Elementary Levels - Lesson 24: Training on the phone

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hello today we are going to practice pronunciation and we're going to review numbers then we will learn how to use the verbs say tell and ask we'll also learn how to take messages on the telephone but first let's look at some new vocabulary take a look at your screen there are three kinds of telephones this is a sailor or mobile telephone people use these to speak on the phone when they are not at home next this is a cordless phone many people have these so they can bring the telephone into different rooms in the house next this is a regular telephone it has a cord a receiver and a dial box the dial box usually has buttons to push you push these buttons when you want to dial a telephone number next this is a telephone book it has many telephone numbers there is usually one telephone book for a town or city or for a certain area there are usually many pages of advertisements called the yellow pages these are for people who are trying to sell something or who are offering a service next this is a telephone booth they are found outside and in airports bus stations and metros they are also on the streets next picture this is a phone card it can be used in a phone booth to make telephone calls next this is an answering machine people leave messages on answering machines a beep is a sound that is used to tell you when to leave a message people can make local calls in the same area or long-distance calls to a different city or country on a telephone next picture this is an operator a person who may help you with information on the telephone is called an operator picks up the phone when a person answers a telephone he or she picks up the phone fixed picture hangs up the telephone when a person is finished speaking he or she hangs up the telephone now let's practice pronouncing some of this new vocabulary let's repeat what I say Sylvia there is a telephone book on the table there is a telephone book on the table good Linda Mamie cell phone is at her sister's house Mamie cell phone is at her sister's house right Alberto where are the yellow pages in this phone book that's not difficult where are the yellow pages in this phone book very good now Sylvia can you repeat this sentence can I buy a phone card here can I buy a phone card here fine Linda you do this one tell her to turn her answering machine on tell her to turn her answering machine on okay one more Alberto this one's for you may I use your phone to make a long-distance call please that's a long one may I use your phone to make a long-distance call please wonderful good job everyone pronunciation now let's practice pronunciation when a person speaks on the telephone he or she must speak slowly and clearly so that the other person will understand let's read the following sentences slowly and clearly Silvia you go first please take a look at your monitor hello is Joan there okay good now Alberto does John have his cell phone with him very good Linda I want to leave a message great Alberto one will don't be back okay you can see how important it is to speak slowly on the telephone let's practice some more I will read a sentence you listen carefully then repeat it okay Alberto you go first the baby put the telephone book in the bath the baby put the telephone book in the bath good okay Sylvia you try this one might be a little difficult Connie always all Cris on her cellular phone Connie always calls Cris on our cellular phone good job all right Linda the teacher often talks to Ted on the phone that's easy the teacher often talks to tad on the phone very good good job everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen did he leave a number so I can call him back the mobile phone is in your parents bedroom how many times did the phone ring I need the phone book read and repeat let's practice pronunciation one more time let's say these sentences slowly and carefully I want to understand you okay Alberto you go first okay there are four phone books at Fred's house there are four phone books at Fred's house good Silvia there were 10 telephone books in the cupboard there were 10 telephone books in the cupboards okay Linda you are last again um that's simple she put the cell phone in her purse she put the cell phone in her purse right wonderful thank you everyone numbers now let's review numbers take a look at some sentences there are 11 phone books in my desk ted has 16 telephone cards Jimmy has 12 digits in his telephone number there must be 2000 advertisements in these yellow pages so the numbers in these sentences are pronounced in the normal way here's some more sentences there are 11 phone books in my desk 11 equals 11 Ted has 16 phone cards 16 equals 16 when you give a telephone number each number is read individually and not as a whole numbers over 9 shouldn't be used ok here are some examples polls number is 6 6 7 4 1 2 7 so polls number is 6 6 7 4 1 2 7 so you read each number individually you do not say Paul number is 667 4127 that's just ridiculous okay another example Taylor's work number is two one two five four seven nine so we say Taylor's work number is two one two five four seven nine so you do not say Taylor's work number is 112 five thousand four hundred and seventy nine okay to the same number can be read as double for