Elementary Levels - Lesson 12: What is the tallest mountain?

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hello students today we are going to look at comparatives again and then we are going to learn superlatives hello everyone hello Silvia how are you I am great I passed my big exam I can go to the football match and I can go on a holiday next week very good Silvia where are you going I'm going to Prague a smaller than Paris parse is more crude attempt rock Oh have a good time Soviet I want to go to Prague in Paris but I don't have time I have to teach my classes and how are you Alberto I am fine - I am going on holiday - I passed the same exam I am going to Venice I think Venice E is romantic and a beautiful place Venice is a nicer than Rome no very good Alberto you were quiet Linda is there a problem I'm set I didn't pass my exam I'll not go on holiday I should study harder I wanted to visit my grandparents oh I am sorry yes you should study harder but I'm sure you'll pass next time don't worry now let's review comparative forms remember for one syllable words we add e R to form the comparative and remember there are one syllable words that have special Spelling's let's take a look at some examples of these special adjectives Edie is fat Joyce is not fat in the comparative form we say Edie is fatter than Joyce fatter with two T's next example zurich is a big city neuchâtel is a small city so zurich is bigger than neuchâtel so bigger with two Gs okay now let's practice Comparative forms Linda which country is smaller Monaco or Germany that's easy Monaco is very small Monaco is smaller than Germany good is Germany smaller than the United States yes of course the United States is larger than Germany good Linda Silvia is Niagara Falls higher than angel Falls that's a difficult question I know near guro Falls is in Canada Angel Falls is in Africa I think Angel Falls is higher than Niagara Falls now I think you're right Silvia Alberto which city is hotter Cairo or Oslo I think Kyle is hotter than owsla very good Alberto Silvia which River is longer the Nile or the Amazon I think the Amazon is shorter I think Nile I think the Nile is longer than the Amazon alright great Silvia Alberto which mountain is higher Mount McKinley or Mount Everest Monta Ellis is very very high Matt McCullough is smaller Monterey's is higher than Mount McKinley alright very good job everyone we also learned that with comparatives with two or more syllables we need to add more in front of the comparative adjective or less which is the opposite of more take a look at some examples first we have London is more crowded than Liverpool next example my chair is less comfortable than your chair final example Prague is more interesting than Sofia okay now let's practice using comparatives with two or more syllable adjectives Sylvia which city is more beautiful New York or Orlando well I went to New York once I know this new world is in Orlando New York was dirty I think Orlando is more beautiful than New York all right Thank You Sylvia Alberto which city is more historical Rome or Los Angeles I think Rome is an old city Los Angeles is not an old city Los Angeles isn't more historic than more wrong so you're saying Los Angeles is less historical yeah been wrong okay very good Linda which food is more delicious French food or Spanish food and that's a difficult question I love Spanish food I love French food but I think Spanish food is more delicious than French food okay great all right we also learned that for two syllable adjectives that end in Y in the comparative form we need to change the Y to an i before we add ER so remember the Y changes and becomes i ER in the comparative let's take a look at some examples big cities are noisier than small cities next example Mexican food is spicier than Polish food all right now let's practice Alberto I know you like flowers do you think roses are prettier than tulips as difficult question you are right I love all flowers roses my favorite I think roses are prettier than tulips very good Alberto Linda do you think San Francisco is noisier than New York um San Francisco is wonderful it is near the sea New York is dirty and noisy San Francisco is less noisy than New York so New York is noisier than San Francisco all right good job everyone okay finally we learned to irregular comparatives so we learned the comparative of good and bad remember the comparative or of good is not good or it is better and the comparative of bad is not batter it's worse so for the comparative forms good becomes better and bad becomes worse now let's take a look at some examples life in the country is better than in the city the stores in Paris are better than the stores in Nice the metro in New York is worse than the Metro in Tokyo all right now let's practice again Linda which city is worse Barcelona or Seville I love Barcelona and I allow 7:00 and this is a difficult question Barcelona is noisy and dirty sewol is quiet so I think several is better than Barcelona okay so Barcelona is worse than Seville yes okay good Alberto do you like desserts yes of course Italian pastries are wonderful okay which desserts are better French desserts or British desserts French desserts are better than British desserts they are sweeter than British desserts okay I agree with you Sylvia which desert is worse the Sahara Desert or the Gobi Desert I don't know the Sahara Desert is in Africa the Gobi Desert is in Asia the Sahara Desert is very hot and the Gobi Desert is very cold actually I don't have an answer because I think all deserts deserts are very bad