Elementary Levels - Lesson 16: Past Experiences

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hello everyone today we are going to talk about historical events past experiences and how to use a simple past tense first we will look at some useful vocabulary there are some time expressions that we often use when we talk about the past and these are take a look at your screen this morning last tonight yesterday two days ago last week two weeks ago last month last year two years ago in 1990 a long time ago at three o'clock so we use time expressions like these with the simple past tense to say when something happened before now for example take a look at these examples on your screen last night I watched TV at home yesterday I played football with my friends I moved to my new house in 1999 when we use the simple past tense we usually change regular verbs to the past tense by adding II D look at these verbs to see how they change for the past tense watch becomes watched we add Edie cook becomes cooked listen listened relaxed relaxed call called let's see more examples and then invented work worked discover discovered need needed want wanted now when we speak we pronounce the IDI sound like a soft D or a soft T listen to how I pronounce the following words watched watched with the T sound played played with the D sound work worked with the T sound when the last sound of a word is a D or a T sound we pronounce the e D like it listen again invited invited so it sounds like ID needed needed wanted wanted all right now let's practice some of these simple past sounds Alberto when did Christopher Columbus discover America he discovered America in 1492 very good Sylvia what did you do last night I watched TV okay Linda what did you do I rented a video and watched it which video did you rent now I ranted Romeo and Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio oh I see Sylvia what did you do last Saturday I played tennis with my friends okay good Linda what did you do I rent I shopped for new shoes and Alberta I worked on my English oh good boy Sylvia when did you last take a vacation um last year okay Alberto when did you start to study English I stopped one year ago okay in Linda when did you see your grandfather mmm maybe a month ago okay good answers everyone all right now let's look and listen look and listen we traveled to Spain last year I worked in England two years ago he finished University last year he started his new job last month she cooked dinner two hours ago read and repeat with most regular verbs we usually just add edy to create the simple past but you must be careful with the spelling of some verbs when a verb ends with E we just a daddy hey so for example exercise in the past tense becomes exercised so we just add the D invite in the past tense becomes invited again we just add the D so exercise exercised invite invited now when a word ends and why when it ends with a y after another consonant we change the Y to I II D okay so for example study ends and a Y after a consonant after the D so in the past tense we write studied change the Y the Y becomes an i before the IDI same with cry because the Y comes after the are a consonant past tense it becomes cried Y changes to I and then we add IDI so study studied cry cried okay more irregular spellings when a word ends with a Y after a vowel okay we change we don't change anything we just add Edie for the past tense so play ends and a why after A which is a vowel so in the past tense we write play plus Edie played okay same with stay again the Y comes after a vowel after the a so in the past tense it's stay and we add Edie stayed so play becomes played stay becomes stayed all right when a word ends with a consonant after a vowel okay we add or we double the last letter then add Edie so shop ends in a consonant after a vowel so for the past tense we have to double the key and add Edie stop isn't a consonant after the vowel so in the past tense we need to double the last consonant which is P and add Edie so shop becomes shopped stop becomes stopped all of these verbs are called regular verbs because we change them by adding ad or ie D to the verb okay some verbs are irregular and change completely when we use them in the simple past tense here are some common irregular verbs take a look at your screen go does not become gold it changes completely in the past tense and it becomes went come changes to came by in the past is bought do becomes did find becomes found eat past tenses ate drink is drank all right let's also look at the verb to be in its simple past tense so in the president's we have am is or are but in the past tense the verb to be becomes was or were read has the same spelling in the past tense but the sound changes so it becomes read write changes to wrote here changes to heard see is saw catch is caught so of course when we use simple past we need to change the verb to the simple past form look at some examples we watched TV on Tuesday night they stayed in a hotel last summer when we want to make a negative sentence then we use the helping verb didn't or did not but we don't change the main verb the main verb just stays in that simple form look at these examples we didn't watch TV on Tuesday night she didn't hear the phone ring so the main verb stays the same and you just add the helping verb didn't okay let's practice using some of these verbs to talk about the past Silvia could you tell me what you did yesterday yesterday I went to the cinema good now Linda can you tell me what you did last night last night I read a book excellent Alberto what did you do two days ago two days ago I wrote a letter to my friend Sylvia ask Alberto a question okay Alberto what did you do last weekend hmm I went shopping last weekend what did you buy I bought some nice shoes good now Alberto please ask Silvia a question okay Silvia did you study English last year no I didn't study English last year I started my class this year good Silvia now can you please ask Linda a question Linda what time did you get up this morning I got up at 8 o clock this morning okay that was very good everyone in English there are three ways of asking questions look at the chart please now first type of question is a yes/no question for example did he ask a question yes he did or no he didn't now let's look at the structure