example Kyle's number is two three four eighty eight six five Kyle's number is two three four double eight six five okay another example Lana's whole number is two two four nine seven double six Lana's home number is double two four nine seven double six however it is better to say each number one by one Lana's home number is two two four nine seven six six yes okay let's practice numbers now Alberto what is your grandfather's telephone number he has any number okay I think it is four three two double oh four nine four three two double O four nine yes okay Thank You Alberto Silvia what is your number my number is double six eight three two four five okay double six eight three two four five hmm okay I thought so Linda what is your best friend's number my best friend is Tina her number is four three one seven four zero seven okay four three one seven four zero seven all right thank you everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen there are 412 mobile telephones for sale in that store petros number is four one two nine six three zero that telephone book has 6100 numbers in it her friend's number is 969 zero zero one one read and repeat say and tell now it's time to learn when do you say and tell say and tell let's look at some examples Ellen told Steve to call you patty told her mother to call back at four o'clock if there is an indirect object or a listener we use tell again look at some sentences Ellen told Steve to call you Ellen talked to Steve Steve was the listener patty told her mother to call back at for patty talked to her mother her mother was the listener we also used tell in negative sentences when there is a listener some more examples Ellen didn't tell Steve to call you patty didn't tell her mother to call back at 4:00 if there is no indirect object or listener we use say more examples Ellen said that Steve should call her patty said that her mother should call her at 4:00 in these two sentences there are no listeners if there are we don't know who they are we can also use say in negative sentences for example Ellen didn't say that Steve should call her patty didn't say that her mother should call her at 4:00 using say or tell is easy if you remember two simple rules okay notice that first if there is an indirect object or listener use tell second if there is no indirect object or listener use say for example Fred told you to call me not Fred said me next example mother always says be quiet to the children not mother always tells it can say something to someone for example Larry said goodbye to his girlfriend and left the phone booth next what did she say on the phone to the police in these two sentences girlfriend and phone are objects of prepositions they are not indirect objects in these cases say must be used alright now we're ready to practice say and tell hmm what did your mother say to you before you left today Linda oh she told me not to forget to buy a new phone card I have to call my friend in civil tonight good job Linda Alberto what did your mother tell you she said that I must remember her near work number I forget it yesterday it is for six now it's for three six nine zero six five okay that's not too difficult to remember Silvia what did your father say to you he told me not to lose my cell phone again I lost one last week they're expensive yes they are you should be careful thank you very much everyone now I am Telling You to look and listen look and listen ken told his brother to stop talking on the phone Paul's mother always says that we speak on the phone too often the operator is telling Adam to call back later Stephen said he lost his phone cart read and repeat now let's look at question forms using say and tell let's look at some examples didn't you say anything to mother about her answering machine next don't we always tell father how much the phone bill is okay let's practice let's try negative forms and question forms using say and tell okay I will ask alberto a question alberto after you answer you ask Linda a question and then of course Linda you ask Silvia a question okay Alberto didn't you tell me to bring the new telephone book to school yes I told you to please bring it we don't tell the new one okay now ask Linda a question Linda did you say to your mother that you lost her cellphone no I didn't say anything to her she will be very angry Silvia do you think I should tell my mother yes I think you should tell your mother your mother is nice she will understand great good job everyone thank you now I say to you it's time to look and listen look and listen the phone company didn't tell its customers about the new number don't tell mother we lost the phone book she didn't say anything to John after he lost her cell phone the woman said goodbye and left the phone booth read and repeat ah now let's look at ask please take a look at some examples please ask Jim to speak slowly on the phone and asked for a new cell phone ask the man in the phone booth if he is almost finished Paul didn't ask his brother for the money for the phone bill we use ask for orders and requests in the first sentence the speaker wants John to speak more slowly in the second sentence and requested a new cell phone in the third sentence the speaker wants the man to finish and in the fourth sentence Paul didn't request the money from his brother okay now let's practice ask let's