Elementary Levels - Lesson 18: I Wish Upon A Star

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hello everyone today we are going to talk about hopes and wishes these are things we want for the future but maybe we can't really have them first we will talk about hopes and then we will talk about wishes but let's first review some vocabulary for the future and for imaginary situations I want you to tell me ideas for the future you have or ideas about imaginary situations okay you understand yes all right Silvia can you start money money good what else a good job a good job very important and love love okay peace peace children children good what else help help and clean water clean water good clean air clean air yes and you car a new car fly like a bird alright fly like a bird okay be famous be famous yes okay win the lottery Wow high hopes for the future win the lottery good so far now let's have one more from each of you good friends good friends okay and good English good English all right a long life a long life okay so let's review our list we have money a good job love keys children good friends help clean water clean air a new car fly like a bird be famous win the lottery good English and a long life these are all hopes for the future now let's talk about things that will really happen and things that we want to happen but might not or are imaginary okay let's put these ideas into categories our two categories are things that might happen and things that might not happen okay Alberto you start money might happen can money might happen good okay Linda a good job Mart happen yes might happen okay Silvia a long might happen love might happen grant and Linda mmm peace I'm sorry but it thought it might not happen okay unfortunately you're right might not happen okay children might happen yes good okay you do the next one - Alberto how's my tip oh okay help might happen Oh Sylvia um clean water might not happen mmm yes might not happen okay and what about clean air Sylvia I think it might not happen - okay all right okay Alberto a new car might open for me all right that would be great Linda the next one mmm fly like a bird it might not happen okay might not happen Albert let's see Sylvia I think I won't be famous hmm maybe but we'll say might not happen okay Alberto when the lottery might not happen because I don't buy any tickets okay good and Linda um good friends might happen I have good friends now very good and Sylvia um good English might happen actually it will happen I know good and you do the last one - Sylvia a long life might happen all right very good now here's our list we have things that might tap in money a good job love children health a new car good friends good English and a long life now things that might not happen peas unfortunately clean water clean air fly like a bird be famous and win the lottery those things might not happen now before we talk about our list let's talk about sentence structure we looked at sentence structure in level 1 so let's look at it again basic sentence structure we have a simple sentence for example you are young remember these are the parts of the sentence subject is you right verb is our and young is a complement complement refers back to the subject ok so this kind of sentence means u equals young ok you are young this is the other kind of sentence structure we we know about for example we speak English hey in this sentence we have our subject we our verb is speak in English is our object the subject does something with the object but the subject and the object are not the same in this sentence ok here's another sentence your friend likes you so here your friend is our subject our verb is likes and the object is you your friend likes you okay these are short sentences but some sentences are longer of course so before we saw some different sentences take a look at some examples he likes apples but he doesn't like bananas next example he likes apples and he makes apple pies next example he likes apples so he often eats them those sentences are a little bit different they're longer okay remember we have these small words but and and so a visa called connecting words they join two sentences to make one sentence connecting words okay each part of the sentence is called a clause the most important part of the sentence is the main clause or the independent clause okay it is this main clause or independent clause is complete on its own it doesn't need the second part of the sentence to make sense take a look at some examples for example we can say he likes apples we can also say he makes apple pies so those are two main clauses that make sense alone okay this is the sentence we saw a little while ago he likes apples and he makes apple pies now we have one sentence but we also have two clauses the two clauses are he likes apples second clause he makes apple pies okay this is like adding two plus two except the answer is one it makes one sentence okay this is called a compound sentence a compound sentence is two main clauses joined together by a connecting word like but and or so and together the two sentences make one sentence that's the compound sentence okay you can break the sentence apart and have two complete sentences when you have a compound sentence for example he likes apples and he makes apple pies so our two independent clauses are he likes apples he makes apple pies now we have also seen a few sentences that are a little different here's an example he likes apples because they are delicious this sentence has two clauses but only one main clause the main clause is he likes apples that part is complete by itself we are left with because they are delicious this part isn't complete and can't stay by itself it