Elementary Levels - Lesson 25: The arts

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hello students today we are going to learn tag questions then we are going to review simple past and we will also begin to learn the present perfect tense but of course let's first learn some new vocabulary take a look at your screen a museum a museum is a place where people come to see old paintings old furniture and old clothes a curator the manager of a museum is a curator now there are many different kinds of museums there are war museums people come to see old guns and uniforms and bullets there are also Technology museums with old cars and trucks airplanes and fire engines now an art gallery is a place where people go to see new paintings for sale next example a theatre a theatre is a place where people can see a musical play or an opera at the front of a theater where the actors act is the stage the theater may have a balcony and it may have an orchestra near the stage people sit in seats they walk in the aisles rows are lines of seats and the people watching a play is the audience kay next word is a cinema a cinema is a place where people come to watch a film it usually has a very large screen in the back there is a film projector a cinema also has rows aisles and an audience next word is an usher an usher is a person who takes you to your seat at a theater or cinema tag questions okay now let's look at tag questions let's look at some examples of these you know that I sure don't you this film is from France isn't it mother doesn't know where the museum is does she that uniform isn't from World War two is it Cindy hasn't received an invitation to the play has she now Tara questions are short questions that we usually put at the end of a sentence there is always a comma before a tag question and a question mark after it now we use the U we usually use a present form of the verbs to do to have or to be for the present simple the verb in the tag question depends on the verb in the main part of the sentence let's look at some more examples mother doesn't know where the museum is does she that uniform isn't from World War two is it Cindy hasn't received an invitation to the play how she okay now I think we're ready to practice Alberto you are going to the cinema tomorrow aren't you I can't go tomorrow my aunt is going to whiz it I am going to light I want to see the NIA richard gere feel okay I think that's a good film Sylvia your brother is going to the War Museum on Saturday isn't he yes he is I will go with him we want to see the old uniforms from World War two we love history oh great it's have a good time Linda you aren't going to the theatre too are you no I'm not the theater is too hot and the weather is very hot it will be cooler next week we will go next week okay great good job everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen there are tickets left for the play aren't there it's very cold in this theater isn't it that's the aisle we walk down isn't it there aren't any restrooms at this Museum are there read and repeat let's practice again Linda you want to visit the new Automobile Museum don't you no I don't want to visit it I don't like cars my father liked cars he will go next week you can't take my brother okay Alberto you have a ticket for the cinema tonight don't you yes I have a ticket it is very crowded I bought it last week okay that was a good idea Silvia you know the museum closes early on Saturday don't you yes I know that we will go early I think it opens at 10 o'clock we will stay there five hours we want to see everything Wow five hours okay great thank you everyone now question tags can also be used in the past tense let's look at some more examples she didn't have a ticket did she Nina wasn't at the theatre was she the usher was a man wasn't he Paul's friends were at the cinema weren't they okay let's practice Silvia you didn't go to the theatre last week did you you are right I didn't go my brother was sick my father doesn't like the theatre I can't go alone oh I see Linda you didn't see the new Sandra Bullock film did you no I didn't see it I went to the cinema it was full I was very sad maybe I can go next week okay we'll all go together Alberto you were at the cinema last night weren't you no I was not I am going tonight okay that's right good job everyone now question tags can also be used in the future tense have a look at some examples poll will go to the museum with us won't e Yvan isn't going to wear that too Theater is she there will be two films at the cinema will there now for the future tense will and won't are used in question tags this is for the future tense now is isn't our an art can also be used for the future tense if the simple present is used to talk about a future action okay now let's practice again Linda you are going to the theater next week aren't you yes I will go next week you will dress nicely as usual won't you of course okay good Linda can you please ask Alberto a tag question okay Alberto you are going to the cinema next week aren't you I am going tonight maybe I will go next week too I love watching new films good now Alberto can you ask Silvia question okay Silvia your little brother will not be going with you to the war museum will he no he won't go he's a problem he's always noisy he's too young I will go with my older brother alright good job everyone now it's time to work and listen look and listen the curator wasn't at the museum was he the orchestra was ready to start wasn't it the theater will be full won't it she isn't going to bring her friend to the theater with us is she read and repeat we usually use a negative question tag after a positive sentence let's look at these examples she will sit in the balcony won't she Andy has a theater program doesn't he we usually use a positive question tag after a negative sentence take a look she won't sit