Elementary Levels - Lesson 19: World Knowledge

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how are you students today we are going to talk about the passive but first we will review some other verb forms let me first test your knowledge of history Christopher Columbus was a very famous historical figure Linda do you know what Christopher Columbus did I'm not sure but he invented America I think good Linda America but did he invent America oh I remember now he discovered America good so Christopher Columbus discovered America do you know something else about him Sylvia um he drew a map of the world yes he did so he drew a map of the world let me ask another question Alberto did he fly to America no he didn't he went to America by boat very good and what is the verb that we use for that Columbus sailed to America very good Columbus sailed to America means he went to America by boat alright Sylvia do you know anything else about him um he was from Italy good he was from Italy nice one anything else well he spoke Italian very good he spoke Italian yes he did and the city of Genoa in Italy willed a study for him okay the city of Genoa in Italy built a statue for him that's interesting Alberto do a lot of people know him yes everybody knows Columbus right everyone knows Christopher Columbus anything else Silvia Italian people love him and they are proud of him because an Italian discovered America very good so Italian people love Columbus Sacher Alberto yes okay well people in the future know Columbus Linda oh yes people will always remember Columbus very good people will always remember all right good job everyone so now we remember Columbus discovered America he drew a map of the world Columbus sailed to America he was from Italy he spoke Italian the city of Genoa in Italy built a statue for him everyone knows Columbus I tell you this remember Christopher Columbus all right now it's time to look and listen Columbus discovered America he drew a map of the world Columbus sailed to America he was from Italy he spoke Italian the city of Genoa built a statue for him now let's look a bit closer at these sentences we can learn a lot of grammatical information from them okay let us first compare the first four sentences now Columbus discovered America he drew a map of the world Columbus sailed to America and he was from Italy all of the verb forms in these sentences are in the past tense Linda which verbs are regular Oh discovered in the first sentence is regular all right exactly and how can you see that it has Edie at the end all right very good because it ends in Edie Alberto do you see any other regular verbs yes silt in the third sentence is irregular too good sailed is a regular it also ends in Edie okay um Silvia is Drew in the second sentence irregular no it is not it's irregular okay and how do you know that well it doesn't have ad at the end okay and the present tense is draw right the past is drew we change the word so we know it's irregular okay any more Linda was in the fourth sentence is irregular - okay was now let's have a look at sentences five and six he spoke Italian the city of Genoa in Italy built a statue for him Alberto are the verbs in these sentences regular no I think they're irregular verbs is support and built present tense is speak the others is build very good so these are irregular verbs okay um here is some more practice are these verbs regular or irregular and can you make them in their past tense form please look at your screen Linda you do the first one we study English okay we studied English we studied English good Alberto you do the next one I sleep a lot slept a lot I slept a lot really okay good Silvia the next one is for you she goes to school she run to school okay you do the next one too I like rock music I liked rock music great one more Alberto they love Chinese music they loved Chinese music alright great job everyone no problem easy now let's look and listen I feel awful Thai food tastes delicious a lot of people travel to Asia she buys oranges at the supermarket I find my keys now before we go on let's review some useful words we have seen please take a look at your screen here are some nouns statue most tourists in New York want to see the Statue of Liberty okay next example countrymen or countrymen bill clinton and george bush are from the same country they are countrymen next noun is map before you go to a city in a foreign country it is a good idea to buy a map of that city now we're going to look at some verbs first verb is draw some people draw pictures next verb is discover dr. livingstone was the first person from the west to see lake victoria in africa he discovered lake victoria next verb is invent Galileo Galilee made the first the very first telescope he invented the telescope next verb is sale a lot of people like to sail as a hobby because it is a very exciting sport we will now talk about different forms of verbs let's have another look at some of our sentences okay first Columbus sailed to America then the city of Genoa built a statue for him of course Italian people loved Columbus and people will always remember him okay so Columbus sail to America the city of Genoa built a statue for him Italian people love Columbus and people will always remember Columbus Linda do you see a present tense here yes the tort sentence is present law is simply present that's right Alberto are there any sentences in the past yes the first sentence and the second sentence are past the post simple past form say it and built okay very good love is present Silvia what about such as for it is a future sentence will remember is simple feature good now let's practice we're going to make all these sentences present past and future we'll fill in the following table take a look at your screen okay first in the present