needs the other part the main clause of the sentence in order to make sense so when we have a second part or a part of the sentence that is not complete on its own we call that a dependent sometimes called a subordinate clause okay we call this a dependent or subordinate clause because it needs the main clause in order to make sense okay take a look at this because I like it what well we don't really know what the sentence is about so this dependent clause because I like it needs a main Clause okay let's look at the sentence I play tennis a lot because I like it okay now it makes sense now it's a complete sentence this kind of sentence is called a complex sentence so a complex sentence has a dependent or subordinate clause plus in main clause now let's go back to talking about things that might happen in the future for things that actually might happen we use the verb hope here are some examples of how we can use hope to talk about things that might happen in the future I hope I have money in the future Dan hopes for a good job in the future now in the first sentence we have to part first part is I hope second part I have money in the future okay we can also write it like this I hope that I have money in the future this part that I have money in the future is the dependent clause and it's also the object of the verb hope now let's look again at our list things that might happen money a good job love children health a new car good friends good English a long life all right now let's make some sentences using hope as our verb Linda can you start ok I hope that I have money in the future all right can you do it another way ok I hope that I have a lot of money in the future I hope so too that is different but can you do it another way ok I hope for money in the future very good now Silvia you do the next one I hope for a good job in the future very good you know you have to do it another way yes I hope that I have a good job in the future good girl now Alberto it's your turn I hope that I have love in the future oh very sweet what a romantic now can you do it another way I hope for love in the future oh very good I'm sure your girlfriend does too ok Linda back to you ok I hope for health in the future and I hope I hope that I have good held in the future very good okay Silvia this time is Alberto as the subject I were a guard to hopes for a new car in the future Alberto hopes he has a new car in the future alright right Alberto you do the next use Linda as the subject mmm Linda hopes that she has good friends in the future Linda hopes would for good friends in the future very good of course you're next Silvia use we as the subject and we we hope we have a good we have good English in the future we hope we hope for good English in the future good job I know you will certainly have good English in the future and finally Alberto you finish use you as the subject you hope for a long life you hope that you have a bunk life yes all right good job everyone now I hope we all look and listen look and listen I hope you have a good time on vacation I hope for more money in my job he hopes for a new car they hope they will speak good English she hopes that she has children after she gets married they hope that you are healthier tomorrow read and repeat you now let's talk about things that might not happen or things that are imaginary sometimes we want things but we know that they're not realistic we know that we can't really have them or they are imaginary for these kinds of things we can use wish in which is something that we hope for but we know that we probably won't get them or it's only something that we can imagine let me teach you a wish we make on the very first star we see at night a star light star bright I wish I may I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight so star light star bright I wish I may I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight you can make this wish only when there is one star in the sky some people cross their fingers like this to make the wish stronger because they believe that if you say it out loud your wish won't come true now let's learn about using the verb to wish today we will talk only about wishes for the future and imaginary situations first we can wish for something like we saw with hope take a look we wish for peace unfortunately in this world there is always something somewhere that's not peaceful so this wish will probably not come true the very special thing about easing the verb wish is that when we use a dependent clause the verb in that Clause is in a special form normally the simple past form we use the simple past to show the difference between reality and non-reality to show that the situation is just a wish okay here is an example I wish I could speak Chinese I might be able to speak Chinese in the future but right now I can't maybe I have a Chinese friend and I want to speak with him or her therefore I make this wish here is another example I wish that I could fly this means that I want to have the ability to fly but I don't believe it's possible it is only an imaginary situation when we make a wish we can use that or we can leave it out but the sentences mean the same I wish I could fly or I wish that I could fly here is one more example I wish there were peace in the world notice that we say there were this is the very special use of the verb to be in the simple past because we're using wish it shows that there isn't peace in the world but you want there to be okay here is another example of the verb to be using wish I wish I were rich this means that I am not rich but I want to be rich again we use were not was when we make a wish every time we use wish we were it doesn't matter which pronoun we use we