Elementary Levels - Lesson 11: He is taller than I am

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hello students well anna has gone back to Spain so we now have a new assistant let's welcome her hello Linda hello how are you fine thank you good please tell the students your full name my name is Linda Perez and where are you from Linda I'm from Spain where in Spain I'm from Ibiza Oh a visa tell us something about it a visa is an island in south of Spain it is sunny and beaches are beautiful ok it sounds nice maybe we can all visit after the lesson welcome her Silvia and Alberto nice to meet you nice to meet you too mostly - limba nice to meet you too all right students today we are going to review adjectives and then we will learn about comparatives what is an adjective Silvia an adjective is a word that describes a non very good Silvia can you give us an example sure that's a good book good is the adjective it describes a book very good that's a good book in this sentence good is the adjective all right Alberto what do you know about adjectives well energic this gives more information about the non good can you give us an example I like red roses I like red roses I like red roses this time red is the adjective it describes roses okay Linda can you tell me one more thing about adjectives okay adjectives are not singular or plural used they usually come before to know sometimes they go after the verb to be that's correct very good do you have an example that is a good movie that is a good movie that is a good movie good is not singular good is not plural good comes before the known very good Linda thank you everyone so now we know what an adjective is and we also know how to use an adjective let's take a look at some more examples please follow along on your screen adjectives describe a noun for example I like good movies good describes movies and adjectives can change the meaning of the noun look at these examples it's a bad movie or it's a good movie so it changes the meaning of the noun movie also adjectives are not singular or plural it's a good movie or plural they are good movies and adjectives are usually before the noun in this example it's a good movie but sometimes adjectives come after the verb to be short form the movie is good ok let's practice using adjectives Alberto is this a small room no it's a big room okay Alberto Silvia does this room have blue walls yes it does the walls are blue and room has blue walls get answer Silvia Linda does this room have beautiful pictures yes it has many beautiful pictures it has pictures of Lucy it has pictures of busy streets in London it has pictures of tall buildings in New York very good Linda Alberto is your mother Schwartz yes she is short my father and my brother are tall Thank You Alberto Silvia is your bedroom clean no it's never clean my mother is always angry okay Silvia is your uncle thin no he isn't he's a little fat all right thank you very much everyone now let's look at the chart to help you remember how to use adjectives follow along on your screen example Tim is writing an old bicycle so words that describe nouns are adjectives as we just learned in this sentence old is the adjective it describes bicycle next example the tall woman wore a new dress so remember adjectives describe nouns and adjectives changes what it now means it gives more information about it look at this example roses are beautiful flowers so remember adjectives are not singular and adjectives are not plural there is no plural form next example he has a new car adjectives usually come before nouns another example his car is white so adjectives can also come after the verb to be ok now let's look at some questions these sentences use the verb to be and adjectives follow along on your screen example why is it an easy test yes it was an easy test yes it was easy next example it's your brother a clever boy no he isn't a clever boy no he isn't clever another example is Melanie's chair Green yes it is a green chair yes it is green and another example are the apples delicious no they are two delicious apples no they aren't delicious Annelle let's practice using adjectives one more time okay assistance so please tell me are these sentences true or false tell me the answer and then make some more sentences all right Silvia I have dark brown hair yes you have dark brown hair I have brown hair and Linda has dark brown hair - very good Silvia Alberto Millan is a small city yes Milan is a small city Paris is a big city New York is a big city Rome is a big speed but marcia's is a small city wonderful Alberto Linda the weather is rainy no the weather is not rainy it is sunny Thank You Linda Silvia tennis is a dangerous sport no tennis isn't a dangerous sport boxing is a dangerous sport great thank you now it's time to look and listen look and listen Terry has a red car his car is new his beautiful car is fast my football uniform is dirty my dirty shirt is red and black my red and black shirt is dirty read and repeat comparatives now it's time to learn comparatives so when we use adjectives to talk about two people or two things these adjectives have a special form they are called comparatives so comparative are adjectives that are used to compare two people or two things and the word then usually comes after the comparative form to make a negative sentence we use not before the adjective okay let's look at some examples ken is taller than bill but bill is not taller than ken so first ken is taller than bill but bill is not taller than ken okay next example this book is cheaper than that book but that book is not cheaper than this book so in the first sentence this book is cheaper than that book what that book is not cheaper than this book okay follow the next examples my hands are smaller than your hands and your hands are not smaller than my hands my hands are smaller than your hands and your hands are not smaller than my hands okay let's look at these