try asking excuse me let's try using ask in our sentences Sylvia can I ask you a question of course you can you're the teacher okay did you buy a new cell telephone yet no I didn't ask my mother she will probably say no oh I'm sorry to hear that why don't you ask Linda a question Sylvia okay Linda may I ask for your phone number of course you can you are my friend my number is six seven nine five zero five zero Thank You Linda now I can call you when I need help with my homework okay Linda please ask alberto a question do you know if the theater has a telephone number hmm I asked them for the new numbers but they gave me the old number all right good job everyone now I am asking you to look and listen look and listen ask Ted if I can use his phone card asked her sister to please pick up the phone Allan asked the operator for his friend's new number you should ask the operator for information read and repeat review all right now let's review what we've learned Linda you will say two sentences using ask Sylvia please tell us two sentences using tell and Alberto two sentences with say okay are you ready yes Linda please tell us your sentences okay I asked my brother to hang up the phone and I always ask my friends to leave a message when they call all right very good Sylvia I told my friend to speak louder on the phone the woman told her bus to call back later wonderful okay remember would tell there must be a listener Alberto your sentences okay I always say leave a message to my friends the operator said to try the number again all right very good remember when you say there is no listener thank you everyone now let's learn how to leave a message please take a look at some examples Andy called me an hour ago I took a message he said you can call him tomorrow next your sister called I took a message but forgot to ask for a number are you angry ok many times the person the caller wants to talk to is not home so if you answer the phone you should take a message you should get information from the caller you should learn the colors number and the name and when she wants a return call the color may also want to know where the person is at the moment let's look at this conversation listen as you read hi Petra is your mother there no she's not here she went to the market can I take a message yes you can this is Ellen isn't it yes this is Ellen ok what's your number and that should she call you back I'm at work she can call me at six four six five three five three tell her to call me back in one hour I will thanks for calling bye so we can see that Petra took the caller's name telephone number and a good time for her mother to call her back it is not always important to find out where the color is let's practice let's make a phone call and take a message we will try a role play okay so here's your role play Silvia you are calling Alberto Alberto and Linda you are studying together Linda went to the store to buy a new pin and you take a message for Linda I will start I will call Alberto now okay hello hello Alberto this is Silvia what are you doing Oh Sylvia hi I am studying you should studying - I'm studying is Nina there oh I am sorry she's not here she went to the store she'll die Curie in 30 minutes that's bad news I need to speak with her now mmm I can't take a message for Linda okay what's your telephone number and trying tonight and she call you back my number is four three one seven two double three she can call me back in one hour okay I will tell her goodbye Sylvia Thank You Alberto bye-bye very good very good and later welcome back I found a great black pan did you study yes I did Sylvia called she wants you to call her back on okay when in 100 did you take her number yes I did thank you great job everyone Bravo now my message is it's time to look and listen look and listen she always forgets to ask for a time to call back your boss took a message for you you must call your mother in one hour that wasn't a good message you left on my answering machine read and repeat listen and right now it's time to listen and write listen and write the sentences John told his mother to call a doctor John said to his mother please call a doctor ask the operator for information Lyle never asks if he can take a message I wanted to leave a message but al said it wasn't necessary please tell Damien to use a phone card next time mother didn't say anything to me about a message from Betty Judy called and said to call her back in 10 minutes there is an advertisement for that restaurant in the Yellow Pages Jean told her sister not to forget to call their brother now check your work John told his mother to call a doctor John said to his mother please call a doctor ask the operator for information while never ask if he can take a message I wanted to leave a message but al said it wasn't necessary please tell Damien to use a phone card next time mother didn't say anything to me about a message from Betty Judy called and said to call her back in 10 minutes there's an advertisement for that restaurant in the Yellow Pages Jean told her sister not to forget to call their brother now read the following conversation and answer the questions read and answer Paul is Cathy's boyfriend Paul wants to go to a film on Thursday night it is the new angelina jolie film she is Paul's favorite actress Paul says hello is Cathy there Angie