in the balcony well she and it doesn't have a theater guy does he so notice the meaning of yes and no in answers to a negative question you aren't going to that film are you so yes means yes I'm going to that film no means no I am NOT going to the film so the meaning of a tag question depends on how you say it if your voice goes down you aren't asking a question you are inviting the listener to agree with you let's look at some examples it's a great musical isn't it yes it's wonderful that usher looks sick doesn't he no I think he's just tired now if your voice goes up it's a question more examples you don't have a ticket to the play do you yes it's in my pocket we have enough time to buy popcorn before the film don't we know the film will start now now after let's the question tag is shall we for example let's say for the art gallery now shall we let's not stay for the last scene shall we after the imperatives do or don't do etc your question tag is usually will you for example don't be late for the film will you sit in that row will you okay let's practice some more Linda you will see the new production at the theater next week won't you yes I want to sit see it the newspaper said it is very good wonderful Silvia you have already visited the War Museum haven't you yes I did but I didn't see everything I want to see all the old uniforms the museum is very big all right Thank You Silvia Alberto the new film at the cinema is very romantic isn't it yes I think it's your last romantic it's also comedy field mmm I like romantic comedies I like most films I don't like horror films oh I love horror films I will see you soon don't be late will you of course month okay now we will learn the present perfect tense aren't you all excited yes no okay present perfect tense before we can do this we should review the simple past let's look at some examples I went to the museum last week Paula took a taxi to the film I couldn't go to the play the film ended at 11:30 p.m. we ate before we went to the cinema now remember the simple past tense is used to talk about activities or situations that began and ended in the past most simple past verbs are formed by adding edy to the end okay let's look at some of these verbs complain past tense complained invite pass invited play played visit visited arrived arrived here are some examples Tom complained about the film Irma invited us to the opening of the new play now remember though many verbs have irregular past forms take a look again began build built draw drew sing saying stand stood alright here are some examples the musical began at eight o'clock everyone stood at the end of the production some verbs have the same past form let's take a look read pass form read put put cost cost let and let here are some examples it cost ten dollars for a ticket to the show the actor read the part well her mother let her go to the film with her friends okay now let's practice a bit with the simple past hence Alberto did you go to the cinema last week mm-hmm yes I went twice I love films I want to to go every night but they are too expensive yes they are expensive Silvia when did they open the new museum I'm not sure I think it opened two months ago this will be my second visit and it will be my brother Stewart visit well you must really like the museum Linda did you stand in line to buy a ticket yes I stood outside the theater the line was very long the production is popular everyone wants to see it all right thanks everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen Fred complained about the museum it opened late the musical began at 6:30 he put his hat on after he left the art gallery our family arrived at the theatre at seven o'clock read and repeat present perfect tense now it's time to start learning the present perfect tense here are some examples first she has been to that musical three times that film has played there twice I have forgotten the name of the art gallery fred has gone to the museum now as you can see the present perfect form is has or have plus the past participle the negative form of the present perfect tense is peasant or haven't plus the past participle so the positive present perfect form is has or have plus the past participle the negative present perfect form is hasn't or haven't plus the past participle now many past participles in the present perfect end in IDI let's look at a chart complain past participle complained invite invited play played walk walked receive and received now let's look at some more examples I have received many invitations to the opening John has walked to the theatre many times ok there are also many irregular forms of the past participle let's look at this chart have past participle had go gone forgot forgotten begin begun choose chosen next draw drawn sing sung you done take taken see seen okay more examples take a look he has drawn many new sketches for the art gallery the play hasn't begun yet now some present perfect verb forms are the same as the past form for example built and built found found sold sold met and met or some examples the architect has built many new buildings hooray he has found his drawings now we must learn when to use the present perfect tense when we use the present perfect tense that the time is unspecified in the past and there is always a connection with now so the action in the past has a result now here are some examples where's your ticket I don't know I've lost it which means I haven't got it now is Stephen at the Museum no he is gone same as he isn't there now I can't find the tickets have you seen them do you know where they are now in other words we often use present perfect to give new information for example Oh No I have lost the film schedule the museum is closed there has been a fire the audience has complained twice the orchestra is too loud so you can see in these examples that the time is unspecified in