Elementary Levels - Lesson 10: What's For Dinner?

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hello students today we are going to review the modal auxiliaries may and might and then we will learn new modal auxiliaries must had better and have two but first we must learn some new vocabulary okay when we eat we use silverware okay what is silverware silverware is a knife a knife a spoon a spoon a fork a fork we also need other things to eat a napkin a napkin salt and pepper shakers salt and pepper shakers we need a plate a plate a glass a glass when we eat soup we need a bowl a bowl when we cook we need pots and pans pots and pans so plates glasses and bowls are called dishes all right dishes now let's talk about people who work in restaurants okay the people who work in restaurants are a waiter waiter female waiter is called a waitress waitress and we have a cook cook chef chef so let's review the modal auxiliary may we use may to ask and answer polite questions for example when you're in a restaurant you may ask may I see a menu and they answer yes you may may I see a menu yes you may you may also ask may I sit here an answer could be no you may not this table is broken may I sit here no you may not this table is broken so now that we have reviewed may let's practice hello students how is everyone anna is good Alberto isn't good he has a headache I'm so so oh I'm sorry what is the problem Alberto I don't feel well I have a bad headache I think I ate something bad last night I want to drink some water and take an aspirin may I go to the bathroom yes you may maybe an aspirin will help what did you eat last night thank you I eat some spicy food it always gives me headache may unaccounted me she wants to take alternate contact lenses yes she may go she's having a problem with her lenses her or red she should wear her glasses yes you are right my glasses are broken I should buy new glasses Nicole may I go with Ana and Alberto I want to walk I have a stomach ache I ate a lot of food last night no you may not you should wait ana and Alberto you may leave Ann Ann Alberto will return soon who will I teach oh you're right I can wait Thank You Silvia so we learned that may and might can mean may be may not and might not can mean maybe not so here are some examples well welcome back to class do you feel better yes good ok are examples for may and might cheryl is hungry she may go to Pizza Hut Cheryl is hungry she may go to Pizza Hut it's not sure but she may go next example Larry's children don't like apples he might not buy apples at the store so Larry's children don't like apples he might not buy apples at the store ok let's look again at me and might Anna are you going to eat at home tonight we may not eat at home my mother was very beautiful last night she doesn't wash the dishes they are dirty we make it at a restaurant Mart thank you Anna what are you going to do tonight Alberto I may go to the big football match I should pay a ticket first they might not be any tickets I I may play computer games I might ride my bicycle I'm not sure will you eat at home or at a restaurant you might not eat at home we may go to the my uncle's restaurant he's a very good he's a very good cook he makes wonderful lasagna I like lasagna very much may I go I am sorry it feed before our family oh that's all right Sylvia what are you going to do tonight I'm a stay at home tomorrow is my grandmother's birthday I'm going to make a chocolate cake chocolate is our favorite alright good good answer is everyone now it's time to look and to listen look and listen Molly might buy some new plates her plates are very old I need a new cookbook I may buy a new one it is raining we might not have a barbecue tonight Irma has a toothache she might not eat dinner read and repeat motive of head better now we are going to learn a new model auxilary had better please follow along on your computer had better is a stronger meaning of it means something negative might happen if someone doesn't do something let's look at some examples ahead better eat now I won't have time later the food is getting cold we had better eat dinner so the positive form is had better the negative form has had better not let's look at some more examples she is very tired she had better not go to the party it is snowing very hard we had better eat at home we can also use had better in a short form a contraction so we use apostrophe D better or better not take a look at these examples they'd better not eat now they will be very hungry at 10 o'clock the restaurant is very far she'd better go to a different place okay now we should understand this new modal auxiliary had better so let's practice a little what are you doing after class Alberto I am going to shopping with my mother we are going to the market she needs tomatoes onions peppers and spices she's going to make pizza you're a very good boy Alberto what are you doing Silvia I'm going home I had better help my mother my mother is making a chocolate cake for my grandmother she will be tired she will need some help okay you told us you were going to make chocolate cake but really you're just helping your mother what are you doing tonight Anna I had better stay at home my parents are going to a restaurant and I had better not to go with Dom I should study alright good thank you everyone we learned that the positive form of the modal