Elementary Levels - Lesson 2: Special Days

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welcome today we will review the days of the week we will also review the months of the year next we will talk about seasons and prepositions of time finally we will learn some new vocabulary and discuss holidays so let's begin with the days of the week here are some examples Easter is always on Sunday so let's look at that example Easter is always on Sunday everywhere in the world next example next Wednesday is Christmas everyone knows Christmas next Wednesday is Christmas Father's Day is on Sunday hey Father's Day is on Sunday I think Valentine's Day is next Tuesday ok so all the men must bring roses I think Valentine's Day is next Tuesday alright let's discuss the days of the week now now that we have some examples first we have the weekdays Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday these are all called weekdays so let's repeat Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday the weekdays when most of us are working we also have some fun days for most people these days are called the weekend Saturday and Sunday is the weekend all right now let's practice the days of the week Anna what is your favorite day my favorite day is Sunday that's Easter Easter is my favorite holiday Thank You Sylvia what is your favorite holiday my favorite holiday is Independence Day that is this Thursday wonderful Alberto what day is your birthday on its own Tuesday I want to have a big party this year that sounds great I hope you invite me Anna what day is tomorrow tomorrow is Tuesday there is a big festival in Barcelona tomorrow great good job Sylvia what day was yesterday yesterday was Sunday it was my uncle's birthday very good Alberto what day is today that simple please Monday good job thank you very much everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen Cindy's birthday is on Thursday the policeman doesn't have to work at the festival on Friday Valentine's Day is this Monday I usually start my holiday shopping on Saturday read and repeat months of the year now let's learn something new pay attention to these examples Christmas is the day after tomorrow Christmas is the day after tomorrow st. Patrick's Day was the day before yesterday st. Patrick's Day was the day before yesterday so the day after tomorrow means two days from today into the future that's why we know Christmas is the day after tomorrow two days into the future okay if today is Wednesday the day after tomorrow is Friday so now we understand the day before yesterday if today is Wednesday the day before yesterday was Monday all right now let's practice with our April calendar we're using today as the 11th of April Alberto what is the day after tomorrow the day after tomorrow is Saturday it's my father's birthday all right very good happy birthday to your father now today is Easter April 11th so Anna what is what was the day before yesterday Easter is always on a Sunday the day before yesterday was Friday very good Silvia what are you going to do the day after tomorrow I'm going to buy a present it is my boyfriend's birthday very good thank you everyone now we are going to review the months of the year okay America's Independence Day is in July America's Independence Day is in July Mother's Day is in May in the u.s. Mother's Day is in May in the US the big festival is in June the big festival is in June my birthday is in October my birthday is in October all right now there are 12 months in a year so let's review the 12 months we start the year of course with New Year's and that's January after we have the month of February next comes springtime with March April follows then May summertime arrives with June then July August then we have September and the fall season begins next is October November finally December January February March April May June July August September October November December the twelve months of the year most of the months have 31 days these months are January March May July August October and December some months have 30 days these months are April June September November the month of February has 28 days every four years it has 29 days that here is called leap year okay let's review the months Sylvia in what month is your birthday my birthday is in May my mother's birthday is in my - okay very good thank you Anna what is your favorite month my favorites multis July there's a big festival in Spain thank you Anna Alberto what is your favorite month my favorite month is December that's Christmas time okay great very good now it's time to look and listen look and listen the ice skating festival is in December their wedding anniversary is in March Halloween is in October there are many holidays in February in the United States read and repeat seasons now let's review the seasons take a look at these examples his birthday is in the spring his birthday is in the spring next example I love winter festivals in my country I love winter festivals in my country Columbus Day is in the fall in the United States Columbus Day is in the fall in the United States came one other example the tulip festival is in the spring in Holland okay the tulip festival is in the spring in Holland okay now that we have some examples of interesting things to do in these seasons let's discuss the seasons okay there are four seasons these are summer fall winter and spring so the four seasons are summer fall winter and spring okay fall is special it can also be called autumn - names so fall is also called