column we have the sentence they love Columbus when do you do the first one okay day long columns okay Alberto can he change that to the past tense please okay they loved Columbus alright and future tense Sylvia they will love Columbus alright Alberto next sentence we have the past tense he sailed to America can you change that to present tense of course he sails to America alright and Sylvia the past he sailed to America good and Linda he will sail to America he will sail to America okay there are more Linda please continue do see to builds a statue good and Sylvia city build a statue nice Alberto the city will be testaccio all right and Alberto please continue people remember him good Silvia people remember him very good Linda the last one people will remember him all right good job everyone did you notice the present and the future forms are very similar for example love changes to will love and remember changes to will remember Alberto do all past verbs and an IDI mmm no they don't there are irregular verbs - very good Silvia do irregular verbs have IDI in the ending no they don't they have special forms in the past can you give me an example of such an irregular past verb present sleep past slept good present sleep past slept but um okay and another example Linda okay present throw passed through very good present draw past drew okay now you're going to put the following short sentences into the past take a look at your screen present tense I break the window Linda you starts I broke the window yes I broke the window Alberto hmm she washed her face every morning good she washed her face every morning okay they come to school Silvia they came to school they came to school good and the next one Silvia I give her a present for her birthday I gave her a present for her birthday very good I gave her a present for her birthday Linda um he's she smiles a lot she smiled a lot good she smiled a lot you do the next one too a lot of people watch TV a lot of people watched TV a lot of people watched TV okay Silvia we leave work at 6:00 p.m. we left work at 6:00 p.m. we left work at 6:00 p.m. excellent let's see Alberto last one he reads the newspaper every day he read the newspaper every day good he read the newspaper every day another irregular verb alright now it's time to look and listen Microsoft invents new technology every year technology changes our world very often Thomas Edison invented the light bulb we use light bulbs every day John draws on the computer he drew some beautiful pictures on the computer okay we're going to look at some vocabulary now please follow along on your screen we have some nouns first one is cotton in very hot weather it is a good idea to wear cotton clothes because they are very light okay next noun is rice people in Europe eat a lot of potatoes but people in eastern Asia usually eat rice next noun is railway some countries have a good railway system with a lot of railway lines okay next noun is government every country has a government that makes important decisions for the country we also have a play I went to the theater last night I saw a very funny play it was a comedy next noun we will learn is century we live in the 21st century okay now we need to learn some verbs first verb to protect a mother wants to protect her children or Sun lotion protects your skin from the Sun next verb is to grow young children grow very fast a lot of farmers in China grow rice our next verb is to compare when we compare India and Russia we can see that Russia is bigger than India but India has more people than Russia okay now let's talk about the third the verb the past participle some grammar books call it verb 3 we will learn how to form it and when to use it so it's the past participle we want to look at now also known as verb 3 now let's go back to two sentences we wrote down earlier we said Columbus discovered America remember we also said Columbus drew a map of the world Linda could you read the first sentence Columbus discovered America thank you in this sentence the names Columbus and America are both very important information now suppose we are talking about America not about Columbus the name Columbus is not important so we don't have to use it in the sentence instead we can talk about the year of the discovery for example we can say America and then we need discover then we need in 1492 now we want to write a sentence starting with the word America Alberto can I say America discovered in 1492 no you can't that's right now let me ask you did America do the action of discovering hmm no Columbus did the action Columbus discovered America okay America and discovered so can we say America discovered of course not America didn't discover anything exactly so we can't use that now in this sentence is America the subject or the object linda america is the object and columbus is the subject very good okay Columbus is the subject because he does the action America is the object because it's what Columbus discovered Neil Sylvia which one always comes first in an English sentence the subject or the object the object always comes first are you sure Sylvia yes I'm sure the object always comes first I'm sorry the subject always comes first okay comes first now if we start our new sentence with America America will be the subject but we have to change the verb so we have to use the passive verb form okay so let's look at this new sentence America was discovered in 1492 this is a passive sentence so America was discovered in 1492 now let me ask you again who did the action of discovering America or Columbus Sylvia Columbus discovered America good so Columbus discovered America we call this sentence active okay the passive is a new verb form for you but it is logical can you fill in active and passive in the following table take a look at your screen