auxiliary is had better the negative form is had better not here is a chart to help you so for a positive form we can take a look at this example she had better buy some coffee so you start with the subject then ad had better then add your main verb plus your object or compliment so we also have the negative form we can say she had better not buy some coffee so you start with your subject had better plus negative not plus your main verb plus your object or compliment okay so now we better understand had better had better not so let's practice Sylvia are you going to make dinner tonight I had better not my dinner I'm not a good cook my mother is the best cook in the world oh that's why you're not going to make your grandmother's chocolate cake okay Sylvia can you ask Anna a question alright Anna can you come to my house for dinner on Saturday maybe I had better study first I have a big exam next week but on does dinner start it starts at 7:00 p.m. you had better come early my mother likes to talk with you get answers now Anna asked Alberto question please sure Alberto do you want to come to dinner too I'd better not my grandmother will be here I don't see her often okay I understand all right very good answers everyone now we had better look and listen look and listen mother wants to make eggs she better buy a new pan her pan is very old Theodore had better go to a restaurant tonight there is nothing to eat at home Eddie and Pedro had better not eat with their hands there is silverware on the table read and repeat modal verbs must and have to now we are going to talk about two other modal auxiliaries must and have to which mean the same first let's talk about must please follow along look at some examples where is the kitchen I must start cooking mother wants to make popcorn you must buy some salt there is no food at home we must go to a restaurant so you can see that must means something is necessary or very important it is stronger than should so please follow along on your computer so we can better understand must and mustn't the negative form of must is must not or mustn't it means something is forbidden must not means do not do this now take a look at these examples where is the pepper I mustn't forget to put it in the soup father is waiting at the restaurant we mustn't be late alright let's practice now Sylvia my mother is making a cake tonight what must she buy I'm not sure I'm not a good cook oh that's right you told us that ok Alberto what must she buy she must buy x floor sugar and chocolate I am a good cook I like to make chocolate cake ok good thank you Sylvia I want to buy a new refrigerator my refrigerator is too small I have lots of food in it you must eat the food a new refrigerator is very expensive so okay that's good advice Sylvia thank you Anna I'm going to a restaurant tomorrow I don't know what I should wear I not wanted the name old restaurant well it's the new Italian restaurant near the school oh it's a very nice restaurant you must fear a nice shirt and skirt all right should I go early yes you must go early that restaurant is always crowded if new people wants to eat there very good everyone so we can see in these sentences that must means it is very important to do something so please follow along on your computer here are some examples Arnold doesn't have a spoon he mustn't order soup Kathy's hands are very dirty she must wash before she cooks okay let's practice using must and mustn't or must not Anna I am going on a picnic this afternoon what must I do thus exciting you must be Inca front you must go to the park near the lake is a very beautiful dar all right thank you Anna I am bringing two friends we are going to the park what must I do Alberto you must bring sandwich and something to drink it might be very hot you should make lemonade wonderful there too I will bring many things to eat and you must bring salt and pepper and some fruit Thank You Alberto I will bring some apples and oranges we don't need salt and pepper for the sandwiches what do you think Sylvia you mustn't go it's going to rain this afternoon it's not a good day for a picnic this weekend will be better oh that is bad news I must read the weather report in the newspaper I must remember to bring my umbrella thank you everyone now let's talk about the differences between should and shouldn't and must and mustn't we use must to say that something is very important it is necessary there is no choice take a look at these examples I must not be late for dinner the cook will be angry we use should to say that something is a good idea there is a choice take a look at these examples you should smoke on the balcony people are eating in the kitchen so let's look at the difference between should and shouldn't and must and mustn't in the examples so Paul must eat now why is it must because he won't have I'm later Paul must eat now he won't have time later so there isn't a choice but we can say Ellen should eat now it's her choice but we don't know how long the meeting will last okay so I hope that's clear Ellen should eat now because we don't know how long the meeting will last so it's Ellen's choice to eat now or not to eat now but it's a good idea because we don't know how long the meeting will last okay here are some more examples take a look you must eat now we won't eat dinner before 10 o'clock but you should eat now you may be hungry in