autumn ok the summer months are June July and August so the summer months are June July and August the fall months are September October and November fall or autumn months are September October and November okay the winter months are December January and February the winter months are December January and February so that leaves lovely springtime spring months are March April and May beautiful flowers the spring months are March April and May all right now let's practice on uh what is your favorite season my favorite season is the summer the South Armagh festival is in the summer all right very good Alberto what is your favorite season my favorite season is the winter I love to Sookie I love to walk in the snow I love Christmas I love in turn ok very good Silvia what is your favorite season my favorite season is the supreme my birthday is in the supreme the flowers are beautiful the birds always sing ok I agree with you very good everyone now it's season four look and listen look and listen Father's Day is in the summer there are many festivals in France in the spring Kathy and Fred's anniversary is in the fall there are many beach parties in the summer read and repeat prepositions of time now let's review days months and seasons Anna when is a good time to visit Barcelona Agathon is in the summer the beaches are beautiful there are many parties that are many festivals oh great sounds like fun Alberto when is a good time to visit Italy December is a wonderful month in Italy Christmas in December Christmas is very important in Italy yes Christmas is in December very good Silvia when is a good time to visit Bosnia I'm going sorry over on Sunday they are having a ski Festival in sorry Ola I think winter is the best time to visit Bosnia all right great thank you everyone now let's quickly review prepositions of time here are some examples the festival will start at midnight the festival will start at midnight preposition of time at we will leave for the party at lunch time we will leave for the party at lunch time at lunch time the fourth of July celebration will start at 8 o'clock the fourth of July celebration will start at 8 o'clock at 8 final example we always have a good time at Christmas we always have a good time at Christmas so we use the preposition at for the time of day and also for these expressions okay we're still working with the preposition at okay so we use at for the time of day and these expressions at night at the weekend at Easter all right let's talk about holidays Silvia what kind of food do you usually eat at Christmas time we eat sausages and potatoes withering glass of beer Oh wonderful Alberto what do you usually do at night before Christmas you go to that early you don't want something to be late no that wouldn't be good Anna when do you usually celebrate your birthday are usually celebrate it at night my family likes to go to our favorite restaurant good thank you everyone now at this time it's time to look and listen look and listen Kevin went to the festival at 2:30 we will leave for the anniversary party at noon at Easter we always paint eggs the gala will be at the weekend read and repeat now let's review the preposition on okay here are some examples the anniversary party will be on Friday alright the anniversary party will be on Friday on Friday next example Christmas is always on December 25th Christmas is always on December 25th on December 25th Easter is always on a Sunday in the spring Easter is always on a Sunday in the spring when final example I will have a big party on my birthday I will have a big party on my birthday okay so we use the preposition on for days and dates okay let's look at some more expressions okay we can say on Thursday on March 12th on Christmas Day or on my birthday okay so on is used for days and dates for example on Thursday on March 12 on Christmas Day or on my birthday okay now let's practice using the preposition Silvia when is your birthday my birthday is on the 18th of May it's in the spring I love spring oh I like spring to Anna when do you celebrate Christmas on the 24th or the 25th of December we celebrated on Christmas Day thus the tomato fifth of December very good Alberto when do you usually go to the arts festivals I usually go on Fridays they are very crowded on weekends all right good very good everyone now on this day we are going to look and listen look and listen their anniversary party will be on Sunday the festival first started on October 1st 1988 on Christmas Day we are always excited Joyce wants a surprise party on her birthday read and repeat let's review the last preposition of time in here are some examples they will leave for Oktoberfest in September in September the ice festival is always in the winter in the winter his birthday parties at the hotel began in 1999 finally Christmas was first celebrated in the Middle Ages let's review they will leave for Oktoberfest in September the ice festival is always in the winter his birthday parties at the hotel began in 1999 Christmas was first celebrated in the Middle Ages ok so we use the preposition in for longer periods of time ok for example we use in 4 months seasons and years ok so we use the preposition in 4 months seasons and years ok more examples of expressions in October in the winter in 1768 in the 1980s in the 17th century in the Middle Ages in the past and in the future so let's review these expressions using the preposition in in October in the winter in 1768 in the 1980s in the 17th century in the Middle Ages in the past and