so if the sense object of the action the sentence is what do you think Alberto the sentence is acting very and if the sentence starts with the object of the action the sentence is what Alberto the sentence is pesi good now let's look at them again with some examples alright so remember if the sentence starts with the subject of the action the sentence is active example Columbus discovered America so Columbus is the subject we're starting with the subject so it's an active sentence now if the sentence starts with the object of the action the sentence is passive example America was discovered in 1492 in this one America is the object and we're starting with the object in this sentence so that's why it's passive okay let's look at the second sentence can you read it Linda Cohen goes through a map of the world so who did the action of drawing Columbus or a map Columbus did the action so Colin was use the subject alright so Sylvia is this an active or a passive sentence it is an active sentence right now let's try to say a passive sentence Alberto you start a map old world was very good a map of the world was that's the object so we have to start with that um can you complete the sentence Alberto and that all the world was done by Columbus yes now drawn is a special form of the verb to draw it's our past participle of draw our verb 3 is to draw a regular verb Sylvia it is an irregular verb ok yes to draw is irregular so the past participle is irregular - and what about the past participle in the first sentence Linda discover to discover is a regular verb so the past participle is regular - yes and how can you see that it's regular Linda and that's easy it ends in E d now let's look at a chart of active and passive forms of the verbs for the past simple past regular verbs we add Edie for simple past irregular verbs we have a special form in the passive we have the verb to be plus the past participle for regular verbs ending in Edie and we have the verb to be plus the participle for irregular verbs we have a special form in the passive the verb be can be in any form any tense when we change a sentence from active to passive we have to understand the parts of the sentence for example we can write look at your screen Columbus discovered America in this sentence the subject is Columbus and the object is America and when we make this sentence passive we make the object into the subject and then we change the verb so it becomes America was discovered now we have to do something with Columbus for this we use by by is called the agent who or what did the action the by agent so we can say America was discovered by Columbus now let's practice I will give you a sentence and you make it passive Linda you start your sentence is the pharaohs built the pyramids five thousand years ago the pyramids were built five thousand years ago by the Pharaohs good job okay Sylvia the next one is for you in the nineteenth century a lot of people spoke French in the 19th century French was spoken by a lot of people great now Alberto went for you before 1900 people didn't know the dangers of bacteria before 1900 the dangers of bacteria they're not known ok and do we need to say bye people I don't think so and you must don't care good so we don't always use the agent meaning the by part of the sentence because it is not necessary or we don't know all right good job everyone now it's time for look and listen to be heard by you look and listen Thomas Edison invented the gramophone the gramophone was invented by Thomas Edison William Shakespeare wrote the play Macbeth around 1605 the play Macbeth was written around 1605 the play Macbeth was written by Shakespeare read and repeat now let's have a look at present past and future let's take a look at the sentence last year the government built a new railway line hint last year the government built a new railway line is this an active or a passive sentence Alberto it's selective sentence because of the government did the action very good it's an active sentence okay is it about the past the present or the future Silvia it is a past sentence exactly could you write a present sentence Silvia okay every year the government builds new railway lines every year the government builds new railway lines good and how about a future when Linda next year the government will build and you railway line next year the government will build a new railway line all right now let's make all of our sentences passive of course we have to use different tenses for the passive Silvia in your first sentence what is the subject of the action this first sentence the government because they do the action okay and what is the object of the action the objective or the object of the action is a new railway line so the passive sentence has to start with this good so a new railway line okay for passive sentence we'll start with that Alberto could you put this sentence in the passive please any railway line was built by the government last year by the government last year okay so our passive sentence is a new railway line was built by the government last year okay can I can you put last year at the beginning yes of course last year any railway line was built by the government yes it's the same sentence good okay what form is was and it is passed out to thee and built it is possible off the past well past Pottsville great now for the second sentence will we use was Linda maybe we can use the present of to be alright and what is the object of our sentence new railway lines are okay so we need to start with the object to make the passive sentence new railway lines are do we need a past participle yes because we're making a passive sentence okay so new railway lines are built by the government every year very good by the government every year okay this is our second passive sentence