sentences and then look at the pictures please follow along on your screen so again we said Ken is taller than bill this is Ken this is bill ken is taller than bill in the next example we see this book is cheaper than that book this is a cheap book this is an expensive book so this book is cheaper than that book next example Teri's hands are smaller than Mike's hands Teri's hands are small Mike's hands are big so Teri's hands are smaller than Mike's hands okay let's practice using the comparative form Sylvia are you taller than your father yes I'm told her than my father I am told her than my brother - very good Sylvia Alberto are you nicer than your sister no I am NOT nicer than my sister she is always nice sometimes I am angry Oh oh good answer Linda are you smarter than your best friend of course I am but my father is smarter than me okay thank you all very much now it's time to look and listen look and listen Anna is smarter than her best friend Maria's sister is nicer than Maria dan is taller than his brother I am older than you this football is newer than that's one read and repeat syllables now let's talk about word parts or syllables a syllable is a vowel sound okay there are different types of syllables if we say for instance dog cat or horse these have one vowel sound dog cat horse so we call these one syllable words but if we say next examples monkey or doll fan or J Rev we hear two vowel sounds okay monkey doll fin giraffe so we call these two syllable words okay next examples if we say L a bunt or krokodil or kangaroo we hear three vowel sounds elephant krokodil kangaroo so we call these words three syllable words syllables are very important when we talk about comparatives in one syllable words these words we add e are let's look at some examples now of one syllable words so the adjective old becomes older in the comparative form example my mother isn't older than my father young becomes younger my brother is younger than me sweet becomes sweeter this dessert is sweeter than that dessert so we can see in these sentences we add er to one syllable comparative adjectives okay now let's practice some more we will use animals are you ready okay Linda is a duck smaller than a mouse no of course not a duck is larger than a mouse very good a duck is larger than a mouse great Linda Silvia is a horse faster than a cow yes a horse is faster than a cow good a horse is faster than a cow Thank You Silvia Alberto is a giraffe taller than an elephant I don't know that's good question Linda what do you think I think an elephant is taller than a giraffe what do you think surreal I think you are not right I think a giraffe is taller than an elephant alright thank you everyone so now we see that for one syllable adjectives we add ER for the comparative form now let's look at the spelling of comparative adjectives in one syllable form remember that the five vowels are a II I owe you and sometimes why all the other letters are called consonants let's look at these special forms take a look at some examples II D is big John is bigger so John is bigger than ed another example Hawaii is hot Florida is hotter so Florida is hotter than Hawaii another example natalie is then but Rebecca is thinner so Rebecca is thinner than Natalie another example my cousin is fat but my aunt isn't fat so we can say my cousin is fatter than my aunt in these sentences we can see a special spelling of the comparative form notice that the rule is when you have a vowel followed by a consonant you must double the consonant in the comparative form I will show you what I mean okay for example big ends in a vowel followed by a consonant right so we have first the vowel then the consonant in a one-syllable word so we have to double the consonant before adding er so big becomes bigger so we double the consonant another example is hot again we have a one syllable adjectives that ends in a vowel followed by a consonant so hot becomes utter with two T's in the comparative form so we double the consonant and we also have fat again it's a one syllable adjectives we have a vowel followed by the consonant so fat becomes fatter with two T's a double consonant before the ER so let's repeat big with two G's bigger hot double the consonant hotter fat double the T fatter all right now let's practice Alberto are you bigger than your father yes I am I am bigger than my father many talent men are short good Alberto can you spell bigger for us sure be i GG e and are bigger very good Alberto Silvia are you better than your brother yes I'm thinner than my brother he's better than me good Silvia can you spell thinner please okay P H I double n e are thinner very good Silvia Linda is Germany hotter than Spain no Germany is not how to dance Spain Spain is hotter good ok you please spell hotter ok h.o.t T E are hotter very good thank you thank you everyone now there are also two irregular forms of the comparative ok please follow along on your screen first of all good becomes better in the comparative form it does not become gooder it's always better second example bad becomes worse in the comparative form it does not become better it's worse take a look at some examples the weather today is better than yesterday next example he isn't a better football player than his brother another example my score was worse than my brother score on the test next example I feel worse today than I felt yesterday ok now let's practice these new comparative forms Sylvia are you a worse chess player than your brother no I'm a better player than my brother he's not good ok Linda are you a better cook than your mother of course not she is a better cook than me she makes wonderful Spanish rice mmm I bet she does good Alberto are you a better football player than your father I am a bad player and my father is a bad very bad player I think he's a vers player than me ok thanks everyone now don't go away it's better to look and listen look and listen Paul is tall