okay Thank You Sylvia superlatives now we are going to learn superlatives remember a comparative compares two people or two things but a superlative compares one thing in a group to the rest of the group so a superlative is number one nothing else is above it okay for superlative we usually add the before the adjective and for one syllable adjectives we normally write the superlative by adding est to the adjective take a look at some examples Cola is the youngest child in her family next example Russia is the largest country in the world next example the Nile is the longest river in the world now let's look at some pictures okay the Sears Tower the Sears Tower the Empire State Building the Empire State Building and the Rockefeller Center the Rockefeller Center now take a look at the sentence on your screen the Sears Tower is taller than the other buildings so that means it is the tallest building in the US okay let's look at some other places or things okay we have the Nile River the Nile River the Amazon River the Amazon River the Mississippi River the Mississippi River and the San River ascend River okay please follow along at these look at these sentences the Nile River is six thousand eight hundred and twenty five kilometers long all the other rivers are shorter so we can say the Nile River is the longest river in the world so you see when we can use the superlative form we use it to compare one part of the group to the rest of the group and we don't use then we use the before the superlative and we add es T to one syllable words so we use before the superlative adjective and we add est to one syllable words in the superlative now let's practice using the superlative form let's start with you Sylvia who is the shortest in your family that's easy there are only two boys in my family my brother is told my other brother is very tall I'm the shortest one in my family ok good Linda what is the largest city in Spain gee I'm not sure moderate is big civil isn't big Barcelona is large I think Barcelona is the largest city in Spain very good Linda Alberto what is the oldest city in Italy it's a very difficult question all the states are very alt Naples is all wrong is alt Florence is very alt I think Florence is the biggest city in Italy Thank You Alberto good job everyone so we can see that for the superlative forms one syllable adjectives we usually add est to the end now let's take a look at some one syllable adjectives that have special spellings when they're used in the superlative form take a look at your screen Paris is the biggest city in France Larry is the fattest boy in his family so remember in the comparative form we double the consonant and added er well now in the superlative for big or fat etc we do the same we double the consonant but we add est for the superlative form so big becomes bigger than in the comparative and the superlative big becomes the biggest in the comparative form fat becomes fatter in the same way and the superlative fat becomes the fattest okay now let's practice the superlative form Silvia who is the thinnest boy in your class mmm let me think Evan George are fat Paul denai are medium predestine fred is the tennis boy in my class good answer okay now it's your turn Alberto what is the biggest C in Europe I'm not sure the net C is small the Adriatic isn't too big the buttock is a big the Mediterranean Sea is very big the Mediterranean Sea is the biggest in Europe okay I think you're right Alberto good Linda what is the hottest desert in the world one more difficult question I know Gobi is a cold desert and the Mojave is a very hot desert Sahar is hotter than the Mojave so the Sahara is the hottest desert in the world okay good good job everyone now let's learn the superlative of two irregular adjectives so remember good and bad in the comparative form don't forget good becomes better and it's also a regular in the superlative it become the best all right and again bad in the comparative is worse and in the superlative it becomes the worst so let's look again we have good two things or people better but the superlative is the best then we have bad comparing two things or people becomes worse but in the superlative it becomes the worst okay let's look at some examples follow along on your screen Paul Andrew and Edna are three bad children but Andrew is the worst child poor Andrew next example Mexico City Hong Kong and New York are three beautiful cities but Hong Kong is the best city okay next example my brother doesn't like Mexico he thinks Mexico is the worst country in the world another example Peter loves Vietnamese food he thinks it is the best food in the world so again good in its superlative form becomes the best and bad in its superlative form because becomes the worst so now we need to look at another irregular adjectives it is far opposite of close far take a look at your screen far becomes farther than or further than in the comparative form and far becomes the farthest or the farthest in the superlative form so comparing something to its group of things okay now look at some examples of this new irregular adjectives we're learning Chicago is farther than Detroit from New York next example Barcelona is further than Athens from Tokyo to remember further and further are the same next example Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun in the solar system all right let's see how we can use the best the worst and the farthest or the farthest in the superlative form practice again Linda where are the best beaches in the world hmm do Viera beaches are nice and Turkey has nice beaches