in the future ok now let's review this last preposition of time in Sylvia are you going home for Christmas not this year maybe I will go in the future I don't have enough money for a ticket oh that's too bad I'm sorry Sylvia Anna when were you born I was born in 1980 my parents set apart for me when they brought me home I'm sure you made them very happy Alberto you will love this question when did Christmas first start in Italy I don't know exactly maybe in the first century or maybe in the second century very good thank you everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen the festival will be in February their anniversary is in the spring the festival first began in 1657 I used to have birthday parties for my daughter in the 1970s read and repeat holidays now let's review for three prepositions of time in at and on Sylvia when is your mother's birthday it's on my second that's in the spring we always have a party for her in the park great Ana when is your mother's favorite season I'm not sure I think is summer there are many cross festivals in the summer great Alberto when was your sister born she was born on Christmas Day in 1992 she was born at 7:00 a.m. she was a wonderful present for our family yes I'm sure she was thank you now let's look at three important holidays the first holiday we will look at is Halloween Halloween is celebrated on October 31st Halloween is celebrated on October 31st it is important Allah Day for children and adults before we talk about Halloween let's learn some important vocabulary please look at the monitor children like to wear costumes for Halloween they can be a devil or cowboy or maybe a ghost or a monster they like to put masks on their faces they carve pumpkins and put them in front of their homes some of the pumpkins have funny faces some of the pumpkins have scary faces some people put candles inside the pumpkins children like to go trick-or-treating most people give them candy or fruits some people don't give the children anything sometimes the children rub soap on these people's windows so children aren't the only ones who enjoy Halloween adults can also enjoy Halloween please look at the monitor adults like to go to costume parties they have contests to see who has the best costume so now that we know all that we need to know about Halloween let's practice Sylvia where do they celebrate Halloween they celebrate Halloween in the United States that's correct is it only for children no I think it's good for adults too very good Alberto for a Halloween party what costume can you wear eye candy beach or I can be a lion a witch or a lion wow I'm sure you would be a very good lion Ana do they have pumpkins in Spain of course we do my father has done in his garden I tank are many pop things for Halloween okay very good Silvia if I come to your house trick-or-treating will you give me some candy of course good job everyone now it's time for a real treat look and listen look and listen my brother is always a pirate on Halloween the Halloween party is at the restaurant there were three pumpkins in front of the house the bad witch is flying around the house read and repeat now let's look at Christmas Christmas is on the 25th of December okay so Christmas is on the twenty-fifth of December as our friend Alberto knows very well it is celebrated in many countries in the world now we need to find out more information about Christmas so please look at your monitor families like to cut down a Christmas tree for their home they like to decorate the tree with bulbs lights and tinsel children like to hang stockings for Santa Claus on Christmas morning there are many presents under the tree many families go to church on Christmas Day people sing Christmas songs or carols families always have a wonderful meal on Christmas Day all right let's talk some more about this wonderful holiday Christmas I think all three of you love Christmas especially Alberto I love it I love to shop for presents I love to get present there is always a lot of love in our house on Christmas Day yes I feel the love in your house on Christmas Day very good what about you Silvia I like Christmas too I enjoy our trip to the forest together tree I also enjoy decorating it my mother made lots of Christmas decoration that's great in Ana do you also enjoy Christmas sure Christmas is the most important holiday in Spain I love the prisons and food I also love to sing Christmas carols the only bad thing is there isn't in snow in Barcelona oh that's too bad thank you everyone now your present is to look and listen look and listen the Christmas tree was very tall we went to the church for midnight mass there were many small presence in the children's stockings Olivia got a new doll for Christmas read and repeat you another holiday which is celebrated in some countries is Thanksgiving it is usually celebrated in the fall now we're going to listen to some additional information about Thanksgiving so please look at the monitor mother's cook a nice turkey or ham for Thanksgiving Father's carve the turkey into small pieces the turkey is filled with stuffing which is breadcrumbs and spices for dessert there is men's meat apple and pumpkin pie before the meal begins everyone gives thanks for their good health and for sharing the meal with friends and family so now that we have some additional information about Thanksgiving let's discuss this wonderful holiday Anna do they have Thanksgiving in Spain no they don't I want Spain to hear it the food looks delicious thank you Anna Sylvia