always use were with wish let's look at our list again and then we can practice so this is our list of imaginary situations or things that might not happen peace clean water clean air fly like a bird when the lottery be famous now this is a short list so let's see if we can add to it we already did peace so Linda you see if you can add something to this list remember to make the verb in the dependent clause in the past okay I wish I could be a millionaire good one I wish I could be a millionaire too hey Alberto you give us a wish hmm I wish I could play football or the national team okay good one Silvia I wish I could go back in history to meet Christopher Columbus no very good of course you know you can't do that now let's practice the other ideas left on our list Alberto you do one I wish you could tell a clean air yes we all wish for clean air unfortunately it is difficult especially in cities now Linda you do one I wish we could have clean water good yes we are making our earth very dirty aren't we do you have any more wishes Alberto yes are you Sean you're famous really what about you Silvia I wish that I could fly yes I wish that I could fly to you and be free let's hear you wish on the star Silvia you starts starlight Starbright I wish I may I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight I wish I were home in my bed right now well you are at home in bed it's your year in English class okay Linda you wish on the star okay starlight Starbright I wish I may I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight I wish I could speak English like my teacher Wow well soon you will speak English better Alberto you wish on the star okay starlight Starbright I wish I may I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight I wish I could meet Cindy Crawford great well maybe if you become famous who knows very good everyone now I wish we could look and listen look and listen we wish we could be with you now I wish you were here you wish we could be there alberto and linda wish there were peace in the world he wishes that he could meet Cindy Crawford they wish they could speak English read and repeat you okay remember when we talked about sentence structure we talked about how to use connecting words connecting words like end but so and because okay so we use and to give additional information we use but to show contrast so opposite ideas or information we use so to talk about results and we use because to talk about reasons so and for additional information but to show contrast so for results and because for reasons here are some examples using these connecting words she hopes to get married and she wants two children he wishes he could buy a new car but he doesn't have any money I hope to go to America so I am going to get a passport we wish we could speak English because English is very important notice that with and but and so we usually use a comma before a connecting word when we use because we don't use a comma when it comes as the second part of the sentence now let's practice by using and but so because so you're going to going to fill in the blanks using one of these words okay I wish I could live in England mm-hmm I don't speak English okay Linda which connecting word should be used ah we use but I wish I could live in England but I don't speak English very good I wish I could live in England but I don't speak English all right Alberto you can try this one I hope to be a doctor mm-hmm I am studying medicine I hope to be a doctor so I'm studying medicine good I hope to be a doctor so I am studying medicine next example I am studying medicine mm-hmm I hope to be a doctor Silvia I am studying medicine because I hope to be a doctor very good I am studying medicine because I hope to be a doctor excellent who wants to try the last one I wish I were a millionaire mm-hmm I wish I could live in a big house yes Alberto do you want to try yes I wish I were a millionaire and I wish I could live in a big house very good I wish I were a millionaire and I wish I could live in a big house okay this is very good very good now I wish we could all look and listen look and listen he wishes he could fly because he doesn't like traffic Linda wishes for peace and she wishes it could come soon Silvia is tired because she is studying a lot these days alert Oh hopes for a new car so he can drive quickly the teacher hopes all his students study hard so they speak good English soon read and repeat listen and right now I hope you know it's time to listen and write listen to the sentences and write them down I hope I will travel around the world next year she wishes that she could win the lottery we hope we pass our exams because they are very important they hope they have a holiday soon because they are working very hard he hopes to get a good job so he is studying English I wish I were on holiday he wishes that he could swim like a fish she wishes she could meet Tom Cruise he hopes to buy a new car next year we wish we could visit our friends in America but it is very expensive now check your work I hope I will travel around the world next year she wishes that she could win the lottery we hope we pass our exams because they are very important they hope they have a holiday soon because they are working very hard he hopes to get a good job so he is studying English I wish I were on holiday he wishes that he could swim like a fish she wishes she could meet Tom Cruise he hopes to buy a new car next year we wish we could visit our friends in America but it is very expensive now read the story and then answer the questions about it read and answer Mark's brother is a student at the University he is studying hard because he hopes he will be a doctor after he graduates the subjects