jim is short paul is taller than Jim Jim is short Paul is tall Jim is shorter than Paul Vera is then Edgar is fat Vera is thinner than Edgar Edgar is fat the Vera is thin Edgar is fatter than Vera read and repeat so we have learned how to make comparatives with one syllable adjectives and we have also learned how to use comparatives with irregular one syllable adjectives now it's time to learn how to use comparatives with two or more syllable adjectives for this we need to add more in front of a comparative take a look at these examples she is more beautiful than her sister next example baseball is a more difficult sport to play than football another example my father is more hard-working than my uncle so you see in these sentences more comes before the adjective in comparisons with two or more syllables okay now let's practice Sylvia are Apple's more delicious than oranges I don't think so oranges are more delicious than apples they are good for energy I always eat two oranges before a football match great Sylvia Alberto is English more important than German yes English is more important than German I speak Italian I won't speak English very good Alberto linda is tennis more difficult to play than volleyball yes tennis is more difficult to play than volleyball tennis is very popular in Spain alright thank you everyone now it's better to look and listen look and listen tennis is more difficult than volleyball English is more important than German you are more beautiful than my sister my brother is more handsome than you read and repeat now we understand how to use more with adjectives of two or more syllables so now we need to talk about less okay less can also be used in comparative adjectives of two or more syllables unless is the opposite of more okay so let's take a look at some examples please follow along John is hardworking but Peter is lazy Peter is less hard-working than John next example boxing is interesting but Golf is boring so Golf is less interesting than boxing another example a football is expensive a baseball is cheap a baseball is less expensive than a football another example English is difficult but Spanish is easy so Spanish is less difficult than English all right now let's practice and we'll use less in the comparative form Alberto is your shirt more expensive than your shoes no my shirt is less expensive than my shoes my shoes are Italian they are very expensive okay very good Alberto Silvia is a bicycle more dangerous than a motorcycle I don't think so a bicycle is less dangerous than a motorcycle excellent Linda are you more intelligent than Silvia wrong I don't know I think I'm less intelligent than Celia she's more intelligent than me she is very clever well I think you are both intelligent in fact all of you are intelligent okay now it's time to look and listen look and listen that player is less intelligent than this player your football team is less successful than my football team that film is less interesting than this film this director is less important than that director read and repeat review now let's review what we've studied today first we learn to use comparatives to talk about two people or two things we learned that syllables are parts of words we learned that then follows the comparative adjective and for one syllable adjectives we learn to add ER take a look at some examples ýstanbul is colder than antalya in the winter it's brother is stronger than my brother another example Hawaii is nicer than New York another example my grandfather is older than your grandfather we also learned that there are special spellings for some one syllable comparative adjectives take a look at these examples mike is fatter than his brother double beti Shaquille O'Neal is bigger than Kobe Bryant double the G we also learned that in the comparative form good becomes better not gooder we also learned that bad does not become better it becomes worse take a look at the examples I am better at bowling than my mother George Jana is worse than Angelika at backgammon and we learned that we use more or less before two or more syllable comparative adjectives okay look at these examples this movie is more interesting than that movie next example this match is less exciting than that match there is one more thing that we should learn we need to learn that for two or more syllable adjectives that end in Y in the comparative adjective form we must drop the Y and add i.e R instead of the Y here are some examples so pretty which ends in Y in its comparative form becomes prettier no why i ER my aunt is prettier than your aunt another example busy in its comparative form becomes busier so instead of Y we add I er my father is busier at his new job than he was at his old job another example tidy becomes tight e'er in its comparative form so we changed the Y and add I ER Sam's bedroom is tidier than his brothers okay now let's practice some more Linda is your sister prettier than you she sometimes prettier than me then you go to bullfights she is always very beautiful Thank You Linda Sylvia is your room tidier than your brothers no his room is tar dear than my room my room is dirty Oh can you spell tidier Sylvia sure T I D i er tidier great Alberto are you friendlier than your cousin I think so I am Frank there than my cousin she is sometimes angry I am always happy oh that's good will you spell friendlier for us Alberto if our i.e and d li e are friendlier all right good Alberto now of course friendly is an adjective however it's a little special because it has two forms of the comparative we can say friendlier or we can say more friendly okay are you more friendly than your brother Silvia I am more friendly than my brother are there any different adjectives like friendly yes there are students you know the word angry Linda you and your sister lost the tennis match yesterday who was angrier she was angrier than me she was more angry she plays tennis to win I played for fun