an hour ok now let's practice must and must not one more time Alberto I'm going to my friend's house for dinner should I leave at 9 o'clock no you mustn't you must go early maybe she needs help cooking you should tell her Thank You Alberto I think you're right ana where are you going for dinner we already think at home my mother is making Spanish omelets I must go markets after class I must buy eggs for hush mm I like omelets very much Silvia what are you doing after class I must study I have a test tomorrow my friend wants to go to a coffee after class I mustn't go alright thank you everyone now we must look and listen look and listen we mustn't buy eggs the refrigerator is full Jack must clean the kitchen his mother wants to cook later these knives aren't clean you must wash them again you mustn't put more salt in the soup it will be too salty read and repeat Hester and have to now let's learn the modal's have to and has to has to and have to mean the same as must they have the same meaning take a look at your computer must and have to or has to have the same meaning they express the idea that something is very necessary there is no choice you saw that we use the form must for all for everyone for you I he she it we and they however have to and has to change like the simple present as we know so we need to say I have to do it I have to do it you have to do it you have to do it but he she and it has to do it so he has to do it she has to do it it has to do it we have to do it we have to do it and they have to do it they have to do it take a look at some examples Lewis has a stomachache he has to eat slowly next example Jackie is hungry she has to go to the restaurant with us next example Joanne is going to the bookstore she has to buy a new cookbook okay now we should understand has two and have two so let's try to practice a little I am going to make lasagna tonight I need advice Alberto I have a lot of advice for you that you had to buy tomatoes onions meat and papers you had to buy lasagna noodles - thank you very much Alberto what do you think Ghana I don't know how to make Italian food maybe you have to buy an Italian cookbook Laz is difficult to make okay I have a good Italian cookbook I know how to make it now any more ideas Silvia you should invite me I have to study later if I come to your house I don't have to cook I will have more time to study there is a very good idea Silvia you can come Anna in Alberto do you want to come no thanks we are having whole nuts at home maybe I can come but I had to leave early I had to go back before 10:00 great I will see you tonight thank you so now we can see that must and have to have the same meaning take a look at these examples I must eat soon has the same meaning as I have to eat soon next example Abigail must leave at noon that means the same thing as Abigail has to leave at noon now we have to look and listen look and listen fred has to drive to the party mary has to buy some vegetables I have to leave on Friday we have to make soup soon the children have to come downstairs for lunch read and repeat now we need to look at the negative forms of half - or has to take a look at the computer and follow along for these explanations must not and do not have to are different must not mean something is forbidden do not do it do not have to means something is not necessary to do it is not important for the first and second person singular and for plural subjects we use don't look at these examples I don't have to eat now next example the boys don't have to clean the kitchen next example I can hear you you don't have to shout but for the third person singular we use doesn't look at these examples mother is making spaghetti and does it have to help it isn't necessary Wallace doesn't have to wear a tie at the restaurant he is only 5 now let's try to use not have to we'll practice how are you Sylvia I'm great we are eating at a restaurant tonight our electricity is being repaired we don't have to eat at home great Alberto what are you going to do Saturday night Saturday night is my Mother's Day night off she doesn't have to cook so we go to a cafe for dinner oh that sounds great I like cafes very much I'm sure you will have a good time ana what are you having for dinner tonight my older sister is happy she doesn't have to cook tonight mother is making Spanish allness are from the lifestyle very much mmm I have never tried one maybe you can bring one to school one day that's a good idea I will be like you all for a large tomorrow thank you on now I don't have to make a lunch for tomorrow and thank you everyone we learned that must and have to mean it is very important to do something it is necessary must or mustn't mean it is forbidden to do something don't or doesn't have to means it is not necessary to do something take a look at some more examples l must go to the store he has no eggs now this means the same as L has to go to the store he has no eggs so we can see that it is very important for L to go to the store maybe he is making a cake but he needs eggs okay next example Peter mustn't look in the closet his present is there it is forbidden for Peter to look in the closet next example we don't have to buy fruit there is fruit in the refrigerator so we can see that it is not necessary to buy fruit here is a chart to help you first let's look at must in the positive form of must