the past and there is a connection to now all right here is the forum for the yes/no question form K we use has or have plus the subject plus the past participle plus the complement or object for example have you visited the art gallery has he seen that play have they been here now we can use also some words to help us to know it's going to be present perfect for example just already and yet ok just means a short time ago for example he has just arrived at the theater the girls have just left the theatre ok just means a short time ago and already means something happened sooner than expected okay so just is a short time ago already something happened sooner than expected let's look at some more examples don't forget your invitation to the opening of the museum I won't I have already put it in my pocket what time is Nancy leaving for the museum she has already left now yet means until now okay the speaker is expecting something to happen we use yet in questions and negative sentences let's look at these examples has the film finished yet I know there is a new museum I haven't visited yet okay now already and just are usually put between the auxilary and the past participle okay and yet usually comes at the end of the sentence or question okay let's take a look she has just arrived so you see that just is between has and arrived she has already arrived has she arrived yet yet is at the end she hasn't arrived yet let's look at the difference between gone to and been to gone to rn2 okay John has gone to the theater okay this sentence John has gone to the theater means that John is there now or is or he is on his way to the theater but this sentence John has been to the theater means in the past John has been to the theater or he has come back from the theater let's look at some timelines to help us better understand the present perfect okay we use the present perfect to express an activity that happened or did it happen in the past examples John has already bought the ticket now when did this happen we have the past and we have now so some time in the past up until now we don't know when because it's not specified John bought a ticket okay an activity may happen many times before now and in that case again we use the present perfect tense John as bought ticket many times now this activity happened in the past up till now many times unspecified okay so we can use the present perfect tense to describe a situation that began in the past and continues to the present okay for example I have been John's friend for many years okay starting from the past continuing today continuing now okay let's practice a bit Linda do you understand the present perfect our honor stand halt make it but I'm not sure run to use it okay you must remember that the present perfect shows a connection between the past and now okay let's try Silvia have you been to the theatre before I don't remember I don't like theater my parents like to go I think I have been there once ah a good answer Linda have you been to the car museum no I haven't gone I'm not very interested in cars I'm sure my father and my uncle have been there so you do understand the present perfect very good sentences Alberto have you seen the new Tom Cruise film no I have not seen it yet it's playing at the old cinema I don't like that place so less dirty and last bad oh don't go there okay good job everyone now all of the verbs in the present perfect tent have a connection with the past in action in the past has a result now okay let's practice again make sure you all understand Alberto how long have you known Jorge the usher at the theatre I had known him for many years the events work together he's a good friend great Silvia how many months has the new War Museum been opened I think it has been opened for two months but I'm not sure I can ask my father oh it's not important Linda how long have you lived near the art gallery I have lived there for about three months it's a nice place to live it's safe and clean oh that's good all right good job everyone we can use the present perfect tense to describe an action that began in the past and continues to the present for example Alberto has known George for many years so this is saying he met him in the past and still knows him now next example the War Museum has been opened for two months so this is saying it opened two months ago and of course it's still open next example Linda has lived near the Art Gallery for three months so this is saying that she still lives there now ok now it has come the time to look and listen look and listen the cortez family have been the owners of this theater for three years jonathan has visited the museum every month this year amy has complained to the theater manager three times my family has gone to the Opera together every season read and repeat review let's practice one more time so I will ask a question and then you ask another student a question all right okay Alberto have you forgotten some of your English of course not you are a good teacher I always practice with my friend Jorge he is the author and the theatre his English is very good okay mm-hmm Birgit have you had time to see the Neil Julie Roberts field no I haven't this cinema is far from my home and when I go there I have a cap and they are expensive Oh okay now ask Sylvia question Linda okay Sylvia have you chosen a time to go to the War Museum yes we will go in the morning we want to see all the uniforms this time they are very interesting ok do you have a question for me Sylvia yes I have how long have you been a teacher I have been a teacher for a long time all right great thank you all today we have learned question tags we have reviewed the simple past and we have started to learn the present perfect first let's do some exercises I will start a question and you fill in the blanks with a question tag ok not okay hey Sylvia this one's for you