but I think the best beaches are in Hawaii oh okay I'm surprised you didn't see a visa okay Silvia what do you think is the farthest place from the South Pole on earth that's easy the North Pole is the farthest place on earth from South Pole okay you are very good at geography Silvia Alberto what is the best city in the world hmm well I love Paris I love Copenhagen but I am from Italy I love Rome I love Venice I really love Florence I think Florence is the best city in the world okay good answers everyone so let's quickly review the superlative forms with one syllable words okay don't forget most one syllable words ad e F T to the end okay follow along look at these examples Toronto is the largest city in Canada next example the pyramids are the oldest buildings in Africa another example Anita is the smartest girl in her class alright now some adjectives have a special spelling in the superlative form take a look at these examples Texas is the hottest state in the US so remember you have to double the T and then add est because of the vowel and the consonant at the end next example Joshua is the thinnest boy in the club so two ends before est next example Cairo is the biggest city in Egypt so we need to add another G too big before est okay we also should review the irregular adjectives in their superlative form again take a look at your screen she thinks Thai food is the worst food in the world so not the baddest but the worst food next example alberto thinks florence is the best city in the world next example Hawaii is the farthest or the farthest state from Maine alright good now it's time look and listen look and listen Chile is the longest country in South America Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa read and repeat now it's time to learn superlatives for adjectives with two or more syllables so remember in the comparative form for these adjectives we used more right plus your adjective plus BAM okay in the superlative form we use the most plus your adjective okay or less plus your adjective plus then opposite of the most would be the least plus your adjective so let's review this information on your screen we use more than in the comparative form and in the superlative form we use the most we use less than in the comparative form and in the superlative form we use the least now let's look at some examples Berlin is the most exciting city in Germany New York City is the most popular city in the United States algebra is the least exciting subject for my sister so does everyone have a pretty good idea of how to use superlatives yes they're easy and the nicest students here you're right Alberto but I'm the smartest student here I am the biggest student in here very good everyone Linda what is the most beautiful city in Europe I'm from Spain Margaret is beautiful Seville is beautiful there are beautiful cities in other countries Vienna is beautiful I think Paris is the most beautiful city in Europe all right Thank You Linda I agree Silvia what do you think is the most important city in the u.s. well New York is important Chicago is important because it is in the middle of the country Los Angeles is important because Hollywood is there and I think Washington DC is the most important city in the United States because the president lives there very good Silvia Alberto what do you think is the most interesting museum in the world I don't know the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is very interesting I think the Lord in Paris is the most interesting the Mona Lisa is there great thank you everyone now the most interesting thing for us to do now is to look and listen look and listen what is the largest country in the world Russia is the largest country in the world one is the biggest continent in the world Asia is the biggest continent in the world what is the highest mountain in the world Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world read and repeat you comparatives and superlatives now we have one more thing to look at remember in the comparative form in an adjective that ended in Y we have to change it change the y2 and I before we add ER in the comparative form okay when we have a superlative and we have an adjective that ends in Y we must change the Y again to an i and then add e s T for the superlative form let's look at this example johnny is very dirty he is the dirtiest boy in the school so notice how for the superlative of dirty we changed the Y to an i before adding est okay now let's practice Sylvia what sport do you think is the dirtiest well football is dirty rugby is dirty I think American football is a dirty sport because the players are always very dirty all right Kurt Sylvia Linda what do you think is the prettiest city in Asia I don't know I can only see pictures of Asia Hong Kong is a periodicity Kuala Lumpur is a prairie city Agra is the prettiest tea in Asia the Taj Mahal is there all right good Lunda Alberto what do you think is the noisiest city in Italy they're all noisy the big cities are very bad I think groom is the noisy city in Italian all right thank you everyone you were wonderful let's review the superlative form one more time all right with one syllable words remember one syllable words we need to add e s T to the adjective okay let's look at some examples summer is the shortest season in Alaska next example Mount Blanc is the highest mountain in Europe New York is the biggest city in North America okay don't forget with the adjectives good and bad good becomes the best in the superlative and bad becomes the worst in the superlative also far becomes the