other planets hundreds of years later no one will remember our home planet the earth maybe we don't know what will happen but it is certain that the world is going to be a very different place now answer these questions about the reading what will we call machines that can think and move like people who will invent these machines how many people say that a scientist will invent machines that think and acts like people how will we use robots what will scientists discover that will help people to live a long time which special people will live and work in space what will travel around the earth who will travel to other planets in the future how many people will remember the earth what is certain now check your answers what will we call machines that can think and move like people we will call these machines robots who will invent these machines scientists will invent robots how many people say that scientists will invent machines that think and act like people a lot of people say that scientists will invent machines that think and act like people how will we use robots we will use robots to do difficult or dangerous jobs what will scientists discover that will help people to live a long time scientists will discover new medicines that will help people to live a long time which special people will live in work in space astronauts will live in work in space what will travel around the earth space stations will travel around the earth who will travel to other planets astronauts will travel to other planets in the future how many people will remember the earth no one will remember the earth what is certain it is certain that the world is going to be a very different place all right good job see you next time practicing English I read this book the other day about life in the future mmm what did it say he said that technology will change our lives more than now even tell us more what is life going to be like for humans in the future well I learned a lot first about what life is like now did you know that uh people are having computer chips placed under their skin what for well the computer chip allows people to go into certain clubs without waiting a scanner can detect the chips person just goes right through hmm airports also using these chips to move passengers who fly all the time more quickly through the airports wow I didn't know that well how many of those people have chips in their arms now a few not very many but in future they will carry financial information and they will be used just like a bank account people will no longer carry real money they'll just have their account balance stored on the chip in their arm that sounds very weird to me I think that these stories are a little frightening but think about how technology has changed our lives he's right a few years ago cell phones were new and they were really big and expensive only a few people had them now everyone has them they're tiny and powerful my cell phone has internet internet hookup and I get my email off it too lots of people are afraid of changes but a lot of changes are good and help us live better lives but computer chips under people's skin internet telephones some of the things we are talking about are a little scary many people are not ready for these things but that's what people said about radio but she is right many of the things in this book were a little strange and I like technology well tell me more about this book you read lots of it was written recently the author is from MIT and has done a lot of work with big technology companies hey what does he say about space exploration well he believes that some new discoveries in space proved too interesting for many countries to stop their space programs predicts that Mars will be the next place that humans will go to what do you think of some of his ideas well some of them are really interesting he says that none of the countries exploring in space now can get things done on their own it will take cooperating with each other to really make any progress like the Russians and Americans are working together now yes that he sees the Japanese and Europeans having role here too and India is also developing a space program so all of these countries will work together to send people to Mars yes that is the prediction a lot of money will be spent but many people believe that new energy sources and breakthroughs await us in space what about all the problems we face right here on our planet now Angie is right some people in big cities live on the streets they have no homes and they're hungry a lot of people have no medical insurance when they're ill hey I didn't say I agreed with the writer I'm just telling you about what he predicted to happen well like a lot of people I'm worried about issues like global warming and other environmental problems that we have many people think that those are more important than going to Mars well there are a lot of ideas that people have about the future this oldest talk about the future has made me tired and has made me worried I'm worried too but there's one thing I know about the future and what is that well I've eaten too much if you guys will excuse me I need to drop the kids off at the pool yeah you I think you better go right now you you
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Keywords: PTE, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce cd, دروس, IELTS, elementary, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, intermediate, beginner, kolay ingilizce, full english, free english learn, الانكليزية, English, for, ECPE, you, learn english easy, learn english, اللغة, تعليم, learning english, TOEIC, ingilizce öğren, Education (Word), english lesson, apprendre, education, Key English, english for you 80 cd, English for you, learn english free, iTEP, ingilizce, TOEFL, how are you, easy english, free english
Id: -H8GrFHPu_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 1sec (3001 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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