you will visit the War Museum Sylvia that's easy you will visit the War Museum won't you pay you will visit the War Museum won't you good ok um Linda you know where the theater okay you know where the theater is don't you you know where the theater is don't you good great Alberto your turn you don't like to visit museums you don't like to visit museums to you you don't like to visit museums to you okay that's right good this time I will give you a situation I want you to make a question using a question tag Alberto here is the situation you look out the window the workers have just finished their work on a new museum what can you say it is a beautiful museums isn't it but it's a beautiful museum isn't it very good all right Linda you are with a friend outside the cinema you are looking at the cheap prices what do you say it's easy this cinema isn't expensive is it good the cinema isn't expensive is it very good all right who's next who's next I'm Sylvia you are at a theater there is a new musical the orchestra is wonderful what can you say I could say many things they're wonderful aren't they okay good they're wonderful aren't they such smart students all right thank you now let's use shall we in a quick exercise okay Sylvia you can go first okay I think I understand Alberto let's go to the cinema after class shall we maybe what film is playing Linda let's called the cinema and see what film is playing shall we I can't go after the class I should study teacher let's learn some more English shall we good idea now let's try an exercise using the simple past here is an example the usher didn't go to work he had a fever do you understand Silvia sure I'm ready okay this is yours the museum wasn't ready to open the museum wasn't ready to open the courier was late okay so the museum wasn't ready to open the curator was late good Alberto you do this one the ticket office was open our boat song tickets okay the ticket office was open I bought some tickets all right Linda the musical started at seven o'clock the musical started at seven o'clock the usher took note took me to my seat at 6:30 okay good so the musical started at seven o'clock the usher took me to my seat at 6:30 excellent everyone thank you let's do one more exercise using the simple past fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb at the end of the sentence Linda you first here's your sentence it was warm in the theater so I off my coat okay that's simple it was warming the theater so I took off my coat yes it was warm in the theater so I took off my coat okay Sylvia I was very tired so I mm-hmm to the theater I was very tired so I didn't go to the theater I was very tired so I didn't go to the theater Alberto went for you the art gallery mm-hmm at 9:00 a.m. the art color opened at 9:00 a.m. good the Art Gallery opened at 9:00 a.m. bye good thank you now let's do some exercises using the present perfect so read the situation and then tell us a sentence using the present perfect here is an example last week the film cost three dollars now it costs four dollars so the price has gone up do you understand yes Alberto yes okay good Linda you can go first the curator is looking for his key he can't find it he mm-hmm it he has lost it okay he has lost it good okay you do the next one Alberto let's use finish in your answer so John is at the theater it is nine o'clock he wants to see the end of the play it finished at 8:50 the usher says it has already finished great the usher says it has already finished okay let's do another example or another exercise let's make some more sentences using the present perfect tense please use remember just already or yet in your answers Sylvia you can go first and please use just in your answer okay at the art gallery you see an old friend he says do you want something to eat you say no thank you okay no thank you I have just eaten good answer all right let's use yet Alberto you are having tea during intermission at the cinema the waiter thinks you are finished and starts to take your cup you say wait a minute wait a minute I have not finished yet great good ok Linda please use already you are going to a film tonight you call a friend to go with you she says no thanks um no thanks I have already seen that film good job everyone thank you now it's time to listen and write listen and right now it's time to listen and write listen and write the sentences the curator isn't in yet is he the usher won't arrive until 9 o'clock will he the man broke the projector at the cinema the art gallery had three new paintings we have visited that art gallery before bonnie has already seen the new film the ushers have just arrived now check your work the curator isn't in yet is he the usher won't arrive until nine o'clock will he the man broke the projector at the cinema the art gallery had three new paintings we have visited that art gallery before bonnie has already seen the new film the ushers have just arrived now read the conversation and then answer the questions read and answer Julie and Pat are visiting an art museum in Paris they are on holiday and will stay in Paris for two weeks Julie says Wow look at that painting it's beautiful isn't it Pat says yes I agree who is the painter and what is the name of it its name is the madonna and child the painter is Titian it's nice how long has it been at this museum let's ask the curator shall we I think he's near the information desk excuse me can you tell me how long this painting has been here Shh don't speak so loudly this is a museum I've forgotten when this painting was sent here I can ask the owner I think he has left he will be back at 10 p.m. oh it's not important thank you that isn't a painting by Rembrandt is it yes it is you have a good eye for art we got that painting in 1997 it has been here for seven years what is the most popular painting here it isn't the van Gogh painting is it