okay new railway lines are built by the government every year okay Sylvia can you do the future sentence it is very logical the future of laws is will be and the past participle is the same build so the length is well next year a new railway line will be built by the government good next year we use our object as our subject so a new railway mine will be built by the government okay our third passive sentence now let's review our work our first active sentence last year the government built a new railway line in the past tense now we're changing it to a passive and it becomes a new railway line was built by the government last year our next active sentence in the present tense every year the government builds new railway lines our active sentence is changed into the passive and becomes new railway lines are built by the government every year our third sentence is in the future active sentence is next year the government will build a new railway line changed into the passive it becomes next year a new railway line will be built by the government okay there is only one little problem left about the passive let's have a look at that take a look at your screen Columbus spoke Italian and Columbus sailed to America let's try to build passive sentences okay Linda what is the object in the first sentence what did Columbus speak he spoke Italian so Italian is the object and so Italian was spoken by Columbus nice when Linda now Alberto what is the object of the second sentence what did Columbus sell I think that sounds very strange yes can we ask what did Columbus say oh I don't think so we had to ask where did Columbus sail but what did object that is there an object in that sentence no there isn't okay so Linda can you start a passive sentence we start a passive sentence with the object of the sentence but here there isn't at an object so we can't build a passive sentence exactly can you think of another sentence without an object Linda um a lot of people read okay there is no object that is true but do we ever say that no we usually say a lot of people read something they read newspaper right and is there an object yes the newspaper is the object good so the verb to read usually has an object we call it a transitive passes and objects and lots of information today okay transitive verb okay so the verb to read is a transitive verb because it usually has an object okay Sylvia can you give me a verb that never has an object um to sleep she sleeps a lot she sleeps a lot isn't a lot the object no we don't ask what does she sleep it doesn't make sense but we ask how much does she sleep exactly so no object Alberto mmm terrain it's raining okay good Linda just tomorrow she smiles a lot okay she smiles a lot good examples now these verbs we call intransitive verbs because they don't have an object so an intransitive verb doesn't have an object do these last three verbs have a passive form sleep rain smile I don't think so there is no object exactly okay now let's turn our first sentence into the passive so we had a lot of people read the newspaper okay this is our active sentence Sylvia the newspaper is read by a lot of people very good our passive sentence is the newspaper is read by a lot of people okay here are some more intransitive verbs for you to see take a look at your screen agree happen stay die sit walk sleep snow arrive and fall we will practice with these verbs in look and listen look and listen I agree with my sister something terrible happened yesterday I will stay here forever she died last year he is sitting on the chair read and repeat you well now you know a lot about the passive let's go back to the sentences we wrote about Columbus some of them have a passive form and others don't it be careful there is present past and future here take a look at your screen our active verbs first sentence Columbus discovered America passive sentence Sylvia please America was discovered by Columbus good America was discovered by Columbus okay um next sentence he drew a map of the world easy Linda a map of the world was drawn by him okay Alberto Columbus sailed to America this one can't be passing that's right okay you do the next one he was from Italy that's gonna be Percy oh you're lucky try this one he spoke Italian okay Italian was to begin by him it sounds kind of strange it does but it's correct okay Sylvia the city of Genoa built a statue for him a starter for him was built by the city of Genoa good job and you do the next one Italian people love Columbus Columbus is loved by Italian people when d'you continue they are proud of him this can't be pastor okay you're right so let's try the next one people will always remember Columbus Columbus will always be remembered by people good now do we need to say bye people no we don't good Alberto you do the last one people will never forget Columbus Columbus will no be forgettin for - forgotten alright great job everyone now it's time to listen and write listen and right now it's time to listen and write listen and write these sentences rice has grown in large parts of Asia the Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci a new subway tunnel will be built next year some important decisions were made by the government Australia was discovered by Captain Cook paper was invented 5,000 years ago Edison invented electric lights 150 years ago our city will build a new theatre next year a new theater will be built next year the passive was done today now check your work rice is grown in large parts of Asia the Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci a new subway tunnel will be built next year some important decisions were made by the government Australia was discovered by Captain Cook paper was invented 5,000 years ago Edison invented electric lights 150 years ago our city will build a new theater