we can say you must eat your dinner now so you can see in the positive we start with the subject then ad must then your verb and then your object or complement for the negative form we can say you mustn't eat your dinner now so we start with the subject then ad must not or mustn't then the verb and then the object or complement the question form is must you eat your dinner now so you begin with must plus your subject then the verb and then the object or complement and we also have a negative question form mustn't you eat your dinner now start with mustn't + subject + verb and then your object or complement now look at the chart for half - we could start with the positive form Gary has to eat his breakfast first the subject then has or have - and then the verb and the object or complement in the negative form we can say Gary doesn't have to eat his breakfast subject and then don't have to or does it have to and then your verb and then your object or complement in the question form we can ask this Gary have to eat his breakfast so we start with does or do + your subject + have to + your verb + your object or complement and we can use a negative question form doesn't Gary have to eat his breakfast so the form is doesn't or don't plus your subject + have to + verb + your object or complement ok I hope you could understand the charts for must and have to now we must and we have to look and listen look and listen Jenny should go to the store we need fruit the boys have to eat now the soup is hot Harry must make his own breakfast he got up late read and repeat review okay let's try some exercises complete the sentences with your own words okay Anna you do the first one children must what children must listen to their parents good answer okay children must listen to their parents okay Alberto you do this one children don't have to what Alberto children don't have to cook okay good children don't have to cook okay Sylvia we don't have to what do you think we don't have to have to leave for the restaurant now we don't have to leave for the restaurant now we don't have to leave for the restaurant now Thank You Sylvia Alberto mothers must mothers must cook for their children good mothers must cook for their children mothers must cook for their children alright good Thank You students let's practice one more time Sylvia you tell us five sentences using had better or had better not Alberto you give us five sentences using must or mustn't and Anna please tell us five sentences using half two or don't have to Sylvia you start here are my sentences I had better not go to the cafe we had better not eat spicy food we have a match tomorrow all had better not cook spaghetti his cooking is terrible Jack had better not use peppers in the soup my mother had better come soon the food won't ready you had better not go on a picnic it would rain Thank You Sylvia so Sylvia said I had better not go to the cafe we had better not eat spicy food we have a match tomorrow Hal had better not cook spaghetti his cooking is terrible Jack had better not used peppers in the soup my mother had better come soon the food won't be ready and you had better not go on a picnic it will rain good job in your sentences Alberto ok I must learn to cook I must tell my mother make a cake I mustn't be rude to my sister in the kitchen waitresses must be friendly children mustn't play in the kitchen good job Alberto about her said I must learn to cook I must help my mother make a cake and mustn't be rude to my sister in the kitchen waitresses must be friendly children mustn't play in the kitchen ok in Anna I have to walk notice tonight I had to learn how to make lasagna waitresses have to be polite I don't have to eat on the balcony mother doesn't have cook tomorrow we can eat leftovers alright good so Anna said I have to buy noodles tonight I have to learn how to make lasagna waitresses have to be polite I don't have to eat on the balcony mother doesn't have to cook tomorrow we can eat leftovers what are leftovers on a leftovers our food that is in the refrigerator so from dinner last night very good honor all right thank you everyone as usual wonderful sentences now it's time to listen and write listen and write Mike might make goulash tonight his sister loves it Gail doesn't have to eat her dessert you must give me a fork Kate might need some new silverware may I eat now I have to leave soon now check your work Mike might make goulash tonight his sister loves it Gail doesn't have to eat her dessert you must give me a fork Kate might need some new silverware may I eat now I have to leave soon now let's write the story and answer the questions about it read and answer tony is a cook in a famous Italian restaurant the restaurant is in Los Angeles and many famous people eat there Tony likes to cook all kinds of Italian food but his favorite is fettuccine alfredo he cooks the best fettuccine alfredo in los angeles tony has to get up early he has a lot of work to do before the restaurant opens he must order food he must make sure the other cooks are on time he doesn't have to make a schedule his boss always makes the schedules when the restaurant opens at 4 o'clock tony is always very busy he has to prepare many kinds of food he must make sure that the plates and silverware are clean he must watch the waiters and waitresses they mustn't be rude if they are rude Tony knows he had better