I'm not sure I have worked here for 16 years every year a different painting is popular well we should look at some more paintings what time do you close look around we have already closed everyone has left I and being friendly I am always nice to the visitors but you should leave soon can we just see the Picasso painting it's near here isn't it yes it's close to the front door you can see it and then out to go young ladies thank you you are a nice curator okay now let's answer the questions what are Pat and Julie doing how long will they be in Paris who painted the Madonna and Child where was the curator standing why did the curator complain when will the owner be back when did the museum get the Rembrandt painting how long has it been at the museum how many years has the curator worked at the museum what do the girls want to see before they leave now let's check your answers what are Pat and Julie doing they are visiting an art museum how long will they be in Paris they will stay in Paris for two weeks who painted the Madonna and Child Titian painted the Madonna and Child where was the curator standing he was standing near the information desk why did the curator complain the girls were speaking loudly when will the owner be back he will be back at 10 p.m. when did the museum get the Rembrandt painting they got the painting in 1997 how long has it been at the Museum it has been there for seven years how many years has the curator worked at the Museum he has worked there for sixteen years what do the girls want to see before they leave they want to see the Picasso painting okay good job today thank you see you practicing English hey guys I saw mark Dalton from work the other day he says the summer has been great he's been playing on a football team going to the beach often and seen a new girl as well wow that is a good summer all right I like mark too but I haven't seen him since last month unfortunately I haven't seen him for a long time either but that is true many of my friends of from work we are so busy hey here's an idea I think we should have a party at my house let's invite our friends from work that we like a lot but we haven't seen much excellent I dare Alexi well my parents are going away for the weekend in two weeks and they've already said that I can have a few friends over nothing too wild though but we could certainly have a little gathering with friends from work I love this idea let's have some fun with it I could make up some invitations on my computer and we could get everyone we want to come let's call it the what's up with you summer party okay there are four of us so why don't we each invite three people and that will keep the parties small it will also keep alexei out of trouble with his parents is that okay my parents won't mind if we have that many people over good let's do it two weeks from Saturday that is the 18th let's get our lists together and I could do the invitations tonight one question what about food there's a great restaurant in my neighborhood that can make up these party platters you know pizza sandwiches chicken wings cheese and vegetable platters hmm let me look into the cost since we're all so busy it would make it easy for us mm-hmm I like the idea okay I want to invite look at the invitations I sent to her gasps Oh Angie these are great if I got these in the mail I would be really impressed thank you Sam I have a menu of things we can order from the restaurant the prices seem okay to me let's keep the food under $100 is that okay sure that's only $25 a person it will be worth it to see everyone from work yeah we're getting lots of people responding to our invitations only two people said they can't make it who are they well Lisa stutters said that her family is going to Antalya for the weekend and she is going with them and jordan schneider is gonna be in London for his brother's wedding they both said they wish they could make it but they both have other plans well I'm sorry that they can't make it yeah but we'll have a good party with the people who can come yeah you Oh Angie this is awful the food is terrible everyone is making faces when they try things oh this is so embarrassing what shall we do let's not make a big deal about it but we should call the restaurant and complain maybe they can help us hello can I help you uh this is Alexa Christakis I ordered food platters from your restaurant and the food is awful oh no that's terrible what's wrong well the chicken wings are small and undercooked they're almost raw the pizza is cold and hardly has anything on it oh my god the cheese smells funny and it might be bad the vegetables are wilted we spend a hundred dollars on this and it's just sitting there no one can heat it I'm very sorry what is your address we will be right over in a half-hour with new fresh food for your party Thanks I'm very sorry please tell me again what you ordered and I will personally bring it to your apartment you Thanks OOP that was a close one I'm so glad we got new food delivered yeah me too it was a great idea to have this party you
Channel: English For You
Views: 73,443
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Keywords: elementary, ECPE, english lesson, you, ingilizce öğren, Education (Word), PTE, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce cd, learn english, TOEFL, beginner, ingilizce, free english learn, for, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, easy english, TOEIC, how are you, الانكليزية, full english, apprendre, learn english easy, learn english free, education, Key English, iTEP, اللغة, kolay ingilizce, English for you, IELTS, free english, تعليم, english for you 80 cd, intermediate, learning english, دروس, English
Id: Ei_a_KfakME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 10sec (3370 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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