what do you know about Binx kidding I have an American friend I had Thanksgiving dinner with his family there was a lot of happiness there but I didn't understand American football yes it's a difficult sport to understand Alberto do you like the Thanksgiving desserts I think so but my mother doesn't make pious I don't know if I like nice meat or not well I like it very much thank you everyone now let's give thanks for look and listen look and listen they went to their grandparents house for Thanksgiving apple pie is my favorite dessert on Thanksgiving Everett's mom is always angry when his father watches too much football on Thanksgiving we had a small turkey this Thanksgiving read and repeat review now we're ready for some more practice Anna what do you want for Christmas this year I also knew it I hope Santa puts it in my stocking Silvia can you be a king on Halloween I don't think so I want to be a cat I want to find a nice Mouse okay good Alberto can your mother cook a Thanksgiving turkey I'm sure she can she's a great cook Thank You assistants you are wonderful now let's try some exercises using months and days of the week so I will write some examples for you to fill in the first one the two weekend days are hmm and hmm Anna this one's for you the two of account days are Saturday and Sunday the two weekend days are Saturday and Sunday great Sylvia today is Friday the day before yesterday was mm-hmm Sylvia today before yesterday why was Wednesday the day before yesterday was Wednesday if today is Friday okay Alberto this one's for you it's a long one the months that have 30 days are mm-hmm and the months that 30 days are September all right petrol mm-hmm June and November very good so the months that have 30 days are September April June and November good job you've all been paying very good attention let's do an exercise using the seasons of the year okay Anna will start but her example won't be quite as difficult as Alberto's okay Anna the three all months are which one's the three or four most are September October and November very good so the three four months are September October and November okay Alberto now you finally have an easy one the three summer months are mm-hmm and what that's easy the three summer months are June July and August very good Alberto all right so the three summer months are June July and August now Silvia last but certainly not least your example about seasons the three spring months ah and what the three spring months are March April and May very good Silvia okay the three spring months are March April and May okay good job now let's do a short exercise with prepositions of time fill in the blanks again with the correct answers okay the anniversary party will start mm-hmm eight o'clock okay Silvia the anniversary party will start at 8 o clock very good the anniversary party will start at 8 o'clock ok Alberto we will leave for the birthday party hmm one hour we will leave for the birthday party in one hour very good we will leave for the birthday party in one hour very good okay Ana this one's for you Christmas Mass will be mm-hmm eight o'clock Christmas mas will be at 8 o clock yes Christmas Mass will be at 8 o'clock great job everyone thank you now here is an exercise using our new vocabulary let's fill on the blanks again ok you're going to use a new vocabulary word Nancy's mother mm-hmm four orange mm-hmm for Halloween let's see who's the smart one today Alberto can you do this one Nancy's mother caught four orange pumpkins four hello very good Nancy's mother carved four orange pumpkins for Halloween okay Sylvia you're just as smart as Alberto my mother made four mm-hmm pies for Thanksgiving my mother made for mincemeat pies for Thanksgiving very good my mother made for mincemeat pies for Thanksgiving okay the last one is for you Anna the children love to mm-hmm the Christmas tree with beautiful mm-hmm can you do that one Anna the children love to decorate the Christmas tree with beautiful decorations very good okay the children love to decorate the Christmas tree with beautiful decorations thank you very much you're also very smart now it's time to listen and write listen and write now listen and write these sentences her birthday is on Monday the festival will start at 7 o'clock their anniversary is in November Paula wants a new motorcycle for Christmas the spring festival opens at noon John will bring the Christmas tree Joe's mother bought three pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving dinner our Christmas tree was too short there was ten dollars in Molly's stocking Kelly's favorite Christmas song is the First Noel now check your work her birthday is on Monday the festival will start at 7 o'clock their anniversary is in November Paula wants a new motorcycle for Christmas the spring festival opens at noon John will bring the Christmas tree Joe's mother bought three pumpkins for Thanksgiving dinner our Christmas tree was too short there was $10 in Molly's stalking Kelly's favorite Christmas song is the First Noel now read the story and answer the questions about it read and answer Mary and Jim are married they live in London they are architects they were married on March 5th 2000 they don't have any children they may have a child in the future now they like going to parties and festivals Mary and Jim have two parties every year they have one on Christmas Eve it usually starts at 3:00 p.m. lots of friends and relatives always come to have a drink most people bring a small gift for Mary and Jim last year Mary