talk to the boss Tony has worked at the restaurant for 15 years he must work for five more years and then he will get his pension when he retires he could stay at home and cook for his beautiful wife now let's answer the questions what does Tony do how often eat at the restaurant what is Tony's favorite Italian food to cook why does Tony have to get up early who always makes the schedules when does the restaurant open what must he make sure is clean what should Tony do if the waitresses are rude how long has Tony worked at the restaurant what will he do when he retires now let's check your answers what does Tony do Tony cooks in an Italian restaurant who often eats at the restaurant famous people often eat at the restaurant what is Tony's favorite Italian food to cook his favorite Italian food is fettuccine alfredo why does Tony have to get up early he has a lot of work to do who always makes the schedule his boss always makes the schedule when does the restaurant open it opens up four o'clock what must he make sure is clean he must make sure the plates and silverware are clean what should Tony do if the waitresses are rude Tony had better talked to the boss how long has Tony worked at the restaurant he has worked there for 15 years what will he do when he retires he will cook for his beautiful wife good job everyone see you next time practicing English oh hey Angie what are you doing right now I was just cleaning my room and doing a little laundry what about you well I got up early and I thought I may be able to clean around the house but my roommate had some friends over so I might be able to get the cleaning done later with all these guys in the house I want to get out I see is it too loud for you yes it sure is they're playing games and shouting let's go see a movie good I'd like to get out of the house too okay let's meet at the shopping mall are you hungry mmm yes a little are you yes we may have to get something to eat at the food court before the movie mmm I might have to have my favorite Chinese dumplings at the great wall restaurant hmm and I like burritos that taco time let's make an hour okay sounds good to me bye hi sorry I'm late have you been waiting long don't worry about it hey are you still hungry yes I have to beat now my stomach is saying you must feed me yeah mine too let's have a look around and see what looks good well they have our favourites that we spoke about on the phone you like Mexican I like Chinese I may change my mind and try something completely new that new place sounds good I might try it well I may join you but let's walk around for a minute you know Sam and Jack were here and they said the Turkish pizza place was great and we have to try it okay but maybe some other time I just had pizza two nights ago I changed my mind I just had pizza two nights ago well no problem I might come here later in the week with my buddies and I might try it then oh look there's a new ice cream place over there oh you know that ice cream is my favorite let's check it out that man is eating a huge banana split he won't have to eat for a week after he finishes that oh it looks delicious I might have that instead of having lunch let's see ice cream for lunch you must have something more nutritious than that I will tell your mother that you're eating ice cream for lunch okay it was just an idea I said I'm mytab ice cream it's not for sure I'm kidding you may have whatever you want today we might be here for a while how long are your roommates friends staying at your house well he said that they may stay all day at our house well in that case we should find a nice long movie and take her time with lunch you would better be prepared to stay away from the house all day you're right so where shall we eat well let's try over here you well here it is why don't you choose first I still have to make up my mind okay I want my fried chicken today well I want Turkish pizza okay well let's meet over there in a few minutes great Angi your chicken looks mouth-watering can I have a piece of your chicken yes you can but you have so much here well I don't need a knife and fork I prefer to eat with my hands well I need to use a knife and fork mmm this is delicious okay well let's talk about the movie what do you want to see we have to see the new Julia Roberts movie I heard it's great hmm do we have to see that I thought you loved Julia Roberts I do but I promised my sister that I would see it with her okay what would you like to see um I'd like to see a horror film we might really like it okay but you had better be ready to hear me scream you
Channel: English For You
Views: 137,599
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Keywords: Key English, free english learn, full english, ECPE, free english, English for you, ingilizce öğren, PTE, learn english, learn english easy, elementary, اللغة, دروس, ingilizce, kolay ingilizce, الانكليزية, English, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, learn english free, ingilizce cd, english for you 80 cd, easy english, iTEP, apprendre, تعليم, ingilizce ogren, you, beginner, education, learning english, IELTS, TOEIC, for, Education (Word), TOEFL, how are you, english lesson, intermediate
Id: tw2-m3U1x2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 33sec (3213 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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