alright great job everyone thank you now it's time to look and listen look and listen mark is more handsome than Elvin Elvin is less handsome than Mark this street is noisier than that Street that Street is less noisy than this Street read and repeat now let's look at a chart to help you remember the comparative forms er I ER and more take a look at your screen well is 25 years old liz is 20 years old so val is older than Liz notice when we use adjectives to talk about to people or things the adjectives have special forms so in the sentences we add er to an adjective here are some more examples health is very important money is important but health is more important than money so notice when we use adjectives to talk about two people or things the adjectives have special forms in these sentences we use more in front of the adjective than follows the comparative forms now here is another chart about adjectives please take a look okay adjectives with one syllable we have for example young in its comparative form it becomes younger and cheap becomes cheaper however tall notice the spelling in its comparative form it becomes taller remember adjectives that end in one vowel and one consonant must have their consonant doubled so you double the consonant here are some more examples of that big becomes bigger with two g's next then becomes thinner with two ends also fat becomes fatter with two T's and hot becomes cutter with two T's let's look at adjectives that end in Y we have noisy in its comparative form it becomes noisier so notice we change the Y to ier next example dirty same thing becomes dirtier instead of Y we add ier so adjectives that end in Y always change the Y to an i and then add ER now let's look at adjectives with two or more syllables for example famous becomes more famous in the comparative important becomes more important interesting becomes more interesting remember use more or less in front of adjectives with two or more syllables now let's look at irregular forms for example the adjective good in its comparative form becomes better bad in its comparative form becomes worse so the comparative forms of good and bad are irregular now let's practice these comparative forms so you fill in the correct answer in the comparative ok you can go first Alberto use large in your answer my apartment is my grand mother's Alberto okay my apartment is larger than my grandmother's okay very good my apartment is larger than my grandmother's good okay one more Alberto it is mm-hmm today then yesterday this time we're using the adjective warm it's warmer today than yesterday very good it is warmer today than yesterday good okay Silvia this one is for you and please use um important in your answer love is hmm money good question Lau is more important than money love is more important than money okay let's see try this one Silvia this time we're going to use the adjective lazy so Ellen is mm-hmm his brother well I don't know Ellen or his brother Ellen is lazier than his brother Alan is lazier than his brother excellent okay Linda last but of course not least why history class isn't the adjective is difficult so my history class isn't mmm my English class okay my history class isn't more difficult than my English class my history class isn't more difficult than my English class good now your second sentence Linda Nadia's German is mm-hmm her husband's your adjective this time is good so Nadia's German is hmm her husband's hmm Nadia always speaks German so Nadia's German is better than her husband's Nadia's German is better than her husband's good job all right Alberto you do the last one Silvia is mm-hmm Linda at hockey and you choose the adjective Silvia is worse than Linda a talking okay good Silvia is worse than Linda at hockey good job everyone let's practice some more Silvia is the weather today better than yesterday no the weather is worse than yesterday it is snowing now yesterday it was sunny good Linda is Jim Carrey's new film funnier than his last film I don't think so his last film was funnier than his new film okay I agree Alberto is chess more enjoyable than backgammon of course look at the name he tell is hotter than the Iceland yes you're right that was a silly question Silvia is English easier than algebra that's difficult I think algebra is easier than English all right great one last question Linda is reading a book better than watching television I think so most books are good I think reading a book is better than watching television thank you everyone you were great now it's time to listen and write listen and write listen and write the sentences football is more interesting than hockey my football shirt is dirtier than that shirt your football shoes are newer than my shoes Golf is less interesting than football this car is more expensive than that car her car is newer than my car my car is faster than her car reading is usually more interesting than television television is less interesting than the cinema this sentence is shorter than those sentences now check your work football is more interesting than hockey my football shirt is dirtier than that shirt your football shoes are newer than my shoes Golf is a less interesting than football this car is more expensive than that car her car is newer than my car my car is faster than her car reading is usually more interesting than television television is less interesting than the cinema this sentence is shorter than those sentences now read the following story and answer the questions about it read and answer New York City is a beautiful city it is in the state of New York New York is in the u.s. Rome is a beautiful city too it is in Italy Rome is a big city New York is a bigger city there are eight million people in New York New York is bigger than Rome New York is dirty Rome is very dirty Rome is dirtier than New York the people in Rome are very friendly they always say hello and want to talk to you most people in New