got a new pair of winter gloves from her best friend they also have a party on Halloween this party starts at 10 p.m. everyone wears a costume last year Jim was a football player and Mary was a cheerleader there is always a contest for the best costume last year a woman in a butterfly costume won there was a big surprise for everyone after last year's party some naughty teenagers had soaked all the car windows now here are some questions about the story where do Mary and Jim live what are their jobs do they have children what do they like to do how many parties do Mary and Jim have each year what time does their Christmas Eve party start what did Mary get last year what time does the Halloween party start what kind of costume did Mary wear last year what was the big surprise after last year's party now check your answers where do Mary and Jim live Mary and Jim live in London what are their jobs they are architects do they have children no they don't what do they like to do they like to go to parties and festivals how many parties do Mary and Jim have each year Mary and Jim have two parties what time does their Christmas Eve party start it starts at 3:00 p.m. what did Mary get last year she got a new pair of gloves what time does the Halloween party start the Halloween party starts at 10 o'clock what kind of costume did Mary wear last year Mary wore a cheerleader costume last year what was the big surprise after last year's party naughty teenager put soap on everyone's car windows very good lesson see you next time bye-bye practicing English look at that lady walking that pretty dog he is gorgeous he's almost dragging her along with him he's still very young he's not finished growing yet my opinion I think that will grow to be a large dog yes probably he is not even a year old yet he's such a pretty brown color his fur is very shiny and he looks very clean yes but he is hitting right towards that pool I think he is chasing those black birds you're right there he goes right into the pool they're both going to be soaked see I love taking time out in the park you can do almost anything here yes now look at this man coming our way Oh his running jacket is plaid and he's wearing a straw hat with long brown shoes he is certainly very colorful now I see something I want you to take notice of what's that those two boys over there where one boy has light brown hair and the other one has black hair those boys over there yes one boy is wearing a black shirt and the other is wearing a white shirt hmm what about them huh I think they are looking at you and me they keep smiling at us oh you're right they are looking at us huh I like the light brown haired one he is taller than the other boy I like the black haired one he's shorter but he has a nicer smile than the other boy look they are leaving I guess they weren't interested in us after all don't worry cousin Istanbul is full of handsome men let's go do some shopping and see if we can meet anyone interesting along the way Angie you're right it's a beautiful sunny day and I'm happy to be here let's go and do some shopping hey Angie look at those two white blouses which one do you like better I like the one on the right it is short sleeve and will be great for summer I like that one too and it's also cheaper than the long sleeve one long sleeve one is 26 euros and short sleepe well is only 17 years and I think it is nicer than the more expensive one look at those jeans Carrie I love them do you like them too yes they're very pretty why don't you try a few peers on and see what you think Carrie what do you think I think they are too dark and too tight they don't look very comfortable on you Carrie you're right I think I'll try the next pair what do you think of these carry well they are lighter than that appear I think it is good that they're not as tight as the last pair do you like them yes the last pair was too tight and this pair is too loose they need to be shorter as well they are too long hello are you having some problems with sizes today well not just size but color and fit too well don't worry I'm here to help what's wrong with these pants I like these they are lighter than the first pair but they are too loose and then you'd be shorter too so same light color do you want them a little tighter and a little shorter too yes I want the same shade of color but tighter and shorter than this pair just a moment I'll get them for you I'll be right back hello trophy thank you thank you these jeans are perfect for me they're just the right shade of blue they're long enough and comfortable to wear well guess what what if I told you I can take 25% off the price then they'd be cheaper too that would be great let's go to the register and we get this all sorted out for you you
Channel: English For You
Views: 475,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English for you, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, دروس, تعليم, اللغة, الانكليزية, English, for, you, apprendre, learn english, free english, Education (Word), education, english lesson, learning english, free english learn, learn english free, english for you 80 cd, full english, ingilizce, ingilizce öğren, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce cd, elementary, beginner, intermediate, learn english easy, easy english, kolay ingilizce, how are you, special days
Id: MDgvWwcRmQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 25sec (3805 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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