farthest or the farthest more examples take a look the Florida Marlins is the best baseball team in America London has the worst weather in Europe okay now with two syllable words two or more syllables in the comparative form we need to add the most okay or of course the opposite of the most the least okay we have some more examples take a look her brother is the least interesting boy I know next example Amsterdam is the most exciting city in Holland and for example Istanbul is the most crowded city in Turkey okay so with two syllable adjectives ending in Y remember change the Y to an i and then add e s T examples take a look Krakow is the prettiest city in Poland next example Spanish food Linda is the spiciest food in Europe now here's a chart to help you remember superlative forms follow along for one syllable adjectives here are some examples old in the comparative form it is older than and the superlative it's the oldest another example of a one syllable adjectives green in the comparative form it becomes greener than in the superlative form it is the greenest so remember for one syllable adjectives for comparative form add e R and for the superlative form add e s T okay now let's look at two or more syllable adjectives first example handsome in its comparative form becomes more handsome than in its superlative form it becomes the most handsome okay important in its superlative form becomes more important than superlative the most important so we use more and most with two or more syllable all adjectives okay now let's look at adjectives that end in Y for instance busy in it's a comparative form it becomes busier than with an I not a Y and then ER in its superlative form it becomes the busiest how about pretty as a comparative it is prettier than as a superlative it is the prettiest so ER and est are used with two syllable adjectives ending in Y we just change the Y to an i friendly becomes friendlier than or more friendly than so two ways to form the comparative friendly becomes the friendliest or the most friendly in its superlative so some two-syllable adjectives use i ER IES or more and the most irregular adjectives good comparative form better than superlative form the best bad comparative form worse than superlative form the worst far comparative form further than or further than superlative form the farthest or the farthest so good ad and far have irregular forms in comparative and superlative alright very good now I want you to tell me the superlative forms of the following adjectives are you ready yes you don't sound very ready are you sure yes good Linda you start here we have hi now we want the superlative form um the highest good the highest high the highest all right um let's see Alberto good the best okay good good good becomes the best let's see let's see Silvia how about lazy delays East okay uh how do you spell that el a zette I est very good so lazy becomes the laziest let's see Alberto hot the hottest okay the how do you spell hottest H o TT e st very good so hot becomes the hottest now Silvia dangerous the most dangerous okay very good the most dangerous dangerous becomes the most dangerous great you're doing so well let's have a few more okay now we have friendly this one's for you Alberto the friend list okay how do you spell it f r i ii and d l i e st good can we say something different yes most the most friendly very good Alberto so friendly in the superlative is the friendliest or the most friendly okay Linda how about bad it becomes the worst good bad becomes the worst good and let's see Linda you can do the last one too far um it becomes the farthest good and what's the other one the farthest very good so far in its superlative form is the farthest or the furthest good job everyone thank you now it's time to look and listen look and listen this valley is the greenest in this country the gobi desert is the coldest desert the tallest tower in the world is the CN Tower in Toronto read and repeat you review now let's do some review fill in the blanks in the story with an adjective from the box dirty beautiful interesting good hot large dangerous and crowded now I like Boston very much I go there every summer for my holiday it is not a small city it is mmm city in Massachusetts okay Alberto the largest city in mrs. Jess got it so we're talking about Boston it is the largest city in Massachusetts good job okay Sylvia there are many people okay in the summer Boston is haha city in the north eastern US in the summer Boston is the most crowded city in the north eastern US very good Sylvia alright so yes Boston in the summer it is the most crowded city in the northeastern US good puts have another sentence let's see Linda you can do this one Boston is very clean it isn't like Philadelphia Philadelphia is mm-hmm City and America I think Linda hmm Philadelphia is the dirtiest city in America I think good Philadelphia is the dirtiest city in America I think Alberto I like to travel to other countries too I love going to Egypt I like to see the pyramids they are hmm buildings in Africa Alberto they are most interesting buildings in Africa are you sure again please they are most interesting you're missing something no they are the most interesting but so the pyramids are the most interesting buildings in Africa continuing continuing let's pick on Alberto you can do this one too in the summer Cairo is very warm in the summer I'm sure Cairo is mm-hmm city in Egypt Alberto I am sure it's the hottest city in Egypt very good so I'm sure Cairo is the hottest city in Egypt very good we also like to go to the Red Sea I love