says no she's not here I am Angie I am her cousin I am visiting Cathy for one week Paul says oh I see can you tell Cathy to call me when she comes home it's important what Cathy went to the hair salon she will be back at 5:00 should I say that you called yes I will be at the library until 5:30 I can call her from there I will call at 5:15 I will tell her aren't you Cathy's boyfriend yes I am we have been together for one year I thought so she says you have beautiful blue eyes I have blue eyes we may go to a film Thursday night do you want to come with us I can't I told my aunt that I would go shopping with her she needs a new answering machine it's the new angelina jolie film I know Cathy told me I prefer Brad Pitt he's very handsome yes he is well thank you don't forget to tell Cathy I will call her at 5:15 I won't it was nice talking to you bye now let's answer the questions what does Paul want to do on Thursday night who is poles favorite actress who is Angie what does Pole ask Angie to do when will Cathy return where we'll pull be at 5 o'clock how long have Paul and Cathy been together what color are Paul's eyes what does Angie's aunt need what actor does Angie like now let's check your answers what does Paul want to do on Thursday night he wants to go to a film who is Paul's favorite actress Angelina Jolie is Paul's favorite actress who is Angie Angie is Cathy's cousin what does Paul ask Angie to do he asked Angie to have Cathy : when will Cathy return she will return at 5:00 where will Paul be at 5:00 he will be in the library how long have Paul and Cathy been together they've been together for one year what color are Paul's eyes Paul's eyes are blue what does Angie's aunt need she needs a new answering machine what actor does Angie like she likes Brad Pitt all right very good job today see you next time by practicing English hey Angie where have you been I've been calling you for two hours is your cell phone off no my cell phone is on you know unless I'm in class my phone is right here in my bag hmm oh no I can't find it in my bag uh keep looking it must be in there oh no it's not in there at all I think I know what happened I dropped my bag in the street by the park on my way to English time today I thought I'd put everything back in maybe I miss picking up my phone and left it there well we can go there now and see if it's still there I don't know how you could have lost it that's too bad Angie I know you loved having your phone well it's my own fault the phone probably fell out and I just didn't see it in the grass well what will you do now well I'd better talk to Carrie and see about a loan and get a new phone fast I will call her today I hope she is home well it's almost dinnertime I'll call you later hey by the way what's Carrie's phone number I can catch you there that's right you don't have that her home phone number is two one two five seven nine five seven zero zero zero nine seven nine okay I'll call you later so how was your day my day was fine until the phone started ringing off the hook what I heard that you lost your phone today how did you know that well here are your messages Alexi called and told me that he saw an ad for cellphones and he can go with you after work tomorrow his number is 2 and 2 7 8 2 2 1 8 8 he says to please call him back ok then then jack phoned he heard about your missing phone from Alexi and Alexi gave him my number he said he wanted to see you tonight and to please call or come over after dinner his number is 2 + 2 9 + 0 8 6 7 2 3 hmm okay Dean Sam phoned he heard that you lost your cell phone today and he also left a message first he said you should be more careful with your phone very funny he also said his friend has an extra phone so he will ask him if he can give it to you he said not to buy a new one until he hears from his friend he will call you later he got my number from Alexi who told him your phone had been lost his number is 2 1 2 4 3 5 8 9 2 1 he asked you to call him when you're free here you also wanted to know if you want Mexican or pizza uh-huh when you go to his house tomorrow night to watch TV good afternoon this is Angie's answering service this is her very patient friend may I take a message hi this is Alexi calling can I leave a message for Angie sure can you tell her that I went back one more time to the park and I found her phone that is wonderful news I have been taking messages all afternoon I thought both of you would be very happy is Angie there yet is Alexi she's right here thank you so much for finding her phone I'm very happy hi Alexi thank you for finding my phone Carrie is even happier than I am about it you
Channel: English For You
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Keywords: ingilizce cd, english for you 80 cd, تعليم, TOEFL, english lesson, ingilizce, you, Education (Word), learning english, English for you, for, intermediate, easy english, learn english, iTEP, ingilizce öğren, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, beginner, دروس, apprendre, ingilizce ogren, education, how are you, اللغة, ECPE, free english learn, TOEIC, IELTS, Key English, elementary, free english, الانكليزية, full english, learn english easy, English, PTE, kolay ingilizce, learn english free
Id: eaCba1aERUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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