are very difficult so he spends all his free time at the library he wishes that he could have more free time but he knows that is not possible now after he graduates he hopes he will get married and after he gets married he hopes he will have children like most people he sometimes wishes that he were rich and that he could buy a big house near the sea he also has a dream wish about traveling around the world he wishes he could visit every country because he is interested in other cultures but he knows that this is not possible at the moment his brother hopes that he works hard and that his dreams come true he also wishes that he could help his brother but he is too busy now answer the questions who is a student at the University why is he studying so hard what does he wish he could have more of what does he hope he will do after he gets married what does he sometimes wish what is his dream why does he want to travel to every country what does he hope he will do after he graduates what does his brother hope what does his brother wish now check your answers who is a student at the University Mark's brother is a student at the University why is he studying hard he hopes he will be a doctor what does he wish she could have more of he wishes that he could have more free time what does he hope he will do after he gets married he hopes he will have children what does he sometimes wish he sometimes wishes that he were rich and he could buy a big house near the sea what is his dream he has a dream about traveling around the world why does he want to travel to every country he is interested in other cultures what does he hope he will do after he graduates he hopes to get married what does his brother hope his brother hopes that he works hard and that his dreams come true what does his brother wish his brother wishes that he could help him alright see you next time practicing English Oh Angie what is wrong with you you're usually such a high-energy person you look a mess today Jack I am a mess I've made your entrance exams coming up for my master's degree I'm really worried about it I was up until 4:00 a.m. last night I couldn't sleep oh no I am sorry that's terrible but that's not all what else is going on Angie I have too much work at school and my part-time job and now my parents are complaining that I never call them I know what you mean you're not alone it's been the same for me lately what keeping up with my computer's my part-time jobs tests all over the place it can be overwhelming yeah it's the same for me I guess we were just in a busy time of our lives people say that being young is the greatest time of our lives I think it's the busiest I hope it doesn't get any busier than this hmm you might be right we have to make so many important decisions now things that will affect our future it's pretty stressful I wish I could just get everything to stop just for a week so I could catch up of course I wish I could sleep for the first three days and then work for the next four on schoolwork that would be excellent yeah imagine a whole week to yourself no commitments no deadlines no papers do what do you wish for Alexi well I wish for a week off too but I wish for other things as well like what well if we're wishing for things here's my list I like this the man has a list of wishes go on well instead of wishing for more hours in the day to get things done I wish I could manage my time better what do you mean exactly well I don't always manage my time well I don't get started early enough on my responsibility I understand that I do that too so I wish I could manage my time better so I don't always feel so rushed to get things done hmm I wish I was organized to yes I think this is a problem for all of us okay guys we all have the same problem what should we do about it well I have an idea that I've seen my friend use at work he has this day planner it's like a calendar but each day has each page has a day written on it and you write the things you need to do okay this sounds good to me I've read before the people are ten times more likely to do something once they've written it down yes I believe that if it's written down I'm more likely to do it it feels good to complete the task and cross it off when I finish it well I think we have the solution besides wishing for a week off in the Bahamas I think we should get going on this idea and get some day planners let's all try it for a week or two and see if it helps us take care of our responsibilities okay why don't we get them today and get started I really want to see if we can make this solution work I hope it works because it seems kind of easy okay but I have a question first yes Angie I wish I could have join you for buying these new day planners but I have to sleep for the rest of the afternoon well no problem why don't we get you on this afternoon I hope you sleep well and I hope you stop worrying so much you you
Channel: English For You
Views: 90,341
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Keywords: you, learn english, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce cd, Key English, الانكليزية, Education (Word), english for you 80 cd, ECPE, اللغة, TOEFL, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, apprendre, PTE, ingilizce öğren, how are you, English, for, free english, English for you, ingilizce, elementary, easy english, learn english easy, education, دروس, learning english, TOEIC, iTEP, تعليم, learn english free, kolay ingilizce, free english learn, full english, IELTS, beginner, intermediate, english lesson
Id: V_QzB5_yQdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 17sec (2597 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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