to hang glide I don't think it is hmm sport in the world I think boxing is okay I love to hang light I don't think it is mm-hmm sport in the world I think boxing is Linda I don't think it is the most dangerous sport in the world okay I don't think hang gliding is the most dangerous sport in the world I think boxing is Silvia I always return to New York it is wonderful the parks are not that people are friendly it is hmm city in the United States it is the most beautiful city in the United States okay New York is the most beautiful city in the United States Sylvia you can finish this for us the parks the streets and avenues are pretty I like to play the piano in New York I practice all the time some people say I am uh-huh yeah no player in New York Sylvia some people say I am the best piano player in New York very good some people say I am the best piano player in New York we're job everyone you are really good so let's practice some more I want to give you sentences and you fill in the blanks Sylvia I will give you the whale is mm-hmm please use the superlative form of an adjective mammal in the world that's easy the whale is the largest mammal in the world the whale is the largest mammal in the world okay one more Sylvia Jamestown is mm-hmm city in America I'm not sure about Jamestown is the oldest city in America all right Jamestown is the oldest city in America well you know your history very well then you're next a Rolex is mm-hmm watch in the world we need a superlative home dear I don't know that's okay um Alberto can you help her sure Alex is the most expensive word in the world okay good a Rolex is the most expensive watch in the world great one more for you Alberto mean is hmm state from Hawaii a Maine is the farthest or the farthest state from Hawaii good all right mean is the farthest or the farthest state from Hawaii now here are some different kinds of sentences great job everyone you are very good now take a look at some different kinds of examples look at your screen golf and tennis are difficult but baseball is hmm golf and tennis are difficult but baseball is the most difficult okay Linda Vienna and Helsinki are crowded but London is rihanna and how think you are crowded but London is the most crowded Vienna and Helsinki are crowded but London is the most crowded good now Alberto cows and ducks aren't dangerous but rabbits are hmm cause and Ducks aren't dangerous but rabbits are the least dangerous all right Kel's and ducks aren't dangerous but rabbits are the least dangerous good be careful of those rabbits mal Silvia Stan and Eric aren't good players but Don is mm-hmm player Stan and Eric good players but Don is the worst player that's why I don't want them on my football team good stand-in Eric aren't good players but dawn is the worst player all right Linda Mount Blanc and Mount McKinley are tall but Mount Everest is hmm Mont Blanc and mont mckinley are told but the Mount Everest is a tallest all right Mont Blanc and Mount McKinley are tall but Mount Everest is the tallest good Linda you can do the next one to Austria and Germany our beautiful countries but Switzerland is hm-hmm country Austria and Germany our beautiful countries but Switzerland is the most beautiful country good Austria and Germany are beautiful countries but Switzerland is the most beautiful country now Silvia Hawaii and Florida are hot but Texas is hmm state Hawaii and Florida are hot but Texas are the hottest State Texas is the hottest state why and Florida are hot but Texas is the hottest state skin spell hottest Silvia H o TT es T good job now Alberto Sweden and Norway are cold but Iceland is hmm country Sweden and Norway are cold but Iceland is the coldest country yes Sweden and Norway are cold but Iceland is the coldest country good and you can do the last one to the Arctic and Indian oceans are deep but the Pacific Ocean is mm-hmm the Arctic and Indian Oceans are deep but the Pacific Ocean is the deepest ok the Arctic and the Indian Oceans are deep but the Pacific Ocean is the deepest good job everyone now it's time to listen and write listen and write the longest river in the world is the Nile the best beaches are in Hawaii our city has the best restaurants Mount Blanc is not the highest mountain but maybe it is the most beautiful which country is the most beautiful my country is the most beautiful the hottest desert is in Africa where is the coldest place on earth the tallest buildings in the world are in Malaysia what is the worst place to live in now check your work the longest river in the world is the Nile the best beaches are in Hawaii our city has the best restaurants Mount Blanc is not the highest mountain but maybe it is the most beautiful which country is the most beautiful my country is the most beautiful hottest desert is in Africa where is the coldest place on earth the tallest buildings in the world are in Malaysia what is the worst place to live in now read the story and answer the questions about it read and answer my name is Reggie I am a business man I love to travel to other places I don't like to travel on ginko airlines there are always many people I am sure it is the most crowded airline I love to travel on transworld air they have the most beautiful stewardesses in the world I usually travel to Germany I visit Berlin Hamburg and Frankfurt Berlin is the most interesting city in Germany there are many museums the Picasso Museum is the most interesting museum there checkpoint charlie near the Berlin Wall is there the beer in Berlin is the best beer in the world I don't like on Berg it is on the sea it always smells