York are not friendly the people in Rome are friendlier than the people in New York you can watch many sports in New York people can see baseball football basketball and hockey in Rome you can watch football and basketball sports are more popular in New York than in Rome Rome is a very old city there are many old museums libraries and houses New York is a new city most of the buildings were built in 19th and 20th centuries Rome is an older city than New York now answer the questions about the story where is New York City where is Rome is wrong bigger than New York how many people live in New York is Rome dirtier than New York where do people always say hello what sports can you watch in New York is New York older than Rome what can you see in Rome when or most of the buildings in New York built now check your answers where is New York City New York City is in the United States where is Rome Rome is in Italy is Rome bigger than New York no Rome isn't bigger than New York how many people live in New York eight million people live in New York is Rome dirtier than New York yes Rome is dirtier than New York where do people always say hello people always say hello in Rome what sports can you watch in New York you can watch baseball football basketball and hockey in New York is New York older than Rome no New York is not older than Rome what can you see in Rome you can see old museums libraries and houses when were most of the buildings in New York built they were built in the 19th and 20th centuries good job today see you next time bye practicing English I say come to Daddy hey you guys did I tell you that my cousin dimitri is arriving from Greece this yes you did you mentioned that he was arriving this week but you didn't say when exactly when will we get the chance to meet him well I'm not sure he'll be pretty tired from his trip today maybe you can come over tomorrow night and say hi I'm sure he'd like to meet some of my friends we talked on email a lot and he knows all about you all tell us about your cousin well he and I have been close all of our lives when we were little we always used to play together because we were the same age and we liked the same toys when was the last time you saw him well we left Greece six months ago that was the last time he must be pretty excited to see you and Istanbul oh he is his family hasn't traveled as much as mine it's a really exciting trip for him well we all look forward to meeting him and helping you show him around the city so Demetri what do you want to see why you're in Istanbul there are many things I want to see a lot of museums and places next year I'm majoring in Roman history at my university there are some great museums and places here fort aya sofia wonderful mosques Archaeological Museum Grand Bazaar yes they are all very famous I want to be able to see the Basilica cistern and the Blue Mosque you know you boys have some things in common and some different alexei is a little taller than you dmitry yes and Dimitri's hair is darker than Alexis hmm Dmitri is very smart in school he always has better grades than me yes cousin but you are always more athletic you have always enjoyed sports more than me Alexis eyes are a little darker than Dimitri's and he's a little shorter who is more talkative that's easy Alexei is always more outgoing than I am I'm much quieter than my cousin are you saying I talk alone him yes cousin you talk more than me I'm quieter than you ever since we were babies this has been true you know yes I've known Alexi since he's arrived here and he does talk a lot that's because I'm curious about things and I'm always asking questions okay okay how else are you two different hmm when we were little Alexi always beat me in running races he was always faster than me ah that's true I always used to win in races Alexi laughs a lot he laughs a lot more than I do and he laughs louder than I do ha ha ha well I I guess it just proved that too so Dimitri what do you think of this samples so far well it's a very busy place and it's busier and louder than my city what else well I was out on the street today taking a little walk and I went to the market many things are cheaper in this city fruit is cheaper for example then I saw a place that sells TVs and they were a lot more expensive than back home what will you do the next few days well we plan to see a football match and then spend part of the weekend going to places like I of Sofia and toke up a pound mm-hmm I'd like to take walks so I want to get out and see the city on foot that's good but remember to be safe yes be safe this damn bull is much safer than it used to be but you still have to be careful here I also want to see the bright lights of the Bosphorus Bridge it looks so fantastically bright in all the pictures it's temple is full of amazing places it is a great city for entertainment sports literature theater it has everything it is a fantastic place I'm very lucky that my cousin and his family invited me to stay a few weeks it will be an experience that I will never forget what we miss about Greece while you here Dmitri nothing I plan to be very busy right here seeing all I can you
Channel: English For You
Views: 119,839
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Keywords: تعليم, English for you, اللغة, English, english for you 80 cd, ECPE, iTEP, apprendre, الانكليزية, easy english, english lesson, intermediate, ingilizce ogren, learning english, IELTS, you, دروس, Education (Word), free english, ingilizce öğren, PTE, beginner, education, learn english, how are you, free english learn, full english, kolay ingilizce, learn english free, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, Key English, ingilizce cd, learn english easy, ingilizce, elementary, TOEIC, for, TOEFL
Id: KRdGZaeb9RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 6sec (3726 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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