we use did as our helping verb we start with that then add the subject he plus your verb ask and your object a question so it becomes did he ask a question and remember when we use the helping verb did the main verb stays unchanged in the simple form all right the second type of question is an information question about the action about the verb for example what did he ask he asked a question structure is what question word + did helping verb + T your subject and your verb ask so what did he ask third type of question is an information question about the subject he she or it for example who asked a question he asked a question structure is question word which is the subject who plus your verb asked + object a question who asked a question okay now take a look at this question did you watch TV on Tuesday night yes I watched TV next example did you go to the cinema yes I went to the cinema when we want to ask yes/no questions we use the helping verb did or didn't but we don't change the main verb in this case the main verb is watch so it stays in its simple form when we answer the question with a positive verb of course we have to change the main verb to its past tense form in this case we changed go to went but when the answer is negative we change the helping verb from don't - didn't and the main verb stays the same in its simple form let's take a look at the answers yes I went to school yesterday it's positive so the main verb has to change to the simple past form or no I didn't go to school yesterday it's negative so we change the helping verb from don't to didn't and the main verb stays in its simple form go so we use the helping verb do for questions and negative sentences when we ask information questions with question words we use the question word and the helping verb together let me show you so you say when did question word and you're helping verb together or we're did why did who did or how did so you start with your question word and your helping verb when did where did why did who did and he'll did okay let's do some more practice asking questions using the simple past tense Alberto can you ask Silvia a question please yes Silvia what did you eat for breakfast I ate some cheese and some bread good now Sylvia ask Linda a question Linda where did you go yesterday I went to the museum that was very good now Linda asked Alberto a question please okay did you walk to school yesterday no I didn't walk sooo cool I caught the bus all right it's very good everyone now it's time again you look and listen look and listen did the students go to Italy last year yes they went to Italy last year what did they do in Italy they visited a lot of museums did you walk to school this morning no we didn't we caught the bus to school this morning read and repeat now let's try some exercises you fill in the blanks with the correct simple past verb form okay Sylvia you starts hmm you go to the cinema yesterday simple path Sylvia did you go to the cinema yesterday did you go to the cinema yesterday good okay now Alberto when hmm man first land on the moon men first mm-hmm on the moon in 1969 van Dyck man first land on the moon man first landed on the moon in 1969 okay when did man first land on the moon man first landed on the moon in 1969 all right Linda your turn when mm-hmm the United Kingdom join Europe the United Kingdom mm-hmm Europe in 1973 Linda rendered the United Kingdom join Europe the United Kingdom joined Europe in 1973 very good when did the United Kingdom join Europe the United Kingdom joined Europe in 1973 all right you're all doing so well we have to do some more okay she mm-hmm to France two weeks ago Sylvia she went to France two weeks ago okay she went France two weeks ago remember go is an irregular verb so it changes completely in the past tense okay now Linda mm-hmm English last year I didn't speak English last year good I didn't speak English last year it's negative so we need our helping verb didn't okay Alberto to your turn mm-hmm your girlfriend yesterday Alberto did you see your girlfriend yesterday did you see good did you see your girlfriend yesterday okay Albert I'll try these two answers no I mm-hmm her yesterday and I mm-hmm her two days ago past tense Alberto no I didn't see her yesterday good I saw her two days ago very good no I didn't see her yesterday I saw her two days ago so remember see isn't a regular verb it changes to saw in the past tense when it's positive okay good job everyone now here is a very short story read the story in answer with simple past tense sentences to take a look at your screen last week Susan went to the library and she read a book about the history of Turkey she learned that the Turkish Republic started in 1923 and at the first leader of the new Turkish Republic when a man called mustafa kemal ataturk he was born in Salonika in 1881 and died in 1938 his body was moved to the unknit Kabir in 1953 Susan thought the book was very interesting and she decided to visit Turkey for her holiday this year now answer the questions about the story Sylvia where did Susan go last week Susan went to the library last week very good Linda what did Susan read she read a book about Turkish history yes good now Alberto here's one for you when did the Turkish Republic start the Turkish Republic started in 1923 yes that's right you do the next one to Alberto who was the first leader of the new Turkish Republic the first leader of the Turkish public was Mustafa Kemal atatürk good job okay Linda when was he born he was born in 1881 good we do the next one too where was he born he was born in Salonika yes that's right okay Sylvia when did he die he died in 1938 okay Sylvia also the last one when was his body moved his body was moved in 1953 okay that was very good now you know a little bit more about history sometimes when we talk about the past we use a special verb and it's called used to we use this verb used to when we talk about things we did in the past so habits or routines in the past that we don't do any longer when we use this verb in positive sentences we always use the simple past form used to and another verb in it's simple form so we don't change the main verb okay let's take a look at some examples using used to to talk about the past when I was a child I used to play hide-and-seek he used to be fat but now he