next year a new theater will be built next year the passive was done today now read the story and answer the questions about it read and answer the Czech Republic is a small country in Central Europe you can fly from one end of the country to the other in less than two hours about 10 million people live there until 1989 the Czech Republic was only a part of a bigger country that country was called Czechoslovakia in 1989 it was split into two parts the western half was called the Czech Republic the eastern half was called the Slovak Republic different languages are spoken in these two countries the Czech language is similar to Russian but there is one big difference check is written with Roman letters but Russian is written with the special alphabet called the Cyrillic alphabet check isn't spoken by many people outside the Czech Republic the river vlatava flows from the south to the north the most famous city on the river vlatava is Prague the capital of the country it is known for its many historical monuments and is vested by millions of tourists every year the beautiful charles bridge was built in the 14th century would you like to visit Prague you should it is a wonderful city now answer the questions about the reading where is Prague how many people live there what happened in 1989 which languages are spoken in those parts how is the Czech language written how is the Russian language written what is the capital city where is it when was the Charles Bridge built why should you visit Prague now check your answers where is Prague it is in Central Europe how many people live there 10 million what happened in 1989 the country was split into two parts which languages are spoken in those parts Czech and Russian how is the Czech language written it is written in Roman letters how is the Russian language written it is written in the Cyrillic alphabet what is the capital city the capital city is Prague where is it it is on the vlatava river when was the charles bridge built it was built in the 14th century why should you visit Prague it is a wonderful city all right it's a good job today see you next time bye bye practicing English hmm Sam what ideas do you have on how to prepare for this lesson well I did something like this a few weeks ago with the famous explorers I tried to take some famous ones like Magellan Columbus and Lewis and Clark huh how did the students like the lesson it went well we were practicing sentence and structure they like taking new information some had never heard of Lewis and Clark for example and practicing writing active and passive sentences so help me get started tell me more about what you did well for example we first read about famous explorers who had gone to places in the world that no one else has gone to then we practice writing active sentences for example as you know an active sentence often uses subject verb object we use this sentence for the active Christopher Columbus discovered the new world in 1492 okay that makes sense so far sure so then we wrote an active sentences about the Explorers we then went back and change them to the passive yeah I remember how to do that you reorder the subject verb and object right that's right let's see how good you are with doing it yourself in my Explorer sentence Christopher Columbus discovered the new world in 1492 now how would you change it to a passive sentence okay I think I remember how this is done in active to passive you change the object to the subject the subject becomes the object and the verb I'd have to change as well you're right so what would the new sentence be the new world was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492 yes that's it okay I think I have that now could you help me with some of these famous inventors sure who have you got there well I have a mix of inventors let's try you on some of these okay go ahead okay who invented the first electric light bulb uh Thomas Edison right who invented the first mass-produced cars in America hmm that's Henry Ford okay right again who invented the telephone Alexander Graham Bell here's the last one who invented or design the most popular computer operating system known as ms-dos hmm that would be Bill Gates okay smarty pants you got all four now I suppose you want me to help you with the active to passive changes would you sure okay if the active sentence is Thomas Edison invented the first electric light bulb then I think the passive version is the first electric light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison am i right yes you are can you do the others all passives here I go the first mass-produced car in America was made by Henry Ford the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell ms-dos the world's most widely used computer operating system was invented by Bill Gates how did I do you did great all of your famous inventors were accurate and also impassive sentences well done well thank you for your help I think my class will enjoy learning about inventors and the active and passive sentence is too you you
Channel: English For You
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Keywords: iTEP, intermediate, اللغة, ECPE, english for you 80 cd, free english, TOEIC, ingilizce cd, for, beginner, full english, easy english, ingilizce, الانكليزية, Education (Word), apprendre, ingilizce öğren, Key English, ingilizce ogren, learn english, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, learn english free, تعليم, you, English for you, free english learn, TOEFL, دروس, how are you, education, learn english easy, kolay ingilizce, elementary, english lesson, learning english, PTE, IELTS, English
Id: 8nO1EBXGm_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 44sec (3464 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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