like fish it's the dirtiest city in Germany my hotel is always near the sea the boats are very noisy my hotel is the noisiest hotel in Hamburg I like Frankfurt the Christmas Festival is wonderful in December it is the most beautiful Christmas Festival in the world the people are always very friendly the shops are cheap I like to shop there now answer the questions about the story what is Reggie's job why does it he like ginkgo Airlines why does he like Transworld air what country does he visit when he goes to Europe which three cities does he visit usually which city is the most interesting city in Europe for Reggie which two museums are in Berlin what does Reggie drink in Berlin why doesn't he like albergue when is the Christmas Festival in Frankfurt now check your answers what is Reggie's job he is a businessman why doesn't he like ginkgo Airlines he thinks a ginkgo Airlines is the most crowded airline in the world why does he like Transworld air they have the most beautiful stewardesses in the world one country does he visit when he goes to Europe he visits Germany which three cities does he usually visit he usually visits Hamburg Berlin and Frankfurt which city is the most interesting city in Europe for Reggie Berlin is the most interesting city in Europe for Reggie which two museums are in Berlin the Picasso Museum and checkpoint charlie are in Berlin what does Reggie drink in Berlin Reggie drinks beer in Berlin why doesn't he like Hamburg he thinks it is the dirtiest city in Germany when is the Christmas Festival in Frankfurt the Christmas Festival in Frankfurt is in December all right see you next time practicing English hey little brother what are you working on my teacher game some homework on geography today we are learning about our countries and cities around the world hmm that sounds really interesting so far I like it but sometimes it's hard to answer all these questions do you want me to help you my teacher said that we should do most of the work on our own but I think it's okay if we get a little help I'll be happy to help my little brother okay here's the first question which country is larger France or China that's an easy one China is bigger than France is China as big as Canada well they're both among the biggest countries in the world so we can say that Canada is as big as China or China is as big as Canada they both have a lot of space okay I have some more questions is Prague as big as New York that's an easy one New York is much larger than Prague New York has almost 8 million people and Prague has less than a million so New York is definitely the bigger city you sure know a lot of different places Thanks I like to learn a lot about different places are there any questions there about South America let's see yes what's the biggest country in South America hmm do you know the answer to this one little brother I'm not sure I don't think it's Argentina but but I look at the map I would have to say that is Brazil yes you're right Brazil is the biggest country in South America do you know the capital city of Brazil we studied Brazil last week I know that Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo are big cities in Brazil but they are not the capital cities I think the name of the capital is Brasilia you're right well done what cities or countries we won't see Alexey that's an easy one for me I want to climb Mount Everest it's the highest mountain in the world Wow that would be amazing I would love to see my every but I don't think that I want to climb it it's very cold there isn't it yes because it's so high it's among the coldest places on earth it's very windy too it can be very dangerous to climb this mountain whereas do you want to go well I want to see the pyramids someday I know where they are there in Egypt yes you're right again the pyramids were built along the Nile thousands of years ago it's the place where the Egyptians used to bury their kings they were called the Pharaohs right yes that's right the Nile River is one of the longest rivers in the world the Amazon is also a very long river it's in Brazil Wow you're very good at geography you know a lot of the answers already well I kind of like this stuff well little brother what about you where do you want to go when you grow up hmm there are so many interesting places to go yes there are you have already lived in two interesting places Athens when you were little and now Istanbul a thing living in Australia would be a great thing why would you want to go to Australia well there are a lot of interesting places and really nice beaches yes this is true they also have very rare animals you cannot find anywhere else in the world like what well the kangaroo is an example and the koala bear they're among the rarest animals in the world and one zoo you can only find in the nature of Australia of course now you can see them in zoos Wow I didn't know that yes you're right about the beaches too they have the most amazing beaches there but you have to be careful if you go swimming because they have some very large sharks in the water the largest shark is the great white shark hmm maybe if I go to Australia I will just stay on land and visit things don't worry you can go swimming many we'll swim all their lives and never even see a shark yeah but seeing a shark in the water is the scariest thing I can think of if I go to Australia I think I was just stay on land you
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Length: 68min 10sec (4090 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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