is thin she used to live in England but she lives in ýstanbul now I used to smoke but I don't anymore they used to work here but they left last year so for negative sentences we use the helping verb didn't plus used to in it's simple form plus another verb in it's simple form okay here are some more examples when I was a child I didn't use to speak English he didn't used to be fat but now he is she didn't used to like opera but she does now I didn't used to smoke but I do now they didn't used to work here but now they do okay when we use this verb in yes/no questions we always use the helping verb did or didn't plus the subject plus use to in its simple form plus another verb in its simple form for example take a look did you used to ride a bike when you were a child did he use to be fat didn't she used to live in London did you use to smoke did they used to work here with positive questions did you the speaker doesn't know the answer the answer may be yes or it may be no with negative questions didn't you the speaker thinks he knows the answer but he's not sure so that's why he's asking okay take a look at this question didn't you used to live in London means the same as I think you used to live in London but I'm not sure so I'm asking you so I can be sure okay now with information questions we use a question word and used to look at these examples what did you use to do when you were a child where did you used to live when did you use to go to bed when you were a child okay let's practice with use to Linda can you ask Silvia a question please Silvia did you use to ride a bike yes I used to ride a bike when I was a child very good Silvia can you ask Alberto a question okay Alberto didn't you use to smoke yes I used to smoke but I stopped last year excellent Alberto now can you ask Linda a question okay Linda did you use to play sports when you were young yes I used to play tennis very good Silvia tell Linda about when you were a child I used to play hide and seek when I was a child very good Linda tell us something that you learned in history okay turkey used to be ruled by the Ottomans very good Alberto can you tell me something about when you were young okay mmm are you sleep in an apartment now I live in a house very good Alberto can you ask Silvia a question using use - yes Silvia did you used to play tag yes I use the pool a tag when I was young all right now Silvia ask Linda a question using use - Linda where did you use to live I used to live in New York very good Linda can you ask Alberto a question using YouTube Albert told you didn't you use to have longer hair yes I use the hair longer here all right very good job everyone now just like we used to do in previous lessons we are now going to look and listen look and listen when I was a child I used to ride a bike she used to play tennis they didn't used to eat meat there used to be a shop next to my house read and repeat review now we will do some exercises look at the sentences and fill in the blanks again starting with Alberto last year I mm-hmm to Spain last year I lent Spain very good last year I went to Spain remember go is an irregular verb so it changes to went in the past tense okay um this one's for you also Alberto I mm-hmm there with my family every year I read to I used to go there with my family every year god I used to go there with my family every year okay now Sylvia hmm you mm-hmm London Sylvia did you use to live in London did you use to live in London que Linda where mm-hmm you mm-hmm to school where did you used to go to school where did you use to go to school very smart students okay another one for you Linda mm-hmm he mm-hmm your neighbor and uh didn't he use to be your neighbor very good didn't he use to be your neighbor okay Alberto how mmm-hmm mmm-hmm before we had cars Alberto yes how did people used to travel before we had cars good how did people used to travel before we had cars okay another one for you Alberto what mm-hmm people mm-hmm for we invented TV what did people used to do before we invented TV what did people used to do before we invented TV Silvia people mm-hmm that the world hmm flat people used to think that the world was flat people used to think that the world was flat okay let's see now our ideas have changed Linda I hmm but I quit last year I used to smoke but I quit last year I used to smoke but I quit last year okay I'm Alberto she mm-hmm a lot of chocolate but now she mm-hmm Alberto she used to eat a lot of chocolate but now she doesn't she used to eat a lot of chocolate but now she does it continuing since you're doing so well we just can't seem to stop ýstanbul Silvia mm-hmm called constantinople istanbul used to be called constantinople istanbul all needs to be called Constantinople good job everyone now I want you to ask some questions to each other using the simple past tense and use two with yes/no questions and question words okay okay okay now Linda please ask Silvia a question okay senior did you use to have a nickname um you were a child yes I used to have a nickname when I was at school really what was your nickname my friends used to call me Silva oh that's very sweet okay Silvia can you ask Alberto a question okay what did you use to like playing when you were young um I used to like playing hide-and-seek when I was child thank you and Alberto can you ask Linda a question okay Linda where did you used to do your homework I used to do my homework in my bedroom okay Linda who do you want to ask a question I want to ask a question to Celia fine okay senior did you use to ride a bike when you were a child yes I used to ride my bicycle every day all right Silvia would you like to ask anyone a question yes I will ask Alberto a question okay Alberto what did you use to do on your holidays mmm I used to go sing and play on the beach when I was on holiday all right good Alberto do you want to ask anyone a question yes can I ask you a question teacher of course what is your question um we did used to live before he came here I used to live in the United States with my family oh okay those are some very good questions you did all you all did very well today so now it's time to listen and write listen and right now it's time to listen and write listen and write the sentences the Turkish Republic started in 1923 in 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent the French Revolution finished in 1792 Karl Marx was born in 1818 man landed on the moon in 1969 Chinggis Khaan became leader of the mongols in 1206 Russia became a communist state in 1918 Suleiman the Magnificent died in 1566 constantinople was conquered in 1453 Burton joined the European Union in 1973 now check your answers the Turkish Republic started in 1923 in 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent the French Revolution finished in 1792 Karl Marx was born in 1818 man landed on the moon in 1969 jingis Khan became leader of the Mongols in 1206 Russia became a communist state in 1918 Suleiman the Magnificent died in 1566 Constantinople was conquered in 1453 Britain joined the European Union in 1973 now read the story and answer the questions about it read and answer when Carl was a child he used to live on a farm every morning his mother and father used to get up very early to feed the animals when they lived on the farm Carl used to have a pet dog his name was Shep he used to take him for walks every day and after school he used to play with his friends in the garden in the summer they used to visit his grandparents they lived near the sea they used to have a course called Beauty his grandfather used to let Carl write him they all used to drive to his grandparents house in his father's red car when they drove to his grandparents house the children used to play games in the car because it took a long time to drive to the sea now answer these questions where the Carl used to live what did his parents used to do every morning what did Carl used to do after school every day where did he used to go in the summer where did his grandparents used to live what did his grandfather used to let him do how did he used to travel to his grandparents house what did the children used to do in the car what did they call his grandfather's horse what was the name of his dog now check your work where did Carl used to live he used to live on a farm what Dennis parents used to do every morning every morning his parents used get up early and feed the animals what did he used to do after school every day he used to play with his friends in the garden where did he used to go in the summer he used to go to his grandparents house every summer where did his grandparents used to live they used to live near the sea what did his grandfather used to let Carl do he used to let him ride his horse how there Carl used to travel to his grandparents house he used to drive to his grandparents house in his father's car what did the children used to do in the car they used to play games in the car what did they call their grandfather's horse they called him Beauty what was the name of Carl's dog his name was Shep ok good job today see you next time practicing English so how did it go oh it went great I had so much fun so tell me what did you do there well you got me on the ferry yesterday and we arrived just like the man said right around lunchtime did you meet anyone to talk to on the ferry yes in fact I met this girl who was going to visit her grandparents there she told me a lot about the things I wanted to see so what did you do first well I took a horse cab from the ferry station and went right to see the sights walked around for a few hours and then I took a great tour of the houses so what did you do next well I was really hungry Sam and Jack told me about these famous fish on the princess Islands what did you think well I had one and it was delicious oh I'm getting hungry I like fish so after lunch I went to see st. George it's an Orthodox Church it was built in 1909 and it's part of a hilltop monastic complex that has its origin in the fifth century yes interesting isn't it what did you do after st. George well by then it was six o'clock unfortunately it was too late to see anything else oh that's too bad oh but wait till I tell you what happened next so what did you do so I walked down the street to get an ice-cream and guess who I bumped into I don't know who I ran right into the girl from the ferry you're kidding there are a lot of people on Big Island and you met the same person on the same day and in two different areas I know I still can't believe it so what did you do next well we were pretty surprised to see each other so she suggested that we could have some dinner together hmm did you have dinner together yes we did she knew this great seafood place so we had dinner together last night her name is Tara Wow so you went to the big island to get away from the city and you came back with a new friend what did you talk about oh we talked about a lot movies books music family school that's great will you talk to her again well I think so she gave me her cell phone number and her email address I already emailed her this morning did you buy anything on your trip yes since terrible dinner for me I had a little extra money what did you buy yesterday actually I bought something for you I thought it was so nice that you were so worried about me going to big island by myself well you are my friend so of course I worry about you here I bought this for you Oh a nazar I love these things they are for good luck you know yes I know hmm you found my favorite kind well I remembered you said you'd like these I love these I'm glad you're happy Alexei thank you for thinking of me thank you for taking me to the ferry station yesterday next time you go to Big Island I want to come too well I went and had a great time but it'll be so much better with a friend you
Channel: English For You
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Keywords: free english, learn english, you, ingilizce cd, education, learn english easy, Key English, full english, TOEFL, free english learn, PTE, ECPE, اللغة, Education (Word), iTEP, intermediate, الانكليزية, how are you, TOEIC, english lesson, easy english, تعليم, دروس, kolay ingilizce, ingilizce, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, English for you, learning english, learn english free, English, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce öğren, beginner, elementary, IELTS, apprendre, english for you 80 cd, for
Id: QD1SqjNzOtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 48sec (3048 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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